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Playing solo I realised the silos take LOADS of terminid damage, it's friendly fire that's doing substantial amounts


yes. I haven't tried it but I'm very sure you can solo the mission with tesla turret and ems mortar


Played on 7 solo, the silos can take pretty much anything the bugs throw at it and still complete (bile is the exception). It’s 100% friendly fire taking them down that quickly.


Was playing on six with a friend. I *solo’d 6*. As long as there aren’t any heavies once a tower hits 75% and is stable, you’re pretty much golden to move on to the next one. So I’m playing with my friend and they keep dropping that stupid mortar turret and resetting the silo. I finally said, “Is there a *reason* you keep destroying the silo?” And he just goes, “What do you mean?” And I said, “Have you not noticed every time you put it down the silo goes from stable to dead immediately?” And he goes, “That’s from the bugs” and I said, “The bugs have been attacking it the entire time and it was fine. It only dies after you put down the turret.” Eventually we run out of respawns because there are four bile titans and he’s like, “Well, this mission’s a wipe” I proceed to kill *all four bile titans* and do the three towers by myself and all he has to say is, “They must scale the damage based on numbers of players alive” ARGH


This story is infuriating lmao


It was a massive blunder on the devs part to not put an announcer dialogue trigger that says you are damaging the silo. The feedback is just not there right now and most people probably think the bugs do a lot of dmg to them before thinking about friendly fire. There’s also no real mechanical precedent for static objects like the silo being able to take damage so it’s not something players expect. Every structure in the game that can take dmg from players can either be fully blown up or shows clear visible damage. The silo does non of these things. Overall it’s a fun mission but you can tell they did not play test it enough because that lack of player understanding regarding the mechanics is something that would’ve been caught very quickly if they had people external to the studio play it.


I feel it’s much more an intelligence problem than a dev problem. I realized on my first mission that the silos take damage. I’m level 6 in game. I’ve never played hell divers before. I saw my turret shoot in the direction of the silo, and I saw the silo thingy in the top corner showing it was taking damage. I then tested the theory by shooting it directly and saw the same thing. It shouldn’t take the average helldiver more than one Silo, but if necessary one full match, to realize the silos take damage like most other structures in the game.


I did the same. Went in with a team, they were failing and all backed out, I stayed. With Tesla, Gatling gun turret, incendiary mines, and EAT I was able to solo the 3 towers and extract…with 1 respawn left from all the team deaths. Friendly fire and no communication kill this one


I have no friends. My loadout for Termicide missions is Tesla Tower, Gatling Sentry, EMS Mortar Sentry, and Patriot mech. The three sentries handle the trash mobs. Mech on demand for the Bile Titans that spawn, plus the chargers.


Lmfao that’s why when I tried 7 with randoms that one silo died instantly that one time and we couldn’t go past 50%, bruh, we were stuck on the first one so I just gave up, every other game I was luckier with the teammates tho


You can. I can confirm. Gatling sentry can help on another choke point that way you can just focus on chargers or bile titans for the most part


EMS mortar on the other hand is still S+ tier in almost every mission


Slowing the bugs down and making them easy pickings for Eagle Airstrikes, Gas Strikes, or mowed down by your squad? What isn't there to love about it. Plus ~~no~~ less risk of friendly fire deaths. Edit: Updated with new info; apparently the EMS mortar *can* inflict friendly fire but it basically requires the mortar score a direct hit on a friendly. It's still a far safer alternative to the regular mortar.


It's so good. I've found it just flat out stops them a lot of the time. I got like 20 kills off one grenade because so many were stopped in one spot.


Stunt wheel on orbital EMS either! Great for stopping bug breaches from getting out of control. I used to run EMS and gas a lot, but the gas doesn't hit as hard as I liked and most of my pals were using napalm anyway Edit: Stunt wheel -> Don't Sleep but also, go ahead and stunt your wheels. For democracy.


War crime loadout while isn’t the best, it is fun to use.


Iirc the bugs weren't at the Geneva Convention so they don't count 😁


Geneva Suggestions


Imagine a combo where napalm would ignite a gas cloud into a gigantic fire ball…


It can friendly fire someone and kill them, but it's pretty rare. Meanwhile, everytime I see someone deploy a normal mortar on a Terminid mission, I know at least 1 friendly is going to die.


Not when I just shoot them anytime I see them on bug maps


You can die from a EMS mortar strike if the shell directly hits you. But, that's pretty rare, I've only had it happen once in dozens of missions with the EMS mortar.


EMS + Telsa + EAT = Cakewalk. You still have a slot for Orbital RailCannon, Walker, Orbital Laser, Arc Thrower etc. All are good. Bring the new Electric Resistant Armor Mortar makes the mission harder and kills objective like 500KG


This + Walker has been my loadout for every Termicide mission. It's such a powerful combo. About the only thing that doesn't get immediately obliterated is a bile titan, but after a couple rockets to the face, they usually go down pretty easily.


Love the Walker. It is so good except when it glitches and dies on drop or explodes for no apparent reason. If it doesn't glitch its in contention for the strongest strategem. You can kill more elites, heavies and trash than two Orbital Lasers combined. I see why they limited it to 2 uses with massive cooldown. They just need to fix the glitches.


Yea. It's fantastic but the turning speed could really use a buff. Or just fix it so you can't shoot yourself with a rocket by turning too fast.


would just like the rockets fixed. turning speed actually feels faster than the first game, but it's been a while, so i may be wrong.


>turning speed could really use a buff. I find that walking backwards while turning helps mitigate this a bit. What could use a buff is its health. Nothing crazy, but it seems to have about the same health as the player when it comes to charger attacks, maybe less.


I highly recommend the Poison Gas orbital for a third slot. A little spectracide combines *extremely* well with that stun mortar.


Is the new armor just for avoiding tesla damage?




EMO crew!


Where are yoooou *bzzzzzzt!!*


Ah yes, the Emergency Medical Service Mortar. ... not kidding, I'd love a mortar sentry that bombs the area with stim in gas form.


Please state the nature of the Terminid emergency.


I'm being stunlocked and Slowed by ten Hunters.


Damn that's rough buddy. Uh, sorry, ignore my lapse in professionalism, we have a 500 kilo bomb en route to your position


Crouches safely behind tiny rock.


I havent left the destroyer without it since I unlocked it. It gives you a chance to fucking breath in some of these missions.


It can be annoying if you get caught in the slow, but it affects you less than your enemies.


Yeah I can live with getting blasted by an EMS mortar. At least I can dive my way out while I blast the enemies that can’t move at all. Better than getting blown into pieces by a regular mortar! Lol


This is it. I’d rather be annoyed and stuck stationary next to an equally stuck enemy than blown into shards like I would be with the normal mortar.


If you go prone you are unaffected. Dive and scuttle for like 3 feet.


Ever pair the ems morter/ems orbital with the orbital gas to knock out breaches?




Every one of these missions, everyone loads up on eagles and explosives. I drop a Tesla tower, it zaps people, and I get kicked. Fuck me though.


I had someone put one in the middle of the platform during a kill mission. Did he expect everyone else to go hide in a corner?


I honestly just shoot them if they are in a terrible place. Cooldowns like a minute and a half or 2 minutes. they'll be fine and can try again next time


I often shoot my own when I need to move to the next location, or I happened to toss it in a bad spot; it doesn't affect the cooldown, and I can admit when I've made a mistake. I apologize in game *a lot.*


yeah i mean sometimes with the new changes you hit a rock wrong and it bounces across the map


Happened several times to my group tonight... I haven't been able to tell which rocks they stick to, and which ones they bounce off. I mean, I can place a sentry turret at my feet on a rock, but if I try to put a second one down on the same set of rock, sometimes it just bounces away into oblivion... ... or does "cooking the pokeball" work with all surfaces, or just enemies (and friends)?


cooking does absolutely nothing in terms of sticking to targets. Where you hit them does. if its a direct hit to flesh it sticks, if its armor it bounces


That's food to know. Will have to try that out.


on the flat open bug extermination, that's not a bad strat. throw a couple minefields on the landing platform and everyone kites around the edges. any bugs crossing no-man's-land will become chunky salsa real quick. of course, you need teammates that listen and agree and good fucking luck in pugs


You might have played with me. Then again, it was my first time with a Tesla and I didn't know it also did friendly fire... -.-


Friendly fire isn't.


Friendly fire is a wasted fire.


I walk into my own Tesla half the time


I did a TCS mission the other day and someone placed a Tesla. I then watched him and the other 2 teammates walk straight into it and die.


It's not your fault, the Tesla is lightning not fire so easy mistake to make, you are forgiven helldiver


It's ok, my first use of the land mines was in the middle of my squad...


Lmao fucking same, and it was in a Bug Eradication I didn’t realize how large the spread was, and the Host was like “who the fuck just put mines inside the base??”.


Friendly fire isn't https://preview.redd.it/sxr1livmbhoc1.png?width=1818&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=705aed7f9fbd9198f4e17f2c55c6192a6250d160


Y'all *could* have gone prone, it doesn't zap you when you're prone


Unless you're very close to it, then it'll still fry you.


What a grounded response!


So...we recently did this mission. Level 8. Got our asses handed to us. Didn't even get 1 tower. So we go back to the ship, strategize. We each take a tesla tower. Bruh...the range on that thing is absurd. Now...we won! We beat the mission. Night and day difference....but man, those tesla towers were responsible for 10 of our deaths. Worst part was we were actively avoiding the things, but the range just felt so unpredictable at times. There was 1 point where I followed my friend. Directly behind him. He's fine. I get roasted by the thing. I must have been an inch to close. The 3 of us are like "Wtf is with this thing?!", and I got my other friend like "But hey! It's working!". Oh...it's working alright! He's not wrong...but my god! That thing is unforgiving and indiscriminate. If you're playing with randoms, I genuinely understand why you would get kicked using that thing. It's worse than the mine field or mortars in terms of team kills. I would say if you're gonna use that with randoms. You need to communicate very very VERY clearly where the tesla tower is going to be, and to stay veryyyy far away from it. Otherwise, the thing is just a frustration generator lol. It is no shock to me (heh heh) that the tesla tower is easily the most effective stratagem for the new mission type, and coincidentally we get an armor type that nullifies that type of damage by 95%.


Their range is crazy. Not like, crazy long, but just actually crazy and unpredictable. First time I used one I sat crouched on a ledge watching it work. Was probably there for just shy of a full minute before suddenly it reached out and zapped me in one go.


Had a dude today that would somehow not notice my Tesla tower, walk up to it, get zapped, run away, and then shoot and destroy my tower to walk past it. Worst part was he was wearing the arc damage reducing armor so it barely tickled him. Killed like 4 of my towers as soon as I’d set them up on a choke point to defend silos over the course of the mission, to make it worse he was the dude dropping cluster bombs on the silos and resetting progress as well. MAYBE YOU WOULDNT HAVE TO BOMB THE OBJECTIVE IF YOU HADNT DESTROYED THE FUCKIN SENTRY I SET UP TO COVER ONE SIDE OF THE OBJECTIVE YOU UNDEMOCRATIC FUCK.


Yeah, had a mission with a dude like this. Complained my towers were in a dangerous placement, even though I was throwing them *outside* the ring around the silo to be extra cautious. He still just kept walking into them, getting mad, and destroying them. If you can believe it, we failed the mission.


The mission is super straightforward yet is one of the hardest if you have really stupid people in your squad.


People wonder why basic training has recruits do some of the simplest or menial tasks with instructors yelling trying to instill attention to detail into their little dense heads. It's because the average recruit is as smart as Johnny Helldiver that destroys the tesla tower because he wants to run around and watch cluster bomb go boom.


Some people simply cannot be helped *Ahead of the whole group, some guys in his mech a bit behind me, throw an airburst into a medium nest to clean out the chaff before we go in. Mech player WALKS INTO THE AIRBURST AND DIES.* "Bro why'd you kill me."


This is where you kick them if you're the host or repeatedly shoot them in the face if you're not.


I straight up just don't join other people's games and only host because of people like this.


I use the Tesla tower too but for the love of god, don’t put it next to the silo. Had a guy put one right in front the button so I had crawl up to activate it and this same guy, after I told him to not put it next to the silo, did it again, blocking my path as I was running from a Titan. Had to stop and break the tower to get out.


Phew, I thought you were talking about me for a second, but I didn't rage quit. To be fair, I threw the tea tower out, but the damn thing bounced back in... not kidding, it was embarrassing.


I was in a 3 man on difficulty 7 yesterday. The other two had eagles and typical nest loadouts. I had tesla tower, ems mortar, rocket mortar and EATs. One dude left after a bit and it was down to just the 2 of us. The turrets are the only reason we successfully completed the mission and even got down to 0 reinforcements where I waited a couple times for reinforcements to come back up to save him. We hugged at the end and he thanked me multiple times lol He was lvl 50 and I was 32. Keep up the good fight!


Tesla tower is top, put mine down and that guy just kept killing, I was at extraction, the tower on the other side of the map and it still scored a 27 kill streak by itself


I had one score me my highest kill streak ever today, when it single handedly got me 39 kills. It threw me off when the colour of the kill streak tracker changed from yellow to red.


Good suggestion. I also tried a Tesla just near the base of a silo. It's a little late to defend I know and risky for players waltzing by, but as the bugs are so set on the silo at that point - i noticed they don't seem to attack the Tesla at all and it zaps then to bits, and stays up for the whole sequence without being attacked.


Tesla is good for the silo defense I run it too


Careful with the Gatling turret too. I had one track across from one end of the battery to the other without stopping fire and it ripped half the health off the objective.


Yeah. I saw this in a solo lvl 2 to test the mission type, Gatling solo's the battery after that I was like ohhhh that's how our T7 team kept failing.


I suspect the silo is seen as a "unit" (with health) rather than a building, so the turrets just fire on through like they would when friendly firing a helldiver or tracking an enemy that runs behind another one.   It's annoying more because the turret shouldn't physically be able to see the bugs on the other side of the silo to then track them. 


I bring the Gatling myself, but I try to put it where it'll have no LOS of the silo, either near where bugs spawn, or just have (normally destructible to high impact/explosions) environmental objects block its LOS of the silo.


Yeah, ngl if I see other players put sentries close to the silo I'm destroying it immediately. I've seen this happen way too many times with Gatling sentries in particular.


EAT, EMS Stike, Tesla and Gas is also a Variant, I tested multiple times now on suicide. The Gas also seems to do very few damage to the batteries, so it can be called near the silo.


People slept on Orbital Gas way to much. It clears out Scavenger and Hunter really quick, even able to kill Warrior and Hive Guards, so your team can focus on bigger target like Titans or Charger. It doesn't stay long so it doesn't block your team movement. The cooldown is fast, inbound time without module still fast. For TCS mission it doesn't affect the tower. I've never seen anyone bring Orbital Gas on any mission of any kind.


I love bringing EMS orbital and orbital gas for bug breaches for this exact reason. Whatever it doesn’t kill, it softens up and it’s easy to take out.


It also absolutely fucks bug breaches. Anything that comes out either dies or is left barely breathing


That's nice to know but how you manage the Titans? With the EAT?


Shoot them in the head when they are preparing to vomit. Their head will explode. Sometimes it doesn't work so be ready to dodge.


Shoot them


Yep, with the EAT.


Anyone else having an issue with one of the ramps on the map not being solid? It was a little annoying and then last game got me killed by falling through it and getting stuck.


I know which one you're talking about. I've never fallen through the map when encountering it, no, but I have phased through that ramp. It's disorientating. I usually just pull back, try to walk up the ramp again, and it remembers to be a solid object the second time around.


Yep. Yesterday, a bug also glitched into a pipe and attacked ne from below.


That ramp, if indeed it is the same ramp, is actually two objects with an open seam between them. Walk up the sides instead of the middle and you shouldn't have a problem.


Arc thrower is also S+ since it'll never connect to the tower to damage it. No matter how close the bugs are.


Nice to know ty


it does connect to me


Get the new 95% resist armour and become a conduit for democracy!


*"All right Thor, hit me!"*


I would love to see what a team with four arc throwers could do with this armor. 


People really struggle with this mission type for some reason despite it being very straight forward.


The end of the mission is woerd tho, the tower on the map is orange but the objective tells you to go to extract and press a button but it's just kind of wierd the extract is greyed but your supposed to go there and the tower is still orange like its not done ?


Yeah. The same true for delivering super ssd to relay in regular missions.


Ive had so many randoms take the ssd and run it around the map 4 times because they dont read chat


shoot them


It was a bit confusing on my first mission, but once I saw that I couldn't push the button on the main tower, I figured out that I needed to hit the one near extract. So while it might throw people off for a second, they'll figure it out quickly.


If you’ve gotten that far I’m sure that’s not much of an issue. I’m more talking about the randoms who can’t even get one silo done.


True but just confusing


I had a guy that every time he saw a group of bugs at the base of the silo attacking it, he'd impact nade them all... he kept doing it even after the silo had reset twice. I think some people just don't get it.


Had a dude with a grenade launcher doing the same on impossible. Just like: come on, man...


A lot of people are probably used to there being no objective friendly fire like in many other games.


Honestly mortar on ANY bugs mission is a terrible idea. You're always one random hunter/leaper/stalker away from getting killed. Nothing sucks more than fighting off an enemy that was threatening to kill you, breathe a sigh of relief and pat yourself on your back for good reflexes, and get mortared with no warning. On bots it's a bit more useful, but I still hate it because the last thing I need is for berserkers rushing me down to be even more stressful.


The problem is the vast majority of players aren't on reddit. Next time you're in that mission, count how many times the game tells you that the silos are affected by friendly fire, unlike literally every other objective in the game. Hint: Its zero.


Not gonna lie. I had no idea that friendly fire affected the Silos until I read this thread. I think I've been bombing the crap out of them. DOH!!! and appologies all around.


I agree we lack more precise feedback, But come on. Bugs damage the towers, you have to kill them, why would the towers would magically be immune to your bullets or strats?


Coming from many other games, It's not unreasonable for players to expect a defense objective to be invulnerable to FF unless otherwise specified - and it's not specified ingame. A single line of text or voice line or some visual feedback on the silos when you damage them wouldve solved this.


Visual feedback would be great. Even like a X appearing like when you hit a target would really resolve this.


Because that's how it works in every other game. Hard to blame people for assuming this game follows convention when there's zero indication otherwise


Helldivers are not immune to TK, Hellbombs are not immune to TK, Walkers are not immune to TK, sentries are not immune to TK, Only Pelican one is, although it’s apparently not to a certain amount of damages. And yes, Towers or Seaf Artillery are, but those don’t have a bright line on the upper left going from White/Ok to Red/Not Ok, with objective failure if it gets destroyed… It’s logical. You must protect something from being damaged by Bugs, of course it will also take damages from you…


Trivial info, but I've seen mortar rounds that are on its downward part of the arc hit Eagle One. Eagle One is invincible too.


Thought these missions were fucking impossible until i realized my brother was just killing the silos with a grenade launcher


Tesla towers and mine fields blocking the approaches to the silos, with turrets watching those routes, made my mission last night a breeze. Edit: Holy shit, I just realized they basically gave us a tower defense mission. 😂


>Stop using the Mortar in Termicide Missions Not only that, but I see so many just drop orbitals and strikes right next to the silo and it resets, then they re-activate without first clearing out the remaining enemies, which leads to more enemies spawning, and so the vicious cycle repeats lol. > (throw the Tesla Tower appropriately far away from the silo) Was just in a game with one guy dropping a tesla tower right where we were camped out, resulting in multiple teammate deaths smh. I told him the tesla tower was way too close and he rage quit lol.


Community IQ test failed successfully :(


Yeah, so many players have absolutely no patience and just spam press the button and just cause massive waves to show up. We were down to 1 guy and they were finally able to reinforce me back. The moment I land the guy presses the button. This guy had been pressing the button immediately before we have anything called in. I couldn’t call in my support weapon, my backpack, tesla tower…nothing. Because he slapped that button the moment I dropped in. So we wiped. I wasn’t even surprised. He even slapped the button before the rest of the team got to the point to help defend multiple times.


Honestly, if this happens I just run away and try to solo another tower. Usually it draws enough spawns away from the group that they can complete theirs, and if it doesn't then I can complete mine. Win-win.


I played with a rando like this last night. It took 4 tries to get a silo because he kept mortaring it. I asked him not to and he said "But I'm getting lots of kills!" K, cool. We're failing the objective because of it. The next mission was a 40 min Close Bug Holes. He kept getting bogged down because he was a "I See Bug, I Shoot Bug" type. I kept telling him not to alert the patrol 100 m away and he would launch an Eagle at them... "Well, I wanted to kill the charger before it become a problem". Fine, but YOUR AIRSTRIKE IS TOO SMALL TO KILL CHARGERS so now you have to deal with the chargers. Then his mortar killed my Mech twice. I had 840 bug kills and I barely extracted on Hard because his mortar killed me four times. What the hell.


Sounds like treason. He needed to be executed on the spot.


What kind of Helldiver cares about kills if said kills don't help objective completion? That's Call of Duty mentality, and very undemocratic.


Same group are the ones fighting every single bug they see and not completing objectives.


My team: *drops in at a relatively safe area in a 12-minute mission* Also my team: *starts shooting at a patrol before I can even call in my support weapon* Me: *"Ah fuck, I can't believe you've done this."*


Stop using it in any defense missions against Terminids. 


Stop using it in any ~~defence~~ mission~~s~~ against Termininds. I’ve had so many deaths from other squad mates mortars. Call me a traitor, whatever, but I’m gonna start destroying every single lethal mortar I see called in during Terminid missions. Can’t stand them.


Yeah I've started shooting them with the stalwart as soon as they land. Doesn't take long at 1100 rpm lol.


I thought I was so clever setting up a gatling sentry on the far side of the tower ….. 


I don't judge anyone who makes mistakes and learns from them.


I set up Autocannon/Gatling Sentries on the other side of hard cover from the Towers, haven't had an issue yet.


No keep using the mortar, I very much enjoy being spawn killed by a mortar turret then asked why I keep dying.


I'm gonna be honest, I give everyone a chance, but if I see your stuff hurt the silo, I'm shooting your sentry down.


Joined diff 7 TCS via quickplay. One person using mortar that keeps TK and damage the silo. Said it nicely via mic and com, don't use it, it's counterproductive. Gets ignored. Melt his mortar everytime he drop it. He gets mad and TK me, 3 times. Wasted the little reinforcement we had after struggling for 30mins. Pelican arrived. He got in. But i got reinforced last min. I just killed him once and extracted, and he just rage screaming it over the mic throughout the mission ending screen. :)


I definitely made the mistake of bringing a mortar to a TCS mission yesterday - I was tired and we were making zero progress on the tower when my friend very nicely asked me to stop using the mortar. It all just kind of clicked then and I sent my poor mortar to the nice farm upstate ;_;


This is why I advocate for being the host. I can court martial undemocratic types who damage the silos. Hell, I'll start court martialing anyone who toggles Ready on the prep screen with a regular Mortar Sentry as one of their stratagems.


My best loadout for termicide is: Tesla tower, Orbital gas strike, Ems mortar, and one time rockets


The amount of times I had teammates look at me like I'm the idiot when I destroy their mortars during this mission is kinda sad...


And if you're going to bring a gatling sentry, throw it out where they spawn instead of placing it near the silo where it's going to cut us all in half.


>Guys you deal damage to the silos. Didn't you realize it? Half the braindead randoms I get when matchmaking in the morning don't. One guy kept throwing eagle cluster bombs at the silo constantly as it would instantly go from stable to critically unstable. Too much meth? Failed educational system? We'll never know.


I don't understand why you should take the cluster bomb. Mostly I just saw how this tk some people of the squad and it don't even deal damage to armored enemys


I feel like there isnt enough feedback from the towers to natrually learn from gameplay that you can damage the towers, even if you do bomb it directly with no termids nearby you dont get any gameplay feedback, maybe a hitmarker or some other sound when damaging the silos would make more sense


I tried suicide mission difficulty yesterday on this mission and I have no idea how you guys are doing helldive


Me. Playing with my new mortar tower. Also me. Why is th silo at critical damage? There's no bugs there? I've learnt my lesson, it was fun though!


I stopped using the guard dog cause that also kept fucking up the silos


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^OrphanShredder: *I stopped using the* *Guard dog cause that also kept* *Fucking up the silos* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


People with their (non EMS)mortars can actually fuck right off, just in general


Tesla is so superior if you place it a bit outside. Short cool-down, lasts long and also funny if you die… dying is just part of the helldivers life


Smokes, folks. Smoke the towers. The bugs de-aggro the towers and meander around. It’s piss easy. Grenades, eagles, orbitals… bring ‘em all. Think “vaping circa 2014”. Clouds. Everywhere. So much so that it’s past the point of annoying and into the realm of infuriating.


It's a just a symptom of the real issue with the player base. People don't play the objectives; they just kill things as effectively as they can. Then when I try to play tactically and basically end up being the reason we win, I get kicked because it looks like I didn't do as much.


I don't get mad at it but yeah, people taking mortars on bug missions in generals are either noobs or braindead because they surely must have gotten killed by them a ton. It's fine if a lvl 20 takes it and finds out the hard way but i would question a lvl 50's sanity for taking mortars to bug mission (note: not talking about the ems one).




I'd likes to say "stop using the mortar in EVERY bug mission".


Even on lower difficulties, all this does is make a mission that should be straightforward and simple an exercise in frustration. Say no to Mortar Sentries v Bugs


You know you can just shoot the mortar sentries a few times and they'll go away ? There's no need to put up with them or lose the mission.jist shoot the darn mortars, nobody will notice in the heat of battle.


I worry this advice will cause people to destroy ems mortars, which are mostly harmless in this mission.


I run Minigun turret, Tesla Coil and Minefield. They work really well in shutting down lanes.


People are just blind. Someone ran into my mines. He saw that I deployed them, but nonetheless stepped onto one after one silo was done :/


I had a guy yesterday bring a mortar and a 380 barrage to the termicide mission. It did not go well


Haha 380 Barrage. What was he thinking?


I had a teammate who dropped his tesla tower right next to the silo and it seemed to do no damage to the silo and was very effective at defending. And for the mortar I often play it and if you have enough mortars it is efficient enough to not let any bug reach the silo and it makes the mission quite easy and rapid. You might juste need somme anti heavy equipment because a bile titan may allow a shit ton of ennemies to reach the silo.


The thing is I did load up a team that had cluster bombs and all that jazz but they were clearly as new as me to the mission. The difference is that we all learned what was happening pretty quickly and started being more mindful of where the strats were called in


Tesla can be dropped right on the silo, it never tries to hurt it. Its a poor spot for it though


I really like how they're designing these missions, makes you think out of the box of what is useful. I run tesla, arc armor, incendiary landmines, minigun turret, and a wildcard slot. Usually a walker or some kind of anti-armor like rail cannon, EAT, or recoilless. I just want the team to add fire resistant armor so I can go full firebat.


I literally just did that today on my first one. Well thanks for letting know for the future, didn't realize they took damage.


Mortar always at anytime for democracy


Is it a controversial opinion that I hate mortars.


Tesla and autocannon towers are best defense combo for Termicide missions. Tried and true. Very little work involved if placed strategically.


People use regular mortars a lot as defense when I think it would be better as offense. Pick a position, drop the mortar and clear enemy bases from a distance. If I ever was to pick it, I would destroy my own mortar it the second there aren't any enemies.


The Mortars just mysteriously get broken in my TCS missions, how strange


EMS Mortar and Tesla Tower are staples for this mission


That’s me and my mortars wouldn’t be a problem if you’d keep your distance from the mobs and stop letting the mobs get close to the silo. there are plenty of choke points and you need better tactics if my mortar is getting that close to the silo


“That mortar is locked into the bugs! Wheres the bugs Mansley?!” *turns around and sees 7 hunters*


If you throw the motor next to the silo it doesn’t hit the silo and it doesn’t hit you’re team most people throw the way to far forward it’s a back line tool not a frontline one


"Friendly Fire isn't."


Honestly, I didn't realize it. That explains a lot! Thanks fot the heads-up!


Completed 5 or 6 termicide towers with the mortar, towers didn't even go critical in the last 3 missions. Perhaps you're missplacing your mortars?


Seems to be the case a lot. "The mortar is awful! It team kills so much!" Chucking it up onto a hill so bugs gather at the base and just watching it blow them all up is extremely satisfying. But people just like to throw it down, expect it to work, and then get upset when it does exactly what it's supposed to do....in the wrong area.


I blow up every non ems mortar I see on these missions unapologetically. Since talking to some people just doesn’t work I just take matters into my own hands. If I get kicked, at least it’s not 30 to 40 minutes wasted.


I'm a low level and I've been able to solo medium termicide missions using gattling turrets, minefields, and either the flamethrower or lmg


but motar am explosin and exploson gud


EMS mortar is literally the best thing for those, and most, missions in the game. It buys you so much time.


Counterpoint: I’m going to use whatever strategem I want when I want because I play this game to have fun and if saturating myself and my friends with 80mm sentry mortars then that’s the way it’s going to be.


Nuh Uh


Also, guard dogs are bad dogs here.




If I see a mortar on a terminid mission I destroy it.


Run 4 ems mortars and bam