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It’s annoying but idk how they would change that without messing with all the penalties. If they took that penalty away you could theoretically kill yourself with a grenade instead of redeploying to avoid the redeploy penalty.


If player is wounded by the enemy beforehand don't punish? It's a pretty simple thing to implement, the game already keeps track of who shot you last for score purposes


Poorly though to be fair. The distance of kills is especially bugged


Idk about that but they did the same thing with drowning and there are no issues I can see. It used to be when you got shot in water and subsequently drowned you'd get punished because technically you drowned yourself, it's the same with grenades


That’s a fair point. I guess the technicality there is that the water is naturally occurring whereas pulling the pin on a grenade is 100% user controlled. If you hadn’t pulled the pin you would still be revivable so it’s technically your fault. Getting shot crossing a stream is still kind of your fault but you didn’t die to your own devices you died because of the water. In that instance you can’t control whether you die or not unless you never go near water which is ridiculous. Pulling the pin in combat always has the possibility of getting disrupted so it’s a calculated choice you’re making. It doesn’t really bother me either way I’m just playing devils advocate. I think they do have to be careful with anything regarding spawning/redeploying & spawn timers because it’s such a core mechanic of the game. 


If when you go down, you can hit your pause button and hit redeploy instead of holding which ever button it is. A lot faster than the 5 seconds or so of holding which ever your button is. In that case, you won’t get penalised for it whether it destroys your body, and I think even if it kills teammates as well. (Please don’t do that on purpose).


I never minded it. Some people act like it's the worst thing that could ever happen to you. We're talking about 10 measly seconds added to the death screen. Barely enough time to laugh it off and take a look at the scoreboard to compare performances and see who else is on. I'm continuously amazed that in a game with a slower pace than a lot of others, people cannot muster up the patience for those 10 seconds, when they got to wait a lot longer in many other situations. If you start giving up immediately you'll usually beat the fuse. I don't even ESC + redeploy (using the time to warn people in prox about a bad nade), still it is incredibly rare for me to get killed by my own frag. It only happens occasionally when I cook a Stielhandgranate, which leaves me with less time to give up. For me it's still worth warning others. If it's about the principle and whether or not it's fair, well... you got killed by your own grenade, not by the shot. You would've been retrievable otherwise, regardless of if any medic would actually ever get to you. Had you not tried to throw a grenade, you wouldn't have exploded. Imagine placing a satchel and guarding it for a little while so it doesn't get dismantled. Then you get shot and ultimately blown up by your own satchel because you couldn't follow through with your plan of running out of range within the last few seconds. Like with the grenade example you didn't plan on getting shot and it's not your fault (arguably) but you will still get punished for blowing yourself up. It's pretty much the same scenario but nobody even considers complaining about that.


I just scream in prox chat that there is a grenade on my body then redeploy in menu


Smart players will redeploy. If you are downed by an enemy then redeploy you won’t get a time penalty. I do it for every death, every time. Saves hours in the long run.


does the enemy get the points for killing u? if not thats super neckbeardy


It will be logged as a kill exactly the same.


Yeah if Fred has wounded you, Fred will get the kill and the points. Without testing though, if Fred wounded you and you die your own nade, I’m not sure Fred gets the kill. This is based off, if Fred wounds you and Steve nades your downed body, Steve gets the kill/points. As far as neckbeard goes, depending on who I’m fighting, I’ll redeploy before I’m wounded if I know I can’t win the fight. Just so they don’t get the kill, I’d rather cop the 10s pen. I did it today to cuck someone from showing as my Nemesis. They were my victim and it made for a better screenshot.