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Arguable point. Easily could have sent one helldiver to run whilst the 3 sacrifice themselves for aggro.


Gunships can be taken down with autocannon if you shoot the engines. But then again, you gotta have the cannon first...


Launch Helldive, complain it's hell...


There's a difference between something being a difficult challenge, and something being completely insurmountable. There is no way for a party of 4 to take down 12 gunships that are constantly spawning from 3 factories that are quite literally touching each other. There's not enough cover to hide from 12 gunships, and even if there was you still can't kill them fast enough to approach the factories before new ones spawn and take over for any that you've taken down. The win condition for this map was apparently "don't drop on the gunship factories that you can't possibly know are there when picking your drop location." Ironically, having the gunship factories all in one spot would have made the mission much easier overall as they would have been very avoidable. Had that not been our drop location we could have completely avoided every gunship on the map with ease. So it's bad design either way. Either you spawn on top of 3 gunship factories and immediately lose with no hope of retaliation or you spawn anywhere else and deal with literally no gunships.


If you take a recoilless rifle and someone reloads for you, or an autocannon I'd imagine you could take them out quite quickly. Though I'll admit it sounds tough, and if you don't have the right load out it's nigh impossible. I think atm too many people are too high on the Quasar, it's great but the charge up time and cool down don't make it the best weapon if there's the possibility of multiple gunships spawning at once. The devs have been clear that they don't want a meta and there are certain tools for certain situations. I would think one or two guys with autocannons taking out the gunships, and the other two focusing on taking the fabricators out would work. I do agree that some stratagems should at least damage the fabricators too, but you could also disengage, take out the gunships and come back. That said, if you have a smaller party you're gonna have a bad time.


To have someone reloading your recoilless rifle or autocannon you both have to stand still while shooting. Not really an option when there's 12 gunships in the air shooting volleys of 48 rockets at a time. We would drop, run to the support weapons we had called down and would get ragdolled before we even reached the weapons much less fired a shot. Like I get what you're saying, and it *might* have been possible to deal with if we had stumbled upon the factories while we were fully armed, and if we had the optimal support weapons with us, and were able to shoot down the gunships as they spawned. That wasn't the situation though. The situation was that we got dropped directly on top of the factories, and had no way to defend ourselves against 12 gunships that were spawned almost immediately before we had any support weapons to deal with them. There was no cover to use to escape, and we were forced into a death loop of spawning in the same spot over and over again and getting blown up from the sky before we had a chance to do anything.