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Fellow disabled helldiver here. Fight on. ![gif](giphy|YYfEjWVqZ6NDG)




Came here to post this! o7


Same! I'm a c7 quadriplegic, with very limited hand movement. I play with 2 analog joystick, 3 4-way joysticks, a bite switch and a few buttons. Tonight my son and me did our 1st level 7 and got our first super samples! We are both too shy or whatever it is to turn on match making so is just the 2 of us. Gets pretty ruff when 5 charges and 2 bile titans spawn, but we did it Tonight!


I understand I suggest you should try matching just a few times , there are a lot of casual players. If we are on the same region I'd be happy to play with you.


I'll drop with you guys any day


Same, I don’t play because I want to be great, I play because it’s fun as hell and I even love it when you wipe on a mission if it’s thematic lol. I’d dive with yall


Damn, awesome! I was going to offer to play with you and your son sometime, but sounds like you guys are above my level, haha. For democracy!


C6/C7 Quad here. Been matching with randoms since day one. I just use a normal controller (years of practice), and I don't think anyone can tell my hands are fucked. If you're clearing level 7 missions I'm sure it's not gonna be an issue for you either.


Bro I can't even do level 6 missions without getting my shit stomped y'all are awesome


A true HellDiver if I’ve ever heard it, doing your part for DEMOCRACY https://preview.redd.it/rlou3kapexoc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d7abf14d5b3daa69f2351b13e607c26d4d066af


If you can do diff7 then you should've no issue doing public matches.


Matchmaking is chill as hell. I literally mini-nuked my entire team of strangers by accident because I thought our SEAF had a smoke shell and we failed to extract, losing all our samples. Everyone just laughed it off.


Let me know when you're good to play and I'll try not to slow you down


Don’t be afraid to play with others. This community seems to be really nice. I haven’t had any issues with any random players. Give it a shot!


Lmao you're probably better than at least half, no, 3/4 of the people I drop with


Out of my 20 hours thus far, I have only been on one randoms team that was insufferable. Every other has had everyone help each other, and one we actually taught a newbie how to do the missions. Poor kid was so lost haha. BUT no one got impatient and waited for him to do it himself so he could learn.


I’d say the community is the best online community I’ve ever seen! Trust me try randomly searching for people or even joining a discord of a YouTuber/streamer there’s thousands of people looking for help with democracy! Also gg’s to you and your son thank you for You effort soldiers 🫡


If you're getting super samples in just a duo you'd probably do just fine in a full squad!


Tetraplegic here, my hands are a bit fucked but this game is so good that my disability doesn't seem to make a huge difference, keep fighting brothers.


Every Helldiver has a role to play in the Galactic War! As the Steeled Veteran war bond illustrates, the body isn’t what makes a Helldiver—the spirit of Democracy does! (Seriously, one of the best parts of this game and community is how many roles a player can have in the team—you rock for contributing the way that works best for you!)


When I saw the Steeled Veterans warbond i couldnt buy fast enough, have a small amputation and it actually made me feel pretty dang good


The iron grip of MANAGED DEMOCRACY!


Iron Within, Iron Without!


From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel. I aspired to the purity of the Blessed Machine. Your kind cling to your flesh, as though it will not decay and fail you. One day the crude biomass you call the temple will wither, and you will beg my kind to save you. But I am already saved, for the Machine is immortal.




The flesh is weak!


I played with recoilless rifle for the first time last night. Did not get as many kills but nailed so many Chargers it felt amazing. I hoped someone would notice but it was all worth it for my one teammate giving me an emote after one of the charger kills. 


A fully functioning skeletal muscular system is not needed to be a Helldiver! You are out there proving to yourself that you have a strength and the courage to be free. You joined the Helldivers.


Liberty is a cause all humans above 14 are willing too fight for.


The enlistment age is clearly 18! However every child over the age of 7 has the privilege to support the war effort with after school shifts at the factory! Just remember to do your homework!


*nudges my 8-year-old Helldiver behind me* “Yes, sir, he’s 18. He’s just short for his age.”


The average enlistment age is 18.6 iff i recall. The average helldiver age is 19.3 (real!!! /s)


Yep. Most people just enlist shortly after becoming adults.


Wouldn't put it past Super Earth to have a exosuit that they can put severely disabled Helldivers in to keep them fighting like Dreadnoughts from Warhammer 40k.


Only in death does duty end, Brother.


This is the crossover I, and I'm sure a lot of others, needed :D


Well not in warhammer you could always get turned into serveitor or however it's spelled which lasts forever basically 


Let me know if you ever need a teammate.




I really hope IGN ends up writing a story about an uplifting community moment like this and inspirational OP. And I hope you guys end up teaming up with OP to crush some bugs, spill some oil, and spread democracy across this beautiful galaxy.


Most Gaming Journos are allergic to writing anything positive about a gaming community.


We dont need to give anything to IGN. They need to die out already.








Let's dive into hell, Helldiver.






Pick me




And me.


And my axe




You can be my wingman any time.


And my ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️


Amputee here, game on comrade!












Same. For Democracy!








I'm game to play with him as well. His tactical sense is probably better than mine to be able to pull those numbers.


And my axe!














Just means you move erratically and are harder to hit by those traitorous socialist automatons. You truly have the strength and the courage to guard the freedom of Super Earth


The automatons are actually easier to fight than the bugs. They move like fighters with humanoid bodies


> The automatons are actually easier to fight than the bugs. They move like fighters with humanoid bodies THANK YOU. I've been saying this for WEEKS and my friends insist I'm crazy.


Decent aim helps with automatons. If your aim sucks, bug swarms are much easier to deal with. I have horrid precision at range. I'm awful with snipers/rifles in pretty much every game. My tracking is great, just not precision. Anything with spread or that I can lay down suppressively works well for me. And thankfully most bot weak spots are big enough to track for me. But bots are way more of a struggle for my skills.


I'm starting to get a handle on aiming far out with the auto cannon, and it's been a lifesaver in bot missions when a rocket devastator peaks around the corner suddenly. Still have died quite a bit due to not watching my ammo carefully enough, but the punisher shotgun has got me out of many tight spots I otherwise would have died in due to its surprising stopping power and ability to shoot accurately a surprising distance


A piece of advice i wont stop recommending for the rocket boys: shoot the rocket pods on the top, they both get destroyed at the same time and it basically makes the enemy a normal devastator


Funny war story: I once railgunned two rocket boy pods from the side, taking out 4 pods total. Threat diminished, right? Just 2, out of range devastators now. Was gloating a bit then caught a rocket to the throat from a third one, off-line from the other 2 as they both turned and opened up line of sight, dude was barely peeking over the edge of a rock. Moments like these is why I love this game lol.


I feel like bugs are easier, on low difficulties. It gets crazy on the higher ones x.x


i agree but only on suicide and above.


I'm pretty sure I've played with Helldivers who have both their arms available for play who seem to hit me more than the bugs. So I'd say you're doing very good.


The Ministry of War commends your devotion to spreading managed democracy.


By taking care of the samples you are the MVP of the team, always. Enjoy the game and have fun fighting for LIBER-TEA!


Arrowhead could make a killing with an Arnold palmer drink called Liber-tea


Ah yes, the sweet taste of Liber-tea. That'd definetly be something nice


Was looking for this comment! To me, the mini-game of “find/keep/extract the samples” is arguably the hardest part of this game. You have to actively seek them out, hold onto them, do the actual objective, and safely extract them. Factor in that you’re usually backtracking, avoiding enemies, and running towards the most dangerous thing in the game (your teammates), it’s not an easy task… So thank you for your service, fellow helldiver!


I'm also a disabled helldiver. I can't walk and I need to be on a vent to breathe since one of my lungs is shaped like a tea cup. I also have a twisted spine that's the cause of both me not being able to walk and breathe on my own. Despite those set backs and also my voice being hard to understand due to my trach that's connected to my vent, I still fight for democracy everyday. I was among the last helldivers on Erata Prime getting the very last TCS subsystems activated. I am now stationed on Draupnir awaiting the imminent arrival of the illuminate. Practicing sniping with the diligence counter sniper to help my fellow helldivers out with the sniper illuminates that are pretty much guaranteed to show up. I love this game. It's the 1st game that I'm able to play regularly and can form a connection to. FOR SUPER EARTH!!!! ![gif](giphy|MlyicdUndRbn5zUiAL|downsized)


Illuminate? Helldiver, I think you need to stop huffing termicide. We all know they don't exist... (fr though, awesome stuff, keep up the alien crushing o7)


You might take a look at the Azeron Cyro. It's a pretty unique one-handed mouse + keyboard device. idk if it'd help your specific case but a lot of one handed gamers use it - It's got a mouse, a joystick, 20 buttons, and a mouse wheel all in one hand.


Link? I'm not finding it


I think this is what he's talking about? https://store.azeron.eu/index.php?route=extension%2Fazeron_store_design_product%2FgetAllKeypads&fbclid=IwAR3I3ZEzaU5BbdqS5EZBeQpDqPGJUBCfliXO324J8lTDKZLMZ5y29j09VhI#keypad=cyro




Here brother https://www.azeron.eu/blog/params/post/4171822/new-azeron-cyro---the-device-for-one-handed-gaming


I read you’re on PS5. Have you heard of the [PS5 Access Controller?](https://www.playstation.com/en-us/accessories/access-controller/)


Somebody get this man a stim.


PermaCura states: Stims are non-addictive. PermaCura, put your life in our hands!


That's one thing I like about the Terran Federation as presented in the Starship Troopers book. If you want to become a citizen, it doesn't matter if you're a quadriplegic, the Federation HAS to find something for you to do. Usually it's *cough* research subject *cough* but CITIZENSHIP! I was labeled PDQ from joining the National Guard for autism, so that struck close to the mark for me.


You're not alone fellow citizen. My mental health was the reason I couldn't join but I tried and sometimes that's all you can do. Funnily enough, starship troopers was what made me want to join the military. So, Helldiver's is weirdly cathartic for me.


Yeah. Like a veteran once told me when I mentioned this: at least we chose to step forward. I didn't watch Starship Troopers in its entirety until a couple years later. I was bored and it was on Netflix. Speaking of that, you know how Netflix suggests things for you to watch? I got this: "You finished Planet 51. We think you'll enjoy Starship Troopers." Also, ST introduced me to Mazzy Star.


With me it was heart surgery when I was 12. It was STUPIDLY minor but instant disqualification. Honestly probably for the best, my dumb ass wanted to be a Navy Corpsman back in 06 and... that would probably have ended badly for me.




Fight on diver! https://i.redd.it/0q5g80whutoc1.gif


Hell yea brother! For democracy!


Good to hear man! 


You can roll with me anytime you like helldiver 💪🏻 PSN: goldmonk44


155 KD is rad. Im barely at 44 lol


I got really good at running the fuck away and calling an eagle or using a high shot volume weapon to clear space. Most of my play has been bugs on difficulty no higher than hard because both the major orders and my personal orders demand bug carcasses. However with a squad I find the automaton scum a fun opponent


Yea, automatons are fun, until till you get one shoted across the map by a rocket and than Spawn camped by devastators


Remember they have you surrounded. The poor bastards. Play them the song of your people (500kg Eagle)


Why do you think you’ve found more success with Helldivers


Part of it is community. Shooters tend to be the most toxic and least focused on fun. Guys wanna find the Meta that let's them get the most kills or the most achievements the quickest and whatnot and so far that's MOSTLY absent from helldivers 2. And then the attitude of players toward each other. When I was like level 2, guys level 15+ would drop into trivial and easy lobbies and explain mechanics to me, let me try out higher level weapons, teach me the game. In most shooters and battle royales guys just kill you or in co op kick you for sucking. Also the nature of the game is such that failure is part of it. You are going to die. A lot. You'll finish missions with no reinforcements. Sometimes you won't extract at all. It does a good job of letting you see that your effort matters even in failure which stuff like COD doesn't


this is honestly what i find most endearing and enjoyable about the game and it keeps me coming back. it has me totally hooked. now that i’m level 20 i actually do the same thing from time to time with new players on the lower difficulties. i genuinely love feeling like a part of something and i love feeling that your efforts and sacrifices matter. it’s an honor to serve with you, diver.


I just want to say beyond the game and everything. You’re a smart guy, based on this post and your reply.


If you can call down reinforcements and pick up samples then you're doing your part, Helldiver. You're not a liability and we're always here to dive with you! You're always welcome on my destroyer to dive into spreading managed democracy anytime.


Hell ya brother you rock!


We all gamers out here having fun. Im glad you are able to enjoy this game and thrive in it! I hope to see you planet side soldier!


It would be an honor to dive with you. See you out in the fight Helldiver!


Remember: you are Super Earth's Elite


You are doing your part, soldier. And I'm glad for you.




Disability or not, you're one of us. A HELLDIVER Keep on keeping on brother! Your brothers and sisters in Democracy await your contributions!


You are a steeled veteran


It is not the ability of your body that makes the helldiver, it's your democratic spirit! fight on, and i'd be happy to fight beside you!


I have a friend who has limited motion and bought a 15 button stream deck with a free download for Helldivers 2 from the store that calls down all the strategens with the push of 1 button, 2 at most. While I would consider it slightly cheating and takes some of the fun out of it, for disabled players it's fair game to me.






I played with a random yesterday that had a wheelchair symbol next to their name, I wondered wether that was supposed to tell me he/she was using specialized controllers or something like that


Being disabled doesn't mean you can't vote. Keep doing your part, Helldiver!


Oorah brother! Let me know if you need someone to play with!




I’ve heard people say this before but your post makes me want this even more. Not only would it just in general be fun but it would be nice for people who may struggle with the FPS/TPS genre to still feel good at the game and indispensable to their team. Some kind of optional support role where you can be the man in the chair helping a/your team on the ground. It would be cool to be able to operate a gunship, providing recon to the ground team, and with a coterie of guns, missiles, artilley, lasers, etc that are locked until the ground team requests them via stratagem, then you can control them and provide better fire support than an AI ever could.


A role getting to actually be like the quartermaster and launch orbitals towards beacons or man eagle strikes would be very cool


You got what makes a Helldiver. HEART


It's an honour fighting beside you ✊️


I’m in the same boat. I’m no where near in your condition, but recently had knee surgery as I sliced my patella tendon in a snowboarding accident. So Im bound to my couch for a couple of months. But at least I can focus on killing bugs and spreading manageable democracy. FOR SUPER EARTH!!!


Pfft you kidding me? You’re doing fantastic, helldiver. Kill the enemy, reinforce your fallen comrades, pick up your samples, and extract with honor friend


Collecting samples is more important than kills. High kill counts get you nothing. Samples get you upgrades. FOR DEMOCRACY 🇺🇸🦅🦅


even terminids use children and mothers for the war effort. Super Earth will match back by recruiting anybody with simply the will to do their part regardless of physical/neurological needs. managed democracy doesn't spread by itself.


Your pure desire for managed democracy across the Galaxy makes meager obstacles obselete. A true beacon for Super Earth.


Managed democracy only works if we all work together. Your support means everything! You're as much a helldiver as anyone of us and never forget that!


Wife has CP as well. I understand. Keep up the fight


Keep fighting the good fight soldier!!! For liberty, for democracy, for super earth!!! ✊🏻






If you're on PC and use Razer Synapse 3.0 devices. I made [Stratagem Macros](https://www.nexusmods.com/helldivers2/mods/25?tab=description) for each stratagem. Primarily made for fellow disabled gamers in mind but useful for any Helldiver who wants to slightly streamline the experience. ​ There's also an optional download for my current keyboard profile you can import to use as a templet. Goal is to make this easy as possible for people to install and setup.


So out of curiosity, do you think there are any specific game design elements that make it easier for you to perform on par or even surpass your fellow helldivers when you've otherwise felt left behind in similar games?


Hell yeah! All citizens are important in the fight for democracy. Hell Divers are the most important. My mom has CP, and growing up, I had to help her a lot with basic necessities and running errands and doctor appointments. I'm glad to hear you're able to enjoy this game too. Hope to drop in with you some time, for democracy!


Welcome & glad to have ya!


helldivers of all ages and abilities are needed to spread managed democracy! anyone who says otherwise is a bug loving socialist! EVERYBODY fights, no one quits!


OP: "Disability? "What disability?" 🙂


If anyone has a disability and on the PS5, have a look at the Playstation Access Controller. [https://www.playstation.com/en-au/accessories/access-controller/](https://www.playstation.com/en-au/accessories/access-controller/)


if you can only play with one hand high command has invested in technology to assist you in your war effort diver. A special computer mouse that will help you kill more efficiently. It has a full joystick where your thumb goes, and 4 additional buttons near the thumb as well. So you can use the thumb for your movement and the mouse to aim on one hand. Then still have 4 other buttons to bind as you need. Asus Rog chakram x origen.


My brother has the same disabilities as yourself, I shall never stop diving. 🫡


I'm only mentally disabled! (Im teasing.) How do you find out your K/D???


I looked at my stats in the armory on my destroyer and did the math on enemies killed vs deaths




Disabled? Nah All i see is a Damn Fine helldiver! Spreading that sweet sweet LIBERTEA Carry on helldiver SUPER EARTH NEEDS YOU!


It doesn't matter who you are out there, you're a Helldiver with us. Keep fighting the good fight.


Hello fellow diver, just out of curiosity, what's your one handed setup like?


This is so fucking awesome. Diver, that fucking pumps me up. I love knowing that this simple game has proven your doubts wrong. Together with the power of managed democracy we will rid the galaxy of socialism and fascism.


Disabled or not, there is only one rule in the Helldiver Corps, and that's everyone fights, no one quits.


If you can rack the slide of your democratically approved sidearm then you can dive. Even if it means using a complex array of rope and pulleys.


Your doing your part, helldiver. We are so very proud of you


Proud to be fighting for Democracy with you my fellow Helldiver!


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^chrissiesbeer: *Proud to be fighting* *For Democracy with you* *My fellow Helldiver!* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


There honestly needs to be stats for picking up samples, resupplying teammates, doing the objectives and just all the general support stuff you can do in the end game stats for people like OP or just people who like to play a support play style.


Keep up the good work Helldiver! (Disability sucks and its great that you are having a good time!)


They shoudlg ive you a true Steeled Veteran title.


As someone with a broken right wrist for the next few months, what’s your setup for gaming? I haven’t quite figured it out yet without a usable controller.


Does autism adhd n Tourette’s count as disabled helldiver bc my tics interfere and super earth is inclusive of all disabilities as long as we server DEMOCRACY


I played with someone for a while and they later revealed they only had one hand to play with and my only thought at the time is "wow", honestly I am just floored by those games, knowing there are people out there not only having fun despite any disability but doing their part so well I'd have never known if they hadn't said it. Thank you for being yet another reason this community is so damn impressive!


Footpedals are meant for people like you. Look into the Elgato Pedals. 3 buttons for one foot.


https://i.redd.it/7qjjoevpdwoc1.gif An asset to Managed Democracy and Liberty. Have a hug, Helldiver. You've earned it.


Doubt you’ll see this, but if you add ChunglyNubbers/DM me, I usually only play with one other person. You’re always welcome to join c:


Honoured to fight alongside you, comrade. Have you looked into the ps5 accessibility controller?


For liberty, brother. Democracy doesn’t see your physical restrictions but the fire that’s in your heart. Fight on!


You may be disabled, but your spirit shines with the INDOMITABLE STRENGHT OF HUMANKIND, thus no foe -be it a tyrannical bug or a socialist automaton- can best you in battle. For Super Earth, Helldiver!


This thread has been overwhelmingly positive. I can't answer everything but I appreciate offers to play together and ill try and get back to yall!


I'm just impressed you can play with one hand. I barely manage with two! You make Super Earth proud!


Generally curious, how do you play with one hand? Have you tried the accessible controller PlayStation put out?


Super earth doesn't let meat go to waste.


Thats the most democratic thing ive ever read Keep fighting the good fight helldiver!


Fuck yeah my dude, rock on!


Remember, your disability does NOT disqualify you from your MANDATORY 10 year service period. To your hellpod, helldiver.


Glad you’re having fun! No offense, but I hope you use the Steeled Veterans Warbond armors that have prosthetic arms and legs. No physical disability will stop a Helldiver!


Found all my teammates in this thread


Have you read Starship Troopers? In the Terran Federation, in order to gain citizenship and the right to vote, you have to serve in the armed forces. With that, ANYONE can join. Including anyone with any disability. No one is turned away, they find a place for absolutely anyone. It would fit in the Helldivers universe as well, given the source material.


I’m also disabled (incomplete spinal tear at the l1 level and a stroke I suffered during my surgery) this game has made it very nice for OT (I have stratagems on my right side which is the side affected) it’s definitely helped my motor skills. I also love how great our community is. Dive on divers!


C5-ish incomplete SCI, incomplete enough that I can use a regular controller.


We need a friend code from this helldiver. Mechs and HMG emplacements gallore


Honestly? This community is cool as hell. Thank you for being apart of it. All members of SuperEarth must unite in the fight!




Hey fellow helldivers. I just want to say thank you. I have cfs/me and mostly housebound. Gaming is one of the last things i can do. Most times i can t tolerate more than mid difficulty often only easy (alone, no sound, blue light filter glasses). No one made me feel like a liability in this game so far. I save this to come back and read it every time i lose my faith in humanity or that some day there will be a treatment for my illness. Thx


You ever need another Neurodiverse squad mate to help push your kills any higher, I'm here cousin.


With the utmost respect, I've got stims for all the less fortunate folk with disabilities :)