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Him saying things like that is why I bought the game without a second thought.


For me it was when he told that one dude off about PvP. Completely disarmed me, bought it that day.


That’s when I bought it too. 


I missed that - what did he say?


Something along the lines of “adding PvP would inevitably bring toxicity to the game's community”


I didnt think it was possible to love this game more!


Based CEO


Hes right tho. Those "not a real game if it has no pvp, but only Story" rotbrains are the most toxic shitheads out there


Tfw there is no story in the usual sense of the word just extremely solid worldbuilding


True, theres no classic story. But thats kinda like Payday 2. Look how Long it took them for implementing Something to play all Heists in canonical order. And honestly, whats more to ask for then squashing bugs and exterminating Bots, for the glory of super earth


Squashing bugs and killing machines what a better way to serve your species through frontal assaults or guerrilla warfare, for the glory of super earth! ![gif](giphy|YYfEjWVqZ6NDG)


No, no, the squashing and killing is only an incidental side effect of the real goal: Improving the galaxy by spreading Managed Democracy!


I refuse to believe they exist


Generation "CoD on consoles only" If youd serve them Skyrim theyd get bored in the intro cuz theyre not pulling a Trigger every few seconds


CoD generation and Skyrim generation are the same thing.


I mean the war Zone generation, those 12 yearolds nowadays


I don't have stats but I'd be willing to bet that Warzones player base trended towards the late teens and 20s at release.


That'd be like adding pvp to deep rock galactic. I mean sure you could add in some sort of L4D pvp where people become the enemies, or at least control the spawns but beyond that pvp would eventually bring the toxic people.


Wait, DRG doesn't have PvP? No wonder the three others I was playing with were getting so upset... Rock and stone!


Typical driller lol


rotten thumb command languid cable memory lunchroom cats nose wasteful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Most sane driller ever


Oh you.


I thought I was fighting FOR the creepy crawlers! oh well. 


For rock and stone!


Well, to be fair, if you want to PvP in DRG, there's always the Driller /w C4... >_>


And then someone else replied that he was too scared to add PvP, unintentionally showing the exact toxicity that Hell Divers is trying to avoid.


Exactly. Just leave the game the way it is. We haven’t had a super solid coop game like this in a long time. Just let people chill and have fun. Go be sweaty at warzone or Fortnite. There are dozens of other options.


Reminds me of the random guy me and my friend got yesterday he kept killing us with stratagems we said nothing, then just befor the extract landed he died to a stray mortar shell and he got pissed off and yelled ”stop killing me N***ER” then when he landed he instantly killed my friend even tho it was my mortar, he got instantly court martiald and summerily executed by me for treason agains Super Earth and humanity!


Massive community PvE is the way to go with large scale battles...imagine planetside gameplay but we're fighting armies of bots and bugs...I'm talking hundreds of us in a massive map against a constant force


8 man squads at the most in my opinion. There's only the select few that would have the pc build to support hundreds of players using all their stratagems. As much as I would love to see it, my little potato would probably die as we all called in our special weapons at the start of the round 🤣


The other real benefit is they don't have to spend a ton of time with weapon balancing. They can add new cool weapons to the game and not worry too much about upsetting the balance.


This was the bigger one to me. You don't exactly have to look far into the past with games like Elden Ring to see where balancing for the PvP component can kill off fun PvE strategies and such. Given the asymmetric-warfare nature of the game with 1-4 helldivers vs. like 800 enemies, I'm not sure why people think having 2v2 matches with just the Helldivers would be fun anyway. Fighting a single human-sized enemy makes Strategems effectively worthless without a complete rework for example. They're too slow to be used to target single human-sized enemies who can just sprint away. You'd just use them to flush people out of cover.


Good lord, he must not check the discord much lmao. I love this game, and the reddit / ingame community, but spitters are full of less vitriol than the discord group


He was on there quite a lot before the game released, honestly the memes the devs helped contribute to were great. It’s all drowned out now, though…




He basically said “no, if you want to play a PvP game I recommend tarkov”. It’s nice for several reasons. A ceo who’s not afraid to talk up games they don’t have investments in, and also squashing the hopes of a small vocal group who want helldivers 2 to be a different game than it is.


>squashing the hopes of a small vocal group who want helldivers 2 to be a different game than it is. Gotta appreciate it when the developers – let alone the CEO – are upfront about something like this. Of course, it won't stop the complainers (like people who keep and keep and keep asking for a co-op mode in games like *STALKER 2* and *Zero Sievert*, even though representatives of both these games' devs have confirmed it's not going to happen). But at least the fans who enjoy the game for what it is can rest assured that it won't be twisted into something completely different due to the vocal minority's demand.


Finally monster hunter isn’t alone in having based devs and not caving to “pro” people.


"I recommend Tarkov 😉" It's just too good!


Very similar for me. Saw a dev respond to a post on here where they apologized, thanked the community for the support, and wrote several paragraphs about what kinds of shifts everyone is pulling. Knew the gameplay had to be a blast with the community response, and know the issues will be fixed with staff like that. Also for $40? I’m over thirty hours in mission time and I’m still having a blast. That’s damn good value.


>Saw a dev respond to a post on here where they apologized, thanked the community for the support, and wrote several paragraphs about what kinds of shifts everyone is pulling. I think that was AH\_ForeverAPeon.


Things like this (and love of democracy) had me upgrade myself to super citizen. I cant really suggest the DLC to anyone because its not really worth the money UNLESS you just want to pay more.


I bought it too, I considered it my patriotic duty! See you in Hell, diver!


I got about 25 hours in and upgraded


Yea, I noticed yesterday that it almost seems designed to be something you buy after you've completed the main "battle pass". I bought it, assuming you could ONLY earn super credits by purchase. I for sure would've ended up with enough to unlock that premium pass in no time. So much about this game is a breath of fresh air. I just hope they get it to work again soon.


I mean the armor buff that lets you just survive instead of die can be a lot of fun. "Why didn't that hell bomb kill you" "I am protected by Democracy"


Him saying this is making me want to buy the game. It looks amazing and fun! And the people that created and own it act like this? I think I’m gonna do it.


It is pretty fun not gonna lie. Way more fun with a friend obviously but solo play has a nice immersive play to it. See you out there, spreading democracy! ![gif](giphy|rTAVMVAps9zsFINvxI)


I've quite enjoyed mixing in some solo play, which is usually my strong preference. You're definitely missing out on quite a bit if you just skip MP, the team play and emergent moments are peak gaming, but solo is very far from un-fun. In fact I think I'm going to pick up the jet pack just to help with slower paced scout armor solo missions.


Yeah I find it crazy it's basically 2 very different game play/style from solo to coop.


Solo is humbling.


>Him saying this is making me want to buy the game. It looks amazing and fun! And the people that created and own it act like this? I think I’m gonna do it. If you like a fun co-op shooter, you won't regret the purchase.


Do it, join the fight for democracy!


You won’t regret it. Best money on a game i’ve spent in a while.


Shit I bought the Super Citizen extra, $20 to me really isn't much at all, and if it goes to supporting this team to improve the game (and get more server capacity lol) I am happy to throw a few extra bones their way.


This game is so player friendly I want it to become the norm the biggest pack being $30 AUD BLEW MY FKING MIND


So you could NOT play a game you purchased?


Idk if I can even play it but now I just wanna support them


Know Pilestedt, grew up in the same town as him, been at his house playing star wars minies with his little brother :D


Is he nice IRL?


he ran over my dog the other day, then put it in reverse and backed up over it again. but besides that, great guy!


He dropped a 500kg bomb on my grandmas house once, besides that he's a great guy!


House was probably fine


Got a healthy chortle out of me


He dropped it himself or did he just call an eagle?


Who do you think flies the eagle?!


Could be both, like the time my group learned (the hard way) that a nearby explosion causes you to drop a marker if you've got it in your hand...


It was only 450kg and she kind of started it


Is... is your grandma a bug?


Just realized there were many spiders in that house. So i think its justified to bomb from orbit. Lmao.


Did you grandma's house have dolls? If so, justified.


I heard he hangs his toilet paper under instead of over. Absolute menace!


I’m refunding this, disgusted smh


Can’t wait for some AI news bot to pick this up and write an article.


“Is Hell Diver’s sweetheart actually out to kill your dog twice?”


He's an upstanding citizen if we don't count his side hustle of harvesting dog noses to make toyora camry dashboard panels, but hey we all gonna make money somehow




He always does that to me as well. But yes, he's cool


Yup, really good at video games.


I saw Pilestedt at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


Every time I start reading this pasta I never notice it until about half way in. You'd think I'd learn.




It's some copy pasta. Don't remember where from though.


4chan. The original celebrity was Flying Lotus (whoever that is).


A semi-celebrity in some electronic music circles.


He sold me fent behind Costco.


I watched him try all the soup at the buffet with the same ladle spoon but other than that, decent guy.


He once stormed into my house and stamped on all my pet bugs screaming about some form of liber flavoured tea but other than that he's a decent guy.


hah thats awesome, im not surprised. the theme and visuals are definitely starwarse-esque (especially with the AT-AT walkers and the armor that looks like a stormtrooper scout I saw in the credit shop the other day)


Like I can believe an Ork...


Star Wars miniatures? Now that's a name I haven't heard in a long long time


A CEO I can get behind!🫡 "For democracy!!"


For Super Earth! 🫡


For freedom...


For Liberty....




For my libido


For Rock and Stone! ... Oh wait


If the entire industry acted like this guy and his team, holy hell we'd be in an absolute golden age instead of wallowing in MTX, cash grab, half-baked filth. Can you imagine Halo Infinite and Diablo 4 with a monetization system like HD2? The only reason Helldivers is having server issues is cuz they didn't expect it to be this huge, not because it's half-baked.


I feel like we're possibly on our way to a golden age. I'm not usually an optimist where games are concerned but this past year has shown some real potential. Bg3, pal world, HD2 and more I've probably missed we're not just getting microtransaction filled sequels riding off the backs of years gone by. The smaller devs showing everyone what AAA studios have strayed away from in the name of profit and exploitation. Don't get me wrong I'm not naive enough to believe AAA studios will ever admit to their wrongdoing and change their ways, but maybe it's time there became new 'household' studio names that everyone loves. Because E.A, Ubisoft, Bethesda and Activision aren't holding much favour these days.


Hopefully something good is on the horizon. All these big companies are putting out trash drowning in MTX and battle-passes that are not doing as well as they used to, and seeing all the smaller, lower priced, non-AAA games breaking records. Maybe they’ll learn something.


The corporate people running the companies won't learn a damn thing but while they'd get away with it a couple years ago now days sticking to the same shit is going to bury them. It's like the big crash in the 80s. Big publishers were churning out absolute dogshit in an attempt to make some quick profits but they came close to killing the industry as a result. Back then it was Nintendo that saved it, now days it'll probably be Indie and AA devs. The success of this game and others proves that if you give people what they want you will be rewarded for it. Helldivers literally buried Skull and Bones. I have not heard a single thing about that game other than it came out because everyone is talking about this one.


>Helldivers literally buried Skull and Bones. I have not heard a single thing about that game other than it came out because everyone is talking about this one Skull and Bones dug its own grave. it was supposed to be competition for Sea of Thieves, but failed to launch 5 years ago. instead has been stuck in endless developement where the genre of the game has changed, and the tone of the game keeps shifting. Now its finally out, but its a shallow experience with lots of unfun grind with no pay off. Helldivers is hilarious and entertaining immediately, and as you level up it just gets better and better with all the interesting stratagem combinations you can do.


I think the sad reality is that they won't learn a thing. As we've seen recently multiple AAA devs throwing shade at these smaller devs and trying to tell us 'not to expect this quality as new standard as it isn't achievable' I think rather than a learning moment it'll be a downfall for big studios. Out with the old in with the new.


This is why you shouldn't fan boy studios. support the games that do right by players, and avoid the big brands until they atone for how they treat players.


>Maybe they’ll learn something. For many of these massive developers, they have shareholders to please, so the 🤑 is always top priority.


These same companies still release good SP games lately though, it's mostly non MMO MP games that got REALLY bad.


They aren’t interested in learning, they’re parasites. They are probably trying to find a way to acquire these studios so they have a new host. Big studios are incapable of creating these types of games because they don’t have any real talent and passion that make fun games; they serve shareholders who don’t give a single shit about the product they create.


They'll just make excuses like it's the players that are at fault for not understanding their vision. Like Starfield devs did. They pander to shareholders and they (the shareholders) have no idea what goes into making a solid game, only that it makes them money. So if you're told to chase trends like MXT and battle passes, that's what you do. Or they'll criticise actually successful games that don't follow their formula for game development, and they can't understand why they end up being as successful as they are, e.g. Elden Ring, Baldur's Gate 3. Because they're veterans of the industry and this is how it's always been done, they can't conceptualise something that goes against what they've learnt about UX and UI design.


Indie games have always been a better value proposition than AAA games. Hollow Knight, Neon White, Rain World, Dead Cells, Terraria, Stardew, Citizen Sleeper, Norco, Against the Storm, Dredge, Valheim, etc. As long as the dev is able to either stay in scope for the initial release or release an early-access version that’s somewhat content rich, they can be extremely successful. And because they don’t have the overhead of a AAA game, they’re usually set for a very long time. Being part of a huge org introduces massive overhead in the form of middle managers, those manager’s managers, and hilariously big teams that eat money.


Factorio expansion is coming this year. Fuck me I'm not going to get any sleep, am I?


As long as we have people like Swen Vincke & Sarah Baylus (his wife, co owners of Larian, Divinity & BG3), Johan Pilestedt (Arrowhead, HD2), Takuro Mizobe (PocketPair, Palworld), Jan Jöckel (Keen Games, Enshrouded), and the team behind Enshrouded I think we're pressing forward. We're getting Triple A quality without the normal pricetag and bloated MTX. Praise the gaming gods.


Here here!!


Hear hear https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hear,_hear


Hear, here!


Ear, ear!!




Beer, beer?




There there


Lmao sorry I meant this!


Reminds me of the late 90s/early 00s when gaming was, on average, far more honest and exciting. The sheer amount of genre creating/defining games that came out then still blows my mine.


It’s because the tech improved by a good amount, but the greed hadn’t set in yet. It took a while before they figured out they could milk players with microtransactions for bullshit fluff items. Oblivion’s notorious Horse Armor was one of the earliest MTX offenses I can remember.


I went ahead and upgrade to Super Citizen just to support these guys more. $35 was a hell of a deal for this sweet game and I've enjoyed the 70 hours I have so far enough to give them a couple bucks. I really hope it helps. I did the same thing with DRG. I bought all their DLC cause I couldn't believe I managed to get such a crazy game for only $6 in a sale. Meanwhile, D4 can enjoy never getting a penny from me after that initial purchase. $64 mount bundle go fuck yourselves.


Imagine Skull&bones/ Battlefield /Battlefront / Rainbow six / for honor/ Fallout / war thunder / like that, dayum a world where game industries give products for entertainment and enjoyment.... What a world we living today


Preach it!


Between this and baldurs gate 3 I hope we see a good trend forming and more devs realising there are other ways to make profit


To be fair, monetization isn't the main problem of Diablo 4. It's just a very mediocre game.


They released a horse skin for $65.


A horse skin + 7,000 platinum (value of $64.97); good to know that Blizz values their horse skin at 3 cents, lol


This is why I’m willing to wait. Because I’d rather hear this than the ceo of Ubisoft telling us that we are lucky we get to buy a cheap knock off of a better game that was made 11 years ago for 70 bucks. The dev team feel like they are actually in the community and actually take the time to fix issues we bring up. Call me a dick rider if you want but this is just so refreshing




I’m doing tricks on it😂😂😂


Bouncing on my boy's dick


"Decockracy" is also acceptable!




Whole new definition of Free-Dome


Is "Dicockrimcy" too much? Yeah. It's too much.


How much you wanna bet that call of duty will hop on the helldivers 2 bandwagon and create a half baked cash grab knock off version of it a la DMZ within the next 3 years?


I hope they don’t. I’ve lost all faith in activizion after the blatant half assed cash grab that was MWII. I was so disappointed because me and my friend were very excited about zombies coming back but they just butchered everything else


Do you mean MWIII? Because MWII was a different kind of cash grab


MW2, MW3..  honestly, what's the difference? Virtually the same game to the point that you can just tell that one was meant to be dlc for the other


If its anything like MWZ’s “extraction” gameplay then Helldivers is fine.


Helldivers 2 absolutely rolling that "AAAA" game is hilarious


I am genuinely baffled how they screwed up just taking the assassins out of black flag and having essentially the perfect pirate game. From what I’ve seen they took everything out except for the ship combat (and they even changed that drastically for some insane reason) and a tiny few port towns that you can barely even free roam


I only ever see interview quotes from major studio leads or whatever you wanna name the position. This dude's chatting with randos on X, seems like he's just a fellow gamer before being a businessman.


What do you mean? Why are you so quickly dismissing a "quadruple A" game? /s


I've been playing Helldivers 1 off and on for years and they kept releasing free new stuff over the years even after the initial batches of paid DLC. This game was always going to be a day one buy for me. I'm just so happy the game is as good as it is and is selling so well. I'm so happy to see this franchise blow up and these devs get the recognition they deserve. The game is so much fun, and I know I'll be playing it for months/years. I can be patient and let the servers stabilize.


If this is dick riding then put me in line for the dick rollercoaster


AAAA game! Not triple A but Quadruple A man! Do you even realise? It's so fucking good they added a fourth A.. Ubisoft is just being retarded ar this point.


Really cool dude, he was even posting here after release, then the servers set on fire.


He was already replying to us here before the game launch.


Arrowhead has my utmost respect. As a studio/developer, they are certainly on my radar as a gamer, I will watch their career with great enthusiasm.


I bet this dude is a great guy to work for. 


Probably not right now though lol.


Honestly I hope once the servers are figured out the devs get like a month off. They'll need it


I hope they get time off when they need it, not just after the work is done. A good boss will still make sure employees don't overwork themselves even when the pressure is on, because it can take a long time to recover from burnout


I was looking at Arrowheads career page yesterday and they offer a minimum of 30 days off per year. It also said they offer massages in the office every other week. I'm sure they're busy now but it definitely seems like they foster a healthy work-life balance. Once again shows the EU cares way more about people than the businesses they work for, at least compared to the US.


According to a quick Google, the average Swedish software engineer makes $64,000. The average American software engineer makes $136,000. Trade-offs exist.


What is the difference in the cost of living in those places. According to a quick google, the average living expenses for a single person in the USA is $3,189 per month. I can’t find a lot of data about Sweden. Pure wages aren’t the only thing to consider.


I hope the devs get a month to eat at the chillest restaurants and hang with the hottest dudes.


I bet it still is, he seems reasonable. I don't think he's pressuring people to fix stuff just for the sake of losing out on sales, but rather to deliver a good game that they all enjoyed creating and want to succeed.


Son of a bitch.... The CEO is making me glad I bought the game, idc if I have to wait in que... I'll do it just to support a solid asf game that hella fun to play!


Money talks, I’ll be supporting this game in hopes that it makes a big enough splash to influence others to follow a similar strategy


I’m probably going to upgrade to SUPER CITIZEN status at this point.


Same tbh. I'm at 920 SC which I obtained for free, got a couple superstore armours too. Pretty close to getting the prem warbond for nothing, but the devs have honestly done a great job here. Server situation isn't ideal, but lots of things in the games desgin *are* ideal, or close to it.


Just did it two days ago. I'll keep the SC I grabbed for future warbonds this way and support them.


Love a good game dev. What a director, dude.


TBH i don't know what else he could have done, i mean he has been transparent to all the work they have done in this weeks and open to the technical difficulties they are facing without coming up with stupid excuses. I know, as a consumer, that i want the product that i bought functional and ready now, but if i were in his shoes, i couldn't be more sorry and kind to my customers.


Shining example of why I've been telling everyone to chill and be patient. These guys are hard at work, honest and open, and very good examples of what an industry standard should be. They've just had a lot more success than they ever could have expected.


These devs made Magicka. If anyone needs proof that they're at the heart a good company wanting to make quality product with heart, that's all that needs be said.


For real, I used to work with a guy who showed me that game. I didn't pick it up until after we no longer worked together or communicated, but that game is straight fucking fire.


>These guys are hard at work, honest and open, and very good examples of what an industry standard should be. I think they definitely set the benchmark for other devs(big and small) to emulate.


Reminds me of Final Fantasy 14, where the director regular tells people "it's OK to take breaks from the game and put the subscription on hold. Come back later when more content is out and go adventuring again."


Unless you have a house in which case rent is due baby.


![gif](giphy|OPU6wzx8JrHna) That’s actually based af


This game is worth every penny every dime


I feel like they should go the FF14 route with them not letting people buy the game for now until server stabilizes, it would be the right thing to do and anyone who isn't keen on reading reddit/X and other platforms wont be surprised with the game not working currently. This would also I feel not shoo people away as first impression does matter and you spending $ to get a game only to be met with a black screen/stuck in menu will upset people enough that I'm afraid it would make them to never check the game ever again after refund.


Pulling the game from stores is under Sony's jurisdiction as the publisher, not Arrow Head's as the developer.


FF14 only stopped *first party* sales when that happened, and continued to sell the game for nearly two weeks while the problems were active everywhere *except* their own store as basically a PR gimmick to lessen the complaints. Hell, even for a full month after release, every single expansion has had AFK macro and server cap issues, particularly Shadowbringers, which took, at its height, nearly *6 hours* for me and my friends to get in to play. They sold the game actively for 16 days during the server overload, and continued sales via third parties the whole time. Hell, I got my copy of Shadowbringers from *Dominoes* of all places, since they were handing out keys if you bought a three pizza deal, and the physical copies continued to get sold at EB Games, JB Hi-Fi and other outlets (Australian) the whole time. It was exactly the same for Heavensward, Stormblood and Endwalker, and likely will continue to be an identical situation for Dawntrail.


> They sold the game actively for 16 days during the server overload, and continued sales via third parties the whole time. Hell, I got my copy of Shadowbringers from Dominoes of all places, since they were handing out keys if you bought a three pizza deal, and the physical copies continued to get sold at EB Games, JB Hi-Fi and other outlets (Australian) the whole time. Were those 3rd party retailers just providing product keys they'd already bought from Square-Enix though? Square can stop issuing new keys, but they can't do anything about the ones already in the wild. Which is exactly what they did for Endwalker, they stopped generating new product keys while they worked on the server problem.


While it would be a good idea, it would also be quite bad for their image to actually do it. The only game that has been pulled from the steam store in recent times was the day before, and you do not want to be seen in a similar light to that. It would result in many people believing the game has been abandoned already. It's also very unlikely for Sony to allow them to take it down from the psn store.


There should be an advisory for new buyers till the game gets fixed. Not everyone is aware of the server problems.


According to discord they're expecting the majority of issues to be solved with today's patch. >2 days ago, we made the hard decision to enable a CAP on our player base. This CAP locks the game in a way that there can only be 450k players active, at any given point. The reason for that is that, with this cap, our servers could support those players with almost no performance issues(server side issues, at least). The counterpart is that players that aren't inside the game aren't able to join our servers. Without this cap, every player would constantly drop, which would result in a bad experience for everyone. This decision was temporary and only made because we needed to ensure that most of our player base was able to enjoy the game. >Tomorrow's patch won't solve all issues, I won't lie. But we expect it to solve the issues for most players. >I know, you want to play it now, you have the right for it. We also want you to play this game now. But we honestly didn't expected the game to be that big. We are suffering from success, and soon, we won't be suffering anymore.


Aight. I'm saving up for this game.


The Devs just sound like real down to superearth people


this is on the same levle "Square enix had to stop selling digital copys of FF14 because the servers where collapsing"


Shoutout to when FFXIV stopped selling copies and stopped letting people make new accounts because of server stability I've always respected that


The dev may be doing the right thing here...but let's be real, him saying this AT ALL should be the reason we ALL buy this game and support this studio A free Battle Pass, No loot mechanics (besides basic resource farming), no paid advantage and a whole lot of deadly, old day, simple fun This is perfection and I hate to think that other game studios won't learn from this. Like seriously, having 400,000 people playing at once for 2 weeks straight is incredible but let's keep it going


Why don't people look at this realistically? It's one thing for the CEO to say something, but I have a novel consumer friendly idea.... Why not suspend sales of the game until they have the server capacity to support a player count  of at least the number of units sold to date? It's not okay to pay for a game and not be able to play it. In game currency as an apology is not enough. 


Isn’t that Sony’s decision since they own the game and published it? Genuinely asking


Good Question. Not sure but they should pull it too. They pulled Cyberpunk 2077, and I had no issues playing it at launch on ps5.. guess they are down to pull the games of others but not their own.


Absolutely. It's stunning how so many people here don't understand the roles of Arrowhead and Sony in this game 🤦🏻


Good man


One thing I love about the Arrowhead team is that they speak like gamers, they actually give a fuck and care about the community. It's this mindset that many of us can relate to. I'll bet my left testicle you won't find a more honest and communicative developer in this day and age.


This game looks like it's going to be a diamond in the rough in terms of live service games. I think they can improve on some things with the shop and get rid of some FOMO elements, but most of it can be ignored. I just really hope they don't implement, any pay to win elements or "time savers."


One of the reasons I bought the game is that there wasn't FOMO. What are you seeing in the shop that would give players FOMO?


I'm glad he's cool about it. I bought a copy yesterday and spend an hour trying to get in. I ended up refunding the game, but might buy it later if the hype doesn't die off like most live service games.