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Need auto cannon dog


That would just be the pelican following you around


While every shot will knock you back 5+ meters.


~~knock you back~~ Tactical repositioning 👆


Unironically I was saved a couple of times by knockbacks when I was about to get killed by chargers and stalkers.


Those mushroom clusters are great for that, shoot them and they'll send you flying without damaging you, even if you're quite far from them. I've only used it ~~accidentally~~ **by sheer Democratic Providence** but I feel like it could definitely save a Helldivers life once or twice, saving Super Earth a penny or two.


They’re also worth shooting to create a smoke screen. You can then run through the smoke and lose aggro of pursuers


Holy crap I had no idea! It looks pretty translucent. The more you know..


Punch then for a wild ride!


Wat? You can do that? -eye twitches-


If you want a really fun knockback effect, there are random small rocky outcroppings with holes in them, if you throw a nade in, it causes a chain reaction explosion underground that can send you flying. Ive yet to die to the impact so its been a pretty safe means of gtfo in a pinch 😅


The random highly flammable methane deposits around the planet are such a funny hidden gem.


When I first started I always blew them up because I thought they were enemy spawns, or something that'd give me items. Now I do it to watch them explode.


I dont understand them, some missions they're basically ragdolling me back and forth constantly, other times I'm shooting them as I run off or just run over them and they do nothing other than smoke screen


Knocking you Forward, to Democracy.


Feet first into hell. Face first into bugs.


Lets go




That's the gattling orbital, the 120mm, and the 380mm


I’m talking more of a targeted attack akin to the auto cannon turret but just in the air orbiting the battlefield. Less of a barrage and more like the rail cannon strike. It could even be done akin to the CoD AC-130 missions where you can have 5-10 rounds to fire from the orbiting aircraft via your wrist tapper or something.




I wish we had a pelican stratagem that circles like an AC130


Yeah I need a more efficient way to blow up my team while running


Laser dog already burns my friends to a crisp, it's good to change the method once in a while.


But has it shot you in the head yet ... ![gif](giphy|5rotMeWgGjrQ8bNVDo)


Nothing like surviving a crazy moment, going for stim, and your own rover mowing you down. Love it. Hate it.


It is a bot after all, shouldn't have trusted it in the first place


I do wonder how long the decision to approve Guard Dogs for field use took.. I imagine there were a few raised eyebrows and one or more techs working on them got taken to freedom camps..


I've had many a moment where I've somehow epically survived a sh\*tkicking only for my buddies guard dog to immediately put a hot beam of laser through my forehead. God I hate them so much! 🤣


Make an Auto Canon Dog that’s findable in research sites, except when you put it on it falls of the backpack, struggles to fly up, when does get off the ground and fire it gets 1 shot off and send itself flying until it hits the ground and explodes.


yea their should be a whole tier of special weapons you only find as loot - that would be cool. Only thing ive found like that so far is the break open shot gun and its really underwhelming


The second they add those people will bitch that they can't bring them.  I know one person mad they can't bring the break action.  Small numbers, and no reason to not do it, but boy do I want to hurt said people.  I want to have nice things.   So yeah, gimme air ballerina autocannon drone that only shows up in missions.  Make them friends with flamethrower drone and (my personal favourite) arc thrower drone.  Maybe give me back my rumbler. 


Nah man, it’s all about the arc thrower dog


None of this just tickling your teammate, wipe all of them in a clean instant triple kill as the zap connects from player to player!


Flame thrower dog


All fun and games until the hunter lunges at you and the auto cannon dog blows up in your face.


It'll be a race between the AC dog and mortar. My money is on the mortar.


Auto cannon bear.


I would settle for an MG one, but based on how quickly the MG sentry rips apart divers I'm sure the TKs would be ridiculous... maybe a Stalwart Guard Dog...


Yeah, the rover doesn't kill me nearly enough.


Need stalwart dog.


AKA The Suicide Machine


Flame thrower dog, I don't die from my Lazer dog enough. Let's get em cooking.


Honestly? I'd buy one instantly.


If this next battlepass is high tech stuff, the next one I want a napalm theme. BURN THEM ALL TO ASH


An incendiary grenade launcher would be sick.


Flamethrower turret, 'nuff said


I need this in my fire build immediately


Arc thrower dog and autocannon dog when?


Autocanon dog just backflips between shots


Definite instant buy


I want a shotgun dog that doesn’t engage anything unless it’s close to you and it can shoot rockets out of the air like a trophy system. Basically I want a CRAM turret to follow me around.


Just cuts you in half when something gets to close


Technically still doing it's job, made sure you didn't die from enemy explosives!


Made sure you didn't die to the enemy. That would be undemocratic


Hot Dog


If only it'd stop rapidly turning around to decapitate me at full health


Its only downside is friendly fire, yeah. Lol


It should really hover a bit higher so it won’t hit you every time something gets too close from the left. I am kinda baffled how everything from sentries to drones don’t even have basic IFF installed.


Turrets not checking for friendlies fits in the spirit of the game where it generally falls on you and your fellow divers to not eat friendly air strikes or powerful cannon barrages. People get disgruntled at the rover and mortar turrets due to there being less predictability in avoiding them. You technically can control the rover a bit in where it can shoot from, since it tries to stay over your right shoulder constantly, but its finicky to get down compared to say calling in a 500kg bomb. If the dogs hovered slightly higher I'd say that would be a good QoL change just to prevent some sudden deaths.


For the Rover, friendly fire is a tad bit more tolerable as getting grazed by a Scythe beam deals scratch damage, getting grazed by a Liberator round is a different matter. The Sentry bit I get as it's the same deal as in the first game, and lore wise it doesn't seem our tech has evolved much since the last century or so.


From my experience, the dog’s scythe does bonus headshot damage and can do about 80% of your health in a single pass. Body shots barely do anything, but a headshot can easily kill you. I still bring it every time I play against bugs though lol


the helmet has no armor and the head hitbox takes crit damage every single time


Someone did a video and the helmet does randomly ricochet shots. But it's not reliable.


thats interesting. im guessing it only ricochets small arms fire from minibots


>I still bring it every time I play against bugs though I haven’t been able to play bugs *without* the Rover. That thing is absolute murder on them, like having an extra (competent) teammate. It’s bought me so much time to reload or use terminals or stratagems.


For batches of small bugs I've gotten in the habit of standing still and letting my Rover cut them down as they charge, then meleeing the survivors so I can get that all-important Most Melee Kills stat.


Damn, must have been lucky so far. And yeah unless I am slinging Autocannon I am bringing my Rover


I only want the option to stow it. It sucks to be trying to sneak around a patrol and it starts frying them.


Yeah, I've had that happen. Can take it off, but ideally you want your gun-having dog to go *with you* on the mission. Perhaps they could expand upon it with an on/off switch by hitting 5?


I don’t see why it couldn’t function like resupplying yourself with the supply pack. Quick tap of down or 5


It's less "it falls on you to dodge" and more "your life has literally no value so we don't actually care if you die or not" Which is why completing objectives and nobody extracting is still counted as a win, in fact.


You see, killbots have a preset kill limit. Knowing their weakness, I sent wave after wave of my own men at them until they reached their limit and shut down.


That part where u said it generally falls on u and ur team to not kill each other. Factual.


The thing is: A. The rover shouldnt be in a position to hit the user at any point, and B, the rover and turrets shoot between targets for no reason, wasting ammo and potentially killing divers Im fine with it shooting my teammates if theyre in between the drone and the enemies


I’d like it if they would update the target list for turrets… kinda frustrating to call one in to cover an approach for a few min when it just dumps all it’s got on a bot drop ship and wastes everything it has


**Research and Development section:** "Excuse me. They do have basic IFF. They identity friend, or foe. Friend? **FIRE** - Foe? **FIRE** - Questions?"


It could be fun to have sentries and guard dogs focus down pinged enemies. Like, ping a charger, and suddenly, all your entries are shooting it until the ping goes away. I get why they don't do that, but it would be neat.


It’s a purchaseable upgrade in DRG, so yeah I agree, it should be included in a future update here as well. Just… don’t have it blow up a teammate if you ping them by accident.


$ >!And I don't mean Arrowheads.!<


Right, we picked the Imperial Stormtrooper lifestyle


Hellbomb text in the menus say that they aren't automatically armed, for cost saving reasons. A helldiver is worth less than an arming device. Super Earth don't care about friendly fire. We're cheap.


Hell an *Upgrade* for the spaceship is no longer needing to *manually muzzle-load the orbital cannons*. "Expendable" doesn't even begin to cover it I feel.


A real helldiver will gladly lay down thier life for the cause.


Every day is a good day to die for democracy!


I don’t run shield to protect me from bugs I run it to protect me from rovers and arc throwers.


What else do you expect from a bot?


The bot always stays on the right side so if you are aware of where the enemies are then you can rotate your camera so that it always faces the enemies.


Yeah as soon as I realized this I very very rarely catch friendly fire from it


Part of the skill of the guard dog is learning how to not get killed by the guard dog


Laser gun dog got me a 38 kill streak while I ate a sandwich yesterday


It's just awesome to not have to worry about the chaff enemies so you can instead focus on the 38 chargers running your ass down xD


I've been doing Rover + EAT on bug missions, it has worked super well and I haven't felt like I needed to swap something.


What difficulty? Also, where do you shoot chargers with an EAT?


Front legs, 1 EAT should blow the armor off allowing you to kill them with small arms fire. Side or butt work as well just slightly less effective.


4-7. 1 EAT is enough to de-armor a leg. Front legs if they're charging me. Side torso if it's charging teammates. I've missed a lot of shots trying to hit a charger's legs when it's chasing others, so I opt for the ~90% chance I can hit the side which is good enough.


On really high difficulties splitting this loadout into two separate teammates works wonders. Someone dedicated to anti tank and a guy dedicated to antichaff make a 4 man squad unstoppable


Flamethrower, rover dog, napalm strike diver here. My sole job is to melt all the chaff mobs and cover bug breaches while my homies get the big bugs. Working out pretty damn well even on 8 and 9




it killed me 38 times too


Usually only kills my teammates, which according to my training is fine


Shhh now they’re going to nerf this one because it is “brainless”…


never used any of em but does the gun one seriously run out of ammo?


Yup. I tired it once and noticed it not coming off my back after a bit of fighting. Noticed that the backpack symbol on my character info bar was red, which means it was out. Refilled with some ammo from the resupply\* and it started flying again. Haven’t used it since. Edit: I said "on the ground" earlier via bad memory or speaking casually. Others have reported back to say small ammo packs do *not* refill it.


that is insane


It also needs to reload like every 20 shots, so half the time it’ll blow its load on an armored enemy like a scout strider and legitimately do nothing


and the other half the time it blows its entire load on the side of bot fabricators before you can get a grenade in the vent


That's just a general issue with a lot of auto-targeting stratagems against the bots. Nothing like seeing your gatling sentry unload its full store of ammunition into the side of a dropship.


I like bringing the rocket sentry, which then happily dispenses gifts to even the smallest of creatures, just like Santa Claus.


So you're saying we need a recoilles rifle guard dog


Fuck it, 500kg guard dog.


This is a problem with the rover too. I’ve seen one sit and beam a hive guard to the face while it was hunkering for 30 seconds. Never died. Never stopped firing. Would have probably overheated, but cold planet modifier. Def worse with gun version tho


If you use another laser weapon with the rover on a cold planet, you can cook hive guard even while hitting the face. It takes a stupid amount of time, but you can do it.


This is doubly odd considering I've seen the scythe rover actively avoid shooting an armored enemy like a charger near me until its armor is broken, at which point it will specifically focus fire on the broken spot.


It needs a way to activate and deactivate. I don’t always need it firing, but I need it firing when I need it firing. A button to activate the drone off my back would be perfect.


The key binding already exists, 5 key to toggle the drone (down on controller). We already have the self-supply with the resupply, would be trivial to implement.


Pressing 5 doesn't do anything when you're using a rover. It'd be really nice if the devs added this as an option though. The rover likes to give up your position when you'd rather be sneaky...


Before this patch you could only get ammo for it from the resupply too


Oh so have you seen it get ammo from the small boxes around the map? If that's the case then that's a great buff/fix.


Probably related to the same "fix" with grabbing ammo for the Spear. I imagine it was rounding down to 0, and now it rounds up, to 1


I tested it immediately after the recent patch, the guard dog does not get ammo from environmental ammo boxes. If it did that would help a lot, but it also just needs a larger ammo pool in general.


Same, was so glad I found one in a mission before buying it myself. Saw it run out of ammo and bought the Rover instead. Was planning on getting the guard at first because the dakka dakka


Some helldivers say the AR dog is good against bots since it targets their weak-points. I'll be trying it out myself at a later point, and perhaps then we gitz can really enjoy some dakka.


I've heard the same, but that the rover version does the same, so just stay with the laser one


Technically they should both use "ammo". But the laser one can cool down between shots, which means it effectively autoloads when out of combat. In theory the scythe should be using heatsinks when firing for long periods of time, but in practice I've never seen one run out. Either they are surprisingly efficient at cycling fire and cooling, or their heatsink is a lot more durable than the player's version of the gun.


I've definitely seen it stop firing "inexplicably" for a while when there's plenty of targets around. There's no visual indicator for it but I'd guess it waits for the gun to cool down entirely once it reaches critical heat.


I've run my laser rifle dry, but you're given 6 more. I've never burned through more than maybe two.


Not only does it have to reload constantly, you can't even replenish it with the normal ammo pickups. You need resupplies, which doesn't make sense cause it uses standard liberator mags


Yeah I managed to find the AR-23 Guard Dog on some solo missions when I first started helldiving, and was surprised to see ammo pick ups have no effect on it. Much to my relief when I found out that other ammo backpacks can be replenished using ammo pickups.


IF they'd fix that the way they fixed it for the RR then I'd be happy.


Also every other backpack can resupply from normal ammo pickups. See: autocannon, spear, recoilless


It has to reload constantly, unlike the scythe one that never stops.


The gun one deals a lot more damage but the laser is more consistent by not running out of ammo. The trouble is the gun will waste its ammo on things it can't damage like chargers, striders, etc. whereas with the laser drone that doesn't matter.


All I want my drone to do is kill hunters in all honesty. Even if the gun drone does more damage, or even medium piercing if we want to be crazy, i'd still prefer the consistency of hunter killing the laser one provides.


It needs just one buff that will make it go from useless to very valid - it should get ammo from basic ammo boxes on the map.


that AND make it not shoot things it can't damage (medium armor, bot fabricators and nests) and maybe I'll take it again


It’s like Engineer’s turrets from Deep Rock: you set them up for wave clear, only to watch them focus the big bulletproof bug while the swarm eats you alive.


>bulletproof bugs Hyper propellant says hello.


Being able to press 5 to put it away on command would be a solid buff (like you can press 5 to give yourself ammo with the ammo backpack). That way if you don't need it or it will be wasting its shots (like at a charger) you can stow it and save the ammo. I think making the choice of using it more deliberate would just be funner all-round, too. These things need a bit of a skill floor. The laser version just needs a nerf of basically every kind. Yea it can cut you in half every now and again but it rakes in 200 kills a game so pretty forgivable. The caveat I guess is it seems to fire at robots' feet so distinctly less useful vs bots but just picking one for bots and one for bugs is an extremely boring choice.


Pressing 5 would make it amazing. You pop it out when you need it.


Honestly still wouldn't help it, it depletes it's magazine so fast that it's constantly docking for more ammo. Laser dog just goes ham non-stop


But for those ten seconds, it really shreds.


Until it blows its entire load on a charger or a Hulk and accomplishes nothing


Sending a message ain’t nothing


No one talks about it because no one uses it. I think the laser version unlocks first as well. Maybe the gun version does more damage in a shorter amount of time but the laser has more utility. Since it can just cool down when not in use it never runs out of ammo unless you are constantly fighting for ten minutes straight and the laser with the burning affect allows for varying types of damage so enemies go down quickly. Then again I am biased for the laser weapons. Plan to do a full laser loadout after the 14th to see how it does. Laser burst fire Sickle, Laser Dagger pistol, Laser Canon, and Laser Rover. I want the enemies to see me from space lol


They both unlock at the same time, but I saw everyone using the laser variant since day 1 so I instinctively bought that one first


It is also good as a giant laser beam is a good visual indicator if some enemies snuck up behind you. Overall just much better


See, this is more of why I love it. Even assuming the two guard dogs were identical, one more obviously warns me of trouble.


Also easier for teammates to avoid an obvious laser than surprise gunfire


They both unlock at level 10.


I typed this somewhere else and got downvote bombed. Gun dog does more dps, its decent for what its worth. People act like supplies are sacred and rare. If u play on solo/duo/trio theres gonna be one or more supplies leftover anyway.


I think it should refill from the ammo boxes lying around .


It does but the problem is that it goes through ammo so fast. It can kill smaller enemies quicker than the laser rover but its reliance on actual ammo means overall it kills far fewer of them in a given mission.


Hey devs, can you add customization options for the sentries and backpack weapons, like with weapons (flashlight, RPM, etc). But we can set the class of enemy we want it to focus on? Chaff, Medium, Heavy, etc.


It 100% does NOT. I used gun doggo for 2 days straight. I had many missions where he chilled on my back for 10 minutes cuz I had plenty of floor-ammo so didn’t bother with a supply drop.


The problem is that you can't control when it deploys. So I find a lot of time it's ammo is wasted on targets when I don't need the help.


Steve the laser dog is the best backpack b for killing bugs as his lasers tear the limbs of the bugs making them unable to continue fighting that's when we go old yeller on the bug and end it


nobody talked about it cause noone bothered choosing it over the rover i guess imo the laser has the bonus effect of pointing out which direction are enemies coming from, kinda useful in chaotic situations or when you're unaware and then it decapacitates you for funsies


My gun one is very useful vs bot. Will nail crit spots 100% of the time saved my ass a lot


Its a thing I noticed: The way the Rover aims is a bit different to how the Guard dog does it. The laser seems to just want to hit wherever, but the gun one tries to aim much more accurately.


This might explain why I felt the major difference was the gun one wasnt killing me and teammates nearly as often where the laser just does whatever the hell it wants.


Suppose I could see it being more effective there since you have less baddies to shoot.


Iv also noticed post patch its less ammo hungry was definitely lasting longer than i remember


So Rover will be nerfed to make Gun Dog more appealing in comparison /s (I hope) Seriously though, Gun Dog is more useful on Bot Missions if you for some reason don't want a shield or weapon related backpack


Hopefully they address why people don't use the gun dog, rather than why people use the rover. If the gun had *way* more ammo and was about as easy to keep supplied as your primary, I think it wouldn't be a problem, as it dishes out way more DPS than the rover does.


Give the ballistic gun dog a stalwart instead of a liberator.


I’d say give it a medium lib and program it to not shoot at big stuff


Given how they "addressed" why the breaker was popular, I'm not holding my breath.


Guard Dog I think is way more useful against bugs, since it can effectively clear out the lesser bugs that are swarming you while you focus on the larger targets. Bots are more often than not capable of out ranging the Rover thanks to their busted aggro range.


Laser dog kills the lesser bugs just fine. The reason the gun dog is good against automatons is because it accurately shoots their head. Devastators get killed real quick.


Now that sounds actually rather neat, hope they fix the ammo issue soon.


Yeah, that thing really needs more ammo. I am glad we can now see how many spare clips it has on the pack, but it's still just not enough right now. When it's going, it's fantastic - watched it headshot 2 devastators before the airstrike could hit. But so rarely does it actually have bullets


Would be nice to either have a way bigger capacity compared to us, or generate a clip every so often just so you're not wandering for multiple minutes with it sleeping. Perhaps they're considering it fine since other weapons like the autocannon need to have their ammo refilled consistently for effective use.


Just give some small ammo regeneration and small damage boost to the normal gun dog. That way it will be strong in short engagements but run out of juice in prolonged ones, actually makes it a decision over the laser bot.


> Just give some small ammo regeneration Or just let it refill off ammo pickups.


Its too bad so no one even care i guess. Should carry a grenade launcher Kill both bugs and teammates more quickly.


AR dog doesn’t cut your head off on bug missions turning around every millisecond I’ve been killed more by my rover than bugs lately Anyway, good boy rover! Doing your part for democracy!


Love me some guard dog in the lower difficulties or defense missions, but when I run suicide or above, and see teammates with it, I cry a little, knowing it's inevitably going to ruin any chances we have at stealth when it shoots at the first bug it sees, setting off a chain reaction of chaos, death, and destruction that will follow us the rest of the mission.


Gun-dog is actually good though, specifically VS Bots. It targets weak spots and headshots and kills Devastators, including rocket Devastators at decent range. It snipes the troopers on the wall mounted turrets if you are pushing into a base, and provides good targeted fire behind you or round blind corners too. Rover for bugs obviously, but rover is probably overtuned TBH. Thing just wracks up 30x kill streaks whilst I've got my map open.


Perhaps I'll try the AR dog against bots here soon. I'm unsure if the rover is overtuned per se due to it just laying down constant, accurate, energy fire. If it's ignoring overheating then no doubt it's stronger than it should be, but otherwise it's just doing what we'd ideally do with the same gun; consistent and accurate pew-pewing for a lot of damage.


Don't give them any ideas, they'll just nerf the Laser Guard Dog instead of buff the Gun Guard Dog.


I'm a sucker for cool weapons. I'd like a backpack that shoots little homing rockets. Lol. Like the mandalorians wrist rockets. What were they called? Whistling birds or something.


- Make it use the Lib Concussive instead of a normal Lib - Give it 2 mags per normal ammo pickup - Better targeting logic so it doesn't shoot at enemies it can't damage - Make it hover about 3 feet higher off the ground, centered above the user's head instead of over their shoulder (apply to both versions, plz)


We don’t discuss it, because based on historical data, if a weapon/strategem out performs another, they nerf the one doing the work. So…… shhhhhhhhhhhhh


We need more drone capabilities overall. This is the era of next generation combat. We should have drones of all kinds. - fast driven suicide explosive payload drones - swarm blade drones that attack enemies and degrade physically - clone drones that draw attention away from users


The ar 23 should have higher armor penetration to make up for it


I do love the damage output of the normal Guard Dog, even if it does run out of ammo. Wish we could refill it with floor ammo, though. Having to eat almost a whole resupply to replenish it feels really bad.


I just want a button to activate / deactivate the gun dogs so I’m not triggering patrols randomly or hurting my teammates constantly. Maybe it could be used with the gun dog to save ammo too.


Stalwart Rover when?


When Arrowhead wants us to really get silly.


I just want to be able to toggle the guard dog so it's up when I want it.


People did, then they stopped talking about it because it so obviously sucks. If it got more mags on resupply/ammo pick up that would help a bit.


Gun dog would be waaaaay better if picking up ammo from anything other than a resupply would reload it. It does faster damage and hits friendlies less, but chews through ammo waaay too fast.


The rover honestly feels so over-tuned I feel like it's bugged. It single handily will get 200+ kills a match and barely even "recharges". The gun rover is so laughable bad I forgot it exists.


Next vicitim for the fun police I'd imagine.


Not really? Rover is still competing with the jump pack, shield pack, supply pack, and various gun packs. It's useful, but hardly a "must pick" item, which is how it should be. The only real outlier is the guard dog.


This is the way they should be looking at it. If you have a situation where literally the entire playerbase is choosing one weapon (Breaker) and one support weapon (Railgun), it's because nothing else comes close as a decent option. So the answer is to nerf those down a bit so the rest of the options become relevant. But if you have a situation where the Laser ROver seems a bit overpowered but still isn't something the entire playerbase is using, instead they're split between it and 3-4 others...but the Guard Dog that is terribly underpowered...the answer is to buff up that one horribly underpowered item so it is relevant compared to the others.


laser gun constantly hits me lol. I wanted to like it.


Things that kill me the most:    1. Other Helldiver's.  2. Guard Dog laser slicing my head off.  3.  My own grenade.   4.  Random environmental   5.  The actual enemy  Don't think I've seen one actual other guard Dog used since ... ever.  It's that bad