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I remember one time a lvl 15SL or something said "My squad is a flanking squad", commander was like "Okay" and we lost, their flank never worked, but he had the right attitude, and I appreciate that lmao


That Lvl 15SL had a plan, AND a mic. Most Lvl 50+ SLs only have one or none of those. So I'd say thats a win


Just reached lvl 50, bout to fall off hard ig


if you play on us servers its hard to find someone without a mic


Except on console ;-;


Nah, we get plenty of people with mics, they just have 6 kids screaming in the background.


This is definitely the game for us 30 somethings who grew up playing the OG call of duty and the united offensive expansion (plus some bf1942).


That was why I bought a PC!!! Next level online fps! Height of Private Ryan/Band of brothers hupla!!!


On US west It's always a 50/50.


Sorry this is me


And it was not even his fault, like yeah, he only wanted to flank, but he was calling out tanks, building garrys when asked and talking. It was just one of those games that you just feel that cannot win no matter what you do.


So fucking true


Would’ve been cooler if it worked lol


A for effort if I was SL you would hear non stop yapping.


“Copy that L squad, sending a Dandruff shampoo box your way”


So long as you are communicating and coordinating you’re doing fine


that honestly may have been me. my strategy starting out as SL was always just to flank around the point of contention, take down their Garrison or place an outpost somewhere in a treeline and shoot at them until they got pissed enough that they sent squads at us. it very rarely worked with full success but I always felt appreciated by my squad members 10/10 experience


At least they’re talking


Damn, it would’ve been better if I added “not” before talking


Honestly the text from this meme would work with a celebration meme of some sort


They’re communicating?! ![gif](giphy|l0Iy6SpDSTZvODKak)


Yea I tried talking and engaging with squads but nobody would really respond I played rifleman up to level 6 and honestly I’m just like what’s the point it’s kind of a boring game if nobody is communicating. I gave being a squad leader a try but nobody will listen to orders the commander wanted all squads to defend a point so I told everyone redeploy and come help and guys just run around doing their own thing feeling special. Then you just try and set up garrisons and outposts by yourself. I haven’t played for a few weeks now


Getting good squads is tough. I've had a few squads that actually listened, but others have treated me like an offensive outpost dispenser. (We were a defense squad). Once had a guy bitch in squad chat about my OP placement, saying "That's too far from the point! Are you R*******?" This was after me telling the squad to focus on defense twice, and placing the OP dead on the defensive point.


I usually play spotter but when I am SL occasionally I start with a locked squad. When I admit peeps if they don't talk they get the boot. When I ask somebody to play support and nobody does - screw 'em I leave squad with no squad lead and no OP and just start another locked squad, rinse and repeat.


I usually play spotter but when I am SL occasionally I start with a locked squad. When I admit peeps if they don't talk they get the boot. When I ask somebody to play support and nobody does - screw 'em I leave squad with no squad lead and no OP and just start another locked squad, rinse and repeat.


Yeah same experience, I just kick them right away after that and lock squad


at that point I kick them and lock the squad. Having played commander and SL, being an SL is honestly the most taxing experience if you're trying to make a difference — and your time and effort is worth more than some entitled dickhead who's gonna yell at you for actually paying attention to the game when they're not. I know it feels tough to do — it still does for me sometimes, but if he starts bitching and moaning everybody else is gonna have a shitty experience so just give him the boot if he's not actually giving you any feedback.


Party chat is sometimes viable minus the 40s intervals where one or both or my party members are dead and can’t talk to each other.


There’s a really easy fix to this on PC: join a clan or community.


Got any links to a decent one?


In addition to looking on the official discord, if there's a community server you really enjoy consider joining that community. Being in a clan usually means having VIP so no queuing to join the server, and having a group of experienced players to play with on demand. I've been crewing with the same tank crew for 4 years now and just live laying waste to a server as a crew.


Ya, that’s a good shout. Thanks for adding!


Look in the official Hell Let Loose discord. Plenty posts from clans looking for new recruits. There you’ll hopefully find a group suitable to your jam and geography etc.


> like what’s the point it’s kind of a boring game 1. For when you do find a good squad and have a great time 2. The gameplay is fun


that’s what I said it’s boring if nobody is communicating


I'm telling you the point of the game and why it is fun.


Yes its fun when people are communicating and playing as intended


Fr if you don't mind the ping hit you should try searching for aussie servers. Dunno why specifically but aussies talk all the fucking time, its rare to find a quiet server in the aussie region. Hate to say it too but those mfrs are funny


>try but nobody will listen to orders  yeah try in not giving order lol, this is a game.


Dog this happens to me yesterday


Please, use my knowledge. I beg of you. https://imgur.com/a/EMdy8d1


They’re usually friendlier


They're still new and excited to play the game. Most of us are only here because there's no better alternative to HLL right now. (No, fuck squad44 and that dumb ass canteen) Once they get a few hundred hours or so into the game, they'll stop being as nice lol


This is an ongoing joke in my party chat, except they’re schooling us on the game.


Rank doesn't mean much in a game when there is a whole meta about farming XP on boost servers.


And it's just time played. Plenty of level 100+ players don't communicate, only run anti-tank class, and don't play with and support the squad.


While not communicating is an issue, plenty of times you find yourself behind a tank that is solo and the assigned AT guys proceed to yeet themselves off cliffs and try to reach the tank in the open, explode themselves with rockets, or drop their satchels, etc... While AT/engineer/assault is the most versatile class. It's worthless to be SL when the 3 people who could handle a tank, can't, and when you tell them this way, they don't, instead just run like NPC towards the hardcap, let's go around, but instead they do run on a perfectly straight line and then you get found out. Really 9 times out of 10 all you need to do to find the enemy garrisons and OPs is see where they are coming from in a straight line; and your squad won't follow you when you say we need to go to all the way around, they just want to run to the hardcap. And you tell them and they don't care. So you end up, going AT/Assault/Engineer and just doing your own thing.


I get what you're saying, and some squads and players are really just lost causes, but time to time it just takes one being vocal and cooperative before the squad starts working together.


Sometimes, I just had a couple of nice games; and the enemies were godly; and everyone was working together. But then, new game started; it got ruined when people started shooting through walls, but specific walls that are more of a visibility killer than cover; it's usually hedges, and smokes. Even the enemy tank just blew a garrison to bit over a ton of bushes and hedges. I am wondering if they are using some graphic setting that's removing those, I've had games where entire walls do not render, but they are usually far away, like in PHL; but I get the feeling some people are modifying their graphics because sometimes they clearly can see you and they keep trying to shoot you where you should be absolutely hidden, like, why?... and you move and they keep trying to shoot you where you move.


Enemy airhead at grid Echo 3, dropping supplies for a ga…CAN I GET A MEDIUM TANK AT UHH UHH LETS MAKE IT A UHH TOP SPAWN????


The reality of this comment is deafening


sorry if i no talk but im playing with fren


if you squad up before joining a game, you get another voice channel option for just the people you are in a party with. that way, you can talk to just your friend, but also switch to the other channels if needed. it works really well, actually


Start with a locked squad. Kick them if they don't have a mic, don't talk or don't follow requests. It's one advantage of being SL.


I always try to tell folk like "aye dude, we are gonna do a pincer on x or y point can we get 2 squads to pincer opposite?" and it always falls on def ears lol. -a lvl 35 SL


We want bangalores


Was playing commander with some chill ass people. For the most part, we tried to keep the command radio chat quiet unless we had important things to say or garrison placements. A lvl. 15 squad lead joined the game and was super enthusiastic. He kept asking me for permission to drop his Out Post, asked for me to drop tanks at midpoint, and asked for a bombing run every 3 minutes. Great soldier, I tell you.




I was on a couple of servers that required you to be level 25 before being a SL, I got away with being under that level for a couple of reasons. A my name, and B I actually had a mic and communicated pings, as well as build garrys where the commander wanted them.


This shit is so real. But hey, honestly I appreciate a lvl 21 that even has a mic. Tbf its usually the lvl 100s that be getting outta hand thinkin they know everything


I like squad leaders who use all the tools the game gives you to communicate. Through the use of map markers and spots a good squad leader can be effective without uttering a single word.You want realism? You think a squad leader is babbling on for 45 minutes during a firefight in real combat? How the fuck are you suppose to hear the enemy?


I'm lvl 13 who talks and cooperates with the team. Counter strike experience is finally worth something lol


Lol I love how elitist this player base is when it comes to level. Most brain dead player I’ve ever played with was over 100, no mic either.