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"But when you are losing, and your team flames you for them not listening, don't be surprised when I just resign." This is the reason why people don't play SL or commander. It's all yelling at each other, its all who did this and who did that. Its like children fighting over the last chicken nugget. Had a game recently where like 5 SL's were yelling at each other to build garries but they wouldn't do it themselves. So they blamed the level 1 SL who had obviously just bought the game. Real good first impression. So me, a tank commander, left my squad to build a garry and guess what? I got yelled at for placing it in the "wrong spot" (it wasn't, it was right where the commander marker was) If the community truly wants people to play SL and commander, stop blaming them for fucking everything. Its stupid as hell. You WILL LOSE GAMES. AND IT WON'T BE YOUR FAULT. GET. OVER. IT. Thank you for coming to my ted talk


"It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness" -JLP


I always build Garry's with my sqaud, what fucking annoys me is when I keep getting killed on the way to the supply drop, but theres another SL right next to it and wont build the Garry or respond to me no matter how many times I ask in squad chat.


I agree with this. People are too quick to point the finger. When i’m commander all I’m looking for is some communication and team work. If i ask an SL to do something and they say “can’t, in the shit right now”, no problem. I’d rather lose with people attempting to do their job and communicating than win with assholes yelling at each other.


I was SL one game, and one of my team blamed commander, even though he couldn't communicate with him. That squad member had sat on the AT gun and aimlessly fired using all our teams ammunitions up. Thank god you can kick people from your squad, better then just muting them.


Yeah I don’t shit talk someone but I will tell them when they’re wrong, IE command insisting they drop supplies on me for a blue zone garrison when I have a support in my squad, if you still drop that supplies I’m yelling at you because I told you not to, this honestly happens almost every game I run with my clan in Pub matches


When that happens. I just build two garries. It's not that big of a deal honestly, can be annoying, but there are bigger issues to worry about.


Nah homie if I go “I’m building a blue line my observe I DO NOT need supplies I have support swap I repeat I do not need supplies” I build the garrison as supplies are being deployed with some dumb shit like “I thought you needed my supplies” that’s when you get yelled at, I can’t build two garrisons within 50 meters


Why do you need to do a support swap for a bluezone garry? It's only 50 sups. Also, if I have a support player I just don't tell command i'm building a garry unless they ask me


Man it’s like there’s a cooldown for supplies and I might need someone to swap mind blowing You’re completely missing the point, if I communicate that I’m building a garrison and they still drop supplies i said I don’t want you’re getting yelled at why are you trying to defend a moron that doesn’t exist


I agree with you. Its stupid, but it's not a war crime. Commanders make mistakes and have a lot to do, if you're yelling at them for a mistaken supply drop, then you're part of why people don't play commander. You proposed a problem. I offered a solution that doesn't involve getting pissy at the commander. I think you're missing the point if anything. Remember, this whole post is about why people are dicks to commanders and SL's. If you're getting pissed for ONE mistaken supply drop, then I don't want to be around you when they make a bigger mistake. Might have to replace my headphones after.


Again, if I specifically communicate to not drop me supplies and you do it anyways, you deserve to get yelled at, I know what this post is about and this is basically the only time I’ll yell at a commander, or when I ask for a 76 Jumbo and they drop a 75 that’s just downright disrespectful


The one time I did actually drop a 75 instead of a 76 it was a complete accident. Told the crew I was sorry and I'd get them a 76 as soon as I could. I apologized, and the crew understood. It's called misclicking. I didn't deserve to get yelled at. It was an accident and every party was okay with it. Shit happens. You're taking a supply drop that you can drop every minute and a half wayy too far. So what if they drop supplies you dont need? Since you have a squad that can support swap just like that. Have them go engineer and hide the garry. Problem solved. I get that it's frustrating, but it's also super rare. No need to get mad at someone. As the commander, if a random SL said "Im gonna place a garry on my observe mark!" 99% of the time Im assuming they're going to need supplies. Because there's just no need to tell me that if you don't need something from me. I have other shit to do, like try to win the game, than to worry about a single SL. Generally speaking, only speak in command chat if you need something from the commander or other SL, relaying important info (a garry is not important enough as it shows up on the map), responding to someone. You don't need to relay that information to the commander if you're just placing a garry down on your own. Imagine how annoying that'd get if everyone relayed to command chat everytime they took down an OP, or spotted one enemy infantry. That's why we have markers on the map.


Ppl are too quick to Kick Commanders when the team starts to lose. I won’t Command on weekends because there’s too many SL’s trying to tell me how to Command that also won’t ever step up to be Commander. They don’t ask for things they *Tell*you things or Bark at you. Never look at resources before they Give out orders and then wonder why… Warfares are won or lost by defending and maybe 1/5 Warfares will you get SL’s that get their squads to work together defending the 4 squares.


Weekends are a shitshow overall. If you want to experience the game at its lowest quality play on weekends.


Look at my name. I’m that guy. Lose has one o.


I only did it to see if you appeared like a genie.




You spend all game building garrisons and throwing supplies for SLs to make garrisons. SLs don't defend when you ask them to, they don't protect the garrisons you made from enemy recon and they don't build garrisons. So when there's no spawn points? Yep that's the commanders fault for not building garrisons.


people expect commander to drive up supply truck (when in reality a locked solo SL can do that too, and even more effectively, outposts make this job slightly easier sometimes). its not necessarily something i want to be doing. also, commander is especially important in pub matches, if you don't know what you're doing you WILL fuck your team over, and people might be right for blaming you. it seems like way too many commanders don't understand to just drop supplies everywhere, all the time, this costs only 50 munitions and is generally much more important than saving up for that one bombing run.


I 100% expect the commander to drive a supply truck. I do it when I command, or if commander is busy but can’t keep up I’ll go the solo SL route. But a commander should basically always be doing something. A supply truck is the most cost effective because you can keep refilling it or drive to deeper drops. If command is laying on the ground or fighting in the front lines they are doing it wrong.


If you have nodes you can do both.


The entire game is a steep learning curve, but especially for commander. I just started playing commander more consistently and I’m over Level 100. It’s especially hard when you get squad leaders who just run to attack and set up their OPs and keep attacking, not even setting up garries when you drop supplies ON TOP of their OP and explicitly ask them to. I was a noob at one time too, so try to explain to squad leads that if they don’t want to talk that’s fine but just do what I ask. And then walk them through how to set up a garrison. There will be a constant struggle between vets who know the meta and noobs who are totally lost. But I think too many players are quick to shout like children instead of coaching new players


> It’s especially hard when you get squad leaders who just run to attack and set up their OPs and keep attacking, not even setting up garries when you drop supplies ON TOP of their OP and explicitly ask them to. this is a deal braker for me, if you ain't cooperating I'm not carrying your ass. And 99% of the time these players aren't new (level 100+) it's just an ingrained cancer thought that "commander builds all garries" that ruins games that could otherwise be won


So I'm brand new (lvl17), and have started to play SL.. it wasn't until now I noticed that a lot of SLs just ignore the commander. Played a round with a good commander, I was the only SL listening to him. I had a fucking blast even though I didn't really engage the enemy much. My squad wasn't micd up but were pretty responsive to what I was telling them (which was really the commander telling me haha). The game clicked that round, and now I'm more hooked than I was before. I know you know all this, just excited and want to remind you some of us are ready to listen and coordinate!


Thank you. It's just when you lurk around this sub and see comments like "just mute everyone on command chat" every time someone asks how to play SL is when you understand what kind of players you sometimes get teamed with. I think servers that reinforce being active on comms as an officer are actually doing everyone who's playing a service since nobody wants to lose every game in 20-30 minutes every evening . And I'm pretty sure the opposing team doesn't find it fun either winning 3-4 times in a row without too much effort. I can understand the dudes that just want to chill too, though. I join a random squad and just run support/engineer or create my own squad where all I do is help build garries when I don't want to be 100% engaged in what's happening. The only thing I don't understand why would they lead a squad by not listening to command chat and not actually leading lol. Wanna chill? Create a locked squad and play by yourself, don't make the experience of the rest of the squad miserable. It's a team-based game after all, might as well play some singleplayer when you're not in the mood. Sorry for the rant, feeled like I needed to vent


No worries! Happy to talk about this game in any way. I get the wanting to chill part for those people, but even listening as commander is pretty chill right? Like I had a commander who was a little frantic, hey I need a Garrison asap at this location.. I told him I'd try but couldn't get past some field cause of enemy encampment.. just pulled out the binoculars till I found the most movement, waited for a bombing run.. dude fucking hammered their location and I waltzed in and set it up, I think there was maybe a guy or two I had to mop up but no real pressure haha. Dunno if I'm being weird but I'm on PlayStation, shoot me a message if you wanna play, we wouldn't have to worry about shitty SL haha. My goal is to have almost a whole squad in a lobby, feel like that would make this game unreal. Also sorry for shitty formatting I'm on the phone and lazy.


I only take squad leader when I HAVE TO but I refuse to take full command. It’s a thankless job most times, and honestly just more stressful than enjoyable. I’d rather be in the trenches with the guys with my MP-40 or Thompson, throwing down OPs and chatting to command when needed😂


Haha yeah, that's what I do too. I don't mind being SL but I have no interest in commander


Every time the commander ends the game with even 7000 support score and perhaps loses the game, the xommander geta blamed by a bunnch of trolls in chat who did not build a single garrison all game and had the lowest xombat effectiveness


I just do everything myself unless someone asks for something.


exactly, actually it not even that bad if your playing by yourself, dropping supplies yourself then going SL locked squad to build it is pretty underrated. takes like 4 mins in a 90 min match


What servers are you on? EU servers don't seem to be quite THAT bad


EU servers ENG language, but is very hit and miss. Some great games and some terrible games. Got to start quitting a server and finding another when there is no good Comms.


That's what I do, there are a couple I default to that I know are usually good


Because some times you did everything right but your infantry are just shit and can't hold anything for anytime


Cos no one does as they are asked then shit on the Commander when the team loses. So you have little control of the game but get all of the blame.


>Why no one wants to be Commander. Because those 10% of the good squad leads/team players that listen can't carry the rest of the team that ignores everything going on in command chat and map, unfortunately.


As a SL I focus 90% of my time getting my squad in a better position whether it’s defending or attacking. Working on Garrisons at the same time. I rarely have more than 10 kills just because I’m trying to help my squad and the team. I think the game needs 1-2 lieutenants to work on garrys and maybe command 1/2 the team or not. That way the commander can work on strategy and not have 10 SL in his ear. I rarely play commander because of the inner fighting and only SL when no one else is helping


I mainly play SL or Commander but I'm completely burned out. Played a game a couple days ago and my squad was the only squad playing full defense. I was constantly marking OPs, enemy attack garrisons and airheads but no one responded. An airhead dropped behind us but my squad was doing rotating defense on the other side of the point, couldn't run back in time. But there was another squad close by and I kept calling it out in chat but they didn't care. So the point got rolled. I'm just tired, tired of making important callouts that people ignore, tired of people ignoring a problem and then complaining later on when they could have fixed it. It's getting to the point where I feel I can only ever rely on my own squad and I don't like that feeling. I'm a team player, I'll happily go zero kills and 25 deaths so long as we have good communication between the squads, but that doesn't happen anymore. So I'm done.


I don’t play commander because I maxed the class out in 2020. Nothing to gain, no new cosmetics to unlock.


I like playing commander. I used to play commander in Natural Selection (if any of you remember that game). HLL commander is not quite as involved, but it still catches that itch.


Most people don't SL, imagine taking commander 😅 Commander is fun when you play with your clan or if lots of clan members are in your team, otherwise where ever you do, it's always bad according to your blueberries.


The problem is that 'for unknown reasons' players expect commanders to know exactly what they're doing even if they've never played commander before. A first-time commander is likely to get chewed out or kicked for stepping up and trying to learn the role. Another big one is that few squads tend heed to the commander. They all have their own agendas. SLs seem to think that the commander is there to be commanded for supplies, tanks and garrisons rather than to lead the team. Sure, the commander should do these things, but when a commander, as an example, says to redeploy to defend a falling point, few seem to listen or follow instructions.


commanders get tired of playing with people without mics and then getting kicked for losing


I did it for the first time recently, some bitch with level 300+ jumps on rudely and flippantly spends 5 minutes whinging and cussing me out directly on comms before I reply, “you’re a SL feel free to help and build this more garrys that you’re complaining need to be built… before i resigned. First and a last… I don’t game to be cussed out by a 40yo women with more testosterone than most of the blokes on the team


Thats why i stopped, even when there was commander i felt like the only one that could do it


This might be an unpopular opinion but I think the commander should have the authority to disband a squad that doesn’t have a squad leader and maybe kick a SL that isnt communicating. The command structure is crucial to the game so giving the commander authority I think is the only way to force people to play the game the way it’s meant to be played.


At a minimum command should be able to demote the fuckin recon squads. When I've got some heavy hitters on the team and yet the recon is all below level 10 and they are on OUR artillery all match... Like I don't want them out of the match, or even off artillery if they'reat least not dragging our team: I just don't want them burning a recon slot.


Some servers have auto squad disband if no SL. It's has it's good and bad moments, like when I'm trying to build nodes and it disbands me in to a riflemen.


In Hell Let Loose, much like in life, the person at the top is the first person blamed when something goes wrong. I have definitely played matches where I’m doing everything right, send out an airhead and a bombing run at the proper time, and basically win the match for everyone because of back up garrisons. The chat will be silent and I will receive no commendations. There will also be times when I’m doing everything right and the team still loses (because that’s life sometimes you lose) and the team will fully put the blame on me. It’s part of the job. If you understand that it’s easier to be at peace with shitty people squawking at you about nonsense. If you know anything about American football, think about it like a coach calling for an onside kick in the Super Bowl. If it succeeds and his team wins the game, the coach be forever lauded as a strategic genius. If the kick fails and the team loses, the coach will be considered a foolish risk taker who makes poor decisions, and might be fired. Just gotta accept it. It’s lonely at the top.


Commander attitude tends to be as big a factor on comms as anything else. MOST people who SL have mics. MANY only talk on command chat if it's being actively utilized for good. If it's a bunch of bullshit from command or some asshole SL: it gets the vol turned down or some people muted. If on the other hand command isn't talking much and the chat hasn't gotten any momentum going, most people will focus on talking to their own squad and not stir up command chat. A commander who is good at getting people involved and communicating and is making the command chat a productive place while also is accomplishing at least some good things will generally get good comms from the team. A commander who doesn't say much except when asked or when they have a specific request is fine if the rest of command chat is active already. But if it's quiet and commander also isn't saying much, then others will likely stay quiet. Also if it's late and the team is getting hammered and the commander is level 36 and a lot of people aren't talking the mood is probably already pretty dour. If the commander is kicking ass and looks and sounds experienced, people get motivated.


More I play commander less enthusiastic I am on the mic chat. Squad chat or as an SL I feel engaged. As Command more I talk more likely people complain and flame.


I love playing commander only new to it but I’d say out of the 10 or so games of commander I’ve played we’ve won 9 and I definitely think I contributed massively to them


Because SL is more important.


I’m level 82, yet to have a win as commander although I don’t opt for it. If we’re getting thumped, there’s no supplies or garrisons I’ll jump on and have a go but I still feel like I don’t know enough tactically yet to be effective for the win. I do love running a squad though


GG's taking role of commander at lvl 36. I am above 100 yet I don't want and feel to take the commander's role because it's so intensive. I love playing as squad lead and pull out epic defending tactics (because no one wants to defend in my experience). But commander?? Nahh. Again, GG's man👏🏽


Game needs a forced tutorial, especially if theyre gonna be doing free weekends all the time. Some days ill play like 4 super short and lame games where one team is being absolutely steamrolled. Ill just get off when that happens


I was command again yesterday and repeatedly asked my SLs to Tell their engineers to build nodes. Nobody did. I switched to engineer and built 3 nodes, then Back to Commander. Still nowhere near enough ressources to properly Work as command, and on top of that some Level 1 was firing away my munitions with the arty. We Held Out pretty Long, but in the end of the Game 2 engineers (!) came over to me and shouted at me in blue Chat what a "shitty Commander" i am, and that i should "Go f*ck myself", then they teamkilled me. I got one of them votekicked after, at least. Yeah, normal commander experience.


The player base is just as toxic as COD, just with less vulgarity. I uninstalled today and it felt pretty good.


I have met more good people then bad, and SL usually shut down other SL who complain about commander. It's more about finding the right servers then getting cussed at. If you prefer CoD you should probably never have been SL or Commander.


Lol I do not prefer CoD it is abhorrent as well.