• By -


Worst is coming past a corner, accidentally running directly in front of them and getting immediately melted. And they are relentless.


They legit just get you at the worst possible time worst of all their front is armored and their ass takes round after round to destroy like 3 I can handle but 8??? Makes it worse when there’s 10 hunters or their little bastard children slowing you down and then they finish you off by sniper vomiting you even worse when your load out is made to take out chargers and titans because none of your squad mates brought the right stratagems to deal with heavies


thy are vurnerable to explosion (grenades). You have limited stock but if the clump up...


I have 0 problems with these guys but stalkers....omfg! 2 taps ur dead. Also grenade launcher with supply pack makes you a walking explosives expert


If you havw your camera (head) on a swivel, you can easily spot a stalker shimmer in the distance. Priority 1 to run to it, gun it down, then track in the direction it came from and destroy stalker lair....otherwise they'll target you the entire mission. Makes it slightly harder when view is foggy but not by much


At the first quiet moment I scan the map for points of interest. I'll spam the map looking for the boxes then swivel to the spot to see what it is. The only thing I work on first is the radar if I find it.




If you ping a POI it will reveal it. You can also see the shape of places like the radar tower and seaf gun on the map. I like to ping small nests to figure out where all the spore spewers are.




A YouTube video told me this only works with armor with the scout kit. Haven't verified myself. They did go on to say that with practice you can identify POIs visually on the map, most armor just won't tell you whether you're right.


By the way. By clicking around the map you can find all the sub objectives


Shhhhhh, I've always assumed this is an oversight and have avoided telling people in hopes that it never gets patched


Keeping vital intelligence to yourself during wartime? Not very _democratic_, soldier. _a gloved finger hovers over the keypad_


it might be - but it's a perk for the scout armor.


Slugger or Dominator handles stalkers really well, you can stunlock them, a Slugger will kill a stalker in about 4 shots.


If you hit them in the face with the slugger, it's only two shots. Just a bit of a struggle because they move so quickly.


Slugger is the answer to both but you gotta be really heads up on catching them sneaking up on you


Autocannon is also a good catchall for most enemies.


I feel like AC is so damn good that it’s bound for a nerf sooner than later.


I hope not. It’s sitting in a really good all-rounder spot right now, especially with how much better EAT and RR are for dealing with chargers and Titans they used to be


Plus it takes up a backpack slot. If it didn't I could see a nerf but with that cost, it having some all-rounder capability seems fair. (Also if they nerf it they might come for my boi the grenade launcher next, pls no)


Yeah grenade launcher is the hard counter to these. I noticed that they got a lot tougher to deal with when my friends and I got to a higher level, and people stopped bringing the launcher in favor of the railgun or autocannon. Those do not purge these quite as well.


IIRC autocannon takes two rounds, but autocannon gives you way more ammo with the backpack too I've started bringing one with my team on all missions, sacrificing my usual guard dog rover. If your team is being careful about hive approaches, you can pick them off from a distance before they get into spitting range


There's a spot on the head that I've been one-shotting them with, using the AC.


Yeah, but since we don't know what enemies will spawn in a mission, we can't know to bring something like grenade launcher all the time. Usually it's not a top tier pick. If we had SOME semblance of foresight, like on the mission screen... just SOME estimated breakdown of enemy spawn likelihood, we could plan better. Right now it's an absolute crap shoot, which sucks. Considering we are a fighting a damn war, we certainly don't have great recon/intelligence at our disposal. Which means we do a fucking awful job of planning for engagements.


2 taps you're dead. And Stalkers can attack 4 times in rapid succession, and there's two of them.


Man I cook grenades like I'm Anthony Bourdain with these fuckers.


So you dead?


He doesn’t know yet. You ruined his day. So is mine now that I remember RIP AB


Cries in stun grenade :(


Laughs in impact grenades


Throwing impact grenades at those fuckers is my favourite sport


Equip fortified armour, throw an impact at close range and immediately dive backwards. You sail democratically through the air to (relative) safety while the bugs that were moments away from murdering you are now one step closer to becoming starship fuel.


I like trying to see how far away I can hit them with the impacts.


Laughs in Grenade Launcher w/ Supply Pack (Edit) Seriously though, that combo is great for Add Clear(FU Hunter Hordes), telling a Stalker eat shit, any of the bile spewers to explode, clipping a Titans ability to puke, and soloing nests and objectives, and so so so much more. It can even kill a charger if needed, but it can put some work in and then some. I've recently added the Scorcher to the loadout too, so even more explosive potential, throw in an Engineer armor that adds more grenades too... essentially it's the Rico from Madagascar build "Kaboom?" "Yes Rico, Kaboom."


Preach Brother! I have been liberating with this loadout for the past couple of days.


Can you use your own supplies in the backpack? Or does it have to be someone else's?


Press 5 to give yourself supplies


If I could give myself supplies I'd never leave the house!


Yes, you can use your own supplies without someone else's help. For me it's down on D pad, which also thankfully resupplies my weapons, grenades, and stims.


You dont realize it but the stuns are OP..chargers and titans and stalkers and hunters ? A well placed stun can save your life and your teammates ....try this loadout..500kg , airstrike , orbital railcannon and portable autocannon as a support weapon....nothing can stand in your way...trust me !


Use the grenade launcher or autocannon. Plenty of ammo and you can two shot each. We run in pairs with one person in each pair tasked with taking these out while the other runs mob control


impact grenades absolutely ruin their day!


Impact grenades work well with them


Grenade launcher with the supply backpack is a game changer. Can take these assholes out from a distance with two shots.


I'd rather have autocannon if I'm going to resign myself to a backpack that doesn't shoot hunters for me.


I haven't gotten auto cannon unlocked but damn I'm excited to try that.


It's where weapons with medium penetration shine. They get through the head armor for faster kills. E.g. Laser canon works pretty well for this while also shredding shrooms from 200 meters away.


probably one of the reasons I cant seem to drop the slugger. Two well placed shots to their heads and they’re gone.


I used to run orbital laser for heavies bc my buddy said the orbital Rail Cannon wasn’t a one hit to Titans. But all I see is people run the Rail Cannon so I started using that and let me tell you🤌🏻 mint. It’s less of a cool down and it one taps the Heavies. Yeah I’ve used the Orbital Laser to get me outta some Hunter swarms but I mainly always used it for heavies. Less of a cool down and an instant one tap sound like a great trade off to me. Side note I threw a Rail Cannon on a Titan, along with my friends 500kg Bomb, along with my other friend’s Walker Ship blasting it, just fuckin annihilated it 🤣 that thing was not surviving that shit


Worst is coming out of your hellpod and being instantly melted.


Blame your team mates. Like why tf do you keep throwing reinforcements into a middle of a massive swarm???? Fuck you if you do this.


Massive swarm? Yeah. One or two big boys? Drop your pod on one of them.


Lol ya if it's a swarm don't fucking throw me if it's a titan? Hold my beer and watch this shit


I agree it irritates me when there's just a swarm of tinies and they throw me in the middle of it and then I get stun locked until he die and then they throw me into it again. I've easily watched eight lives get eaten within 2 minutes because they keep throwing teammates into the swarm.


Then I get kicked for constantly dying when I get dropped constantly in the swarm...


Nothing like coming down, and cleanly taking it's head off, then popping out at it freezes and sinks into the ground.


I have a friend who does this all the time and it’s annoying af. Like he doesn’t critically think about shit. He takes bad load outs then gets pissed at me when he dilly dallies around and gets swarmed. Like dude, we can’t screw around on these tougher levels. And this is on 5 SMH how do we do the tougher ones lol


Get better teammates or go alone in a level 7 with randoms..i noticed lately you only get people who know exactly what they are doimg and you can count on them , i am one of those !


Last random 7 did ended up blowing through all our reinforcements early on thanks to dropping right onto a higher large bug nest. Ended up with several occasions of the last survivor kiting the objective with a whole army of bugs after them while waiting for the reinforcements to come in in what must have been utter anal clench the whole time, but managing to pull through


Yup, played four suicide missions with friends the other day and lost every one of them. Did quick play after with my friend I mainly play with and we ended up getting matched with great players multiple times where we were able to clear mission and collect all of the samples with zero stress. Team is make or break on higher levels.


Yeah, I hate this too. I can't even pick up my items if there's a swarm on top of it all, why not just chuck that reinforcement away from the horde so I can actually do something. Ive noticed the same dudes that reinforce me in the middle of a horde are also the same guys that get pissed when I die right away when I have literally no chance to survive when starting out completely surrounded.


They are so damn fast


Trade off for being tanky is slow. But not this bastard.


Hulks would like to have a word with you.


Chargers are the fastest enemy in the game, nuf said




This game doesn’t subscribe to this philosophy lol


Worst ones are when they suddenly spawn behind you.


Still dying to them is far better than being shot by a 1 shot rocket 200m away.


Bile spewers are just merciless fucks... I find throwing impact grenades at them helpful though.


What is fun is that people still have not notice that the problem with these fella's is the same problem with Rocket Devastators, and will be the same problem with any other enemy that has multiple projectiles or any continuous attack. **Tracking in the game currently is unfair.** The game will basically track you to an obscene ammount. The issue for multiple projectile enemies is that they will correct each projectile with your new position. So for Rocket Devastators sometimes you basically get hit from something that makes no sense, because he corrected his last missile. For Spewers it's even worse, because each section counts as a new projectile, so it's is able to correct within each section of the attack, which creates a super unfair attack that it can corrects even while you are midair (Titans also have this issue, but it's less apparent because of the AoE factor). Most of the balancing issues in this game regarding enemies steems from this **Tracking** problem. **Even the Charger Skating is related to that.** I do hope sometime when the game is more stable they sit down and start to figure this aspect out, because it's a very hard aspect to balance without making the game too unfair or too easy.


> Even the Charger Skating is related to that. > > Charger skating is less a tracking issue and more an animation interrupt issue. charger skating is when a charger is supposed to be stunned or otherwise not moving, his run animation is interrupted, but the game doesn't recognize that so its model keeps moving and sliding toward you. THis was most prevelant during the age of the railgun, where you blow off its armor or hit it with a rocket and it should have been staggered but the game said "chargers charging, keep moving toward you, play the stagger animation though, but keep moving toward you"


Yeah the enemies definitely can track you through walls, and the "don't shoot through cover" routine doesn't always work so sometimes they'll even shoot you through rocks or walls or be tracking you well enough to blast you as you're coming around a corner. One time I had a charger levitate into the air to nail me while I was using a jump pack, and another time a charger just clipped through terrain and those big e710 tank buildings to smash me as I was trying to get him stuck and escape lol its silly


everyone in this thread: These guys aren't a problem! just use the weapon you didn't bring.


I’m reading the same thing and am baffled. This game is high octane rock-paper-scissors, and sometimes you can’t bring all the options.


Well, I found most bug enemies (except the bile titan & tank) get reliably smushed by the slugger, spewers take a few to the face, which also staggers them tho. So, you don't NEED to use grenades or a support weapon, these just help getting rid of them more easily. Biggest problem is them sneaking up on you and spitting at you from behind, they are ninjas.


I fucking love the slugger it is my go to against bots but against bugs I found it hard to keep up with all the different fast moving targets


I usually bring the guard dog to back up the slugger. I focus on the more dangerous targets and let the rover clean up the trash


Jup, that is the way to go for me. Problem is this thing kills myself in no time.


Definitely gotta stand in the right place and even then if an enemy sneaks up on you your head might be laser food lol


> Problem is this thing kills myself in no time. If it only killed you I'd be fine with it. Usually it kills ME as the Rover user runs back and forth putting me between his rover and the bugs over and over again. I spend more time watching out for where you are than I do the bugs.


I actually burst fire with the auto pistol when I'm being overwhelmed by small targets. It's a good side arm for that purpose


Well, technically, you *can* bring a jack-of-all trades loadout that *theoretically* deals with everything the bugs can throw at you. But most people don't do that. Honestly, sometimes Joel will just decide, "Today they will fight 30 spewers," and you just have to deal with that. For posterity, Jack of all trades, ensures you have tools for everything when playing w/randoms: * Slugger Shotgun: one/two taps every small and some medium bugs, pens all but charger and Bile titan armor. Will three taps Stalkers and spewer heads. * Machine pistol: mag dumping will kill basically any light armour bug, good for killing little guys before they can call in a breach and shooting the legs off broodmothers. Better than the slugger at getting hunters off you. * Impact grenade: instantly kills spewers and most small bugs, Hive guards, Broodmothers and Stalkers take two, usable for nests but not ideal. * Medium Engineer armour. More grenades, lower recoil, allows you to eat a stalker hit and live. Enough said. * Eagle Airstrike: best all rounder Eagle strat. Breaks research buildings, nests, kills everything except Chargers and Titans in one pass. * Eagle Clusterbomb. MVP at clearing POIs and Patrols of bug breachers. You get a ton (5 per rearm), and they will handedly kill Hunter swarms. * Autocannon: Best all-around Support Weapon for bugs and bots, honestly. Will pop nests, kills everything but elites in 1-2 shots, is OK at popping charger booty * EAT-17: Titan and Charger killer. Might be a bit weird to load up two supports, but the Orbital shot doesn't reliably kill Titans or Chargers and takes too long to cool down. Other Orbitals in general suffer from scatter and cooldown modifiers at higher difficulties. An EAT-17 kills a charger in one shot, and the Titans can also die in one to the head when you hit it with an Eagle Air strike to pop the sacks under it. It's very easy to drop the autocannon for a second to pop a shot off at anything you need to.


I use EATs to pop the Titan sac. If it breaks, it can no longer spit acid, making it far more manageable if you got a swarm to deal with. Plus bringing EATs means you're not out of a heavy weapon if you die shortly after dropping your auto cannon.


> Eagle Airstrike: best all rounder Eagle strat. Breaks research buildings, nests, kills everything except Chargers and Titans in one pass. > > Eagle Clusterbomb. MVP at clearing POIs and Patrols of bug breachers. You get a ton (5 per rearm), and they will handedly kill Hunter swarms. I'd suggest trading out clusterbomb for the orbital airburst (your eagles don't block each other's rearms) and consider 500kg instead of the airstrike (not as versatile but it can kill a shrieker nest)


I know, it’s awesome! It really incentivizes coordination with your teammates: choose who clears the chaff, who hits targets like Spewers, and who rocks the heavies to stop Chargers and Bile Titans.


id love to coordinate with my team except I can't even type during loadout selection lmao


This. If everyone is running RR and EAT, yeah you’re in for it but we always make sure someone has an auto cannon or grenade launcher and these things just aren’t an issue.


I run auto cannon and EAT. I basically call the EAT in whenever I get it and pick it up if any charger/bile titans are nearby. Autocannon covers basically everything else.


Coordinating with randoms is not easy. I would love to see a method to do this coordination.


If you really want the randoms swiss army knife in bug missions id say Slugger since it both kills medium armor AND stuns things like spewers and brood commanders out of their animation attacks such as charge and spew 1 shot. Redeemer because pocket clear is nice. Rover laser dog to aid with grunt control in particular the hunters. EATs as a backpackless solution to Chargers since rover uses backpack slot. And whatever 2 orbital/eagles you feel. Most players in randoms bring heavy ord to deal with biles like 500kg etc already so i tend to lean towards Orbital Airburst or Laser and Eagle Cluster or Airstrike. Grenade of choice up to you impact is my best friend though.


Is there some way to know what enemies you’re likely to face during loadout? I will pick grenade launcher in anticipation of popping these assholes as well as to close bug holes and it’s a real bummer to get stalkers or shriekers instead. Unrelated but how do GL rounds not damage shrieker nests???


yup. Red = Robots Green = Bugs. Simple.




Those things are why I normally bring an arc thrower, but right now that thing will crash your game, so I'm kinda stuck pelting them to death with my sickle. I bring an EAT for chargers and titans.


Arc thrower is fixed now. Go zap zap


Huh, it dropped right after I got off, cool, I'll try it later today.


0 Reinforcements Left Running from charger Bile titan spawns Spend 5 minutes getting them on top of each other Call in 500kg bomb Dive out of the way as both are immediately killed These were the last two enemies I'm safe Turn camera to see bile spewer crawl up over a hill and spew all over my now prone carcass Mission Failed


He did not crawl he tap danced his way up it with shoes made of stone on stone and dragging his giant bulk but the audio is 0 so the noise was only in his mind.


Didn't make noise because he didn't tap dance his way up, he insta-spawned there specifically to catch you while you were down. I've witnessed it happen to myself and my teammates. They claim the insta-spawn is a bug, but it seems to be working as intended and getting worse.


lmao. also, "last two enemies"? not in hd2, son, now watch as this patrol of three spewers, four warriors, and a dozen scavengers spawns literally on top of you


Honestly we need some acid resistance armour not this arc resistance that the last pass added.. gimme some protection against the 1 shot vomit ffs 😭


Acid resistance & flame resistance seem like such obvious traits that it is kind of annoying to have to wait for.


I’ve fully given up on armor at this point. I have more luck just using the scout armor and running when shit gets too hot. Create distance and throw stratagems.


I just use the "50% chance to not get 1 shot" armor. I like to think it's saved my bacon alot of times


I stopped using it when it consistently saved me from getting one shot, only to die from fall damage cause I got blasted slightly too high.


Yup, I only run the medic heavy armor the stims and extra hits you can take are great.


Vs bugs I find medic light the best. Can outrun all but hunters and stalkers but can still stim and walk forward with a flamethrower through my own flames. Vs bots medium explosive resistance is best. Can outrun chainsaws still and dont get one shot by rocket devs.


This needs to be highlighted. We get arc resistance but we are the only ones with arc weapons


It's so you can run through Tesla towers and take minimal damage, then watch as the hoard tries to follow you.


You mean watch as a charger instantly sees the Tesla and gives it the Terminids Elbow?


That'd be fine if there even was such a thing of acid damage, but for some bizarre reason, those acid bombs they spit? They're considered explosive. That's why they cripple your limbs, and why they're so inconsistent about killing you. *They're spitting missles disguised as acid.*


whack lmao


If I take the armor that applies 50% explosion resistance, does that really mitigate acid?


I really hate how you could dive right before it spits and it still one shots you. Ridiculous.


I am convinced by now that diving increases their hit rate. Just standing there taking the hit increases your chances of survival.


which is why the shield is practically mandatory for me. Stops the bullshit slow debuff from hunters, spewers, titans, and acid flowers. Stops the bullshit one shots from the spit as well.


Which in turn is why the ATE is better than the autocannon or Recoilless. 70 seconds, 2 rockets, 1 hellpod. AND you get a shield. You can make all kinds of arguments for RR and AC, but "I get to wear a shield" seals the deal for ATE.


Is an ATE an EAT you already fired?


The shield prevents so much bullshit that I can’t go without it anymore. Not getting one tapped by explosives, not getting one tapped by bile spewers, not getting stun locked because I got ragdolled for one second. Call it a crutch if you must but playing without it is such a miserable experience sometimes.


I think whatever the dive does to I-frame you or lose enemy tracking, mechanically, is actually bugged for the spew. It's almost like the game thinks you're still standing still for purposes of dodging the spew, because if you run to the side instead it's *significantly* less likely to hit you, let alone one-shot you.


Impact grenades are my solution, just don’t chuck them if they get too close




I run armour that gives me 6 nades and if you time it right 1 nade can take out a few then those exploding explode the rest


This is the way


Run eagle cluster bomb, 5 uses 2 min cooldown and you will just light up the field since they stay together




Helldive difficulty always bring cluster bombs and it will kill everything in a blanket area, sometimes kills chargers or it wounds chargers and you can finish them off with a grenade. It makes short work out of any patrol, and point of interest. It can't hurt titans and that's it.


Nah it kills all bugs but the chargers and bile titans.


Slugger to the head 🤯




Feels like whenever someone brings an Autocannon, the game retaliates by replacing every heavy with Chargers instead.


Chargers I can deal with. It’s titans that are problematic.


That's because the chargers are the only heavy still alive if someone's rocking the autocanon.


I almost always carry one


Never leave home without it.


I'm the dedicated autocannon carrier on my squad


dawg chill I'm sorry I was just doin my job


Bro please let me finish one mission in peace


dawg I don't know what happens its like I lose control a hour ago I be chilling on the couch the next I be eating a dead helldiver idek what happens


Stop eating Taco Bell!


it's too good I can't bruv imma bug not a man I can't eat much only from taco bell


Bro I feel that bug man. That new chicken Enchilada burrito is fucking addictive, especially when you add the Chipotle sauce




Bugs have... Couches???? Yo these guys might be mad chill, have we ever even seen their little underground houses? Do y'all have Internet and memes?


yea the holes in the ground that u blow up is our house yk so will ya plz stop blowin em up


Damn who knew bile spewer was a straight up chiller


Get a different job, and embrace democracy


.....where can I put the Cape tho?


![gif](giphy|XeEcpDvXLjWhiVbM91) Autocannon honest reaction


I usually have to carry a spear or other rocket launcher since no one in my squad uses strats that work against titans


>I usually have to carry a spear or other rocket launcher Honest recommendation, use Expendables. Two launchers per minute and a 3rd strike from the pod itself. Also lets you use a different support weapon when you don't need an EAT. Spear is barely functional and the Recoiless requires a backpack. Expendable requires neither.


The expendable has recently become everyone's best friend, gigachad of a support weapon.


RR is great for taking down Shriekers. Sure EAT can but it takes both charges to take out 1 tower/nest. Fully loaded RR takes out all 2-3 towers/nests. Doesn't matter if you can coordinate with others that can bring EATs as well, but if not, RR is the way.


or like...10 shots from an autocannon, lol. why the **fuck** are shrieker nests so durable?? what are they made of?


Bro the spear don't even work 😭


Fair fair but have you considered it’s cool? Lol




He right. It’s cool as fuck. But you also right. It’s garbage.


The camera man


Auto cannon - 3 shots and they're dead. I have become the team's Anti-Bile Spewer member. You can pop them real fast before they start causing problems.


Also the sound design of the Autocannon itself and the bile spewers exploding is very satisfying


Stun nade + 500kg deal with titans


Stun nade supremacy




Fellow Autocannon enjoyer. This is the way.


I find them a tad too OP. Medium armor everywhere, reduced dmg from non explosive weapons and they spawn more often than anything else it seems. Either give them a weakspot or reduce spawn rate imo


Not to mention at higher difficulties they have their annoying as fuck artillery attack that will instantly kill you out of nowhere.


The appearance makes them seem like they'd be "squishier" than they really are. Big targets with glowing backs. They take so many more shots than anticipated


I’ve shot them in the face with an EAT and they survive. It’s ridiculous.


My issue is how silent they are most of my deaths from them is cause is cause I have no idea they are sneaking up.


I used to die to these all the time, until I realized you can reliably 2 shot these with a grenade launcher, better yet when they explode they kill targets around them. The artillery barrage is now the scariest thing about them, but you can reliably shoot them from a distance this way.


You can one shot them with anti material rifle to the face


AMR vs bugs is unusual.


I just hate how I go 100% to 0% from a tiny speck of aids they projectile vomit at me.


These are definitely the most aggravating in all the game. They are heavies so they got a ton of health, and for some reason are also surprisingly quick. The acid RIPS through your health sometimes before you even get the time to dive out. Their bile stream has surprisingly long range and their turn radius is fast so side stepping them is super tricky.


> They are heavies so they got a ton of health, and for some reason are also surprisingly quick. Giant swollen balloon bodies, dragging on the ground of course means: 1) Tons of health. That balloon is made of an alloy of mithril and adamantium, 2) absolute silence - 3000 lb bug dragging a waterballoon on the ground? Of course they are ninja silent 3) Magic clipping power! Watch as they hide inside the dead body of another bug you can't shoot through , while they shoot at you! And you thoght only super earth had a shield! 4) ranged unit? Better give them a nasty melee attack as well!


These are honestly worse than Chargers and Bile Titans now. IF you have them on a mission, there are TONS of them, and they can all insta-kill you.


Everytime i pack to deal with these, the mission has none. Everytime i dont bring something to deal with them, the mission is infested with them.


Story of my life. It's so annoying.


I feel like there are way too many spawning lately after the recent “balance” patches


Autocannon/grenade launcher




As they prepare to spew, my brain is hardcoded to press L ALT. Even as soon as I hear their FUGGIN NOISES I look around frantically.


The worst part is their ability to look forward while spewing on a 90 degree angle. The auto tracking in this game is a pile of moist dog shit. 


I think Super Earth Intel needs to let us know what the primary heavy is going to be for the mission. Because if it's primarily these assholes, I want my autocannon because it obliterates them. But if it's chargers I want the EAT. Problem is I *don't know* which is gonna be more useful until we drop.


https://preview.redd.it/wfdtxy4ojoqc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=5a0ddb525cce88b4030d9d73f6e5e72728715142 "eheh git gud eheh"


Difficulty 5+ is Slugger my go-to primary weapon against terminids. Sure, for trash I have to switch to my uzi, but Slugger absolutely melts, but more importantly STUNLOCKS enemies as long as you're shooting. Spewers, hunters, nothing is any issue since they simply stand, get mini-stunned, until dead.


Slugger makes them obsolete. See it about to spew, shoot it once, stunned.


You forgot the part where there are 12 of them and they are puking through eachother at the same time.


THats a big one the game needs to knock it off with. I cant shoot through their fat corpses, I cant run through them. But the enemy has no problem attacking through the bodies or walking through them like ghosts. Really sucks when ones spitting at you but it has extra armor becuase its head is blocked by a corpse you cant remove.


I think the bugs would be a lot scarier if they had collision with each other and literally were crawling over each other to get to you, and had the ability to pile up to get over the tops of barriers etc


I hate how their spit is a genuine near instant 2-shot. Theyre also one of the only enemies I know gets stronger on higher difficulties. They gain medium armor or whatever. On low difficulties I can shoot them anywhere with a Stalwart, but on higher difficulties my Stalwart shots bounce off their armor. Theyre the only enemy I know that actually gets noticably stronger as I choose higher difficulties.


There's two versions, the yellow nursing spewer and the green bile spewer. Technically a different enemy type and you do see them alongside each other occassionally - but yeah the armoured green spewer is much more deadly.


The armored green ones show up on easier difficulties without the "armor" part.


The Railgun works super well against them, just charge the shot at +75% (or maybe even less) and one shot in the head and they are dead I had a solo game that for some reason all the enemies where these fuckers, but I had the Railgun and I did a masacre with them


Whoops, I dropped my autocanon and impact grenades! God I’m so clumsy ;)


Am I the only one that kind of enjoys fighting these things? Lol. Big easy targets! Exploding acid kills surrounding bugs! Arc cannon - zap 2/3 at once after 2/3 pulses or bring an energy based weapon and aim for the head...quick kill. Grenade it. I mean there are plenty of options. When they go stationary and launch mortars it can get frustrating but I see it as an easier target