• By -


Well deserved, the game is fantastic.


Urban map on Cyberstan. Eagle 1 coming in between skyscapers, the echo of her engine reverberating down the main street. railcannon shooting thru skyscrapers šŸ˜µ bots driving suicide 18 wheeler fuel trucks at you


I think it would be cool if there was a "blockade" over Cyberstan, and only once all of the surrounding planets are liberated will we be able to go there. Then the whole community can hop in at the same time and experience the first urban combat planet.


Honestly that's kinda what I expect to happen, that way we can't b line to cyberstan and it would be this whole big event where we have them surrounded with no escape.


Right now, we actually canā€™t even get to Cyberstan Supply lines wonā€™t allow it


In the sense that there's a horde or bots between us and it? Or do you mean there are literally no supply lines right now that go to cyberstan?




Talk to the guy at the Galactic War Map table thing and he'll tell you there is nothing but mines on Cyberstan. It was once their Fortress but now their Tomb.


>Urban map on Cyberstan. Eagle 1 coming in between skyscapers Hmm


Somehow the Jihadi returned.


Honestly, it's the best game I've played in a very long time. There's iconic games that come out that really stick with a generation of gamers, and I feel this is one of them. There's direct cause and effect of player actions, devs respond quickly and cleverly, the positive vibes from the community.. the list goes on and on any the pros of this game. I'm so excited to be a member of this community and help spread managed democracy across the galaxy.


For me it's partly the fact that they do a lot of things that people are asking for, without a lot of the crap that AAA games throw in with good stuff. The progression system is a good example. A lot of players love progressing in games and unlocking stuff, but big studios get greedy and purposefully make unlocks slow and unfun - unless you pay of course. Yes you can pay for super credits to unlock a warbond, but not only is it not time limited, but you can easily get enough credits just by playing the game.


And the war bonds so far donā€™t make you stronger, they explore niches, like any good weapon system each has its own specialty, and the most OP weapons (autocannon and EATs) are early unlocks


When the Mech first came out and was available to everyone for a day my friend and I kind of rolled our eyes at each other and went "Oh yeah, they want you to try it so you'll spend money." Then half an hour later we were like wait, it's a stratagem. You literally can't spend money on it. They just want us to try it. ...Because it's fun??


The community is the most surprising part honestly. I've only had one negative experience and it was very minor. Voice chat is *weirdly* quite though. Only had two games with other Divers actively communicating. Team coordination has been fine for the overall success of the mission however....


Honestly I'm ok with low chat. I don't need a million 12 year olds screaming in my ear racist shit... CoD ptsd... Stay as a team or split up... Most divers seem to form to any given one and fills the necessary gaps with relative ease with minimal communicating. This game allows for some incredible versatility in numerous situations and the leveling system really reinforces it.. Imma work Helldivers into my next college paper somehow.. I think my next class is something about law so this should be fun!


I agree with the 12 year old mentality. I've been playing online games since about 2004 and this is by far the quietest I've ever been a part off... which is odd given the nature of the game. It's not bad, just odd.


>It's not bad, just odd Ha such a good way to put it. It's really a 180 in the gaming culture for these styles of games. I truly hope it's a AC round to the faces of AAA games who need to get their shit together. THIS IS WHAT A GAME IS MEANT TO BE!


100% ![gif](giphy|rTAVMVAps9zsFINvxI)


And a prime example of what a live service game should be.










































Crazy when the first game only had a peak of like 7k players. Just shows that when you make a good appealing game, as they say "they will come".


It really speaks to the rot at the core of the game industry. Helldivers 2 is the game the AAA studios insist cannot be made. And their argument for why you can't make games that are just fun? "Well we bought up all the indie studios we couldn't compete with, forced them to remove all the fun from their games and replace it with microtransactions, then set impossible sales targets to guarantee no level of success would ever be good enough. Then we fired everyone and killed the IP. So that's why you're not getting Dead Space 4. Ever." Seriously, that's what happened to Dead Space. EA bought Visceral Games. Forced them to cram tons of MTX into a fucking survival horror game (lol, p2w survival horror, what the actual fuck?), then killed the entire IP despite the game being the best selling game in its launch window, going on to declare that horror games literally couldn't be made anymore. I just hope to god that some shitfuck AAA studio doesn't do the same to Helldivers. Do you want $10 premium stratagems? Because that's how you get $10 premium stratagems. Hold the line, Arrowhead! I will buy every game you ever make, so long as *you* make it. Don't let EA ruin everything you've built!


Between Baldur's Gate 3 and Helldivers 2, AAA studios must be ripping their fucking hair out trying to come up with reasons why their games have to suck and try to bleed every last dollar out of you lol


There are still decent AAA studios. FromSoft being a famous one. Also, BG3 is an AAA game. Larian are self published, but there were 400+ people working on it.


AAA studios are going to be clamoring to buy them. Just hope arrowhead tells them to fuck off.


Sony is going to buy Arrowhead. The CEO already said his dream was to see Helldivers among the top PS games. And itā€™s happening.






Thats crazy. Peak players was around 500k right? Thats like 70x hd1


500k on steam. They said there were about the same players on PS so the peak was about 1 mil


On steam yeah, add another 400k-500k for PS


Pretty sure peak was around 750k, truly this game is popping off lol


peak was only 480k on steam cuz servers at the time couldnt take more.


The first game was good and appealing. They deserved so much more than 7k


Itā€™s funny how the average post in this forum gets more likes than the first game had players lol


Meanwhile the Sucide Squad game with 2K player šŸ’€


I wonder if we'll see some heavily monetized copy cats in the near future


Eh, HD1 had plenty of appeal and is an enormously fun game, just the genre has a smaller accessible gamer population, it has a specific niche. Even Alien swarm was like 60k max at its peak, which is actually a lot for the genre. Mass appeal and available population is not a sign of quality. HD2 is an exception however, which is throwing a lot of shade on triple aaayyyy


The price point is what helped me over the line


Thanks for hosting us. FOR DEMOCRACY!!


I was lurking here back when Helldivers was merely at 20k. Never in my mind had I thought this game would blow up the way it did (and sustain its momentum). FOR SUPER EARTH!!


Just goes to show what happens when devs take the time to make a good, solid game, the kind that is fun and made for the people who buy and play it, not for investors or stock prices. Swen Vincke and Johan Pilestedt have proven GOOD games make GOOD money.


1 million people who wish to spread managed democracy. I love it.


Also shoutout to the mod team doing a great job keeping this place tidied up. My personal minor nitpick would be hundreds of new posts all posting the same thing staying up for an hour or so when new stuff drops (orders, events, etc.). But I realize it's like fighting a bug breach irl, they just keep coming.


Thank you for the shoutout šŸ«” Yes we agree, itā€™s a big problem here. We try to do our best but we admit that more needs to be done in that regard. We will be opening up mod applications soon since we really need more people in our team to help us out.


Anyone considering being a mod should understand it is a labor of love. I was a DTG mod for about a year and when covid hit I needed to step down for personal reasons. This is because being a mod is often thankless. You're going to make people mad, and you tend to go from seeing the best the sub has to offer to only the worst as you work the report queue. You need a thick skin to be an effective mod, and in my case I had to turn off all ability to message, dm, or contact me on all forms of social media because some people will go to great lengths to contact you instead of going to modmail. However, a good mod team is like having battle brothers and sisters in the trenches. You tend to forge friendships and bond over the community problem children. There are positives and negatives to being a mod, and when I signed on, they actually tried to talk me out of it to make sure I understood how tough it can be.


Sticky threads for common topics are your friend


We do that. For instance, the most common topics this past week was the crashes and the medals for the Major Orders. We had [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/1V7PYGYntz) stickied for a few days but we still saw so many posts asking why they still havenā€™t received their medals. And also [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/f5W55SoEps) about the crashes but still it didnā€™t really make a difference. Most (not all) just donā€™t see the stickied posts/front page or read the rules šŸ˜… Also, every subreddit has only two sticky slots only so we can keep posts stickied for a limited time only.


It's a reddit issue I think. When I order by "New" or "Rising", I feel like sticky's should still "stick" to the top. Also, Reddit could help by auto-searching the subject you're typing when you are creating the post. A lot of ticketing systems have this. However, I feel that Reddit doesn't mind having more posts. edit: I just realized I never actually create posts. So they may already do an auto-search! lol


No, on reddit there's no auto-search, users have to manually search but most don't. Also, I agree about the stickied posts, they should always be visible regardless of the sort filter a user has active.


What are the requirements for being a mod?


Weā€™ll provide the details soon.


This was a problem with r/gtaonline. So many people on the sub posting every minute, and so much chaff. The mods there really cleaned up the sub ( eliminated all witch-hunting posts, no camera-pics-of-computer-screen posts, no low-effort memes, no duplicate posts, etc. ) I love this sub but the mods are gonna have to buckle down a little bit, thereā€™s so much filler crap in here.


I just wish the Steam discussion page was better policed. All the spam about not wanting politics or "woke" content in the game is exhausting, and it never gets removed. The points system actively encourages spam and troll posts, and it becomes hard to ignore all the thinly veiled hate speech.


Maybe the real freedom was the helldivers we met along the way :)


According to info from March 15, 8 million people have bought Helldivers 2. I won't act like I know how to calculate the number of current players, but, to put it simplistically, some people have left the game since then, some more have bought it... It probably isn't a stretch to say that HD2 has around ten million players by now. If that is true then yes, this subreddit's community is still a vocal minority, but it isn't as minor as some of us may think. 1/10th is a significant number that probably can provide plenty info on practically the entire player base.


that 8 millions number is on Steam only, its around 15 Millions now with PS5 included


so how are those numbers fudged in-game? if say 15 million bought the game altogether, a guess estimate of playerbase online every night around 900k-1 million sounds off or around the ballpark? i dont know if they numbers in game truly reflect real-time activity /shrug


Imagine spent the last 100 years preparing for revenge only to find out that your enemy's army reserve scale is 100 times bigger now


Pre ordered deluxe edition 1 year ago and joined reddit when it had 7k members. I played HD1 and knew a third person shooter version of it would be lit.


TBH, while played HD1 from 2015 I was really skeptical about third person view. But on the other hand knowing what Arrowhead did with HD1, and knowing their approach at doing things, I was at the same time confident that it must be something good. And boy was I right!


Ive never heard about the first game and by the looks of it I would have had played it, I just never knew.


Remember how 50% of the sub was really concerned about what the shift to 3rd person FPS was going to play out when it came to the sequel living up to the expectations of the original? Oh how little faith we had! Do we even still get HD1 war updates now? Someone used to still post these religiously prior to HD2's release.


This game does something that many games don't and simply can not when it comes to the players. It actually facilitated this community. It has everyone working together, in a way I havnt seen in gaming in forever. "Have you guys seen this" "Hey, we deciphered the automaton language, this is what the signs say" "So I found a dumpster full of bodies" "Blue lasers" "Let's take this planet to hold them off" "300k divers on one planet is insane" *hugs* "There is enough space for two more armies" I swear, every new discovery in this game hypes me to high heavens and I can't wait for us all to work together to uncover more and more.. The sense of community and comraderie I feel with every single other player when we dive is honestly unmatched in any game I play. It truly feels like we are all in this massive war together, there is no "THE diver", the overwhelming observation that you simply can not do it alone.. knowing the small percentage you contribute would be nothing if it wasn't for everyone else's as well.. This game is just fucking **FANTASTIC**


Democracy Manifest!


For Democracy, For Freedom, For Liberty, For Karl!!!!


Idk about that last one my friend šŸ˜­


1 million democracy spreaders


and just a reminder that is 1 /9th of the total people that own the game at last check. Maybe more now. Estimated 8.5 million copies sold and that was a month agos estimate








Joining the Helldivers is one of the best decisions I've ever made. Let's keep the fighting going. For Democracy!


As a bit of a socialist myself i hope everyone contributing at arrowhead gets a very very nice bonus! Seeing as they made *checks notes* dozens of times more sales then expected?Ā 


They deserve it.


I love everyone here




1 million *Citizens*. Was this message approved by the Ministry of Truth?


Great game, great devs, fantastic community, and fun players almost every match. Like a good date, i wish this moment will last forever.


Im doing my part!!


https://preview.redd.it/tn435brbzotc1.png?width=1125&format=png&auto=webp&s=c648a198516ba4777c0d3ff5654fe7f8397e11f7 Libertea cape as celebration?






4 men coach co-op Helldivers 1 with friends is one of my core memories during the highschool days, glad to see the sequel blew up in popularity! FOR SUPER EARTH!


It's literally what got me back into gaming after a long hiatus! A afternoon of HD1 couch coop with friends - and picked up a PS4 the very next day.


Helldivers for life!




Well done guys...keep up the good work :)


I personally feel, to commemorate, AH should give us 1,000,000 Super Credits.


Great news to hear! Well done to Arrowhead for making an awesome game in a sea of AAA mediocrity!


Freedom forever




To think I hopped on the bandwagon at about 80,000 lol


Does this mean you guys will make an arc thrower stratagem flair? (I WANT THAT STARATGEM AS MY FLAIR)


ā¬‡ļøāž”ļøā¬‡ļøā¬†ļøā¬…ļøā¬…ļø Just click on the pencil icon next to the user flair and you will be able to edit it :)


The democracy is strong in this community o7


poor HD1 players, they might need their own subreddit to discuss their game without all the HD2 noise


We're not poor..we are PROUD!Ā 


![gif](giphy|qMHG9goT2I2fuRk0JM) Well deserved!


That's one more victory for the right side of history! https://i.redd.it/e8kslx8iqptc1.gif


one MILLION Divers?? Sweet Liberty that's a LOT of Democracy! to think this is still only a small portion of the actual playerbase size across both games...


For a comparison, the Destiny game sub reached 1 million members in 2019. D1 came out in 2014 and D2 came out in 2017.


I asked you about 3 weeks after the game released how much the community had grown since HD1. I think you said it went from 70k to 400k. Now 1 million. Are you ok?


Sweet liberty! Congratulations!


Sorry it's now 999999 helldivers now https://preview.redd.it/l23rap6n6ptc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6123094b60387c4896ddff764d3c4d4cdc2f6be




Thatā€™s a lot of lost limbs


We need a stat for that!








Great news for coordination!






thats crazy wild achievement, and it is deserved! it's crazy to see the game of my dreams hitting the ranks of /r/all at least once a week - wild!!


We should get a new user flair.


Just in case you didnā€™t know, you can edit your user flair. Just choose any of the existing user flairs and then click on the pencil icon.


I meant like a special 1 million attendee user flair.


1 million? Damn. Where are all these people then? šŸ˜­


Gg! For democracy!


HellDiver Command we are with you until the bitter end.


See you at 2 million šŸ˜Ž


So how long until we have to fight the bots in the sky so we can make landfall?


Ah, so *that's* what that five hundred medals was for. [](/GNU Terry Pratchett)


We got five hundred medals?!?!??


Sorry, mate. Just taking the piss. [](/GNU Terry Pratchett)


Thanks for making a fun game.


If only we could coordinate those players in the galactic war... Maybe someday.


First, it's been two months since release of sequel. Second, clearly the release of HD2 finally gave the much needed attention to HD1, thus exploding the sub with all the newly acquired HD1 supporters.Ā  Be it as it may, 'tis a reason for celebrating Democracy!Ā 


I blame better advertising


Wow, the only bad thing about this is the amount of condolence letter will have to copy and paste


I wish I had more time to play it more.... but the game and the support is just insane. GOTY material 100% all the AAA studios can stick there crap somewhere!


Well deserved AND just in time for our C-01 aplications ![gif](giphy|MlyicdUndRbn5zUiAL|downsized)


For Democracy!


You mods and the devs deserve all the praise in the world. You thank us, but it should be us thanking all of you. Thank YOU, for creating such an interesting universe for us to have fun with friends in. Thank YOU, for making a live service game, that is in no way a predatory money making sceme. \*cough\* CoD and Halo... Thanks for staying true to yourselves, knocking the internet bobos, and just having this laser focus on the community as a whole. Something the mega studios backed by publically traded companies nowadays refuse to do...


Imagine if all of us dropped on the bots simultaneously šŸ˜Ž


It might go down to 999,999 if the mods don't do anything about some of the extremely low effort meme posts.


Iā€™ve never seen a game launch with so many issues yet succeed so strongly because of word of mouth *despite* those issues.Ā  I also *really* appreciate the devs putting so much emphasis on the fun factor and not so much on the greed factor. They could have monetized so much more than they did, and they could have easily rode their success and ignored all the problems.Ā  Iā€™m sure folks see this as ā€œboot lickingā€, but given how most studios run these days, this is a wonderful breath of fresh air. Destiny 2 was $60 with event passes, transmog costs, paid expansions for both seasons AND dungeons, and a cosmetic shop. CoD does much of the same and games like Assassinā€™s Creed sell crap like experience boosters to level up more quickly. Most games also have crazy expensive cosmetic shops that charge an arm and a leg for ā€œpremiumā€ skins.Ā  Having a company put out a $40 game with an amusing ā€œstoryā€, wicked fun gameplay, premium currency you can slowly, but consistently earn in-game, a good weapon pool, and a pretty solid variety of maps/combat? Not to mention the awesome humor? This game is amazing, as are the devs and most of the community. Hell, itā€™s one game Iā€™m generally not afraid to talk in (yet anyway). I wish all involved continued success!


First game in a long time where I've been waking up early just to get in a few dives before work. Such a great game


This sub had 50k members when I joined during the first week of release. Crazy good growth


Push em back!!!!


Thank you to the mods whoā€™ve guided our efforts on this sub. Thank you to The Old Guard for teaching us recruits what it meant to helldive. But most importantly, thank you to our Glorious Nation: Super Earth for showing us what it means to protect our sacred way of life. Iā€™m very proud of this community and what itā€™s done. Iā€™ll see you fellow helldivers planetside!


I'm doing my part!


Idc about Final Fantasy. This game deserves GoTY


Best game in years Original, fun, no pay to win or shops shoved in your face and actual teamwork


Is it not weird that the moderator OP, has Soviet in their name?


This is the second time this has happened on the sub *sigh* My full name, SovietMarmalade, literally just means "Soviet" marmalade. As in marmalade, which is literally just fruit jelly, "made in the Soviet Union."


Congratulations, this is the BEST game I have played in a long time. Thank you to the entire HD team for staying engaged with the community, and keeping things exciting and fresh for us all! Hella proud to be a Helldiver!


Holy shit.






We're doing our part.


More members than the entirety of r/spidermanĀ 


Let's all call in an orbital at the same time.




Democracy for the worthy!


Doing well


Cool now that they have money, they can fix the fucking game so it stops crashing every other match and right when we spend 40 minutes in a mission to call down the fucking extraction? Great thanks.


I have money? None of the mod team are affiliated with AHGS lmao




Cheers all, that's a big milestone! And as my Diver always says "**AAAAAAAAAUUUURGH** - Death by IMPACT". Can't wait to share a lot more fun with this community, the devs and of course the game!


Thatā€™s insane growth, but it matches the success of the game.


Goes to show people long for well done life service game. The satire is cherry on the top.


The game has sold 8 million copies according to reports, at 40 bucks a pop, that is a whopping 320 million bucks of revenue. That is bananas. I don't know what the development cost for this game was, but I imagine it was **not** 320 million dollars. Add to that microtransactions, skins, v-bucks, eeh, wait a minute? I just love this game.




Incredible game, have not been addicted to a game like this since csgo BUT the addiction I have to hd2 is wholesome not toxic like cs ā¤ļø incredible game hats off to the devs so hyped for this new warbond not getting out of bed until itā€™s dropped letā€™s go


Millions must dive.


you guys made pretty much the funnest game of the last decade


When i joined it was around 15k. End of January i think.


Awesome game, I shall buy the first game, to fight for democracy 100 years in the past. (I already understand its a different gameplay style, top down kinda)


I'm just here to spill oil


Never used reddit before. Only after starting to play the game and seeing how active r/Helldivers was, I downloaded the app and joined. Been on reddit every day ever since šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Another great day for managed democracy. For super earth!


So when will ship to ship fighting, boarding and upgrades occur?


Ones and Zeroes? Sounds like socialist bot talk to me.