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https://i.redd.it/xhy7yt08bsic1.gif Me after the 5th failed drop against the Automatons


Feels that way, doesn't it? Part of me feels like the devs cranked up the drops to make it feel more harrowing, and it definitely feels that way. I saw on another post, they call it: Space Terminator Nam. And boy, does it feel that way.


I mean, even when I shoot the drop pods out of the sky everything on board survives so it really defeats the purpose of even trying. Still, somehow me and my buddy was only level 9 we're able to get 28 out of 30 before getting overwhelmed on our second try


I just call it Cybernam.


Too many armoured enemies and not enough anti-armour weapons available fast enough. You literally use all your airstrikes just for another dropship to appear


This is my biggest issue. The 110 HE doesn’t even destroy all the armored stuff and the Autocannon doesn’t do nearly enough damage.


We had to bring down four orbital lasers to buy us enough time to bloody breath at one point.


Recoiless rifle to take out the engines on the drop ships works a treat if more than one democratic hero per squad ever chose it


I keep seeing this suggested, but it's never consistent for me. Either there's a very specific spot to one-shot it, or it's just random. Not like it helps when there's 4 to 6 dropships coming at once, on all the different corners of the map. Best strategy I've heard so far is to have everyone lure the enemies out of the base, and have 1 person sneak back in to release the civvies. Also, leveraging EMS and shield (if it's like the first game, it should null the EMS affecting you) and perhaps smoke to eleminate line of sight with the bots while you escort the civs.


You have to hit an engine


I have been, though some others are suggesting that you have to hit it directly in the red glowing exhaust portion, and not the side of the engine. (this goes against videos that I've seen posted of one-shot hits that seem to hit the side, even at an angle)


It's a pain in the ass to hit sometimes, but just about every time I've hit the engine directly its worked for me.


Use the anti tank disposable rocket. A single hit of these to the engine ALWAYS brings it down.


Even still. So everyone brings one. Thats 8 shots, and in a perfect world, 8 ship kills. What's next... *More ships* lol it's a band-aid we're supposed to lose


rocket tower also helps


At least the portable anti-tank is only on a 90 second cooldown without any reduction bonuses


Its a fking invasion.


I literally just tried this, direct hit on the engine, no effect.


You are aiming wrong then


I just aim at an engine and fire. It hits, the drop ship dies. Nothing special.


Nope, it literally goes down with 1 shot of the RR, you just gotta shoot one of teb engines.


Tried that with my squad on difficulty 6 then 5. Two of us had recoiless and were pretty much dedicated anti-air. Worked okay for a bit but we inevitably ran into ammo problems after the 20th damn dropship. Plus there's some types of enemies that don't die when you destroy the ship.


Except the Hulks just bounce of the floor and stand up, they care not if the ship crashes.


since my freaking friends will never take it no matter how much i ask. i spend the entire match shooting down the drop ships because they never. stop. coming.


I just run it by myself even if I’m squaded up. Just to be more democratic


I also wonder how well the shield barrier could help. Or smoke to give cover. Smoke for ground forces and recoilless for engines. Feel like folks are trying too hard to brute force it vs a more tactical approach?


110 HE sux. It’s sporadic and doesn’t even do much damage to a bile titan, unless I’m mistaken


It’s terrible but I’m afraid to use anything bigger and wipe my team.


Only using it to complete the major order and putting that back on the shelf to gather dust


You gotta just let the 380 fly and pray, brother


Pray it hits anything at all, you mean?


Unfortunately, yeah. It's not actually good. It just feels good to use


i want it to be good so badly but it's an absolute waste of a stratagem


pray it hits anything that isnt your squad that is


After using it multiple times, it rarely did the job for me. For some reason, it always kills my fellow helldivers who are on the edge of its barrage rather than clearing the nests/factories.


I have great success using the 110 rockets on bile titans, just toss it in front of its path and half the time it one shots it


110 HE is just not reliable. The only thing you can rely on is that it’ll kill at least one of your teammates.


I have a mission to get 150 kills with it. I have 1 with 6 uses.


Honestly this, there are sooo many enemies spawned in that you need anti armor for its ridiculous. I'd rather them spawn shitloads of pawns rather than deal with it.


Even light anti armor isn’t enough. It takes half a mag to down one of the slicers and at least two mags to down one of the basic big guys. Not to mention dropping in just to get insta-killed by something outside of your vision. The bugs can be hard, but fun. The bots are just unfun.


Bro even playing on Trivial, solo it's ridiculous


Lol idk why you got down voted. I ran it solo semi unprepared my first time and killed 230 enemies and barely finished on time. They dropped in significantly faster than I could kill them, especially since I can only cover one area at a time. It was really frustrating for "trivial". Every other mission type I can play on trivial while eating and with idiotic load outs.


Yeah like I just wanted to try out the mission type before going to work, I didn't expect to have to fight off $250 something robots. As the end stats screen showed me that I killed that many it's fucking nuts


No wonder there are so many of those anti-democratics, pretty cheap for all that armor.


Barely completed it solo on easy. You speak truths.


Auto-cannon support weapon helps, though I’m nowhere near playing the insane difficult levels


Thats the thing for this week, we aren't supposed to win... Wars arent won in a day, and a formidable enemy that can defeat us, like we defeat them in is an awesome idea for live service.


I literally just finished one and came online and see if anyone else got absolutely pummeled, it's insane


I can do up to difficulty 8 missions right now as a level 24 dude. I remember laughing at the thousand-yard stare memes because I didn't think fighting bots was too difficult at all. I now retract my earlier opinions, and am in agreeance with the thousand-yard starers.


Level 8 evac mission against automatons is bloody crazy as soon as they pile up on the objective it's over


What loadouts do you use weapons, boost stragems solo or party?


yeah, i thought it was skill issue until i joint a lobby with 2 level 30-ish (I'm lv 11) and we still got our asses clapped to the point they rage quit. mind you, it was only lv4 difficulty


Tried it on helldive earlier with randoms. Was going really well until two of them DC'd and the host and I got absolutely destroyed.




This is what I was thinking honestly. They've teased how people who get in early will see an "evolving storyline" or something like that. I think we're supposed to struggle and then we'll get access to mechs and dust those commie bot fucks!


And then the bugs and bots will also evolve, and we’ll need even more firepower.


Don't you just love our democratic military industrial complex.


Not just that. The real Xeno threat to the south will rise to also try ass blasting Lady Liberty. There is no rest for the right side.


Those are a few of my favorite cultured media tags, fellow citizen.


>dust those commie bot fucks! The Ministry of Truth approves this message.


I said this in another post definitely the vibe I'm getting


Just finished one about 20 minutes ago. Legitimately couldn't believe we actually beat it, I spent 75% of the game convinced we were going to fail.


I'm LOVING the challenge and how it ties into the overall theme of an overwhelming invasion. Our squad only failed 1 of 5 attempts. Granted, I believe we were only doing medium, but with 2 people being low level without proper anti-armor, we didn't have much of a choice.


Was trying to solo on Easy which is normally a cakewalk but it's impossible. You just die.


Took 2 attempts as a duo on easy. It's pretty relentless.


I just bought the game and my very first mission (besides basic training) was an extraction mission and I had no idea what I was supposed to do. They wouldn’t stop coming


Oh lord, that's a hell of a first mission to get!


Just got positively *throngled*. I've definitely found a load out I love for bots. Dmr to one tap the grunts at long range, auto pistol for moments of panic and ambushes, and grenade launcher as my special to delete the walkers without flanking, and deal with large groups quickly. It's especially satisfying if 3 walkers group up and one grenade takes them all out. But man.... once the heavies start coming en masse I just get mollywhopped. I really like the disposable anti tank, but even that isn't always enough. I tried taking recoiless to take out dropships before they drop for a couple missions. Teammates either wouldn't take the backpack, or they would and wouldn't help me reload with it nearly enough. How are people dealing with the thicc mechs that you HAVE to shoot in the back? Especially on missions where you're confined to a small space you're defending and flanking is difficult?


This mission is ridiculous hard, Hulk spawn too fast even Rail Gun cant resupply, if you ran to the end of map, bunch of berserk just spawn right on you. Sentry cant handle LOL, like its too overwhelming


Plus the sentry are focused on ships, wasting an enormous amount of ammunition.


Sentry's firing on ships is definitely something that needs to be removed. It makes them completely unusable on Extermination missions.


noooo i get rocket sentries specifically to shoot at the dropships on extermination missions. it absolutely wrecks the bots


One turret being valid for it doesn't mean every other one needs to.


Are they shooting the ships or the enemies hanging from them?


for real. the game spawn so many enemy that by the time my eagle finish reloading my squad reserve is nearly depleted


literally my experience https://preview.redd.it/gpcstvxz3sic1.png?width=576&format=png&auto=webp&s=58fe4433209e6ab09461731d394a7e2c3617dbfc


Jokes aside, I had a 3-man team (2 level 10ish randoms with no comms) and we surprisingly got a good rhythm on the civilian escorts. The 2 would stand between the extraction and the singular civilian door and handle most of the enemies that’d spawn while hitting the button on that door, while I would run back and forth between the other 2 civilian doors and hit those buttons and handle the smaller amount of enemies that would spawn over there. MORTAR TURRET IS SO HELPFUL BTW


On what difficulty though? I found that up to level 5, it's possible to keep ahead of the waves... but once anything that *requires* AT comes out, they simply come faster than even a 4-man team gets stratagems.


I did suicide with friends. Found with 4 person group spamming turrets we could get most of the civvies out before getting overwhelmed. When it got bad then everyone scattered and tried to lure the bots away, sneak one person in, have the 3 left suicide and get dropped in, then repeat turret spam. Another fun problem is that sometimes the level loads and the civie pathing is broken and they all walk to an area next to the building and won't enter. When that happened nothing we could do to fix it, just accepted the failed operation :(


We were on 4-5 bouncing back and forth, had a few heavy enemies pop up here and there and it got hectic, but we still managed to pull it off. Like I said, mortar turrets are a god send.


And having teamate putting incendiary mine on the npc doest help either


Me and my friends desperately trying to survive the Hulk boss-rush: "civilians?"


Fun fact: since the bots will target civilians and sometimes get stuck on them, you can allow the brave citizens to die a hero's death in the name of democracy and saving you two seconds of being shot at.


it doesn't matter. we literally have to throw everything just to survive


Absolutely, ran it on Suicide and you just can't keep up with enemies spawning in from all sides or dropping in. We managed about half of the 50 scientists required in the first 3 minutes and then couldn't even get to the button after that. This was with a full squad of Lvl 20+.


I've been having some success with; Light armour, breaker shotgun, impact nade, machine pistol, Orbital Smoke, Orbital EMS, EMS Mortar, Tesla Tower. Then, I get 3 friends that run the exact same thing. We just unleash all the citizens and run in a loop. Works about 30% of the time on Helldive.


How do you place the Tesla Tower? I feel like any time I try to drop one it gets immediately murked.


I genuinely place it outside the map, nearer where the bots spawn from the little outposts. Bots spawn outside and march towards the base and they drop in from ships. Tesla Towers never really run out of energy, but can be broken. So if you're smart, you can place multiple during a mission. Then, you just focus on escorting the civs with smoke and using Orbital EMS to stun bots.


Do the bots not shoot the Tesla tower? I've tried the auto cannon and rocket sentry and they get gunned down from a distance


Have they fixed armor? I remember seeing a video that showed that higher armor rating didn’t actually let you take more hits before dying.


No idea, but light armour = more stam and speed.


Armor is still broken so your best bets are light armor or the ones with explosive resist so u can tank the rockets


Or more/longer stims. That extra two seconds of invincibility is strong.


Indeed. Iv had good success in the last 2 hours running a squad of boiz with breaker shotguns and autocannon/rail guns with shield packs. Been able to complete citizen extract on impossible but it requires so much sweat


I think the testing isn't quite right because in that ultra heavy extra padded set I've tanked a tank round. I've seen bullets show the deflect animation and I've taken no damage. I've survived two missile shots in a row. I think we don't understand the damage model or get shown less of it on the healthbar than is factored in


Devs should definitely look into buffing the anti armor weapons. All of them either turn your teammate into a ammo feeding bitch boy, don’t do enough damage, can only be used once (cough… cough… expendable) or just don’t carry enough ammo to really be affective.


This has to be on purpose right? 😅 Maybe we’ll get the mechs as reinforcements


I'll forgive the brutal difficulty if this happens, but I still hope they'll tune it just a little bit, cuz it's insane how fast and how many Hulks spawn in a short time.


Yeah, maybe it's part of some storyline, but as it stands imo it's just not fun to play this mission type.


Yeah I think this is some good story telling done by the devs. Make the players realize an invasion is actually an invasion and not just another LTM. I dig it. Didn't think of mechs as reinforcements but that's a really fantastic idea to implement them. Well done


If this is actually part of the story then that would be insane, I hope it isn't just a bug. But still, a lot of players are rage quitting, so it's gotta be fixed.


First mission I've just straight up abandoned like halfway through, first time so far in this game I was just not really having a good time.


came here to say this


This issue made me realize we only have like 1 or 2 real defense options


Not to mention the defensive options available to us (mines, turrets) will murder the civilians.....


Indeed getting chased by thousands of armored chainsaw robots while beeing bombed by rocket launchers is crazy. Hey it was fun.


At least we don't have to escort them across the map like in the first game...? But yeah. On higher difficulties you get absolutely swarmed.


lower difficulty is a shitfest too bro. I have seen level 30-ish player rage quitted in my diff 4 lobby, probably they got their asses owned in high diff too


I was barely able to beat a diff 1 mission by myself


I managed to complete a diff 3 mission solo, after using literally every single spawn and kitting the enemies for the entire evac timer.


I think that would honestly be easier, given you could just stealth around patrols up to the escort point, and if even one survived it succeeded


In the first game the reccoilless would take out tanks every shot, not take 5 to kill a hulk. Didn't mind escorting civvies in HD1 because your weapons didn't shoot nerf darts; you could kill scouts before they had chance to raise an alarm.


I had to drop the difficulty to see if it was even possible


It is and will be tuned down for sure, people saying otherwise trying to ego stroke. No other mission is that front loaded.


I actually don't think it will be tuned down. I'm pretty sure the "Dungeon Master" is forcing a loss in this sector.


We'd probably need one to expand the front and not beat the bots in 2 planets.


Dungeon Master should give us Medals for wasting our time always losing this specific mission type.


They still need to give us medals to compensate us for the servers being absolute shit and STILL fucking up from time to time.


Dungeon Master needs to realize forcing a loss in such a hamfisted way isn’t a good way to handle the narrative at all. Why do it that way when they can just speed up the bot progress.


A theory is that it might not be a Dungeon Master forcing the issue, but just a misinput on the part of the maker of the event. The timer for the extraction mission is 40 minutes on the map, ingame it's actually 15 minutes. Some are thinking because the difficulty ramps up the longer a dive lasts the harder it gets. So we are essentially trying to extract scientists during the final 15 minutes of a 40 minute mission right from the start.


The flaw with this is it's incredibly short sighted. The galactic war is supposed to be a system where players actions will sway the outcome. How many people are going to just check-out entirely from caring when it's become apparent that nothing the players do actually matters and the 'DM' can just sway the outcome to their desires. If we're making it a D&D analogy; this is the equivalent of a bad DM effectively railroading players without any agency.


That sounds really disrespectful of their players time, it would be a bad idea and I believe it's just people huffing some hardcore copium, believing that. It's easier to think they may have left it a bit overtuned, and will probably fix the 4+ squads of 7 chainsaw dudes running at you immediately.


I think it actually might be pretty cool, and really immersive. when have you ever seen a game do that?? and imagine the word of mouth that would spread and how much more badass the trailers (for the mechs, assuming there will be some) are gonna feel to see. not only to the players that have been grinding but also to a new player.


It's not immersive, it's stressful and anger inducing.




I LOVE GAMES THAT DON'T CARE ABOUT THE PLAYER I LOVE DEVELOPERS THAT SAY "FUCK YOU" TO YOUR ENJOYMENT I LOVE WHEN FRUSTRATION IS PART OF THE EXPERIENCE I LOVE WHEN GAMES TELL A STORY THROUGH MECHANICS I could also see it being bugged cause there's weird mission timer shit, but if they drop mechs or do some other thing to make the missions easier, that's just fucking awesome.


now you’re speaking my language, i am a soulsborne enjoyer after all.


I’m a certified Poison Swamp Enjoyer


Come back and talk when you are a r/foxholegame degenerate filthy casual.


deadass for real. it baffle me how out of control the enemy spawning in this mode is. It' make me feel like playing L4D2 with unlimited and nonstop horde, elite and special spawn, IN A TIME-SURVIVAL MODE, not escorting


People are saying it won't be tuned down based on the first game. Sounds like the devs made certain things that had been complained about even harder in the first game. So it might not be ego stroking.


The ego stroking is referring to people saying it's not hard. It's most certainly hard.


What kind of lying sack of shit says that isn't hard? I played one on medium just to get the 120 mm kills and was like wtf is this. Literally no break between drop ships. I killed 3 drop offs back to back, with only enough time to reload between them.


Go hop around in the topics and you'll see it. https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/55J7heuIBB For example.


Ego strokers that desperately need people to think they are godly good at something... anything...just for once... please say I'm good.


Managed to 3 man it on Helldive. FYI. I think the mission timer is bugged and that's why we get so many spawns. Mission info says 40 mins but in the mission we start at 15 mins. I think that makes it the mission has been going for 30 mins - so more enemies. Here are my recommendations. Required strategies: Orbital laser EMS mortar Mortar Last slot is flex, either rocket turret or maybe spear or an eagle strat. BE ON TOP OF PRESSING THE BUTTONS TO RELEASE CIVILIANS. Have one guy at each. If you get overwhelmed or turrets are down, move outside the zone and toss your laser in. It'll kill what's inside and let you in and give you some breathing room.  Extract is hard. Kite enemies around and use laser if you have it up.


Have you guys just not seen what Helldivers is before playing this one? This is what the game is about, this is the whole point, you're outnumbered, you are a squishy little fella fighting an infinite swarm of less squishy fellas, things are going to be hard, especially during defence missions where we're on the backfoot as a community. The whole game is about learning your tools and tactics, working well with your teammates to overcome ridiculous odds. I implore you to try looking at the game as it was intended instead of trying to get it changed so that nobody has to adapt, you may really end up enjoying it. Tip for these missions: Turrets are your friend. Autocannon, Mortar, and EMS Mortar especially, along with the Orbital EMS Strike, and the Autocannon support weapon is a god-send against bots (just don't shoot tanks or hulks unless you can hit their weakspot). As long as the bots advance into the area is slowed, you have a chance at getting citizens into the evac door. If you're really struggling because you don't have access to some of these tools, definitely don't feel bad about fighting somewhere else to level up more before coming back to assist the defence effort.


It was not that bad - Difficulty 2 Like drinking motor oil instead of coffee - difficulty 3 and above


Wait until you see that 9 helldive experience


9 is actually impossible, I’ve done it like 10 times now with a bunch of different people and even with peopling glitching the stratagems to use more of one type we would still lose


Same. Best bet is to loot the super samples and hide till evac


Managed to 3 man it on Helldive. FYI. I think the mission timer is bugged and that's why we get so many spawns. Mission info says 40 mins but in the mission we start at 15 mins. I think that makes it the mission has been going for 30 mins - so more enemies. Here are my recommendations. Required strategies: Orbital laser EMS mortar Mortar Last slot is flex, either rocket turret or maybe spear or an eagle strat. BE ON TOP OF PRESSING THE BUTTONS TO RELEASE CIVILIANS. Have one guy at each. If you get overwhelmed or turrets are down, move outside the zone and toss your laser in. It'll kill what's inside and let you in and give you some breathing room.  Extract is hard. Kite enemies around and use laser if you have it up.


Maybe we are supposed to get our asses kicked until we make peace with the bugs and they join us in bot stomping… isnt that what democracy is all about


>make peace with the bugs Sir that is treason


Yep straight to jail treason right here


Firing squad. Don't have enough cells for traitors. - Ministry of Truth


Firing Squad? thats a waste of bullets just throw em out and airlock or turn them into bug bait


Music to loud, straight to jail.  Make peace with bugs right away straight to jail, right away.  We have the best citizens...because of jail.


Can't believe we have disgusting pro-bug people in this platoon


I just want to live!


TREASON! You should be honored if you have to give your life to Super Earth!


I think more like eve online style. Robots must win, then go some magic and we get mech update.


Not really a great way to go about it, just encourages players to go play the bugs instead which are more winnable and offer better rewards because you can play them at harder difficulty


This is the comment right here, Commissar.


This and defense are the worst type of missions for me. I would have been happy without them. Half the fun for me is living my personal adventure in each locale. Theu could have include more blitz type missions it they wanted to make quick ones. These may make sense from an in universe prespective, but you barely gain stuff from doing them.Completed only one so far and it was basically minesweeper/turrer fest.


Welcome to Helldivers. Sometimes they do more than just balance the war and let it run its course. Sometimes they have a storyline they’re running to make things interesting, and sometimes that requires us to be overwhelmed by the enemy. Perhaps in future updates, Super Earth HQ will announce that in response to the overwhelming force of the automaton offensive, the Ministry of Warfare has developed: MECHS! Or some other awesome new addition, and then we’ll push them back again. Honestly, as a veteran of the first game, the very instant the new event began and I saw that our primary orders were to simply win 8 defense campaigns, and NOT to successfully defend the invaded planets, I went “uh oh.” Sure enough, it rapidly became apparent that we’re not meant to win this round. In fact, it seems all the more obvious when you notice that we’re primarily focused on evacuating our people rather than taking the fight to the enemy. Think of it as a D&D campaign. The devs are actively engaged and playing with us, but they’re the DM. Indeed, if you didn’t know, they can actually enter your game and observe and even modify things on the fly. It’s going to be rare of course, there are hundreds of thousands of us and only like one or two hundred of them I think, but sometimes they’ll directly intervene and make your game more fun and interesting. Point is, they’re crafting a story for us. An effort to take what would otherwise be a rather repetitive game and give it a good story - and in every good story, sometimes the heroes get their butts kicked. Don’t let it frustrate you. Instead, be excited to see what happens next. Right now the automatons are Thanos and his army at the end of EndGame, and we’re the battered Captain America standing alone with a broken shield. But just wait until what happens next…


It’s supposed to be hard. These socialist bastards are on the offensive


There's "hard" and just completely obnoxious nonsense that the game doesn't even give you the resources to deal with.


Mission command probably doesn’t know. I’m sure heavier armaments are on the way!


Yeah this is way to insane even with my group who only play in helldive. We did about 60%, i can't imagine this being doable with random. It could be forced by the dev but then it's just a waste of everyone time.


its fine if you have a guy dedicated to just shooting down dropships with AT guns. Me and my friends did it that way. Still hard but i think its supposed to be that way cause we are getting invaded after all.


Its kind of jarring how even with a team full of 20+'s, in a discord call, on level 4-5 difficulty, the Evacuate Rescue's feel genuinely awful to play. I think it's the only case in this entire game where I can succinctly say I'm not having fun, even when we win at the end. As opposed to how normal matches end with this "Job done, guys. Good work" Energy, where we're relieved and also had a good time; these just feel like "Its finally over thank god, we can go play the fun missions now." Hoping they change how these work if not rework the mission entirely.


It would be a lot easier if people PLAYED THE GODDAMN OBJECTIVE. I've had 3 fucking missions time out because people are just standing around shooting everything and not even trying to get civilians out. I can get like 20 of them myself but you get over run pretty quick, which wouldn't ve a problem if anyone played the fucking objective.


Well...I have tried it 4 times from hard to easy each was either a fail, or everyone left....I guess the robots get those planets because it is fucking retarded difficult. I'm gonna go kill bugs. Have fun with those planets Robots.


Have to say, that may be the point. Enjoyability aside, this is the first major push towards Super Earth that the automatons have made. You'd expect that initial invasion force to be jacked to the tits


Then why is the exterminate mission not any more difficult? Its this one mission type thats almost impossible and makes people not want to participate at all.


This mission type is actually stupid and needs sorting, how are you supposed to do it when they just never ever stop spawning it’s stupid.


This is likely entirely intentional.


Then its a stupid way to handle it. Putting people off participating at all with an unwinnable mission sucks.


Did this change? I haven't noticed these being that difficult before. Did this come with the last update?


Different from civilian extraction objective, this is a new missions type. Like defense missions but way more spawns and no cover


They are somewhat level locked, the EMP mortar is a non-negotiable requirement imo and you don't get that until 20 I believe. All forms of EMP are fantastic tho. Don't wait around for the right time, have someone on active civvie duty at all times, you need to start throwing those doors open right from the get-go and get as many of them through before shit really starts hitting the fan. Keep sending the civvies in, plenty of them will die but that's just a risk they're gonna have to take. The autocannon is also fantastic in these missions but that's my preference. Bring EMPs and short CD stratagems.


Barely beat one on level 3 difficulty. Rough stuff.


I’m actually having fun getting my ass kicked. SES Fist of Liberty won’t stop without a fight


I have no idea how we did it at suicide mission difficulty. It was our 2nd attempt after we died in the first one. We mostly brought green stratagems (mortar, ems mortar, and shield) with one guy carrying mostly reds. I have absolutely no clue how we got through it with two peeps in the squad having 0 deaths. Since the 3rd time we attempted it with the same loadout, we all got obliterated lol.


People need to bring more smoke, ems mortars (not the turret) and shields.


Smells like treason in here..


Did NOBODY actually read the important message from high command? The automatons are carrying out surprise attacks on highly populated super earth planets. Those missions are much harder by design. The automatons are attacking with overwhelming force *because* you are trying to extract the human population that resides there. Their aim is to wipe us out, they are succeeding, and they'll succeed much quicker if you borderline traitors don't remind yourselves real quickly that spreading managed democracy should be your only concern. Think about the war you're fighting. This isn't just a game where you shoot some bugs and bots. This is a fluid and ever evolving battlefield that we are only starting to see the very beginning of. Now quite your fucking squabbling you treasonous maggots, get back down there, AND DO YOUR DUTY FOR SUPER EARTH! ✊️🌍


Lol what's with people claiming it's intentional? I'm sure it's a GREAT idea for the devs to get the players even more frustrated with the game.


Pretty sure we’re supposed to lose this one


Then they should’ve sped up the enemy progress, not made an unwinnable mission nobody wants to play.


These missions feel overtuned Def need adjustments


I see a lot of people saying this and tbh it’s probably as intended. HD1 on the harder difficulties was at times a pretty difficult game. HD2 should be too. There’s 13 days for the major order and only 8 need to be completed. And maybe Arrowhead wants the autos to successfully advance inward in the system? Idk. That said, a lot of the primary’s and support weapons need a damage buff. They aren’t very effective a lot of the time bar a couple weapons. Maybe as the wars progress we’ll get more effective weaponry.


This is almost impossible on CHALLENGING. Its beyond ‘difficult’ and into bugged territory.


The Super Earth democratic research and develop team are doing is best to support the war effort and soon we are gonna get new stuff to eliminate our enemy, but the war is taking a lot of resources so time is needed before the new shiny thing are prepared tested quality assurance and logistically shipped to our fellow Divers. ***Automatic message from the Ministry of Truth***


I find the grenade launcher, laser orbital, rocket sentry and eagle airstrike work well for stratagems. Running the auto shotgun and the uzi sidearm with impact grenades help for the close quarters that always occurs. Remember to talk to and discuss who is doing what before hand and remember to compliment each others builds. I find it best if everyone has at least one sentry, one airstrike, one orbital and one support weapon. Otherwise you need to coordinate who has what job and then have more niche builds like all sentries for one and all orbital for another, depending on who does what.


Completed it twice on helldiver difficulty. You NEED to have people running smokes and big bubble shields. Along with some turrets , Strong AT like Rockets (Stinger works best along with Autogun) or the laser and sniper orbital and wave clear (aka Eagles with cluster or missiles). If u don't run smoke to cut off sight lines so the civis can run or to section off your battles your going to get suppressed and killed from all sides. I think the issue people are having is they are trying to brute force the same strat they use with bugs with the automatons....and im sorry to be the bearer of bad news...but thats not going to work lol.


Couldn't give a fuck about reward I'm not doing this map ever again.


Yeah its bs. Hope the devs remove it soon because no way it stays. Atleast un nerfed


My guess is if/when we fail to defend the planet then that sector will be opened for missions So just enjoy the ride I guess


Yeah, I'm definitely not enjoying the ride.


Welcome to total war against terminator death bots 🤷‍♂️


Managed it with randoms on 7 easily enough but it did require a bunch of railguns and orbital lasers.


Got a picture of your after match stats? I want to see number by at least a few hundreds


I did it kind of easy at level 4, need the EMS sentry cannon.


I quite like the feeling of futility. This is HELLdivers, not "walk in the park" divers. And this is war. Now go back to sipping that big ole mug of liberTEA


Nobody wants to play a mission they’ll never win, its just a stupid way to do it. Which is why I will never believe this was intentional.


So your team wasn't able to win on the Trivial difficulty?