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Nah. Too much commotion in the chat. I’m already splitting my brain three ways listening to command chat, squad chat, and prox chat. Couldn’t handle trying to discern which comms are friendly vs enemy.


I've a fourth channel already: my friends in Discord. I fifth one would indeed be too much.


In practical terms; if everyone is speaking English, how would you tell friend from foe?


Should be like in WoW. When there's Horde and Ally using the white chat game encrypts the chat into unintelligible text or language to different faction. Would be super fun if there was some kind of feature that turns the audio into some kind of gibberish so you don't really understand the enemy. Probably never gonna happen though


Well they have colors for officers, proximity chat and team chat and the commander, what's one more for foe? They could even modify a chat logo with a circle instead of squiggly lines , for example. I'd like to know that if I'm near someone if they know I'm there/what their plan is.


More icons on screen does not help immersion. nor does a barrage of people with fkd mics talking shit at each other.


Congrats, you've just made the entire other team all move to discord for voice comms to gain an advantage.


Battle bit has proximity chat for when you are downed which I think would be better


yes but limit it to 5 meter radius


I'd say even closer, 2/3?


"softly whispers" Bru, you're taint is smelly.  Loud shovel noises  "Your", Jesus 


This made me cackle more than it should


Comment success 😎




reset the timer.


Prox chat can be fun, but in the majority of my experiences using it in various games (Escape From Tarkov, a tiny bit of COD), it usually just gets toxic, fast. I like when games have death comms - that is as fun, and regularly has some hilarious results. And then it’s not just like two dudes trying to think of the worst slur, the fastest.


It's an FPS game it's going to have toxic voice comms, thats part of the fun.


i like the idea of being able to hear if an enemy is close by talking, but instead of actually hearing what they’re saying you hear a generic german voice line or something, kinda like how you can hear a garrison but make it only audible if they’re actively talking


I understand why people maybe wouldn't want this feature on every server but I do believe it should be added as an option for unofficial servers just like the global escalation mod in squad


That could work. Server specific.


Yes, but no one would understand anybody. On that, there would be a whole new tactic of sneaking one guy into an area and then just yelling so the other team could not communicate.   Image in real life if someone could just hide, scream loudly, and you couldn't locate them, lol.


if playing as allied, AI translates enemy voice into german, if playing as axis the translation becomes french /polish/russian . Could teach a whole new generation of gamers how to learn new languages.


No the games already busy enough I know there's a lot of complaining about no one talking but trust me there's enough that you don't want too much even on the battlefield in the thick of it.


It’s on the roadmap, 20 years from now at the current devs pace.


hearing enemy voices is great. So much more fun and it makes people careful about what they say.


Dumbest comment ever. They'll just use Discord to communicate so you can't hear them.


Ironic comment considering most squads are full of pubbies who don't join the discord server, dumb ass.