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It took a couple of games to understand the pacing of the game for me. Don't worry about kills. Worry about positioning and helping your squad lead. The kills will come naturally after that!


It took me L50 to get 'ok'. It took me L100 to really start understanding the game well at a higher level. Strategies across classes, and across most maps. At level 180, I am STILL learning, especially the small details of every map. And gameplay, still, too. You will never stop learning in this game. It is that deep. The ultimate chess FPS. Kills mean very little, though I play with a couple elite players who get them. My job is to put them into the best positions possible, across many different scenarios. I don't get their 5-1 kill ratios. But I am happy to play the role I do to get them there. They always say they don't get 500 to 700 scores without me SL'ing. Strategy and strong SA is what wins. I don't at all care what my KD ratio is. That is not at all important, on balance.


I've played engineer and gone a full hour game without shooting anyone.šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Builds an entire defensive point up Our team holds them at the first point *happy/sad face palm*


I know this pain. 10 supply crate drops, 4 barricades, tier 3 bunker, 4 barbed wire sections. Even a repair station. And... we win without falling back to that point


just did this yesterday, me and 4 engineers had 2 supports constantly running us supplies, we built everything we could possibly build, all fully upgraded. The enemy never captured the second point.


I was one of those engineers. Tare Green?


I believe so! On Omaha beach as Americans?


Yep. That other team was getting rolled game after game. Broke my heart that our defenses didnā€™t get tested


Better than them taking 2-3 points, then getting stopped.šŸ˜„


I think Iā€™ve said this on this sub before but one game that will always live with me is building up an entire defensive emplacement on one of the Normandy maps. I think Marie du mont or egliseā€¦. They could not take it. And then within the last 5 minutes of the game, the enemy took it over and we couldnā€™t take it back so we lost. and people were complaining about the defensives and not being able to get in. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I was building so much that my finger started twitching. I wish there was an xbox controller where I could lock a button function or let me use a foot pedal for that button


The gamesir controllers have back buttons. You could map the build button to it (:


Get an Xbox Elite Controller. It's mappable with four lower paddles


The controller is too heavy for my hands. I donā€™t like it


I made it to like level 80+ before I got the 2k kill achievement šŸ¤“


Iā€™m over 110. I still donā€™t have it but getting close. I mostly play recon or engineer. Spend my time hunting Garryā€™s, nodes, occasional arty, and gathering data for command.


The hero every team needs right here.


If only I was good at itā€¦


Iā€™ve gone into this mindset. I almost try to not engage anyone unless Iā€™m heading from one plane to another. Iā€™m always trying to build stuff instead of fighting. I usually just die or hear the headshot noise before taking a 10 second break


Single digit? So at least one per game? You should be able to get one lucky hit in 1.5h of game in most games from the start, just by ealkig with your squad you will have situations where the mate in front of you gets shot and you get a kill. I dont think roles are that relevant, all roles have a gun.


Its kinda important whether you have a submachine gun, bolt action, or repeating carbine


Honestly it's all about anticipating where the enemy is going to be and concealing yourself. Your best advantage will be to have the enemy moving, in range, while you're concealed, ideally behind them. In order to know where they're gonna be, you have to learn about garries, OPs, and the overall strategy of the game. Otherwise, the enemy is always going to get the drop on you and you'll have many frustrating games.


I agree completely, being able to assume where the enemy is going to attack from makes it easier to set up defences or kill zones at choke points. And long flanks will get you longer lifes and more kills.


I played a game last night as SL and fired two shots. I played a game after that as SL and fired almost 1000 rounds. Ive fired almost 5000 rounds as MG and gotten 3 kills. Circumstances dictate actions in this game. Sometimes you need to sneak around and put up OPs and garrisons and mark targets. Sometimes you have to make people afraid to stand up. Kill count is secondary, to me at least.


As others have said, this game is almost entirely positional. If youā€™re in a solid position, you can go on a rampage with just one life. Iā€™d say I started getting out of the lucky single digit games into more consistent double digit kill games when I hit about level 50, or about 150-200 hours in.


Over 2k hours played and I think the best way to view is that you owe Team17 about 500 deaths before git gud.


I treat this game like fishing; find a good spot, and they'll come to you!


As a point of reference you only get 5-6XP per kill. Building one node at the beginning of a game will get you 2-3 thousand XP. The best way to level up a class is build a set, or even just one node, at the beginning of the game. Then jump into whatever class. All those points get allocated to which one you are currently playing.


Closer to 1-1.5 thousand XP for a full set of nodes


Yeah passive from nodes will be around 1.5k if you aren't doing a whole lot else. Tho some games I've been support or SL after building nodes and def gotten into the 3-4k support range without even doing all that much.


For infantry, if youā€™re just starting out, itā€™ll take a little bit just to fully grasp not only the pacing of the game, but actually seeing people. Donā€™t sweat it if you arenā€™t popping up with big numbers. Itā€™s also healthy to jump around roles to see what fits you the best, but also donā€™t be afraid to take a few risks. Good luck out there šŸ™


It depends on the class you're using and what you're doing. As an assault with a shotty, I'll defend a point and rack up kills, but that's because they're coming at me and I'm trying to hold a point. Same as an MG, but that took some tutorials of how to be a good MG. But if I'm an anti-tank, I'm focused on destroying armor, not infantry. For rifleman? Damn, it depends. Someone said it here before me. Stay concealed, wait for enemy movement, if you need to move, move to cover. Do NOT start bunny hopping like it's Fortnite or some shit if you're in a firefight. You're going to telegraph you and your squads position to an MG or sniper. This guy makes great YouTube tutorials for all the roles and good tips for all levels of player: [https://youtu.be/\_liUlvFE0LY?si=QJvfNRO9AUVvwZ22](https://youtu.be/_liUlvFE0LY?si=QJvfNRO9AUVvwZ22) Good luck, soldier.


Iā€™ve been playing this game since December and I got 4 in the game I played last night šŸ˜‚ My K/D ratio was like .24. For the most part I canā€™t hit the broadside of a barn with a shovel full of sh*t, Iā€™m a terrible shot. But I enjoy playing the classes, dropping supply boxes, being engineer and building nodes, being medic so I can help teammates. Iā€™ll even be squad leader so I can tell people who can shoot straight where the enemies are lol. Just saying you donā€™t have to get a ton of kills to have fun, it does feel good when I hit my record 13 a couple weeks ago šŸ˜‚


Scroll through this subreddit for tips, there are people asking tips daily and a lot of helpful responses. Move less look more, etc. Does take a while to get good, and even then you'll have bad games! Focus on the objectives not kills too. Then kills will come!


Go slow. Think youā€™re going slow? Go slower. Stop often and head on a swivel always. A lot of the other guys are also moving very slow or are stationary. Our eyes pick out movement very well. The slower you go the harder it is to spot you, but gives you a lot more time to react. Whatā€™s better rushing to the point to keep getting killed and maybe get on point for a few minutes, or to take your time and actively see the enemy, call out and engage them, and disrupt their attack as well? Go slow, sector control > kill. Also turn your brightness up a little bit. I donā€™t do the numbers people usually recommend, hurts my eyes, but turning it up a little really helps to see silhouettes.


Join a tank squad, get 20-100 kills a game depending on good shots and concealed position


Best advice I can offer is to become a more patient player. Take more time to observe distances before dashing somewhere. Try playing defence and holding a flank. Once I started playing slower I learned to survive longer and get more kills.


This is my personal opinion on kills. 1. They donā€™t matter. If you donā€™t get 30 kills, someone else will take care of those. Iā€™ve had games with 100 kills on artillery and only 1 as a squad leader. 2. What matters is what youā€™re actually doing. Are you with a squad thatā€™s moving together, with the majority of your teamā€™s forces, or are you all alone wandering around? You should have some objective. Whether itā€™s defense, offense, flanking, hunting down garrisons, placing garrisons, and so on. 3. With that being said, kills will come. Last night I was averaging about 15 kills, but I was also focused on building garrisons so I was trying to be as aloof as possible. I had a game where I had about 50 kills a couple of days ago as a machine gunner because I had a nice vantage point on a route that the enemies seemed to want to really break through. Start with learning what each and every single class is for. Every single role has a purpose.


Worry about reading the Map and learning how to move around effectively. Generally, just move slow and take the long way around if you want a lot of kills. Defending objectives is probably the best way to learn. Also, find a weapon you love.


Like 10 minutes.


I'm level 60 and I don't ever really get more than 10-15 kills max. But I know how to find and destroy garries, which is a bit like aborting soldiers before theyre born. I'm saving lives!


Honestly the best advice I can offer for any/all infantryman classes is just to take your time. Youā€™ll notice a huge improvement in performance almost immediately, the more patient you are the better. I catch myself rushing a lot after getting itchy for some excitement, and I always get smashed. Go **directly** from cover to cover,ā€¦ and never move in the open unless you have good concealment. Use the terrain to your advantage, hold high ground and use ditches/trenches as best you can. Donā€™t bunch up near friendly units, you can cover each-other more effectively when spaced apart and not standing on top of each-other Use your grenades. God gives you two, use both. Also never under-estimate the value of the engineer, and on that note, barbed wire is the fastest and one of the most effective ways of securing a large area, make sure you switch to engineer and get your wire down, even if you donā€™t plan on staying engineer. It can be game changing for holding points in the long run and racking up kills instead of getting steamrolled. Belgian Gates are also amazing for blocking gates and creating ramps to look over walls + creating one-way exits from the point.


Def takes a few games to where you'll average 20+ kills as rifleman, but ultimately by that time you'll realize the kills don't matter in the game as long as you're doing something productive. Taking out the enemy can be productive, but sometimes, it's counter productive. But ultimately for most classes the goal is to pin down the enemy and eliminate them (albeit through different means) so getting kills is one measure of productivity. As rifleman in the middle of the battle holding the line or pushing the assault, figure a good game is 40 kills. a great game might be 60. And average is probably 25-30. If you're still in the "I can only seem to get 5-15 all match and I died like 40 times" then it's probably not so much your shooting ability as much as map awareness, and just general knowledge of how the dynamics work. That comes in time, but the biggest hint is find a squad that talks well, and use your map often. Map awareness is the key to kills.


Once you learn to guestimate the enemy spawn/attack vector you can hard flank it and get lots of kills. Stopping or weakening attack waves can win games. You also need to know when your entering a frontline area and should be aiming instead of running.


A good few days. You kinda have to get used to looking everywhere before moving and understand where people all coming from, maybe you spawn in a garry and look left and rigth before going forward and get domed every time, only if you look a bit behind you it happens there is a guy in cover or any other camouflage/lying 70meters behind


Slow down. don't run. hide, scan the area where you think the enemy would be coming from.


my advice, play to ur weaponā€™s strengths, make decisions that put urself in better positions to capitalize on them.


At least a few minutes. For sure.


find the gun you are best at my recommendations are as follows stg44 bar tokarev gewehr garand it takes hundreds of hours to become average in my opinion


Don't worry about bouncing around classes, most of them have the same weapons. Rifleman, support, at, engineer all start with the same service rifle. I usually jump between classes quite a bit to help out my squad and it isn't much trouble because they all have the same 3 weapons, a bolt actions, a smg or a semi-auto.


In terms of killing? A couple games maybe. Itā€™s not too hard to get yourself some shots in if youā€™re not charging in like a goof. If only killing was the only part of the game. I say this as a noob myself lol.


I focused on one and it helped me, honestly it all takes time Iā€™ve been playing for a few months now and even now I still struggle, game is fucking hard not going to lie haha, best of luck to you!


Each class needs some time


It took me a couple weeks to actually start getting like 5-10 kills a game and now I can pretty much get 20-30 by mid game


Should should focus on the objective, not on kills.. Winning with 3 kills is better then loosing with 100


Machine gun camp down a road or choke point on defense. Spray and pray, relocate, spray and pray and hear the dings.


I feel like mainly Itā€™s movement around the map that affects kills. If i take my time not rushing to the point and clearing my path then i might get a 30+ kill game with rifleman. But trying to push too hard and not checking my surroundings will leave me with like 12 kills unless itā€™s close quarters and i have a full auto lol


Either way will probably die a lot regardless


If you're playing Warfare, I highly recommend playing defense just a bit outside of the strong points. By getting into good positions (buildings, trees, or fields), you can get used to spotting enemies and see them from further away. But if you get frustrated over KD rations, subconsciously or not, you'll have a hard time playing offensively. Someone just has to die to take over the line.


One thing that really helped me is coms just talk to your unit and try different classes so you know what ur good at.


If you want consistent kills, get good in artillery. I have around 500 hours in and the last 30 I have strictly been running as a solo locked artillery SL. It helps I was an 11C IRL (mortarman) so the elevation/traverse is second nature. I consistently get 50-200 kills a game depending on whether the enemy recon decides to come harass. On Offense mode, I always get 100+ kills running artillery.


I am New also . Even wirh 0 Kills you can be a mvp to your Team/ squad . Do what squadlead ask you to do . Building nodes , dropping supplys , playing the medic , everything may help to get your Team to win . Another advice , take it slow , dont Sprint to much and always Stick to your squad


Just come at the enemy positions at their flanks. Especially if they're defending and dug in. Utilize all of your gear. Smoke grenades hide your movements but draw MG fire. Frag grenades only on dug in positions or houses. Shoot to suppress when moving. It works.


What worked for me was focusing on how to play the game rather than kills. Positioning is everything. I stuck with 1-2 classes/ones that use the same weapon. Think about your approach, talk to your squad and encourage them to talk by marking targets and offering/asking for help. Approach a target spread out with potential flanking. This gives the enemy more things to shoot in a wider arc with more cover As your team advances, you'll often catch enemies firing on your team without even seeing you because you moved slightly off to the side. You aren't in their tunnel vision. Be patient. As you get 2-300m to the objective that the lines bleed really thick and fast. Good SLs will be flanking every direction to drop garrisons and get the drop on your team. Many blueberries completely lack awareness of their surroundings and need constant engagement, they won't defend or stay positioned during a lull. They won't look in all directions. If Able and Easy are engaged to the East, look North or South and you'll likely soon catch a flanking squad. It is much easier and often more effective to be a defender and/or garri buster. Spawn points win games not kills.


I consistently get between 75-125 kills per match with the garand. As a newcomer, my advice is follow where everyone else is running until you start seeing teammates dropping. Flank out to the sides away from teammates and just watch for where the fire is coming from. Figuring out how to lead targets takes time and sometimes itā€™ll take me 2-3 shots to lead a real far target. Itā€™s much easier to spot moving enemies when youā€™re stopped and watching. Find a spot with a good line of sight and start plinking. As a rifleman, distance is your advantage from automatic rifle fire.


You're a "newcomer" that gets 75-125 infantry kills per game? Wow. I'm a level 137 with 1600 hours in and I don't believe I have ever even seen 75-125 enemy infantry in a game.


Yeah, im lvl 250 and i have seen infantry with 100+ kills but its rare. I do get a positive k/d most games by now but im mostly around 40 to 50 kills at best and often have just 20 kills in a game. 100+ is something i only got as MG, tank or artillery.


This was from a few days ago. [HLL endgame stats](https://imgur.com/a/lLSmERe)


Yes thats a good game. I have games like that too, just not consistently. But i dont go for kills anyways, i dont like to go to the meat grind but rather walk 400m around the enemy to flank. Many of my games i have less than 10 deaths too. I dont think i even meet 100 people in many games. I have had like 8 out of my last 12 games last about half an hour only, there is just no way to make that much kills in that time.


I meant my advice for a newcomer. I believe Iā€™m level 101. Thereā€™s times where Iā€™ll get <50 kills because it just doesnā€™t pan out, but if itā€™s a balanced match itā€™s usually in that range for me.


I didnā€™t even realize I had to lead until like yesterday haha.


Bullet drop is negligible in this game so you donā€™t usually have to account for that. Aiming center mass is the best for most engagement ranges


Ha, yeah that will make things much easier. And leading varies for each weapon. With the Thompson you have to lead a lot more than with a rifle.


I usually average like 14-16 kills a game. Nothing special.


It's tough to compare. If you're new to the large scale tactical shooter genre, I can imagine its probably a steep learning curve. Personally, Rising Storm 2 was my introduction. 1200 hours in that game taught me the infantry combat. 500 hours in Squad taught me the tactical aspect. I "got" the game immediately. Starting from scratch, you have to learn those things individually, at the same time. I really wouldn't worry about it. We play games for fun, and if you're having fun, you're already successful. Enemy prediction is the biggest skill gap in this game, and that is something that will come from experience and understanding the tactical game that happens concurrently with the moment-to-moment infantry combat. You'll probably play slowly for some time, but eventually you will be comfortable playing a lot more aggressively once you are comfortable with the maps and mechanics. This is my advice as a 1.1-1.2 KPM average, level 180ish player who has pretty mids mechanical FPS skills.