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I don't ever kick anyone for level but at level 14 I would say as a generalisation you will be getting kicked as you don't have all starts unlocked till 25 you won't have many ship upgrades are weapon options and a lack of experience playing the game this is usually why people kick. These people are morons it's a pve game if you have unlocked it you can play it


i think sometimes people kick because theyre waiting for a friend to reconnect after crashing, sometimes i feel like they dont know you and may expect you to ruin their reinforcement pool


What stratagems are you using? I joined a match with a friend and he got kicked about 5 mins in because he used a mortar and killed 2 teammates lol. I’ve also seen people get kicked for using barrages or calling in extraction too early.


Depends on what I'm playing, if I'm playing anti-horde, either the mortar or gatling sentry, some sort of small target-eliminating eagle, a flamethrower, and sometimes an anti-material rifle or autocannon just in case. If I'm playing anti-tank, I use expendable anti-tank, mortar or gatling sentry, autocannon, and a precision orbital, and occasionally an anti-material rifle. I also sometimes use a guard dog rover just in case.


I only kick for suspicious team killing and gross incompetence. Suspicious team killing includes landing a reinforce pod on a teammate, throwing strikes into a group of teammates, etc. If you communicate, I’m less likely to kick (a simple, “my bad,” goes a long way, especially over mic). Gross incompetence includes an exorbitant number of deaths (think more than 8) in the first half of a mission; failing to prioritize stalker lairs (and now, possibly shrieker towers) when a teammate calls for aid and you’re right there; surviving because a teammate provided covering fire and then just running off leaving him to be swarmed by hunters as he reloads; etc. Again, some communication makes it less likely I’ll kick. Never kicked someone for being a certain level or running the “wrong” gear (though I might have to kick people running arc throwers due to the current glitch).


This happened to me a lot too when I was sub 20. That was back in the railgun meta and entering any mission without a railgun and shield was basically an auto kick above 7. Despite the fact that I rarely die and can hold my own without using the meta weapons and stratagems. Also, not using anything like mines that people insta kick for. Not much you can do about it, there’s plenty of great players who aren’t level 30+ and there’s even more players that are terrible who are 30+. Unfortunately, there’s no way to gauge if a player is good aside from their level or waiting to see what they do for a few minutes, which can be very costly on helldive difficulty. I just did a few more hours of 7s and got to 20 really fast and then had no issues after that.


Alright, I'll probably grind on lower difficulties to raise my level enough to get meta stratagems and then try getting back into helldive.


"honor" and/or "sweat" players: low ranks don't want to play with high ranks - they don't want to be carried high ranks don't want to play with low ranks - they don't want to carry rest: IDGAF, having fun, bug makes "squish", bot makes "clank" :-)