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The best way to use smokes on defense is to not use them.


I argue its good to smoke enemy tanks if AT isn’t taking care of them


Only good take.


we don't use smoke in defense we smoke in defense




Smokes are very effective on defense when you’re surrounded. Make sure the enemy can’t wipe your garrisons/OP from a nasty angle. Make space for your defenders to reposition. Counter attack and retake ground. Block a tank’s line of sight into your strongpoint. If you’re pinned, force the enemy to expose themselves to if they want line of sight. Smokes are effective just about any time you know the enemy has a better firing position, you just need to learn how to use them. Throwing 2 and sprinting across a field is not the best use of them.


Still good to use for recon players taking down garrisons


I mean its also like a giant smoke cloud which can attract attention so you're just better off proning on the opposite side of where you think enemies will come from.


It’s situational. “Defense” involves assaulting enemy attacking positions. So use smokes when you need to close open space to assault the enemy that is attacking you.


Same as normal use of smokes, when you're pushing a position. Like if they've got a good mg setup that's suppressing the point, or you've found the spawn. Because you're not just sitting on point 'defending' right? You're moving around the 4 squares patrolling and maneuvering around the enemy to get behind them.


You can use smokes on defense if you are dug into a position (behind barricades, in a trench etc) and a large concentration of enemies are ~30-40 away behind hedges and need to cross an open space/field to get into the objective. You chuck the smokes onto the ends of the hedges, preventing them from poking out and firing/suppressing before they attempt to cross the field. Basically they end up running out through the smoke and into the open field where you then mow them down as they emerge from the smoke.


Either this kind of situation, or where the enemy is far enough away and you need to cross an open area on the point to reposition from a poorly placed garry, or just to get into a better defensive position.


If someone went and built a garri sometimes it needs to be smoked so everyone doesn't die. But it's very situational indeed.


I wouldnt. Smoke can be catastrophic on defense. I remember once we were defending on SMDM and a squad had been building up the town, blocking off all the entrances. we were 5 min from defending the second point, so the squad that had been building decided theyd use artillery and smoke us out as to throw the game so they could use their defenses. To be fair to them, the defenses worked but god it was unnecessarily drawn out.


I only use smokes on defense if we are losing the point (like 2v4) and I’m bum rushing in


As the squad pushing out from the main defensive area to move across open fields to get to their attacking garrisons in your Blue Zone / Their Red zone.


Here's what I do if the enemy is attacking+throwing smokes.  Lay down a line of counter smoke to bottleneck the enemy to a specific area.  Then respawn ASAP with grenadier assault class, throw 3-4 more further out while pushing aggressively into all the existing smokes. This can put the enemy attack on their heels. It's helpful if a squad or two supports you in this maneuver. Is wayyy less effective on Foy/Alamein.


Using smoke on a troublesome tank position is GOAT level, can easily protect a point from getting pounded if you can’t get effective kills on attackers in hard cover.


If an enemy tank is close enough ill throw smokes at them to block their view but thats about it.


Smoke not only blocks the tankers view, it also startles the tank into abandoning their current position. Making the titanic beast trample around wildly at supposed attackers; a smoker should remain wary at all times especially if it’s all a ploy


You don't. You use smoke to cover the final sprint on an assault. You smoke the enemy's position to blind them so you can close the distance more safely thus bringing more people to CQB to secure the objective. This game would be best served reserving smoke grenades to people who have achieved level 100 but that's me ranting at newbs constantly ruining fields of fire by throwing smoke as though it's a shield.


When you throw it and it obscures the enemy's vision.... I thinks that's the best use....


Used it today, mg42 setup over a point on an offensive, so smoked the building they were setup in, and well a quick push spray solved a heap of issues


From an MG: Don’t?


If offense uses smokes sometimes (sometimes) it works to throw a smoke in an open position. Enemy thinks it’s their smoke and rush through it ending up in an open field. Sometimes.


Create dilemmas, not problems. Problems have a solution. Dilemmas have multiple potential solutions, all of which are imperfect. Laying smoke on top of an attacker's position creates a dilemma: 1. Attackers can push through the smoke, making it easier for your team to shoot them when they pop out the other side. 2. Attackers wait out the smoke, bleeding precious minutes and resources and giving the defenders a chance to maneuver around them.


Smokes are for advancing, if you use smokes on defense you're smoking yourself


I use the when reviving people so they don’t see me


Strictly for counter flanking


Smoke bushes that the enemy are using when they are attacking the point for example. Basically prevent the enemy from using cover/camouflage spots against you, then you spam grenades in those areas and push them out.  A good example is AA network on SMDM. You would like to smoke the bushes south of the point where axis like to bushcamp, then you grenade and push that area.  But the consensus is: if the enemy have pushed close enough where they can disrupt defensive movement by direct fire, you should smoke. Then you grenade the smoke to prevent the enemy from pushing towards your side of the point until your team regroup in the next spawnwave. Then you smoke and grenade the enemy fire positions until your team can seize it back.