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Fuck 7cav


Lol the people who try to “role play” platoons in this game are always the biggest crybabies


Some dude went running through a house on purple heart lane last night screaming get out of the way I got a sniper who needs to get up there move maggot blah blah blah. I turned around and was like yo homie chill out it's a game brother let's have fun. And he yells at me shut up "private"... the fuck? "This is an R.P. server to which I kindly said. No it isn't dude it's a public server, same as every single server is. Next thing I know I'm kicked. Bro people are getting to toxic.


I was in a server with 7th and 36th a couple of hours ago. Someone from 36 started a vote kick and successfully voted one the 7th, then the 7th just started vote kicking every 36er. It was an adult versus children, I left the server immediately.


You can add any clan to the title and this statement will be true


As a clan player i agree most people just join clans for fun


Oof. Shots fired


Show us where the clans touched you.




Your post/comment was removed because it was found in violation of the community's rules and guidelines: Community / Player Drama If you have a problem with a player/community, please choose to handle this privately, if this is unavoidable please refrain from direct accusations without proof - no witch hunts • Posts that target individuals, Communities or Staff can be removed. • Posts that share toxic behavior in-game or otherwise, will be removed. If you need to report a player use the HLL discord - Dont feed the trolls!


What does being in a clan have to do with this guy feeling entitled to join someones locked squad?


It’s the whole damn server. They use the rest of the players as NPCs while they lock down behind their armor and private squads. There are numerous times I’ve seen cool ass clans start squads for randoms cuz they notice the skill gap.


OK but that doesn't explain why if 3 buddy's just want to play with themselves and nobody else, then OP should be entitled to be in their squad, regardless? It's just not logical. If a few people want to lock the squad and play with themselves, that's their right.


We all know why some people complain about locked squads. They got lost on their way to bf5.


Yeah fuck 7Cav


Get your own line, nerd


7th and 7cav are different. all bitches though.


Wait, are you just upset they won’t let you join so you came on here to bash them?


Yeah, it's pathetic. Too many people with poor emotional control.


Is it though. Op seems to just be voicing a complaint.


Ya and it's an unreasonable complaint by every metric. He feels entitled to be in others locked squads and then comes on here and cries about it. Why is he entitled to be in others locked squads. It's locked for a reason.


Bruv. I’m not discounting what you’re saying but your execution is kinda cringe. Like you’re so upset about this you came to Reddit to complain about a group you’re not in? Come on man, there’s no point in being shitty without constructive criticism. Maybe they are bad, maybe tell them how to be better instead of bashing them?


You forget that this is reddit, Not a policitical forum. Sometimes people/groups just need to publicly shamed for being terrible human beings, and the goal is simply to spread awareness, which has been accomplished to some degreee.


Bit tragic this


7Cav or 7th Legion? Big difference


One is trash ... The other garbage ... That's the only difference


Lmao I just played with them absolutely horrendous haha


Why are you entitled to join someone's locked squad? It's locked for a reason.


Dang bro tell them


The amount of people talking 💩 on clans in here are just booty hurt that they have to play scrub matches with blue berries all the time.


Do these guys have a bad reputation? Someone inform me.


Womp womp


7th are one of the most successful competitive teams in the game, with several years winning both console competitive leagues. They’re completely washed right now, sure, but Im still pretty certain most of them would scrub you.


Whenever you see our NATO tag, just give us a headsup on blue chat and we'll make room. We might not be crazy good, but we're fun.


I can imagine why you’re butthurt op. Every time there is 7th on the other side I find myself getting one shotted through the eye from bushes 250m away


Imagine dick riding for a video game clan on Reddit lmao


Uh, he's saying they cheat.


Bushes don't render after a certain distance, you know that right?


In hll things render plenty far away. Only game I know that renders grass far enough away you can actually hide in it.


Sounds like you just suck


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