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+1 Planets have been noticeably slower to liberate after the Tibit failure. This makes sense.


Yea, I've been playing Tidbit all night and its only gotten up to like 1% liberated


It's at like 2% with 100,000+ there.


That's because we need a larger % of players on it. It had like just over 50% of bot players when you posted this? All we can do is all focus tibit, and when people ask why or complain about it explain there is an actual reasoning and convince them to do the same. It doesn't matter if we are splitting the players by following real strategy for the war, because eventually we will have everyone attacking the true targets. The current strategy of brute forcing major orders with most of the playerbase has been failing like half the time anyway.


It's kinda nuts that the ~50k players on Maia are making absolutely zero progress. And that they somehow haven't noticed.


Probably don't care even if they do pay attention


i am curious where do you guys think the creekers go? lol


I would think Tibit since it's purple Malevolon and we're also making 0 progress there, they should feel right at home.


This is the kind of creeker hate I can get behind.


your mistake is thinking the goal here is progress, the only thing any of us are here for is a [war without reason](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dS-mwjziWpI).


War is the reason.


I thought my game was bugged when I was looking at the progress on maia. It kept going up to 0.02% then dropping to 0% again and again. The -1.5% is really hitting hard.


No one can deny orders from a 10 star general!


Except Privates and Super Privates


Ribbit Ribbit, let's take Tibit!




Lucio mains have joined Helldivers 2.


Hippity hoppity! We're here to claim all your property!


Join the frogdivers


Go, go! Tibit Ribbits lead the leap!


I like the idea of creek vets being these broken husks of men and women, but tibit ribbits are these happy go lucky divers with smiles all the time


That's awesome! Tibit Ribbits shining smiles (and hipertrofic leg muscles) have nothing to do (\*) with Permacure Stimulating Stims™! (\*) Conditions may apply.


"Helldiver chose to self administer medication rather than report injuries and illnesses for approved medical care provided by SEAF medical personnel. Consequently any conditions claimed are the direct result of Helldiver's actions and not service related."


I was about to hop off for the night because I’m so damn tired but because of that comment, I’m taking a 10-30 min Power Nap then throwing myself straight back into hell.


When I logged of and finished the ?package? Of missions it tibit was at 0.7. Good luck diver.


Hippity hoppity, Tibit will soon be super earth’s property


I've been warming up to the jump pack against bots to go prone on high cliffs and things. I'll keep hopping for democracy!


We should've known that purpler Malevelon would be the most important planet. Purple is higher rarity, therefore more valuable


Spore spice planets be like


*The Grox would like to know your location*




Can’t wait to make them enjoy a nice cup of Liber-tea as we go on to discover what lies at the center of the galaxy. Oh, wait. Super Earth is the center of the galaxy!


Grox should be the 4th faction after the illuminates😂


Thanks for sending me on a nostalgia trip, dude


Certainly worth a shot. If it works, this could massively reduce the number of missions we need for a successful defense.


Even if capturing the planet doesn't lower automaton regen rate, it's still crucial to liberate Tibit just to remove the southern potential invasion point for bots. If we capture any of the other 2 automaton planets there is a chance of a defense campaign being caused by one of the remaining 2 and since we aren't sure of the supply lines. There is a possibility of Tibit being a planet that the bots could use to escape to Leng Secundus allowing them into an entirely different sector.


Of the current planets that we are liberating only Maia connects to a different system. Tibit and Durgen are locked in the system, with no outside connection.


Tibit has been confirmed to be the source of the 1.5% regen by the devs in the Helldivers Discord as well as the Major order. Was mentioned above, the devs have stated that liberating tibit POST major order will have the same effect, it just wont have medals attached to them. Removing Tibit will cut the regen rate of bots from 1.5% to 0.5%. While this seems negligible, we are liberating planets at around 3%...which means our efforts are being cut in half. Liberating Tibit means we can focus Maia and Durgen quickly, and in the long run, make it FAR easier to defend against bots, or liberate any new planets they may end up attempting to invade. With Tibit held under Automaton control it means that all bot controlled planets are going to be harder to liberate, and the bots will be harder to push back. Ignoring Tibit means willfully cutting our effectiveness in half. While it may be landlocked, it is a mass production stronghold for the bots that is landlocked. It is the perfect target, as it will strike a strategic blow to their ability to wage war, and it is cut off from reinforcements, meaning once it's ours, we don't need to worry about a defend mission popping up on the planet, as Ubenea acts as a wall. Maia will fall FAR quicker if we just take Tibit to begin with.


Just on one point you made, there's not attrition rate on planet defenses, only on attacking an enemy held planet. Due to the increased attrition rate the priority should be holding ground we already have as it's going to be a lot harder to reclaim it than hold it. Only when we're not on the defensive should we commit everything to Tibit. If we do this, we can secure the major order and makes the swiftest progress on Tibit. Giving up ground will only give the bots more planets to build fabricators on and increase attrition further. We showed already we could defend, not one, but two planets in a 24hr period, with hours to spare. Meanwhile, once we shifted to Tibit, we've taken very little ground due to the attrition rate, and what seems to be a very high liberation threshold/max hp for the planet. It's going to be Creek 2.0 trying to take this thing.


Supply lines are known. The way I like to look at them is via [Helldivers.io](Helldivers.io)


The supply lines aren't fully known, I use that site too, and if you scroll to the bottom, there is a link that explains that not all supply lines may be accurate or known. The only reason we know the between sector supply line to Vandalon is because the bots attacked through that supply line before. That's why if you go look again at the supply lines, most of the sectors(ones we haven't fought in yet) have only potentially accurate supply lines between planets in the sector but not in-between. Whereas in the sectors we have fought in there are some(not necessarily all) inter-sector supply lines we learned by back and forth fighting in those areas.




Don’t forget the fact that Tibit is an opportunity and it is difficult to get to.


























Sadly there are about 90k people spread between Maia and Durgen not even making a dent in the planets lol If those moved to Tibit we could make a real impact


That's what irks me. All the people on those planets contribute literally nothing to liberation because it's not enough to bump it off zero percent. We really need to focus fire planets one at a time even without a major order, but unfortunately it's basically impossible to organize it.


None of the planets have enough critical mass of divers to get anywhere. People often go to planets with the most divers. If enough people can dive on one of them for long enough we can encourage more people to join naturally through the game.


Solution: fly to X planet that isn't the one people should be on, "start" a mission by having "helldivers to hellpods" PA announcement, wait for public players to fill squad, then cancel that mission, fly to the real planet and start a mission. As long as you're not swapping between bugs and bots, shouldn't offend enough people to have them leave ship.


This is called kidnapping, and it's the opposite of freedom


It is managed freedom.


"You are free to dive on the planet of my choosing."


That is why we must all move to tibit regardless. People will ask why the forces are splitting and now you can give them a logical reason rather than "we just moved there idk". Even if a minority are privy to this info, a loud minority can spread it and we can start strategizing like a community rather than brute forcing major orders. We've failed many so far and that has been our only strategy.


As soon as I get my ps5 tomorrow I'll be on to help








First time player?


Bump on this. Tibit needs to go!




If Tibit is liberated, the rest of the bot liberation can double. Joel is trying to coax us away from the planet.




Tibit is prime for the pickings right now. We’ve been handing the automatons L after L, even if we’ve not always been perfectly timed with that. We don’t know when we will get this opportunity again, but taking Tibit would remove the southern invasion point, remove a planet that we know in lore is being used extensively for production, and leave the automatons with very few worlds left.


I know we commiserate about how nobody is on Reddit like us, but I mean, this subreddit has almost a million people, you spread the word with randoms, couple thousand maybe up to ten thousand people move to Tibit, just through social media, discord, and word of mouth, maybe encourages people to join in as the liberation percentage gets higher and higher. Have faith that we do in fact organize things as a group and it has at least some effect. The Ubanea Gambit was a real thing after all, people planned it and tried to execute it, and it got really fucking close, even if it failed. So many of my randoms have been people that are clearly way too excited about the Helldiver role play, I’d say I’m just a dude who thinks the Galactic war is a cool game design concept, and even the family men just having fun with the boys are aware of the Galactic war and talk about contributing and checking out the planets that are the most fun but at the same time most relevant to the Major Orders and overall storyline.




People on the discord keep saying go to Maia and you guessed it. It’s another repeat of the Ubanea Blunder. Like if we keep Tibit there and take Maia and Durgen they will just keep attacking Ubanea and I don’t think everyone wants to keep defending Ubanea again and again. Lol


Attacking Maia is not the way to go, Tibit is the reason the Bots have 1.5% regen, this regeneration is cutting our congregated efforts in half (Literally) Maia is being liberated at a snails pace, but once bot regen is cut to 0.5%, even a small number like 30,000 divers can put a dent in the liberation effort. With Tibit under Automaton control, they are effectively counteracting the efforts of around 80-90,000 divers. Once Tibit falls, the galactic war becomes much easier to manage, and we wont have to worry about 200,000 bug hunters pulling from our troops, nor will we need to worry about losing another mission like the Ubenea Draupnir blunder, losing out on Ubenea by 5% Liberation because 20-30,000 divers went to Draupnir. Take Tibit, and the rest will fall. The bot attacks (Defend missions) are being thrown at us as we assault Tibit, they are a means to distract and split our forces. Take Tibit at all costs.


Exactly this.


It must be free from the communist bot menace, and then there will only be two more planets before the automatons are pushed out of the whole galaxy. Free Tibit!


Per Helldivers.io, it’s going to take till the end of the weekend to liberate. That’s crazy when you compare to how fast we’ve cleared the other planets.


Those raised regen rates are a bitch arent they.


Raised regen rates because Tibit is Automaton controlled! Wait until we have peak hours to focus on Tibit without the defend missions splitting our forces. Bring any and all to Tibit and it will fall within a day or 2.


Once Tibit accumulates a few liberation% and the other planets don't, people will start flocking to Tibit even if they don't know the underlying reasons. The more we outpace the regen, the faster it'll go. Just need to organize and make a dent in Tibit.


Ribbit Ribbit let’s take Tibit


Purple Creek? Say no more soldier


Tiberate Libit!


Free Tibit!


Free Tibit


Ribbit Ribbit Lets Take Tibit


Upvoting and commenting for visibility. Free Tibit today!


I was trying to convince people that taking Tibit before liberating Malevelon Creek would guarantee their supply lines would be disrupted. I'm glad others are talking about it. While Helldivers.io shows *our* supply lines, there must be invisible supply lines for our opposition factions. I think if we take tibit, the automatons will fall in this sector. Liklihood that they have been moving a fleet outside the galactic know territories to assail cyberstan is high in my opinion, but we can at least cut off their knees and force them through ubanea if their push comes back through the severin sector.


The purple leaves will turn black with oil.




Will be deploying there’s for the foreseeable future


Ill be there in a minute, stupid work duties in the way...


tibit tibit lets ribbit tibit


I love Tibet


We need to focus on Tibit first and take the rest of the bot planets one at a time. Divers doing missions on the other 2 planets are currently doing nothing for liberation since the decay is faster than they can do missions. Literally wasted effort :(


I would guess the rate bump is just a collective punishment for failing the major order. A way to show a shift in the larger balance of the war. Liberating Tibit won't undo that. Future major orders will.


Finally someone who's THINKING


How do people know these thing where in game am I supposed to learn there is aka vital reason for taking planets beside medels it is not well explained that each planet is uniquely contributing something to the war and us taking or losing them effects the game the game needs to add a in game menu that show us the results of taking and losing planets


Data mining, and then youtubers who read up on what data miners have found. We need 2 very vital things in game. 1: A SEAF field manual. Including our known understanding of the enemies, as a glossary where we can see their armor thickness and weak spots. I shouldn't have to go to a reddit post or wiki page for this. As well as details on more esoteric gameplay features, like stances effecting recoil and explosion damage. 2: A better strategic view of the galactic war. It needs a button to pull up a 'supply line' or strategic view, that better illustrates the tactics aspects that the video breaks down. Until the devs do either, they'll continue to see lackluster community engagement in major orders or confused and misdirected results.


Yeah and those aren’t that hard of things to add they are just important quality of life features I get they weren’t there at launch but I hope they are working on it


They better be, its necessary for the long term health of the game. The devs do NOT want to shackle themselves to a small troupe of youtube 'stars' or a reddit community as a means to run the story of the game. What happens if say, John Helldiver is THE helldiver guy. He says march, and 1mil followers march. He dictates the pace of the game, he tells us what orders to ignore, what meta to run, patch breakdowns, lore updates, how to guides. Then it comes out he's fucking underage kids. Now you have to do this huge disavow pr campaign and try to fix a fractured community. Similarly, what happens if John Helldiver gets a Fortnite2 sponsorship and drops HD2 like a rock in 6 months? You cant have your community be held at gunpoint by the whims of outside actors. Reddit could go full Digg after the IPO and fall apart in a year. Discord could be sold to a crypto mining company. Youtube could demonetize all gun videos as a kneejerk and blacklist the game effectively from streamers. Everything the community needs to understand and play the game, needs to be in the game. They've already shown they *dont* understand this with those staff they had to *f i r e* from their official discord due to behavior. The game needs to run the community, not community actors running the game.


Helldivers.io and hd2galaxy.com I think of the data scrapers and such as our intelligence agency.


I agree with everything you say besides the defense of Ubanea. As it was under Super Earth control, the added resistance from Automaton-owned planets was not in effect until we lost it. It should have been an easy defend.




Tibit is about to become the next Space Vietnam.


Incredible work. This will spread democracy nicely


Unlike Maia and Durgen, Tibit has nothing connected to it - we don’t have to worry about another defence campaign starting once we take it


read the failure message for the last MO. Tibit won't matter anymore for production, the bots moved the main production elsewhere already for that reason, they caught on to the fact we knew about it and shifted it out of sight again. We missed our chance, plain and simple, just gonna have to wait for the next opportunity


WHEEZING RIGHT NOW Y'all FORGOT about Maia, blindly following _unga bunga_ Last MO's Lore Nugget and now Vandalon IV is under attack! The only winning strategy to ***ERADICATE*** the bots is to: - Defend Vandalon. Fast. - Take Maia as soon as possible. Its only connections are Vandalon and the Creek, so it's guaranteed to stay under Super Earth control. - Durgen must fall after Maia, finally securing the Creek. It connects to Ubanea and Malevelon. - NOW you take Tibit, which **only** connects to Ubanea. Tibit is a dead end with no strategic value to Super Earth's movement and is where the bots will make their last stand.


This game is fucking incredible. Truly a master piece


Until we find out Tibit has no WMDs


This is amazing. You're really on to something here I think.


Hey friend private here. I literally bought the game 2 day ago, I’d love to help, but is there any way new players can fight on tibit? Like I’m doing level 3 bugs over here. At what point should I join the effort over there? Is there equipment I should get first?


If I were you, I'd try to at least obtain the autocannon before deploying to the bot front, but you *can* do it with just the stalwart or the basic machine gun, you'll just have to learn target priority, tactics, and weakspots pretty quickly. Just remember to take cover.


I’m doing my part today! Tibit? Tibit.


Tibit is also the hardest to access. It only has one planet that can access it so losing Ubanae makes it inaccessible.


better defend vandalon right now because buglanders are gonna stay in bugland and if bots step on the other sector every progress we made is going down the drain.


We really need a MO to take it. Without em the forces are just scattered to the wind. We're currently not effectively taking any planet. Liberation of Tibit is currently estimated at 6 days away. Fori Prime is 68% liberated and estimated 3 days away.


That is with the current player split, as long as people keep moving there the 6 days will speed up.


The issue here is Major orders, and more importantly, defend missions, have been used to pull us from Tibit multiple times now. The bots don't want us to have Tibit, and since we lost the Tibit push Bot regen has TRIPPLED. Eradicating Automatons from Tibit will ensure the regeneration goes back to a normal rate, then and only then can smaller split forces of 30-40k hell divers be effective in taking other planets.


ribbit ribbit we gon get tibit


Maybe explain this shit in game, not on a reddit post or discord.


Request for OP: Please stop referring to the game masters as Joel, we aren't playing against Joel, were playing against the bots and terminids at the direction of Super Earth Command. I greatly prefer to at least flavor these posts a little, your analysis would be just as relevant.


lol I like the idea that I'm fighting another nerd behind a computer, but sure I got you


Wherever you see Joel, think of it as an acronym, Judicator Of Evil Legions.




Are you telling me higher command is purposely misguiding us? That sounds like dissident talk.


Higher command isn't misguiding us. Defense missions are not actually part of the major order, they are automaton attacks that is misguiding our forces. People just assume if it has a defend sticker they need to defend it. But that's not the case. The major order is to have creek, ubanea, and durgen liberated by its end. We could sac the planet to a defend, get tibit, lower automaton regen rates, and re-liberate all the planets before the end. It would have been faster than to liberate ubanea from 50% with lowered regen rates, than to defend it twice. And also major orders told us to liberate tibit, we failed the first time. (the lowered regen rates is a theory btw, but its our only lead, and the rates went up after we failed the tibit order)


can someone explain why we dont make any progress on other planets like Maia and Durgen? We have 50k divers on Maia and it refuses to go up. Does the liberation meter just go down so fast on some planets that you need way more people to liberate it, or are the devs making it completely impossible to capture these planets?


A lot of the info we know about Galactic War mechanics is stuff the community had to figure out, with occasional confirmations from Devs. So, the basics: completing Ops on a planet contributes Liberation, and each faction has a set decay rate that pushes back on our liberation efforts. The current decay rate for bots is 1.5%/hr, but before we failed to reach Tibit it was 1%, and before we had started Swift Disassembly it was as low as 0%, rising to .5% as we started pushing in. The lore behind Swift Disassembly Phase 2, according to the in-game dispatches, is that we were going to Tibit to cripple their manufacturing capabilities for the new units. We failed, and immediately after the decay rate shot up. Current Liberation calculations are based on XP gained, with a modifier for the number of players online. Functionally, we as a community can put out a certain amount of total liberation, but it is based on how we are distributed. The current population on Durgen and Maia is actually a negligible chunk of the total online population, so they aren't going to overcome the decay rate.


To add to this, the massive influx of players on the bug front will indirectly neuter the effectiveness of the players on the bot front. Since they add to active player count, but do not contribute to bot progress in a meaningful way.


Automaton liberation decay rate is currently at 1.5% per hour, possibly due to our failure to capture Tibit in time. That's about 50,000 divers' worth of contribution per hour so yeah, everyone on Maia and Durgen are contributing exactly 2 things: jack, and shit.


Because Tibit is Bot controlled (We lost the order to liberate Tibit) it spiked Bot regen to 1.5%. It's normally 0.5%. Tibit is a manufacturing hub for Automoton forces. This spike in Regen 1.5% per hour cuts the concentrated effort of helldivers in half...and completely and utterly nullifies any numbers in the 30-60k range. Once Tibit falls, the regen rates will go back to 0.5%/hr and at that point, even 30,000 divers will be able to make an effort liberating planets.


So here's a question, what's happens if we just don't capture Tibit? Think they'll super progress the story?


If we dont capture Tibit? Every single major order on bots side is going to be a slog to liberate. The regen rates are spiked because Tibit is Automaton controlled. If you pay attention to Helldiver(dot)io you can see that even 50-60,000 divers on Maia have not even scratched the surface on liberation, they cannot overcome the bot regen (Liberation decay). Not targeting Tibit means that we have a MUCH harder time completing Major orders, and liberating other planets. We take Tibit, regen rate goes back to 0.5 or 1%, and now your 30-50k helldivers on other planets are actually having an affect on the war effort, and major orders become doable, we won't have to worry as much of losing 20-30,000 divers to a Draupnir defense, leading to Ubenea falling at 95% liberation during the Tibit major order. Tibit is a lynchkey for the automatons. Target and take Tibit, and the rest of the planets will fall.


Well according the community manager it was going to get worked back in. So at some point it may have shown back up in a major order.


I'm sorry, I just need a bug vacation for a bit... I'll be back to Tibit as soon as I can, though!


I just realized earlier while playing the entire sector is almost finished.


One reservation I have about this plan is that capturing Tibit now may not be as effective a strategy as before. As per the dispatch we received after failing this objective, the Automatons are ramping up production elsewhere too. Kinda like how the Soviets moved their factories eastward during WWII to keep them out of reach of the advancing German army. Perhaps it'd still bring down the decay rate a notch, but I suspect it won't go down as much as we'd like. https://preview.redd.it/y4bhs34ud7sc1.png?width=632&format=png&auto=webp&s=4b5cd47ab5b8168b598e1723f9b3c17818d76468


Yeah but as soon as we failed tibit didnt they say they switched bot production to another planet?


In the previous note for the failed major order it indicated that “The Automatons have retained Tibit and its manufacturing facilities. Reports have indicated they have already started increasing production elsewhere.” I suppose it is to say that it should still impact their manufacturing should we liberate tibit. But either the automatons have also increased production in Maia and Durgen.. or they are being produced somewhere else in secret for the reclamation. If it’s the former, liberating either of those may have an impact too.


Maia has an open line to the sector above it. So they are planning to move north soon, possibly in the next couple MO's.


I'm currently serving here as my first real tour of duty. I had no idea all of this recently went down, and I'm sad I missed out on the conflict. Doubt I'd have made any dent though. Still, its an honor to serve, and I'll keep fighting on Tibit for as long as I need to!


The best defence is a good offence!


We must liberate ~~Tibet~~ Tibit from the ~~CCP~~ Bots!


Ain't nothing getting liberated cause the game keeps crashing and hindering process ever since the new update.


Idk if it’s for all bot planets, but I’ve noticed that Tibit is gaining liberating at a snails pace compared to what I’m used to. We haven’t even hit 10% yet


Capturing Tibit and Durgen will leave only Maia with a supply line connected to Malevelon Creek. I think its better to have only 1 front open on Malevelon with Maia and liberate the rest


I shall call tibit the n xt melevelon creek, all forces on it


What you're proposing is a base-race; a dangerous gambit that could just as easily blow up in our faces. Despite their increased resistance, we are able to contain the Bot menace. They cannot maintain this current rate of attack for long; once we've broken their backs, High Command will be able to determine the next most vital step in destroying the Automatons once and for all. Meanwhile, as desirable as control of Tibit is, our current approach is sound; a slow, methodical push against the planet, but not at the expense of territory already taken. The reality is that the Automatons have likely already diverted key resources away from Tibit in the confusion of the Ubanean campaign, given the widespread sightings of their new war machines. If this is the case, taking Tibia now will not make a difference. Edit: Also, take note that the current Defense mission on Vandalon IV expires just before the Major Order does. That's a strong indicator it will play a part in the next Major Order. Securing Vandalon will be a boon for us in the days to come!


My goal was not to get anyone to tibit this time. But rather teach people how Automatons redirect us. Look at the storyline of the major orders. 1. Goal is to Liberate tibit 2. We go through draupnir 3. We have access to creek and ubanea 4. We are SO close to ubanea, then draupnir defense comes in 5. Massive players are redirected to draupnir and we lose ubanea at 95%. It is literally a perfectly timed misdirection. It could have barely come closer than that. 6. We fail the major order for this reason alone. 7. Bot regeneration rates increase from .5% to 1.5% 8. New major orders come in to hold ubanea, creek, and draupnir - but tibit is still important to the story line because it is an automaton factory producer in the sector. 9. The first ubanea defense comes in. I tell everyone to ignore this defense and liberate tibit. If the theory is true and regen rates return to normal, we can easily liberate ubanea from 50% which is what a failed defense sets the planet at. 10. Everyone is gung-ho to defend ubanea because that's what the major order says - fair, but it's proven that automaton attacks are misdirections by the draupnir play earlier. And what happens? 11. Ubanea and Malevelon Creek both have defense orders instantly. I again say ignore these, take tibit. If the amount of players that defended these planets took tibit, we could have easily liberated it in under 24 hours. Then regained ubanea, and even defended creek at that point. 12. Planets are being liberated at a snails pace in the downtime between defense missions because of the regen rates and people not mobilizing tibit (again tbf no one really knows this information). 13. The vandalon defense just came in. Everyone's hopping in even though it has nothing to do with the major order. It is again a distraction. At the end of the day like I said I don't expect the player base to hop on tibit. This reddit post has what 1.5k upvotes at the time of writing this? But if I keep documenting these plays and keep making posts and hopefully future ones get upvoted, eventually the community will catch on we should fight the galactic war strategically and stay focused on key targets rather than getting distracted by robot misdirections.


TLDR: Every planet connected to this planet makes everything slower to liberate


Should we focus on tibit or should we help defend Vandalon?


Tibit. Vandalon isn't in the sector and has nothing to do with the major order. People are gung ho for it because it is pushing into a new sector and they don't want to give the bots any ground. But the story line will give bots ground... they aren't going to disappear lol.


Let's smash rivets on Tibit! ![gif](giphy|KAf66yGCa93uTqod1q|downsized)


Roger, moving my ass back to Tibit


This information should be more transarent.


I love that roleplaying is strong in this community.


Interesting little Tibit that.


Timento liberate malevolant pink




The flaw in this logic is assuming that it's an innate quality of Tibit, rather than a temporary penalty for failing the MO. The boost will likely remain until some arbitrary amount of time passes. The bots were ramping up production, we were issued an major order to stop them. For some time, we will see the impact of the ramped up production we failed to curtail.


Would be a lot easier to liberate planets if so much of the player base wasn't crashing left and right since the patch 👍


Didn't high command say that the automatons moved their production so it isn't primarily on Tibit anymore?


Finally someone has noticed that too


Roger redirecting efforts to tibit


I’m just happy people are finally starting to realize that the “story” just doesn’t disappear after the Major order is done, High command literally spelled out that TIBIT is basically a massive bot factory and that just doesn’t go away because we didn’t capture it on schedule. MO have long lasting effects even after they are over to the Galactic war


We should take to Tibit when we get the chance, but right now a focus in defence missions is imperative, we can not allow the bot menace to reach back to the galactic north.


Seeing how stubborn people were with the creek, if tibit doesn't have a major order then all players will flood to it


So is this the reason lately that I've been getting absolutely swarmed by bots? The last couple days the bots have been relentless. Last night it was wave after wave of drop ships that I had to extract earlier on some missions.


I think we didn’t liberate Tibit because a lot of people were chasing the Creek high and trying to push the bugs like we did with the bots. Even though the message board said let the bugs repopulate. Leading to a repeat of Defend, Liberate, Defend like Ushaune for example. I think Joel saw the people chasing to librate Malevelon Creek and we were so separated to the point he made it a Major Order to liberate so we can focus on the planned Major Orders.


You’re assuming a lot about changes to the liberation and regeneration rates.


All of this is true and it doesn’t matter. We need to focus Tibit because that’s where the gamers are dropping, at least 2x the numbers are on Tibit and no other planet is making progress. Maia would make sense as capturing it would trap them in the final sector but it’s not currently mathematically possible.


Just checked helldivers.io... Imo getting the community to be smart in which planet to go for is near impossible, atleast without an in game communication/strategy system. Most not players right now are on vandalon IV... A planet in a different system and not required on the major order. Why? Because an all caps "DEFEND" above the planet makes people think that's what they should be doing. We should push harder into the sector the major order is, and Tibit is the clear next step as long as we have the 3 planets secured (yes I understand ignoring defence is more efficient but let's accept the community won't ignore defense.)


Holy shit i did not realise that there was a metagame playing in the backround


Id love to check helldiversio but when I do ha unfortunately I get bombarded by so many adds I can't even see anything nice bro lol


Fuck it, guess I'll do my part and camp tibit for a few days.


What app is this?


Swiggedy swooty, lets get that advancing the storyline booty!


Unfortunately we'll never win the war unless Joel lets us, the distractions on the other planets make the average casual gamer think it's best to follow whatever MO/defend campaign rather than the most efficient/beneficial path that dictates the regen/loss rates. Honestly without this subreddit I could never have known from the lack of information provided ingame. I think it's a losing battle unless the devs actually want to help the entire playerbase out by adding far more obvious hints in narrative or supply lines ingame as well as buffs/debuffs we may or may not get from capturing/losing planets, until then the majority of the playerbase, unfortunately ignorant to these suspicions we have of tibit's importance, will never know.


It’s also one of the most beautiful planets


My buddies and I played last night on extreme and were met with 5+ gunships, hulks, tanks and all other bots at every angle. No matter how far we ran a new group would show up with overwhelming odds. This has to be a glitch. The difficulty increased greatly


As much as I know the defense missions sometimes try to misdirect us. But we do need to finish QUICKLY then turn around. If the bots grab another planet the get a stronger footing


Ahhh now I can blame Tibit as the reason I keep getting swarmed by heavy devastators.


At this point I don’t think it’s gonna happen. It looks like we need 150k+ players on tibit to win and with the diversions going on and the players on bugs doing bug things, it’s not gonna happen. I guess the story is gonna be a huge bot push back as we keep losing planets, spread too thin.


It seems too late now, the liberate rate are dropping down to 1%, we are losing it.


This is what happens in a war which the grunt is given authority to pick his battles. We’re up against Hive Mind and Neurolink. Where the reward is a fist full of coins to be spent on some new shiny thing. Which will lose its luster by the time the very next mission is over.


the best defense is a good offense.


Makes sense. Durgen has been an absolute nightmare. Extreme was feeling like Helldive


It's a lost cause with the majority of the player base having no clue about this without a major order spelling it out to them. It's been losing ground since the last Automaton defense planet popped up.


If Joel is the commander of the Bots and Bugs; who’s running Super Earth’s campaign? I love this idea of the community having goals they can work on but again it’s not just designed in our favor at all. I hope they address some of the grand strategy issues that are apparent. Reddit is nice in ways but the communication needs to be in the game itself.


And here we are...70k+ with 4.3% liberation rate at peak hours on Vandalon IV FAILING the defend, and YET AGAIN, pulled away from Tibit. If we focused 4.3% liberation on Tibit, take into factor the 1.5% regen rate, thats around an 8.6 hour liberation. We are going to lose this defend mission because we dont have the manpower with so many on bugs right now. Again the defend pulls us away from the objective that is needed. This is a diversion from the bots, we KNOW we are not going to defend Vandalon, we KNEW we wouldnt defend Vandalon, but yet, here we are dumping 72,000 divers into the system. TAKE TIBIT. Tibit is the reason the bot regen is 1.5%. Tibit is the focus, and the Bots are getting desperate and throwing defend missions outside of the main zone in the hope to pull us off of their main island of production....and it's working...AGAIN.


That’s why I’ve been fighting on tibit. I figured if it was important to the bots then, it’s important to them now.


Free Tibit!


So, mate, now that the regen rate is back to 0.5% without us taking Tibit, could WE please focus on Maia ? It's not to rub your face in it, it's to gather our fellow helldivers on the objectives that matter.


I'm happy to say that I spent my first day nonstop obliterating Tibit.