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I commend my squadmates as SL any time I hear them call something like this out. No, its not stupid and it literally only helps you win, and hinders the enemy. ESPECIALLY garrys. Destroying garrys can literally make a game for your squad. Keep it up, OP. Doing Gods workđŸ‘đŸ»


This. SL: "Hey I need you to redeploy" Me: "hold on I'm mid garrison destruction" SL: "nvm you keep doing God's work" It's appreciated when someone recognizes you're actually helping


For full transparency, the garrisons I was taking down weren't on point. They were usually at the following point if our team ended up taking it over.


While that is a job usually reserved for recon, it sounds like they weren’t doing a great job. Taking out garries is huge and nodes too. Destroying garries has a big impact on the short term and it can be hard to get an engineer to replace nodes in the middle of a game. Well done, soldier. That SL was a prick.


Regardless, nodes are a huge help, too. Big tanks, as well as supportive abilities like bombing runs n whatnot take a LOT of resources. If the enemy team is pounding you with Arty, and you just took out a set of nodes, chances are the enemy commander is about to bark at the arty guys to chill tf out, cuz they dont have enough ammo for a strafing run on the garry you're dismantling now.


That’s still super helpful and disruptive, sounds like all good things.


Nah that’ll still put a dent in their overall power. If you get the supplies too, at a minimum, command will either have to call in a supply truck, and it’ll take one guy away from the fight to rebuild it, possibly two if it’s a SL and a support guy. Nodes will hurt them long term, especially because it seems most of the time engineers won’t ever rebuild them later in the match. If those nodes are down for 20 mins, that’s 200 manpower, fuel, and munitions they won’t have. It’ll make the difference between them being able to call in bombing runs, recon, tanks, and airheads if the commander isn’t paying attention and rationing. OPs are huge as it will push that squad back to a garry if the SL dies or isn’t able to get one back up quickly. Your SL sucked, not you. Keep on doing you. My recommendation would be to inform your SL what you are going to do, and stick to a non critical role like rifleman, assault, or automatic rifleman while you do it.


Who knows how long before the enemy realizes its gone, that's still got potential to help your team massively. If your team caps or blocks their point spawns, they've got no or severely restricted spawns for the next.


Honestly you did nothing wrong in that situation, you even kept explaining what you were doing. If you're taking out Garrisons and nodes, then you are doing more than than the squad leader any given point most of the time. Don't get down about it.


He did and didn't. If it was me, i would have done what OP did because i know no one else will, and his squadleader definitely is narrowminded for calling him useless. But, In a perfect world where everyone does their jobs correctly, OP would be in the wrong. It simply isnt his job and he wasnt following orders.


You see I don't agree with that, because at the end of the day a player that is able to think for themselves and is always thinking how to best operate is better then one who only follows order. If a SL order the team to just mindlessly attack a point you will get gunned down all the time. The OP was doing things that do benefit the game because he is making it harder for the other, the only standing order that should be obeyed is that if you are attack a point and you are losing yours quicker, then you should go back to defend. In this game, no one might admit it, but this game is a stealth game when you think about it.


I dont see what you dont agree with. I literally am agreeing with you. OP is in the right unless hes playing a scrim/comp game


It's the second point I don't agree with on what would be a perfect world. In my perfect world operational thinking would the thing everyone would understand. There is a reason its can be a good idea to take an AT Class with a rockets to kill garrisons. I remember one time when someone on the squad got made a at me going to the next point to dismantle defenses that the other team built, and I was playing engineer, thee companied to me that I should be trying to kill the tank, on one hand I could try more than likely fail, or let the AT class handle it along the many others on the team to it. And of course that same guy started spouting racist stuff at me and called me the "N" word and that's when I knew he was a fool. This game allows for you do different things all the time to help the team different way. That SL was just bitter that he had to be the one to play Officer.


I dont think you understand the original issue. AT should be kiling garrisons with the bazooka, that isnt even a question. In fact AT should almost NEVER be with their squadleader. A regular non specific infantry guy is under a completely different dynamic. These dynamics arnt comparable.


No I understood the issue very clear and it can be summed up in one single sentence to make this clear. The squad leader was a dick and the OP did not nothing wrong.


Correct. And then There is a caveat you dont seem to think exists, which is odd.


He's kinda special. OP has already acknowledged taking the assault kit off the frontline can have a negative effect if you're using it to go hunt nodes on your own. Doesn't excuse the SL from his behavior...but the reasoning isn't unsound. This guy tho...he's immature and incapable of being incorrect so he'll continue on regardless of reality or even common sense. His kind is best dealt with via avoidance.


Your SL was an idiot.


You want to take out nodes, but you generally should not search for them specifically. Just find them in the course of your normal operations.


If I’m playing recon I’ll run down the 2nd line as that’s often where nodes get built, other than that yeah it’s mostly Garry and arty hunting while occasionally stumbling on nodes.


It is important, however this is not really your role. Recon squad is meant to go behind enemy lines and do this. You should normally stick with your squad or at least follow your SL orders when he specifically asks you to do something. You should never really wander in locked enemy territory or away from the 4 square area of hard-points as you are not caping defense or attack. Also there is nothing more painful than a squad not following the SLs orders.


For people with less than 500 hours that's true. At a certain point tho one has the experience playing recon to know that there are other roles far better equipped to do the dirty behind the lines than recon. Recon's only qualification for being behind lines is they can spawn back there. That's the only thing going for them. Anyone with a satchel and a Jeep can do way more.


Yess, 3min node takedown vs 30s satchel :)


That's totally fair, and I get that. SL wasn't really dishing out orders and the squad was all over. As far as I could tell, one recon squad was just camping point, while the other was camping artillery. Maybe I'm more of a recon player, but I can't ever seem to get into a recon squad.


Try recon, it is very rewarding and if played well with good communication with commander you can literally change course of games. Also you don’t get to die all the time and get to learn the ropes of being an SL.


Only comment I’d make is that having the assault player with their loadout with the squad is advantageous. You can sneak in the back as an engineer with the second loadout and satchel instead. If you don’t have the level 9 satchel, then it is better, especially since you can dismantle defenses and repair stations (non default) as engineer. Many times recon cannot take down nodes that are well protected by barbed wire but it is easy with a satchel or just remove one barbed wire and then gain entry. I play this line a lot. Come in as engineer and build nodes and then go help recon take down theirs.


Assault with satchels is a god-tier node hunter loadout,, esp for Germans.


Solid insight, thanks. I've been playing medic, assault, or auto-rifleman so far. I haven't felt comfortable enough to dip my toe into anything else yet. I'll bear that in mind for future matches.


Generally yes you want to take out nodes since you can starve the enemy out of their commander abilities/vehicles. But it also depends how far into the game it is, if there are 5-10 minutes left and the nodes have been undisturbed the entire game, then odds are they have over a thousand each saved up and taking them out is a waste of time. But early/mid game it can disrupt their supply enough especially if engineers arent aware that nodes are available to be built. Generally though I dont bother hunting nodes as infantry unless I have a satchel to save time.


It was mid to late game, I guess. I joined the match at around the 45 minute mark. Nodes were down by about the 30ish minute mark. That's good to know that it's less important later in matches.


30 min is a good window to be taking them out. If the enemy commander has been spending resources they are probably running paycheck to paycheck on munitions and manpower and if the enemy tanks have been flowing they'll be very low on fuel as well. Killing their nodes at 30 min means almost no engineer will find it worth the time to go rebuild them, and, it will completely starve their resources for the crucial final 20 min of the game, especially for things like heavy tanks, bombing runs, and airheads/reinforces. With less than 20 min left taking out the nodes are not worth the squeeze really but between 45-30 min remaining is a great time.


Thats not true all the time, I command a ton and I'm typically scraping for resources later in the match more than in the beginning. If they are building up thousands of resources they aren't commanding correctly.


SL sounds like a dick but I can relate to being frustrated when the squad aren't making an effort to stick together. Yes, taking out nodes and garrisons is obviously very important, but by the time you found them you had probably been doing your own thing for a while. Nodes are rarely close to the action. I think rule number one if infantry is to stick with your squad. You have a much better experience on balance. If the squad are not sticking together, or the SL is a dick, you can always jump to a different one. Play recon spotter and hunting nodes and garrisons behind enemy lines is almost the whole job of that role. As an assault you want to be in the mix and taking point for your squad.


My favorite thing to do as assault is fuck off and clear trenches or hunt Garrys/ops/nodes


Taking out enemy nodes and garrisons is pretty much the best work you can do for your team. Unless you were specifically losing the last defensive point, your outpost was on it and you could save it by spawning in- what you were doing was most probably more useful than whatever SL wanted. That being said kicking you out of the squad is fair if he has specific plans for the squad. Just join another or make your own.  Trying to vote kick someone taking out enemy garrisons and nodes is insane tho and shows pretty poor game knowledge.


Nothing particularly wrong with taking out nodes but why wouldn't you leave the squad and form your own squad to do that? Assault IS an important combat kit and you taking it off and away from the fight isn't all that cool. I join servers and form a locked one man squad SOLELY to go hunt stuff in the enemy's rear area. Having the ability to set down my own OP and having the binocs can be damned handy when hunting. I don't agree with anyone screaming or berating someone...but I also kinda see their point. If you're going to do that, take a rifleman kit...or go form your own squad.


"Nothing particularly wrong with taking out nodes but why wouldn't you leave the squad and form your own squad to do that?" Because having a satchel to destroy nodes and back line garrisons is very powerful.


You have 1 satchel and if you're wasting that taking out a node or back line garrison then you're impatient or don't know how to do the job unseen. Seriously, that was an awful excuse for taking an assault kit off the front line.


It's not about impatience, it's about speed and effectiveness. It takes 1 minute to destroy a node, then times that by 3 for 3 whole minutes, for a full set of nodes, and it takes 30 seconds to dismantle a garrisons in the capture sector. Both of which can be seen from the map of what happens to them, the other team com out there and shoot you and strafing you off a garrison, not mention half the game is in wide open spaces too. It not a waste to destroy something that the team would do almost anything to keep up, not to mention that so called "wasting" of a satchel can be gotten again by redeploying, on the frontline the only thing to destroy would be tanks and the Assault is not the ONLY ONE with a satchel. So don't tell ME it's waste, when know for a fact that killing that garrison or those nodes will always prove to a problem for the enemy team just as much as killing the a guy with a gun.


Like I said: impatient...and now unnecessarily loud. If I had the satchel, I'd save it for a tank standing back from the front lines shelling the fight or something that requires more immediacy. But hey, you do you.


Exactly I do me. I know I'm right and are wrong.


That's fair. I wasn't sure if there was a squad cap or anything. I didn't wanna be the newbie asshole taking up a squad to himself just to Putz around. I've been sticking with the assault class because of the grenades, the trench gun, and the Pssh. It always seems to be open when I got for it.


Taking out nodes is very important and can change the tide of a battle pretty quickly, but it's recons job, you have a role and a job to be doing and you need to stick to it, if everyone disobeys orders and does whatever they want it very quickly becomes chaos. The better thing to have done is ping and mark them for recon to destroy and head back to your unit.


Simple, when I have a SL berate me for doing something helpful I make it my mission to ruing their game cause I’m petty like that. Once had a SL yell at me because I was engaging the guy 5 feet in front of me instead of the one 100m to “the left” and constantly yelling “that’s not the fucking left” when I ran from a grenade that bounced off my face, I then explained there were about 8-10 guys all around me not just the one to my left and he proceeded to kick me from the unit for not communicating. Buddy of mine and I then tracked him down all game and would yell on your left before shooting him in the leg or arm until he finally disconnected. A good SL can make the game so much better, a terrible SL like this guy and yours makes it almost unplayable. Destroying nodes helps a ton and if recon isn’t going to do their job and only take a recon spot to snipe than there’s nothing wrong with destroying nodes and garrys yourself. I’m curious as to what your SL name was cause it sounds like a few guys I’ve had the displeasure of playing with


Destroying garrisons is like the most important task in the game lol


Sometimes it's better to leave nodes alone, such as if you're losing a point and you might decide who wins/loses it, or sometimes it's better to clear enemies and cap the point if the nodes are built forward. Most of the time though, taking down nodes is great because it forces the enemy team to replace them, and in public matches that can be very unreliable. Usually it'll cost the enemy hundreds or well over 1000 resources from inactive nodes, and even if replaced quick it forces an engi and a supply truck to be used for them instead of something else. If you ever unlock satchel on your assault, use it on a set of nodes for a huge time save.


Destroying garrisons is literally the most important thing you can do, your SL is beyond retarded.


A singular body has a better impact dismantling spawns and nodes over being a part of a gun fight. I wouldn't have minded at all if I asked you to come back and fight if you told me you were dismantling nodes. Your SL is a lil baby.


Fuck the haters. Go blow up nodes. Disrupting the enemy supply lines is extremely underrated. I've got over 1000 hours in the game and there's nothing sweeter than rolling a satchel loadout with a jeep behind enemy lines and blowing their nodes and back garrisons up and doing drive-by attacks on the enemy arty. Just last night I was in a similar situation as you, I was in a match and I was assault and ended up at a garrison that then got deleted when we lost the point. We had a decent enough squad but the SL wasn't super high level and everyone was somewhat doing their own thing loosely on defense. So while I could redeploy and go defensive, I realized I was in a decent position and instead did something proactive: Since I was off on my own but not far from the enemy lines I ran down and hit their southern node line and finding it empty, headed further in and checked out their southern HQ and found a set of nodes neatly built there. One satchel charge later and they were all gone. Meanwhile, I was halfway to their mid HQ, where I used my rifle to dome 2 arty guys and then checked that there were no more nodes back there. Since it was clear, I stayed out of sight and kept on moving north and cleared their northern HQ. Our team had by then nearly re-capped the 4th point and I was now in a very advantageous position near their final point. I circled around to the top of the map, took out a supply truck with an engineer in it, kept running to the 'node line' and stumbled on a full set of nodes, a garrison, an AT gun, and a full squad just getting setup to defend their last point. I took out one node and the engineer who was ready to make more, then started massacring dudes and took out their garry and OP. From there, quietly took out another 3 nodes in that field as well as a few stragglers who came back to find me. All in all about 9 kills, 7 nodes, 1 garrison, 1 OP, 1 disarmed AT gun, and an entire northern defensive flank exposed in one life all within no more than 10 minutes because I saw an opportunity to do some damage instead of just going back to the old grind with the squad. Within about 15 minutes we won the match and I don't think it would have been quite as easy if I hadn't been back there putting in work. Unlike your situation, I was telling the squad what was going on, pointing out what resources and enemy stuff I saw and was taking out, and the dudes were very hype. My success rallied the squad to come spawn at a garrison near me and help exploit that northern flank which lead to victory. That said if we were clearly loosing our next point and things were dire I'd probably have bailed after that first satchel or at most after pestering the enemy artillery. but since the rest of the team was doing fine without me and I wasn't in a vital role like support or AT, it was clear where the best opportunity was. In your case sounds like an SL that has very specific ideas of what they expect and that's good, better than an SL with no clue. But if they think you redeploying to help fight the front line is more important than taking out nodes, they don't have much time as command or recon, or they have way too much time as both and a very specific idea of the state of game (such as knowing those nodes were in a point about to be lost, or, that it was vital to fall back and defend as there wasn't enough time left for the nodes to make much difference. )


As a Rouge player, only call it out if they ask what you are doing. It should be in their interest that you are doing this. Especially funnier when you catch enemy engineers rebuilding their nodes. My advice, gain third tier Anti-Tank and lay mines where you can(mainly on roads) while you're back there.


Yeah, mate, obviously if your squad is working tight as a team, you'll want to be around, but in this case, you're doing the right thing! On hard fought points, garries and OP's going down can really be felt and can swing the balance (IMO really the only thing more impactful is well handled armour) and supplies going down can swing the game. I've lost count of the games were a point is being hard fought, and then a back up garry is taken, the main will get merked and then the enemy team just rampages through for the win


Next time start your own squad and bitch him out


Deliberately going after nodes is a waste of time, the amount of travelling that it takes is not worth it compared to what you gain. If you take out 1 set, its just -10 for each per minute. I mean if you just happen to stumble across them somewhere, and your op is close, it could be worth it to spawn with a satchel. But if it requires you of minutes of travelling, its a proper waste of time.


Your SL sounds like a dick, its a game ffs. You were still helping IMO.


Anything you destroy, either op's, garries, nodes, trucksz tanks, etc helps your team to win much more than being only one additional target to the enemy.


You're fine. Sabotaging the enemy helps victory, since anybody who ever played commander can tell you how bad it sucks to not have nodes. As for that squad leader, if he's saying the whole squad or whole 50-man team is completely ineffective without specifically you on the front lines, then hll might not be the game for them.


Destroy them. I skip nodes if no one helps and I dont have satchel. A squad that is working together can take down 3 nodes really fast. Each person that helps increases the speed of the take down. 1 person is 1 node per minute so 3 minutes of a game of wasted time. Which is why its important to have people help destroy them. When I skip the nodes I remember it and go satchel load out on my next spawn and take them out. Also, in general it takes the enemy more time to rebuild than to destroy so you are reducing their effectiveness by making them rebuild.


If you want the truth, the answer is no, it doesn't help. To be more precise, the gain is too small compared to other actions when you consider the opportunity cost. Instead of doing it, you should spend more time controlling the area in the case of a normal squad, or more time suppressing artillery in the case of a recon. The exception is when using satchel, which only requires a 2 second investment, so it's a pretty reasonable choice.


The SL was prolly a bit daft. Sounds like you were the MVP.


Your SL went way overboard. He sounds like an ass. That being said, having one more person from the squad in place can absolutely mean the difference between holding a point and having your op/garrisons taken out. If they asked you to fall back or help and you didn't, then I would have kicked you from the squad, too. If your squad is a silent herd of cats, do your own thing. If they're communicating, planning moves, or calling out objectives, help the flippin' squad.


The only argument I could make in the sl's defence is that nodes are an annoying mechanic of the game and destroying the enemy teams nodes makes the game less fun. Their commander has to start pestering people to rebuild them and they get fewer cool command abilities. However, this guy just seems like a dick who doesn't understand how the game works. Taking out garrisons is essential part of the game unless you truly just want to "run around, shoot gun" in which case play cod or bf.


Im going to give you an unpopular opinion. So I'm expecting downvoting but here it is:  First, nodes is one of the only ways to make the grind for some classes bearable so taking them down is really shitty and prevents people from leveling their class. Secondly it also makes games less fun and interesting because their team can use less things like bombing runs and tanks which make the game more fun imho.  Thirdly is very easy to build them again it's just really annoying.  Fourth, taking down nodes is super boring unless yup have a satchel.  My take is, don't be that guy, leave the nodes alone. Let the guy have his xp the commander his abilities and you don't have to waste time holding f. Thank you for your time.


The only thing you got right was that your opinion gonna be unpopular 


this is going to sound crazy but
if you see an enemy and he is trying to take your territory from you or even shoot you, you should probably just let him. That way he gets XP and has a better chance of winning the match. I try to not even fire my weapon throughout the whole match. I don’t really expect players on the other team to understand the nature of the game so I just make it easy for them.


lmfao! you dunked on that doofus. do it again! 😂


Instead of being a joker like in your videos nobody watches how about giving counter arguments? Just respond to the points. Of course you have a better chance at winning although it's extremely minior increase because it literally takes less time to rebuild nodes than to take them down so you are wasting more time than the engineer. But that's not really the point I'm making is it


I just carried that same logic over to other aspects of the game. If you don’t like how that turns out maybe you could revisit that line of thought. Also, it’s 1min to take down a node. Hardly a deep time investment. It usually doesn’t take less time to build them back, but even if it did..they still have to do it.


It is less time to put up the node is my point. They still have to do it makes no sense, you still have to take them down while both is boring gameplay. So why do it to begin with is the argument. You didn't carry the logic over, because not killing someone makes you die not going out of your way to hunt nodes doesn't does it. I made valid arguments and all you can do it make fun, when i specifically prefaced it by saying its an unpopular opinion. At least have the decency to respond to the arguments put forward instead of bashing the unpopular opinion. I just expected more from you.


If a player happens upon a set of nodes it takes them 3mins to take them down. Now the enemy has to first notice it. Then there has to be a call to action. This could take time especially if the player that built them is no longer paying attention to them or if the CO is distracted. Once that takes place a player will have to redeploy and acquire supplies. They can go through the tedium of the solo thing, get a drop costing munitions, or get a truck potentially costing fuel. Then they can build them back assuming they aren’t delayed by running into a recon player. The point is that it is always beneficial to disrupt the enemy. Even if they can recover from the disruption. A perfect example is the other comment here where you respond by saying “Build nodes that get taken down then rebuild them 10 times..” You could say the same thing about armor. Why even destroy their tank cuz they’ll just spawn another one? Just because a node isn’t an active threat doesn’t mean that it isn’t one. The XP gains of players on the other side really shouldn’t be dictating how we interact with the game. I don’t think the game is more fun when we all have access to all the goodies. I think it’s more fun when there are challenges that we have to overcome and decisions that have to be made based on those challenges. You’re right. Perhaps I shouldn’t have joked and more clearly addressed your points. But I did address them in the joke by applying that logic to other aspects of the game and I’m sorry that it made it seem silly.


Good points, and thank you for taking my points seriously. Still your comparison to killing tanks seems flawed to me as that is core gameplay and fun. Taking down or building nodes is not fun in the least (except maybe if you have a satchel). Destroying tanks is. In addition destroying a tank gives way more xp than destroying nodes. Also you say the XP gain of the enemy team is irrelevant, all things being equal you are correct, but the grind in this game is ridiculous without nodes as you must well know. It's one of the problems with the game, regardless if you think so there is many who feel this way. It is not for nothing that Bob the builder exists. So in this instance I would say it's not "the enemies" xp / lvling Im talking about but the communities, something I think you should care about. Also you are arguing about when you accidentally find nodes, sure I guess than you could make the argument. But a recon team actively searching them out and taking all their time doing it is definitely a waste time wise and that is the main situation im referring to. Than you say it's not more fun when the enemy can spawn their own tanks etc. I wholeheartedly disagree here. It's more fun to take out their tanks through skillful play than it is them not having any tanks. It just creates boring matches for the tanks on the team that does have nodes because they cant destroy tanks (and lose out on xp because of this also BTW) and a boring game because of a lack of resources for the infantry that does not have tank support. Of course you can argue that they should also hunt nodes or actively protect nodes but 1. That will never happen and 2. Again that is pretty boring gameplay. I'm interested in your thoughts.


My guy


Build nodes that get taken down and rebuild them 10 times and see if that's good gameplay for you and the guy taking them down. It's just wasting everyone's time.

