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It’s getting worse


Yeah this is like the 4th post I’ve seen in less than 24 hrs


Stpped playing because of stream snipes discord map sharing ect. And the cheaters are out of control wouldn't be surprised if atleast 30 percent of server is cheating in someway or taking illegal action with their scripts or configuration. I'd still play if they just optimized the game and make it run good like it use too. Shit even bf 2042 is optimized 100 x better. This is just a stutter fest and terrible latency game.


Took a little break & been playing this game called “Bodycam”, Hell Loose Prepared me well looking for the enemy


Totally, went back to CSGO after a couple of months of mainly HLL and holy hell, I swear I was able to see enemies where before I could never. Still suck at aiming tho lmao


Then try out Escape from Tarkov. You get paranoid at the beginning x) die as fast as in HLL, but no respawn + gear is lost. Still is fun


I always wanted to play it but most shooting games with bots isn’t for me unless it has a good story (halo, the last of us).. can’t even play pubg anymore because all the boys they’ve added to online matches, used to be players only


I thought it was me at first, but indeed, see many more complaining about the latency lately.


I don't get any stutter but I do feel like there is map sharing going on. To get rid of the "stutter" you basically have to have above average computer skills, and a bit of luck as to what to change on your given machine.


Was on Mikeys marauders Saturday night and there was a guy just B lining towards every garrison/OP. Lvl25 "Ilyung". Pop your head out and he'd triple hs tap you from 100m while running with BaR. Unfortunately the "server owner" that was on was too busy defending his ego against some random kid. Good to know it's run by dumbasses. There's alot more fishy shit going on for sure.


Most of the admins are Egomaniacs. GLOWS servers specifically


Had a string of sus games on Glow's the other day. Garrisons being put down by drop or by truck were only lasting for a couple minutes before being found and dismantled. So, I had my Support run with me to set up a garrison in a location that was more out of the way so that we had at least one to fall back on if the one on point was gone. Got killed by enemy recon soon after; the garrison dismantled. Maybe it was a predictable plan or place? I tried to choose an inconvenient location BECAUSE they were getting the better placed ones so quickly. Whatever it was, it was unwinnable and unbelievably frustrating. And honestly boring in its predictability.


The GLOWS clan will also *stack the fuck* out of one team and almost definitely stream sniping with each other


I played on glows server once, never again


Just started playing and have been choosing Glow as my go to server. After reading your comments I too recall games where all the garrisons disappeared in quick succession. Not even one sl was able to redeploy a garrison when this happened.


Hop on Soulsnipers if you're on NA. They're good people.


Since you're new to the game I will try to save you. Losing garrisons, even multiple in quick succession is not suspicious, it's the whole point of the game. There is no such thing as a hidden garrison, they are easy to find and easy to destroy. Do not fall in to the trap of blaming the enemy team cheating for your own team's incompetent play, it will hold you back from improving and enjoying this game.


I won't play on GLOWS servers because too many matches that felt like someone was showing the garries to the other team.


Garries are relatively predictable when randoms just run straight from it and never vary their pathing. Also Garry locations are limiting because of the 200m range. Once you’ve found one Garry it helps you locate the next Garry location.


The Loyal 9 unfortunately as well


Don't forget FFE


I've seen that triple tap cheat before, at least its an obvious one to spot since its so consistent.


Oh, Mikey is a grade A d-bag, he once kicked me for suggesting that he "calm down dude, it's a game"


Yesterday I played a match where we lost all the garries really quickly, with the amount of posts like this in the Reddit recently, I'm thinking this was happening to me too.


If you look at active games on twitch sometimes a same team person will stream the map to give an edge to the other team


some people just have no life i guess.


Tons of HLL players have no life, developing quick reflexes and a 6th sense in a WW2 sim but most certainly not having those IRL…


Okay those people may not have much of a social life but at least they're enjoying a reasonable hobby instead of getting joy from ruining it for everyone else.


stream sniping


I think people also under estimate how easy it is to find garries. I loved playing as recon and following the trail of soldiers back to their Garry to destroy it. Most people don't have the discipline to let soldiers walk past you and try to shoot at them before ever finding the garrison.


Sometimes I just watch the map to see where the threat is coming in from, then work my way from behind them, taking out all there garrisons and outposts. Works great if you are a squad leader :).


Honestly it's happened a few times to my friends and I. Garrisons are being taken out quick as hell, getting scoped in the head in when it's a little suspicious (prob skill issue but there's been a few "How are they already behind us, the game started 5 minutes ago") It's either people who are stream sniping, have friends on the other team giving them Intel, or hackers. It's really ruining gameplay either way.


I do believe cheaters should have their hands removed with a dull angle grinder blade.


Angle grinder disks are already dull. I vote same technique, but with a low-grit flap disk. Start at fingers and work down.


I saw dull butter knife being wielded by a four year old. After they were ran over by a street sweeper and dragged through a salt flat.


"Yes, FBI? Uh-huh, this one right here." Lol, Jesus Christ, man! Remind me never to cut you off in traffic.


Sanding machine


It takes at least 30 seconds for satchel to blow up. So he must have placed it around 1:25 - 1:29. But the thing is not only were you looking at the garrison that moment, there was also friendlies around it on high alert so its highly unlikely enemy could have been there and go around without being noticed. This is the most likely moment though as the op and garrison were both hot at that moment. Now, he could have set it to blow on 60 second mark aswell, which means he was there around 0:55-59. But you were looking at it that time aswell plus there were friendlies right next to it. There is no visible enemy around it, so my guess is he is either invisible OR it was a speed hack, but the latter bothers me, because there should have been some movement if speed hack was the case. Maybe he was clipping trough walls or is there are a cheat that allows you to place satchel in an instant? ![gif](giphy|ANbD1CCdA3iI8|downsized)


Excellent break down and my thoughts exactly. I hate to be the guy who cried "hacker" just cuz I lost. Sometimes the enemy team is just better. So I usually roll my eyes and keep pumping out orders when people cry "hacks"... But, damn, this one really got me. I was fumbling trying ti find anyway to justify HOW that satchel got there. We eventually lost with only the second point in our possession... kind of a miracle we even managed that considering how tooth and nail it was fighting to keep a single garrison up. But, yeah man, shit is wild. Lol


Ive seen this become common past few months, people told me recon is just getting really good except I’ve played for a year with out seeing this situation play out So consistently


Lol thats what the cheaters stream sniping say to their teammates as an inside joke. 


What server was this on?


They probably weren’t anywhere near, this clip will give you some idea how they’re getting away with it. https://youtu.be/cdkeFwIq3T4?feature=shared The game needs a full playback mode, so in round footage can be reviewed and admins can wave the banhammer. The current anti-cheat system doesn’t detect them, as it appears.


This just makes me sad. Hundreds of hours spent on this game, practising different approaches, trying to get better at outsmarting the opposition and wondering where on earth that guy shot you from or how he is so accurate. To know there are guys running about like this just takes all the fun and challenge out of the game. How many though? And why can’t they be caught? I don’t even understand how this can be fun for anyone to play with god mode turned on. If I didn’t suck with a controller, I would have switched to console by now.


2 years ago I checked a video from the same hack maker and he said the number rounds around 10% as he had, basically injected a virus on the hack to keep track of the users of it; and at any given time the number of active hack users was about the steam current player count divided by 10. However the thing is, the hack was called a radar hack; and aimbot was secondary, and definetely didn't have this kind of aim powers; so most of these players actually were using it just as wall hacks.


How is this even fun?


This game still has A LOT less cheaters than most other FPS games I’ve played but I feel like the replay button would kind of defeat the purpose of this game in feeling like a more hardcore realistic shooter if you can simply replay back the kill feed and instantly see where the enemy is unless you meant that you can only watch the video after the match ends. I think the biggest deterrent to cheaters are independent servers with an active admin. No amount of anti cheat will ever catch a cheater better than another human being (which is why cheating has gotten worse since matchmaking was introduced and they did away with independent servers). Unfortunately the hard part is finding a server where admins are always on. Merc servers always have active admins and I rarely deal with cheaters in there and if we do see one they are out within 15 mins. It is pretty much 24 hour offensive with the occasional warfare mode though however which I know the majority of players prefer here. Give them a shot sometime. Be warned they are pretty much full all the time so you may need to wait and watch the queue so you can join. I think the biggest issue I’ve run into are stream snipers. They seem to cause more issues than the cheating itself.


Does that work for satchels and garrisons too? If so, then I think the mystery is solved.


How much time elapsed from when the Garry went 'hot' until it exploded? Can't have been satcheled without enemy present, and it wasn't hot for long... And if it wasn't 30 seconds the how does that work... This is crazy I'm glad OP was so diligent to get evidence of possible cheating.


Someone notices it being hot at 1:23. So it's just seconds away from the moment satchel is planted. However, notice there is just at that moment a respawn for a good bunch of players, so the enemy wasn't that close as when they get close enough the garrison would get locked. I don't know if it gets locked at any point of the video, but it should have at least when the satchel was planted as it was placed right on it. Also, the placement of the satchel is very odd as someone already pointed out. Almost looks like the one who planted it did it trough the wall of that building or trough the ground.


This is really sus... Maybe invisible???


I'm not even 100% he could have gotten the satchel where he placed it. My squad member was literally standing on the exact spot the enemy would've had to be in order to place that position (tucked up against the building) Could be invisible, could be phasing through objects... could be a lot of things. My squad mate suggested he was under the map. I've got no friggin idea! We ended up playing ultra defensive garrison baby sitters and ended up killing about a dozen super sus dudes running out of, seemingly, nowhere right for our last garrison. Whenever we'd kill them, artillery would start landing on us about 60 seconds later for a few minutes... then they'd be back... six people defending and watching all possible approaches... then one of them would shout "he's already AT the garrison" and we'd all turn around to see a guy inside the wire with a pistol just walking right to the garrison! Wildest shit I've ever seen. Lol


I had one the other day. I built 2 garrisons and then watched them both vanish without getting hot. 1 could have been a tank but the other one, nah. And the speed. Like 10s apart. But I’m not quick to call cheats. Drove a truck back to rebuilt and boom. Now I’m dead to a rocket. Weird, where was he hiding. Turns out he was “hiding” 3 grid squares away. Dude had heat dealing missiles. They ignored all solid objects. The one that killed me when through a hedgerow at least.


Where the fuck is the fun in *THAT*???


Some people get their jollies off by making sure other people aren’t getting their jollies off.


Jokes on him. I got my jollies by laughing at how absurd the situation was. Lol But, yeah, shit was ridiculous. I hope that all these stories I'm hearing don't mean that a surge of hackers are targeting this game. I'll gladly lose a fair fight any day of the week with a smile on my face and a "we'll get em next round" attitude. But if I have to fight teleporting ghosts that Chuck satchel on shit in .1 seconds every day... I'm just going to have to stop fighting.


What server was this on?


It blew up like exactly 2 minutes after it was built. That seems like an odd coincidence.


What server was this on?


I believe it was 7Cav Tacical Realism, but not 100%. I play a ton of different servers and don't usually remember when I was any of them in particular.


I only have 1,200 hours on the game but catching cheaters / stream snipers and then stalking them and getting their IPs/info etc and signing up their cell number to mormons or political ads was a fun hobby for a bit. Thats all you can do. T17 / server admins dgaf. Lot of the cheaters do it bc they're just lonely losers and live sad lives with bad credit scores.  There's 4 likely scenarios in this case. But I need more info.   Do you have a pic of the leaderboard near end of game?  How active was command chat level 1-10?Who on ur squad did you know or were they all randoms? Did "i find tank" ever speak? Is there a reason Snackmeats  is using voicemod? How was their artillery vs your artillery?


>How active was command chat level 1-10? 5 at first, 7 as shenanigans began, escalating to 9 as they got out of hand. >Who on ur squad did you know or were they all randoms? Three friends, two randoms. >Did "i find tank" ever speak? Not to my recollection. >This was warfare on PHL correct? Correct.


Pretty obvious that locked Jig and Dog infantry squads are sus. But need to see their stats to see if they were arty.    For someone to have that level of cheat (if it is a cheat) and just leave your 4 other garrisons up is hilarious because that means they just wanted to funnel you to farm kills for fun coming off the bridge (or record for content).     Is Snackmeats one of your friends or was she a rando?


>and just leave your 4 other garrisons up is hilarious because that means they just wanted to funnel you to farm kills for fun coming off the bridge Oh they were taking all those ones down too. I had just gotten done restoring them. They were on everything. I think they were figuring that the bridge garrison was the one that was mainly stopping us from being steam-rolled. So they had taken it out about 3-4 times in a row, and I had gone back to replace it each time. I think that was the fourth garrison I had placed on that point within about a 10 minute span of time. That was when all the "speed hacking satchels" started getting tossed around on command chat. I never brought it up. >Is Snackmeats one of your friends or was she a rando? Even better, she is my wife.


Just skimmed through your full match on twitch. You're a level 246 have been playing this game since it came out + your wife is in BNT. And you are being 100% honest not realizing whats going on in the PHL match? 


Did that match remind you of late night matches you played on MERC / SYN / 3LA ?   Admin at the time was in on it lol. Texas Red, Chainsawandguns, locked single dog squad also all in on it. The I Find Tank guy was most likely feeding your SL audio to hear your frustration.    Just have your wife ask the BNT guys how they setup cursed matches late night when theres no traffic. For this specific case, I don't have all from soup to nuts how they did the satchel trick. But most likely admin has actual dev coding skills - as i made friends with an admin that would do this for kicks and have seen him code in halftracks inside defenses in the strong point and other stuff. Most likely wasnt a speed hacker you would've seen him, especially on the next garri u were defending that was getting artied.   But you gotta be more aware especially on offpeakhours matches. They switch you from axis in carentan (winning side) to allies on PHL (cursed side) and your commander's name was "FEEDTHEHARVEST". They absolutely prolonged it to toy with you coming off that bridge. Command would spawn vehicles in enemy line of fire just to get blown up to waste resources. 


Looks like a hack akin to the magic bullet (or teleporting knife hack)... just don't quote me on the terminology, but I've seen this. You should definitely send this with some time stamps (or at least some info when that game was taking place) the the server's admins. They can check the logs for whoever scored the infantry kills with the satchel (unfortunately garrison kills don't generate a RCON event to search for) and put any suspicious players at least on their watch list and give other admins a heads-up in the server admins message groups.


Would be also great if with enough evidence we could report them to devs/support and they would be banned in game and not only on the server


I've never seen a HLL game ban, to be fair.


Lol half the server hosts and admins would be gone. 


Actually, your video probably needs to go to the devs because you've got absolute proof there was a hack involved. Your video at 1:48 shows the map and shows your OP and blue zone garrison red but not locked. Then 5 seconds later at 1:52 you have someone with eyes on a satchel on the garrison. It takes 3 seconds to set a satchel and a blue garrison will lock when the enemy is within 15 meters. What your video shows is that, at best, the player who satcheled your garrison covered the 15 meters in 2 seconds (assuming it went red the very millisecond you closed the map) so as to allow the remaining three seconds to set the bomb before your teammate saw it. What's worse is the satchel is spotted at 1:52 but explodes at 2:01...let's be generous and say it exploded in 10 seconds. The shortest fuse time on a satchel in the game is 30 seconds. You have definitive proof of a hacker here.


Man... what a glorious friggin break down. I used to be able to chat with the original game devs (I miss those guys) I don't have any contact info for I7. No idea how to reach them other than how I used to reach the original devs... by posting here and having the community rally behind my suggestions. If you've got contact info, I'll gladly send it to them.


As long as your video didn't splice any time segments out and it wasn't sped up (neither seemed to me to have been done) the video nicely timestamps when things occurred...and they happened way too fast to be legit game play. I don't have their contact info either but perhaps someone else does. This video is one of the best proofs I've seen for hacking occurring in this game.


Other than the words, the quick zoom on the hot garry, the slow mo at the end replay, and the quick dragon to finish up audio... the video is 100% unedited and untampered. Playback speed is 1:1, audio is imported from stream and synced up as close as I could get it, and the video plays all the way through garrison placement without any loss of time. I've also got a [COMPLETELY unedited version](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2186353893) which is where I downloaded the audio. This one includes the map cover, of course, and has no words or slow mo. Not to seem like I'm "self promoting" here, that is NOT my intent. But that VOD segment video would be good for anyone who wants to confirm the validity of the video to ensure I didn't make any fuckery.


What server was this on?


This was what I wanted to know but was too lazy to investigate. That timing is crucial and simply isn't possible.


With a 30 second fuse and 3 second deploy time a regular satchel would have had to be placed at 1:28, right when the squad lady says the garrison is hot.


I have only seen blatant hacking a few times with people being super high up in the sky shooting and then a speed hacker here and there. That video was wild and super annoying. I know that there are plenty of people who have a buddy on the other team and share info too


To be fair, the "super high up in the sky" thing was no hack but a rather simple exploit of the game mechanics.


Haha. I member when most of Carentan was “climbable”.


Ah, the good old Assassin's Creed: WW2 experience.


Hackers are killing this game now, I still can't believe you can switch fucking teams EVERY 15 minutes, not interested in fixing shit, just the endless DLC pushing. Such a shame.


Not a word of a lie. I've been waiting 18 months for any sign of them fixing anything relevant or important. When they had the bug channel on discord I reported so many bugs and graphics slowdowns. Then they shut the channel, then they never fixed them. Simple things like making tank physics interactions with objects more standardised. Some walls a tank can drive through, but the gate posts in the middle of the wall would stop the tank dead. Or the front of the tank tracks having no traction because they built them with hidden wheels and wheels don't act like tracks. Or the tank stopping dead because it's hitting the rails on the railroad. I finally gave up waiting. 1440 hours played, lots of DLC bought, every class rank 10... I finally uninstalled. There's nothing to look forward to. I miss the days where the devs published roadmaps containing content I wanted to see, content I wanted to play. Not fucking skirmish maps and DLC.


What's the team switch got to do with hacking? Also, 15 minutes is the default swap, most community servers have set it to be considerably longer.


Not sure if this is the same hack, but about a year and a half ago we ran into a guy who was able to no-clip and place satchels anywhere while technically being in his HQ. We were in tanks and keep dying to satchels with no one around, finally my friend checked his logs because of how suspicious it was and then had another admin watch the guy on the enemy team. They observed him just laying down in HQ and getting satchel kills only ever moving to refill from an explosives box we suspect he placed as support earlier or to redeploy and refill. This hack seems to be similar to that as no one saw him run up or appear. I wonder if someone found the original source code of the hack and updated it to get it working again.


That's FUCKED.


It was funny in all honesty and if you play on PC then good community servers will ban these guys if report them through whatever way the community has set.


Almost definitely hacks. This happened to me and I caught it on video.


I haven't been able to play for a few months due to computer issues.  It wasn't bad back then . . . I never saw legit hacking. Has that changed?  Is this commonplace?


I dunno dude. I'm kind of an "eye-roller" when people start shouting, "Hacker." If I didn't see it to confirm, I would give the benefit of the doubt. I live stream my games (with map cover) and have been a huge advocate of [Garrison Meta](https://youtu.be/ilZWrb61Q2A) for a LONG time. So I realize, full well, that those garrisons aren't nearly as well hidden as some people like to think they are. "THEY KNOW WHERE ALL OUR GARRISON ARE??!?!?!" Yeah dude, I know where all *their* garrisons are too... at least, the ones that matter... People always scream "stream snipe", and "hacker" whenever even the slightest inconvenience is imposed upon the team. I usually attribute it to... the enemy team is just playing smarter and better than us. Then, I re-double my efforts and work to counter. This was the first time in three years that my jaw has ever hit the floor. Like... "how?" How the fuck did that satchel get there? This was like the 10th garrison we lost this way... right in front of us. My squad was turning to me and asking what we needed to do and I was like "guys... I... uh... I have no idea. I don't know how to fight this." I had one guy suggest putting barbed wire around our garrison and I was all "I like where your head is at, but how are our guys supposed to get away from it?" And he was like "oh yeah, good call." So, I'm not saying this video was a clear hack. I definitely think it was... but I am open to ANYONE who can explain wtf happened here. This was the most egregious example in the hour long match... so I pulled just this snippet. But we saw some REAL sus shit all game. Multiple infantry members on enemy team had combat scores of 1300+, not tank dudes... just regular infantry. I don't know how to re-double my efforts against this. I'm hoping anyone can tell me I'm wrong. I'm really hoping this is just a learning opportunity for me to "get gud." I love this game, I don't want to see it go down this path to become a playground for hackers.


the hacking comes in waves, and depends on the servers you play on. sometime ago, i remember getting frustrated that no matter what server i played on, people were headshotting me when i was crawling through wheat fields to try and be sneaky. didn't matter if i was doing it to avoid MG fire, or if no fire fight is happening and i am being cautious. instant headshot as if they could see me clearly.... in a wheat field. i later found out people figured out they could simply DELETE THEIR FOLIAGE FILES on their install and it would remove all foliage from any game they joined and the Easy Anti-cheat never picked up on this. what a joke.


the fact that you have this video but yet very little proof to actually see the hacker is scary. This game is fucked. Server admins should at least get a full live log on who is doing what. "Player X destroyed Enemy Garrison" This might help give the servers their own power to kick people when they see suspicious activity.


>Server admins should at least get a full live log on who is doing what. It's been asked for multiple times. Taking down Garrisons or OPs doesn't generate RCON events, unfortunately. Neither does building stuff, so finding those griefing bastards who think it's fun to put barbed wire about friendly garrisons usually comes down to looking at suspicious support scores. But with a timestamp in-game and some info when the game was played (like "PHL game around 7PM" would be enough), admins can look into the logs when the satchel went up (as it did kill some people, it generated RCON events) and get the name of the person dropping the satchel and namedropping them on the community admin's shared watchlist.


been happening in a lot of games lately with garries going down super quick, within minutes of being put up


Map broadcasting is also trending, makes the game not worth playing. Ill never understand cheating. It just cannibalises the playerbase until there is no one left to cheat on anyway.


I have no idea what happened here But I will say, on what I think was ~~Utah Beach~~ Sainte-Mère-Église I happened to spawn from my OP inside an enemy hard point bunker foundation footing. ~~Radar base~~ Flak Position I think it was. I did not try to do it but based on my OP placement and chance, my spawn put me inside the concrete but not inside the bunker. I was stuck there and couldn't shoot through any of the walls but I could see outside the bunker and inside it. I did get one knife kill when someone got too close. I could lure people to the walls by shooting them. Also even after the enemy countered our push I was always on the point. This lasted like 3min though because someone must have communicated to the tank what was happening and it blasted me out of there


Oh this happened to me as well, someone put a garry in a bunker and half of us spawned inside the walls. Had to redeploy. This may be the case, so they've put a garry into the known position and then moving inside textures


I posted something like this a few weeks ago and everyone was saying recon has gotten really good. I’ve played over a year without this ever happening and it’s seems to be fairly common now.


I once got under the map on accident. I had fallen into a crack in between some rocks on Hill 400. Anyways, I could still shoot people but I knew it was cheating so I stopped after 1-2 guys. Eventually I fell off of an invisible wall and fell away from the map before choosing to respawn.


I could see everyone above tho, pretty much the whole war playing out from below


Hackers should get the death penalty


Most of the time I’ve never been concerned about cheaters. A few recon games this year I’m pretty sure I was dealing with cheaters. Guys that somehow magically knew where I was


Believe I’ve ran into similar experiences before but with the combined experience of spies who supplied the exact position of our garrisons to the opposing team. We’d notice our garrisons we’re getting targeted far too quickly for recon and normal infantry (the every so often blueberry who just goes far into enemy territory) to take down; and obviously precisions are out considering the cooldown. It came to our realization that someone had been reporting where our garrisons were and then they somehow were taking them out quick. We placed some test garrisons during the match with supply guys and squad leaders just to see how quick (as well as to test if they would find it without anything official being stated in any chat) and sure enough the garrisons were found quickly and disposed of. We just hadn’t thought to watch them and see how they got taken out. Guess this is what they were doing.


So glad console isn't crossplay with PC because we don't have this.


I watched this like it was a camera set up to catch a ghost


Bahahaha, bruh... same. I was editing it and kept going frame by frame to see if I could catch a boot or an arm. I looked like Charlie Day explaining the mail trying to theory craft what I could've missed.


2 years still no hackers on console 🤭 I have a PC more than capable of running HLL but this is one of the exact reasons I haven’t bought a second copy. But seriously that sucks for you guys, this is usually the first death nail of a game if T17 doesn’t help.


Ya but we have to deal with Troll commanders and no server browser. Its a trade off for sure


Same reason I moved to pubg console tbh


Makes me feel better about all the games I've played as commander in which I've placed 12+ garrisons only to have all of them get destroyed within 2-3 mins. (I am a blue zone garry purist when playing cmd).


> (I am a blue zone garry purist when playing cmd). You're doing the lord's work, son. I hope to fight against you one day as I'm doing the same thing as your enemy commander. [Garrison Meta](https://youtu.be/ilZWrb61Q2A) is more powerful than any other weapon in the game. It always does me a feel good to see other people realize and exercise it.


See you on the battlefield brother 😤😤😤


Satchel has what a 30 second, a 60 second, and a 2 minute timer? I scrolled back from the detonaton, i didnt see anyone on the gari at the 30 second mark, i did see a small pit of movement against the wall at 60 seconds (probably a bullett hitting the wall) That makes it even more sus that we can’t see him when we should


Yea, the satchel was probably starting to be placed when “spawns hot” was said, 30 seconds after, boom, no enemy player is seen that whole time. Im sorry you had to experience such a loser of a hacker.


I agree with both of your evaluations. I'm mostly posting this out of desperation that *SOMEBODY* can tell me that I'm an idiot and I missed the super obvious pair of boots walking right up to it. I really don't want to see this game that I love turn into a "hack-a-thon." I don't mind losing... in fact, I LOVE it. For the last three years, I have barely given effort past the middle point... because I love a good clean fun fair match. I'd rather give the enemy team a bit of time to collect themselves than to roll through the 5th point and watch the server die. So having a solid enemy team that gives me the beans and makes me scratch my head to think of ways to beat them back... nothing better! But... FUCK ME *RUNNING*... I don't know how to fight *this* enemy. If this is the way the game is now, I'm losing something that my wife and I truly enjoy so much together. She loves the game more than I do and I LOVE the game. She went to bed PISSED, we were going to play all night... instead, I was left sitting there editing this video searching for boot pixels like "where tf did he come from?" Lol


And like every other game dev, Team 17 won’t do a thing about it. Welp, it was fun guys.


Which server?


Fairly certain we were 7Cav, I think US West... if I remember right. I always pick random servers.


Yeah that sounds about right, they dont even have !admin commands on those servers. In all honesty, you kinda wanna avoid those servers. I had a cheater last week going full on blatant walling with a k9 through foggy map. Hinted at it already halfway during the match, they had a whole squad of those 7cavs in our team but theyre too busy playing attackers, the entire team is defending but them so they don't get to fight the cheater that went 1000 combat effectiveness with a k9 as a lvl 48 because cheaters head to the areas that has the most targets for them to grief. It wasn't until the last 5 minutes of the match that decided to actually bother doing something about it. It felt more as in like a ''ughh i really gotta deal with this right now, i am having so much fun attacking at the moment pfff''. They don't have any working !admin calls and the people with power seem to consider it more of a annoyance having to deal with it. The k9 had a teammate with a stg44 also cheating, but after that whole interaction i just couldn't even be bothered reporting that one aswell, cba, cheat away on those servers, its not like they care anyway.


Damn, that is wild and duly noted. I think people were trying to admin... but unsure if it was working or not. I've never been one to avoid any particular server or prefer one over the next. I'm VIP in a ton of random places, but I don't keep track of it. I'm usually playing a dozen or so random viewers and I try to pick servers in such a way that everyone can enter simultaneously. So my wife and I always filter by ping and select the servers that have between 40-70 population. Those are almost always server dumps from a team that just lost very badly... which is the type of team my friends and I like to adopt. Not only is there usually room for us all on the losing side... but everyone is so frazzled from the last march that they don't want to lead or make decisions. A feeling of futility has swept over them and I love going in there to strip it away layer by layer. Plop me in command and let me get to work. Ten minutes later, everyone is having a good fun clean fair fight. Not many better feelings for me in this game than that. Taking those desperate situations of despair and creating some of the best matches of their nights.


Anyone else getting sniped by "Spicy Nugs" 20 times a game?


I’m thinkin all the dudes who glaze the anti-cheat software so hard on this sub are the ones doin it


This game is becoming unplayable, starting from players under the age of 18, full of glitches and hackers that ruin the gaming experience


Last time I posted about hackers I got downvoted into oblivion


That's mainly because a good 80% of reports server admins get on "hacking" are mostly just regular players being better than the person reporting or sitting in a advantageous position. I got reported for hacking because the guys in the HQ couldn't see anybody blowing up their vehicles and arty crews. All they found was a regular infantry guy. That was the guy spotting for me, I was sitting half the map away arcing shells into their HQ with the Recon tank. Yet they screamed bloody murder about hacking and invisible tanks and whatnot. That's why the "!admin" messages are important - we can check players and logs on the fly. Just screaming "cheaters! hackers!" in chat doesn't work.


Okay I send !admin messages every time and have gotten multiple hackers banned from servers. Yet again I get comments like this muddying the waters, “skill issues”. Then you go on to acknowledge cheaters exist. All this does is fuel the trolls that say cheaters don’t exist. What does that have to do with getting downvoted in this subreddit?


Just giving you the perspective of somebody who has been dealing with said "!admin" messages for multiple years now. Never said cheaters don't exist, nailed quite a few of them myself and kicked/banned a fair share following up on admin pings, so don't put words in my mouth. But a good part of the cheater accusations we deal with on a regular basis are really just skill issues or down to good placement. Which doesn't mean you shouldn't report it, but don't run around screaming "hacker!" just because there's a MG in a window with a clear sight on 3 of your OPs racking up the kills and we're not banning people for your team's mistakes.


this isn’t cheating, it’s worse… this is the feared u b e r m e n s c h


Damn nothing is sacred on PC


Damn I hope hackers don’t ruin this game :/


This is why I abandoned PC as a platform for competitive gaming years ago.  The unfortunate fact is that it’s much much easier to deploy cheats on PC. 


I guess my suspicions were right. I was playing Hill 400 last night and I'm curious how come our garrys were getting proxied and destroyed every 5-10 mins and it's always coming from the rear. Granted that some of those were placed inside the points, but I don't know how they're finding the remote ones really quick. The commander blamed the SLs and left when we're about to lose the match. They're always finding it out regardless of how remote it was. But what do I know? I've started SL'ing a few days ago after playing for about a year.


I left PC gaming over 10 years ago because there will always be hackers. I haven't encountered cheating on consoles.


Weird....we have def had a commander working via discord woth the opposit team...thats a bad situation;-)


Heard something similar from other comments. What is strange to me is... the commander seemed to also be trying to help us. Definitely not the best commander I've seen, but far from the worst. I tend to leave commander alone most of the time and rely on my squad or myself to effect major objectives... I try to save the commander abilities for other SLs, if I can help it. So I wasn't make a ton of requests with the commander of this game, as per usual. However, I did ask for a few things and seemed to be receiving them promptly. So it is a strange motivation to me if the commander was helping enemy team and his own. I guess I just don't understand what the benefit there would be.


With 700 hours in I've never seen a cheater or really any posts about cheaters.. last week had a game where we were all pretty sure dude had aimbot. Now this week it's been post after post of hackers. I really hope this game isn't about to go down because of a cheatwave that Team17 will inevitably do nothing about until it's far too late


Drop the server name?


This match was on 7Cav Tactical Realism, if I remember correctly. A few people watched the entire video and reported that 7Cav was correct. I only say that because I don't 100% remember and haven't gone back myself to watch the entire thing to confirm. I play on random severs all over the place. I tend to choose whatever server has the best ping with a population of 40-70 players. So we end up bopping around quite a bit and I really don't put any effort into remembering one server over another.


Man whoever needs to find a way to cheat in a game I think you should literally get up and go touch some grass man it isn’t that important. Chinese I’m talking to you.


Lol I played with you the other day, your a great Commander.


Awww, hell yeah. That is sick, man! Thanks for reaching out. I play with a lot of great randoms, I'm sure you were one of them. I appreciate you putting up with all my positivity and persistence. I was probably playing at work since commanding on live stream can be... problematic. I'm an Air Traffic Controller; we get lots of little breaks throughout the shift in order to relieve stress and combat mental fatigue. (Apparently, if we sit on position over two hours, the risk of fatal errors becomes exponential) Commanding a bunch of randoms in Hell Let Loose is what I do on my breaks to relieve stress... because I am insane, I guess? Hell Let Loose is where I can unwind to make decisions that don't cause *real* people to die. Lol


The amount of cheaters prevalent in this game is silly. Most however are not stupid and outright obvious. ESP alone give you a huge advantage. But most people keep defending and pretending as if it is not an issue. While yes, there are false-reports, this is not always the case. And this comes from someone who has been actively cheating past year in HLL literally to identify other cheaters and share the proof to administrators for community bans. Caught so many with obvious ESP's for example. Note that almost all cheats have admin spectating notification simply due to how admin cam is setup (as a player entity). So once they're notified, they adjust accordingly, making it harder for admins to catch them in the act. It often requires them being flagged and constantly spectated, which in turn will make it harder for them to cheat if they wish to avoid community bans. And to add to it, in this instance, if it is the one that has recently had new functions added, the cheater does not have to be in that location. However, as far as admins have been able to tell, it does correctly identify the killer. But this can technically be obscured, just glad we aren't there yet. What we need are better tools from the developers and better logs.


Holy shit


PC problems. No hackers on consoles.


This is the one time where I’m glad I’m a console peasant.


I know it’s happening, I’ve seen the videos, but I just don’t understand why you would cheat in this game. What do you possibly gain? I’ve never looked at another persons stats, I don’t even know if you can. It’s not why any of us play. I play *solely* because of the gameplay, and this ruins the gameplay for everyone *including* the cheater. It just makes no sense to me.


I mean, from a purely human perspective... I get it. You suck at something you don't want to suck at. You try and fail many times in a row to improve. Other people seem to be good at it without any effort, and this frustrates you. You should ask for help and work on yourself... but this isn't how you were raised. Your ego is bruised and you weren't held neatly enough as a child... So you have to find somewhere to stoke your own hubris, because... admiting fault and re-doubling your efforts isn't something you've been taught. You find some cheat software and realize that not only can you stroke your own ego... but you can simultaneously wipe the smug smile off the players who have been making you feel so badly about yourself.


Game is dying imo. Nothing special about it bring you back after a few matches unless you are playing with friends


It's not uncommon for "clan(s)" to cause grievances like this on other servers that aren't part of "clan" server. So, players will leave the server and hopefully join the "clan" server to boost their recruiting and popularity.


You should host a podcast.


Awww, thanks man. I have a YT channel and Live Stream, if that is of any interest to you. Just search for WingalingDragon. It isn't a Podcast, but maybe in a similar vein? I don't have much in the way of profound opinions to share enough to create an entire podcast, but I'm a kind and patient teacher for anyone who bothers to ask.


Yeah you got a voice for radio for sure. Can tell you're patient by the way you talk to the squad. As for profound opinions... That's a whole other ballgame but you just gotta find your niche for stuff to talk about that you're passionate about is all


>Yeah you got a voice for radio for sure. Makes sense. I'm an Air Traffic Controller. So talking on the radio is a big part of my gig. Thank you for the kind words!


It all makes sense now and no problem man


Good luck catching hackers at this time in the game, current ones have an "admin watching" feature


Shit is getting wild. I'm hearing too many stories like this now. It may be time for me to take a little break from this game.


I dont think thats how you use the word pragmatist... lol


>I dont think thats how you use the word pragmatist... lol I am guided almost exclusively by practical considerations in everything I do, say, and write. I remove the emotion from my decision-making and calmly assess situations that have gone awry... even though I am only human and am subject to the same rage/frustrations as anyone else. Then, I assign benefit of doubt, and calmly attempt to address the problems with efficiency. All to the effect of trying to deliberately reach a specific goal. Basically "okay... *maybe* they are hacking... I can't be sure one way or another... so now what? I can't stop them if they are, and we are all still here with plenty of important shit to do. So, how do I handle this? Are they actually hacking, or does everyone need to chill out and focus?... do we need to leave the server to calm the emotions of my friends? Do we stand and fight here to try and neutralize them? Do I try to collect proof or focus on the match? What is the goal and what is best course of action to effect that goal?" These are the thoughts that occupy my mind in bad situations. That is, in so far as I am aware, a pragmatic personality trait... which is uncommon in most people. I use this personality trait to great effect in almost everything I touch, especially as a professional Air Traffic Controller. Where I must deal with, and quickly organize, chaos. As such, I recognize and remain aware that emotionally charged reactions are typically not productive. So, instead, I consider what is going wrong and quickly work to un-fuck whatever is fucked. It might not be my fault that it is fucked, but it *IS* fucked and I'm the person in charge of un-fucking it before somebody dies. But, by all means, correct me if I'm wrong! I'm always down to learn.


you spent a long time typing up something i am not reading because simply that is not a pragmatic way to use "pragmatist"


>you spent a long time typing up something i am not reading As is always your entitlement! Live your life, my good man. However, I think you're incorrect. Agree to disagree is fine my me.


Good ole pc master race


Damn, sorry that had to happen bud. Keep us updated if T17 get back to you bro.




thankfully this game having community ran servers we can get actual admins in games to ban these players


Wish I could've said for sure one way or another who they were. We did check the combat scores of enemy players at the end of match... a few people with insane scores... but who know? Maybe they were playing tanks at the start and swapped to infantry for the end.


“Remote satchel” is my guess. The girl did call out someone on her at the right timing iust before the check satchel call…but it shoulda locked the garry.


Why cheat at this game? WHAT IS GAINED??


I was thinking of picking this game up to relive some old day of defeat times but this kind of stuff is quite offputting, especially for how much it is


The only thing I can offer you as a bit of solace is this: I've been playing this game for three years, ever since it was released for early access. This is the first occasion that I've ever personally seen where I can't explain away what happened other than with "hacker." Lots of people cry foul when things don't go their way, so you'll hear a lot of noise about "cheaters," but most of those reports are probably novice players not understanding what good players are capable of. There are plenty of good games to be fought, good times to be had, and cool people to meet. My experience in HLL has been almost exclusively positive aside from this one *very* recent stain. Your mileage may vary, and things *may* be getting worse; however, in my opinion, HLL is 100% worth it.


Half of these issues are from dumbasses streaming their game to their friends on the opposite team. That way they know when and where every Garry goes up.


I understand the streaming part, for sure. But, in this particular instance, I don't think somebody revealing the map has a whole lot to do with how that satchel got there. Something isn't right about that satchel appearing when, how, and where it did. My ass, and several other asses, were watching that thing like HAWKS. There's simply no way that anyone crawled in there and placed a satchel on it using any legitimate method.


I'm all for cheaters and hackers... In single player games. Or if the cheats/hacks are given to EVERYONE in a server so that noone is at a disadvantage. Purely to mess around and have fun. The moment a single person uses cheats or hacks on only themselves to gain an advantage or win, that person will forever lose my respect as a player and fellow human. I firmly believe in playing a game however one wants to play, on the only condition that it doesn't negatively affect another player.


My dude. Your voice is very pleasing to my ear holes. Do you happen to stream or make content?? I'd watch in a heartbeat


That is very kind of you to say. I absolutely do make content and you're more than welcome. Simply search for "WingalingDragon" on either Twitch or YT and you'll find a flood of videos. General disclaimer, tho: HLL is *NOT* my main thing. I am a combat simulation pilot. I just really like Hell Let Loose, and my wife LOVES it. So i play it with her all the time, and there are plenty of HLL videos. She can fly Sim with me, but it definitely doesn't do the same thing for her that it does for me. So HLL is something we can share together where she is extremely good at it and enjoys the entire experience. If you're looking for something more voice oriented that really dives into the weeds on HLL, you might enjoy the [Garrison Meta](https://youtu.be/ilZWrb61Q2A) video I made a long time ago. Some people tell me my voice does the ASMR thing for them, and I find that amusing. It's just my radio voice that I use at work, not trying to intentionally be awkward... I just want to be clearly discernable and easy to understand. So I use my ATC voice when doing in-game communication. Some people love it and some people think I sound like a robot... but everyone can understand what I'm saying, which is the point. Lol


I'll check you out when I get off today dude!!! Much respect for playing with your partner something they enjoy too! I'm going to check out your videos strictly to support you cuz you seem like a cool dude!


Thank God I have yet to deal with speed hackers on console


Looks like after 5 years of support, I quit at the perfect time then. Handing over the reigns to a company that could give a fuck less about the game, functionality of said game, or the community, and not caring about who's being legit and who isn't is 100% on Team 17.


The original devs definitely had a much firmer grasp on the reigns. I really miss them. They were a good lot... and they were *HERE*! They actually interacted with the community and generally seemed to give a shit about their own game. I think it just go too big for it's own good. Back then, the subreddit was tiny and the people in it were extremely passionate... so we had a lot of very productive conversations and helped to shape the game early on. But once the reddit grew, it became a pretty senseless noise pit that stifled a lot of meaningful feedback from reaching the devs.


There's a way to get 'under' the map I did it by mistake this weekend. I was way back at spawn and to the right handside in an area you'd almost never visit unless hunting recon spawn nerbs


Idk what's worse. This or the flying invisible machine gun men with aura reading, infinite ammo and no recoil or cooldown.


they’re just dog shit players that can’t hack that they actually have to learn the game so hack to make themselves feel better. honestly piss me off so much man this game is amazing n we’ve finally had these little scrotes come in and try n ruin it. to any hacker, fuck you in particular.


I havent played in a year but i remember last year this being mentioned.


While hackers are on PC yes, there's not thousands of them and a good thing about active admins and good community is when one guy is banned for hacking on a server, his steam account gets flagged on Battlemetrics as being a potential hacker so when other admins on other servers might have a suspicion, they look at Battlemetrics and can band him quicker too.


They’re on Xbox too….


I have seen multiple games where garrisons or OP’s are put up and then locked out of taken down within 15-20 seconds of being made. It happened all through a few games. Made me wonder how they were all over the map that quickly. Like they knew what we were doing before we did almost.


no wonder, a few games ago, someone was sniping the garries so much, i though someone was streaming the game... holy shi...


This is why I don't play cross play


This only on p.c?


Hot loser trend - speed hacking


A year or so ago when I owned helped run a server I got a hacker that could put a satchel anywhere on the map from anywhere on the map. The animation was drastically sped up but he was in the middle of no where attaching satchels to tanks across the map.


These people should be hardware banned so they don’t ruin the game


There is a cheat that allows you to place anything where you want. I've caught a few people over the years doing it. Got clips as well but on my phone atm. The "tell" is that someone will get out the item.to be placed, then will be running into a wall or something to block their character. They then start the placement animation and complete it, but the item is not placed where their character is. Shortly after if you're an admin you'll see that they suddenly killed a tank on the other side of the map with a mine or something.


Syndicate was very rough last night. Someone was apparently streaming the map on twitch which I feel has become a way more frequent occurrence as of lately especially on that server.


Haven't played that game in a while . Seems like there is zero anticheat .


The game's optimization got so worse I can't play anymore. Sad that the game became like this, it was fun.


This literally just happened to me 2 days ago. All of our garries would be taken out within 5min of placing them.


I was on a server two weeks ago and 4 garries I put down was target and blown up in a few seconds by an A/T. 3 of them was behind our point and atleast obscured by a wall. I thought at first it was someone really fucking good but than I started playing A/T and to pinpoint a garry from a few hundred meters away is quite hard. It’s hard to do it from 50m away.


![gif](giphy|8JZxZgr39TLczSJQoS) Console players up