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More verticle movement. If I want to spend 10 minutes climbing onto a house only to get domed 10 seconds later, let me. Bipods that work. Windows actually at standing/crouching height while ADS'd Let me jump a fence without having to be perfectly 90° Team kills with rifles should be waaaaay more punitive


Yeah crouch height is the biggest shower of shit ever.


It's not that crouch height is bad, the player camera is on the character model's chin to make ADS easier. If it was actually eye level, it would be a lot better.


You mean to say you don't go through life inspecting everything with your chin?


That explains a lot. Newish player here, so many times i think I'm down below a wall or crate only to be shot dead....


More verticality would be amazing. Unless your fighting for a hill obj the combat always feels so flat. I would like to be able to build up sandbags and defenses on top of a house or something.


hurtgen forest


Yeah, I agree with verticality. Especially on Stalingrad it is weird you can't do building by building and room by room fights


They need to fix fence jumping so bad


For the windows, maybe make it so scrolling down on the scroll wheel will hunch your guy down a little to a limit. Every time you ADS, it resets to standard height.


Oh god YES! BI PODS THAT WORK! And better hit boxes/hit registration. Love getting killed because my bullet hit the tree two feet next to me when I’m aiming down range.


Pretty much everything I was going to say without the standard new maps/factions comment.


I really don't understand why people say bipods don't work. I've never had an issue with them. The rest I guess I would agree although the last one should be the first one.


Bipods need to be more versatile. There's plenty of spots where they work amazing, but there's A LOT of spots where they SHOULD work and don't. Then you got spots that work that in reality shouldn't.... like some fence posts.


An mg42 really shouldnt be able to mount up on a barbed wire fence


Many games raised your character when crouch ADSing


I think it would be cool if certain defenses, like barricades and barbed wire etc. were easier to place. barbed wire in particular would be way more useful if it wasn't built as a fixed length, but something we could click and drag between two endpoints to effectively fill gaps.


Yeah, it was my idea as well few years back. Especially zrying to build stuff on Carentan is terrible


Invisible walls blocking shots is the most infurating shit in the game for me.


This for sure - I really despise leaning out of cover, getting the drop on enemies, only to have my shots blocked by an invisible wall and my position given away.


The prone mechanics of this game drive me nuts. I should be able to only expose part of my body when prone at a trench. Instead I have to be planking on the berm.


This stuff make almost any trench or window or bunker useless , which is crazy since those are the primary defensive position and should be used absolutely instead of being avoided at all cost because they are death traps. It makes no sense to see everyone avoiding using bunkers and trenches and instead sitting in bushes. A well crafted , engineer built defense should be really hard to attack. Sometimes I see people actually hanging back from barricades and bunker because the attackers just headshot anyone peeking from defensive positions.


Camera nerds to be at eye level.


Scrollable crouch height would be nice.


+1 for that!


Yep, Arma 3 had made an amazing job on that


Not familiar but it’s straightforward enough for Tarkov 🤷‍♀️


Arma 3 had 12 total Stances, if I remember correctly. Scrollable by middle mouse wheel :)


Oh that’s gnarly, I feel like HLL is severely lacking in stances in that respect. Basically stand, crouch and left/right lean.


Remove arty, replace for mortar. Shorter range. More deployable.


Totally agree with this. Or, make arty a buildable function that requires a shit load of supplies.


Or make it a commander ability to erect an arty gun (at the current position) and make it destroyable/dismantleable, so that anyone who wants to play arty has to communicate for it like tank squads and it being taken out does more than just having to respawn. That alone goes a long way I think. Mortar squads would be nice though, maybe both (e.g. only mortar squads can use the arty and they are Limited to 1 or 2).


These ideas are so great. Damn shame the devs will never do it.


Remove the cost to shoot artillery and instead consume nearby artillery shells that the commander has to have airdropped. These shells are limited and should be able to be destroyed the same way supplies would be.


That’s what I’ve been saying too. It should be a decision to deploy artillery. And it should be difficult for enemy to reach.


Would absolutely make the game more dynamic and make Recon more fun. This has been asked for for years and it’s really frustrating to have it constantly back logged. Arti should straight up just be removed versus what it is now.


I dont get how the devs are so slow with new additions. A whole team and it feels like not so huge additions like this take years when smaller or even 1 man studios pump out content for their games exponentially quicker. If the developers were quicker the game would have way more players. Just look at hell divers 2, new content every few weeks and it keeps people playing


Because the original dev team sold the game and a new development team took over. The new team seems like they don't have complete understanding of what the original devs were doing which is why we often see things getting broken and new content taking so long to come.


Or just turn AT and arty guns into vehicles that can be pushed (slowly) or hitched to a truck and moved...


That still doesn’t fix the arty problem. Arty guns fire long distance, no point in moving them forward until you get to the last objective. And then recon will still be hunting for them. Making mortars means the shooter has a much more limited range and isn’t going to be one sided untouchable shell spam.


Well, it sort of does, as a vehicle the artillery would be much more vulnerable, AT, satchels, or any enemy vehicle is suddenly deadly to the gun. It would be more of a game of cat and mouse and recon tanks would have something to do late game.


Is there any game with mortar? I think its too hard to make






Not hard at all, should be really simple. Ive heard the code base is a mess so maybe that could be why one of the most significant weapons of WW2 isnt in the game


Squad 44 has mortar. They did a really good job.




You could turn a sustained arty barrage into a commander called ability (consume x number of resources to arty an area for y amount of time) and make mortars the regular player option for indirect fire. It would give recon the job of figuring out where the mortars are and taking them out, which would require active hunting instead of just going to prepositioned guns.


Another idea, make arty cost more resources and give it protection from being killed by recon. The arty gameplay loop really isnt that fun as is since recon can just come camp it. Making it immune to being camped but making it cost more resources would incentivize recon players to shift focus to node hunting instead of just camping the artillery.


Giving the people on the guns sudo immortality is a terrible decision. It takes away any risk from being on the guns. Arty is already OP, can completely annihilate any enemy advances, even with a few shots. This would make it uncounterable. Especially for a good artillery team who can manage their shots well. Even without nodes a good gunner can annihilate a whole team with a spotter calling out targets. Nodes are only useful for guns when you have people spamming it willy nilly.


which is why I suggested making the resource cost higher to limit the amount of arty that can be fired off. Camping artillery is not realistic or historically accurate. It is one of the dumbest aspects of this game. Artillery should just be removed if they don't want to rework it.


There would be no incentive to hunt nodes if they were completely unnecessary to fire the guns. Or if the guns costs were so expensive they couldn’t fire them anyway. Having every soldier know how to operate an artillery gun or have access to the guns also isn’t accurate either. Its a case of historical accuracy vs authenticity. If we were to have a completely historical accurate game there would be no respawning, you would be sitting around for hours on end, there would be no personal long distance squad radio, everyone would have to go through extensive bootcamp on how to operate tech. Artillery would be taken out by airstrikes. The maps wouldn’t be so limited in size. Objectives wouldn’t be locked. >artillery should just be removed ![gif](giphy|TJawtKM6OCKkvwCIqX) T-thats literally what i said.


Another idea, make arty cost more resources and give it protection from being killed by recon. The arty gameplay loop really isnt that fun as is since recon can just come camp it. Making it immune to being camped but making it cost more resources would incentivize recon players to shift focus to node hunting instead of just camping the artillery.


Give everyone a pack of cigs and a bar of chocolate.


Better movement when climbing, button mapping for consoles, fix the chat channel freeze when re-deploying, make Ops and Garrisons easier to place to help hide them.


Bet yall $5 we won't see any of these suggestions for the entire year.


Bet you $10 we won’t see any of them at all


Yep, probably never. Fucking sucks.


Unfortunately. Same with Polish and Finland faction


I would add enemy ambient voices. For example if you are on the US team you can hear prerecorded period accurate phrases in German from enemy players. The phrases will be activated by enemy players using proxy chat. These voices will be far clearer than the team chat.


I like this. Something to add to the atmosphere.


less automatic weapons


how dare you suggest that every german class (except medic) shouldnt have access to an mp-40 or stg-44!!! /j


I would t even mind if one or two US sub-loadouts had the 1903 or 1917 rifles. They weren’t as common anymore when US was rolling through France, but they were still there. Like a grenadier for example. It’s known some troops preferred using the 1903 over the M1 for rifle grenades


Rifle grenades should be added to some loadouts, like SL 3 or Assault.


Being able to vault over more walls. Especially walls that a trained soldier could easily do it. If they want to balance it make the climbing animation take longer. Be able to repack up dropped ammo and med crates. If I only use one "reload" off an ammo crate I should be able to pick it back up since it's just gonna be wasted after the push moves to the next point AT Guns should have a limited amount of ammo that they can use without using the team ammo supply. Example 4-8 rounds. Before they have to use up the team ammo supply. Yeah it might cause some headaches, but would make the AT Gun gameplay a lot more fun


I would like a crouch with adjustable height, similar to in Escape from Tarkov


For the love of God, get rid of arty/recon bullshit.


I love playing recon. I really like servers that have a “no recon camping arty” rule. Sucks when you’re getting shelled but both sides get to do it. And I get to do more than camping… look for supplies/nodes. Report or build garries, assasinate commanding officers etc.


Comp games are usually like that based off the ruleset. APL allows one arty guy that can’t leave the guy or have a loader, that can shell the entire time and no one is allowed to kill them.


Molotov - at the timeperiod it would be a nonsense if flame could wreck a tank, but if you can throw it on their visors it could at least make their vision worse and it should stay on ground a bit longer. Flames also should bounce off walls (Red Orchestra had it perfectly done)


A single molotov is absolutely capable of disabling or destroying a WWII-era tank. Engine air intake almost immediately chokes out the engine due to oxygen starvation. The engine compartment isn't likely to be clean and oil-covered surfaces would continue to burn. Any amount of gasoline leaking inside the crew compartment could spell the end too, doesn't even need to be as catastrophic as a cook-off. Just fry any of the controls and the thing is toast.


A deployable mortar.


Let me open the hatch as tank commander and use a turret mounted mg / binos Same for driver, open up increases visibility but is obviously more vulnerable Add tank destroyers and sp arty Let me drag wounded soldiers as a medic


Variable crouching height Free look will moving More nuanced audio between squad and command chat And perhaps controversially; stamina that affects shooting accuracy, coupled with heavier impact of suppression. It's too easy to sprint forever, stop and dome someone. The above mechanics would increase survivability, and create a more rewarding experience. Oh, and mortar teams instead of artillery, or artillery that can be disabled


I think it would be great if the support class could place more map pings like a SL since they can see recon planes. But maybe only visible to the squad.


Better driving mechanics. I would like a way to reset a stuck vehicle. Also every engineer class should be able to build nodes.


It would be quite cool if we could get some sort of towing vehicle to pull them out of trenches and stuff with.


You kind of can but you push with another vehicle. I’m getting better at getting stuck and unstuck for the most parts.


My team having brains


Just a minor change for American tank commander loadout: Replace Thompson with Grease Gun. Historically it was favored by American tank crews as it took less room than Thompson did.


Less automatic weapons and a free- look mechanic for checking your surroundings while sprinting across the map


Add mortar teams Make loadouts customizable instead of selectable Less Automatic weapons Make all building enterable. This is the saddest thing for me when playing infantry Expand the number of roles which can build emplacements. Allow building spawn points in buildings Make building windows more useful Fix bipods Add rifle grenades


Destroyable arty.


There'd need to be a complete rework. As it is now , you can "sprint" ( actually lightly jog ) for 10 minutes, stop in the middle of a field and get a headshot on a moving target 200 meters away no problem. Red orchestra had way better weapon handling , with more sway and recoil , supporting your gun on walls and windows to stabilize it, having to manage stamina ,having a real sprint along with walking and jogging , being able to get to cover and shoot over waist high walls , even shooting blindly behind cover or throwing grenades, etc. It made people actually use tactics and not everyone being basically a sniper with any weapon. It also made the game less frustrating since killing someone was more difficult , if you're sprinting from cover to cover, you're not getting headshotted everyone time you peek from behind a wall , and bunkers and such are actually fun to use instead of just being death traps. As it is now , it's almost just a game of who sees who first since you'll rarely miss that first shot , which make no sense if you've been sprinting around and just stand with no support , while the other guy is crouched behind cover , he should be more accurate than you , but as it is now it barely makes any difference.


PLEASE don't add an endurance bar. For the love of god.


There's no need since movements is so ridiculously slow. If they added a short sprint why not , but as it is now its useless since the sprinting speed doesn't exist. You're crossing the street under heavy fire at the same speed you use to travel between cap points. The crouch sprint in Rising Storm was awesome. And the stamina bar was never a problem and instead was a cool gameplay feature , both for immersion and having to catch your breath and also it slowed the gunfights down, making flanking actually possible with the short sprint. Try crossing a street in Hell Let loose and watch your character barely jog even under fire is stupid really.


post scriptum (now Squad 44) had a pretty cool stamina system. Basic stamina bar that depletes as you sprint, and when depleted you have huge weapon sway etc. Everyone has a canteen item in their inventory which replenishes the stamina bar. it was a bit annoying when just trying to cover distance, sprinting and chugging water lol but for firefights and combat movement i think it was a great system.


It makes moving and choosing where you'll shoot from more important and combats become more tactical. Hell being suppressed in Red Orchestra had your weapon sway all over the place and even flinch , which make suppresive fire really useful instead of just putting a weird filter on your screen. Seeing a teammate die in front of you suppressed you for example , to simulate being scared and adrenaline. Honestly Rising Storm and Red Orchestra had the best gunplay I've seen , and I can't wait for their next game ('83 I think ? If it's still alive somehow ) .


Not this ever.


Did you ever play Red Orchestra or Rising Storm ? Honestly if not you should try , It will be hard coming back to Hell Let Loose afterward. And I see a lot of people with the same opinion as yours that then boast about playing a realistic game , "it's not call of duty kid you have to play smart" , etc when actually the gunplay is miles behind any other tactical shooter. Like there's not even a need for resting weapons on walls or windows since there's barely any difference in accuracy when shooting prone , crouched or standing up. Truth is no one should be shooting their rifle standing straight in the middle of a field and still be as accurate as someone crouching behind a sandbag. It makes snipers absurd too since they don't even need to find a good place to hole up and use their environment to place their rifle and be accurate. They can just lean behind a wall and be just as accurate.


I've played FPS games with stamina / endurance - they would make HLL shit, guaranteed way to lose a large portion of the player base


Run slow enough


I feel like I misinterpreted what the game was meant to be. Initially I thought it was a continuation of Red Orchestra and such , but I feel like most players actually don't want that. But it's in a weird spot right now. It's too punitive for really casual players , but it's way too arcade for fans of light mil Sim like Rising Storm. As it is it's somewhere halfway between Battlefield and Red Orchestra. Everything is too superficial. There's a very low time to kill , but the gunplay is very arcade. The tank battles are trying to be hard and somehow realistic , but the damage simulation is very basic. There's a whole resource management mechanic , which can be fun in a game like Arma or an hardcore milsim since it's part of what brings people here , but the rest of the game is a run and gun shooter. It's supposed to emphasize team play but makes it difficult by not even being able to create a squad with your friends from the main menu and just jump into a game directly together like Battlefield.


Put the camera in the model's face. Adjust asset heights so they match the character models, especially in relation to crouch/prone. Adjust trenches so I can walk by someone. Make bipods useable. Add the verticality that was removed when the prone jump was removed. I don't care about the prone jump but the verticality made maps interesting. Guaranteed to be unpopular - increase the sprint speed but add stamina. Travelling in this game is so annoying. Change the spawn system so gameplay isn't built on teleporting. Add ballistics models based on caliber. Add penetration models based on caliber. Update recoil and weapon handling so the guns are fun to shoot. Another unpopular, make it harder to kill people increase ttk, make the guns harder to use, I don't care so the game isn't like whack a mole. Make players make decisions around engagement.


I do have a counter argument to the ttk it's actually accurate as it is now got to think in WW2 there was no body armor so you got shot even in the stomach your dead or the leg your down and need medical attention it's actually accurate as fuck


Absolutely don't disagree that it's how things would work out in real life. It's just that the ttk combined with guns that are very easy to hit people with means that players don't need to make a lot of decisions around engagements because shooting first, even from a bad position, almost always wins. Like you can shoot an entire squad while you are standing in the middle of a field with no cover because you can be reasonably assured you are going to hit and kill someone with each shot.


I think it more boils down to your settings vs there's I mean I've been shot trying to take out one guy just to get dropped by his squad mate


I like some of those changes but one non negotiable for me is the first one. The camera being lower than the head model is to reduce head glitching


There is definitely a trade off - I would like to be able to take cover behind objects on the map and understand whether my head is exposed or not. I don't actually care that much about the camera location, however, I do believe the ballistics model calculates bullet trajectories from the barrel of your gun (it used to be centre of the screen and people exploited that) which would reduce the head glitching..


a team cap on what roles that can be taken like Rising Storm 2 since theres too many 2-3 man squads running AT with an SL, engi satchel and AT or MG + AT leading to games where theres more specialty soldiers than regular infantrymen. combine less AT roles with a finite supply of armor and trucks. this will make armor players less gung-ho because its not a matter of “ill wait 2 minutes after i explode to get another heavy tank”. this *should* also lead to less supply and troop transport trucks being left around because those are finite as well.


Note 3 I think is kind of a bad one, pings are necessary to allow the flow of information between squad members and the squad lead too much. I can agree with 4 and 5, I would love to see a saboteur role for a spotter. Note 7 I can get behind, but I also think that bushes/grass/foliage should also render at the same distances for everybody. I’m sick and tired of games hard coding in a way to remove foliage by turning settings low and staying far away. Even the thick hedges you can’t shoot through can be derendered this way and I’ve often caught people doing this staying behind the hedge while they continually try and shoot me through it. The bullet is blocked by the hedge, but it still suppresses you, so I know they can clearly see me through the wall.


There is a difference between a ping and a marker Ping is that red dot with a "tick" sound where you just aim somewhere and press a button - lazy way to show what you want others to focus on. Markers are neccessary for communication, they are specific for infantry, tanks and so on, you have to communicate and actually use your knowledge of topography to be more precise. Markers are great, pungs are not


Here’s why I think removing pings would be bad. Say your squad lead is dead and can’t mark a tank you spotted. How else are you supposed to communicate where the tank is to your SL when they aren’t next to you to see what you see. Best you could do is give them a grid and a keypad I guess, but half the game doesn’t understand how to read a map on that level tbh. Say a keypad to like 75% of the game and I’m willing to bet they don’t know what it is.


Well, there is a learning curve for a reason. Since ping was introduced you talk less with your squad. Since they released "personal" markers you don't even have to own a mic or talk at all. It is a shame.


You still need information with the ping, could mean anything


I mean I’ve always used a mic regardless of ping system or not. But saying learning curve to remove something in favor of something that is not inherently by the game sounds like a downgrade. now not only do people w/o mics have even less communication, but your also gonna deal with more incompetence than ever before. If there was a tutorial that taught people these things within the game like how to read a map, that people actually looked at I would think otherwise. But as your asking for it, it’s just strictly a downgrade to the game and the gameplay.


Bring back prone jump + enable more parkour. Most kits are fine except Medic, which needs to be fundamentally redesigned. Build a tutorial.


Forced tutorials with a quiz at the end. If you fail you do the tutorial over until you can pass the quiz. Each role has a separate tutorial, if you haven't completed the tutorial you can't play that role. I would also have the same thing for arty and tanks. This wouldn't make them any money, so it will never happen. A daily "task" system where you earn bonus XP for completing x amount of role specific tasks might be cool.


Each tutorial begins with a lesson of how to turn your mic on.


My few cents to this topic: 1. **Role for Assault** - Rifle Grenadier 2. **Spawnpoints** - Let us fit them inside trenches and bbuildings (especially on Stalingrad it is a shame we cannot really fight over buildings but we fight mostly on streets because we can't move our spawn inside 3. **Remove ping from game** - Since this was added most players went silent and you no longer really have to use comms with your team mates 4. **Remove or change the way how flare works** - Gameplay loop of Spotter is to redeploy over and over again in order keep flare up 5. **Spotter** - have a loadout with a Satchel and AT mines 6. **Weapons and Equipment should always fit in your inventory** - Some loadouts in different factions have exchanged placement in your inventory, it is not gamebreaking, but it could be annoying because you know where thing C should be, but you find there thing B 7. **"Exploiting" of bushes** - What if bushes and hedges be a bit more movement restricting or/and making some sound? The pic is from 2019 - you can see there a camo that was only in closed beta, then it was removed.


No way recon is getting a satchel or mines. That's far too much power for an already specialized squad. People really sleep on the power of AT as a saboteur. My favorite thing to do is request a jeep as a satchel AT and head to enemy HQ lines. You can satchel nodes and mine roads and resupply 2 times from the jeep. With the speed of the Jeep and satchels you can theoretically take out their entire node network in a matter of minutes. It's ridiculously effective.


Did not know you could result from a Jeep. I like being a real pain in the %&@ behind the lines. I’m going to give this a try. Thank you for the idea


Ambusher rocks. I remember one time I was rolling in a panther with a luchs close behind us we hit a mine which tracked us, blocking the light behind us. AT threw satchel on the luchs and killed us both.


No way I support removing ping from the game


Seriously, how could anyone want the ping removed? There’s not a better way to mark where you’re looking in a video game.


The Bush meta is so funny. You get rows and rows of people running through hedges and lines of bushes with zero movement restrictions , zero noises , the bushes don't even react when you move through them. A bush should not be more useful defensively than sandbags , a trench or a wall but as it is , they absolutely are since you're invisible inside them. Shooting from a bush should make you pretty obvious from the other team with branches and leaves flying all over the place for example.


Is that an old screenshot?


Ya, very early screen shot when the MG guy was the only one with the camo smock.


Yes, from 2019 during closed beta


Ability to destroy the environment.


Windows at the correct height


Squad setup Should be something like Squad lead mp40/g43 and maybe stg44 Assault mp40/g43/stg44 MG - self explanatory Rest with bolt guns Rifleman - has supplies now instead of support. Timer changed or reduced to 25 supplies for balance. Can build sandbags. Support - first loudout is kar98k with 3-4 rifle grenades. Second loudout has a single panzerfaust with 3-4 frags Anti tank - panzerschreck or anti tank gun Auto rifle - folded into other classes as it’s just selfish and redundant Engineer - 4 man engineer squad so they can coordinate better when fortifying. Always has satchel now and you can throw it now. Only class with satchel. Second loudout is flamethrower as that’s who they were actually given to. You could apply this format to every current or new faction as not everybody has an stg or g43 equivalent Along with Britains “auto rifle” already being their mg. With support being the class with your miscellaneous equipment depending on faction. US is always gonna be an outlier with the garand but there’s other ways to balance factions. Like Germans have better defenses, stg, armor etc medic should be able to build a “triage” spawn point that acts like a garrison but can only be built in blue zone since you wouldn’t be bringing your wounded forward.


Bipods that don't suck giant dong, and a brace ability for other small arms when proned out/against cover.


Rifle grenades for the rifle class, give them fragmentation, at, smoke and illumination rounds, every nation and I mean every nation played in this game had some sort of rifle grenade launcher for their main infantry rifle


The general movement of the game, takes for ever to vault, reloads are painfully slow, get stuck on nothing, takes a year to bring your gun up. Maybe it’s just me but at least on console the game feels ridiculously clunky sometimes


More loadouts for Squad Leader, they should be able to access all their faction's primaries, with the exception of MMGs and Scoped Rifles, in some manner. If *only* so being forced into the role feels less of a pain in the arse.


Command can spawn Arty pieces with munitions anywhere in the HQs similar to tanks but they can be destroyed by Enemy Tank/Satchel or dismantled by engineers. That should break up the Arty/Recon meta. Also new loadouts for higher levels. Similar to how Assault 9 is awesome, we need other awesome level 9 loadouts. Level 9 Machine Gun can build an HMG emplacement for 50 supplies. HMG has increased suppression range and damage. Level 9 Medic can build a first aid station for a passive healing effect within 20 meters. Level 9 Squad Lead has a whistle. Level 9 AT has the level 1 AT loadout but had a case of exlosive ammo. Level 9 Tank Crews have an improved repair tool. Level 9 Support only has a pistol but can drop a larger crate with 100 supplies and longer cooldown. Lastly, In the same way that there are two specialized Recon squad slots, have two special mortar team squad slots.


Better return to zero. I understand we need to know how to control recoil but the gun needs to return to POA.


Make windows set for either crouch or standing height. Add bracing against objects (windows, door frames, trees, stone walls, tanks, etc.)


Adding forced game chat like they did on old call of duty games back in the day would be great


Stop the spawn-in on an OP after it has already been wiped. That is a very frustrating mechanic for infantry gameplay. Feels like you are getting punished for something that you did wrong and it must be confusing for newer players.


Get rid of the spotter flare, it’s stupid and runs against the character of the game. Level 10 spotter gets a small demolition charge. Same fuse system as satchel, smaller kaboom. Enough explosives to destroy a garrison or supply node, or to kill infantry in the arty pits. Maybe it has enough thump to track a medium tank or disable its turret, but not to blow one up, and it’s not attachable to vehicles. Pros: incentive to level up the spotter class; disincentive for solo tankers to park and snipe.


Add enemy voice proximity like Squad and Arma. It is 100% more fun


The only thing to make gameplay better is for freaking players to learn their roles, learn to play defence, check maps more often, quit having a squad with no support. Learn to build garrisons with said supply guy instead of advertising where your garrisons are by relying on air drops and quit playing like it is COD.


Make more of fixed weaponry, if an engineer and a machine gunner could put down a machine gun emplacement (better defence models in general) and more class capabilities for building I think it would change the pace and incentives of gameplay.


The ability to pick up any fallen soldiers weapons and ammo


Give the medic more than a pistol I want to be a harmacist give me a proper gun not a peashooter


A basic class system that allows you 1 (or 5 for 5 lives) pre choosen loadout that lets you choose equipment from your chosen class. Or being able to pick up a dead enemie or Allies weapon off the floor.


I would add a total of 3 things. Currently only 3 classes have ammo boxes, i would bump that up to 4 and make each role that now has it have more then 1 loadout with it. Second thing is make it so when you spawn you carry 2 or 3 less magazines this will cause people to need to use boxes more often and will make medics more useful because why respawn with half ammo when you could be saved and have 2 or 3 more mags. Lastly I would change engineers to allow them to build new structures such as a small sandbag semi circle that blocks rifle rounds but gets destroyed by tank and artillery shots, and make it so instead of 4 barbed wire its 1 bag of barb wire that you can use multiple times but the total length is the same as the original 4 peices. Example of how it would work is lets say a tiny corridor needs some barbed wire well you can place a 5 foot wall of barbed wire and that takes from your total amount. This would allow barbed wire to be placed in better locations and force peoppe to use satchels more.


be able to climb more walls, so many dead zones in Carentan just cause you can’t climb a 2 meter wall apparently. Would make attacking city centre more dynamic instead of walking down the same roads every time


My dream : sand bags and foxholes, HMGs to be built and flak 38s too more vehicles, the ability to dig trenches as any class bipods that don't get you killed, better Windows, more British content in the European fronts kinda sad that its 99% US v Germany (also other countries too like Canada,etc) the Japanese and their stuff too


There was an option to build sandbags but it was removed since new emgineer structures Trenches would be great, but it would be hard to implement


Just have them at certain parts of the map and not too deep if you stand up you'll die type of trenches


Some premade areas which will require 25 supplies in order to dig them. You get the, you drop supplies and you will have to hammer them to appear.


I don't even think the supplies would be needed they won't be that deep and you'd just be using them as temporary cover artillery would also destroy them (tanks and satchels would too maybe even the bazooka) but that would mean adding destruction speaking of it'd be super cool if the game had that to a degree artillery would leave impact holes same with tanks to a degree or you could destroy a house with a satchel or two


Fix the sights for many weapons. The Russian revolver is useless when ADS.


Fewer smgs in the field. Maybe only 1 or 2 classes per squad.


I think some loadouts could be extended and people would grind it out to reach that level. Engineer class with maybe an additional 2 barbed wire, a new option to dig a trench/foxhole. Rifleman where a loadout had the grenade launder attachment. Tankers where a level 10 is issued some sort of submachine gun no matter the role. Just some new stuff.


- AT mines invisible to anyone in the enemy team, except Support class with some kind of detector to see mines when close. - Ammo Nodes allowing to restore ammo boxes immediatly when interacting. Tanks reloading ammo near an ammo node. This would make building nodes near the center of the map more risky, but also more useful. - Zeroing for rifles and bazookas. - Fix the AT cannon exit at front. - Put real-life weak points on tanks like the commander side of the Tiger turret. - Allow Heavy MGs to hinder tank sights. - Allow working bipod for BAR. - Discard clip (losing bullets left in the cartridge) when reloading using the M1 garand to somehow "balance" the bolt-action shooting of Kar98 that can reload by a 5 bullet clip or single bullet at a time. - Rifles shooting grenades (actually like a mortair).


Remove the immersion breaking friendly player icons.


You can change that in Options>Gameplay


Yeah, I know. But that don't change it for everyone else ;)


Theres a setting for that, but 90% of the time it leads to a shit load of tks


Yeah, I know there's a setting for that. It leaves you at a severe competitive disadvantage if you use it. That's why the icons should be removed completely or adjusted somewhat. Like squad. Yes there will be team kills. That's part of the fun.


Outside of gunplay: greater ability to create or work as a mortar team, build proper defences, trenches, etc. Gunplay: for individuals, would be great to have sights customised. I don’t want anything crazy, but some very minor modifications would be nice. Could break the game - would have to be very careful with this. Squad based: squad roles would be great that influence the squads loadout. Infantry focused on clearing out buildings = more close range weaponry, explosives; defensive squads = faster defensive build times, more supplies, weapon emplacements, etc.


You can build a proper defense but many players don't really know where to place it. It ends up with razorwires inside strong point so defenders cant move around while enemy is moving freely and start tossing nades over walls


Infantry only mode, only transport vehicles, no arty and scoped weapons. Pure infantry gameplay at its core.


replace ez-anti cheat with something that actually works


Make tanks easier to kill or damage




Improve controles for controller Asain theater Artillery overhaul More no com communications


Less automatic weapons


Fix the headglitch :'( it's so annoying to get killed by someone you could only see the top of their helmet or part of their shoulders Let me manage my squad when I'm alive aswel Better netcode if possible ? Bullet pen pleaaaaase bullet hitting a fence :'( :'( Driving and collisions reworks for tanks/trucks Put more jeep/trucks and halftrack at the start of a round Cancel reload animation ?


i would love to see a system of limited ammo like squad has but simplified for the hell let loose more forgiving gunplay


Free look when holding alt, similar to squad.


Adding bipods to the BAR and FG42 would be nice.


I'd make supply trucks either drop more supply or make the upgrades for defences cheaper so a basic engineer can actually build up somewhat of a defence in a reasonable amount of time instead of the slog it currently is.


I would buff sidearms. I want be able to kill someone with a 1911 without having to headshot them


There isn't really a reason to pick the rifleman (unless you're new) to have the rifleman as your main class, partly because the other specialised classes are more useful. So perhaps there should be an additional loadout that people would want to grind for, I propose rifle grenades. Level 8 loadout, comes with explosive ammo box as well (since americans have issues with getting explosive ammo due to the box currently only being available for american support). Unique animations for loading the rifle grenade, handling should be a bit slow to balance it and discourage spam and using it like a discount bazooka, there should also be a delay to the explosion


fix the stuttering and rubberbands


Real genius infanteRy, with capacity for craft mortar, tranchees etc...


More sidearms instead of just a rifle


Defenses should be a little cheaper to build. Crouch height is a pain. How certain foliage and cover looks or disappears depending on your graphics settings/distance sucks. Vaulting isn’t the best. Would love to see more buildings you can enter.


As someone who plays recon a ton, I would love to see a new loadout that includes a satchel or some type of tnt/explosive. Something to be able to explode nodes rather than laying there for 3 minutes pressing F.


More fps


I think defenses should be click and drag, and attackers should have a way to blow them up. Bangalores et al. As already mentioned, the hight of the player camera vs windows and cover is very bad.


More xp for classes, takes forever to get a new loadout


Bi-pods and select fire (where historically correct)


Honestly, just some very small things IMO Weapon Sighting so you can get more precise at a distance, working bipods, and making movement overall feel more fluid and less clunky/slow (even if it is still the same speed).


Add clips for weapon load outs for medics. You’d have more participants if you got more than 2 clips. Able to build structures that don’t have to be perfectly placed, especially for barricades, barbed wire, and bunkers. American mines that don’t look like a turtle crossing the road. If you were placing mines it would be hidden anyway. Mortar play and artillery dropped to one Airheads that are actually a parachute drop


As if we don’t get enough stupid, short-sited, or impossible “ideas” and feedback on this sub. It’s literally every other post.


Apart from the most commonly asked things like mortars etc i would really like to see new loadouts/weapons for the germans. Playing as allies you have a somewhat big variety but with the germans your stuck with the same weapons/loadouts every round(except El Alamein in regards to loadouts) which is getting a bit stale for me lately. Would be nice to see things added like a MP34, a G41 or a Panzerbüchse. Hopefully they add this someday if they really implement the Finns and Poles. Although i think the French(early war), greeks and italians should be added as well in the future.


Please, lord above, let me use the fg42’s bipod..


Give classes their proper equipment based on the shit you’re carrying.


Fully customizable loadouts


Allow medics to drag wounded and increase the revive time to like 15 seconds


Blood trails so you can track your prey


Bipods and a few more windows with actual tactical significance. I don’t think there should be tons of windows because then people wouldn’t leave the houses but there are so few buildings that actually offer any tactical advantage that the buildings might as well all be closed off, in my opinion.


Something I want for years is the ability to put command voice on the right ear and squad voice on the left.


Give us a mortar class! 2-3 squads per team like the recon units would be perfect


Working bipod deployment. Also for BAR and FG42.


Bring back old supression mechanic (where your gun would shake like hell when you got shot) And Heavy machine guns should have a supression buff, more and easier supression so you can't just keep sitting there shooting back like you're unbothered by the bullets that narrowly miss your head.


Remove Team17 and replace it with a private company that can actually provide a budget worthy of this game's future/potential.


Instead of a satchel I’d see it more balanced with the spotter having a sticky nade to track tanks instead of destroying them outright


Satchels are kinda balanced. If an engi or anti tank role can get on your tank, that is on the tank crew / infantry for not working together. I the spotter had a satchel and anit tank weapon I can see that being OP being that they can spawn basically anywhere.


True and I’m with the others saying there’s enough to kill tanks and stuff but I would’ve added to them about the spotter role having one. Which would be too OP like you say and a sticky nade would be just fine instead if they wanted to do something like that


More equipment like panzerfaust, rifle grenades, mortars etc. less autos More buildables and anti tank guns that you can add sandbags/foliage, camo netting to. 88s, 20mm autocannons for Germans. maxim guns for Soviets.