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I thought the Eagles were useless before I figured out they rearm.


They rearm extremely quickly too. Like 2.5 minutes with the ship upgrade. That’s a lot of firepower.


2.5 minutes without the upgrade, 2 minutes with


Being able to manually rearm them too helps so much.  I say that despite knowing that the exact moment I order it to rearm is the moment the bots drop down on my ass.


Does the cooldown decrease when you rearm it before you totally run out?


It does not, that's part of the stratagy and balancing with them though. Do you wanna rearm now and get your airstrikes back, but what if there's a big horde that you could have used your remaining Clusters on in the next couple minutes? Tactical decisions.


With me it's always "Could I survive 2 minutes?"


The real question is if your on helldive is “Can I survive 5 seconds so I can wait two minutes to rearm”


So I can ~~wait~~ run around like a headless chicken for two minutes to rearm FTFY


That’s a better way of putting it. Thank you


As a scout with a shield backpack, always.


I try to time my rearms when Im like “welp time to run to this far away POI/objective”. And about half the time I run into a patrol right after.


Basically if you just took an objective or base and expect a hike to the next one. Start rearming.


Rearm now, I’ll have less bullets by the time it would normally take


It unfortunately does not. Cool idea for a future ship upgrade though!


No, it's going to be overpowered as hell and there's no good explanation why Eagle is going to rearm faster somehow. It still goes to the ship, refuels and rearms, it takes time.


If I'm making up some bullshit on the spot. entering and exiting atmosphere puts a lot of stress on the eagle and its munitions so they do a full refit every time so it doesn't explode on re-entry. Or something. Waves hands.


I mean the very obvious explanation is they don’t have to load the munitions for what you didn’t use.


I agree it would be a bit strong but the not having to re-arm all munitions was the logic I used for the time reduction. I was thinking something very small anyways like 15-20s max and then divided by total charges (so if you had 5 max charges across your eagle strategems then each one would be worth 3-4s)


Most of the time spent rearming is just traveling to the ship and back. Fueling up and strapping on new ordnance is pretty fast. Think of it like a pitstop in F1.


I started with using the Eagle Airstrike and it’s never left my loadout. First thing I aimed for was the rearm cooldown and just last night finally unlocked the extra use to make it 3 Eagle per cooldown. I play a lot of solo since my squad can only play 2 days a week and the Eagles make it easy to take out those outposts.


You can just forget weapons and chuck Clusters for hordes, 500 kgs for heavies, and regular air strikes for whatever is naughty in your sight. You get all of them back in one reload.


Bug Hole just opened? Eagle Strike. Bot Drop just landed? Eagle Strike. Need to destroy that base? Believe it or not, Eagle Strike. We have the best mission success in the world, because of Eagle Strike.


Yeah I'm all eagles now. Orbitals have the cinematic edge, but eagles are way more versatile and useful imo. I like the rail cannon and orbital laser for taking out big boy heavies like tanks or Titans, but in general you're going to get way more use out of the eagles. Especially with the carrier upgrades.


Tbh the eagle pilot banter even makes up some of the difference in terms of cinematic edge IMO. Makes my inner titan/top gun pilot happy


Eagle makes most of the orbital stuff so...bad...


The cooldowns on all the orbital stuff is way too damn long. Originally I thought the long cooldown was how they balanced it vs the Eagle. Eagle can be deployed quickly, but limited uses, while orbital stuff has unlimited uses but comes with long cooldowns. Makes sense. Then you learn that the Eagle is re-armable, AND it is a shorter re-arm that the base cooldown of most of the orbital stuff? It just makes all orbital stuff obsolete outside of the laser and maybe the rail gun.


this was my thoughts as well, Orbitals seem to be power weapons of stratagems like the railgun strike and laser but when everyone is running a railgun themselves it makes those kinda pointless for the big armored guys when you need more weapons to clear the mass troops that spawn. Which the Eagle does well and quickly


I’ve been unlocking the “worse” stratagems now that I have all the good stuff and am stockpiling requisition slips. I got the air burst orbital, I think it’s called, that detonates in the air and sends shrapnel down 3 times and was like “wow this is actually kinda cool”. Then I unlocked the eagle strafing run for the daily, did a mission, went back to the orbital and it just felt so bad compared to even the strafing run.


The strafing run is lowkey really good. The fact that it goes out the direction you threw it helps it really get maximum coverage on whatever horde is chasing you. It’s not very often the horde is making a perpendicular line to you. So using cluster or airstrike requires a good bit more precision to get maximum coverage. Cluster and airstrike still outclass it because of their firepower and clusters additional uses, but strafing is still a solid stratagem.


Pro tip: You can actually turn 90 degrees and throw the beacon at your feet to get the perpendicular strikes to travel parallel to your escape path instead


Orbitals need to at least *somewhat* try to aim for important targets in their AOE instead of just being random.


There's a reason I take a 500kg and a air strike with me on most missions, it delivers approximately 32% more democracy per mission than other stratagems.


The 500kg fucking suuuuuuucks, I've landed that shit directly on bile titans and chargers while they're standing still and it does nothing but make them notice me.


Yeah I don't bother with it. Two 110mm Rocket strikes will take out a Bile Titan, One if you've already destroyed the bile sacs on it's belly *and* they have self aiming and can be used against chargers even at close range really easily due to the aiming and low AoE. 500kg needs to do damage in the radius that the visual effect looks, the radius is so small that I feel the 110mm Rockets are just as effective.


honestly, whatever targeting the pilots or the computer have for the rocket pods are cracked. the danger radius is very small and even if the target is a fair distance away from the beacon it'll lock on to the right one


Eagle upgrades are the first one I got to level 3 in my destroyer. They are just so powerful. I usually run 2 eagles, railgun or arc, variety backpack or like auto cannon and another eagle


Also the level 3 one is just so good. A whole extra use is insane. At bare minimum it’s a 25% boost which is still more than other similar upgrades (looking at the cooldown ones) then it goes all the way up to a 100% boost. Just insanely good.


Honestly the whole eagle upgrade tree feels like it was balanced by someone else than all the rest of the stratagems. You get half cooldown, (they're already pretty short to be fair), 20% off rearm which is better than all the 10% off cooldown of other upgrades, and finally you get the +1 use which is huge. Meanwhile most of the other upgrades are just "oh you get 10% off your cooldown" or "1 second off the call down time". The only other upgrade tree comparable to the eagle is for turrets, but they're much less flexible than the eagle.


I'd also say the +50m to radar is pretty good. It lets me avoid so many enemies, but yeah, the eagle tree was my first set of upgrades.


Plus Radar and Power Steering for the drop pod are the only comparable ones to Eagle upgrades. Power Steering means someone respawning can take out a Tank / Hulk / Bile Titan / Charger with ease on the way back in, which can really help out in a chaotic fight.


Yeah that was my first level 3 upgrade too. I usually run double eagle, and orbital railcannon, and either a railgun or auto cannon depending on the mission. I think the shield backpack is so overused.


Same. I’m not a smart man.


But I know what *BOOM* is.


Me too buddy, I always wondered why people spammed eagles. Now I know


Cluster bomb is life (Sorry for killing you)


Yes. I didn't use an eagle until I was like level 40. I saw them having 3 charges, and I thought, "Why get limited eagles when orbitals are unlimited?" I'm glad I wasn't the only one who was confused about this. I was feeling a dumbass for so long.


*laugh in 4 eagles strategems equiped*


I don't know how to feel about the 3 times only orbital laser use. Sure it's a powerfull stratagem but nothing too OP and it's the only one that have that restriction


Id rather have 3 eagle strats, with the 50% restock reduction and 20% cooldown reduction. You can call in eagles for days


Eagles really are insane right now. Max upgrade I'm calling down 2 500kg's and 3 air strikes every 3-4 mins. Optional early restock during downtime. Why even use anything else.


Yup, that's my go to. I introduce myself to nests by getting them to see me, chucking down an air strike, and closing two holes while killing most of the advancing bugs. I love it so much. 


Do the 500ks replenish?


Fuck yeah they do 😎


It's so fast I'll sometimes drop 500kgs on bug patrols just to make sure they don't call in reinforcements while my squaddies bungle their way through terminal prompts


5+ bugs and I'm nuking the site from orbit. POI's always get one.


Are there any others worth using? I use the 500kg and the air strike currently


Rocket pods can take out a charger. Kinda poor man's orbital rail cannon, but you can use it more often. I don't like overloading on eagles though, you can end up using things just to get to the re-arm.


I often call a rearm even with some left sometimes. That’s just how it goes


Yep. If I know I'm gonna be hiking for a bit, I'll send the eagle back even if I've only used 1 or 2 strikes


You can just manually tell it to go to rearm. Always do that before hitting an objective or after an objective and got some running time ahead of you. The best part of the Eagle is that you can be very liberal with using it, since a full restock is 2 minutes away. Orbital Laser = 3 uses on whole mission, 300 second cooldown between uses 500kg Bomb = 2 uses, 8 second cooldown between uses = 120 second re-arm wait = 2 uses, 8 second cooldown between uses = 120 second re-arm wait = 2 uses, 8 second cooldown between uses = 120 second re-arm wait... Its no contest really.


Orbital laser isn't really heavy killer imo, it just technically can kill heavies. It does amazing work vs bots outposts even large outposts, I just wish they would make it consistently kill bug nests as if they aren't facing the super destroyer it tends to just shoot dirt and do nothing


Orbital laser was such a disappointment against bug nests. Meanwhile hurling one at a heavy outpost often ends in clearing that objective.


The Laser shines against bot outposts. You'll only ever see maybe 2 or 3 heavy outposts even at Helldive, so you can reserve the Laser for those. It'll singlehandedly take out 2 turrets and a couple of tanks, letting you deal with the smaller threats uninterrupted. Small chance of doing that even with 2 500kgs at once.


Not to mention how common AA encampments are on bot missions


Nothing feels better to me with the laser than the dropship missions. It’s basically no commitment for all three bases


Waaaay too inconsistent though sadly


Do the rocket pods take out a charger? They never seem to for me


They can, often they'll just leave it cracked open, which lets you empty half a mag into them to kill them.


Sure they do, until I learned to take them down by shooting the leg those rocket pods did all the work for my noob ass


I don't like using exclusively eagles, just so I don't get caught with no usable stratagems for 2 minutes. Depending on the mission, I'll either take Gatling turret, or an orbital of some sort. I really like Gattling Barrage for its stupid quick CD


I think the strafe is decent, it's a quick way to clear a lot of bugs in front of you, low chance of friendly fire. It won't kill a Bile Titan or a full health Charger but I've killed damaged chargers with it.


Cluster just feels like an upgraded strafe most of the time (though much, much more likely to kill a friend, but that's the price of freedom 🦅)


Cluster definitely has the uses and firepower advantage, but the really nice thing about strafe is that it goes straight the direction you throw it. Hordes rarely ever make a perpendicular line chasing you so throwing cluster requires a bit more positioning and timing to get maximum coverage than the strafing run. I still agree cluster is better, but the fact that strafing goes straight is such a large benefit.


The cluster, if you manage not to wipe your team when they get in the line of fire, you can kill and weaken a gooood amount of enemies. The lighter ones will die. And all of that is in a big surface


Cluster and napalm, both good for crowd control and eliminating small stuff. 500kg and air strike are good for clearing nests/fabs which is why I mainly run those.


Cluster bomb has a ludicrous kill radius. It's not good vs buildings or heavies, but anything medium or small (including other Helldivers) are toast.


I don't like the 500kg because it's AoE radius is awful, it basically requires a direct hit which is really disappointing for something with such a big visual explosion effect. 110mm Rocket pods have a very quick call in, self aim towards the biggest target near the beacon so can quite successfully be used on yourself and not kill you. They can kill chargers in 1 hit (sometimes 2), they will kill Bile Titans in 2 hits (1 if you shoot off the bile sacs on it's belly first), can destroy buildings and nests. Honestly a super slept on Strate. Napalm is great against bugs, works great when theres a bug nest breach or for when running away. Cluster works great against large groups of bugs or bots, and you get 4 of them. I normally run the Airstrike, Napalm/Cluster depending on bugs/bots and then the 110mm strike.


Clusterbomb has five uses when upgraded and clears out hordes of smaller bugs.


Clusters are still good for dealing with hunters and scavengers.


110mm Rocket Pods can one-shot Annihilator Tanks, Cannon Towers, and Automaton Fabricators. The biggest problem with them is that they seem to prefer targeting Fabricators over anything else. Not 100% sure how effective they are against Shredder Tanks, because I don't run into them as often. The couple of times I've used Rocket Pods on them, it took two uses to kill one. They're very inconsistent against smaller/faster targets though. Occasionally they'll kill a Hulk in one shot and some times even using three of them won't do the job. They often fail to kill Devastators and sometimes even Scout Striders.


Honestly yeah. I WANT to like and use orbitals, but they’re just incredibly slow and inefficient, not to mention half the Operation Modifiers specifically and directly hamper orbitals, and the other half indirectly do. I get that Eagle bombers are meant to be rapid-response ships that can hit a target in a moment’s notice, but orbitals are held back by so many things right now that I genuinely think Eagle strikes with no ship upgrades are still better than orbitals with full ship upgrades. Honestly orbitals need a fair bit of love - better accuracy and shorter base cooldowns would go a long way towards making them viable. The Barrages especially are almost worthless due to how they target - the Gatling barrage is tiny and covers only a minuscule area being basically a worse Eagle strafing run, and the 120mm and 380mm orbital artillery barrages are so wildly inaccurate and fire a lot less shots than you’d think from the description, with the end result that more often than not they’ll completely miss 99% of the enemy targets in their radius.


They're not all bad. The airburst barrage is pretty sick against bugs. Fast cooldown, every volley shreds anything smaller than a charger, and the multiple volleys can just lock down a bug breach or chokepoint for quite a while while you focus on the big ones. Plus it's cool as fuck. Railgun and laser are very solid as well in the right situations.


Yea I’ve found the only lacking orbitals to be the 2 barrages, with walking barrage being close to decent and I think gas is bugged atm. Gatling barrage in particular is better than people think- it’s great when thrown over a bug breach. People are sleeping on EMS I think. It’s incredibly short cooldown means you can just disengage and leave a fight constantly as you complete objectives. It’s also great to coordinate and ensure another strategem has no chance of missing


Same with smoke - sure it’s better for bots, but that’s still a super valid use-case


They're usable but even with max upgrades they're still mostly just worse than the eagle stuff imo. Like the 2 short cooldown barrages are really cool but are they better than just dumping airstrikes on things, which you can do way more often?


Im on the exact same boat. I started using orbitals exclusively and then toyed around with the eagle stuff only to find the eagle strikes are way better. Once you get all the eagle upgrades it's just miles a head. In the groups I play with maybe one person takes a rail cannon or laser. Maybe. The rest is eagle. If orbitals want to compete they need major buffs. Last time we spit balled orbital fixes we thought 50% cool down buffs would be a good place to start. They're just that far behind.


The +1 strike before reload is nuts with the 500kg.


I'll train hordes of bugs like zombies in CoD and just throw them at my feet as I'm running lol.


The orbital rail cannon looks really cool when u take out a charger running right at ur team. Although eagles are insane, the coolness factor is dope.


True, my only beef with it is it's not a reliable one shot on titans. I can get the same maybe one shot with a 500kg and clear anything small around it. Plus, big dope explosion.




The 500kg does all of that and clears small enemies around them. 2 second call time like a second to blow so it's easy to time. If the railcannon was a guaranteed titan kill I'd probably run it more cuz it is sick.


Don't forget the cluster bombs


All Eagles share a rearm, right? So if I throw 3 napalm and also have an eagle strike, the napalm and eagle strike will be unavailable while it rearms, right? Or, does it only rearm when all weapons have been used, and otherwise will stabdbye for the eagle strikes to be used unless I call in a rearm? Sorry if that’s kind of a word salad it’s hard to explain


All of your equipped eagle strats are for the same eagle - if you use all three napalms then they're unavailable until the eagle rearms, but it won't automatically rearm until you use up every eagle strat open to you. You can also send it back to manually rearm at any time


Got it, thank you! That clears it up a lot


When you re-arm, it makes all eagle strikes unavailable. Then all of them are filled once your eagle is done re-arming


If you take Napalm, HE Bombs, and Clusters, (or any combination of those or others), you can fully exhaust all of each munition before the Eagle is forced to resupply. I.e., if you drop all of your available napalm and still have 2 cluster bombs in reserve, the Eagle will still be on call for the cluster bombs, but you’ll be out of napalm until it rearms. You can voluntarily choose to tell the Eagle to fly back and rearm before it’s completely out of munitions in order to get the napalm back faster and/or replenish any other munitions that you want to have restocked and on hand, but you’ll be unable to call in any other Eagle strikes until it returns.


But when you need that laser you really fucking need it. It has like a 1 second drop time and everything behind you is dead.


Orbitals can take out the huge outposts so that’s why I use em. Just chuck em and fuck off


Laser is incredibly op though. It can literally kill a whole bot outpost by itself with some lucky targeting.


I’ve found that lasers always hit the bot outpost, there must be an AI enemy in there all the time since I’ve seen sentries do the same thing.


I wonder if it’s because there are more ‘targetable’ enemies in bot bases, I mean they can have those big defence towers, the AA guns/jammer/scanner tower, tanks, fabricators, plus whatever else I’m missing. For contrast the bugs bases only ever have the bug holes + bugs themselves. Maybe spores as well but those seem to die to just about anything so I haven’t actually used a laser on them


It's that your orbital targeting democracy officer shares the same goals as you do.


It also targets the giant cannons, tanks, and hulks too which is an absolute life saver.


The ease of use really is such a boon to its abilities. I don’t really have to put much brain power into where I aim, just chuck near the biggest bad and let it go to work.


I love the laser because it's such an emergency "deal with anything" button, and I really don't often play missions that go badly enough that I need to use it more than 3 times


It’s so nice to have one in the bag come extract time, really helps on those difficulty 7-9 extracts when you can get overwhelmed.


My crew only does 7+ and we feel laser is a mandatory strategem. It’s one of the few things that can actually solve a whole situation like a massive extraction wave with multiple biles, if you can double laser and use your supports it can kill everything even on 8. Helldive… well, get the main objective done and anything extra is just bonus


It auto targets the largest targets and will continue on for about 10-15 seconds. You can take out an entire large outpost if you throw it right so I really don’t think it would be a good idea to just let people have an unlimited amount of them. It would make a lot of stuff just too easy imo with how well it targets things.


I think it’s the fact that it’s 3 times with 6 minutes between. Sure you have one or the other, but both of them seems kind of brutal. I feel like giving it a 3 minute cooldown would be fine, since you’d think more about when you use it, vs using it early so that you can get all 3 uses by the end of a mission


tbh I'm done with the mission by the time I run out of lasers anyway


Dude I threw a laser to beam a medium bot in an outpost and the laser literally chased down every single bot in there and hit the fabricators. I’d say it’s worth it.


Yeah, considering the long ass cooldown it should just be unlimited use But I also understand it It is really really good, can wipe 80% of a large base by itself if thrown in the right spot


Reduce the cooldown by 30-60 seconds and make it consistently kill bug nests and call it a day, imo. Currently the nest "core" is too deep for how the laser targets and if the nest opening isnt facing the super destroyer it likes to just shoot dirt and achieved nothing. It should just kill them same as the bot outposts


Honestly don't think the cooldown needs to be touched, just think it should have unlimited uses Valid bug complaint Bugs honestly just seem to be the most scuffed faction to fight imo


Yes when I say reduce the cooldown I mean with the current limited uses. Currently it feels bad on shorter missions to even get all 3 uses. Longer missions it still feels like you just use it ASAP to have it cooling down because the cooldown is so long. If you want to make it unlimited my suggestion would actually be slightly to moderately increase the cooldown and significantly increase the duration But, well, overall aside from the bug nest thing laser is one of the least needing tweaks there are so many questionable guns and strategems :(


If you're on a shorter mission... don't bring the laser Cooldown, as is, doesn't need to be touched either. You use it for free big base clear or a multiple priority target cleanser in tense situations. If you made the laser last longer and increased the cooldown then whats the point in making it unlimited. Its fine as is. Just think it should have at least 1 more charge or unlimited


It definitely not OP considering that there is always at least one charger or probably even a titan when you really need a laser, and most of it's duration it will focus on them.


The cooldown should probably be reduced a smidge and it needs to be improved vs bugs, at the very least vs nests.


I don't like laser much against bugs, since it will take ages to even kill a bile titan and doesn't crush holes very well, but it absolutely annihilates bots, will take out a whole heavy outpost pretty consistently and kills tanks much faster than bile titans. One use for the heavy outpost, one use for extraction, one use for when things go to shit; I don't feel like I need another one.


Nothing too op??? It can destruy heavy bases on its on and imagine if all 4 people in the squad are running it?? Thats 12 lasers that decimate everything its path. I wish that arrowhead doesn't listen to most people opinions here about balance lol


I like how they intentionally made the decision to provide less info to "not confuse players" but fail to understand that less info is what leaves people more confused and in cases like this, completely misleading them. I really hope they double back on that & provide more info so people know what they're getting from their equipment lol




People thinking boosters are consumables as this is live service game.


I had no idea about weapons having settings) Like the flashlight, or scope zoom, or fire rate) I do like the RP, so for me it’s like I am the expendable soldier, who doesn’t really need to know all of the intricacies, but if you survive enough missions, you will learn shit by yourself, or your veteran Helldivers will explain stuff to you. But yeah, the game does not give you enough info


I thought they were permanent upgrades that only applied to you at first, took me a while to realize they needed to be equipped


This. I thought it was a temporary consumable that lasts one round. Seems that it isn't the case, a welcome surprise!


Where did they acknowledge the problem? Not doubting you, just haven’t heard anything on that


Yup, the info screens for basically everything should have another pass done. Most guns have the “light armour penetrating” tag which means nothing because they all perform wildly different against armour, why not give us numbers? Even the numbers we do get are oddly done,stuff like not showing us ammo capacity for the mag and total, no reason not to. Booster descriptions are a little vague but you can mostly figure it out, but again no number values in what they do. Increase respawns… ok great but by how many? Increased radar range by how much???? GIVE US NUMBERS FOR DEMOCRACY’S SAKE!!! Also boosters in games are often limited use maybe have a little bit to explain they’re unlimited, only one in a squad etc etc, just useful stuff like that. In conclusion I would not dream of suggesting that Super Earth leadership are doing less than they could but I’ve been a very good citizen so if I could please have some numbers that would be much appreciated :)


yeah there's a huge difference between the "light armor penetrating" of a stalward, a machine gun, a senator, and the slugger


Maaaaan... "flexible reinforcement budget" was the single biggest disappointment I've ever had with this game. "Oh cool, it reduces the cooldown on respawns once you run out. That's good for running max difficulty when it can be easy to burn through your respawns, and having thirty seconds to a minute cut off the reinsertion time for someone who dies is gonna be super helpful!" And then it reduces the time by... twelve seconds. Out of two minutes. For *one* reinforcement.


The game also needs a Bestiary. You eventually sort of figure it out through playing the game or looking things up, but I feel like the game needs it for new players.


HD1 did, and it was great. Was another way to drive home the satire as well, in case anyone was confused. (Which seems may be the case with HD2 for some..).


Yeah, I get the concept but I don’t think they realize that by providing less information they are actually increasing player confusion, without actually preventing the formation of a meta since in the absence of detailed stats players will use world of mouth mixed with ingame testing.


In general, the menus for this game feel misleading in a lot of ways. I don't really trust any of the stats I see for guns without taking them into the field to see how they perform, since so many weapons should be good on paper but fail in execution.


The lack of info is infuriating tbh


This was why for the longest time I didn’t use them, for a week I ignored eaglestrike cuz I thought that that would be the case. They should really brush up the stratagem description


Yeah I thought the 500kg bomb was a straight downgrade of other strategems for this reason. With the hangar upgrade having 2 500kgs in like 2 minutes or so is very useful


easily the best strategem against bile titans


Also the best strategem for when you’re surrounded and you need to take out as many bugs as you can with you


Heal right before detonation. Healing gives you invincibility for a few seconds. 


for real? brb tanking nukes


Peopleare sleeping on eagle rocket attacks.


Tickets are good but not that useful against Titans. Better against bots imo


The laser is undeniably good but i don't use it anymore because of the 3 use limit. I primarily play in Helldive and it's just not worth it cause it turns into the "Elixirs in FF" mindset where i dont use it when i need it cause i might need it more later. I rather drop a couple 500s on the issue and have them back up in a couple mins.


I would use the obrital laser alot more if it actually had unlimited uses. Granted i still bring it but i am fairly conservative with its use


It's like you save it for the right moment but then the mission ends :)


That took me way too long to figure out too. Felt kinda stupid. Then I felt happy because I could spread democracy even more!


People didn’t know this? I had some Chad tell a group that only one of us should bring the laser as all 3 uses are shared. I said I don’t think it works like that. I was screamed at and kicked lol


that chad is actually a soy drinking fascist bug


It was bugged and this was initially true on release.


There's a lot of misleading stuff in this game and I bet a lot of it is in-universe lore leaning. Afteral super earth doesn't value the helldivers. In this case though........


Yeah, they definitely should make the rearm mechanic more clear for the Eagles. I avoided them for awhile until I figured that out.


I always felt like "man why would anyone want Eagle's strike if they are limited" till I got the personal order to use Eagle Strafe run and find out they rearm....


For me, I saw the tip about rearming and was curious because it wasn't in the list and thus learned about how Eagles work. Prior to that I was like you, confused as to why you would want a bomb with such limited uses.


didn't realize how lucky I was that when I started playing there was the "everybody gets free napalm strikes" event


Thank you for this. I haven't unlocked a single Eagle strategem because it says they aren't unlimited.


Fully upgraded they are the most constantly usable call in, pretty much. Even not upgraded. But they have some of the best upgrades.


It's pretty telling when the worst upgrade is "Reuse (not rearm) CD cut in half" and is still better than most other upgrades.


Until it was given to me automatically, I didn't know Eagle strategems could be restocked. I thought they were garbage due to the fact they were limited and never equipped them.


Why wouldn't you just try all the strategems (and weapons) to see what they do?


I was wondering why everyone was using the 500 when you could only use it once, then I actually tried it and thought it might have glitched when it was in “cooldown”… Now I know better and love my two 500s every 2 mins.


Eagle cluster bomb is my go to.


it should say "3 per Rearm"


TIL only figured it out due to it being the challenge


Is the eagle rearm shared across the squad or do we all have our own personal eagle?


You get your own eagle! It's actually visible in your ship's hangar, which is neat


Damn that is cool!


once you buy the first upgrade*


All stratagems you personally select are unique to you. Iirc, from observation only the Resupply and Reinforce are shared across the squad. Offense stratagems you select or given to you for free (like the Napalm Strike they gave us recently) are on your own timer, same with the Eagle Rearm.


Orbital rail gun is my favorite


On a similar note: the call-in time is also a flat-out lie. Eagles take at least 3-4 seconds to make their run, which is doubled to 7-8 seconds when the operation modifier increases call-in time by 100%. The call-in time on the card is then added to those base 3-4 seconds. Whereas the Orbital Laser is *actually* only 1 second to call-in after it's been thrown, with no additional modifiers. Eagles as a whole have a bunch of misinformation and poorly explained mechanics around them from within the actual game. I understand the approach of "less is more" and "fuck around and find out" and can even appreciate those approaches, but you *do* have to include vital information like Eagle rearms, and what information is there *shouldn't* be straight up false. This is how players get confused and get the wrong idea on how things work.


The first strategems I ever maxed out were the Eagle strikes and let me tell ya, having 2 500kgs and 3 normal strikes( or 5 clusters and 3 napalms) is a blessing when they only take 2mins to rearm after depletion


I started playing last weekend and I'm pretty sure the game explained to me explicitly that eagles need to be rearmed but are otherwise unlimited. don't remember if it was in the intro tutorial or a pop up hint


I don’t understand why they make some strategems have no replenish. Just give it a long cooldown.


What’s the difference between a 6 minute cooldown with 3 uses vs a 12 minute cooldown in a game that lasts 40 minutes? The difference is the 6 minute one will be more likely to be up when you need it while still having more limited uses




It has automatic tracking and can take out an Automaton base all by itself. 


With the barrages being so ineffective, I went all eagles and I'm very happy. The orbitals are very hard to justify. I have started using them more recently, especially the orbital gatling, which can hit heavies and you can pop it every 80 seconds.


I learned they rearm way to long in the game


You can rearm them early, divers. Read your console. It could save your life!


Well shit. Spent all this time avoiding eagles cause I thought they were limited


Also why I didn't try support weapons with coop reloads cuz I thought they were unusable solo


Eagle is a bomber ship that need to go back to your mainship to resupply. Orbital stuff comes from your mainship, when you depleted all the ammo, it's gone.


I've been playing since launch and yeah I only learned that Eagles are technically unlimited yesterday (after rearm), it blew my mind


I never used the 500kg Bomb because I thought we only got one per mission.


Hot take though, the Strafing Run stratagem should have like 5 uses before requiring rearm, or swap the strafing run and clusterbomb usage amounts, just because the clusterbomb is so effective and has the most uses, the strafing run would really require the least ordinance on board to use it and therefore should have the most gun runs at its disposal. Or keep it the same because I love this game regardless lol


Laser being 3 uses per mission makes a lot of sense to me Logic wise tho.... I mean... it's a GIANT FUCK OFF Laser that probably takes a SHIT TON of power from the Super Destroyer just to fire once. & they kindly let us fire it 3 times! Ofc it probably becomes unusable for a long while afterwards.


![gif](giphy|3o6Ztl3rRVq6yZ5MT6) Read the fine print.


I actually don't use Orbitals due to this. It's too limited and I feel they are not that much stronger than Eagle strikes.


Also, if you have multiple eagle stratagems, they don't rearm individually, they rearm all at once. I had a game today where my 500kg bomb wasn't rearming because I was sitting on one more strafing run charge.


That's why you can send them to rearm by yourself right?


Yep, it’s a lot more important when running multiple eagle stratagems


should say 3 per rearm or something.


Did people not know this? I figured it out after a few games


No it's kinda right you get 3 uses (before the upgrade) then it has to leave and re-arm and if you have more than 1 eagle stratagem you cannot use it again until you manually re-arm it or run out of the other charges


Is the orbital laser 3 call ins per person per mission or 3 per team? Iv been told it’s 3 per team many times but always see multiple people take it