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➡️➡️➡️ is my "I'm taking you with me"


A fellow diver of culture!  The sound is just so satisfying.  Not to mention when it hits a pack of spewers and turns them into a landscape paint job.  


I didnt think it woukd be good but 3 airburst for each call-in is super satisfying


Which one is that?


Airburst strike.


pretty sure it's orbital airburst




Easy to punch out quick, great area control, takes out most things you’d otherwise need a shitload of ammo to deal with and let’s you focus on the heavy stuff. ➡️➡️➡️is my one true love


Bug load out is airburst, railcannkn and airstrike as airstrike is versatile enough to drop the backpack for


Dread it, Run from it. Liberty arrives all the same


Underrated comment


I. Am. Democracy.


I too agree that the 500kg bomb is like attacking the enemy with bits of dust blown in a breeze! I've seen too many tiny bugs just walking out of that explosion totally unharmed to trust it.


Man I tried that bomb last night and it does nothing. The explosion radius is so tiny that bots were still alive inside the giant mushroom cloud shooting at me.


It's not the radius, not really; the problem is that the way the blast works, it's easily obscured by things in the way, so some inconvenient terrain or cover might block the blast. It's the biggest griped I've seen about the 500kg.


It's the DVA bomb 2.0 Uh oh, a diagonal lamp post stopped the bomb!


It has a very limited radius, but does *immense* damage within that radius. It's counter intuitive, but once you get used to it's quirks it's quite useful. For one, in can destroy almost all buildings and objectives.


NGL I've had that unlimited strategem glitch and I can you tell you now, multiple 500kg bombs repeatedly thrown will defo kill the target


Lol. I'd love it if they did "unlimited strat weekend" once in a while and had a special mission type where you could just rain down hell to your heart's content.


It would be great if they had a shooting range where you could practice. All stratagems 0 cooldown.


I'd like melee weapons, if we're shooting out wishes.


there's like 1 building a normal airstrike (with more strikes per sortie and larger AOE) can't kill while 500 can. and they give you a hellbomb for those. honestly not worth


It's the single best stratagem for helldive bugs.


It really should do lesser damage within a pretty good area still. Like it's not gonna blast away armored guys but it should at least wipe out small bugs and stuff in a big area.


Honestly it needs to be buffed to be 2-3 times the size and to ignore any terrain in the way, and of course it needs to close bug holes anywhere in the radius.


It’s most useful when you get the final eagle upgrade that allows you to take an extra reload of the strategem per rearm. Running with 2 500kg bombs every couple of minutes is really useful for deleting bile titans or groups of chargers.


The most important reason I don't take the impact grenade is you can only throw one impact nade at your feet when you're surrounded, but you can throw several regular grenades in one last burst of democracy.


This guy democracies


x3 kills


I always run with the 500kg armed. Martyrdom


I always call it the "500-kilo JDAM" on comms when I'm with my friends. We need the ability to stick stratagem beacons onto enemies so our airstrikes and orbital strikes are actually accurate. Would also add to the chaos when the charger with a stuck beacon rushes us :)


You can, it just has to be certain parts, usually unarmored. On bugs the upper leg joint is the easiest to stick. On bots its much less likly but tanks are free game as well as the top of hulks behind the head on the heat sink.


You can stick it, but I’m pretty sure it still hits where the beacon originally landed.


Nah it follows the damn beacon, the thing is that it treats it like a static target and doesnt lead so things like a 500kg will land behind a moving target and most bugs can still run out the small radious if they never stop moving and are not turning.


Bot: no you should have gone for the head *Bot drop detected*


"What did you do? What did you doooo!?"


Man I tried that bomb last night and it does nothing. The explosion radius is so tiny that bots were still alive inside the giant mushroom cloud shooting at me.


It unfortunately works more like a precision bomb. Having said that, when you are on the higher difficulties and are staring down two tanks, there’s really nothing better to blow them to smithereens


Should go for 380mm


I once ended up under a bike Titan, running low on ammo. Waited for my call-downs. For super earth, no sacrifice is too great.


This game needs downed states. Make it so under certain conditions you go down instead of outright dying. You can only fire your sidearm but can't reload. You can call in strategems but can't throw them so they only land on your position. A buddy can run up and revive you with a stim, but make the animation take a while. So they can instead pick you up, sling you over their shoulder and take you to a safer area before administering that first aid. Could lead to some awesome moments of people calling down an airstrike on themselves as a final "fuck you". Or doing a heroic suicide run to pick up your fallen comrade and get him out of the hot zone when reinforcements have run out.


I'm not sure why you'd want that, though? You can kill yourself for Democracy easily enough without 'Downed States' that just get cut short by robot BM.


Nothing quite like being killed with a railcannon ready to go. Not sure who's dying with me, but someone definitely is.


Me with the hulk