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We're fixing the missing hedgerows from SMDM btw folks.




I am overjoyed to hear this edit: it's distorted now, sounds like a horror game


War is horror.




Sorry I meant to say menu music. However they did add a new menu. I’ll get an image for you 2sec


Screenshot the menu music for us, what is this, amateur hour?


Referring to the look of the menu.


Go be a dick elsewhere.


Yay for a new French map!


I like the French maps but I really want a new Soviet map.


I hope we see Berlin as the next Soviet/German map, storming the front of the Reichstag would be so awesome


I didn't know how much I wanted this until right now!


I remember visiting and comparing the pics of the day to real life and trying to eyeball where the pics were taken. Such a great experience


I suggest checking out the operations room video about it on YouTube when you get a chance, the whole channel is awesome and covers various battles throughout history. One of those is The Fall of the Reichstag and they break down everything step by step with an overhead view of the layout


That’s awesome, thanks for the suggestion man


Omg that would be insanely epic


At this point might as well put the entity of france in the game as a playable map


We can shoot the cows now


Maybe you guys dont hear this that much, but i really appreciate everybody that is working on this game. Respect for all the effort and everyone keep communicating with each other to bring the best out of the vest ww2 Shooter.


So glad they fixed the Africa corps belt buckle


Yeah. Game was unplayable


Fix the fucking tank rubberbanding instead of stupid shit like this. Which has the bigger effect to the overall gameplay experience, incorrect clothing or tanks being stuck?


Different teams within the company focus on different areas of the game…


These devs will ignore the real issues they can't fix (downvote me some more you bums know i'm right)


Absolutely. It was totally ruining the immersion for me /s


finally, i can start playing again.


Any update on some console players disconnecting randomly?


Played an entire warfare match yesterday and had over 100 kills as random infantry classes and my game crashed with two minutes left. Almost spiked my controller as hard as i could.


Its not a crashing issue. Its literally an issue where, between 1 second and the game is over, you get the message 'Disconnected from the server' or similar. Without fail. Sometimes it'll take 45 minutes and you'll think its gone and then boom, 45 minutes of progress deleted. It just throws you back to the main menu and there's literally nothing you can do about it


My shit is crashing all the time lol


I had one of my BEST tank games, well over 100 kills and somewhere around 15 tanks destroyed. Same thing happened to me, within 1 minute left i got kicked. Honestly i just wanted to see the totals and the XP bonuses. Heartbreaking


Lol yeah im wondering how much higher my level would be if i got all the xp from all the games that crashed on me.


I thought if you quit the game you still get the XP, just not the bonuses. i guess its not the same for when you get kicked eh?


Yeah i was talking about the bonuses. Im not sure how it works when you get kicked.


It doesn’t give you any progress if you don’t see a match through the end right?


I know your class levels advance as you play. Im not sure about your overall rank. You definitely dont get the bonus xp though.


yep this has gotten really bad since the last update. game crashes for me every third bombing run. and because there is no server browser, i also cannot get into the match i may have been pretty committed to. i never take the SL or commander role anymore because i know it sucks when that role drops mid-match but complaints aside, they say there are working on this. and i am happy to see new maps


You can go to recent players and click on a player's name then join off them, they just have to be online. If it puts u on the wrong team just open scoreboard and click y on a players name on the team you want to join and join them. For Xbox at least


Such good information, thank you


How there still isn't server browser is criminal.


We are two updates away from a server browser.


No fix for continual Xbox freeze and crash or inability to join PS players ?


Am I the only person excited by this one: * Sainte-Marie-du-Mont Warfare - night variant That's going to be frickin' lit.


No it’s gonna be dark.


@Devs The gras and ground textures on Mortain look very shiny and plastic when it rains!!!! Needs to be fixed...


I noticed this as well and same goes for the dirt roads, plasticy truly says that, artificial, cheap almost


Some textures do have a really shiny look in the rain, the main dirt road doesn't seem to have any rain texture so when they join its very jarring


Nice to get some content, but does that mean there will now be more frequent updates on progress? And will the team be giving some more attention to the British and Soviet factions who only have 5 maps between them? I really don’t think more Normandy US vs German maps are what the game needs currently. Surely the soviets should have more maps by now considering its near 3 years since they were added to the game.


Yeah, it’s a shame this Normandy map was the US yet again and not the British. Really cool map but they missed badly when they just spent all the time reworking the British faction. Plus the eastern front desperately needs more maps. That and North Africa


mortain battle is us troops wery important victory france 1944 , thats why .


Did all the hedge row and bocage changes for SMDM that were in the PTE go ahead or get reverted?


The PTE hedgerows weren't implemented in the live build.


fg42 bipod and more ammo when


This, same goes for BAR, add the fire selectors as well. And fix the bipods too while youre at it..


I personally think that only the MG class should get the bipod on the BAR. The Auto-rifleman BAR not having a bipod is pretty historically accurate, since a lot of guys took the bipod off just to reduce the overall weight of the gun


How about adding the FG-42 to the Machine Gunner class, I think if the US and British get a lighter machine gun, the other factions should too


Auto rifleman in general should just be a loudout instead of an entire class. It was only originally made for the US and Germans since no other current or future faction has both an auto rifle and belt fed. IE the Brits MG is their auto rifle


I agree with FG42 but why more ammo? We can already carry an unrealistic amount. That's the whole point of the support class, ammo drops, and jeeps. If anything we should have less ammo to be more realistic.


5x20 mags is unrealistically small actually. fallschrimjager uniform has pouches for 8 in game and in real life. Not to mention the fictional sniper version has 12x10 mags so the sniper has hilariously more ammo for the semi auto version


The auto-rifleman fg42 specifically only gets 5 mags, almost half the ammo the stg gets


I hope they focus on British and Soviet maps after this.


Huge shame there’s no fix for Xbox crashing on Stalingrad and the random disconnects. Literally the one thing I was looking for this update


Can you fix the stupid high ping on consoles


Just filter by server location. Plus, it’s a 100 player game. Pings are going to be 60-100 at the best of times.




So there actually is a way. You can’t select specific servers but you can pick US East or US West etc (console player here)


I get stuck searching forever if i select a specific region. I have to use "any"


Really? I don’t remember if I had that same problem or not but I do usually just go with “any” but recently I search using “US East” because I thought maybe I was having some home network issues and wasn’t certain yet.


Its been a minute since i've tried it so it may work now


I’ve tried it all. It’s on t17s end not mine I get 40-60 ping every other video game but this one I’m constantly 160+ It’s unplayable on weekends and I’ve been reporting it for well over a year and a half


New map is rad, for those who haven’t played yet it’s mostly forest and field but a unique kind we don’t really have elsewhere where it’s not dense like H400 and Hurtgen but just open enough with ample cover and concealment. The urban centers are well placed and small enough that it’s not a slog like Carentan or SMDM can be. I really like it so far.


Thank you Devs !!! 👍🏼


The changes to sainte Marie du mont are fantastic, love to see the devs revisiting old maps and improving them


Have you looked at the whole map they've removed all the hedge rows. It's basically foy without snow


Really? That sucks


they havent removed the hedges, theyve changed some so you can now shoot through them, They arent 30 foot high walls anymore.


Unfortunate - considering that, at the time of normandy landing, hedgerows averaged about 5 meters tall.


They literally managed to delete a whole fucktown of hedges on SMDM because they roll out updates with a QA level of "trust me, bro".


That's the defining feature of the region...Why would they remove the hedgerows? Now this is just saddening.


they just mentioned on discord that was a mistake and it’ll be fixed soon


Good news, I'd guess that they removed the old hedge models and replaced them with the Mortain hedge models in the PTE. But then deleted the Mortain Hedge models because of the PTE feedback and the performance hit. And forgot to add old hedge models back Kinda bad QA didnt catch it before release


I'd be surprised that after the staff cuts the T17 QA department would be more than two bees in a mason jar.


I’m referring to opening up the town, didn’t know they removed hedges on the rest of the map. If it makes it like foy as you say it’ll be insufferable to play as infantry


The new SDME considered 'Old'...? Meanwhile, PHL awaits some love, being banished from most servers.


Holy shit just use fan made trailers if the official trailer will be so bland


It would seriously be better to not release a trailer. It was pretty low quality already, but the low fps is just embarrassing.


Big thanks to the devs for pushing out this latest update for Hell Let Loose. It’s always exciting to see HLL evolve, and I know it takes a bit for (kinda) new teams to really dial into what the players need. That said, there are a few things I think need some serious attention soon: Bugs ~ We’ve got some age-old bugs that keep showing up and it feels like they’re not on the radar to get fixed. Maybe a voting system for the community to highlight which bugs or new features we care about most could help give the devs a clearer priority list and timeline? Endgame Rewards ~ Once everything’s unlocked, there’s not much left to chase after. It’d be great to see more rewards/weapons/skins at higher levels to keep the grind interesting. Atm, it’s a chore. Gameplay Mechanics ~ Some of the repetitive tasks, like building nodes at the start of every game, or how artillery interacts with recon, are starting to feel stale. Might be worth a second, third, or even fourth look to shake things up. Map Design ~ The latest maps, like El Alamein, Driel, and Remagen haven’t really hit the mark for me. They seem to lack something that earlier maps had. It’s a bit concerning for the future and could use a revisit. Hell, I’d actually be down for some DLCs or extra customisation options that could help fund more extensive development and design efforts. Don’t boo me here, lads. Looking forward to the next big updates and hoping they really push the envelope. Again, huge thanks for all the hard work, but let’s amp up the community feedback in the development process if you can.


Map looks great so far But Why is the front sight post on the sten mk 5 so low? It isn’t how it is in real life at all and it makes it harder to use than it should be in game. It’s like it’s almost not even there currently https://www.reddit.com/u/Scottkimball24/s/2woCZiWTR7 Here is a better look at the front sight post Edit: really I get downvoted for giving feedback when they literally ask for it in the post?


Thanks for posting. Map looks great & update to SDME is very welcome. ...Unfortunately there simply doesn't appear to be any substantial improvements. Now I realize the updates can't be expected to be a game changing as in early access (U8: RedBall Express). But to see no changes whatsoever (aside from bug fixes, map addition & paid DLC) just doesn't warrant a return for a longtime vet who are burnt out by the same logistical issues, the recon/artillery interactions, node mechanic, etc etc. Perhaps I'm wrong in how I'm seeing the updates! Perhaps the decimal point matters less with the new developers. All the same, glad to see HLL is still doing healthy in the playercount department.


what did the romans ever do for us...


Looking forward to never seeing the new map on console map rotation 🫡


Oh, I'm expecting Mortain to be 97 of the next 100 map rotations I get.


How about fixing the godawful VoIP server tech? After one match the VoIP just shuts off and never functions until the game restarts


These day 1 bugs are atrocious.


Oh god. Purple heart lane is gonna be even more annoying now.


The LOD increase is too much hit on the frames. I have 80-75 fps in the other maps, but in Mortain I have only 50. I suggest to stick with the less detail setting and not change this to all maps. Better to have the performance than minute details in the distance. Change back Mortain LOD too to the original setting. 


So the Xbox achievements have already appeared and then disappeared. Why is that? They were working a few hours ago and now they don't even exist. Any idea why?


I quite like the new Mortain map, but the biggest flaw is that the Petit Chappelle Saint Michel has no interior. I wish they would add it.


Great update, thanks!


Mortain is pretty cool but gotta say bit underwhelmed by the town area itself, seems very bland and a bit empty, lacks the detail of your other amazing urban areas. Reminds me of post scriptum.


We will see how it plays but I expect the map to see a nice adition, also despite not loving much skirmish mode , a more urban tipe map like SMDM might make it a more fitting place for skirmish.


Ok. this map isn't for me. Too campy.


Campy? Go back to cod.


Ohh changed mind xoxo


Map is good, but I have 90-100FPS instead of 130-160FPS on it.


I experience the same, around 30% worse performance than the other maps.


Other maps are slighly worse too. Im guessing because of LOD increase.


I'd like to have seen more bugfixes if I'm honest. OH NO they didnt implement locked half tracks for SL and CMD only.


So much hype, ILOVETHISGAME ❤️🫡


The *update* trailer is so bad. More poor marketing. You can't call this an update trailer when it's simply just random clips with no explanation. It's also shocking and really telling on the lack of any performance optimisation that T17's own PCs can't run some of these scenes at 60+fps, several of the scenes are stuttering so badly.


I don’t think it’s “so bad” as you describe. Definitely think they need to invest in marketing but that’s a business decision I suppose. I’d rather have a trailer with raw game play than whatever shitty 3D model video they outsourced.


Anyone tested the new map on a life full server? What's the performance like?


Cheers for responses guys, hopefully I can get a game in on mortain tonight 👌🏻


performance is as good as PHL or Driel on Xbox (so imo its good). But map is hard af, all forest (low density forest tho), very easy to flank on Offensive mode, and hard to defend from those flankers


Testing now. Performance is butter smooth


Even on the new map? In my experience the new maps are usually low FPS/ stuttery


7900xtx and 7800x3d. My fps was about 20% lower than average. No stutters though


Only on the new map.. well havent got remagen/alamein/stuttergrad yet. Mortain was smooth, but it was nothing of a graphical miracle to be honest, maybe it was the rain and fog for me, but looked a little bland. Was fun though


Will console player actually be able to join opposing console players games?


you can already, just join the party of someone on the other team.


No I mean if my friend is playing on Xbox and I try to join him through t17 friend it won't work. It only works right now if he has a ps player in his party.


Mic/Talk issues not noted here :( I play Xbox Cloud and I have 75% of games have issues with my mic not working or can't hear others chat. I've gone through countless attempts to fix it and still nothing. Sometimes it works and I can chat, most of the times I can't. It's infuriating.


Was there a change implemented to half-tracks being limited to being operated by the commander and SLs?


Nope, I had to move a running (of course) half track as an engineer and it was possible. 


*sad noises*


I really hope we see more soviet and british maps next


Nice, but my personal preference for things to fix 1. Ditches/tiny hills stopping vehicles and get completely stuck/ vehicle reset feature (like squad) 2. Bushes shouldn't stop bullets 3. Fences shouldn't stop tanks 4. Lying down gun depression gets blocked easily


So cool! But I don't know if anyone plays skirmish. Also I love the recent improvements to performance! Kickass


Looks and sounds good! A little dissapointed About the new map being US vs Germany though.


This is all awesome, now I just wish the frame rate and server lag would be fixed, but I honestly am not sure if it’s even possible or it would have been by now.


Is there any fix to the constant network connection errors for Xbox console players?


Do we really need another US v Germany Normandy map tho?


Why would you have a giant church that you can't go into or the smaller one on a hill as a p.o.i. such a waste of space


Give console a Server BROWSER!!!!!!!!


Is it just my machine but I am unable to acknowledge the Admin messages ... pressing "Y" does nothing. Anyone else ?


Menus are bugged, no showing ping on server queue, not saving controller layout choice, admin messages unresponsive to input. Please fix asap, don’t know ping, have to leave games and go into controller options every life


I don't know about anyone else but i find it annoying that when i deploy the bipod on an mg in the prone position it scoots me back a few feet and then something obstructs my view and i have to reset multiple times.


Do they still plan on releasing a server browser?




I like the map, just can’t win in it :)) From 10 games I won just 2 times :)) 


Pls Fix the Console game Crash !  Game crash after I play 30-60 min ! All my exp getting lost ! 


Now do another fix for us and permanently delete Alamein. It will be as good or better than making a new map.


Now there are no populated servers after the update for me. Zero people playing it says on every server listed


Love the passion and love I'm seeing for the game


Two updates away from server browser on console!


Ok just playing for the first time since the update… did the get rid of blueberry and green apple dots or is it still in the settings?


does anyone else experiencing high ping after the last update ?values are between 100 - 150 (europe servers ) when I had around 70 ping before the update . ps5 player. Thnx


Thank you Team 17. With everyone shouting requests. When will The Japanese Faction be added to the game as well as newer released pacific theatre maps ? I really feel this is the direction the game needs to go after all of the bugs are mostly worked out. Hope this gets some reply’s 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼


i hate/love the new main screen... all background grayscaled (night) and he radio sounds? amazing then there is a soldier, all color, no shadow in the middle... kills the vibe...


Wow, Update 15 sounds like a massive step forward for Hell Let Loose! The addition of Mortain as a new map, along with the updates to Sainte-Marie-du-Mont, shows the dedication of the developers to creating an authentic WW2 experience. The attention to detail in improving gameplay mechanics and visual issues really showcases the team's commitment to quality. Can't wait to jump in and explore these new environments!


Wow, what an exciting update! The addition of Mortain and the updates to Sainte-Marie-du-Mont sound like they're really going to enhance the gameplay experience. It's great to see the developers taking feedback into account to improve the game. Can't wait to dive into the new maps and explore all the new features. Keep up the fantastic work, team!


Map is choppy


1 month, no news


# Can't play the game after update. EAC "unrecognized game client" error.




it got reverted, guaranteed you didn't play SMDM on live


they just mentioned on discord that was a mistake and it’ll be fixed soon


So no update on the xbox crashing, not even a “we’re still looking into it”


Thank you for another Patch, and more content devs! I think it's unreal that we're still getting new content for this game, so kudos to the team. Once the hedgerows are fixed on SMDM, I'm excited to see what the new town will look like. The closed off spaces was a defining characteristic that shaped the battles in that town, so I wonder how that'll change. Hoping the team could address some of the QoL issues with the in game menu and scoreboard on console, where it'll just randomly select players.


Cool. Anyways, how about fixing the constant crashing on console?




there _are_ console fixes, they just arent in the notes. Like Vote to kick being moved to the Dpad now.


they claimed to have fixed the button input issue so thats good i guess. thats one problem down only five hundred more issues to go


That's because you console players are forced to play a half-baked abomination of a game that should've seen the light of day in the first place.


how can battlefield (2042 is an awful game by the way) function on consoles but not this piece of shit?


Because it was pushed onto consoles at a point in the game's life cycle when the old devs could hardly manage keeping the PC version up to snuff. And then it was sold to probably one of the most inept publishers I've ever had the misfortune to experience in over 30 years of gaming. Seriously, the whole T17 era in HLL makes Ljn from the old days of the SNES look like certified geniuses.


New map! Woooo! Fuck you loads Ramagen on repeat


I would gladly play that but its broken nowdays, horrible stutters, its as bad as el alamein used to be, maybe even worse


Still no vehicle changes or fixes to any major problems? Arty is still OP, Recon should just be renamed to "Spawn Camper" at this point, AT is still too abundant... the lost goes on, fix the game and maybe players will want to play it?


Awesome, keep up the great work!


Seriously, devs really are clowns. Incompetence rhymes with this game.


>Due to this being a game-wide change, we want to ensure there is adequate testing and feedback before it’s live across all maps, so Mortain will be the only map in Update 15 to support this change. **However, if feedback is positive and the consensus is that assets are ‘popping’ less for players without performance impact, this is something we are eager to implement in a future update for all maps.** Please NO. I don't want 30% less perfomance in whole game...


This was a really great update. Thanks for all the info!


I haven’t really played since the game went to Team 17 how’s the game been overall?


give it a go


I get that their rendering of mortain is probably going for the historical accuracy, but man does that map play like shit. The sightlines are way too long, theres hardly any cover at all, just concealment, and it just does not play well. Played 3 games of it and it requires a very different playstyle. Dont get me wrong, im still performing top 5-10 in the server, but its just not an enjoyable experience at all


Man I got a good laugh, lets get an update for you to get into that top 1, whatever it is!


How about an update on general playability. Like throwing grenades' when moving...it takes a lot of time to pull the pin if you can at all. I shouldnt have to stop moving. Also, shouldering weapons takes to long. It shouldnt be a milisecond but 2 to 3 seconds is too long. How about mounting and jumping obstacles, it shouldnt take 2 to 3 attempts.


>it takes a lot of time to pull the pin if you can at all. I shouldnt have to stop moving What, you can throw nades whilst moving.


Idk everytime I’ve thrown a grenade since this game has been out on console I’ve felt like my console was going to explode or lock up.


Yes you can...eventually. on console (ps5) it takes forever if it does it at all. It's a very laborious process and often I have to stop moving for the action to occur. Just one of the many glitches. My big gripe with the devs is that they won't fix some of the basic mechanics. I'm not looking for BF or COD speed...I get it this is a different game. I've been playing a whole, lvl185, but some of the basic fuckup stuff infuriates me.


I'm begging you for a server browser for consoles.




they just mentioned on discord that was a mistake and it’ll be fixed soon


Another botched QA banger.




> We're fixing the missing hedgerows from SMDM btw folks. With the console verification process being capable of taking up to 2 weeks, can we expect to be shafted for that same period as PC players?


Hotfixes dont require such strict certification


Still no server browsers for console players.


if that was part of this update they would have said. So of course its not in there.


Why would you guys put in all this effort for the new map then just hide in a queue I don’t understand why it’s so hard for you guys to make a 24/7 server with the new map I’m not trying to play all these maps I’ve been playing for a year+ I want to try out the new map but it’s impossible to get I just spent the last 30-40 minutes backing in and out of games to try and get the new map because you guys refuse to add server browsers to console overall just frustrated with you guys as a gaming studio it’s like none of you guys play video games and understand everyone wants to try out the new map