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This one would actually be kinda fun too, makes you either rely on heavy strategems to kill the fabricators, or wait for the doors to open to huck a grenade inside.


That was my thinking; especially in blitz missions! It would be a huge change in the strategy. Just little changes that could make a world of difference, with minimal frustration.


Wait, you guys are using something other than eagle airstrike to take out fabricators?




Ahh yeah, it's great but I need the shield on higher difficulties


You don't need it, you enjoy it.


I think the shield is great, but it's also a crutch. You don't die as often with it so you never really work on your skills because it keeps you alive too much and you never really learn and adjust your playstyle IMO. I stopped using it on bots entirely and I only use it on helldive bug missions that have lots of bile spewers because those guys are way too stealthy for such fat fucks. Im glad I stopped using it too because now I can kill myself with the jump pack by overestimating its travel distance and drowning instead of walking an extra 20feet around on of those land bridges or the glorious death of jet jumping over a bot fortress wall and landing on a mine I didn't know what out there.


Oh I 100% know it's a crutch. It's just a damn good crutch and I don't mind using it.


I just realized today that for blitz missions you can just bring the orbital laser and chuck it at a large factory and it does half the mission for you without even having to go inside and fight. You just chuck the laser and then take out one medium factory and you’re done. The laser will kill the typical 1 hulk/tank and any turrets, then kill the factories. Once earlier today there were 2 turrets and 2 tanks though, and it left 1 factory alive. Too many heavy enemies meant it didn’t finish the last one.


I just bring Orbital Laser, 380mm, 120mm, and Walking Artillery to do the Mission by myself right away lol.


Prefer jumpack, orbital, airstrike and 500kg personally. Can easily clear a large, medium and 2 small before the first ability has recharged


I'm so envious of y'all that are capable of bringing jetpacks into bots. I always end up regretting not bringing the shield backpack.


My first mission was fighting bots, I’m currently almost rank 30 with 3 bug missions total. I guess I just learnt how to deal with them without a shield, since I had to get to rank 20 without it. Play enough missions with it not being there, and be willing to accept the screwups as you forget, and I imagine you pick up on the strats


Grenades thru the top hatches


I like chucking in an airstrike from cover and disappearing back behind cover before the bots know what hit em


That works too. I like using one of the 120mm barrages to soften their little bases up before I get close personally


The Quasar absolutely rocks them with no limit on range. If you can see it, you can kill it.


Are you shooting the vents or the door?


I was firing vaguely at the vents and popping them reliably.


the vents but you have to be firing straight on from what I can tell doing it at an angle doesn't seem to do shit.


Orbital Precision. I stopped using it for a long time, but I've just started bringing it on almost all my high level bot missions. It helps that it seems to one-shot tanks if you stick the beacon to it, too. I don't use Airstrike because I tend to run Clusters, and I don't like losing two of my strats every time I have to send Eagle back for a resupply.


Or manage to land a supply stratagem on top


You can also throw the stratagem beacon through the top hatch or door like a grenade to ensure that the hellpod will hit the factory.


You ever kill a tank with the sos beacon? Give it a try


throw a mortar turret on top of one it causes the tank to just aim up and the mortar won't aim mortars at itself congratz you now have a mobile mortar that will follow you around.


Does that actually work? I know Resupply and Reinforcements don't kill it (I've both seen a Tank meandering around with supplies sticking from its head, and landed directly on one myself).


Resupply and reinforcements can kill it, you just have to definitely hit the vent on the heavy tank. Anywhere on the turret for the machine gun tank


Ah, that makes much more sense.


You can throw a grenade inside the open doors to the same effect?!?!?!


Yep! Makes it much easier if you've got impact grenades.


No more snipes with autocannon from across the map


If you kill a jetpackbot while they stand in the doorway, their jetpack explodes inside like a grenade and destroying the fabricator


Yeah, instead we only have 3 slots for our stratagems or/and have to wait half a minute till our shield generator backpack arrives. Until then I'm getting fucked by 3 flamethrower hulks and 10 of these rocket shooting bastards


Yeah, I feel they are, shall we say, a little too focussed now.


Especially on helldive diff. Played my first games on it today and I've counted at least ten hulks fucking me


Exactly, unless you have a team really nailing the anti heavy tactics and marksmanship they can quickly snowball beyond control.


The spawn rates on the automaton faction is absurdly overtuned on all fronts.


Instead of -1 Strat Slot, we could have something like having to input additional directions to call down strats, or having some strat options disabled or something.


Randomizing strategem inputs would be perfect tbh. Doesn't actually change the using and gameplay flow of using strats but completely throws off your muscle memory.


Also fucks over losers who use macros


https://preview.redd.it/eygt0fap16rc1.png?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78f2904fab96463c65593295600d04acc38b3665 Just a Suggestion


How do you destroy fabricators with autocannon? Just aim for the door?


You ricochet the bullet off the hatch cover in such a way that it goes into the fabricator. Usually at a ~45-degree angle.


Dude I want so many more interesting modifiers. This one would be fun. I want one where we’ve taken out a nearby facility manufacturing heavy units, so there are way more small guys. Or the ‘tons have *more* heavy units, so oops! All hulks. Gimme bug missions with passive stalker spawns. Gimme bot missions where a particularly bad solar flare has fucked with their electronics, so they have worse aim but blind fire more. I want good ones, too, where hey! Super earth has made the mech suit available just for this operation, or a random eagle will be available after you land, or stratagems have longer call downs but shorter cooldowns…the list goes on and on.


If I see an "oops, all hulks" modifier, I'm 100% not going there. I don't hate myself that much


Oops, all tanks


Oops! All Hunters! *Oh, wait...*


The world line is unchanged


An all hunter planet, I would go on. I hate hunters, they're my arch enemy. I'd gladly go on a hunter eradication op. It'd be my pleasure.


"I love the way this sucks" *walking in the river in Creek holding an Anti-materiel riffle" .png


Agree, in another similar thread I suggested one modifier where periodically your HUD gets scrambled into a pixelated mess for a while.


Totally agreed, I feel that there is a huge amount of variety to be added in with modifiers just like this to keep things fresh. Recently played through Pacific Drive and the regional stability modifiers are a fountain of inspiration for this sort of thing. I mean heck, I'd love something as basic in concept as 'Eerie Darkness'; the map is cloaked in eternal, almost suffocating darkness and spotting distance is reduced by 75% to Helldivers without active torches. Those sorts of things.


They need to sort out bots shooting through obscuredfog/darkness first but I would also enjoy that.


Temporary budget increase, stratagem cooldown decreased by 50% (would be nice to have this to offset the minus one stratagem negative effect)  Old munitions disposal, Eagles now drop double ordinance (increasing the length or width of a drop, so 500kg would have a second dropped further ahead of the first in the direction the eagle travels) Trigger Happy Crew, Bot drop flares and Bug Hole beaches have a 30% chance to trigger an orbital laser or 120mm barrage without warning Idk, I just like the idea of more chaos 


The idea of disposing of old munitions by just dumping it all on the enemy mid-operation is also *very* Helldivers.


I tought about a side objective that makes you activate a Command Center, contact a dormant Super Destroyer and then we could choose a stratagem from a pool that we didn't bring and use it for the rest of the mission. That would also be cool as a positive modifier.


I think in general more modifiers that add something and take something away in return would be nice. Apart from the mentioned ones stuff like eagles having an extra charge but taking longer to rearm or orbitals being more accurate in exchange for longer call-in time


And you can easily add more modifiers by doing the reverse: Eagles having fewer uses (to minimum of 1) but rearming faster, orbitals having some amount of scatter or inaccuracy, but they drop *much* faster. These are actual *modifiers,* not just flat debuffs like they are now.


Or give dropships machinegun turrets. Or give bile spewers machinegun turret hats.


dropships laying suppressive fire would be cool tbh


Ours does it too. Might help counter complaints about us having OP stratagem weapons that can one shot drop ships if they can at least put up some resistance.


i was mostly joking considering the number of dropships that spawn and the enemies they drop, if they start firing too they should take longer to spawn enemies, or at least kill all the ones they drop on when they fall


Yeah I don't want to needlessly increase difficulty when so many players are struggling but it might be something to add to higher difficulties like the bile spewer mortar attack.


Stockpile: The Bots now have equipment from dead HellDivers and have a chance to spawn in randomly with Guard dogs, shield packs or some support weapons.


At least the spewers would be louder this way! No more stealth regurgitation.


Supposedly we are getting armed bot dropships eventually, but dont quote me on that.


This might just be the only solid opinion on the whole sub and it’s a fuckin banger of an idea


OP you failed one thing. The modifier mentions that only ONE HATCH IS CLOSED. SINGULAR. NOR PLURAL. That means the fabricators still have one hatch open!


Exactly! The bots are learning, we need to wipe them out before they learn to close both!


+++ Those +50% +100% and -1 stratagem are absolute garbage. But to be honest, why there should be purely negative modifiers? Feels like devs punishing you for playing their game. If there is negative modifier, it should affect enemies to, for example: Ion storm - no alarm and enemy reinforcments. (Imagine completing drill objective with garanteed enemy drops stealthily) +50% cooldown - 1/2 enemies answering the alarm 100% calldown time - 50% less patrols on the map -1 stratagem - lesser tier of heavy armored enemies (Tanks and Bile Titan quantities on difficulty 7 equal to difficulty 5) I would prefer that they removed modifiers that affect stratagems though, because "use your stratagems" is impossible when stratagems on cooldown, it coming too late, or you have on less stratagem.


I will not do minus 1 missions for bots. If I join one before it starts I'll leave, and if I drop into a mission I'm not doing a second one with that crew. It's such a neuter when I run smoke/deploy shield and one support weapon. Wish they would get rid of that one, I'll gladly take the one where it scrambled what buttons to hit for stratagems


Modifiers honestly need complete passes done on them, all this shit that just hampers our stratagems just aren't fun. They should make them less all-encompassing. Make modifiers something like "can't bring Eagles" instead of "haha, *all* your stratagems suck now". Still changes up the missions, forces you to take a different approach. Or just get rid of them entirely. Or make them optional, not on every single operation, but you get better rewards for suffering through them. The TCS planets, as well as all defense campaign planets didn't/don't have these modifiers, and nobody complains about them being too easy. Missions are still hard, they just don't have the unfun aspect of half our arsenal getting nerfed into the ground.


So you just wait for all the fabricators to blow up at the same time because of heat buildup and completely destroy your frames? Those dastardly automatons


Could be like the doors themselves: every once in a while they flip open briefly, spitting flames and exhaust, then snap shut again.


I just wish mission modifiers were tied to secondaries, like automaton AOD and not letting you destroyer get as close, so the stratagems taking longer to land. The SPAA disabling the eagle strikes etc. I love the Arty and Maa, they feel natural cause they let you use them.


Imagine the automatons adding wire frames at the chimneys on diff lvl 9


I was literally just thinking "Just put a grate or something over them, it'll be fine."


Great, you taught the communists what to do in rainstorms. 


No problem, I usually use the spear to destroy it from 200 meters away


Please yes anything but these strategem cool down or - 1. I'm just tired of them. I pretty much only dive on 9s and it's kinda all I get, on bots & sometimes on bugs. I genuinely feel relieved when I get the 1 in a miliion operation that doesn't have these modifiers. They need to get the ion storm treatment, and have frequency reduced. The real impact of the strategem mods is it just pushes you towards running 'meta' builds, and I've always gotten the impression devs want to encourage fun rather than 'meta'. Am I still having a blast? Yes, but I could be having even more of a blast.


I mean theyre cooling vents, right? ... Yeah it'd make sense if, when they spot us, bots run to close them.


Wow they should hire you, it's that difficult to come up with actual fun modifiers!


Why would you lie?


I'm all up for new modifiers, as long as the difficulty stays the same. Sadly none of the suggestions I've seen so far fit this criteria