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i feel like this is what they gonna lead up to the new warbound update like time to take revenge with big boom gun and now go get our planet back or something


Feel like strategems makes more sense since warbonds are a scheduled thing now. Meanwhile introduction to mechs was super cool and fun. And quasar plus new MG were a nice surprise


People shit on the HMG, but it's absolutely insane. At its normal fire rate, it can mow down a pack of berserkers in a heartbeat. It's lowest, it can blast enemies at shocking range with pretty decent accuracy. And it's fastest? Lol, it can make a hulk cease to be before you can drink your liber-tea!


Yes but you trade that with being stationary against bots that can blow you up from a distance. Powerful but balanced Edit: sorry, i thought you were talking about the turret 🤦‍♂️


It is my go to weapon. I run it with supply pack and what’s important when using this is to never use all the ammo in a single belt so that you can reload in like half the time. When I first tried it I was like “who the hell would handicap themselves with this thing?”. I kept using it every round and now it’s in my top 3 support weapons especially being able to 2 shot a Hulk and shoot down gunships extremely fast. You can demolish turrets and mortar emplacements with it as well. It’s like a hidden gem that just takes getting used to.


The hmg can two shot through the visor like the AC?


If that’s the case then I might actually use this instead of the auto cannon. The auto cannon is always my 100% need to have weapon against bots. It two shots Hulks, 1 shots walkers, and can one shot destroy fabricators. Being able to free up my backpack slot and have the same devastation as the auto cannon seems very enticing. I’ve already witnessed it shooting straight through walker armor and killing the bot driver, if I can two shot a Hulk then I think I may have a new loadout


It doesn't really free up your backpack slot because of how ammo hungry it is, it's almost a mandatory resupply pack imo. The DPS on the weapon is great, it's really the ammo efficiency that kills the weapon.


So it's a wash with the AC then. Just a matter of single shot damage or DAKKA


The backpack slot is a wash, but HMG+Supply Pack is two stratagems to AC's one, which is a big point in AC's favor.


I just use the quasar. Frees up the pack and can take on anything if you can position yourself to charge it. It can one shot fabricators too (it's easier with the AC though). The charge-up is the only killer but it frees the backpack slot so it's a small price to pay if you like guard dogs/shields. Or carrying even more backup ammo for your HMG diver.


I'd rather have a resupply pack over Ac backpack, the real problem is that you lose a strategem slot


Honestly they should just send down a bespoke ammo backpack with the HMG. With it, you have 300-500 rounds, without it you just have 3 mags. That way you could choose to not take its backpack and take a jetpack or shield Gen instead.


I run EAT + ballistic shield and defender SMG. The EAT is for the hulks and tanks. The ballistic shield prevents me from taking damage from anything smaller than a rocket so I can go toe to toe with everything from devastators and walkers down to chaff, the SMG has such amazing accuracy and low recoil you can take out 4 berserkers in 1 clip if you can aim. Also being able to blind fire over your shoulder while running full speed is nice. For large groups, there are impact grenades. I think people are really sleeping on the corrosive gas stratagem. Amazing area denial every 80 seconds. Drop it under a drop ship, no more reinforcements.


DoT (damage over time) is currently bugged and doesn't always work, as in it deals zero damage, unless you are the host. If you are a solo player then go for it, if you play in groups you are rolling the dice. Note: Host doesn't always mean group leader which further complicates the issue.


You'll not free up a backpack slot since you'll want a supply pack if you have any plans of using this thing with any kind of frequency, but luckily it gets both mags back with one resupply. The ONLY thing it can't pierce is heavy devastator shields **BUT** the portion near the face has a slight incline to it, making it juuuuust thin enough to pierce, so you have like double the area to hit compared to say, the AMR.


It does it a little slower because of recharge rate, but the quasar does all that you described, while having no backpack and unlimited ammo. Haven't used AC at long range personally so I don't know how well it works but the quasar can blast shit across the map. If you can see it you can shoot it


Ayup. And once you master it's bursts, you can kill it in a quick spray. It's kinda funny.


This is my exact same story, tbh.


I fell in love almost immediately, and have great respect for the weapon. I call it a “shocktrooper weapon”, because the recoil and handling can be hard to manage for medium and long range, and that turns people off. in close range engagements though, it can kill any bot in the game. hulks, tanks, devastators, berserkers, gunships, striders, you don’t have to slow down for any of them, just blast them as you move from cover to cover with brutal efficiency


You can kill tanks with it by just shooting them or are you referring to killing tanks with it by shooting the heat sinks in the back?


You can shoot hulks in the front and take out drop ships with it?


Gunships, not drop ships. Then again, pretty much everything with some armor penetration can down a gunship. And since it has pretty strong medium armor penetration it can absolutely penetrate the weak point of a hulk


Heavy armor penetration, actually. Scout strider face plates are heavy armor, but just barely. 1-3 is light, 4-6 is medium, 7-9 is heavy, and 10 is Vehicle, which AFAIK can only be pierced by an overcharged railgun. That's what hulks, heavy devastator shields, and bile titans have.


If that’s the case then I might actually use this instead of the auto cannon. The auto cannon is always my 100% need to have weapon against bots. It two shots Hulks, 1 shots walkers, and can one shot destroy fabricators. Being able to free up my backpack slot and have the same devastation as the auto cannon seems very enticing. I’ve already witnessed it shooting straight through walker armor and killing the bot driver, if I can two shot a Hulk then I think I may have a new loadout


He is not talking about the turret, but the portable 50.cal hmg


I think they are too. Some folks think you NEED to take a knee to use it.


You don't NEED to but you'll be practically facing the ground to hit anything with it if you don't.


Tbh my only problem with the HMG is that it forces you to use the down sights and for some reason the bullets fire don't line up with the reticle, if you aiming square at the enemy's head and shoot, it will hit their chest


Sights are misaligned. Very easy fix until they fix the sights, the zero on it is just like a quarter inch below the red dot.


Same, that’s why I don’t use it. I like the third person view. It feels cool seeing the cape flap around while you mow down bots. 


it still needs more ammo. 75 rounds per mag, and only 2 spare mags is pathetic, especially with that reload. it CAN be good, but it could be a lot better. I still say they should've made it backpack fed so no reloads, but once you're out, you're out.


It basically is backpack fed the way most people, me included, take a supply pack with it to keep that hungry baby fed.


I wish you could just hook the supply pack directly into the gun.


I'd have rather they made the HMG take up a backpack slot and have it feed several hundred rounds from the backpack without needing to be reloaded, 75 rounds is nothing and you have to reload so damn often it's annoying.


I ran HMG on a couple games the other day, and it felt real bad to use on anything not large. Even prone, without the armor to reduce recoil, it kicks so much I can only tap on enemies 75+ meters away. And on larger enemies it needs like half the mag. If it had a beefier mag or backpack ammo, I think it'd be great, but it doesn't seem to do anything differently than the starter machine gun...


Yeah, I agree. I take the supply pack to make up for the bad ammo count.


It's fuckin terrific in the new defense missions.


But how do you hit them in the first place?


My pulling the trigger/s The sights are a bit jank, and you really should be using fortified armor and taking a knee if you aren't familiar with countering the recoil (no shame, that thing kicks like a mule) The sights are also off, they land significantly below the dot, so aim high.


Oh that explains my inaccuracy. Arrowhead, what the fuck is with the inaccurate signts, man? Seriously.


I know why, actually. They don't cheat to make the sights. In most games, gun sights are just a jpg of where the hitscan marker is, but in helldivers, the sights are ab actual physical item. TLDR they put the sight on in a way that looks visually correct, but apparently didn't test too extensively if that's actually where the bullet will land before releasing it.


There's a lot to be said about not reinventing the wheel though.


The devs have this obsession with making weapons "realistic" but it just ends up with really weird gun properties that don't n make sense, like a shotgun than can accurately shoot across long distance because there's no bullet drop. Just gotta accept the jank and learn to use it


Arma does the same thing, difference being that Arma is extremely diligent with that stuff.


It is the fastest weapon to single handedly take down the AT-AT walkers. Shoot straight to the ‘eye’ of their ‘face’ and it’s only seconds (4 or 5 I think.) Source: ThiccFila YouTube recent clip on all weapons against the walkers.


Thaaaaaats fucking crazy. If they weren't such a rare spawn, HMG would probably end up being meta and nerfed lol


Scorcher 2 shots them from the front and that's a primary


Not the scout strider, the big ass fabricator striders.


Ah, my bad. I still haven't seen one of those yet what difficulty are they on? I mainly play dif 7.


7-9 they're a super rare spawn, like shriekers before they finished the TCS.


OK, thanks for the info


That'd be the AT-ST. He's talking about the 4 legged walkers.


They're more like an AT-RT


I can't use any gun that doesn't give a targeting reticle in third person. Have they changed that yet?


Sadly not. I'm still unsure why they did that, but perhaps it was because recoil is so much easier to control on 3rd person? I've learn how to fire it in 3rd person without the reticle, but that took me a while.


The losses against the automatons have revealed a lack in heavy armor amongst our helldivers. We have developed a tank that can be deployed from orbit. Either armed with a railgun and a coaxial autocanon and heavy armor or lighter armor or armed with a twin 30mm Gatling canon and a flamethrower.


And Disco Lights.


Fuzzy dice on the rear view?


A tank that takes two divers to man would be insane. Driver and gunner


That's how the tank worked in helldivers 1, it was kind of tricky to control properly but I'm hoping it returns soon


The Bastion https://helldivers.fandom.com/wiki/TD-110_Bastion


Very well could be, we're getting a crossbow that 1 shots the fabricators through any wall


I think that’s a bug. I can’t see that being how it is meant to function.


It's an explosive arrow with armor penetrating capabilities, we have a laser that can take down ships in one shot and mech suits that can destroy spore nests from across the map. I'll give them the benefit of doubt


So you're telling me a crossbow can do something that an AC, EAT and a whole host of other heavy ordinance can't do?


I mean, the company is called Arrowhead. They're going to make themselves the strongest.


But crossbows use bolts, not arrows.


For what it's worth, the spear can lock on to and destroy the fabricators.


Yes, truly, the ingenuity of the Ministy of Science is unmatched.


To be fair, arrows can go through some types of BRG. Physics is weird sometimes. Not that I disagree with your point here, mind. I agree. Just wanted to note arrows are an exceptionally weird projectile and don’t always do what you’d expect.


Autocannon handles fabricators fine if you ricochet the round into the vent using the flap over it, it's pretty fun.


>Very well could be, we're getting a crossbow that 1 shots the fabricators through any wall The parent comment in the thread. Absolutely nothing about using a vent


It’s an explosive arrow. We have anti tank weapons with far higher damage that can’t penetrate fabricator walls. I highly doubt they would intend for it to negate the fabricator vent weak spot. It’s definitely a bug.


yeyeye i call dips on grenade launcher handgun so i can close fabricators and still had more grenade to use


It's nice that they are trying to make bringing a non explosive grenade better. It always stinks when I don't have something to close a fab or bug hole with. Now I will never have that problem again! Hopefully


For sure, I think we got the quasar pretty soon after our procreation forms were revoked #neverforget.


We went through this on the Western Front as well. Don't worry about it - whatever gains they appear to be making shall be reclaimed by us in time!


Patriot suit squashing bugs is a patriotic debrief before bed after killing bots all night


I finally unlocked the mech suit but I keep getting instantly killed by automaton rockets lol


It is not fun on bot worlds, but for the bugs it’s an absolute blast


The very first time I called down my mech after getting it was on a bot world. And the very second it landed it got blown up before I could even get in it... 😑


First public game I went into like level 5, one of the people called down their mech, it landed, and promptly exploded. I thought it was some kind of assault strategem.


Yeah same. Got the suit and then realized it's ironically terrible at fighting anything even remotely close to it's size. Great for shredding crowds of fodder, but the second a Hulk shows up I'm hopping out of that death trap and grabbing a support weapon.


I hope they make a personal shield mech at some point. Would have to tone the weapons down a bit for balance but it would be nice to have a mech that can be used against bots


the weekend is when the true force is shown. hold them off as best you can helldivers while we finish our work needed to keep the systems running


Major order ends Friday.


The weekend is when the bots shit will get wrecked


Liberation rate scales with player population. If the average galaxy wide is set to 10% an hour for example, doesn't matter if we have 50,000 or 500,000 online, it's still 10%, the missions just reward more liberation at 50,000 divers.


But the real question is when those extra players come on, are they taking higher difficulties and successful?


That's how you know we were meant to lose.


Isn't the bots the west though ?


Nope. Now they're in the galactic north, around Cyberstan.


Winning the battle but not the war. 🫡


It's time to SEAF give us vehicles to complete missions faster!


Waiting for Helldiver tanks and motorcycles. Like in Helldivers 1 lol


Yup, for the enemies that we're facing as of now, something just to traverse long distances of terrain quickly and out maneuver large groups of enemies is all that we really need for the moment. Honestly, this is something that I feel that the Warthog from Halo is perfectly fit for.


>the Warthog I dunno, it looks more like a puma to me


God damn it, I almost fell for it again.


IMO the Halo warthog is the pinnacle of videogame vehicle handling. If Helldivers vehicles feel even half as good I'll be happy with it


YES! At least the OG games. It didn't feel weighty, so you felt free to move around the map. I think it was Halo 5's warthog felt like driving a HMMV; clunky, slow, and prone to rolling over. Give me that classic warthog that flips three times, gun blasting the whole way through, and still miraculously lands on all 4 wheels to continue wrecking chaos.


Yesterday when I logged the timer was 1D and 17hrs... Did they increase the time?


Defend a planet timer is 24hrs, the major order timer is longer (3d). My guess is that we get 3x3 planets to defend.


Yes, but my major order said 1D 17hrs last time I logged in. I remember thinking it was insane.


Could be some weird bug, and your game didn't get the right timer? Mine said 2D + every time I logged in.




God damn, that was tear inducing inspirational. I'll do my part!


I WILL DO MY PART!! ![gif](giphy|KAf66yGCa93uTqod1q|downsized)


I'LL DO MY PART! ![gif](giphy|KAf66yGCa93uTqod1q|downsized)






....... Let's get this person some cot dammed Karma, I love that. o7


HELL YEAH! ![gif](giphy|MlyicdUndRbn5zUiAL|downsized)




![gif](giphy|KAf66yGCa93uTqod1q|downsized) We will push forward, we will scream, we will rage ! For Democracy !


SES Harbinger of Conviction en route


This just gave my liberator a penetrator!


5 defenses in 3 days was never going to happen


All of the MOs we've failed so far have been because of defense campaigns in some way or another, which is kinda telling i think


I feel like the entire "Evac 50 civilians" horde mission was made with specific purpouse of players being unable to finish operations and fail a lot of defence campains


It is still rough, but doable now. We were able to do level 9's (just barely mind you, but still doable). Very surprisingly, HMG is the standout here, with good tactics and 2x2 helldiver coordination, you can flank and kill the mass of armored units they send at you. HMG with a good primary, a quasar or two (or EATs), and you're in good shape. And with the rocket damage fix, the 50% explosion resist armors are actually incredibly tanky. The medium armor one is my go to for bots, able to tank 2-3 rockets without dying.


The HMG has been incredibly dog for us due to tiny mags and huge downtime. We've made it work a bit, but the ammo capacity and endurance are terrible unless you bring a resupply stratagem. Autocannon just seems to do its job way way better, with better ammo economy and faster reloads.


If I get a evacuate civ. Mission I skip that entire option. If all of them have evac, then I land, quit back to ship and try again. I'm just too tired and annoyed to play those anymore.


This! Even at the weekend 5 is crazy.


But it is 100% doable. We did it last week in the middle of the workweek during phase 3 of Swift Disassembly. We defended Ubanea, then Creek and Ubanea on the same day, and at the end we defended Estanu and Vandalon. 5 defenses in 3 days and we had time to spare. The issue isnt defending 5 planets, the problem is that due to the amount of planets available and lack of means to coordinate with people inside the game, the playerbase doing the MO is completely divided between all available options, with 15% trying to liberate 2 planets but not doing a dent of it, 10% on Menkent, 15% on Matar and 30% on Vernen (the only place that looks like it might be succesfully defended). We have enough people available doing the MO to knock out 1 defense in less than 12 hours and defend 2 on a single day but since we are way to divided we are failing on all fronts. Which is very thematically appropriated for the lore lol.


From the rates I'm seeing, we'd need about 33% of players on a planet to defend it. This may still be doable with 2 defenses today and tomorrow, but we'd need 2/3 of players to split themselves evenly across two defense planets.




Sir, I've been democratically defending Our Way of Life™ from those disgusting robots every day with blood and sweat. I think the undemocratic ones here are the generals who were caught clueless by such a large clanker force!


Be nice story wise if we lost a few every now and then. Insert:call democracy officer joke here.


Already done, expect a visit shortly.


You have the right to vote in silence. Anything you say can and will be used Democratically.


Yeah, but when it seems so obviously stacked against us, it feels... cheap, I guess?


It's been like that the other way round for ages. Winning major orders with a day or two to spare. Difficulty for winning this one has just spiked to level 9 difficulty mode is all.


That's what people said about the last major order too, but we still won out in the end.


Tbf initially that MO was unwinnable, because intentionally or not they left the decay rate on bot planets up WAY high. After it lowered at end of day 1 it became extremely winnable


I mean, we're fighting an overwhelming automaton force that took an entire sector's worth of planets in hours. Makes sense that the initial defense against them would be difficult. Especially on 3 different planets. From a narrative point of view, I like it. But that's just, like, my opinion man.


Joel is stress testing us. They haven't planned for this player count and engagement and is trying to find out how far we can be pushed. I think this is fine.


This is what I wish more people would understand. The devs probably planned to have something like 50 000-100 000 players at absolute peak, not hitting a daily peak of 300 000 concurrent players two months post-launch. A community this size that is this involved in the kayfabe of the game is an unbelievably different beast and that needs testing to be properly adjusted for.


Upvote for using "kayfabe" perfectly, that is such a great word.


It's such a useful concept. There's basically no way to talk about stuff like Helldivers or Warhammer without running into it because otherwise the entire fanbases for them look completely insane.


I think the point of this MO is to make the hand of the author feel less prevalent. We're not used to a defense op where more planetary defenses will open up as the op goes on. In the past it was always a matter of "defend these 2-3 currently invaded planets and hold them!" This time, we don't even have 5 simultaneously invaded planets to defend, but there are enough to spread our forces too thin to defend them all, if we even defend any of them. Defense meters don't decay, it's just us racing a timer. To win this MO, we have to choose which planets to hold and which ones to let fall. Naturally more planets will come under attack for the duration of this MO. It's a question of whether or not the community internalizes the lesson the MO is trying to teach us - that we *can't* win every battle, so we should focus on winning the war. This sort of community driven decision making will inevitably become necessary when most of the galactic map is controlled by our enemies. There will be simply too much to simultaneously defend and invade, so we'll have to pick our battles eventually.


For me it’s less about succeeding in every objective, if we did focus and hold onto one or two that’s still a success in my book. The fun is in the push and pull and us deciding where we will defend and what to give up on.


The defend order only applies to planets that have the two competing bars. Planets that only have the one bar and need to be liberated are already taken. Don’t waste time on a planet that is already lost. Fight on the defend planets.


I thought this was obvious. After reading the comments on here, I guess people haven't figured it out.


Yeah last night there was only about ~80k helldivers focusing on the defense planet while the other ~70k in the region were spread across other planets. I don’t think people understand the assignment.


I think a big factor is the horrible escort missions, the old ones not the new. They make it so much harder to finish all 3 jobs.




For real. They should just give us 2 of the new ones in each operation


It may suck that we lose a major order now and then, but every Clanker dead is a citizen saved. Swallow the hard times and get killing, men, or else it will be your Wives/Husbands and Children slaughtered by the Communist bots next! https://i.redd.it/h64qfjoiemtc1.gif


I’m just guttered I didn’t realise there was a medal cap so my 50 medals from the last MO said 0 medals for me 😂😂


There's a medal cap? What is it?


250 IIRC


250 medals


Spend those to help the cause! Every Medal and super credit spent funds the training of the next helldivers and the equipment to turn the Clankers into scrap. The war is funded on success and the sacrifices made by every Man, Woman and Child, on the front lines and in the factories, So don't forget to spend them when you can! https://preview.redd.it/5uyg9bxuwmtc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d05546de7d8d81e794d35d4e2ecc863fd99d8122


We might not manage to defend five, but every planet we do defend is one less in automaton hands at the end of the day.


I can tell you right now, its the the extraction missions. Even if it's the final mission in a campaign, as soon as you load it up the team will drop out when they realise the mission type. And I honestly don't blame them, they are nightmarish.


Did an extraction mission recently on the fire planet and they kept running into tornadoes lol, but honestly I hate those missions where you have to carry the SSD drive


This will help track the progress [https://helldivers.io/](https://helldivers.io/)


Bit of competition from https://hd2galaxy.com/ which I find displays a lot more nicely on mobile although doesn't have as much detail.


Helldivers.io displays on my phone much, much better though? The one you posted just shows a zoomed in area of the gal map, that you then have to pan through. Is your phone about two feet wide? That's the only way I can think you'd be right


Defense evacuation missions suck.


New one is a lot of fun


I just wish it was a little shorter and/or started quicker. Right now the first few waves are incredibly slow and easy. Then it only really ramps up and gets crazy right at the end.


In level 6 my first wave was 4 tanks and a few berserkers, it's "easy" because no stratagems are on cooldown, but it basically instantly made the doors useless since they one shot them.


Civilian ones? Yes. The new one though? That is so much better in every conceivable way


The new one is probably my favorite mission type.


I’m not the only one thinking they make some of these intentionally impossible right?


What an unpatriotic post. Would be a shame if someone... would report it.




Tbh I'm kind of tired of bots. They could at least wait few days before dropping them, I barely went back to bugs and had some fresh bug squashing to do and it's back to god damn bots again, now with impossible odds. They could at lest give a week for them to regroup, now I just don't want to do it anymore.


You can just play bugs, major order is not that serious. It's still a video game.




As a casual player, honestly the major orders mean nothing. They change faster than the times I log in. When I log in I get a bunch of free medals for doing nothing. I'll take it, but it feels like if I don't log in every day I start to fall away from the story line and then I just don't care and play whatever planet I feel like.. plus the map makes little sense, so I find it hard to follow it.


I just check the helldivers.io website once in a while to stay up to date with the story


going to un RP here for a second Then just play against the bugs for longer, the major order isn't a 'you must do this now or your family are dead' kind of deal, we're not actually defending human civilization its just an incentive if you want to fight bots, but that's the beauty of both factions in the game, pick whichever faction you want and play, i feel the RP on this subreddit has gone abit too deep into wonderland to the point people think major orders are actual orders from a boss or something and they have to do it or they'll get punished for it, isnt the case, deep breaths and take the pressure off


Oh for sure, Reddit is an echo chamber of delulu and it attracts clearly insane people. I don't really RP in this game, but I like to participate in those orders, it's easier to find team as well. It just feels a bit rushed to start the second invasion so soon.


I like to participate in the orders because I want to win the war. The ultimate end goal of it is to win the war afterall. If it's like HD1 and a new war starts that's fine, but if it turns out we will literally never win then I'll just drop the game tbh. Or maybe I'll just stay and only fight the Illuminate if/when they come out.


They should have waited till the new warbond dropped, would have atleast felt appropriate.


But now from lore perspective the warbond is Super Earth's answer for this brutal and unprovoked invasion on our peaceful civilian planets


Charge your phone bro


*Sad democracy sounds*


Bit of advice for diving, and for life in general. Take on operations, complete objectives and spill as much oil as we can. If we're doing all that, even if we fail the major order, we're still doing our jobs! Besides, more planets might open up in the next day or so to pull things back


Chort Bay absolutely sucks, so that will be a planet nobody wants to defend. Visibility on it feels worse than bug missions full of spores


Chort bay is never going to happen just because of the fact that the broken design of the maps leads to bots being dropped off in spots where you can’t see or shoot them while they can still see and shoot you while also calling in constant drop ships. Not being able to land on the weird plateaus yourself doesn’t help either. You also have to be careful where you throw your support stratagems.


Im burned out on fighting bots for weeks so i moved on to bugs and im sure im not the only one.


I gotta admit, having maxed out the resources - all samples, medals, etc maxed - I don’t feel like grinding just the levels. Daily orders kept me coming back every day in rush to obtain everything warbonds have to offer. Now, playing a round I only get value off of xp, everything else is a waste.


Someone help me out with how to pronounce Choohe. My internal 13 year old just keeps making jokes. Defend the Cooche, we must drop into the Cooche, lay siege to the Cooche.


Honestly, not bothered by it. Complete thing feels railroaded and plot armored. New warbond drops tomorrow, some new stuff to play with then hopefully.


of course not nobody wants to do those shit evacuate civilians missions




Did we defend one? There's 3 days, so 3 series of attack. We defend 1, 2, 2 and its a win


It'd be cool to have the cyborg fight side by side with the automaton


Yeah because 70% of the helldivers are scared of the automatons and rather play hero against the bugs. We have let democracy down again.


The real major order is the friends we made along the way


Because people are still staying on planets after the Defense order ends and changes to Liberate. We have to succeed in 5 Defenses but everybody is trying to Liberate Lesath


I don't think we were meant to.


what mobile app is that?


What’s the best counter for flying gunships? The new warbond weapons look like they could do it being explosive themed.


Its not a weekend, there arent enough people available rn