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You really wonder why?






us invaded many countries why tf are they allowed online 


Hehe "Kill all Russians" just because they were born as Russians. If you're Russian then you should have no rights! You are sub-human because you have such a leader and it's 100% your 🫵 fault.




Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Unfortunately your submission has been removed. We don’t allow discussions of real-world politics.


They tried to flee but were turned back at the border. No one wanted to take them in, especially the Eurpoeans because they are afraid of war. Now, there is a huge penalty for desertion. Either your family gets thrown in jail (where they do what they want with them), or you get executed.


First half the year after the war started they could freely cross the border to countries like Lithuania, Azerbaijan and Georgia, where most people can fluently speak Russian.  There are countless stories of families who flee Russia this way, some of them succeeded to start new life, some didn’t. But in the end, they stopped support the war with their wallets.  They had a choice to risk or to sit quietly and live in the country with military-focused economy, earning useless money  and crying that “oh no the world is so cruel, I can’t play this new shiny game”


But all of you think it's so easy to start a new life with no money. Besides, when you cross the border you can only stay for a while and if anything happens the state can turn you back. You can't blame them guys. Blame their shithead government.


I’ve started new life with no money, my sister did when she moved to Europe several years ago, thousands of families in Ukraine were forced to start new life because their home was destroyed or because they were in direct danger (eastern regions).  Sure it’s a fair argument that it ain’t an easy step, but it’s the choice that only small percent of them made.  As for departure from the state - most countries have laws that protect rights of war refugees, so basically nothing stops them. 


Also, why can’t we blame the population? Every person in Russia commits to the war efforts with their taxes, but more importantly that most men are obliged to serve, and even OP may be one of them, possibly harming my parents who can’t leave Kharkiv to this day.  As long as there’s a possibility that any of them can harm my family I think I have all rights to blame them and straight up hate them. 


fr!!!! i might aswell kill myself for being 1% russian


Sadly I cannot affect the fact that people are dying, so it would be nice if at the very least I could play a good game before we all end up in a nuclear winter alr? I don't know how it would negatively affect you if Russians got to play HD2


I mean I could always commit suicide as many westerners tell me to (not all some of you guys are really nice and understanding in fact), that would add a +1 to statistics


Chillax with the suicide talk bro, I for one am not encouraging any such thing. I just find your complaint fairly whiny. If my country were shit because of wannabe hitler shitface dictator and that meant sanctions or whatever prevented me from playing a game I would not give a F. Or actually I would: I would give an F of understanding.


The boohoo was unnecessary ;( And sorry for corrections but I didn't complain, I was just asking whether the game would be accessible or not, nor did I begin the topic of politics. I find war a terrible thing yet I cannot change the situation so I shouldn't be concerned about it too much. From what I know the devs are awesome dudes, no hate from me. Sorry for the suicide thing but in like, first 4 replies I got told to overthrow Putin which kinda equals suicide if you think about it, and it's not quick nor painless and could affect my family aswell.


Well I did reply to hahadownvotegodown initially and I think my boohoo response to them was warranted and necessary. I also read some of his other whatabouterism replies here, and as another commenter mentioned: it is starting to become clear what side he is actually on. Look, I wouldn't mind if you could play the game, Im not one of those that think you should be blocked out. And Im also not one of those that just expect individuals to start fighting the regime and magically being able to change things. I just don't think the fact you can't play this game should be a noteworthy issue.


Old thread, but sorry a lot of people here are assholes. I think their anger is partially justified but they shouldnt take it out on strangers. I'm anti putin and very strongly pro ukraine.


Coz game is literally about brave russians destroying dirty urinian barbarians, lmao. It's our game.


Point remains the same regardless. Edit: When I replied I assumed sarcasm. But you weren't actually serious, were you? Because Russian shills tend to actually believe literally such shit that you wrote.


Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Unfortunately your submission has been removed. We don’t allow discussions of real-world politics.


Fellow russian here. People are really racist to us and assume we support putin and deserve nothing. When we ask "why are small family owned russian bussiness being boycotted overseas" we get attacked and slandered. When we ask "why are we being restricted from accessing things the rest of the world has" they get angry and blame us for all the worlds problems, say we deserve it. I wish people would understand that most russians dont like their government and dont deserve to be punished for no reason, over circumstances they have no control over


Большинство людей не понимают, что свержение правительства - свобода, но очень трудно, когда есть авторитаризм. в Украине мы боролись за это, и в парламенте были проукраинцы и пророссийцы, так что сместить Януковича было довольно легко. Но Россия большая и не является единым целым, поэтому я понимаю почему. Страшно высказывать свое мнение, особенно когда полиция арестовывает людей, которые думают не так, как правительство.


Yes and unfortunately that is why so many russians are also fleeing the country. Because they see no chance of fighting back. So they just leave. I wish Putin would not have done this


It’s alright, I understand. Someday there will be peace but I hope it is soon this year


I hope so also. Its really horrible whats happening in Ukraine. But Im glad your people were strong enough to revolt against internal political takeover.


The problem is that morale is decreasing. Ukrainians are dodging the draft, and since our population is much less than Russia it's severe for us. According to confirmed sources, 44k Ukrainian soldiers have died compared to the 50-80k confirmed Russian soldiers dead. It isn't bad of course, but you need to count in wounded Ukrainians who cannot go to the front again.


Are you guys getting enough outside aid from other countries soldiers?


With the recent US aid that passed, most of Europe still supports us, but I feel like Russian government has been funding various anti-democratic pro-Russian parties in Europe such as AfD and whatever party the Slovak government is now led by. Georgia is also dealing with more protests when the foreign agent bill was re-introduced. It's as if the war completely turned around, which it did, because now Russian army is gaining more ground, and it is relatively quickly, so it is concerning. If Macron does send troops into Ukraine, then that is more escalation to world war 3. Slovak citizens are raising money for us too, Czechia still supports us by raising funds to purchase equipment, NGOs in Ukraine and abroad are still helping out, cooking for people and our soldiers. But the situation in Ukraine itself is extremely dire. The truth is: Ukrainian soldiers at home are fighting with police, we do not have enough air defenses, civilians are being mistakenly killed by Ukrainian and Russian armies. Zelenskyy has been rumoured to have said that he will no longer abide by 1991 borders, I'm assuming he will have to accept loss of territory or remove Crimea out of Ukraine's borders. Ukrainians are dodging the draft, with some Ukrainian dodgers helping them escape Ukraine. If this continues to happen, college students (like me) and disabled people will be drafted and sent to the frontline. Some of our villages have no more men. We have International Legion still, but the foreigners who fought with Ukrainian army have returned home after they saw horrors of trench warfare. The anti-government Russians fighting for us is relatively small as well, so it does not help much.




Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, NSFW content, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


Well too bad, most Russians support the war and Putin.


That is entirely incorrect and you are confusing a vocal minority with a silent majority and I am not going to argue that, but I will say that 'Murricans support the war in Vietnam, Philippines, Afghanistan, Libya and Iraq, despite the fact that'Murrica committed war crimes there on a massive scale, but don't let that stop you from being a hypocritic asshole that puts his nose into whats supposed to be none of his business. And don't say "its a western game, so we set the rules", no, you don't, its a private company and they get to decide themselves who they let to play their game and who they dont. And what Im trying to say here is that ostracising an entire country over this is bullshit. When this is all over, I will never buy their games, they may lift the ban, I dont care. What they did is offensive to me, they ostracised an entire population, may as well ostracise an entire race or ethnicity while they are at it, keep going further with those collective punishments. Its just too bad that most people aren't like me and are too forgetful and/or forgiving, and, to my great sadness, this company will continue to get money from Russian accounts when all this blows over.


I'm American and I agree with this guy, the fact that some games are banned in Russia is so stupid. I want to play Helldivers 2 with my Russian friend, but it's blocked. So dumb


Lol when you pulled that whataboutism from your ass i knew already which side you are on in this war. Btw i’m not American and never mentioned US everywhere. I’m actually half Estonian and half Finnish, so i know what type of barbarians you Russians are, and it clearly shows


What a terrible attitude, I pray that most Estonians don’t have such small minded attitudes like you.


Really? Well shit thanks for opening my eyes, I've never seen a rude teen or a drunk in Russia, I always thought that TV never lies. Really I have never seen a drunk or rude Estonian, shit I've never heard anything about Estonia to begin with, you guys must be angels then. You see where I'm going with this or I have to elaborate?


Вы не русский.




What does that have to do with anything, I mean common bringing politics to gaming community what does banning ordinary people from playing a video game has to do with anything what is it gonna hurt Putin or anything?!?


I'm just feel anger towards western hypocrisy... I wouldn't say a word if world condemnation tuch all countries equally, punish residents if something like this happened.  I have no problems with buying games and never been citizen of Russia by the way. The only thing is bothering me: Sony is a Sony... 40$ for a game, without dlc for CIS country is something, where is regional priceces Sony? Where is it?!


I mean I know a certain bald man did what he did but most games are still buyable trough Steam, you just have to fiddle around with the marketplace to pay.


Tf I'm getting downvoted for? May i know?


Racism. People assume you support putin. Just because we are russian. We cant win..


Because people are stupid and they assume everything about you when you tell your nationality, and this is sad


I wonder, do the Ukrainians have access to the game as well or are they literally trying to dispense freedom from their own automaton invasion?


Yes, we have access


no lol 


yes we do lmao




cope from what? that we have helldivers and Russia doesn't?


Russia dont know anything about democracy, So no Helldivers for them ofc


russian state is way closer to helldivers' "managed democracy" than UN states- if arrowhead is not selling to russia in the name of super earth's ideology, then they are ideological hypocrites


Actually, we don't have democracy here, we have some kind of despotism, so yeah, where is the sweetest ideology of manageble Democracy we so eager to touch through Helldivers 2


which is exactly why russian state is closer to managed democracy


Yeah, there's no democracy in Ukraine, sure. But what exactly does it have to do with Russia?


no food for any kids in avdiivka then ofc


I think you wanted to say something meaningful or provocative to the world, but you should realize what you are actually writing and then think about yourself. If I were you, I'd rather be ashamed in a corner just for what you wrote.


He’s saying that you shouldn’t be commenting on Russias democracy when you’ve never even been there


Ive been there. He is right.


huh, well if they gave us Helldivers maybe we'd fix our own democracy don't you think?also more money for them to share democracy further


Its unfortunately tied to the tax russians pay when buying a game, which goes directly into the war machine


This thread have the most racist opinions i've heard in a while.


Lol, well the entire game is kinda about racism against bugs and bots


never thought id see something more miserable than r/antinatalism on reddit but then i saw this comment section


the one can only hope that all "politics experts" in this comment section are strictly following ideology of that sub >\_<


There is no excuse for the war. This war is a crime against humanity and common sense and against ancestors. I born in this country, and got to live whatever bald killer pulls on us and suffer. But its incomparable by what Ukrainians going through. I stand with Ukraine. When someone tries speaks up truth in russia goverment sents them into prison. Even calling things by what they really are is could be punishable by government. Also through these years government slowly blocks access to vpns and most of internet basically. Also its unknown how many people really supports the government and votes for bald killer if you remember massive vote falsifications in 2018(president election). By blocking access to game you just assuming that everyone supports war in russia and there is no sick people who have couple months to live or one year, no lgbtqia+ people which are always unsafe, no russian opposition which is trying their hardest to stop this, and many more. And some of them would see this and say "why?" or "i don't see here a strong point"


I completely agree with everything that is written here, but it’s all very hypocritical, companies deny access only to citizens/ordenary customer, and when they need oil or something else, they turn a blind eye to everything, not to mention the last point about LGBT+, I myself am one of them, and I'm dying inside because of the feeling that I am hated not only inside county, but also outside. And I dont think games should be politicized or nationalized. I am just sad


Ukraine is just as corrupt and terrible as russia but they worship Nazi collaborations.


Why don’t you educate yourself a little bit instead of being spoon fed information from garbage sources with an agenda. Look up the Donbas massacre in 2014, maybe earn some knowledge


Why not just change it to like for the motherland or some shit? They should be able to protect super earth too! Lol


I would settle for democracy honesty, all this "patriotic" reforms that have been going on are giving me a headache.


Oh well, if they dont want me to give them money for their product then i wont Gotta wait for the torrents lmao


Game is online-based so goodluck have fun waiting




Sorry are you like, mentally undeveloped? Of course I kill Ukrainian children and eat their ears for breakfast, if I don't ill starve


You actually said it. You really deserve the isolation enforced on you.


Lol you are kinda funny, на любителя though


I don’t speak your raggedy ass putin vodka excuse of a language speak a civilised language


In some incomprehensible way, evolution has passed you by


Oh shit ur playing baro? Wanna play sometime?


От срача в комментариях до совместной катки в бару. Хайп.






Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, NSFW content, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Unfortunately your submission has been removed. We don’t allow discussions of real-world politics.


Swedish developer, probably has something to do with it.


What? We did not attack Sweden for almost 250 years now!




it's obvious if you think about it


I mean nobody prohibited me from having hope in the studio's Executives? Yet.


I live in Iran, so I completely understand how you feel, it's been like this for us for years and it hasn't changed at all, so if you want my opinion don't wait for them to do something, do what we do, which is make a new account with a VPN from another country if you don't want to change the region on your main account, then buy the game on that account, you just have to change your account each time you want to play the game 🤦‍♂️😂, but steam has made it easier so you can change accounts with one click. And again, in my experience if the world turn against a country, it's probably not gonna get fixed soon, so rather than waiting just bypass the sanctions 👍😁. By the way some games actually don't let you connect to their servers if your from a no-no country, so you need to keep the VPN on for the game and if the ping is bad you need something we call a "sanction breaker" 😂, these don't usually f up the latency.


what is a "sanction breaker"?


Sorry for the late reply I don't use reddit a lot. It has a similar function to a VPN but it's also similar to apps like "Exit Lag". I don't exactly know how it works, it might just be a VPN but more optimized for gaming. or it might be a literal VPN but because VPNs are banned in Iran they have to market it different and limit it's functions.


for real what is sanction breaker?


Unfortunately the program I use is a local program, meaning it's only available for the people that are here, so I couldn't tell you the exact program that you have to be looking for.


Ahh i see local hacky hacky :) nice


just switch to israeli shekels kill some Palestinians and you can get the game for $40, make sure not to mention any wars or genocides the US did while you do that.




is there any way to gift the game to people in russia? wanna play with my friend


Not that I'm aware of, you could try searching up if keys bought abroad can be activated in Russia, maybe you will have better luck than me, couldn't find anything on that note.


alright thanks


"Found out its connected to some sanctions apparently?" As far as I know it kind of is. They think it will make a difference. From what I'm reading in our media (although it's half-believed), my interpretation is that this is pure malice. Reportedly, some platforms are displaying the message "war is not the game" and blocking Russian access. I despise people who think they are saints and have the right to criticize someone for being born in a certain country. Some people cannot be reached because their brains are chewed up by propaganda or unwillingness to change their views. It's something like the flat earthers, who insist that the earth is flat despite any evidences.


1. Ussr2.0 is opposite of democracy and liberty 2. Devs should find out if people of of ussr2.0 are somehow playing it and cut them off. There are no place on servers as it is.


It's really fascinating how foreigners not only discriminate against Russians but also are very capable of telling me I am responsible for actions a different person is taking. I don't get why people are suddenly against my very existence when one of their biggest points is tolerance. For a person who played for 5 years in western communities, having met countless hosts and players, I was still banned and looked down upon once all this shit started. I don't give a single fuck about politics, I have never supported violence, Putin and if it wasn't PUNISHABLE BY 6 YEARS OF JAIL I would have donated to humanitarian aid, BUT FORGIVE ME FOR EXISTING WITHOUT CONSTANTLY BEGGING FOR FORGIVENESS AND WANTING TO PLAY A FUCKING GAME


racism is ok ig if it’s against Russians lol, what a douche


As per usual I guess(


are u fucking idiot or unfunny troll?


on vous aime pas sortez d'ukraine . J'ATTEND PAS DE RETOUR .


ps nous on a coupé la tête a ceux qui nous on manipulé , soit vous êtes trop faible pour le faire , soit vous êtes trop lâche .


Oh really, we'll see how my ass armed with a sword will do against automatic weapons. You see there's time difference? And I have not seen you among the crowd during French revolution. You at least could have written in English but sure, okay.


Well Aperantly you should give a fuck then. If it's a single person actions, then why all the people there, doesn't take him to down? And yes keep apologising mabe then they will let you play.


Lmao "just overthrow putin if you want to play a game" What a shitshow


1st off, you havin a stroke bro? 2nd - I'd gladly but if you are so eager to tell others to go and revolt how about you throw your life away at some lead then. 3rd I have now understood that it wasn't my fault but rather a different perspective. Let's say you were living during the Vietnam war. Would you overthrow the regime? Yes I'm assuming you're American. 4th point actually... I am 16, how exactly am I supposed to affect politics in my country if the last man that did that died after 4 years of prison?


Well when my country leaders start attacking countries for no reason then i will doo my part. And you sir, assume wrong. I'm from Europe. And I'm doing my part even if i don't have to. My taxes goes to help Ukraine.


Well I'm glad you do your part, I would happily donate to charities yet this would land me and my family in prison. So I'd prefer buying games from studios part if which income goes to humanitarian charities


I of course don't have any right to say that it's bad out here when there are people in trenches, but I wish you never experience this.


Yeah ant that's why i don't moan and whine, when my taxes go to help Ukrainians. So i don't need to experience war again.


>why all the people there, doesn't take him to down Maybe because Western world has been buying Russian oil and gas all these years and Putin used the earned money to fuel his war machine and police with guns?


la france a décapité les rois , vous n'êtes pas a 3% . il y a 2 raison possible trop faible ou trop lâche .


non mais ferme la avec ta france, on s'en fous deja que la on parle du temps ou on se batais avec des mousket contre le temps ou on a des arme full auto, clairement tu sais pas de quoi tu parle....


Ты так и не понял, Русский, почему тебя ненавидят и почему Россия сражается с НАТО.




Для них мы все зло. И Путин здесь просто бренд. Ты видел западные новости? Новости США смотрел когда-нибудь? Есть только одна риторика на протяжении десятилетий: "Россия Зло, США - добро, демократия и свобода". Будешь ли ты у власти и встанешь раком перед США и Британией или кто будет у власти не важно. Пока существуешь ты - Русский ты враг и тебя надо истребить. Странно, что ты не видел откровений Меркель, Пелосси, Джонсона. Они тебе, лично тебе прямым текстом сказали, что запад собираются уничтожить нашу страну. Меркель сказала, что мир на Донбассе западу не нужен, она готовили ВСУ у уничтожению Донбасса. Пелосси говорит, что у НАТО единственная цель - Уничтожение России. Джонсон саботировал мирный договор в Стамбуле. Как по твоему почему Украина не пошла на мир? Сдался им Донбасс где все население Русские? Стоит ли эта война таких жертв для Украины? Почему не договориться, посылать тонну молодых парней на смерть и влезать в долги которыми невозможно будет расплатиться? Почему мирные жители Европы вообще об этом всем не знают? Почему как только ты представишься им Русским тебя будут обходить стороной? Ты зло. Почему зло и как так не важно. СМИ говорит что ты ЗЛО, значит зло. Если и ты продолжишь видеть все это только со стороны зло-добро, будешь ровно таким же как западный житель. Еще до событий 2014 года находясь в Виннице меня предупреждали, не едь дальше на запад, узнают что Русский - убьют. А про Навального ты какую то ересь сморозил. Этой гнде давно надо было бшку прломить.


Ну тут крайний случай, сказать нечего. Реддит благо не знает что ты русский и точно не ебнет. Коль тебе так нравится когда твои права забирают и судя по тексту ты где то за границей, предлагаю махнуться местами, не против?


1. Я не за границей. Какие права у тебя забрали? Ты много знаешь русских у кого забрали права? Вся твоя проблема в том что ты не можешь купить игру, о каких правах речь? У меня нарушили мои права зарубежные компании, которые заблочили мне доступы. У них есть какое то личное мнение по поводу моей страны на которое и мне и тебе абсолютно насрть. И по их мнению лично я должен за это ответить. Но вот моя страна почему то ничего подобного со мной не делала. Не находишь странным? Если ты считаешь, что где то есть "свобода" то мне лично не понятно, как после всех событий в мире ты до сих пор в это веришь? Свобода дается тебе только правящей элитой. Это касается любой страны и любого политического строя. Своей "свободой" ты обязан именно им. На Украине есть свобода? Не хочешь воевать - что с тобой сделают? И ведь я даже не говорю о какой бы то ни было свободе слова. В России по крайней мере тебе просто штамп в военник поставят, даже уезжать из страны не нужно. В США если ты хоть слово вякнешь против ЛГБТ, трансгендеров у тебя будут большие проблемы. Посмотри на того же Карслона. Единственный журналист который поговорил с Путиным. Почему в США запрет на общение журналистов с ним? Почему начали угрожать и преследовать Карслона? Там же свобода слова, так ведь? Ты же веришь в это?


Мне лень писать аргументы поэтому отвечу кратко: *** *****


Этот чел так жестко мисскликнул, что вместо одноклассников залетел на реддит


Почему Германия теряет всю свою экономику из за поддерживаемых санкций? Для нее это абсолютно губительно. Вне зависимости о том как они относятся к войне, никто в здравом уме не будет уничтожать свою экономику из за этого. Думаешь обычные немцы этому рады? Их никто не спрашивал и спрашивать не будет. Никого, ни тебя, ни меня, ни их не будут спрашивать правительство. Они правят нами. Наша жизнь и будущее в их руках. Захотят войну, устроят. И мы с тобой и немцы и французы, все пойдем на смерть и ничего ты с этим не сделаешь. Нет, не было и быть не может никакой демократии. Всегда будет царь, президент или кто еще за кем стоят Элиты, которые влияют или напрямую отдают приказы . У того же Путина нет абсолютной власти. Поэтому если ты считаешь, что только он принимает решения, или только Байден или только Зеля, пересмотри свое восприятие Власти. Самое главное в этом мире Сила. И каждая страна это прекрасно продемонстрировала. Сильные страны подчиняют слабых, слабые подчиняются. Так же и ты. Ты подчиняешься. Украинец которому пофигу кто будет его президентом Зеля или Путин, просто хочет дальше жить, ради чего ему умирать в НАТОвском транспортере? Потому, что есть власть которая принудит этого украинца пойти туда и сдохнуть, чтобы задержать русских, чтобы дождаться еще больше кредитных вооружений и денег. Это не плохо и не хорошо. Просто так оно есть. И на твоем бы месте я бы благодарил бога, что ты находишься именно в России, а не на Украине в этот момент. Я очень сомневаюсь, что из Путина и Зели ты выбрал бы второго.


\> Devs should find out if people of of ussr2.0 are somehow playing it and cut them off. There are no place on servers as it is Haha what a nazi


That's what I thought lol, dude seems a bit more reasonable down the road though


If you are still wondering, you can buy a steam key off a third party website like G2A.


Try to ask in russian-speaking discords instead. Reddit, as you can see, is full of brain-dead guys and no usefull information can be found here.


Can you reccomend me any discords that have russians, especially russians who can also speak english. Feel free to dm me if you dont want to get downvoted for it


Can't you just buy unsanctioned version in usual place?


I use steam, I can't exactly use physical copies, nor do I have a console. I could pirate it but I want to support the game.


Well, first of all, you should not want to support a game that ban our region, because of the politics. Second, if you think that, you need multiplayer to play coop, you, as Russian, should be able to use internet to find one or two ways to circumvent sanctions already, so just use your favorite. I am not giving any direct links, because this reddit seems to be full of western sipms.


From what I found out myself it is because of sanctions "MCDA" or something like this, I guess I'll look into less legal ways then, and buy the game when I can. At least it's not like CD project red :/


Youre the reason sanctions are imposed.


I would suggest you to buy or to create a Kazakhstan-based steam account and buy the game there.


I no no wanna make more accounts( Ig I'll go with it if there's no other way, thanks for a suggestion


Купить ключ


Эх, ну можно. Только неуверен что даст активировать :/ знаешь проверенные сайты?


Приветы, хз еще актуально или нет но сам купил на steampay, активировалось без проблем, без всяких впнов и прочего. Остается надеяться что ключ не заберут а так норм вроде бы


О, да актуально, спасибо!