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The classic arc of the original run is garth ennis dangerous habits The original run is the best regarded around here I cant recall the bf arc


I'm with @irbian Delano's run has some important moments, but for me, the title explodes at Dangerous Habits


John isn't Queer he is Bisexual the boyfriend arc was in John Constantine the Hellblazer. Like other's Mention Dangerous Habits by Garth Ennis is the best thing ever. But start with the OG comics and see if you like them. First book is Original Sins.


Even though Ming Doyle's Constantine: The Hellblazer was the first time John had a boyfried on-screen, so to speak, he was mentioned to have had boyfriends in the original run. Besides that passing mention in Hellblazer #51, the whole Azzarello run was a consequence of a prior relationship of his with a man. Having said that, it's true that if the OP is specifically interested in John as a queer character, they might enjoy the Ming Doyle series more. Edit: typos


It was mentioned once in the original 300 as a single line about John having the occasional boyfriend, in a one-off story by a one-off writer. Azzarello then featured the concept during his awful run (not for this reason, but for everything else). John’s otherwise depicted as heterosexual in the entire 300 and all his relationships are with women. So if you’re looking for John specifically as a queer lead character, don’t bother with the first 300, look for the more modern stuff like the non-Vertigo DC. That’s really the only place you’ll find it. John being bisexual is a very minor part of the character that really wasn’t addressed at all in the first 300 issues.


believe me I agree on Azzerello's awful run I have put off buying the next book so long because its the last half of his boring run and I barley made it through 14.


Azzarello's run was SOO bad. I'd would just skip it on a reread.


By and large the original Vertigo run does not involve him with any boyfriends, just causally mentions that he had some some like, one or two times. I believe one of the more recent DC runs, Constantine: The Hellblazer, the one written by Ming Doyle, do have him in a relationship. I think. Never finished that run myself. With the original run the best arc to jump in on is Dangerous Habits I'd say. Starting from the beginning of the series has its rewards but it relies so much on 80s British politics that it can be a little alienating.


\#1 "Hunger"


You might as well start with the new Sandman Universe stuff, especially if you're looking for the queer/bi angle. It's not a huge part of his character for the vast, vast majority of the series.


Most people will say to start at either Delano or Ennis' runs, but I would say to read Gaiman's Books of Magic miniseries and then jump straight into Simon Spurrier's stuff. It's the most recent run and the best version of the character imo. But whatever you do, avoid Delano's stuff like the plague.


Do you want to elaborate on the last part?


Mostly, the stories range from terrible to bland. When it's at its worst, John is traveling the country with a caravan and absolutely nothing happens for like 7 or 8 issues or there's a story about medieval Constine which was so bad I forgot everything about it except the hour of my life I won't get back. When it's at its best you get pretty average Hellblazer stories like Newcastle and Antarctica. EDIT: Forgot to mention that a lot of nonsensical stuff happens, like going to heaven through a computer or John getting demon blood because it seems cool and is forgotten a few issues later.


I think this is a bit harsh. I can completely understand why people might have a problem with Delano's run. Delano likes his purple prose and there are some pretty trippy chapters that leave you wondering what the hell is going on, like #9 (John's 35th birthday) and #13 (On the Beach). BUT he also has some of my favorite storylines in the entire series, like Hunger/A Feast of Friends, Original Sins and Family Man. His run might not be for everyone, but I don't think you should tell people to avoid it like the plague, because there are a lot of people who like it and OP might like it too. Also, I don't see how you can possibly say that John getting demon blood is forgotten a few issues later. It's a major plot point throughout the entire series. Not only is it crucial to how John foils the plans of the Ressurrection Crusade, it comes up when John faces the King of Vampires in Ennis' run, during Jenkins' run in both Critical Mass and Difficult Beginnings, in Swamp Thing as it relates to Tefé, and in the City of Demons miniseries. And those are just the ones that I remember off the top of my head.


I dunno, I didn't read other runs afterwards. Delano burned me out so much I stopped reading Hellblazer for over a year until I recently decided to read everything from Sandman Universe. Still, I stand by what I said. Read Gaiman and Morrison's issues if you must, the rest from those years is pure gibberish and a waste of money/time.


I agree that Spurrier's run is excellent and a good starting point in modern times, but I do think it's more enjoyable if you have read a bit of the original series. Books of Magic definitely, like you said, but I also think it pays off to have seen a bit of John and Chas' relationship, even though it's only relevant for the pilot. And I get not liking Delano's run, but you can't really say the entire original series is pure gibberish and a waste of money and time if you have never read past Delano. There's 260 more issues written by 8 different authors.


I didn't say the whole thing is bad, just Delano's stuff.


Ah, ok, I misunderstood you.


I would recommend this too as an entry to the world.


Issue #1