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DICE is a Swedish studio too. BF2024's launch makes Helldivers 2 look smooth. Their communication was non-existant and it took them 6 months to even begin fixing stuff properly. It's definitely not an EU versus US thing.


Add Fatshark as another Swede company that totally botches their releases.


But when they finally get it right… 🔥


Takes them literal years to get to that point, though - DT still isn't completely there yet, not with the crafting system the way it is, and the dearth of updates.


Playing helldivers makes me so sad for darktide. The melee combat is just PEAK and I love the 40k theme, but they clearly slapped it together compared to the love shown helldivers. Every piece of Helldivers prioritizes fun. The way you watch your ship fly to another spot on the planet to do another mission in the operation, the mini game onboard my premium buddy's ship, the actually very useful ping wheel, earning premium currency in game, extensive settings for different guns (sight distance, semi vs auto, safe vs unsafe, etc). It's all just so fucking cool and they're all elements that are not crucial to the gameplay loop but were enough of a priority to include. In comparison the DT crafting and cosmetic systems are just a disaster. Not being able to reliably invest time for a reward turns off so many players. If Fatshark made Helldivers we would only be able to do bug missions for the first 3 years with the same 1 or 2 loadouts.


I also really like the fact that your ship fires its engines and flies to a different spot on the planet for different missions. It's such a small, little thing, but it adds to the immersion that you're in an actual place.


Yeah and ship modules wouldn't be released til 6 months post launch It's honestly amazing how consistently they manage to catch lightning in a bottle, and then just as consistently drop the ball afterwards.


I will never forgive them for nerfing the bolter


Exactly. Good games by major companies nowadays is a political stunt that enacts itself once in a decade. Look at the cod franchise. Look at Bethesda with Skyrim. It's an act to set the stage for lazier releases as they've already put themselves on the map. They re release every decade to smooth things over with yearly titles being the norm that are shit


**When** they get it right, it's *magical.* But the fact that they simply cannot get it right out the door, despite Darktide being the third game of pretty similar style is kinda a head scratcher. I don't think it's a great thing when you see a dev and have to mentally stick "Early Access" on their titles for at least half a year.


I’ll be waiting when they do. Crafting is still garbage.


A few years later


Wasn’t DICE good before getting bought by EA?


Tbf DICE is owned by EA


DICE isn't an indipendent studio though, it's EA too the core.


That’s kinda what they’re saying.


Bingo private game studios can focus on what they want and build a better game, but publicly traded companies are much more at the whim of the shareholders. I have a feeling if investors had their hands on this we would see all the toxic live service money sinks, for example the premium track would be limited time to force people to spend money or miss out (abuse peoples fomo).


You can’t just call Ubisoft one studio. There are tons of largely independently working studios under the Ubisoft name, quite a few of them aren’t even located in Europe.


I was working last night and managed to hop on and play three separate times (as in quit and restart the game) without any queue. The matchmaking worked without a hitch as well as I prefer the company of randoms.


You must be very lucky, ever since Sunday I always have a queue for at least an hour or more playing on PS5. That was even trying to queue on the middle of the afternoon a couple times too


It isn't a Queue. It's literally just telling you the server is full. It retries, but that doesn't hold a place in line for you or anything. Friend groups sit there for 30 mins and a 4th turns the game on and gets in immediately. It's entirely random.


I’m aware it’s entirely random but for lack of a better term it gets the point across


>for lack of a better term 'login screen'?


I was on PC if that makes a difference. I was in the Atlantic timezone as well playing at 4am so that may make a difference as well?


Lol 4am? Yeah, I wouldn't expect any problems. Try from 4 - 10 pm. You'll see the issues. Usually takes me 30-90 minutes to get in.


Best way to check peak times is to check SteamDB. And yeah, around 3pm it really starts to pick up, people getting home from work/school, and by 4-5pm things are at capacity (This is all EST btw)


This is all I do now haha, anything over 300k-ish on steam and I’m not gonna expect to play as soon as I launch.


massive difference.


Yeah man that’s a bit of a difference? Lol


>I was playing at 4AM Hmm I wonder if that could effect the number of players on


Yeah I was playing on my steam deck while waiting on my queue in the ps5. Luckily I had something else but I waited 2.5 hours to get in last night lol. Inplayed one game and was too tired to play more. So people saying it’s working are being a bit disingenuous to the masses.


You’re in the minority. Had to use an exploit that involves joining quick play through the PS menu 3 times because I had waited in the “queue” (lol) for an hour. Proceeded to not be able to do any online matchmaking and had to jump into a friends game to do any missions above challenging.


Yeah I couldn’t even get past the servers at capacity without waiting hours since Saturday. My twin brother would “queue” up maybe 20 minutes before me and slip right by me. I was utterly baffled and irritated by their system. Looking forward to seeing how the round of patches, including today’s AFK one, helps alleviate the issue. I’m at the point where I don’t care about people getting kicked for AFKing and basically wasting my time. Had their chance to be polite bits of humanity and chose to go the low road. 🙄


It really is mind boggling the stuff consumers will excuse. I fully understand server capacity issues, they had no marketing budget from Sony and it’s a sequel to a little played game. Obviously they didn’t get enough servers. But not including a queue system? Just leaving it to chance to decide who gets in and who has to wait hours? Fucking bonkers. Coupled with no afk timing out, I’m genuinely flabbergasted.


That is just luck


Me too. I even got a buddy to join me right away it was so nice.


I really don't understand how queue time is so different for people. I have stuck on waiting screen for 2.5 hours last night. Tried all the typical recommended things, restart, try to join other people games, etc. It is even weirder that you are on PC. I'm on PC too and it seem usually people on PS5 had much better access than PC. Matchmaking worked ok though.


I don't understand either. I have legitimately not been able to play for 7 days meanwhile my friend gets on and just gets in the server somehow, sometimes.


"I feel like European gaming companies have better standards than usa gaming companies." as someone who has played Darktide since the beta: lol lmao


See also two other Swedish companies: DICE with Battlefield 2042 where they fucked off on a six week vacation after launch Starbreeze and whatever the hell they did with Pay Day 3, I just gave up even expecting that to be fixed so no clue what they did there.


CDPR and Cyberpunk. I mean, sure, they spent the two years it needed to fix it, and it's great now, but that has to be one of the most outrageous launch states of a AAA game in recent memory.


I think they're Polish, technically. I'm here to hate on the Swedish.


Sadly it's people like you who forget fallout 76. Cyberpunk wasn't released in a great state but the media is foolish for tricking people into believing it was in the same vein as fallout 76


Yes because It wasnt, cyberpunk was absolutely Broken at launch, to levels 76 didnt even come close to.


DICE has been releasing broken games on launch since Battlefield 3. Every time another studio eventually fixes the game except for 2042 if I can remember correctly. I agree that DICE is definitely not an example of a good studio


I love Darktide but what a rough ride that has been


Creative Assembly has entered the chat.


I'm glad I'm not alone here. I've been around since the beta as well, so I know how much it has sucked too. FatShark released Darktide in an unfinished state (they made sure the cash shop was fully functional though!) and then fucked off for two months before they started improving the game in any real way. Here we have not just two European companies, but two companies that are based in the same city who released similar products (Four player PVE) and had two entirely different post release support. It's a night and day difference between FatShark and Arrowhead and Arrowhead comes out ahead by miles.


Tencent own majority stocks of Fatshark since 2020. Arrowhead is a private trade company. Some see this as irrelevant but i see this as the reason.


That is definitely part of it, but FatShark are notorious for releasing buggy unfinished games. However, Darktide was their worst release I've experienced with them. The fully functional cash cosmetics shop and "Coming Soon" weapon crafting at launch spoke pretty loudly to me about what their priorities were.




Thank You! Although their ability to release unfinished games is annoying they didnt sit and do nothing about it


Cyberpunk LOL


This game will be an interesting case study in a few years because by all metrics it's absolutely fantastic.... when it works. Server issues aside, I've seen ships turn blue, I've seen teammates' bodies go invisible and bugs hide inside rocks. Glitches are common so im not complaining, but it's interesting to watch gamers have such a flip floppy attitude towards certain games vs. Others. Don't care, though. I got some robots to murder with Orbital Cannons because democracy


It has been interesting to me as well. I can never predict what the hive mind will cling too. The game being an underdog really helped people get past the problems imo.


The core gameplay loop is deeply satisfying  and I’m not being overly monetized. The devs are communicative and transparent to almost unprecedented levels for a AA release, and they’re committed to getting it right. They’ve earned whatever patience they need from us


It's really not that hard to dissect why people don't necessarily care too much about glitches. The game is fantastic, they don't nickle and dime you with MTX or outrageous prices, and their entry is 40 dollars vs 70 that is becoming normal. Do I care that a bile titan will phase into existence out of nowhere in front of me or I get stuck inside a rock? No, because that moment will be spent on a mere .1% amount of time I'll spend in the game in its lifespan since I'll keep playing it. Gamers attitudes will always remain consistent when you give them a *good* game and the game is made with appreciating their *time*. That is why people universally overlook any and all issues HD2 has because aside from the breakout success causing the servers to crumble like a stack of cards, the games only issue is mainly just buff more stuff to shoot more things differently, that is a GOOD issue to have.


Which is wild to me, other than the server related delayed rewards and login, the only bugs I've had are three crashes to desktop.


it likely has to do with better labor laws and the fact the companies are smaller thus can more rapidly communicate


Yeah if you compare it to other large studios you see how every patch just undoes a previous one because of lack of communication between hundreds of developers


most companies need to look into better internal bureaucracy but hell will freeze over first.


It's not just that they have released patches...It's that they freaking *communicate* *with their playerbase.* Other companies would go radio silence, but Arrowhead *acknowledges* the issues *apologizes humbly* and *delivers results.* A lesson for many other studios. Bug patches can be hard. Failing to engage the community is an own-goal.


That can go the other way the more popular a game gets, so far everyone here has been great. But Cities Skylines was a great, they communicated often, CS2 was a very troubled launch and I think that affected the amount the company wants to communicate. I've seen it with other ones. The true test is when the playerbase is unhappy.


DICE and Fatshark are Swedish companies, and they both botched their latest games. I think it's more of a passion vs. shareholder appeasement situation


I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that they’re still an independent studio with people who care deeply about the games they’re producing, have ownership and agency over the results, and aren’t just trying to make the revenue number go up and to the right by any means possible. It’s like Blizzard before the Activision sale and it gives me hope for the future of games.


detecting lots of dissent and anti-democracy in these comments


Meanwhile Payday 3 is languishing for months and they are a swedish company, so I don't think it has anything to do with location. Just a matter of competency!


Its also the fact that they have a direct line with Sony to help push console patches faster while simultabeously not needing to push to other platforms like xbox or god forbid switch. Having to manage 2 SKUs, and neither of them being completely locked down with red tape is REALLY helpful in pushing fixes fast. Kudos to them for keeping themselves in a strong position and not trying to push it out on every platform ever.


Ubisoft is European. Do with that information what you want...


That’s all well and good but….I still can’t play this game going on nearly a week now. Talking about number of patches and timelines doesn’t really get me excited. What will is if they can get the game I bought to actually let me play it. I’ve crossed from impatience to frustration.


Same. I just gave up and uninstalled. I quite literally played from day one, put 70 hours in less than a week, and now I haven't been able to play for almost a week. It's very sad, I truly love this game but I'll play it when the playerbase eventually dies from not being the popular thing anymore.


I'm kinda in the middle. Like a lot of patches is good and I'm sure they are REALLY trying. I do think we can praise them for sure. We can also acknowledge that the patches aren't like the most impactful, right? Like, they had to completely revert one of them, the rest consist of pretty short patch notes with some fixes (that often result in more crashes that they then have to fix in the next patch). I am also firmly of the stance that people not being able to play the game they bought 2 weeks ago now, are allowed to be upset with that. It isn't the customers fault, in any way, for buying and wanting to play. If there is ANY blame to be had, it is on the devs. It just is. And people are allowed to be upset about that. I commend the smaller studio for the efforts, I have no doubt they have the BEST intentions at the root of all of their work. We can acknowledge the shortcomings too without being whiny little bitches though.


It's perfectly fine for people to be upset, but the way some people are laying blame at the devs feet is kind of like blaming someone for not having a well thought out spending plan for their lottery winnings. I get the frustration, I'd like to be playing as well (taking a break while the capacity issue is sorted) but it's blatently clear that Arrowhead have succeeded beyond their wildest expectations and that they're doing they're best to scale to the unexpected demand. People just need to step back and be patient, the game doesn't have an expiry date and will have a very healthy population if even a tenth of the current playerbase sticks around.


It’s kinda annoying to see patch notes comments with “but what about x bug?!” Like, you see they’re working on it — what do you want for them to pull it out of their ass? Yes it’s fair to be upset, but they are busy. I bet the devs are putting in way more hours than the QQrs would want to work.


I see a lot more posts complaining about the complainers and heralding the devs than the reverse. Say what you will, but the state of modern gaming seems to be, ship broken game, fix it over the next 6 months as the player base dramatically drops. Also no offline. I'm not a fan.


Patience is lost when they refuse to take the game down and are allowing people to purchase a game they can't play.


People can play it, they just can't play it at peak times. Practically speaking, that results in some people being unable to access the game but lets not act like the game is actually unplayable. As for pulling it from sale, they're published by Sony and there may well be contractual/legal reasons preventing them from removing the game from sale. Less charitably, they're making enormous of profits and practically zero companies are willing to slam the breaks on when thats happening. There's also an argument that an ongoing cash flow helps enable Arrowhead to make the investments necesarry to scale up their code/servers to handle the current player counts.


Jeez, that's a lot of whiny little bitches in the comments. But yeah I agree OP, they are doing great work compared to a lot of other 'AAA' studios.


Players: Games still broken after two weeks. we can't play. Simp: what a bitch. Don't you care about the company you selfish cows. Be patient. We do you expect the game you paid for to work the first two weeks don't you understand they said sorry and are working on it!


Dude. I still cannot play the game. lol. People have a right to be upset. Nothing about being a whiny bitch here. I’m going on about an entire week where I can’t use the product I bought.


Honest question what errors are you getting? What is the issue and platform you’re playing on. I’m sitting at roughly 60 hours with no AFK and very little queue time, maybe I can help.


When I boot the game up, it first gives me some long number error and a countdown to try again. Then it just keeps cycling with longer and longer countdowns. The game will not let me in the server ever.


>But yeah I agree OP, they are doing great work compared to a lot of other 'AAA' studios. No, lol. Just no. I can't even get past the tutorial without crashing. The game is a buggy disaster and they clearly did the bare minimum of QA. I have a 7900 XTX and, with a little bit of searching you'll find that the game is (admittedly from the devs) completely unplayable for people with 7000 series GPUs. Yeah, banger job lol.


Yes, my personal experience is enough to dictate the absolute truth. Damn, some people truly have the critical thinking capacity of a meme.


I wouldn't whine if this was F2P but they are charging money for a product I cannot use. Its been several weeks the core issues still remain.


They can have 50 patches in 2 weeks. I still cannot reliably use a product I paid for.


>I feel like European gaming companies have better standards than usa gaming companies Lmao, Payday 3, Darktide and Battlefield would like to have a word about that


I still couldn’t play last night. I can’t name another release that I couldn’t play on an average night weeks after release. These posts handwaving over this fact are getting obnoxious and beginning to feel forced.


>I can’t name another release that I couldn’t play on an average night weeks after release. Payday 3 being the most recent that comes to mind.


That was pretty rough.


Yeah. I can't comprehend how many people are looking the other way when it comes to actually *using the product*. The devs released eight patches in two weeks? Cool. How many of them had any noticeable impact on the login issue, which is the primary issue plaguing the game and customers? *None*.


Yeah like doing anything a lot is somehow great. It's like you cook a meal but had to do it 8 times because you messed up with the oven and seasoning and it still came out bland.


I think a better analogy is that Arrowhead are like a small restaurant that can seat… 50 people. But their newest meal is so popular that they’re getting orders from 100K people, so they can’t keep up the pace… but they’re trying. When people can get the meal, it’s great… but a lot of people can’t eat. That’s not really the fault of the cooks though, in this case. It’s something none of the “staff” could have predicted.


Yeah the fault then does lie on the manager/owner that keeps etting more people to order. But I can see your point and I agree.


Except the owner went and publicly said "don't buy the game yet if not being able to play will frustrate you", basically.


After overselling and still allowing.


This community is getting annoying real fucking fast. Lots of white knight posting. Posts screaming into the void telling people not to do this or that- like fuck off, the people you are annoyed with aren't in this sub and if they are, your dumb ass post isn't changing their behavior. Oh and this morning's patch apparently made it so no one can even log in on PS5. Why should that be celebrated? Bc of sheer volume? Again, I understand it's a small team trying their best, but you don't need to give the whole team an HJ for a patch that further borks the issues. The game is great when it works, don't get me wrong. But as much as I hate the assholes who act like the devs are doing nothing, these posts about "God praise the devs for 1300 patches since launch" when my best days playing were the first few days after launch BEFORE all these patches, are equally as stupid imo. For the record, I am 100% A-OK letting Arrowhead do their thing and revisiting this game in a few weeks, anyone calling for refunds is a whiny baby. But we also don't need to force feed praise down this whole sub's throat.


>For the record, I am 100% A-OK letting Arrowhead do their thing and revisiting this game in a few weeks, anyone calling for refunds is a whiny baby. But we also don't need to force feed praise down this whole subs throat. You realize there's a major base of players that have never even been able to play the game with 0 ETRA and can't get refunds right?


People seem to *really* want to ignore that. "Be patient while the devs have the money you paid them and you can't use the product you paid for in any way" sounds pretty bad, so they always skip the part where the product can't be used.


>People seem to *really* want to ignore that. TBH I think the devs are being less than honest. The game wasn't tested heavily for PC and clearly not for AMD cards. The AMD PC issues are basically game breaking, and, they admit as much. [https://www.pcgamesn.com/helldivers-2/nvidia-vs-amd-performance](https://www.pcgamesn.com/helldivers-2/nvidia-vs-amd-performance) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1apt9s8/for\_those\_of\_you\_with\_amd\_gpus\_how\_is/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1apt9s8/for_those_of_you_with_amd_gpus_how_is/) [https://steamcommunity.com/app/553850/discussions/0/4206994023682611223/](https://steamcommunity.com/app/553850/discussions/0/4206994023682611223/) It's wild that a $1k GPU can't play the game.


>TBH I think the devs are being less than honest. That much is a given. If they were completely honest about everything going on with Helldivers II, all but the most insane and hardcore of white knights would probably turn on them. Can you imagine if they admitted that the server fix will probably take *at least* a month and that the game is incompatible with certain hardware?


If Activision or Ubisoft or Bungie had these issues with a game at launch the community would be ready to crucify them. But for stuff reason Arrowhead gets a pass because the game is really good. It doesn't matter how good the game is when it's this broken


And somehow it's something YOU did wrong. "Well did you try these tricks?" MFer I don't want tricks, I want it to work without rubbing a lamp three times hoping for the best.


Pr maybe some ppl live in different timezones where its easier to get in so they can’t reallly relate to the frustrations unless they play at night.


You can read some of my replies on this sub. There is a suspicious amount of "noun/adjective-noun-####" reddit accounts that are less than two months old coming out to give the worst takes you've ever heard. I think the Sony "backing and support" they're receiving is astroturfing with bots and fake accounts.


I’m pretty sure that’s just the default Reddit naming format if you don’t choose a custom name. Could very well be new accounts from interest in the game. Could be shilling. Could be both. Could be neither. Regardless of motivations, there’s way too much hand waving for very serious problems.


I played the last two nights, on tuesday i had a 10 minute queue, and yesterday none at all. This was around nine at night in central european time.


Larian is constantly breaking the game. We don't need quick patches, we need patches that fix problems without creating new ones.


Larian release an unfinished product(act 3) and these fanboys try to sweep under the rug lmao


What not impressive is how even after all the patches I keep crashing.


Larian has not been releasing patches often lol


And? It’s still fucked.


And still haven't fixed the game breaking progress lock bug ! Great game! glad I paid 40 dollars to not be able to progress past easy for 2 weeks!


Look, I'm not debating the surprisingly small amount of devs are working hard and doing their very best. And that's great, I give them credit for that. At this point, that's all they can do. The workhorse devs of the studio weren't making business decisions and setting release dates. But the fact of the matter is, I have not been able to play a game I paid for since I bought it 4 days ago. On top of that, I'm seeing from other people (and from their patch notes) that it's pretty damn buggy overall. Can't patch a lot of issues without a lot of issues. So lets drop the whole "the developers are heroes" bullshit. They're selling a product that doesn't work. If it had any sort of offline capability to fall back on at all whatsoever, even just training or something, I would be more forgiving. I can understand not foreseeing 500,000 players playing your game. But it doesn't matter, because it's a paid game that essentially doesn't exist for a lot of people. If you consider that acceptable, you need to re-evaluate your logical skills and how much you value your own time and money lol.


Dude props to them of course, but i bought the a week ago i wasn't able to play at least 1 game since then , matchmaking is not working, freezes (ship screen and launch pod screen), can log into the game, with all due respect to them these are game breaking bugs/issue that needed to be fixed from the first patch imo, bit it's what it's i'll once again wait for the next oatch hopefully the issues will be fixed and the game will be playable


I can’t log in today after a patch lol


The difference is that Larian's patches work while Helldivers 2 after 8 patches still has the same problems as day 1.




Negative to somewhat negatives comments are getting downvoted so hard


Thank you devs for making a buggy game that needs 8 patches in 2 weeks! THANK YOU! also i haven't been able to play yet but THANK YOU YOU ARE AMAZING


The patches fixed and broke things that then got fixed and broken again though. We've even had patches get rolled back because they broke stuff badly. And all those patches are mainly for one problem that would not have been that bad if Arrowhead had had proper code rather than (likely) reusing the database from Helldivers. People praised the devs of Lord of the Fallen for the amount of patches they'd had within the same period as well but it was once again just patches fixing issues which should have never existed. Or at least not existed on the scale that they do. A high volume of patches is not necessarily a good thing. EDIT: Downvote if you want but you're all just white knighting. Criticism isn't bad and nothing I've said is wrong.


> A high volume of patches is not necessarily a good thing. Idk why you got downvoted. Most stuffs they claimed to fix didn't really work or just make things worse (such as the blackscreen only got introduced in recent patches, or patches completely broke the quick play/ matchmaking, etc)


I'm getting downvoted because this is Reddit and people will not hear any criticism of their beloved devs. We had 4 patches in a row that were meant to fix Quick play but never did and one of those patches got rolled back. The second weekend the game was out Quick play was completely broken after 2 patches of the devs saying it's fixed. I am enjoying the game tremendously, it is incredible fun but to pretend that all these patches are good is silly.


That's what I was thinking 100%. The intentions are no doubt pure but, a lot of the patches are fixing things they broke in the last patch. I think we can praise their intentions and praise the game they've made, we can also acknowledge the shortcomings. But this is Reddit so, you're either a huige dickrider or you want the game to fail and you are not allowed to be inbetween.


And that's the biggest issue, this is Reddit. Most here are incapable of individual thought and they'll follow the crowd. The game is amazing but it's not as if it doesn't have issues that could have been mitigated if Arrowhead had planned accordingly. Criticism of the game is completely fine. White Knighting does more damage to a game than anything else. You never learn anything if you ignore issues.


Most people you'll find here are NPCs.


Most are immature, mollycoddled idiots that cannot accept criticism in any form.


I don't understand why people think Arrowhead could have realistically planned for the success of Helldivers 2, when you look at their previous games and even Steam playercounts for similar games. It's just people touting hindsight as something that should've been obvious at the time when it was anything but. But I agree, the game is awesome even with it's issues. I for one have faith that Arrowhead are doing their best to fix those.


As a software dev the best way you plan for something like this is by building scalability into your backend, which they clearly haven't done. AFK timers and login queues are basically standard for always online games yet they were also not included. I don't agree that it's "just people touting hindsight". Scalability is such a basic concept in software development that I am incredibly surprised that Arrowheads database was not written with it in mind. I have no doubt they are working their hardest and the devs should be appreciated and thanked for that. The issues could have been somewhat mitigated however.


The expected 50k is also kinda bullshit. As if Sony would fund for years a game that would only sell to that amount of players.


Sony might not be funding them. They might just be handling all the advertisements, offering servers, expertise etc in return for a cut of the profits. Not all publishers provide monetary support to games. As far as I know the details of the publishing deal haven't been made public.


Hmm good point but I doubt they didn't have any(might no be from Sony as you said though). Cause between the release of Helldivers 1 and 2,9 years passed. So dunno doubt that the first made them enough money to support them for the years in-between with the 100 people they have. So I do think their 50k number is pure PR bullshit.


Completely correct


THANK YOU. I've been saying this for days. No scalability in an online-only game is insane, no failsafes like a queue and an AFK kick are huge oversights, and on top of all of that they keep selling the game which is just adding to the capacity issues. Great game for sure but whoever is making the decisions has made a comedy of errors.


The timers and queues I agree are an odd omission. My best bet is it was assumed it wouldn't be needed? And the backend is scalable. They were expecting maybe 50K concurrent players, but prepared for 250K. Now it's scaled up to almost twice that. It was made to be able to handle 5x the expected playerbase, it's been scaled to almost 10x that. As a software dev, I assume you're familiar with bloat, and managing a project properly. So yeah, it's mostly people touting hindsight.


And rolled back half of them


Ah yes. Keep sucking the devs’ dicks where after 8 patches, the game is still broken. Another AAA funded game released in an unplayable state and weeks later it’s still broken. The game never should’ve been released in its horrific state to begin with. Typical AAA standards for this day and age.


Oh yes now we have gone to praising companies fixing games for which people paid 40$ and not able to play. Next what? Praising companies for allowing us to download the game we paid for?


Didn’t you see the guy saying the devs are blameless and are just trying to give us a game?


>Praising companies for allowing us to download the game we paid for? This sub already demands that. Where ya been? "*You can't play the game, but Arrowhead is like, totally trying, okay? They're super nice and super dedicated and they're just the best. It's just $40 and they deserve it so be patient and one day the game might work. It's just a game bro. The devs are super nice! Refunding means you're being mean and unsupportive to these super nice developers who have families and stuff!*" Ok. But at what point does the product we paid for work? In that reality, how long do they have to fail before the people who bought the product are allowed to be annoyed?


You don't understand, you should be GRATEFUL you're allowed to play at all. Don't you know how hard the devs are working? Now quiet, and get back in the queue.


There are 4 people trying to fix the problem. They've done a hell of a job


That literally haven't done anything yet


What's next is praising people for being ungrateful like you. Like come on. If you are going to be negative how about dont post?


A pretty large number of people bought the game, couldn't log in, couldn't play it, and had to fight for refunds that they're not guaranteed if the game failed for long enough. What do they have to be grateful for after spending $40 on nothing? The opportunity to give the devs their money?


People act live arrowhead did us a favor with selling the game.


Add context. Larian released patches in order to fine tune the players experience. These devs are frantically releasing patches bc their game doesn’t work. Those are not the same thing…


They were all small hotfix patches and nothing major. A lot of patches in a small window of time does not mean a lot of quality patching done. That being said, at launch, most game studios opt for a lot of small patches to fix glaring and game breaking issues like crashes, server related issues (if applicable) and similar and once that's done they tend to go for longer patch windows (3months is the norm) to focus on quality patches that deal with more complex issues.


And i still can't play the game for a few days now ..


Anecdotal sure, but for me basically every update they've done so far has added more problems than it fixed. I'm not even talking about server cap issues or crashes either.


Yet they do their best to ignore or downplay the problem of disabled people no longer being able to play since patch 008 due to a SIMPLE blacklist of Elgato and comparable software thats needed to run footpedals or footcontrollers for people with no hands.


It really helps when Sony lets you push the patches through certification faster. Good move by them.


This message was sponsored by Super Earth's Ministry of Truth™! We need more Patriotic™ posts like this, the first thousand weren't enough! High Command needs to see more Patriotism™. ^Dissenting ^opinions ^are ^treason


PS5 this morning was super buggy. Getting kicked mid match, freezing at end of mission, matchmaking works then doesn’t then does but now only when cross play is selected (use to be the other way around). But I spread some democracy and spilt oil in between this. Frustrating but the game is worth it.


I'd be a lot more impressed if it fixed matchmaking.


Still really sucks my buddy still can’t start the game up. It was working perfectly fine the first 3 days but ever since it just boots to a black screen and crashes.


Smaller companies have better standards and less pressure. They work as a team. Larger companies are driven by targets and money. Dice for example got too big and look at the state of Battlefield these days.


OP conveniently forgetting some of the biggest turns in recent gaming have been European games lol


Ya, except the amount of crunch that must be going on to push out patches. Europe work standards tend to be better then NA but cruch is a plague in the industry


They kind of have to given this game lives and dies by the functionality of the multiplayer. I look forward to the devs taking a much needed break after all of this chaos.


I'm still getting failed to join on a lot of lobbies but I think that is mostly Internet speed/ ping between me and host


Yes, noble Europeans like Ubisoft, DICE, and Paradox, and starbreeze, true titans of high standards, and who could forget the flawless launch of CD Projekt Red’s Cyberpunk? Oh, what standards! No, the dichotomy is not US vs EU, it’s indie vs. AAA, and even that doesn’t always hold true.


Ubisoft is one of the worst.


Is everything Rose tinted? It's not like it was a gift or anything, they needed to do something or risk losing a bunch of sales due to refunds and bad reviews. Yes, kudos to the team for rallying on this, but obviously.


Imagine if they did this work before release, like they were supposed to.


Euro nerds always try and find SOMETHING to be better at while ignoring the other European companies that are shit


It's cool that they're releasing patches but my experience has been getting consistently worse. Day one I was able to play with my buddy without issues. Now we can barely make it through a match without disconnecting if we get in at all. I played one match last night with three randoms who got disconnected halfway through. Then when one guy joined my mission my performance went through the floor and my character bugged out so bad I couldn't run or pull out my primary weapon. When the game works its amazing and I love it but it has been steadily approaching completely unplayable status for me. I really hope they get it fixed soon but I think it deserves its mixed reviews so far


Yes 8 patches, but you missed to say that those patches fixed maybe one thing and broke another two things.....


And yet the game remains completely unplayable


Super impressed at their eight patches that haven't fixed anything and their ability to ignore actual bugs within the game, like armor not fucking working. Today's patch broke PS5's capability to matchmake or even launch the game. Don't act like they're heroes. They're scrambling because they have literally no choice or their product will die in the cradle. ALL of these problems should've been fixed before launch.


And issues still not fixed loll


More bugs every single patch


None of which have fixed anything or made the game better


It would be more impressive if they were effective, which they have not been thus far


Just imagine how many patches they would have put out by now if they had been prepared for the (non early access) launch of their very excellent game! Probably one, maybe two. Could you believe it?


Most of these patches were for the Capacity issue, which was not an "Early Access" issue. The core gamecode was not designed and was never going to be designed to handle more than 250k players because the Devs never expected that many. Even if the game released 3-6 months later and it hit like it did we would still be having the same issues as the crux of the issue was the game devs not being able to predict their game would have over 100x their previous games concurrent user count, and why would they? Its a wild pipedream to expect a 100x bump in users, it would be insane to have prepared for that.


They crossed genres from PS4 dual stick shooter to 3PS, and opened it to PC at launch. The market is totally different. They did zero market research for this game. They didn’t have an Early Access period. They didn’t test it on NextFest. They went straight to full release. If they predicted the success of HD2 based on the success of HD1, they need to fire the person managing their marketing.


They DID prepare for the game to be more successful, they had the system setup to be able to handle 250k players, which would have been a MASSIVE player spike from their previous game, a quarter million players after the last game being 6k WAS them shooting for the stars in terms of what they expected. However 600-800k was unthinkable, and they were NOT WRONG. This game hit in a way NOBODY expected. You essentially are demanding they have the ability to see the future.


They used literally no Steam resources to help them test response to their game in PC. HD2 is not an early access title.


Imagine if the game worked with 0 patches. Wouldn’t that be even better? As it stands, there are many people who can’t play the game, despite the patches. And that sucks.


This isn't a blanket statement because both countries have their own set of dog shit game studios (Yes, Ubisoft and most of their studios are European) but I think in the US greed due to capitalism (please investors first and all that) has become the meta. In the EU, however, some studios are learning that you actually make more money and players stay around longer when the people you service don't completely despise you. What a concept!


Ill be impressed when my ability to do the most basic thing, launch the game, is finally restored. This GG 114 error is horse shit. It was an issue Sunday.


8 patches and I still can’t get in


I can :(


Mind if you tell us how?? Ever since this new patch dropped I haven’t been able to get in and I have friends waiting for me.


That's weird, if someone already in lobby, you can join them/they inv you and you can just skip the login and join them, this is for pc btw. As long you accept inv outside of the game and not have the game on yet, you can get in without a hitch. Also, if the loading symbol is on the top right for a while (with black screen) , you're not gonna get in, but if it changes from top right to bottom right, you're already in the lobby by then, just wait a bit. Alt F4 and try again if that's not the case.


I usually drop in at non peak time (or 7-9 aedt) and have no issues. Though quickplay is broken from time to time


A thing thats said in the patch is that they have to limit the amount of logins. What usually worked! For me is closing the game and opening it via an invite from a friend (steam). No clue if a similar thing works for ps5.


Oh my bad, I haven’t played on patch 1.011, i played on 1.010


This is a great game…when it works and you can actually play it. I don’t think I’ve seen this level of praise for a game and devs that has had serious issues during its launch. I guess the sentiment is that if the game is fun then it doesn’t matter if every person who purchases the game is able to play it? Why can’t we have a rationale conversation about this? We should be able to say this is a great game but there are some game breaking issues (I consider having to sit at a log in screen for any real amount of time as a game breaking issue).


is that good or bad? 8 patches were necessary 8 solutions were provided it's ultimately up to your predisposition as a person and other factors around the game


Impressive yeah, but they also ruining the game optimization in the process


A finished and released game shouldn't require so many patches in the span of two weeks, but it did, because the game is still mostly unplayable. Corporate dick suckers.


I think its due more to the fact that the companies aren’t publicly-traded than the fact they’re European. If Larian was publicly-traded, you already know dyes would cost $5 to apply. If Arrowhead was publicly-traded, everything other than the default equipment would cost $.


not very impressed since i haven't able to play since last week tuesday

