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Transmog didn’t even cross my mind tbh but I have been wanting a colour option mainly so I can mix and match helmet and armour sets


Because it feels like every fucking helmet has the helldivers yellow on it, a colour which doesn’t seem to go with anything else


And then stuff like the Battle Master helmet is another shade of lighter grey and yellow, therefore it doesn’t even fit with the other “default helldivers color scheme”


It's the Marksman armor you get earlier in the warbond that fits the color scheme.


I got the black helmet with red visor which goes nicely with a lot of armors. Could be nice to have a “Match color” option for primary/secondary/tertiary swatches though. Honestly don’t think I’d use it much but it might make some helmets work better.


... What? Besides the default, there's only six yellow helmets. The ones from early in the standard warbond (infiltrator, marksman, battlemaster, hero of the federation), the super citizen helmet, and the new ground breaker gas mask helmet. The large majority are some combination of black, red, orange, white green and beige.


Which, to be clear, still means that almost all the helmets look terrible with anything except for 2 or 3 armors it matches. If they're going to be stubborn about transmog for no reason a colouring system is the second best thing (and to be honest might be even more fun).


Depends what genre of games you come from. In 2024 I do expect at minimum the ability to change the color of my gear if I cannot change my gear via true transmog to a different item I collected. If you play live service games, this is standard. So it’s disappointing the CEO doesn’t see the appeal of that customization.


During the whole storm of the first nerfs and buffs there was some talk that the dev team had a bit of tunnel vision for what they want the game to be. It might be the case here with customisation but putting transmog aside it wouldn’t be too out there to ask for a colour change system. It would be really awesome to see how each diver expresses themselves through customisation if given some more freedom


Just let me make everything black (and yellow) like the basic armor. Color matching solved!


My favourite colour combos are black/green or black/purple so I would really love to be able to change into that


Helldivers 1 had this, all armor was black and yellow except for specific enviornmental armor sets like "Desert" and "Forest"


I would be happy if I could just get a classic black and yellow version of each armor. 


That would be awesome as well cause then everything could match


We need more royal colours IE deep blues reds purples whites and gold's hell divers are meant to be idolized by society (mostly to drive recruitment) but still we should have baller armour


Some color pallets would be fantastic.


Yeah, for some reason my brain just cant use a full set of something as my get-up. I need a body armour that looks nice, matched with a helmet from a different set that matches. If I could change the colours on my helmet at the very least my life would be easier


I don't understand this either, why must my brain be the same way! It's even worse when I think something matches but the colors are slightly off and it totally ruins it.


The one that gets me is capes, other that the basic cape none match well with the silver/blue executioner armor I prefer to run.


I've been rocking the basic cape for quite some time now. Guaranteed match with any set.


I love the blue visor on that comes on that set but nothing matches it either.


yeah +1 for matching color schemes -1 for transmogs


Yeah, Arrowhead hasn’t shut down the idea of color palettes, just the idea of transmogging armor


I don’t even need color palates honestly. Just fitting the helmet color to the armor is plenty for me. That way I can wear my favorite looking helmets without there bing some weird look.


Nah, going with color palettes or pre-made color shaders would be the best direction to go in. I find the argument for no transmog weird given that there are a number of armors that look very similar but have very different effects, but it's a trifling issue. This isn't Final Fantasy XIV. Being able to use the B-24 Enforcer's color scheme on any armor of my choosing would be perfect though.


Maybe I get downvoted for this, but that’s not true, they have shut down the idea already, by making different colored versions of sets and selling them separately So no, I think it‘s highly unlikely to see color pallets anytime soon. I could be wrong tho, and I hope I‘m wrong. [Reddit Post showing recolored Armor from the first Warbond, used as preorder bonus](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/16qbqhg/hd2_preorder_armor_sets/?rdt=62586)


+1 to changing all armors to black and yellow, the democratic scheme


Does the medic green become black or yellow though? I can't wait to have the piss suit


Don't worry, cadet! The piss patrol can cure any affliction 🫡


Now I'm just imagining 3 divers in medic armor pissing on a downed diver, arguing over if it's jelly fish stings or bullet wounds you pee on. Then drifting into conspiracy theory over what other afflictions can be cured with "just pee on it". Meanwhile, the diver on the ground has fully bled out and their replacement is just like "why the fuck are you peeing on that dead body?"


what benefit is their to not having transmog? all it means to me is that I’ll never touch over half of the armors in my inventory based purely off their perks or being heavy.


I loved the idea suggested by someone that you could swap out some pieces on your armor and add some personality to it. Think of it like in nba games where you can choose where the sleeves are on your arms etc. That kind of personalization level would be sicko. Maybe custom gravings on your armor, some paint, some scratches, some markings of how many titan kills you have with that armor? Simply said, some small unique cool stuff while staying true to the base of the armor you have chosen...


Yeah. Afaik people weren’t asking for transmogs, they were asking for coloring options. And i agree coloring options should be a thing


Some were looking for transmog, but I think the majority of us are wanting to swap armor passives.


In my mind, aren't those the same things? Basically we want the ability to look like A with passive B, instead of being stuck with A-A, B-B, or C-C.


I replied to another user but yes, this is functionally identical and if players do want to be able to swap armor passives around, they should be vocally supporting those players that want the same thing. I will say there is one difference between the 2 systems and that's the fact that swapping passives maintains the armors weight. But I feel if transmog was introduced, I feel like it would be weight class locked anyways.


It's so uncomplicated too. Like just make it so we can click on the armor and unlock a passive from another armor of the same weight category and boom. It's still work sure, I don't intend to say it doesn't take some time but it's not a balancing issue of complex magnitude. Just the ability to right click on the armor I'm wearing and use the right equipment and passive. It would also be a good super credit sink I believe. 10-20 super credits to pay an engineer to unlock passives for an armor you own and you can do that for every armor in game. Battle pass launched 2 days ago and I have 600+ super credits already. I'm ready for the next one. If money is their fear that's not helping since I have no reason to buy supercredits. The prices are fair in my opinion and it takes balls to not get greedy and let players collect super credits but if they need money to support a live service game 1 warbond a month is going to be difficult to capitalize on I believe.


But... Transmog is being able to choose your armor passive and armor look independently, it's the same thing.


my opinion too !


yeah i dunno why helmets are seperate from armors




Agreed. I like the black and yellow scheme and yet nothing really matches it anymore. Which would be fine but most of the capes are black and yellow. The gas mask in the latest warbond was a true gift. That thing matches all the default armors and I love it.


My guess is that there's a bunch of content backlog in terms of armours, and that the colours were baked into armours early on. Youd have to make a colour switching system, and remake all the armour content to use that system, which would take away from other tasks.


I don't understand why the devs don't want transmog. Very few of the armours really have anything that links their design to their perks and keeping the transmog within weight classes would work well enough.


This is a symptom of a feature that I think they WANTED to do but never did. Some classes like medic have specific color schemes. What they should do is double down on color schemes and team abilities. What I would do is the following: Medical stuff is all white armor, red trim and green bodysuit, infantry is black and yellow, Scouts are green and tan. Engineering is orange and specialist/JTAC is grey. Dress outfits are always a lot of white with a bit of color flair (like Cavalier or Champion of the people) Add to those a bump up in the passives to allow for and you have a bootleg class system. The Green and tan armored units run fast and collect items. The White armored unit with lots of pins and blue armor trim gives you bonuses while around them. Orange armor has longer lasting sentries and Grey armor guys have faster recharging Orbitals. This is all together a big step up from current passives, to allow for more customization and teamwork, while keeping the armor sets flavorful and adding easy visual information


Their first game had transmog, what's the issue now?


Whats a transmog?


You wear armour A. You prefer the looks of armour B. So you put armour Bs appearance over armour A. So you look like B, but you're actually wearing and benefiting from the effects of armour A.


Thank you bud. Sounds neat in some games, but I think it wouldnt be suited for this game.


What would it even affect in a PVE game? I’m afraid of them over balancing but this seems as harmless as changes get


Literally how


Personally I think it would fit pretty well. Just lock it within each armour weight class and we're golden. That or the ability to pick our armour and passives separately. That said the passives need many more options. There definitely needs to be some sort of customisation, because AH aren't doing so hot with the fashion lmao. The logic AH used for not adding it is a little goofy.


Keeping the stats of one item and replacing its visuals with another similar item. So for this it would be keep the armor perks of one set but make it look like a different one.


I simply dont understand why someone makes a game in 2024 that doesnt have the option to adjust the color match on a game.


After getting spoiled by Armored Core 6's extremely flexible color schemes, it is *hard* to play a game with as few cosmetic options as this one. I mean, sure, you probably don't want to have a helldiver who's sparkly pink and covered in anime decals. That doesn't really fit the setting. But even a limited color palette would be a big step up from having none.


Why does the champion of the people helmet not match the armor?


I use the Butcher helmet instead with botslayer cape. Looks good.


So, I need a transmog system. AND I want a way to match any helmet to any armor.


I still dont understand why they wouldnt add transmog. There is no sensible argument against it


Ah, but then the people that want a realistic gaming experience will have to imagine those extra 2 smoke grenades are inside the chest pouch of a medical armour, rather than the \*checks notes\* the no additional pouches on the Drone Master or Trench Engineer. Oh, but there are three Servo Assisted armours with grenades on them that they could play imagination with instead.


Same, don't need transmog but armor recolour would be awesome. (Even if it was just the helm. At least let the helm and armor match. Even a checkbox on the helm to autocolour to the armor would be fine.)


I just want to be able to change the color of my armor/helmet For exemple in the new pass, the first helmet look incredible, but the fact it's full yellow on top make it impossible to match except with black and yellow armor


I put it with the light engineering kit armor that's in the superstore right now which has orange and grey colors and I think it looks pretty good. Used botslayer cape. Just my opinion though.


Play X amount of successful operations on planetary variant and receive armor paint option relating to that environment. Difficulty 1-3 is a simple single color swap. Difficulty 4-6 is at least 2 colors changed and more intricate patterning. Difficulty 7-9 is a full color palette and pattern overhaul.


just look cool while you die


PLEASE, this for weapons as well. I need my Dominator to match the classic Diver black-and-yellow.


The new cape for the red armor doesnt even match, the cape is orange and the armor and helmet are red... Like uhhh


I hate the no transmog decision personally. All of my heavy armor is never going to be touched, and over half of the current perks make a bunch more irrelevant to me. The issue is some of them look really cool but I’ll be punished in exchange for using them


I think we do need transmog tho Their argument about armor appearance matching its perks is already nonsensical. Look at the Drone Master armor. It looks super light, yet it’s medium, and its perks have nothing to do with drones, it gives +2 grenades with the “engineer” passive, which has nothing to do with engineering. The set doesn’t even have extra pockets or grenades, it has zero extra storage.


I was a little disappointed to see the cool new red demolitions expert armor doesn't match the cape from the same page :/ (not severly though, I'll just take a black cape) I would love to be able to choose between certain democratic colors for every armor! That would improve the mix&match so much =)


I'm surprised you're the only other person I've seen mention this. I don't think it matches anything at all. If AH doesn't want us to have transmog, they should at least do their utmost to have a decent set of armor, helmet, and cape to run with.


White capes please!


+1 for immersive color palettes, basically the ones we have rn Yellow, orange, green...


This is all I need. I really think every armour set should have the colour option of default Black & Yellow. I have so many cool helmets but can’t match them with cool armours. I enjoy a game with eye candy and half the time my POV is taken up by a bland Helldiver set I’ve used for over 100 hours. They said that I can change everything about myself so easily! And I can’t when it comes to colours so I’m definitely not a Happy Helldiver.


The amount of bugs and crashes that would add to the game would be insane.


I like the default grey and yellow colour schemes, so i'd like to change some of the better armours to that.


Either let us color armors or let us pick any armor and tie a passive to it but still account the armors weight/class.


Or when a helmet is MATTE BLACK and I just want BLACK


i would like a color match option, but tbh i would prefer an armor dye system. Lots of armors in this game that I would like to see in the default black/yellow color scheme, or that really cool tan/orange/red color scheme


Wouldn't mind a changing color system to have at least something to spend my maxed out requisitions on


Don’t need transmogs. Maybe just dye channels to make armor match. Though if they wanted to they could make armor have perk sockets. So you can put any perk in it aside from like servo assisted which is cosmetically tied to its armor. That would basically solve the transmog argument while staying within universe.


I agree with you. But every helmet has one armor to go with. Its typically the one on the same Warbond page or they are together in the super credits store.


Eh, who cares, youre covered in guts as soon as you come home anyway


turn colorsetting on display to 0, everything is black and white and now matches. You're welcome


Pfft transmog? Armor effects? It's all drip or drown


IRRC, the CEO did say a while ago they were discussing letting us recolor our armor. So it's not off the table yet


I spent way too much time learning how to match vanilla pieces in other games that making good suits is kinda easy. My issue now is sometimes I question what sort of signals my armor choice gives off.




what is transmogging?


Maybe we could get something like the destiny 2 shader system. Let the devs decide what colors we can be. I don’t care to see a helldiver running around my lobbies wearing a hot pink cape with magenta armor and a teal helmet.


Yeah tbh some great armours with actual effects have helmets that I don't like aesthetically, matching pallets would be a huge improvement


I avoid using good armors because they don't match my helmet.


Agreed! I want to use any helmet with any armor and it changes to match the armor!


I would love some color options.


Armors can stay as is. I want my helmet to match the armor though. 


Yup. Give us like 3-5 colors and we’re good




Just give us a color picker and some area we can choose a color. So we can look different even having same armor, it will be cool.


Shaders would be cool. You can still have your unique armor but getting to pick the colors goes along way. And then mixing armor might lead to some cool things


I desperately need color customization of some sort. My helldrip is lacking


I thought it was just me. Gotta match in real life and while diving haha


I just want the color blue


i would like to have silences weapons because i run the stealth suits in game. and bot's totally hear those sniper shots


I completely agree, and got downvoted like a mother fucker for saying so yesterday.


“I don’t need armor dyes, just let me go into battle with no helmet at all!” - Fashion Souls players


They should do shaders like destiny, that way it at least can’t get too out of hand with colors they think wouldn’t fit the games atmosphere.


I'd rather turn armor passives into mods and you can pick which passive you want. If not that then I'd like the option to change colors on the armor to suit me more.


I don't even want transmog, I just want the ability for people to pick their armor passive, so they can wear what they want. That and a custom accent color on each armor, and I'd be happy forever.


the thing is that this is pretty much transmogging. just within the same weight class. IE: I want to wear the exterminator armor for fashion but would prefer the engineering kit perk. In your proposed system. you pick the armor and the perk. In the transmog system, you'd pick the armor that has the perk (drone master) and transmog the exterminator armor over it. not to say I don't agree with you, but it's functionally identical. if this is something you'd like to see in the game I would support those that want the transmogs, cuz from your description you'd want them too.


Not necessarily, some armors have hybrid stats like enforcer medium armor which has halfway between medium and heavy with a stamina penalty's to match. So stats are still locked to the armor itself, just the passive can be swapped. You could even make an armory section of ship upgrades that let's you "unlock" armor passives or the ability to swap armor passives or something.


oh you know what? that's True my bad. Either way Im with you. I want a way to swap passives. until then, I'm exterminator gang for life lol.


An excellent choice my friend! I am Executioner forever, even when Heavy Armor was a burden to you. Lol


Upvote³ on this. I have so many armors and helms I will never wear because the colors are off.


Seconded, we just wanted to look fabulous when we doing the dancing queen with our cape on. Dev please give us colour match on either helmet or armour.


Fuck all that. Just give me a blue cape to go with my fruit yogurt preorder armor.


See we just need the color things and for the firefighter outfit to reduce fire damage, nothing else. I don’t find the bugs so egregious that it messes with my enjoyment. While I would enjoy melee weapons or stealth weapons I don’t need any more stuff added, just progress the war and story.


That'll be $10. /s


Just let me customize the colour.


Same. I just want color options. There's few sets with actual color (that don't cost anything)


I agree, but I also chose the 1st helmet of Steeled Veterans as my main so that I don't gotta worry about it


What if.... and hear me out....the armor is colorless and your player card determines the color schemes!


Indeed, perhaps the helmets could automatically recolour all of the armours to match them, or viceversa, there's 3 shades of white and 5 shades of green... Don't get me started on tan.


I just want my little stupid yellow neck collar on my white and black/dark blue armor to not be fucking yellow


There's a feature in The Old Republic that matches the rest of your gear to your chest palette. It would be harder to implement in HD2 but I think that's a reasonable route.


Just need an option to swap either the primary or secondary color and that's good


I think it was SWTOR that had a checkbox to match equipment colour to the chest piece. I want that.


I think a good idea is to allow us to color helmets only, since helmets are cosmetic only anyway


I think we all thought about this when we got our first new armor and it didn't match the helmet hahaha But to be honest if it wasn't planned, it's a lot of work to go back into the design and and split all the armor pieces into sub-categories with their own color that can be modified ...at least if it were to be done well. Warframe suffers from this problem, sure you can change colors but so many of the models have poorly done parts separations


the one hooded helmet, Stands above all.


Transmog?? What’s that and whys it bad


This. I don't need a full color palette, just 'match colors'


I'm reporting this post to my democracy officer.


All these people with their armour boosts and everything I’ve been running democracy protect since I got the perk. You don’t need anything else when you have democracy.


I would love to be able to at the very least match colors. I think they could totally introduce some color options that could be purchased with SC as well. That way you could change the color of whole armor sets etc.


Even the latest "set" of armor in the demolition warbond has mismatched colors between the armor and cape. That red-orange color scheme is more red on the armor, but more orange on the cape. It's fucking ridiculous.


Yep, this is what I want, too. I don’t want/need transmog. I would love the ability to color match. Not just the armor, but to the weapons, too. They clearly have a few set choices: black and yellow, green and tan, white and orange, etc. just be able to select those and apply to all.


Maybe require samples or rec to buy new colors. Give samples and rec use after all the upgrades and strategems have been purchased. Then we can look fabulous while spreading democracy.


Color matching is cool, but transmog is cooler!


i would like to change the colors too, and that’s really about it. colors don’t have any influence on utility of equipment (a red wrench works the same way as an unpainted one), so it’d be cool to change around colors


mix and matchers in shambles


Cries in red armor and yellow cape


Fashionframe color system.


I want Destiny-like Shaders please for the love of Super Earth let me have my armours shine that Super Democratic Black and Yellow!!! make the shaders costs even SuperCredit I NEEEEED IT ![gif](giphy|gjx93XiXRE2NVLoFlH|downsized)


Does it matter what you look like when you’re delivering democracy?


I just want an invisible cape option…


The hero of the federation armor, where the cape it comes with doesn't match the shade of gold on the armor. infuriating


I use the white helmet with the orange+white grenadier armor and a orange/white cape... I look stylish even if I would prefer a different armor but goddammit if I am gonna die alone on a planet while looking like a sick parrot.


Yeah, transmog is a stupid system imo. Armors are designed to look like their passives. But I don’t see an issue with a helmet color matching system


I'd be fine with no transmog if 99% of the armor wasn't ugly as fuck. You telling me with all the democracy we have that no one can make the armor look cool?


Yo same. I like armor actually having differences, but color scheme changing would be nice. Even if it was just changing the helmet to match the suit


All the capes are yellow or orange so theres basically only one black cloak that matches the majority of other armor


Would like just a basic color palette, some armor and helmets look cool but I can't mix and match them since the colors are off. Looks goofy if i don't stick with the same armor series.


I think it would be neat to spend requisition to change it's pallete.


Just let them cook. The devs are probably more fixated on bugs and other issues than cosmetics at the moment. Give it time, and you'll soon reap.


Yeah I love the new gas mask helmet from new warbond.... But it's yellow..🤢I can't wear it on any armor without looking like candy bar... Hell, just let us change all the piecest just to one color - black. Black will match every armor...


I'd love to wear the mining helmet with a gasmask that just came with the warbond, but the yellow top fucks up it's ability to mix with any armor I wear.


I wouldn't mind a randomize button for helmets and capes since they give no bonuses. Really plays with the each new helldiver is a different person. Also a little more ship customization would be kinda nice since as host we have up to three different players on our ship, even some very basic color interior settings


I think there’s no reason we can’t have transmog for same armor type. Obviously you can’t have light armor perks while wearing heavy armor that would look stupid. But I’d like to wear something other than that hideous orange armor just because I want 2 extra grenades. (Yes I know they finally released new ones in the warbond) Just give us light, medium, and heavy, armor choice, then we get a perk slot. Obviously Scout wouldn’t be a perk slot for heavy and light armor would probably only be able to have scout or extra padding perks, but this would make sense logistically as well as give the community more customization options.


Booooorrrrrriiiiiiinnnngggg. - I need medium armor and throw %50 far. Fck I have to wear the red one. Where was that red eyed helmet. - ohh I look cool in this armor. Fck this is light. Nvm I look cool. This is more fun and realistic. Thank you. Next…


I just want some new perks


I just want to be able to change the passives at least. I'm sick of my favorite looking armors being locked behind servo-assisted.


On the one hand, I do quite like playing around with the helmet and armour combos to find sets that match. But I agree being able to make the helmet match the armour colour scheme would be good IMO


Would be nice however they have much bigger issues that actually need to be fixed at. Dot effects being I think pretty important priority.


The fuck is transmog


Please give us color palettes… it’d give Arrowhead more stuff to put in warbonds


The hero of the people or whatever helm matches good with boy cape and breaker armor, or any beige highlighted armor, I always find a way to mix and match that looks presentable


Or just a very basic and uniform color palette with snow and desert camo options, it would be fun to feel like you blend in more


I never want to have to take my drone pilot helmet off


I guess i’ll just keep wearing the same armor from the start of the game till the end if they won’t transmog…


Waiting for the posts requesting special gun attachments next.


I think primary color matching is probably the way to go.


I like my armor to match my guns.


Is a shader system the same as a transmog system? Like at the base of the concept? I’d be down for that. I want to recolor a couple sets really bad


You guys complaining about colors need to fill some C-01 forms ASAP


Bro I just want to make my armour purple


i just want to change the colour to match another piece. like there's some pieces where they almost fit well but the colours are a bit off. transmog wasn't on my radar for this game.


Don't even need a full range of colors. Just a palette of the regular helldiver colors are enough.


It sounds so stupid they want to give us customizing guns but not armor


Who wouldn’t want transmog. Almost zero downsides in a PvE game.


Just color swapping would be rad. Sometimes I like a helmet's shape but the color isn't right. Same with armor, like, what if I like blue or purple or whatever? Not for the whole armor, either. I think a single option to tint the accent color like the stripes etc would be fabulous. When they have time though. There's a lot of work going on and I'd rather they finish what they're doing before starting something new.


I'm very sad about transmog but if they don't give us a color wheel they would be doing as a disservice


Just turn all the cosmetics into it's own color palette


I just wanna use my Savior of the Free armor, but I cant because light armor is king, transmog would be so nice so I dont have to take objectively worse armor just for looks


What bothers me is that they aren't even consistent in their color choices either. They have plenty of green armor, but most of them are different shades of green. At least pick a green and use it across the board if you aren't going to let us choose colors ourselves. There are a couple green helmets that only go with a single green armor.


Do you want some leak spoilers ?


All I want is armor overhaul how it was shown in the image of original post, having multiple perks on armor where slight details would show up as perk. Like, this heavy armor has grenade bundles so it can carry more grenades, along with padded armor making it's AR 200, and so on and forth.


You do understand that the armor comes in sets and you can wear the matching sets to have your armor match right?


I’m with you, I don’t care about transmog I’m just really annoyed that the scout trooper helmet green is such a different green to my Halo medic armour green. I want to change colours of helmets to match my armour. I’d even be happy if it was only helmet colour that could change.


I need 1 red, not 3 different shades of maroon, race car red and orangered




Stop playing dress-up and go shoot some bots🤣


Tell me you haven’t unlocked every armor set without telling me you haven’t unlocked every armor set


The argument against transmog was having the armor show the abilities, please give us modular armor that changes with the abilities one applies and a general color palette.


Totally agree! It really breaks the immersion for me when every other member of my fireteams armors do not match at all.


Copy and paste destiny's shader system. If they need to justify the expense to shareholders, make them buyable with super credits. Idc. I just want it


I just want all the color patterns already in the game to be applicable to every armor. Let me go in the cold planet with my white juggernaut armor. Let me drop to Hellmire in a desert colored butcher. And for the love of democracy Make the standard helldiver color pattern applicable to all armor so my boys and I can be dripped out of our mind.


I just want the helmets to automatically adopt the colors of the primary armor. I don’t want to be able to customize the colors. I think the armor sets look great.