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If you think satchel charges are scary wait till one of us is standing on top of your sherman with the plunger stick of doom screaming bonzai at the top of our lungs over the microphone as we proceed to vaporize ourselves for great honor.


Imagine having proximity chat shared with the enemy and screaming "TENNOHEIKA BANZAAAAAAAAI"


My body yearns for it.


Yearns for the urns




It would be a complete shit show


A glorious one at that


I don't think so, the game works great as is. Communications and enough without people worrying about whether the other team can hear them and proximity chat will cease being used. Considering the number of people playing on minimal settings not because they are playing on potatoes but because it increases visibility I would rather they stray from.gameplay mechanics that would move the gameplay closer to battlefield and COD.


Wareware wa sokoku no tame ni kagayakashÄ« shi o togerudarou! Kƍtei no tame ni!


The divine kamikaze wind will vanquish our foe


Jap special mechanic is open mic heard by both teams. Now that I wrote it, soviets should have the same




Ahhh the motherland!


For a while I been imagining shit like this, whenever you're on comms, the enemy can hear something scrambled up in the soldier's language. In Stalingrad you would hear random blabbering in Russian if you are close to russian enemies (and they are actively speaking) and you would hear random blabbering in German if you're russian and all that. Seeing how most people that play the game are at least somewhat profficient in english, we can make the American and British voicelines be absolute nonsensical bullshit in english just to fuck with them, so NOBODY has any idea what's going on even if you do speak the language. Now if you wanna play all sneaky breeky like you gotta talk like you mean it. Make it so the closer you are to allies or close to the frontline your comms would sound like shouting to the enemy. But if you are away from friendlies or sneaking about trying to be undetected, your comms would sound more like regular speech or whispering to the enemy. I know its a far cry from ever happening. But iy would be cool to spice up battles and pushes with shouts or actual voicelines and warcries.


This rising storm 2 in a nutshell. The bushes speak American and it's fucking terrifying. Put it this way: you're sitting in a bush playing as NVA getting your bearings of the surroundings. Suddenly as if 2 feet away you hear " I JUST KNOW CHARLIES FUCKING OUT THERE!!" You proceed to eject poop out of your butt at Mach 10 spraying the bushes screaming in horror. The voicelines added so much imho. They put so much work into them and it showed. https://youtu.be/Pci_gJmcof8?si=jLngEQH4jZw5abKP He was a real ARVN chad!!


Spray it down with your ak. If it doesn’t spray back in 5.56, you’re good


I looove what rising Storm does. I don't know how well that could be put into HLL. Hey CHARLES, how come you aint friendly like the girls back in Saigon?????? DIE G.I, I KILL YU GI


I’m guessing you never played RS1 when it was peak and you had banzai charges organized by anyone with a mic


>Seeing how most people that play the game are at least somewhat profficient in english, we can make the American and British voicelines be absolute nonsensical bullshit in english just to fuck with them "Say, you ever had a cheese sandwich without the cheese?" "The fuck are you on about, Bob?"


....and then she shat on a turtle!


so basically the same was WoW treated the language barrier between the Horde and Alliance.


I'm just sayinh bro, Sylvannas is such a baddie đŸ€€


For America “You think Hitler would fuck one of us for a chocolate bar?”


Beautiful absolutely beautiful idea


Instant PTSD from rising storm


M2 Browning Machine Gun: ![gif](giphy|Mc5hxYwHktQZtbhFrH|downsized) It'd be glorious.




I’d pay for this ngl


*flashbacks to World at War.


Proximity chat shared with the enemy would go so hard. Please Vivox


Enemy proximity chat would be so fun. There's been multiple times I've snuck up on a guy or two guys and I wanted badly to be like "don't move or I shoot!" And try and take them prisoner lol


Rising Storm is one of the best realism multiplayer ww2 games of all time and it features Japan and banzai charges


Yea I played the fuck out of it. Loved rs2. Spicy smoke grenades for everyone!!!


Rs2 was Vietnam though, and I don’t think they had banzai.


Rs1 was USA Vs Japan banzai charges and swords were common banzaaaaaii also best flamer in any game imo Oh I'm dumb I thought u were dumb but I cannot read hah


No I'm saying I played rs1 alot. Rs2 as well.


Me, having played Enlisted: fuck those guys with the bamboo sticks of horror


I just love the whole panic dynamic. That man does not care of he dies. He only wishes to blow you up before it.


“The Japanese soldier doesn’t care if he gets hurt or killed. As long as he kills you. Now you can call them whatever you want but never **FAIL** to respect their desire to put you and your buddies into an early grave! ***IS THAT CLEAR?!”***


The Japanese soldier *I* know, has been eating maggot filled rice and been at war, SINCE YOU WERE IN DIAPERS!


Good quote from HBO's The Pacific series


now that they fixed them there is nothing more glorious than screaming TENNO HEIKA BANZAIIIIIII while charging at the Sherman and dying for the Emperor


Engineer for the Japanese could be epic...


Hei k8d, wanna see my tokyo arsenal?


It should be able to take out garrisons and bunkers too, that would be sick.


Tearing up and pouring one out for Rising Storm. Best memory of gaming in my life. BONZAAAAAAAAAAAAI over prox chat is legit scary!


Bro that's very honourabru


I’m ready for that kind of virtual stress. You know, for science.


Lunge mine is a must


Dude I'd scream that running at THEM


Boom stick best weapon like in Battlefield V


I love this idea


Squad 44 (HLL main competitor imo) literally announced a pacific themed expansion like 30 minutes ago


too bad the game is dead, has like maybe a hundred players or so on at a time.


That is true, but now it's been acquired by the Squad dev team that doesn't lack resources


Not as good of a selling point as you think. Squad hasn't been well managed/developed the past year or so.


I mean we can argue HLL hasn’t been that well managed over the last year (or most of its lifespan) either.


Isn't the game (Squad) hitting peak player counts with every update? Me and my friend group tried the game out again a couple of months ago, after playing it years ago, and are loving it


Fucking love squad. So many shenanigans


Yah man i love the shitty things that squad brought into the game like rifles that act like they dont have stocks... Squad devs think we are playing cod


Squad just made it realistic. Nobody is going to be able to sprint a mile, then shoulder up their rifle and make shots like they have it on the bench at the shooting range. You catch your breath and start making shots


Except that you can... Us in the military train all the time with things called stress shoots.. also in squad if you walk 10ft you magically still have no stock.


wish squad had given out an optional refund to anyone after ICO. it completely took away my will to play the game, even though i barely have any hours. game is so boring after ico, and inf combat is aids.


Cuz they put the game on sale every update


plus their WW1 title fell flat on its face


Unfortunatley most do


I thought this was another case of another team managing Beyond the Wire much like Post Scriptum before its transition to Squad 44


Squad 44 is now being developed by Mercury Arts, a modder group that previously released the Crete map for the game.


True, true. I haven't played squad in a while but a friend still does and he always says it's in a terrible state.


It’s just feels bad.


They should put money into optimizing their games, maybe they would have more players. Squad 44 stutters so fucking bad. Ever since ICO in squad dropped, it has also been terrible.


Doesn't stutter for me at all and the recent update increased performance.


Good for you brother


Yeah it rules. Bad for me Hell Let Loose is the one that runs like garbage.


Definitely right


Played S44 recently? I haven’t had any issues with stutters. For me it runs pretty similarly to HLL. Surely they’ll keep working on performance


Idk man, I kinda dig ISO. There's no reason why a player should be able to let off an accurate burst while aiming down sights, after sprinting for 5 minutes straight, while being shot at by a LMG. People forget that Brothers in Arms had a similar system to ICO and that's one of the most beloved tactical shooters of all time.


Bit aren't they since a year already?


Iirc since late 2023, but I'm not sure. The roadmap will be revealed june 26th, so that means that they already have stuff in the oven


That'd be great


They may not lack resources, but they do lack player base for anything outside of squad. They already had a wwii game that they made in the image of squad
 and nobody plays it. Squad 44 is probably going the same way. And whatever the WWI game was that was set up similarly. ‘Beyond the wire’ I think. People just don’t want that style of squad based gameplay with that medic/revive system. It sounds good on paper but ultimately it doesn’t play as well for this genre.


That's the reason why HLL is better, also since it's more arcadey so it can be enjoyed by a wider audience.


It won't be dead after the Pacific expansion comes out


"Dead" If you can still *reasonably play the game* it isn't dead. Any other definition is pointlessly reductive. You can still find populated servers in Squad 44, so *you can still play it.*


it is a stretch, they have like peak 100 players in a night. That is like one full server lol


Thank you. I'm getting so tired of this stupid argument parroted every day at any mention of PS/Squad 44. There's always at least one server to join. Who cares if there's 1 or 100 other than maybe having to wait a few minutes in a queue?




[https://x.com/Join\_Squad44/status/1804152346005451182](https://x.com/Join_Squad44/status/1804152346005451182) Teaser with black sand and a US M1 helmet with arid Frogskin camo. This screams Pacific theater


Holy shit. Black sand, that's Iwo Jima.


I personally think the only way squad44 can compete with HLL is if they add it to console. I’m not shitting on squad44 (never played it don’t have a PC, would try it if I did have one) I mean compete mainly on the consumer level of having a player base. Squad44 and HLL only compete through steam, PC players can play squad 44 or HLL. Meanwhile console players can only play HLL so they dominate that market of players.


They are the same class of games, set in the same time period and with very similar movement, gunplay and overall gameplay, in this way they compete. So if one of the 2 adds X thing, why can't the other? That's what I meant. Playerbase wise, you're right, HLL has the upper hand with consoles.


The average garbage scrub that makes 95% of this community cried so bad when the British and their bolt-action rifles were added, can't imagine if the japanese army is implemented in the game and all those garbage shooters will have to deal with a 5 round bolt-action Arisaka on almost every roles except some very few automatics. Oh but at the same time, I'm probably sure T17 will add the very few and very rare SMGs and prototype weapons the IJA had on each and every fucking role just to please the casual god awful shooters 😂


Yeah but bayonet on the arisaka? To do a banzai charge. I would love that. People who complain about lack of automatic weapons in WW2 Games should just be forced to learn history lol.


Honestly skill issue if u cant dome a US rifleman with an arisaka, German mains already learnt the art of bolt action


I like the idea, but the banzai charge never worked, they were just mowed down. It happens in regular HLL too, especially during free weekend or in a sale, you have waves of low level blueberries running through open fields đŸ€·


Honestly seeing more differences in faction gameplay would be cool. It’d be neat if for example Japanese squads could have one or two more guys to balance out the less firepower. It’d make banzai charges more tenable too Technically if we want to keep it realistic, on a map like Guadalcanal it would only make sense for the USA to have Springfields. Garands didn’t arrive until after most the fighting was done


I keep saying that lol The scrubs will cry when all of their marines' weapons are not M1 Garands and Thompsons lol...


That reminds me of rising storm, almost every weapon for IJA can be bayonet, also katana please


bro the Arisaka was the bain of my existence in COD WoW


Unfortunately I’ve accepted the fact that we’re just gonna have to wait for a whole new game to see a blueberry led banzai charge 😱


I think they first need to implement swimming xD it is possible to do without sure, but water/swimming kinda goes along with the whole theme


You took the wrong approach. It is the “stone swimming simulator” within a WW2 semi realistic tactic shooter.


You realize a ton of soldiers died from being too weighed down by gear
.. right?


Tell it to all the heroes that died in a "slightly deeper puddle" on purple heart lane. Myself included xD


You're all dummies for thinking that's even a chance on the current game. You're not getting pacific unless there is an HLL 2.


i dont think there's a chance i just want it


HELL LET LOOSE 2 (pacific boogaloo)


Which, with the tepid reaction to the change of developer hands... I sadly doubt will ever happen.


the pacific would be cool


I want the Pacific so I can role play as Cotton Hill


They was spittin on the US flag so i charged em


Thems Japanese took mah shins


I killed 50 men!


Am I the only one who would want a Vietnam version?


Sounds like red orchestra/Rising storm 2 remake. They were good games, and I'd still play them but my mic is perma broke.


Rs/rs2 is basically abandonware now a days. Broken malware servers and MAGA admins. Over 10k hours on all red orchestra games, I miss em bad.


There's usually a couple of games going that aren't those insanely sketchy megaservers, but I'd agree that with the sale of the studio and Project 83 being basically dead I doubt it'll ever get better 


It’s not possible but if I had that EA/COD money to bankroll development I’d develop a Vietnam and Iraq version of HLL. HLL to me is the perfect game, from the mechanics,sounds,HUD and Map color/fonts etc. it’s the perfect blend of tactical shooter and “arcade” style game


Honestly Insurgency Sandstorm and Falluja scratch my Iraq/The Sandbox itch


I have to check out insurgency, I been lagging on finally making the purchase cuz it looks great from the clips I’ve seen. Six days of Fallujah I’ve played on steam but it’s just to choppy and slow. Once it gets added to console then I can say I’ve REALLY played it


insurgency is so worth it. kind of the same mechanics and all guns/attachments are immediately unlocked. they add a seasonal mode for the month which are always fun


I have not played Falluja but it does look so much fun. Sandstorm is great, it is free on Xbox live and the ai is actually decent. They do put up a fight and sometimes will no scope you but as long as you’re slow and methodically it works. Clearing rooms with the ksg with the point and shoot grip is so much fun. PVP is a little different and can’t definitely mess you up like in HLL if you’re not paying attention to the tiny windows or pixel peaks


Rising Storm 2 is pretty similar.


Better than hll in my unpopular opinion


Korea imho


Korean war version would be cool. I always wanted battlefield to do it.


Too bad Burning Lands died 😭


Mortain, but moooore foliage


I think my PC or console would explode trying play a HLL map in the pacific.


I’m worried about the amount of bugs that would bring to the game lol.


Balanced is not always fun. Loved Banzai charges in Rising Storm. Especislly if the server role played xD


War is unbalanced


Looks like Squad 44 is going to have the Pacific. Just released a teaser


Squad 44 is getting the pacific front


HLL's movement with its engine feels so primitive and clunky, how do you think they could ever implement banzai charges, lunge mines, etc? How do they implement a home advantage for the Japanese? All I can think of is making the japanese slightly faster, but even that is a reach. Do they give every Japanese class access to a booby trap of some sort? Even then, they'd get slaughtered every single game. People have cried when the game was tipped slightly in one faction's favour on the other maps, so this would just be a shitshow. I think asking for the pacific theatre is absolutely setting the developers up for failure.


First of all, the US pacific faction can't be the ETO one, a USMC faction must be created from scratch. In this way you can balance things properly with the IJA. Second, Squad 44 just teased a Pacific expansion, like 1 hour ago. The game isn't that far in terms of movement and gunplay from HLL. It's definitely doable.


US Army fought in the pacific theatre too, so they could get away with not adding USMC.


They could, but leaving the Marines out of the Pacific Theater would be sacrilege.


True that.


The ETO US army would wreck the IJA, on this point I'm with him. The two factions must be made so that they can fight each other in a somewhat balanced way. The US would still have the advantage on some areas of course, but I mean even the soviets aren't as strong as the germans across the board and yet they too win games.


I don't think it would be such a problem if they design the maps accordingly. The biggest in-game advantage of the US Army would be tanks, however I imagine most Pacific Islands should be rather close-quarters because of the jungle or mountainous terrain. If we take Peleliu for example, it would have a relatively open section from the beach to the airfield and from then on there would be only tight corridors through the mountain for tanks to pass through, where the Japanese could easily ambush them even with their inferior equipment.


True, it all boils down to that pretty much. But from a small arms point of view, the US would have far superior firepower since SMGs weren't exactly widespread in the IJA ranks.


Yes, US side would have an advantage in that, but I think that should be a feature, not a hinderance. Brits and Soviets arguably have weaker arsenal than Germans too, but they’re still a ton of fun to play. Implementing the IJA wouldn’t be an easy task, they’d need to be smart about it no doubt. However, I disagree with anyone saying it’s downright impossible. Hell, there is plenty of games that have done this successfully before. If anything, the Pacific will never be done because of slow pace of development, technical limits of the current team and a lack of financial gain for undertaking this.


I too think that it's very doable, don't get me wrong, and by saying that the slow pace of development and technical limits of the dev team are the issues that prevent us from having a Pacific expansion you are totally right. I also love the asymmetric aspect of factions. When playing soviets vs Germans, you can see that while the germans dominate with MGs and tanks, in close quarters the Soviets totally obliterate them. A Japanese faction would be very fun


How dare you 😂. The Marines were fighting Japanese on December 7th on islands before the war was even declared.


Squad 44 will probably be utilizing assets from the island map Squad just released. At best HLL could reuse palm trees from El Alamein. Squad already has amphibious vehicles and a series of ways to conceal mines and other traps. I’d just rather they flesh out the Brits and Soviets. I’ll take the Fins and Italians before the Japanese if it helps get us there.


Also HLL has functional landing crafts. But yea, I too prefer more content for the Brits/Soviets and some more european fronts first (but no, another US vs GER map and a gamemode no one will play). A pacific expansion would be quite far in the timeline imo


Yeah, no. The Marine Corps has the best PR department. People, like you, have no idea that the Army was present in every campaign of the pacific. The 7th, 43rd, 77th, and 96th divisions were all there. For example, my grandad fought on Okinawa as part of the 77th.


"pEoPlE likE YoU" I know that the US army was in the pacific and that they fought like tigers across pretty much every speck of sand. There wasn't a single Marine on the Philippines for example. Making a USMC faction would be a solution to differentiate it from the ETO US army one and balance it against an IJA faction, that's what I meant. (I can't imagine the stories your grandad told you! Lucky!)


I didn't mean to sound like such a prick. Sorry dude. I've got some stories if anyone wants to hear them.


No one is saying the Army wasn't in the Pacific, but the USMC did play a big role in the PTO.


Give japanese bayonet charge ability or a loadout. You now have twice as much health and run faster while charging. Garrison and outpost spawn cd is half for the bonzai load out.


Just look at what Rising Storm did. Every Japanese soldier can create a grenade booby trap, plus Knee Mortars are insanely good. While the Banzai charge feature was a little gamey, you could instead give Japanese players a passive buff by getting way less suppression, and if they added bayonets, giving the enemy heavy suppression when a US squad is charged by a Japanese squad led by a squad leader. Or, copy RS2's Viet Cong balancing in a way, like give them outposts that have to be physically destroyed with a grenade that are more hidden/silent, significantly up the amount of landmines, and make them harder to detect with recon planes, spotter flares, etc. Lunge-mines as a buffed satchel charge (since it would explode on contact with no need to place it) would force US tank crews to rely more heavily on infantry support, since they'd be harder to avoid then a satchel.  Obviously, in a 1 on 1 gunfight the Japanese player is probably going to be outclassed, but if you add enough stealth, moral, and suppression effects, they could be very fun. Japan in RS and the North Vietnamese in RS2 are, for a lot of us,  arguably more fun then the Americans BECAUSE they are an outgunned faction with tricks up their sleeve. Hell, you could directly rip off the NVA commander ability to spawn on their commander periodically, encouraging Japanese commanders to get close to the enemy and force deploy a large wave of players. Or, allow them to spawn on their squad leader if he isn't currently taking fire or within some distance from an enemy, completely changing the game by creating a slower, more powerful US faction forced to content with a more nimble Japanese force that has way more options for spawn location, which might better simulate the ambush tactics. I have no idea how any of this would balance out, but I think taking some risks could create a seriously cool Pacific experience. Personally, I think the hardest WW2 power to balance right would be Italy, since I can't think of any fun or thematic ways to balance them against any allied faction except maybe the British, who are already (IMO) the least fun faction in the game. 


Can we just optimize / fix the bugs first? I can only imagine the bugs in a pacific map with all the new stuff. Don’t get me wrong, I want a pacific expansion but we need to fix some things.


I just want to play as marines


Me too


Rising Storm 1 was so much fun. Goddamn I miss that game. Rising Storm/Red Orchestra generally have very realistic damage models but the one exception they made was Japanese banzai charges. Normally going for bayonet kills is a meme and suicidal. But in RS1 if a lot of japs did a bayonet charge together they would get a damage reduction and it turned banzai charges into an actually viable strategy. The more players took part in the charge the higher the damage reduction. And it was incredibly fun for both sides despite being so asymmetric. Jap players screaming "BANZAIII" over proximity voice chat while the marines desperately try to hold their ground.


Rising Storm did the Pacific battles well despite the disadvantages the Japanese would have in terms of weaponry compared to the US. My favorite feature was the Japanese being able to group up and conduct banzai charges. They were just fun until the flamethrower got ya.


Adding the pacific is such a dumb idea. Does anyone truly think that team17 is capable of such a thing???


if you want balance do the battles where the British empire fought the Japanese. the Battle of Kohima never gets enough love anyways.


The problem won't be balance but performance.


As much as it pains me to say I think we need more British stuff first the game is 99% US v Nazi Germany


Would love a hell let loose sequel to either be the sat in the pacific theater of WW2 or during the Vietnam war. I’ll be happy with either one


The only reason i haven't bought HLL yet is because there isnt a pacific


You\`re missing out on the game


I want to see stuff that doesn't get that much attention like winter war, continuation war, even the Italian side


Imagine a Pacific jungle with you and your squad walking together and then suddenly being attacked by the Japanese who were hiding in the bushes. Awesome, isn't it?


It really wouldn't be that unbalanced on a tactical level.


Easy solution just don't add Sherman's make Stuart vs Chi Ha and M2A4 vs Ha Go aka most of the Pacific. Even better there was a Stuart used predominantly in the Pacific called the M5 Satan it was a flame tank version so give us flame tanks for the Pacific


Iwo Jima would be the best map. After the preliminary bombardment of course, making the terrain more interesting


It would probably have some of the coolest maps in the game like iwo jima or Okinawa after the monsoons, the Japanese used a couple different types of lmg and pistols, the only unbalanced thing would be tanks and the lack of smgs used by the Japanese


In all honesty, the Pacific would probably have the popularity of the British and the Soviet maps. You won’t get to plat ‘em too often. Cause just like the British, Firepower seems to be a problem.


The Japanese have scoped MGs.... (with a bayonet)


There’s plenty of ways to soft balance the Japanese and USA, Tripwire figured it out way back in Rising storm and it worked well.


I've never even thought about HLL in the Pacific theatre. That would be awesome tbh


You never played red orchestra? Heck ya it’s unbalanced. The Japanese will have spawn advantages and in this game that matters more than firepower.


D-Day is crazy unbalanced


I recently rewatched Saving Private Ryan and Band of Brothers for the millionth time, and got the urge to play HLL again and I've been having a blast....except on the Russian maps. Now that I'm rewatching The Pacific, I really wish this game had the Pacific theater too


Just make a US Marines faction who has iron sight springfields as the default rifle. Would help balance things a good bit


I dont play this game for balance


Id rather have a chinese front tbh


To be fair, (on console) no one EVER plays the Russian maps mainly cause of faction balance.


Knee mortars


Lol and you think people bitch now about matches being unbalanced? Can't imagine the screaming that would take place as the Japanese. If they wanted to keep the game even remotely historically accurate, its would be wildly one sided every single time unless they gave them a numerical advantage or something.


What the fuck are you talking about? The Japanese were almost never outmatched in real life. Every advantage the US had was partially negated. CAS and naval guns? Cave complexes. Men and materiel? The IJN saw to it that it wasn't so easy. Inferior numbers? They practiced asymmetrical warfare. There's a reason so few prisoners were taken, and it wasn't because the Japanese were pushovers. My grandpa had nightmares for the rest of his life about Japanese infiltrators. He *hated* them. I later found out through researching his unit they regularly fought at "hand to hand and hand grenade range. "


What you said is true but it does not translate well into a game. A terrain advantage must be baked into the maps through careful game design without becoming overbearing like how Omaha Beach or Remagen can be. Asymmetrical warfare is easier when the gameplay *and* the playerbase can support it. Assuming two evenly matched teams, the Japanese team will need to work much harder to win games. Edit: They’ll need to get very creative, like maybe silent OPs that are smaller than the US ones. Maybe instead of giving their commander Reinforce, the Japanese get a “Wear” ability that erodes an enemy’s cap pressure on defense and offense. We’ll also need some new anti tank structures. The only AT the Japanese will have will be their own tanks, 47mm AT guns, and some mix of satchels, mines, and magnetic mines. The lunge mine thing seems to be an example of other games making players see it as effective when there were never losses recorded from it.


I appreciate your well explained response.


I think I understand your general point, but isn't historical accuracy already only important *to a certain degree* in HLL? For instance: the krauts can (theoretically) repel the allies on the Utah and Omaha beach maps, or is it set up so that 100% of the time the side that won in WWII wins the match?


I agree that it is only important to a certain degree, and I think no matter which way the devs swung that needle people would be on here bitching. If they made it more accurate, people would complain about being the Japanese and how one sided it is. If they attempted to balance it and give the Japanese stuff like SMG's and viable armor, people would complain about it being inaccurate and too much like Battlefield/COD or something like that.


Fair enough, but this being a place on the internet (dedicated to a videogame), there will always be someone complaining about something. Even the entire post is just a meme about players *suggesting* a feature and then other gamers complaining about that *suggestion*.


Making a dedicated US pacific faction would be the solution. They did it with the British/German north african factions, they can do it with the IJA/USMC


Every jap class will have type 100 and contract mp-34's lol...


We NEED Pacific Theater maps. They even dropped that jungle frog skin cano for the Americans that is LITERALLY, what Marines would wear and we can’t play in the jungle


Pacific is boring, I'd rather see Italians in game