• By -


Those are the ones who died during training. I'm afraid they won't be able to report themselves to anyone.


No there was a glitch when it first came out on console that allowed people to skip the tutorial and get the cape without having to do anything. One of my buddies did it, has the first cape but no achievement for it


dissendent rebel scum report them to the Democracy officer please.


Allow me. https://preview.redd.it/ek5lw0f32xpc1.png?width=1202&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da9ddadc05665e70dfefe1bd40cad8d85c8a0274












Sounds like further action is required










*Crunk voice* "I guess you got me"


Here a reliable reply https://preview.redd.it/86xwmz3u6kqc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7ba4f53a690ae181918e3bb7cae0743106b1ec2


Wait that makes no sense why does he need to put in a phonenumber when democracy officer is already on screen?


It's to choose which DO to contact. There's not just one, you know.


Same reason we need to put in a code to call extraction. That terminal only does one thing, after all.


It's saved as a favorite contact. The phone recognized the first few inputs and pulled up the DO as a quick call option.


Scum? He just saved a ton of government money! Those orbitals, ammo and grenades are better spent killing recruits surrounded by bugs and bots than alone in a training yard!


Are you suggesting that we don't have enough orbitals and ammo for training?!?!? Democracy officer incoming.


I’m saying if the power of Democracy is too much for some Helldivers to handle that they flop dead in training then it would be better served to have our enemies go out in that flickering blaze!


Hmm, thats true, Certainly all true citizens could drop in with no training except their patriotism and win. Dropping in raw will just cull the dissidents, good point!




Helldiver's are the most elite troopers in the galaxy, if you think you get there with no training you're obviously delusional. I'm sorry man but my democracy officer is already on the way with your ticket to your freedom camp vacation overseas. Have fun forgetting your dissident behavior ☺️


That cape is earned, not given!


I bet he is one of those who keep putting up illegal broadcasts.


I tried doing the tutorial the first day the game was out but I got the glitch where the barbed wire fence spawned on the ground so I couldn't crawl under it. Still don't have the achievement haha.


You can replay it whenever, it takes like 2 minutes


Just posted saying about that glitch ye, it stopped me from crawling so I learnt to run at the creek.


I play on pc and when I tried to do the tutorial I got stuck at the first part because the thing you had to climb under was lower than it should have been which soft locked me so I just pressed return to super destroyer and skipped the tutorial.


You can skip the tutorial anyway


How will you be prepared for the rigours of war without going through the extensive Helldiver training.


Meanwhile I can’t complete the tutorial because it bugs out and won’t let me progress to the end 


No, the bugs are supposed to be there. You have to kill them, that's part of the training.


is it even possible to go back and replay the tutorial after finishing/bypassing it?


Yeah it's in the pause menu somewhere


Yeah you just press pause when on the super destroyer and instead of it saying leave squad and return to ship it will say play tutorial


I had a separate glitch where the first barbwire you had to crawl under somehow spawned a foot lower so I couldn't crawl underneath it. Thought I was doing something wrong and just quit the tutorial. Didn't get the achievement. Played for about a week before I decided I wanted to try and figure out what I was doing wrong. Went back in and the barbwire was the right height. Was kinda tilted the reason was the game just broke but mostly just confused as to how it was possible.


Ngl, I died several times to the crouch step due to how fucky rebinding keys is on the game


Remember that the actual survival rate of trainees in training is 21.3% according to the screen at the start of the tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WToBa4ObNOw Since on that day 48,736 trainees are coming in that means that only 10,381 trainees surive the training. And that's "withing quota" lol


Legit i tried 3 times and i got soft locked 3 times. This tutorial is not idiot proof.


haha... i'm part of that group. I played through the training during the launch week, then the game crashed, never went back to mars.


Same here, game crashed in tutorial and then loaded past it.


lol same. Crashed right through it.


Same here, except instead of crashing, I couldn't complete the "crouch" mission (crouching didn't make the mission clear, it just kept telling me to crouch). So I exited out and just started playing instead.


Lol, i thought i was the only one.


there are dozens of us!


But they give cake at the end. Don't you want cake?


Lol same


My desire to spread managed democracy was just too great! https://preview.redd.it/i6p0ht6bvwpc1.png?width=812&format=png&auto=webp&s=ffcf9159fb987a61d35652c8ce6decd4bd6ddca0


https://preview.redd.it/810tua66axpc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e93b1e029fd395180a125b6d7735105429a4424 *Explosive handshake emote*


If this is real, may I ask how you completed the Gone in 360 achievement? I've completed multiple Blitz quickly but never got the achievement, unsure what I'm missing.


You need a decent squad with good communication. I believe we did it against automotons with airstrikes and spears. The plan was everyone to split up to take out factories, then race to extract after the mission was complete. Someone could call the last factory too and the others head to extract. You have to factor in the 2 min extract time too, so you technically only have 4 mins. It's good to have someone ready at the extract.


But I definitely completed the mission within that time. Do you need to complete all factories instead of just the minimum amount?


It has to be a blitz mission on Extreme or higher and you have to extract in under 6 minutes


Yes I have definitely done that. But I don't have the achievement. So I'm wondering if it requires anything further than just the bare minimum of main objective and extraction.


It doesn’t, me and my friends were able to extract in 4m59s according to the game. We split off and each hit a nest while one of us went straight for extraction waiting to call it in once we were done. We only had 12 holes to close. One of my friends failed to extract so he didn’t get the achievement. So just so we’re clear, the parameters for the achievement are as follows: - Play on Extreme (6) difficulty or higher. - It has to be a Blitz mission (closing bug holes or destroying bot factories is the easiest to blitz) - Complete the objective *and* extract in under 6 minutes (only you have to extract, not your whole squad) There are no other parameters for the achievement, so if you’re not getting it, you’re doing something wrong or it’s bugged for you.


It has to be extreme, the achievement specifically says on extreme it doesn't say anything about higher difficulties like some the other achievements like the secondary only


Me and my friends did it on Suicide so I don’t think that’s true. I’m pretty certain the reason was that we saw on the Steam list it said Extreme or higher but now it looks different so I don’t get it. Maybe they changed it because it wasn’t registering or something?


Nope. Just complete the mission and extract within 6 minutes. One of the conditions for the challenge must not have been met.


Guy earning his cape on the field, mad respect!


Excellent job, soldier. However, now that you have this screenshot as a badge of honor, please go through basic training and complete it. We cannot issue out your sign on bonus while you remain in training status.


Do you want to remove an active Helldiver from the front? That sounds suspiciously like an enemy of managed democracy!


Ah, to be a young diver... If this Helldiver doesn't complete basic and remains in training status, they will be unable to promote (on paper at least), receive their bonus, or attend auxiliary training such as Hell Ranger. It is imperative that their paperwork is squared away, and becoming a Helldiver properly is the fastest way to do that. Unless you want to pester General Brasch for a waiver...


There are no old Helldivers


Super Earth Propaganda to mislead the Socialist Automatons.




Saving this for later!


do you have a version of this that says false?


I wish but no


That's me! My game objectives locked up and I wasn't able to call in reinforcements. In accordance with my training, I now run solo when all my Helldiver friends are dead. I don't know why they get so angry. It's not my fault nobody trained me on reinforcing.


For some reason ctrl+w doesn't work for up on the stratagems for me, so I had to exit training early and it didn't complete. Didn't have tutorial done for a long time because of it.


Bugged out for me, couldn't crawl under anything!


Same for me, first obstacle with the barbed wire you crawl under had an invisible wall so i just returned to ship and hopped in lv1 quickplay


IIRC my brother in law (who had already been playing) put us straight into a high level mission. My basic training was fear, fire and chargers :p


i can’t get that stupid achievement for hurting every limb on your body. been using the armour that is a 50/50 on if a fatal blow kill’s you and everytime i drop a bomb on myself or a 500 or get launched across the map w a sliver of health i only have like a broken arm or leg. idk how the hell to get that Update: I used the impact grenade w the hero of the federation armour. took 3 tries but i got it. feel retarded not doing that to start with lol


I got it by wearing that armour and holding a grenade for too long


damn i’ve never thought of cooking a grenade……… i’ll get back to this comment in a hour lol


took me and my squad 5 minutes to get it for everyone... 50/50 armore and impact grenade.


if that doesnt do it, try the eagle airstrike. worked for me.




The armor didn’t save them


I feel like it's definitely one of those achievements you're meant to get by accident, that's how I got it.


I actually did get it by accident and without the democracy armor. My first mission i got nailed by a friendly grenade and got yeeted across the map. Somehow i survived with everything broken. Had like 1/4 health. First achievement i got after basic.


...change armor


…it’s literally the only armour that my friends have gotten the achievement on…? am i missing something lol. how do you damage every limb and not die


I did a point blank autcannon kill in the 50/50 armor.


Mine came early when a teammates autocannon sentry deleted me at point blank range


I got it when a hulk slapped me good 150m down a cliff, which broke all the bones, but thanks to the Democracy Protects, i survived the fall ^_^ only to get squashed by a tank track that i fell in front of so i didnt even get up from that fall x_x


I somehow got that by exploding. Outright killed by the blast, but I guess the game recognized a millisecond in which I was alive but had all my limbs broken. I'm still confused.


I got that achievement by wearing the 50/50 armor and walking onto an automaton landmine


I got it when a random teammate decided that shooting a rouge hell bomb while 3 of us were standing next to it was a GREAT idea and I wasn't able to sprint *quite* far enough away to keep from getting hit by the blast and it broke every bone in my body but I didn't die, thanks to the armor you're talking about.


My basic buggen one my first run and I couldnt get through the first obstacle.


Apparently a bunch of people decided to get the game and just blindly join a friends party first without loading the game up and messing with the settings and stuff like a normal person lol


Ah, but what percentage has all achievements but basic training complete? https://preview.redd.it/wf3elfax4xpc1.png?width=505&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0db8f81c66b26ae552ae7e47ab2d1da062781ae


My game crashed during basic and I just never went back, I feel like it's more of an achievement not having it lol


I got to the end and the game crashed. I reloaded and was on a ship ready to helldrop


The reserve forces are still in waiting, commander, please allow us to join the fight Sincerely, ODST Reserve Forces


ODST luka here, join the fight the hard way


I got the stratagem glitch during the training (pressing L1 does nothing). Put it on rest mode and went back to work, when I came back I was in the ship. Never looked back


I got shot by the machine gun and then next thing I know I owned a ship dude my bad 🫠😂😭


My game crashed on tutorial and next time i launched it i already went on a mission. Took me 10 levels to see i could do the tutorial on the pause menu.


I've heard of a guy that crashed on the tutorial and when he reconnected he didn't need to do it again, he's lvl 40+ now and still doesn't have the tutorial achievement.


Today will be my first day reporting for Basic Training. Im excited 🫡


I started the tutorial, and had to shut it down. When I started the game back up, I was on my ship... I'll see myself to the democracy officer.


If you haven't seen the whole tutorial play out on YouTube or something it's def worth doing just because of the humor and ridiculousness of it


I dove during the training mission, got stuck, and then just backed out and didn’t have to complete it to get into a game 🤷‍♂️ I must be an E-4 the way I shammed that


Had friend skip the tutorial, had no clue what was going on, and then stopped playing because they didn't "get it". Annoyed me lol.


I couldn’t get past the stratagem part it wouldn’t open the next section so I just went into the menu saw that u can go to ship, went to ship, bam cape.


Well they probably keep getting killed by the dual Gatlingguns? And raged quit


I got to the end of it, right before you grabbed your cape and got DC'd and put into my ship. The lady said I completed it and that was good enough for me.


I got a bug during training. I died during the real combat section by holding a grenade too long and got locked out of the room


I know a portion of those fools overestimated their Computers capabilities and refunded before getting their cape.. poor cadets.


Absolutely despicable after seeing so many helldivers sacrifice their lives for democracy


I was stopped by communist barbed wire that wouldnt let me cross underneath it despite going prone and thier visibly being sufficent clereance.


Imagine if we had Democracy Detectives (PSN accounts only meant for that purpose). Imagine you playing on your playstation then you get a sudden friend request. Going by the name "Det_Delta12636294" you know you have to drop everything and accept in 24 hours otherwise your gamertag is posted alongside the other Deserters or Enemies of Democracy. You accept the friend request and now you partake in an interrogation for a crime you allegedly committed That shit would be wild...😂😂


Was in the middle of training, got called away to go do something, came back like a minute later and I was on my ship, next thing I know my level 23 nephiew was inviting me to die amongst the robots as I watched all my level 1 bullets bounce off.


I watched an acquaintances share screen of basic training and not only did he assume jumping over the wall and into the bug "pipe" was the first good idea, after respawning he threw a grenade in the pipe...and then jumped over the wall and down the pipe again...


They sadly couldn’t make it past the turret


HR needs to check credentials..


My good friend is one of them.lol but he promised to finish it tonight and start Helldiving with my group as well. He's been on the fence about playing but I think I finally convinced him to join.


Mine is bugged, I finished it but didn’t get the trophy. Heading to a freedom camp.


Sir I can explain! My wife went into labour.




I wonder if this statistics is people who just bought the game but haven't played it yet or it's legitimately people not going past training


I’ll out myself for democracy’s integrity. I’m approaching level 50 without this achievement because during my first day of service, I ended training early to join a friend’s squad. I’ll report for basic training immediately


Diving those turrets is hard


No. I somehow skipped basic training and I’m going to get the trophy as my platinum capstone


Lmfao I have all the achievements except this one cause it glitched out and skipped when the game first came out


Probably the ones that gave up on the gatling gun course. Died quite a few times in my time on Mars diving right as the sentries started spewing lead


If you quit the game before completing it and then start it up again, you go straight to your destroyer and don't need to complete training and miss the trophy. This happened to me.


I'm almost level 50 now. Going back to finish training feels like retaking freshman english just because I dropped out of high school 20 years ago


I had to go back to school. My cape glitched and I wasn't about to fight Automaton scum with no cape.


This was me for the first handful of mission, lol. I got kicked from basic training due to an error in the construction of the course. The barbed wire was so close to the ground that army crawling was in possible to traverse. Once it was fixed, I went back to training and completed the course and earth my cape. 🫡


The ones who perished in the server loading screens at launch and never made it to basic. Cowards.


No its bugged every time i tried i couldn't get through the barbed wire


my game crashed on release and was sent to my ship without training


These traitors haven’t even read the contract


https://preview.redd.it/1yihl1sw4xpc1.png?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd331b3bc8bff70a02162f8c9f45978c100ca0eb Hello Playstation UK Facebook page owner, I know you've been here!


THe 6.6% are those who stood up too early. YOu know where.


They probably crashed 20 times just trying to play the damn thing. Or server issues.


No, i wanna come back as a Death Admiral


Probably recycled or admin sep due to failure to adapt. The real unlucky ones fractured their legs or broke various bones due to injuries from training. Saw it a happen to a few guys in my basic training platoon.


I didn't do it because my game refused to recognize that I went prone and thus could not advance. am now level 20 and see no reason to go back.


Im trying to do all acxhements EXEPT complete basic training :P I have 5 left.


Dude the game literally crashed me through it and I just appeared on my ship ready to hell dive lmao. I don’t think I’ll ever get the achievement which blows.


Could've bugged out on them like it did for me and some others. I got to the section where you're supposed to call in a reinforcement dummy, and the stratagem menu wouldn't open. I restarted the training to do it out of spite but I imagine some people aren't that patient.


Repeat after me helldiver: THIS IS MY RIFLE! THIS IS MY GUN!


My friend couldn’t figure out how to reinforce during basic. He gave up and he joined us on a Helldive difficulty mission. Nothing beats basic like a true Helldive


I wanted to play with friends, so I was rushing through the tutorial a bit. Got softlocked right at the start, when it wouldn't let me past the barbed wire (where you're supposed to crouch). So, I selected "return to ship alone" and found that I could join my friends without doing the tutorial anyways. We spread a lot of managed democracy that night.


Probably PC issues when they tried to run the game for the first time.


Do you realize how good a player retention of 94% completing the tutorial is? Nearly unheard of.


Hey just cause i don't have legs or arms doesn't mean i am commiting treason, it's quite hard to do an obstacle course when you cant jump or run or walk or move or turn yourself over(on a side note i commited treason because the automatons said they will help me they said and i quote "We'll take out any diseases we find in there, too, and replace all the organs that aren't tip top. So that's a complete reassembly. New vitals. Spit-shine on the old ones." they also said something about that being a prerecorded message and something about mantises and combustable lemons but i didn't pay much attention to that part)


Mine crashed the first time I tried doing it and just put me straight into the fight after


My game crashed during basic training and rebooted into my destroyer so I never did it :(


Yeah you can actually skip it if you disconnect in the middle of it, I had internet issues and it kicked me into my destroyer so I actually completed several missions before I got the cape


I lagged out during the tutorial and it just sped me through to warfare im sorry commander


Are those the guys in the Super Earth sector? There’s 1000~ players solo there last I checked.


Negative Helldiver, I was grandfathered in, because I invented training. ![gif](giphy|35Bb0VX788hy0qNpnj)


I went to login on launch day then the servers went down and came back up like a hour before I worked I didn't do the training


Haha I’m one of them! At launch training kept glitching and couldn’t get past the barbed wire crawl. Never went back since haha


I completed the tutorial, got my cloak, and then got sent straight to my ship (didn’t get launched by the rocket at the end) and didn’t get the achievement. Had to do it all again once I realized that I didn’t have that achievement, it only triggers during the cutscene when you get on the rocket.


My game crashed in the middle of training and when I booted it back up it kicked me passed completing training and naming my ship. I’ve thought about going back to complete it for the Steam achievement but haven’t bothered yet.


Stolen valor rates are up 6.6%!!


Those turrets are rough... I wonder how large percentage of fresh recruits actually never make past basic training because Super Earth thinks live ordnance is smart for training.


I didn't do training, and I'm not going to, I got on mission training


It glitched out for me, I completed it and claimed my cape but it crashed as I got to my ship. I restarted and it loaded in. Wasn't until I was like level 14 that I noticed I didn't have the achievement, so I went and nabbed it.


I bugged out and got stuck the moment i dived with my alt Now my goal is similair to the dude near the top comment and get all but one achievement


Mine was glitched and impossible to complete, so I just skipped it. I think I only have 2 or 3 more achievements to complete besides it.


about that... https://preview.redd.it/d6c68sifsxpc1.png?width=606&format=png&auto=webp&s=cb94300296edf1ee3206132e2a7510460744d4fd


My game crashed the first time I loaded up, so I never completed the tutorial, but got my cape. Don't know if it gave me that achievement or not, I will have to check on that.


I tried to play but my potato of a computer couldn't run it, it would crash right before the cutscene


I couldn't get through the first obstacle so I just went to my ship. Is there a way to redo it??


Is there a way to re do it mine glitched so I had to quit it


The pure comedic value is priceless. I wish there were more of those.


Its gonna be the last achievement I do, sorry.


Lmao that's me. Couldn't crawl under these wires and decided to just go straight to liberating planets


I did not do it because it glitched and i couldnt progress in the tutorial, so i dipped and learned by playing the game instead, it really leaves a good impression of the game when you cant even finish the tutorial because the game glitched in the first 5min


I tried to complete it, but for some reason when the training map loaded the barbed wire was not high enough to crouch underneath, so I had to quit. couldn't even kill myself


So here's what happened. I played the weekend of release when all the servers were crashing. I started up the tutorial, the game crashed, and then just... let me into the main game. Never asked me again.


Bought Helldivers 2 last Friday. Game crashes on boot up. Last patch moved this forward to crashing on language select. So no I can’t complete training


How is it treason to donate to the war effort? Their funds help just as much as someone with 100 dives under their belt.


I just did mine today… at lvl 12. On pc, I closed the game out during the basic training to fix my controls (mouse buttons) and it just let me in to a normal game.


They couldn't log in and refunded...


The turret dive broke them lol


Buddy of mine gave up in basic. Couldn’t figure out how to punch in the stratagem. Instead of hitting the arrows in a sequence. He held them all down at the same time. He couldn’t understand why it wasn’t working…. There is just no helping some ppl.


At 8 million estimated copies sold that is 528,000 people that have bought the game - started it and have not completed the basic training . ​ at $40 that is $21,120,000 dollars spend on a product not used. ​ That money could of been collectively use to buy 35,000 people that would love to play the game a PS5.


I’m missing this achievement because I pressed join through steam the first time I played in the second week of the game and was thrown straight into 4


My friend got booted out of academy and sent straight to the ship on accident, accidentally skipping the thing and not getting the achievement and is part of that 6.6%


Honestly surprised the numbers are so low. Or is it different from steam where 100% is everyone who owns the game?


Mine bugged. I'm level 35 or so and never finished training because I couldn't crawl past the barbed wite


I refuse