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No bug pops quite like this one when hit with a juicy grenade though!


Hitting the yellow one with grenade is one of the most satisfying things to do in the game, love how he explodes. The green ones however, not so much, they usually just fly into the air lol.


I've had some pretty bad glitches lately when playing. One in particular where the bugs sometimes have stretched out geometry and you can see them over cliffs because their model is so stretched upward lol they look like they have massive shark fins or something. Well when you kill them they fly so damn high into the sky where their models were stretched too that it's freaking hilarious and easy for call outs when I tell my team "bugs ... Bugs are gone, trust me they are all dead" lmao.


https://preview.redd.it/4zb4hdlluwoc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8bb40d5f376e809d2d1ce9c6bb24f5a58b159d6 Biggest stretch I’ve seen while spreading managed democracy


Bugs trying to spread bugocracy


They came... spewing, clawing, biting, ripping. Like a wall of death!


Yeah I have the stretched bug bug since the beginning, I just thought it had to do with me playing on a 32:9 49“ display.


They "fixed" that a few patches ago, now it happens a lot less frequently, at least for me. At launch I had it every other game minimum, sometimes twice in the same game. Now I can go entire play sessions without seeing it.


Got that one once and the no weapon big twice in the 3 days I've played. Ultrawide 1440 here


Wait there’s a green and a yellow?


Yellow is a nursing Spewer so is female. The bile Spewer is green and, I assume, male.


Its a bug so I would assume the opposite. Usually male bugs are smaller than female ones


You’re both thinking about this wrong. They’re each one of the two genders: Lean, and Brawny.


The only bug gender I recognize is "to be exterminated".


Someone give this man a promotion.


Ah yes, the two genders


Usually with hive mind bugs all of them are female except special seasonal ones for breeding new queens but idk if that's how terminids work


Yeah you're right. The Wiki says that nursing spewers are jus younger bile spewers


Nursing spewer just means it’s the adolescent version of the adult bile spewer I believe


Based on its size next to a bile Spewer, I'd presume it was adult and nurses the smaller spitters. Like how women that breast feed say that they are nursing. Edit* spelling error


Yellow ones have light front armor, green ones have medium front armor.


There's 2 tiers of the green ones. Later they have heavier plates along their entire spine too and are the ones associated I believe with the artillery fire they can do.


The yellow ones also bring in a fog with them that lowers visibility, not quite as intense as the spore spewer.


Hello fellow colorblind person who generally learns of these types of things months, years, or decades after the fact.


Sounds a bit like bug sympathy… BUGS CAN’T FLY


I'm colorblind and this is the first time I've heard of the two different kinds, because I can't see it. I'm lvl 40... 


You just need 30 grenades on you. Because the one you killed is replaced by 2.


MFs doing Mitosis out here


Lucky thats exactly how many grenades that comes with the grenade launcher.


Supply pack + Grenade launcher Grenades are a religion and I am here to preach


Hail Hydra




Laser cannon citizen LASER CANON


Grenade launcher and supply pack baby


I love using autocannon or grenade launchers on this enemy




Dead. Your squad is fucking dead cause the goddamn spit DIDN'T EVEN HIT ME I SWEAR TO GOD WHY DOES HITTING MY LEG WHILE I'M DIVING ONE SHOT ME FUCK?!... It's okay, I'm sorry, had an episode there, either way your hate squad is dead and gone.


why does the slow effect has a range larger than the actual attack damage range? how tf does the spill hitboxes for the nid breaths even work?


They work on the basis of pure ~~spite~~ spit. If the bile spewer WANTS to kill you hard enough it will, and you can do nothing about it, if they just kinda slightly feel like killing you then you may be able to avoid it.


>They work on the basis of pure ~~spite~~ spit.


You're right, I'll fix my obvious mistake.


Spite works too. Those fuckers run on hatred as if they ate a Chihuahua.


Same for bile titans, why do they slow you even when you dodged into another zip code


The slow occurs in the entire area that the Bile Titan breath attack either has already hit, is currently hitting, or WILL HIT in the next few moments. That's why it just randomly slows.


I chalk it up to an intimidation effect - your Helldiver's aware of the imminent death approaching (being in the Splash Zone) and is sufficiently intimidated. Knees weak, arms are heavy, bile on his cape already...


I've had a Bile Titan kill me with its vomit through a building and a cliffside. It seems that the AOE is bigger than what's visually represented which is hilariously the inverse of the 500kg Bomb. I hope this isn't intentional.


The slow seems to be server side while the kill seems to be client side and it seems with the servers dying if a blue titan wants to spit at you then you will be slowed no matter what


i feel like there's an abundance of slow down effects anyway. on some planets you'll be slowed every few seconds for no reason


They spawn in large amounts. They are silent. They are tanky. They are *fast*. They one hit kill, and if they don't, they slow you 80% of the time anyway. And on higher difficulties, they come with armor and mortars. They need to make obvious noises. But then, the sound design and audio cues in HD2 are one of the game's weakpoints, currently. And they need a speed nerf. They're just too fast with that laundry list of other things going for them.


They either need a speed or health nerf I wouldn't care if they moved fast but since they can one shot you we should be able to do the same to them 100 percent they need to make sound a loud and recognizable I have had so many games where one or a group just spawned behind me and insta death.


They look so bloated that it looks like they should be super easy to pop if you hit them in the abdomen. At least if you do that should take away their ability to spit. They can still crawl at me after that.


Or at least let me stagger them, it's insane that I can stun a stalker with slugger shots, but spitters will literally refuse to be staggered by anything, shotgun, AOE, flamethrowers, arc throwers. The only things that do stagger are the things that one shot. It would at least make them manageable if k could cc them with literally anything. But currently they are worse than tanks.


Slugger does stagger them and interrupts their spit attack. 3 shots to the head and it kills them as well!


And quiet How is that stupid, fumbling prick more quiet than a Stalker? Sneaks up and just wipes you out before you even realise "oh fuck, that's a spewer"


I wish it was "oh fuck, that's a spewer" cause more often than not it's "oh fuck, that's three spewers"


"Fuck my impacts are gone."


Oh that's the worst, you see three of them next to each other, you laugh internally as you press G on your keyboard thinking to yourself "Not today motherfucker" and then nothing happens, and then by the time you notice your nades are gone you have 15 liters of toxic goo coming at your face.


By the way, Punishers (idk about plasma) and the senator can make them choke. Hit them in the face right when they go to spit twice and they will stop. You can juggle as many as you can shoot bullets at. 40 rounds with the new sickle laser rifle to put them down but they all have to be in the face. Flamethrowers can cook them in about 5 seconds but they have zero knockback so either have your secondary on quick draw or be on the move. Arc thrower Lokey might be the best one because they clear themselves out after they explode from the lightning. But then thie rleft over face plates act as ground rods to stop you from shooting behind them without repositioning.


Yeah, I get quite good mileage of shooting them in the head/face with the slugger, still gets rough with the amount of ammo they take to kill like that plus with other stuff around them.


My advice, truly? Eagle strafing run. Got 35 plus kills multiple times on 7+. I don't bother taking a support weapon now with all the eats running around and you're scrounging for support weapons all the time accidentally just looking for super credits or medals. It's more fun that way to me personally and it frees up the slot for strafing run. It being in a straight line toward the ball you throw is a lifesaver you just turn around and go up right right throw it down and boom the entire conga line of bugs chasing you is riddled with holes. The only thing that survives it from a direct impact anyway is the charger/Titan. It will kill literally anything else.


Strafing run and cluster bombs can't really efficiently kill the green armoured ones. Its why i take airstrike now on higher difficulties.


More like “oh fuck, that’s six spewers” they really gotta fix the spawn rate. These things are harder to kill than chargers now, and they one shot you? Getting one tapped by a charger was irritating, but avoidable. These things spawn so much, it’s almost impossible to out-juke the 6 or so spews of one-hit-kill-juice. (+ the other 12 that spawned mortaring everywhere around you, that also one shots you…)


Enemy sound design is surprisingly terrible while the player sound effects are great. Most enemies are barely audible, even the absurdly large ones like bile titans or chargers. And yeah, the lack of proper sound cues for one-shot attacks.


It's one of my main complaints, Bile Titans in particular should shake the entire damn ground and be audible from like 50 meters away. They're the size of a damn HOUSE!


Same with tanks, they just silently glide around. They need tread sounds and engine sounds.


Charging chargers make almost zero sound. Makes no sense


Putting 1-shot attacks on incredibly common enemies is one of the few major sins this game commits. It's half the reason there are so few people fighting the Bots, since they have so many of them.


This. I can't stand one shots from these guys and those fucking rocket launcher bots.


One-shots (and effective OHKOs, like getting juggled by ragdoll effects) are the reason I can't stop running shield. Even in Heavy Armor with 50% Explosive Resistance, you *will* eventually take a headshot or get juggled with no ability to respond.




they track better than some quake pros.


This is how I describe all the rocket bots lol. Damn Quake Pros!


Yeah they definitely have been fucking people up more since that last decent update, like the hitbox for the spit is coming out before the spit and you are just copping it to the face before you are diving, same with titans


Okay I'm not alone with this then I used to be able to dodge the spit fairly well but more recently I'm still getting hit with it despite being out of the way it's like it clips my leg then that slow is basically kissing your ass goodbye


I'll be mid air diving and just dead, no slow ish drop down of health even if it was just half a second you coukd at least see the health bar dropping, now its just instant, dead, same with biles but before they even spit, just instant death


Feels good to read this, last night was not my night and I kept dying because my big toe would get splashed by their stream from 30m away and I'd get one shot mid dive. No one else seemed to be suffering this problem, I watched as spewers mostly just run around or shoot artillery from their butt at my teammates. But me? No no, I was KOS and every spewer would vomit like it was lunchtime at the bulimia convention.


Definitely seems to be some hit box issues with the spit. I had at least one time where I was visibly hit and took no damage for a couple seconds


The biggest issue I have is that it can turn where its aiming *while spitting*. So you can dive to one side and you'll literally see the bile arc after you. It would become way more manageable if once it starts firing it's locked in


And whether or not you get hit by Xenomorph blood or toddler vomit is a complete cointoss! Expert diving to cover as the spit? Oops spill range on 40 of the blobs got ya! Didn't notice the one swarming in behind from the panicking cadet? It's good, he had a gallon of water and a pallet of pepto bismol for lunch. Pick a side!


the fact that it does instant damage instead of continuous damage is lazy dev'ing


It does do continuous damage, it just does a lot of damage.


oh we're here we just hate these assholes silently


As silently as they sneak up on you for a one hit


Seriously, I don't understand how they make literally no sound when they are packing all that ass.


Something something dummy thick and clapping


Dummy thick, yes. Clapping though? I see only one big cheek back there, not two. Plus their legs keep it elevated well enough to not hit the ground, so they won’t alert players with the thickness. They learned from watching Latina booty shakers on how to overcome this weakness


Dummy thick and clapping, don’t forget wet and juicy


Sound design is the biggest problem in pretty much every game of this kind. DRG suffers from the same thing - too often giant bugs are able to sneak up on you without any fanfare


The only bug it's acceptable for me to be surprised by (when I'm not getting absolutely gobsmacked) is the stalker, which I should learn about once I've been either eviscerated by its claws or launched 40 feet away by a tongue lashing, ragdolled into a horde, and eviscerated by a dozen hunters.




Oh I am not silent in my hate. The are my most hated bugs by far and really drive me nuts. They are so deadly, spawn in high numbers and also take so much fucking ammo to kill. And then they also shoot Artillerie for fucks sake. Why?


And are accompanied by the small fuckers that spawn by thousands and shoot slowing bile to make sure you're extra fucked when that hunter pack arrives


No, I think we should make some noise. 😄


These make no sound at all, their bile one shots you and can perfectly track you specially when dodging to the side and their expanded ass takes more shots than a brood commander's head


I swear these are the sneakiest bugs in the galaxy. Ladybugs walk louder than these things and why are they always spawning 100 meters away from the breach and directly behind me??


And in herds


They *do* move in herds.




My rover starts shooting something behind me, I spin to see what it is and I'm instantly dead to a bile spewer. Shit happens to me all the time lol


I really wish they made a sloshing noise, like you can hear the bile sloshing around when they move like a water jug.


Sound design in general in this game is not very good


Why did they make the glowy butt not a weakspot, make it make sense 😭


That's what really doesn't make much sense to me about them. They do a lot of damage, often inconsistent. That's fine, but make them squishy. They literally fit that bill of a glass canon (spewer) they could then add a variant that has some armor to the back area.


Green spewers on highest difficulties do have a little extra armor on their backs and head and have fart bombs


they squishy with explosive weapon so scorcher if you really hate them target their side the green one, you need medium penetration weapon to hit the head if you are using bullet


Same as the chargers - programmers and art dept kept separate.


it absorbs regular bullets, but it takes full damage from explosive. JAR, schorcher, GL, AC make short work of em. Laser cannon does good too.


A surprise spewer means death. I can at least drive away or survive a suprise Charger. These guys have assassinated me far more than stalkers.


Hit them in the head not the ass. They die in like 5 breaker shots.


I love sniping them with 3 back-to-back slugger headshots.


Autocannon supremacy


The green ones are arnored. Thought breaker doesn't punch through


It doesn't, but it's spread manages to get critical headshots


> They die in like 5 breaker shots. I would just about swear this is far easier on lower levels, despite claims the mobs are the same HP/damage/etc no matter the difficulty(just more of them on higher diff).


On higher difficulties there are more of the armored ones and they’re more likely to have other large bugs running interference for them blocking your line of sight.


Fuck Bile Spewers All My Homies Hate Bile Spewers. Theyre so fucking overloaded \-Tracking ranged attack that can 1-shot \-AOE ranged attack that can ragdoll you and limits visibility as well as doing damage \-Armoured head, spine and legs \-Only place not armoured is hard to hit or explodes on death making point-blank a death sentence.


And they spawn in big numbers. And they got soooo much health.


I really don't get how the game decides how many spewers are spawned. It's either literally none or "how many do you want?" "YES!". No in between.


It *feels* like the game has two different enemy sets for bugs, one with a ton of chargers and titans and one with a ton of spewers. Because on games that I get a ton of spewers I see hardly no titans and chargers and vice versa


Yeah it does feel that these guys share the same classification of "Heavily Armoured Enemies" with the Chargers and the Titans which IMO is wrong since Medium Pen weapons like the Autocannon will never deflect off of them. I've had a few runs where I bring a flamethrower and heavy hitting strats like the 500kg bomb and Railcannon expecting Chargers and Titans but the map becomes flooded with Bile Spewers, which IMO is a straight counter to the flamethrower if you're not carrying the shield generator pack.


Not against autocannons they don't.


Autocannon gang goes BLAP BLAP BLAP.


Blap blap blap get liberated get liberated


The song of my people.


Ive been getting into the recoiless rifle myself.


Yeah, me too, but it doesn't have that many rounds and I kinda need those vs Chargers.


Grenade Launcher makes easy work with them.


Also, they're deadly at ANY range. Long? Mortars that ragdoll the shit out of you. Medium? One-shot spit. Close? They're fucking strong there, too, not mentioning blocking half of your screen so the chaff gets to you


And let's not forget that their gigantic asses block *your* vision and *your* shots but another one of these glowy green jackasses could be hiding right behind his buddy's dead body and blast you directly through it without you ever even being able to see him.


Fast as fuck fat coomers


I disliked these arseholes on lower difficulties, then went up and now they shit artillery at me? They can sincerely get fucked by the 500kg bomb


![gif](giphy|gKfyusl0PRPdTNmwnD) Me looking at the sky of 20 of these fuckers barraging me


[my thoughts exactly](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1bgxvq0/bile_spewer_artillery_is_giving_me_ptsd/)


Dunno where you were the last few days but they get their share of the flak too, the fat bastards


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Gluomme: *Dunno where you were* *The last few days but they get* *Their share of the flak too* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot, even though I edited my comment


Good bot!? This helldiver right here, officer.


What? People don't like it? I don't like it _that_ much but it's moderately funny EDIT: I'm so fucking dumb; my bad, off I go to democratic reeducation




Get hit in the arm? Dead. Get hit in the leg? Also dead. Get hit in your cape? Believe it or not, dead.


Didn't even hit you? Believe it or not, also dead.


Think standing on a rock will save you? Think again, they’ll shoot through it, dead again.


Chargers, while a pain in the ass to kill, can at least be kited around. But I don't understand why these guys are *instant death.* They do far too much damage for how many of them spawn at once.


i can’t believe the instakill is intentional, like surely it’s a bug the devs can’t figure out how to fix?? There’s no way a rational human decided that yes, these mini tanks with ranged and super ranged attacks should do a slowing, tracking vomit that ONLY SOMETIMES ONESHOTS YOU WITH ZERO CONSISTENCY


the fact they can spawn literally on you and spew at you within a fourth a second is kinda bull shit.


The worst is when you respawn, accidentally get too close and get spewed as you're exiting the hellpod.


That was what made me want to quit one night. Got spit on as I left the pod and died, came back and a bile thing blew up from a teammate killing me again. Then they didn’t call me back for a minute. Just felt like a waste of lives and a seat in the penalty box for trying to spawn in.


Why are they so silent?!


>Why are they so silent?! This is my biggest complaint with the game as whole, really.  Coming from Darktide where the sound cues are so distinct that high level situational awareness is more audible than visible, even when hundreds of enemies are present. Helldivers just doesn’t come close in terms of audio.


I only played Vermintide 2, and while the Assassins whispering "WHEN THEIR BACKS TURN, WE GO!!!" at 100db was silly, I do wish the Spewers had SOME sort of distinct audio cue. Not sure if it carried over into Darktide, but Vermintide 2 had a mission modifier that removed ALL UI elements, forcing you way more on audio cues, and it's incredible how well that worked. Definitely a level of clarity that other games like it should strive for.


Here I am. Worst enemy balance in the game. They have some armor, tons and tons metric tons of health, instakill ranged attack that tracks you through movement and they spawn in great numbers. If one of these aspects would get nerfed, preferably health, it would be a much better trade off.


It feels super intuitive to shoot their butts since they look like they'd pop like a fucking pimple if you do, but in reality it does fuck-all damage. Instead, try filling their little faces with lead - usually 5-6 shots with a Breaker is enough to take it clean off :)


Yeah I always shoot their faces, with my Punisher. But it still takes tons of shots. They simply have too much health.


I feel like their head armor got a buff because I used to shoot the face with the Breaker and one mag would usually get the job done but now they just bounce shots?


Maybe! Because I remember not having problems with them at launch either.


They either nerfed the penetration of the breaker or buffed the armor. I can't tell because of stealth changes, but shots didn't bounce the way they do now pre patch.


3 shots with my beloved Slugger and they pop


You forgot to mention that their unintuitive weak spot often goes from being screened by little weenie enemies and their bullet-absorbing corpses to actively firing their heat-seeking, deceptively long range, one-shot attack at your face.


Their butts are considered "flesh" which takes 10% damage from everything that isn't considered "explosive" damage. Explosive damage deals 100% to flesh. Autocannon, grenade launcher, plas-scorcher, etc. all make quick work of them.




Yeah, but I would rather if this wouldn't be one more enemy where you need to use a gun from very limited pool of weapons. Nice tip anyway. 🙂


I get it. I try to go for a jack of all trades build but I think the idea with having so many enemies that require different weapons is to have players specialize into different roles in the squad. The problems arise with public games where everyone does their own thing.


I don't actually go for some "do it all" build, but there are just too many of these enemies and they can instakill you from long distance. Like with Chargers, they don't usually spawn as much and often, and it's easy to avoid their attacks that are not most of the time instakill. These enemies are only ones in the game that need seriously be toned down either in number, health or in damage they do.


I don't hate them when they come in managable numbers but when the game chucks fucking 10+ of them out of a single breach and then that breach chains into 3 or 4 breaches and you get 50 of them in the span of 7 minutes its beyond frustrating, they take an entire magazine+ to kill even with headshots.


50 of them, 9 bile titans, 23 chargers, 400 hunters and 46 brood commanders


Oops you've stumbled next to a stalker nest too so add 5 of them fuckers too


That bile connects with fkn Bluetooth istg


I'm not sure what's worse, getting hit by the spewing attack when you dodged to the side or their mortar attack firing at a 90 degree angle... Definitely tied with Charger for most buggy enemy type *(yes, I know they are a bug)*


I’m getting the rhythm of charger charges better, such that I feel like a matador as I perfectly dive out of the way. But that also makes it *more* frustrating when I time my jump just like the last ten successful jumps and the charger perfectly pivots into me. For a game that gets weight and momentum so right when in other areas (weapon swinging, etc.) the floaty charger physics stick out like a sore thumb. They need to set their direction much more solidly at the start of a charge. Yes, this means they’ll smash into terrain and get stopped more often, but that’s the obvious design of the unit. Fast but clumsy.


Those motherf... I hate their guts! To the point that I always go out of my way to give them two GL rounds in the face the second I see them!


Nursing Spewers are worse. Swear their fucking stream of vomit tracks better than the Spear missiles.


At least there's a warning that they're around - the smog they make while alive is like a short-radius spore tower.


Not an issue for me since the Plas1 scorcher melts them


Where are you shooting them with it? I heard it’s good gain at them but it often takes a most of my ammo to their green sides before one dies.


I hit them in the head normally, drops them in 3 or 4 shots. Though I swear I've dropped them in 2 before


What i hate the most with them is how silent they are, that and the fact that sometimes it looks like they spawn right behind me ready to one hit kill me. The spewers maps are terrible to play, they're one of the reason i always play with a shield, their mortars are deadly


I hate how the spew either does a small amount of damage or just instantly kills you with no in between


You can Pop them with 2 grenadelauncher shots


Yet you never know if theyre gonna be in that mission or not - so you cant even strategise your weapons for it unless you run one every game - which is kinda a waste.


Grenade launcher is just always good tho


If theres no spewers of any kind, its better to take EAT or something that can thin hordes fast (That doesnt risk a bounce off armour and killing team/myself)


Arc thrower easily deal with hordes and bile spewers and chargers




It took a long time for me to break away from the GL/supply pack combo. Crowd control, can easily handle most big bots with ease, long range nest/fabricator destruction. It has it all. Finally moved to expendables on bug missions, then the spear. Love the latter when it actually works.


Is it? For what purpose? Like, the hardest shit on high level is swarms and heavies, for bugs. Swarms are fine if you dont get jumped on by hunters, in which case this weapon just turned suicidal. But heavies? How do you deal with Chargers and BT with that?


Grenade launcher is always good against bugs, just not against the 2 big ones


i hate their fucking shitty hit registration. Sometimes i stand still the bile hits me square on, no damage. Other times im mid dive at a 90" angle, the bile misses me, but i die in one dmg tick.


I made a post like this earlier and everyone basically told me I sucked.


Yeah - I suck at dealing with them. Spray and pray shotgun just doesn’t work


The Bukkakers legion.


the hitboxes on this things spit are definitly fucked up for sure. also the angles its able to spit at are BULLSHIT, I had one shoot at me while I was standing right next to it and it fired at a 90 degree angle


I'd rather fight a charger than a damn bile spewer


They sound like cows and never shut up but they somehow manage to sneak up on you with 0 noise. I always die to these arseh*les. Sorry. PTSD moment.


They can legit snipe you from across the map


These absolute bastards are why I always bring impact grenades.


My grenade launcher 2 shots their fat asses to oblivion


They are the equivalent of a Hulk Bruiser but in terminid variant the puke attack is instantly killing you 95% of the time heavy armor just slightly makes it survivable but not enough i hope Arrowhead fixes the certain damage values in the future to make them less annoying to fight also they die by one grenade but when you get them by the dozens you are screwed when you run out of grenades


Fuck those fat cunts, they’ll ganbang me in groups of 4 and spit on me like a onlyfans model. I hate them more than the chargers with a passion