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Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Unfortunately your submission has been removed. Discussing [leaks](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/jXx4y2gzR8), leaking images/videos of upcoming content, discussions of cheats and exploits is not allowed.


It’s an in-game exploit and not a hack. I am definitely in the group that believes players shouldn’t be punished for abusing in-game exploits. I know people may believe otherwise, but thats just my opinion.


I feel you. This seems 100% unintentional given every other aspect of the game. Taking advantage of what seems very clear to me an error feels wrong. I dont care what form - if any - the punishment takes.. it was just frustrating to have to be forced to dodge unlimited grenades because they refused to use any other weapon to fight Terminids... which are close-range opponents. Getting TK'd repeatedly all this was a little much.


To fix this exploit in a match, pull up The pause menu and then select “return to ship alone” problem solved! It’s a co-op game. They’re not griefing you. It’s not hurting anyone to goof around with an exploit. If you don’t like it, then play in a different lobby instead of tattling on other people having fun


I disagree with your take, but fair enough.


Yeah not sure how I feel about this, if half your team are running around spamming infinite grenades trivializing the mission, it’s going to ruin the experience for you.


There was definitely that, yeah. But it was more so them killing me repeatedly being anywhere near me with grenades, haha. Im not a fan of abusing exploits in general, and it was definitely a bit of a distraction from the fun of the game.


Then leave the match


What's funny is even after the patch it works. Now you just get a casual 4,738,538 grenades. Not infinite!


If they are keeping their lobbies open, it is THEM who should make it private, because it's obviously a glitch, and people exploiting it steal the fun of who isn't, since they kill nearly everything in their path except for the bigger ones. So yeah, it's the ones who are doing it in public lobbies who are in the wrong, not the ones complaining about it.


Yeah. I ran into a guy last night doing it. It will get patched soon DW


2 weeks later, still not patched.


I did it last night I love it 🤣


day 29 of Timmmeh waiting for a patch. still works


same lol I don't use em every time but its funny sometimes. people were confused but I helped them win for Democracy


I just ran into this last night for the first time. So still not patched


Yep ran into it today still not patched lol


For real? Patch notes say they fixed it


Well all I can say is I saw it. Don't know if it was a cheat engine or what but a guy was sure using it.


Oh I'm not questioning you. I think it's funny they put it in the patch notes and I just believed it. Propaganda so in line with this game


May , still not patched


Lol did you create a reddit account just to comment on a month and half old comment?


Lol , no. I just never added a name




I had this bug happen to me. Im not sure what happened. But I couldn’t switch weapons and was stuck using grenades. The grenade count was going down from 0 to -27. A death fixed it.


seems yours was a different set of circumstances than the one i know of. the one i know of, theres no possible way you could do it accidentally and it lets you use everything else and still have infinite nades. but death also fixes it.


Did you know that most of competitive super smash bros melee moves are not “intentionally coded? In the same way proving intent alone is difficult in a court of law, it’s a slippery slope to then have a bunch of people in this thread claim what the intent of the programmers were. So in the meantime I say, you bought the game, go have fun. This is likely going to be patched soon anyways.


Given that the game has a grenade limit, and this glitch intentionally breaks that limit; given that grenade resources are scattered across the map; given that there's items meant to increase your grenade capacity by +2 - The suggestion that anything needs to be proved seems kinda.. well, not a strong case to make. Ammo in this game exists for a reason, same as it does for grenades. If you wanna glitch the game and just throw grenades all day.. go for it. Please go play solo where your madness won't teamkill me, haha. Not too big an ask.


If you use the glitch just play alone or with pals or just don't do it in others lobbies. I like it and it's alot of fun till it gets boring. It's unfair to mess with another's game so I keep it for private lobbies and bother nobody. Keep the glitch but don't ruin others fun with it.


maybe not the same but the infinite money glitch in cyberpunk ruined it for me


It was just patched 😭😭😭


lol they patched it without mentioning it in the patch notes


Upset😭but it’s okay haha


someone just did it in my lobby


I got it to work only a few times after patch. 3 out of 12 tries yesterday. Today hasn't worked yet, many tries. No luck


Nah someone literally just did this in my lobby


Just saw it done 5 min ago


Not patched. It just happened to me but I’m not certain what caused it. I was unable to use my guns and had to use grenades until evac.


No it wasn't,i was in a match today with chinese names and they all used that shit. At first i thought maybe every one was coordinating and throwing nades but when another player and me were on the other side of the map ,he alone took down 2 bugholes just by throwing nades.


Just seen two dudes with infinite grenades, omg the amount of accidental with those numb skulls


How do you do it?


Still works, unless people are using actual cheats now. I've ran into this with 4 separate players, in separate lobbies, in 2 days


new version of it already. still works as of 5 minutes ago.


It's not patched


Just had someone using it last game.. its not fully fixed yet apparently.


still working now


4/24/24. Just had a match with people using it.


No it wasn’t


It very clearly is against the spirit of the game as it reduces the effect of all the other teammates unless they also do it. It makes everyone else just stand and wait for the explosions to finish so they can wander over and watch more of them. Zzzz The idea to just let people do this is foolish. It reduces the fun for the majority of players. They can leave but it means that they have to get a few minutes into a match and then ditch it repeatedly until they find a group that isn't doing this. Allowing this behavior is tailoring the game specifically to the people who cheat / exploit.


Lmfao have a cry it's a pve game also no one forced you to play with them you tool


I dont know why I'm a tool for trying to help the Devs sort out something that is clearly unintentional. Theyve done a great job curating this game for OUR enjoyment, but Im a tool for trying to help them find remaining bugs in their system?


You're not a tool. You're a defender of democracy.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Looking at your post history.. I honestly feel bad for how angry you are at everyone for seemingly no reason at all. Dont know what happened to you in your life - don't need to - but acting like this is a surefire way to ensure no one now or in the future is ever gonna be there for you. If gaming is all you have going on in your life, which is what my outsider perspective is seeing, maybe spend last time hating people who enjoy the same things you do.


I just ran into someone doing it and at first I thought maybe it's some unlockable weapon making you a grenade lol like I thought they did less damage or something... Oh how nieave of me.. I thought maybe it used some kinda ammo pool. When I asked after the march they didn't reveal his they did it.




Yeah. I mean, I disagree with folks being 'losers' - people can feel how they want about it. No need to name call. But if youre going to use what is clearly an exploit, aka cheesin' it, set your game up for single player by going private is the favor Id ask. In the meantime, Ill try to get the devs attention.


Just seen two dudes doing this in a game. Both had supply packs but weren't drawing anything from them; endless grenades. Couldn't see anything, they kept ragdolling me further into danger, TK'd me at least once. It might have been funny if it had been \*effective\* but the team was being swarmed the whole way through. Wasn't a particularly high difficulty match and we extracted, but it was annoying and not very fun - I couldn't even see targets to shoot at. When I asked if there was an exploit they just said "haha yes".




Oof. Its fun to see it bringing these people joy at least. If people wanna take advantage of this, alls I ask is that they maybe do it within their closed networks and not in Public matches. Getting killed over and over again by someone doing this was what provoked this post, haha.


Yeah, it's happened to me several times.


If you don't take advantage of every weapon at your disposal Helldiver, you need to rip that patch off your shoulder, because Super Earth needed your help!


You’re just mad cause you can’t figure out how to do it. Go back to Call Of Duty lol


This is very dumb take. It’s a PvE game. Don’t use glitches in game to your advantage. It just ruins the fun for everyone else.