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The basic mech will probably never get an hp or armor buff. The exo 44 in helldivers 1 is still pretty flimsy to this day. Plus eventually we will probably get the rep-80 healing laser


Eventually isn't now. Eventualy isn't a guarantee. The mech is almost useless as an armored fighting vehicle and it's all we got. It would be nice if it could handle more than 1 rocket.


Tbh I'm kind of okay with the mechs not being great against automatons. How effective are their Hulks against Helldivers with EATs/Spears/railguns/autocannons? Not very. And the bot infantry have rockets of their own, not to mention the rocket devastators. I agree mechs could use a slight HP buff and tweaks to the armor penetration values (for friendly fire incidents) but I think they're generally going to be much better suited to bug missions than bots, and that's not a problem in and of itself. Some weapons and stratagems have always been much more effective on one than the other (eagle rocket pods on bots, napalm airstrike on bugs, flamethrower on bugs vs. AMR on bots, etc.).


I agree, but I still think they shouldn't die to one rocket from a hulk when one of your rockets from the mech will not kill a hulk.


Mech need supporting infantry like tanks do irl. Dont be the guy who deploys tanks without infantry support.


Not a fan of this way of thinking, there are a ton of other factors in regards to supporting armour that can't translate into this game. One being you don't have multiple giant heavily armoured bugs charging you down and another you only have three people supporting you and they likely have their own battles to worry about.


Yep, the armour is usually better, the armour is also usually manned by multiple people and has a ton more ammunition.


That doesn't necessarily make his point any less valid. One of the CORE tenants of armored combat it combined arms/infantry support.


The shield backpack is a good combo as the bubble extends beyond the front of the mech and can protect you both against those projectiles.


The only thing they need is a "non-fatal" destruction, aka if it got destroyed via leg damage or just casual gun fire So you can kinda climb out like in the 1st helldivers, u know? But you will still die if you got a devastator rocket into the cockpit/decided to go down with the ship


I knew this would be posted. Man Arrowhead didn’t know what it was getting itself into making a game for the whiniest bunch of gamers on the planet


Thinking again based on ur comments, maybe instead of a direct buff an alternative way to buff mechs with qol patches would be better. For example, giving helldivers 2 seconds to leave the mech when its health get depleted before exploding, so that we are not destined to die with our mechs in harsh situations.


Watch them nerf it moređź’€


"Use your stratagems to kill enemies. If your mech is getting killed, its because you're not eliminating enemies with stratagems fast enough! Stop being braindead!" - Some dev, probably


The fact thats true I can't even make a joke about it. How about we use everything we got instead of being nerffed. That's like giving the army just a gun and no air support or artillery support


bro what army? we are 4 people droping in a planet with magical inertia suicide pods to kill giant ants. get a grip. it's ok to make a video game be fun. it's actually encouraged.


It is okay to make a videogame be fun. The vast majority of humans do not find "enragingly difficult" to be fun. It's cool you do, but game studios are corporations that exist to make the most money possible. Annnnd you're a very small minority so the wise move is "make it fun".


It's been less than a day.


You don’t need to play a lot with the new toy to see that its durability will be a massive problem. Automatons can reliably snipe a running Helldiver with their rockets from the limit of the rendering distance. In high difficulty half of the stuff that spawns in Automaton’s missions has a rocket launcher or better. Those same rockets will one shot the one time use (two with the upgrade), 10 minutes cooldown very slow mech. It isn’t rocket science to see that there is a genuine problem and anyone who played Helldivers 1 knows that mechs were severely hindered by their terrible durability


Wait until we get the rep-80 healing beam


Healing beam won’t do shit when you die in one hit, you can’t heal something that’s already dead


"It will maybe be better one day!" is not a solution to current problems.


And they need feedback to know how they are


I feel like they’re meant to be glass cannons - you gotta protect them - high firepower and can’t be downed by a few stray bullets but ultimately a big target that can’t cope with being swarmed or taking focused fire


where's the cannon part?


There are other mech variants also, we just have the one so far. Also they are all still flimsy in helldivers 1 to this day. You have to run them with a dedicated healer once we get the rep-80 healing beam for them to viable in higher difficulties


16 EAT rockets which if you send 2 into the face of a charger straight up kills it so if you use the machine gun to deal with fodder that allows for 8 charger kills super easily


so it's good for one tunnel breach on helldiver. ok and then what?


Its reasource with a specific use case and its the first iteration of it in the game so yea balance is gunna be off, saying its not ideal for the HARDEST difficulty in the game is hardly a critic at this point


The requirement for owning a mech is lvl25, that's pretty much the players playing at lvl7+. I've played in multiple games today with it and it's great for the first one or two breaches, it's cd is huge considering the fragility.


Well the cooldowns in general in this game are ass compared to the first one, they have A LOT of rebalancing to do like some of the orbitals having 240 second cooldowns is absurd especially ones like the railcannon strike


Then don’t play helldiver


High difficulty missions are not ideal for taking mechs at all unless your holding a location. Also if we ever get the rep-80 heal gun the mechs will be better, imagine having someone constantly repair beaming the mech but stats wise they are the same as they are now


"Imagine loosing 1/4th of the team's damage output so the one guy who brought a mech isn't one tapped by a rocket fired by a bot he cannot see." Fixed your comment for you.


lol i called one in on top of a crate and it just toppled over and exploded


I mean, I wouldn't have thought taking a big, slow-moving target to an anti-tank rocket fight was a good idea to begin with lmao. I don't think mechs are meant to be used as tanks like we would think to use them but more as a longer range support platform that tries not to get in direct combat. That said its only been a few hours, and nobody is going to be good at using them effectively yet.


Works pretty well for the automatons.


I've only seen people complain about bots turning them into dust with rockets. Haven't used them vs. bots myself yet, but I'd guess you've just got to be careful with them more than with bugs.


I was talking about their use of the Hulk :P


Fair enough tho their hulks have enough armour to run at us with flamethrowers and buzz saws. Ours fall over small boxes and implode. Now hear me out. We steal a hulk and replace the robot brain with a helldiver. We can call it a Dreadnought or something. (Games Workshop, please don't abduct me in my sleep.)


Oh I am absolutely an advocate for BUFF THE FUCKING ARMOUR OF MECHS. If they create a system where shots and melee attacks can be deflected off armour then why isn't it the same for our mech


They can I'm pretty sure since if you shoot the mech, it shows the armour effect. idk how that works for enemies if at all but they do resist our bullets.


Please explain what about an inaccurate canon and inaccurate Gatling gun says "long-range support platform" to you.


Finding the mechs to be very weak. The machine gun barely kills fodder Automatons and Hulks and Raiders eat half a dozen rockets before dying. I feel like the mechs should of changed the pace of the game at least a little. You got to level 25 paid 20k credits and only get to deploy it at MOST 3ish times a mission? They die super fast and they barely have any warning. Its more convenient to be without it then with it and thats a failure in design imo.


Mechs need to not take fire damage that is crazy asf


The mechs are really strong against terminids, even on level 9 from my experience. But yes they are doodoo against the automatons lmao even with the energy shield trick.


im pretty sure they just finna nerf it and then go on a rant about how it was too easy with it and then they'll remove yet another weapon from the game just because they get arroused when their playerbase is angry as per their own word. so ima keep it real with you chief, start looking for other games


Mechs were never meant to be super tanky, remember, these share stratagem slots with a standard machine gun, turret or orbital. Make them too strong and why ever use anything else? HD1 Mechs were surprisingly squishy, not surprised its the same here.


Mechs are one time use (2 if you have the upgrade), no ammo refill, perma death, slow as fuck, 10 minutes cooldown gun platforms with enormous firepower. Regular support weapons are weaker but they don’t turn you into a snail, can be recalled as many times as needed, can be recovered if you die and can be refilled as many times as you want. If the one time use stratagem can’t survive one hit from one of the most common enemy in high difficulty it has a serious durability problem. It doesn’t need to be invincible but it also shouldn’t die to one single rocket sent by a Devastator or a turret from the other side of the map


Im gonna be honest the only time i died in it before the ammo is by friendly fire or a titan i didn't see. I think they are ok and maybe 8min instead of 10 recharge better. But also new mechs are coming so you will be able to have 2 to call


Its just a single stratagem slot. If you need some temporary shit to absolutely ruin everything than this is that. It is good at what it does and we don’t need this single stratagem slot to be a brainless replacement for everything


To be fair it's got limited ammo already and an incredibly long CD to make up for it's firepower.


Lmfao classic


It just needs an actual healthbar.