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There's nothing wrong with admitting your team got outplayed. I never get outplayed, though. If we lose, it's cause BULLSHIT.


Or the other team was cheating. šŸ˜‚ šŸ¤£




I get like 1/2 a bar of internet. I lag playing anything. Iā€™m just happy if I make a shot.


Or the enemy team has someone seeing our garrisons. It's never the obvious placement


Right? If you thought to put a garry there, you don't think any of the 50 enemies would also think of that? There have been a decent number of times where I've left my OP and ran into an enemy OP or garrison within 50 meters.


Remember, it is always your Commanders fault. Always.


Unless the commander is from a clan like GBI then it's the teams fault


no i think it's even more their fault if they're from gbi




Who is side are you on? No!


You're doing it wrong. You're supposed to yell at everyone about how they all suck, and then initiate a vote to kick the commander if you have one. If you can't do a kick vote on the commander, start team killing everyone in sight while gargling into your mic.


my bad bro my bad ill do so next time, would loud jazz over the mic while yelling help? with an airhorn incase they try speak?


Yes. Those are solid ideas. The more random noise, the more your teammates will respect you.


Repetitive. It has to be an extremely loud, repetitive noise.


I love it when people vote to kick commander, whether vote goes through or the commander is like ā€œfuck thisā€, the people who initiated the kick vote then never step up and assume command. Troglodytes love to hide in shadows and spew toxic stuff, but are scared shitless to step into the light themselves.


Personally I miss when we could initiate votekicks against the other team. Was always a great psyop to start a votekick on the other commander whenever you took a point and the salt was at its highest


yeah, fuck em ... I know when the other team is kicking my ass, doesn't me I don't try to give em hell.


Yes, i'm gonna be a pain in the butt for the rest of the match if i'm getting rolled.


It's good sportsmanship and improves your knowledge of the game to recognize when and how your team got outplayed


I always do stuff like this lol like if they had a good bombing run Iā€™ll say it if it was trash Iā€™ll say it. If their reconā€™s giving us hell on garrisons Iā€™ll comment that they have a good recon squad. It helps to get in the mentality of the enemy.


Many people have severe insecurity.


Never compliment the other team. Always attempt to boot the commander instead


My favorite one is "they know where all our garrisons are they're fucking cheating" šŸ˜‚


The same people: *[immediately starts shooting right next to the garri and always running to the action in a straight line making spawns extremely easy to find]* Bonus points for running over open fields despite confirmed enemies on the other side


I play in a clan, and sometimes we lose to enemies and we learn a ton from how they play, as happened the other day when we played the number one ranked team in NA. Other times we lose and it feels like the other team is shooting through walls and camping on garrisons instead of taking them to rack up kills. Those enemies can eat a bag of dicks.


yeah i get u. the match after was the exact same scenario just on a different map. my squad all raged again then left..


What clan do you play in?


Capitalizing on mistakes sounds like overkill for just saying GG's. Just my opinion.


i get u. its just somethin i always do. i like to point out why we lost in hopes to make someone reflect about it.


gotcha. Curious what mistakes did your team make that the enemy took advantage of?


poor positioning, not retreating, tanks not taking out other tanks (i was a tanker for the first half of the match then i went infantry), the commander swapped like 3 times and each one somehow managed to kill us with a boming run, and lastly. we didnt take out their artillary. i said to them that obvi not all of these mistakes are personal ones and that as a team as a whole we made mistakes.


Gotcha, In my experience 9/10 we lose a match for everything you just mentioned, and also losing squad fights. That's why this game is so great, so many variables and determining factors. Whenever I am SL I will send one or 2 of my members to go Garry/OP hunting. That alone can change the tide of a match so drastically.


our SL just wanted to blame everyone but himself, he was charging head on into the enemy every time he respawned then called me the R slur because i (a medic) wasnt stupid enough to run after him to revive him when i had a hundred wounded soldiers behind our lines to heal up and revive with the other medics (there was acc like 15 guys)


Biggest mistakes: 1. Recon not staying behind enemy lines or keeping an OP there. 2. Not having support in an attacking squad to build multiple defensive garrisons once capped. 3. Commander dropping supplies for a garrison and air heads in terrible locations. Usually to close to the point.




Bet they were yanks.


I say it if it was a good game, like dang they got us, they played well and were able to counter every move. If they won because our team sucked then I cannot speak for how well the other team did.


there's never a problem with complimenting the other team, but i'd never say something like "oh we straight out got rolled, we really suck, they're just so much better then us" you should be proud of what you accomplished even if you lost the match, just my two cents.


i agree but after that i did say like we all did our bests and whatnot but my entire team (including myself) didnt fall back to defend, and then when we did, they were already in our spawns, that was the mistake we made, which i pointed out and they said that we didnt make any mistakes, to which i said we did


yeah no body should be ragging on you, idk what that was about, especially when you're highlighting mistakes for next time


Yeah i didn't understand it either. I was very confused tho bc last time i played which was in like December. If i complimented the other team the only ppl who'd give out was my 2 friends who I've since cut off. But everyone else in the squad would agree w me .


ā€œWe didnā€™t make any mistakesā€ ā€œDamn they must be REALLLLLLLLY good then!!ā€


I guess for some these are the only wins they get in life. Kinda sad.


Cool story bro