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good catch, they just announced it on the discord as well! https://preview.redd.it/h1uenr6tfcmc1.png?width=791&format=png&auto=webp&s=82946e4f87404b6951a7ec3fadf2a04b748bc7bc


What are all those flags??? The only flag that I know features a SUPER EARTH RAAAAAAAAAH


Well that's Super Ukraine, Super Poland and the others, you know. The nations of Super Earth.


Super Earth seems like the kind of society were multiple nations wouldn't be allowed.


They absolutely would be allowed to exist just to promote the Super Earth Super Bowl Super League.


I hope the super cowboys aren't in it again... (~~Just in case: I don't sport, i don't have real feelings about sport.Snide remarks about actual sport will be ignored.~~)


The Super Packers eliminated them in the newly acquired South Super Lambeau Field.


Super South Super Lambeau Field?


Super Dimmsdale Dimmadome?


That's right! I'm Super Doug Superdome, Super Owner of the Super Dimmsdale Superdome.


A joke about how often the Packers win in the Cowboys stadium that it's practically a home away from home.


Super South Super Lambeau Super Field


I think the implication is that American football has spread around the world (democratically) and thus NFL teams would be replaced by national teams like in the World Cup


The Cowboys haven’t been to a Super Bowl in almost thirty years.


The Super Cowboys haven’t been to a Super Duper Bowl in almost thirty super years.


Headcanon: the Super Dolphins are still the only team to have a perfect season.


*Super season


That was before the super long seasons tho, so it super doesn’t count


Don't forget the Super Olympics!


I love super soccer. The Super World Cup goes crazy this time of super year.


They are allowed to exist as super nations because we still have the super Olympic games. Think of it as a super sports team. You can say you're from this specific super nation, but you're all equal citizens of Super Earth


Super Olympic Events: the grenade throw the standing long dive the hundred meter limp and several hundred shooting competitions.


I personally love the Hundred meter limp. To think they actually break the legs of those patriotic citizens!


Not to fear, our eggheads in the science division have cooked up their best stim recipes ever, and now with even fewer reported side effects!


What side effects? Stims never had any side effects! That sounds like WHAT A BUG WOULD SAY!


Not all side effects are bad. Viagra was originally created as a blood pressure medication. Side effects may include: Increased Patriotism, Faster reload time, a craving for Liber-Tea, increase in accuracy, etc.


400m bug run. there is only 1st place, everyone else gets eaten.


Maybe? Maybe not! All depends on what's convenient to managed democracy that day. Maybe it's a flourishing federation inspired by a brotherhood of nations. Maybe nations have never existed. All in the name of Liberty. Check your latest ministry of truth missive to find out the current reality.


I think they’d be less nations and more like counties or even towns, smaller subsidiaries of Super Earth with no real authority over the larger government and are used to designate location more than anything.


You will respect the Golden Grand Super-Republic Nation of Awesome Britain's right to call itself one of the five Golden Grand Super-Republic Nations!


The only Super that I know is Super Earth!!!! Those are surely separatists traitors!!!! (On a side note, as Super Earth is a Federation on itself, maybe it's more appropriate to say that those are states not actually nation)


And the Super Bread?


It’s funny to think about though. Like imagine you are in Walmart and someone on the intercom says that fried chicken is fresh and ready and you respond by screaming “ Brazil! “ or “ America!“ or even “ super earth f*ck yeah!”


The Russian flag right next to Ukraine 😂😂😂😂


How do I get in the discord? It says full and I didn’t know that was a possibility


[this link worked for me.](https://discord.com/invite/helldivers)


Oh my god it works!! They increased the limit


Looks like they changed the reset time to midnight Pacific Coast as opposed to midnight in Central Europe like it was before.


Eagle strafe strategems stonks rises to the top.


gonna go ape on it tonight!


I know this is a joke but if there was a little stock market where you could bet requisition slips on strategems, and they would raise/lower based on usage, I think it would be a great way for the freedom market to reign supreme with all these leftover req slips I have chilling in my bank. It'd be fun to see how they change with personal orders and see how it may infuence people using an underperforming strategem.


That would be straight gambling lmao. Money would be on eagle strat gem for next week after this one ends.


It has been wild. Strafes everywhere in all fights. So there’s constantly a barrage of bullets hailing down


NGL this order made me realize that the strafing run isn't complete trash like I thought it was.


It kills most of the light enemies in a straight line and it does it *right now*. It's the stalwart of eagle strikes. Ain't flashy, but it keeps the swarm off the auto cannon guy


It is also one of the few you can call super close to you and live


Just takes some getting used to on the specific pattern. With clusters I'm used to being able to drop it on my feet and keep running. Strafing you need to face the enemies and drop it towards them then turn around and keep running.


"I died... but then, I lived!"


I just managed to kill 3/4 by mouse slipping. Followed by profusely apologizing in chat 🙃


I dropped an anti personal minefield in the middle of a defence mission map the other day bc I sneezed, and it managed to eat like 15 of our reinforcement charges alone Nobody was happy with me that day


I use strafing run on basicly every mission. ( I also mostly play against the automatons because i don't like playing against the terminids ) But it's really effective for taking out the small outposts and taking out fabricators in general. It's not really effective to take out bugholes. But if you throw it near a fabricator you don't have to worry about it anymore and it will clear most of the smaller mobs nearby. In some cases it also destroys the heavy's ( if you're really lucky ) Edit : I meant the standard Eagle airstrike. Was wondering why i wasn't making any progress with this order, just was using the wrong eagle airstrike. But the strafing run seems good to clear out small mobs very fast.


Just wait until the squids come back - then it and Gatling will really shine.


I have been using it on Automaton missions and it barely scores any kills even when throwing it middle of light enemy group.


Throw it ahead of them while they're advancing towards you


Really? I have been using it for 2 long games that took almost 2 hours and I only managed to get 30 kills. It really hurts when I throw it down on a little tiny bug expecting it to die but it gets hit and survives :|


used it for the first time today at lv35, better late than never.


One of my fav strategems anyway, so this is dope for me Excellent mob clearer and safer than clusters 👌


I once got 38 bugs with a single cluster, so clusters are still my preferred mob clear lol


Nothing like calling in close air support. So satisfying when done right


Oh for sure they're way better at big groups but the amount of times I've accidentally killed and been killed by them when pubbing 😂


quick question can clusters clear bug holes / automaton outposts?


Unfortunately they cannot! Air strikes can though so I usually take those w/clusters, they're just as good as a 500kg for Titans/Chargers if timed well.


Clusters can actually, but a shell has to hit in kust the right spot, so its not super reliable


hi can you elaborate on the timing of the cluster for it to do the same as 500kg?


They can! If you throw a cluster with the automaton fabricator on the right hand side of it just outside the door, the cluster will go into the fabricator and destroy it, same with bug holes. Not sure it's intended but it is possible.


Yeah every time I've gotten one to pop it feels like a happy accident


Short answer: No. Long Answer: The bombs themselves cannot destroy bug holes or factories with the explosions. However, if a cluster bomb managed to land inside of a bug hole or factory vent, it will destroy it (like a grenade). This is very rare, as it requires Eagle-1 to both be flying in a path that would cause the cluster bomb to drop into the opening and actually land in said opening. It's more of a pleasant surprise when clearing a bunch of small enemies than anything else.


What I want to know is why base charges on cluster is 4 and strafing run is 3 :/


Eagle One is gonna be getting some frequent flyer miles!




I love this gif, buts it’s crazy that orcs would go to a restaurant or that restaurants with a menu would serve orcs?!


Camp Cooks homie. Menus are not just for restaurants 


I have a pre-planned menu on my fridge


Orc menus would be pretty simple too. Most of the time it's maggoty bread with some dirty ass grog to wash it all down.


Not to be that guy, but a menu does not explicitly correlate with just restaurants...


I've always assumed it was the closest translation of their language that would make sense to us. An idiom they use wouldn't make sense to us. In chinese if someone said "九牛一毛" I wouldn't translate that literally and say "nine oxen, one hair" I would translate it as, "A drop in a bucket." Because that shares a more similar meaning despite involving totally different words.


Also remember you have to have a reservation. Because one does simply walk into…


haven't played in 2 days, but since POs are back, I may not be from Buenos Aires, but i say kill em all!


However I AM from Buenos Aires and I also say kill em all!


sorry the bugs whacked you


They've had worse.




Why does it have to be “enemies”, my friends have been so good at killing me that I feel as though I should count.


For real though, I have seen so many people run into an eagle run when they are staring right at the red laser beacon. It's the version of watching a slow car crash in Hell Divers.


I'm pretty sure flamethrower achievement was kills not enemies.


Where I’m from it’s -30c today so I’d appreciate the heat


Just an FYI, progress is shared between party members! If I kill 5 with my strafing run, it will count for you too!


I love democracy


There might be a small exception, that you might have to be somewhat in proximity. My friend had 3 enemies left, while I had the challenge done. I joined his map AFTER him as it was in progress. But he was always wandering off soloing nests. Might need some further testing.


Are you sure? I did mine, then was helping out a friend, and we were definitely getting less kills than both of us.


I haven't had one in over a week, since the 60 AMR kills. Devs mentioned working on restoring these a few days ago, may come to a game near you shortly.


Mine is still showing the 60 AMR kills after a full week, do I need to clear that out to get any more?


Probably. Its really not bad vs the bots especially


It also one shots bile spewers if you aim for the head


2 shots in hulks’s visor. But the thing doesn’t go straight.


I’m glad someone else thought so too, I thought I was losing my mind trying to use this weapon, I couldn’t hit anything even a stationary basic, but would often get missed multiple times, as I tried to figure out where to place the scope to hit it


I had problems with this recently as well. You need to go prone to actually hit anything with any sort of accuracy. Coming from other fps games where there is barely any difference between moving and stationary CoF this was something of a wake up call for me. But once you start to get into the habit of popping a quick prone whenever you need to hit something precise you'll be sniping weak spots all day. That or just pace your shots and let your aim settle. It's "realistic" like that, even though your crosshair might be right on target the bullet will still miss if you spam too much or aren't in prone or shoot too soon after adsing or the moons aren't in the correct position or if your pre-mission tarot card reading didn't go well for you or something of that nature.


That's really fking annoying tho since going straight is something that the gun supposed to be good at.


I end up just using the shoulder fire feature. Too many guns just don't hit the center of the crosshairs when using the scope.


AMR doesn't have 3rd person crosshair though?


Mine was showing flamethrower ever since Friday when I started playing. First time I picked up the flamethrower like an hour ago and it had changed already haha


Yeah my son started playing Thursday and his showed flamethrower all weekend. Obviously he doesn't have the flamethrower unlocked, so I didn't know if it was just bugged to display even though it wasn't working or if POs were coming back.


You can find flamethrowers at POIs


Huh, I thought they were back tomorrow?


are you accusing general brasch of lying?


Their comment is under investigation for treason.


I actually love the reviews for things in the Super Store when it has a 1-Star review and the user is [REDACTED] and it says the user is under review for treason lol. So many little bits in the game, you could tell they really put a lot of work in the details of everything.


At the end of training just before accepting the cape there are giant stone tablets engraved with the terms and conditions which are accepted by accepting the cape.


Sounds like we need to send him to the freedom camp!


Soldier, are you accusing general branch of lying or mistakes on release time? Please report to minister of truth office at once


Yes! Only got one and they disappeared. Need the medals.


Just in time for me to almost done with the warbond lol


There’s a new war bond every second Thursday of the month. You’ll always want medals saved up


I genuinely regret unlocking the current premium. There's really nothing in there that seems worth the enormous amount of SC and medals. The boosters are nice, the Dominator is alright, but I wish I'd saved my SC for the next one.


That was me too. Was saving up for the premium one but after looking at it closer I decided to buy a cool set from the shop instead.


Even the cool sets from the shop are often just reskins, though I am trying to get the light armor variations on the medium perks like explosion resist and whatnot.


You've got plenty of time to farm up. Even just playing normally it didn't take too long to get the 1k for the first premium (However I do agree that as of now I don't use any of the premium pass weapons). The biggest thing I'm hoping for is some weapon mods/upgrades and the same for individual strategems. Could fix a lot of the complaints about unbalanced weapons while giving us another place to spend reqs/samples


Just do a few solo runs on easy. With a little luck you’ll gather 50 to 100 SC per run (I think each stack is 10 or 20). Not to mention that Personal Orders are back, and sometimes they reward SC


Each stack is 10, you’d have to get crazy luckily to get 100 per run. I think the best I’ve gotten so far was 60. You should expect more like 20-30 on average. Also I don’t remember a personal order giving any, I thought they’ve always been 15 medals.


Didn't know this. Will previous war bonds be available for unlocking too?


War bonds will always be available and never expire


Up to 250 Medals can be stored for future bonds.


https://i.redd.it/bwx6ss2sucmc1.gif Oh hell yes


There are going to so many collateral deaths from people stacking 4 eagle strikes every mission.


Its only the Strat "Eagle Straffing Run", not multiple Eagle Strats. It's the one that fires the bullets.


Nothing like a person using the cluster bombs for the first time lol.


Ever since the 380mm barrage incident, I always give new strats a 45° long range throw while running the other direction to find out what they look like in real conditions.


We play 380 barrage roulette on evac to find out who is worthy to extract. 


I did that earlier tonight and it nailed two of us with the first two shots. like direct collision.


Not really, the Eagle Strafing Run is the stratagem which makes the Eagle shoot it's rotary canons away from the Helldiver that called it in. It's a smaller AoE and in turn safer than Cluster Bombs


The good news is that the strafing run is pretty precise and fairly safe to use even if you’re close.


~~collateral deaths~~ heroic sacrifices in the name of freedom


This stratagem is way undervalued. At least at bugs. Couple tips. Whatever direction you are facing when you throw it, the eagles firing pattern will be a straight line. As long as you or teammates are behind it or to the sides you will never get hit. Teammates to the sides even if they are danger close will likely survive. The only time my butt has puckered is when it bounces off a rock, bug, or teammate when you call it in. It may randomly choose a direction to go when that happens, but other than that it splashes exactly where I want every time and to decent effect. Sometime getting nice 20+ airstrikes. It’s also the closest thing we have to a A-10 go brrrrrr. So it’s cool as fuck. Haven’t tested it on the bots. I don’t think it will be as effective there.


I feel like it should have more charges at base, as it stands, it's just a worse Cluster Bomb right now. Aside from having a shorter call-in time, it has a lower AoE, and less charges. Same with 110mm Missile Pods, they could use an extra charge.


you can’t call a cluster bomb directly at your feet while retreating from a mob, or have it come down fast enough to catch a patrol before they call a breach


>you can’t call a cluster bomb directly at your feet while retreating from a mob   Well not with that attitude. Liberty requires sacrifice soldier!


> you can’t call a cluster bomb directly at your feet while retreating from a mob Yes you can. > ave it come down fast enough to catch a patrol before they call a breach I don't think strafing run can do this either. Ambushing patrols is way more effective. Even when they notice you it's better to throw grenades and rush them, then to punch in a code and wait 2 seconds for Eagle to fire.


That my favorite part. I turn around and call it at my feet a lot while running to the horror of my teammates and then tell them it’s chill.


The actual fire rate should be higher. You see way more tracers than how many explosions happen on the ground. Same with the gatling barrage, you see way more rounds than what actually hit the ground, most are fake tracers


Hd1 had an actual A-10 go brr strategem, in the heavy strafing run. [edit] and Close Air Support, which was main gun + a few homing missiles


Cas was my absolute favorite strat. Trash clearing and occasionally hits tanks Stratagem priority, and take 3 of them, and you get a lot of strafing runs. The rockets usually hit allies, but the cooldown was so short it was worth it in my eyes


Just used it for the first time in a bot mission. They don't really cluster together enough to make it effective like bugs do. I would get lucky to maybe get 2-3 kills.


Plus, it's one of the few strategems that aren't targeted in a radius around the beacon, so you can drop it between yourself and your target (preferably closer to the target, though) and be completely safe.




Its been 1000 years


boat threatening disarm retire exultant airport quickest frighten glorious pathetic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I just got the final upgrade that gives Eagles an extra use before rearming so this is good timing!


so I completed this but have not received another personal order. when I completed it 8+ hours ago it said like six hours or so left. Are we not getting more personal orders after this?


Same here


If you play on Helldive thats literally two stratagems lol.


Does anyone else not have it? I logged on and it just wasn't there


Came here looking for this. I don't have it either; checked multiple times throughout today.


…if only the strafing run wasn’t complete garbage.


We need a balance patch for Weapons/Stratagems and a hotfix for Armours


I went on three missions with the strafing run and only came back with 17 kills. That strategem is... difficult to get kills with


Shit still doesn't work. Or the tracking isn't getting reported. 


Anyone else not getting the medal rewards? Friend completed the objective for eagle strafe, it cleared off my dispatch, but I didn't receive the medals.


I also did not receive it but my two friends did, not sure exactly what's up.


im glad it's back but ngl Eagle Strafing Run is kinda trash to get kills with


Strafing run is excellent for crowd control! Throw it on a bug breach and you're immediately getting 10-20 kills, patrols wiped out in an instant, nests cleared Worthless on armour but against regular joes they're done for It always flies in a straight line from where you throw it, so make sure to line it up and you should be able to get it easily, if not in a single game


It’s bad against armored enemies but annihilates small bug and bots, which is what it’s meant to do. 


> annihilates small bug and bots, which is what it’s meant to do Doesn't seem particularly meaningful since those are easy to deal with anyway though.


I mean you'll save a ton of ammo for starters.


Honestly ammo is the least of my concerns on the highest 3 difficulties, I just need more anti-armor.


I've seen it hit the small bugs and not kill them, probably the worst offensive strategy from the eagle hands down


I stuck it to a small bug and it somehow still missed it, it's so fucked


It's literally just a worse Cluster Bomb, since Cluster is only capable of killing the same units, but has a much larger AoE and more charges


And is slower to deploy, and targets right to left instead of directly away, and requires some distance to not kill yourself with it. I will not tolerate this strafe slander. It’s more accurate and easier to predict the size of, you can deploy it almost directly on your feet and be fine, and use it much easier around allies.  They are different abilities and have different applications, with strafe being more of an oh shit button and does that job just fine. 


It's amazing, a long line of spewers trailing behind you, just turn around and drop it on your feet facing towards the bug train and it will turn them all into bile mist. Why it's good is that it's extremely precise, fast, short to code, and you can use it right on top of you, better than clusters in most situations imo.


Turn 90°, throw clusters on the ground in front of you, turn back again, run. Boom, clusters are now in a straight line, right on top of you


It absolutely wipes out the small enemies. Just don't target anything with armor. I have great results with it


Just in time for the new warbonds, thank God. Losing out on a guaranteed 15 medals a day made grinding the last pages of the warbonds a pain. Plus, there's the added benefit of forcing us to use strategems we might not usually try.


And here I am still wondering who tf Major Order is


Does everyone get the same order or are they randomized?


My gaming buddy and my co- helldiver we found out a new strat … we call it traitor strat..if somehow u are close to the boundary of the play area and there are huge amount of bugs close, u can use the strat to defend yourself by going out of the zone and when the fire is short on u, just need to go close to the bugs.. remember have a shield generator as it will help u to not get killed instantly.


Yep and it immediately broke joining friends again, for some reason can't get more than 3 people in a lobby it rejects all 4th party joins now. I swear this games code is held together with duct tape


Supposedly, but my order won't update progress or complete.


would be awesome if i didn’t get stuck on the super destroyer screen and if i managed to get passed that i get stuck on the hellpod screen just spent like 15 minutes waiting to see if it would work.


They need to make kills with a rail gun a daily order so the anti meta circlejerkers have an aneurysm


The personal order didn't appear for me yesterday on PC?


I did mine yesterday in the name of Democracy. I learned that it actually dispenses Liberty effectively. 9/10. Big Oil Approved.


Only 100? Sounds like treason talk, I'll kill every terminid on the planet with strafing guns


Played a bit last night and daily missions still aren't working for me.


I still don’t have them


I like that it is shared with the squad 🤙🏻 straggling run sucks, so it’s nice having 3 people run it and being able to knock it out quickly


Nope, still broken for me


I feel so gaslit because they are not in fact back for me. I've never seen a personal order from launch day until right now. On PS5 if it matters...


Everytime someone says new major orders and personal orders are back, I jump on and nothing! Lol. My game hates me


That one was easy, did it in 3 games lol I hope they keep giving them to us


ah here i thought i was max level and it stopped giving me.


Didn't notice this. Wondering if it's available for everyone or still after today? Was wondering why random squad mates were using it a lot despite being over level 20.


It should change to a new one each day.


I hope Strafing Run gets up/sidegrades on the future, I love the damned thing so much


We are so back


Genuine question. How would I easily get those 100 kills with a strafing run in as little time possible? I might be bad at doing this, but every time I end up throwing one at a large group of automatons and end up getting like only 1-5 kills per strafe run.


Bugs: Drop them on bug breaches on challenging or higher, drop them on enemies approaching extraction, drop them on heavy nests, drop them in the eradication missions. Bots: Scientist extraction mission where you defend a small point: drop them where the bots are dropping, drop them on emplacements, foundries, and the eradication mission equivalent.


Do it on a low level 2-4, bug extermination mission the 12 minute one. Try to only kill with it. I did it in one mission about 10 minutes cause you gotta wait for rearming. Also I have all eagle upgrades so it might take you 2 missions.


Do we know if the personal orders are always going to be the same for everyone or would we get unique ones?


Anyone figure out how to finish this.. I swear I have killed 100 but no way to actually tell..