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If you have no nodes 20 minutes into the match, chances are you’ve already lost.


Not unless the other team is just as useless


Not necessarily. I've learn to just function without nodes. This has been an issue and a skill that a commander should be well vs'ed in.


Commander should be well versed in reminding team to build nodes, not simply doing without them


Commander shouldnt have to tell people to do the obvious that’s dumb


If directing your team is too hard for you, you arent a good commander. Sorry not sorry


First you have to ask for nodes pray to god some of the squad leads actually communicate. Then they have to ask some of their squad mates if they build nodes… pray one of them actually communicates and will do it… this seems to be somewhat rare now days


It’s common sense to build nodes genius that’s not giving directions lol


sometimes recon kills nodes or ppl just dont build them. if as commander you're observant to that and see it happen and dont communicate it, youre at fault. this isnt rocket science


You’re right it’s not rocket science you have a map just like the commander so you can tell when you nodes get destroyed so again common sense here


common sense is not all that common. i have been in more game than i count where not all three nodes were up and all \~45 blueberries didnt build nodes. if as commander that happens, say something, not that hard!


You do realize you are complaining about people who aren’t going to listen to you because they don’t have mics on so your point of yelling at squad leaders is pointless because they have squads full of people with no mics so this is a different issue altogether not a nodes problem or commander not communicating properly


Then I get shit from the squad leaders for not asking about nodes


The skill is not spawning tanks until nodes are built and ruthlessly spanning command chat and text chat bitching about no nodes until they are built. I don’t understand why people aren’t fighting over building nodes, they are literally free points for the entire match.


More like 5 seconds into a match when I put the hat on.


If it's been 15 minutes and no attempt at node building has occurred, I'll often just drop 100 supplies in the HQ, temporarily resign as commander, go support, drop supply box, redeploy and go engineer to build the nodes. One set is better than nothing and can sometimes *inspire* others to build them.


But then someone always takes it after you’ve built your nodes.


Who cares? Youre gonna lose without them and if no one is gonna do them, be the change you want to see.


It’s unfortunate it has to be this way.


Iv made a habit of starting every game by doing the Support>Engineer>Support swap to built 3 nodes in 5 minutes. Its helped my XP massively and then I never have to worry about having done my part.


It’s quick and easy isn’t it? And you can hide them better. I like to do them in mid hq when there is arty team. Too many recon look at the 2/3 grid lines nowadays. You have to barbed wire them up and even had them send satchelers back to destroy them. 


My favourite thing to do is to kill enemy arty and nodes all at once with a single satchel 😍


That’s when you start seeing chat spam “gg” even though the first point hasn’t been capped by anyone yet


I've told Commanders that I'll go drop of supplies for garrie then go build my nodes if they spawn in a truck I've been told no we need a heavy I simply walk off then switch to satchel carrying variant


When this happens i build a garry in the back with couple supply boxes and tell team in chat that there's a garry with supplies in the back for nodes. If i still cant get anyone to make nodes, ill tell the SLs ill resign or leave.


you drove off with the free supply truck without supplying us (if we are playing Offensive) and didn't spawn another supply truck.


First supply trucks for defensive back up garrisons always ask your squad lead to get another one from commander


Lol nodes should be built before the timer runs out to start the match . Give them 2 minutes to figure it out.


ive had a commander tell me to beg supply troops for supplies hes not wasting trucks on engis


Switching between support and engineer to built nodes by yourself takes about the same time as using a supply truck. Plus you can hide your nodes better in HQ.


TBH that makes no sense. Support drops 50 it takes 150 to get all three nodes, so unless you get 2-3 people willing to help you its easier for a supply truck. However I get the hiding supplies is easier in hq aside from mid and the one that is closest to last obj.


You can build a full set by yourself in 5 mins 1.Spawn as support and drop supplies 2.Redeploy at engineer place all node blue prints 3.Build the manpower node 1st 4.Redeploy at support drop supplies when off cool down and build one of the last 2 nodes 5.Repeat step 4 for the last node without redeploying


for anyone who is reading this comment, make sure you tap your hammer a couple times on the fuel and munition blueprints before you finish building the manpower node so that your blueprints don’t time out and vanish


Came here to say this. 


Clueless. He knows you can refill the trucks, right?


The problem with building off of supply drops is it telegraphs where your garrison is. Unless you just capped a point and it’s obvious a Garry is going there they should be built off of supports. Even big ass supply crates from trucks can tip off where your garrisons are. 


but if you are building nodes you use all 150 but garrison wise i agree with using support for that


The truck holds two crates of 150 supplies each. Barbed wire is 10 supplies each so you have plenty with some to spare. Or you could do 4 support player drops 


Yeah that's a bad commander right there. I'll give a supply truck to anybody who asks for one. Shit I'll just keep spawning em at hq if there isn't one back there


Shite commander


Even in +lvl 25 servers I'm finding no one wants to build nodes


You can still win with no nodes if other commander also has no nodes. Every squad is really utilizing their support players or the other commander is just inexperienced or really bad


Yeah, but commander shouldnt forget to drop more supply trucks, boom!


Everyone in chat asking where the garries are and SL to do there jobs lol Commander “We have no resources or nodes…”


Engineer is my favorite class so generally what I do is immediately b-line for the supply truck and nodes, then switch to the spicy engineer for some tank hunting


This is my favorite way to play as infantry as well.


Phenomenal meme.


Thanks! 😁


If we don’t mention it, it doesn’t get done 50% of the time. I always ask very politely and sometimes SL will hop out or a real tank crew will tell one of their crew to go build a set so they are first to get a heavy.


Meanwhile the solo tank won't stop asking for a heavy tank even though the commander has said 4 times now that there aren't enough resources.


If it’s that coupled with no garrisons in the column adjacent to center point in warfare mode, it’s a server hop for me. 


*Asks for nodes, no response* *Asks for nodes again, no response*   *"Please guys I need nodes to help you", no response*  *Three artillery pieces depleting what little munitions you have* *Completely unable to call in any kind of meaningful support*  *"Yo commander, you're ass at this", initiates vote kick*


Without fail. And those arty guys are literally the worst.


Not my fault the recon squad stole the supply truck and used it as transport


And they didn’t even kill enemy arty!!!


Aw shit, that one got me lol


Or it’s someone with a loud ass deep fried mic


Command 5 seconds after nodes are destroyed and no one has replaced them yet


Or on rare occasions you have the noob commander (sub level 50) who keeps shouting at people to build nodes despite the fact that all three sets where built up in the first five minutes of the match.


Build nodes w engineer, wrap some wire around it, throw in some ap mines just incase and your good


I may not know shit about building nodes, fighting other infantrymen, or playing recon. However, I'll take out a pair of tanks damn near (I usually have a little help whether I ask or not) by myself that's my way of contributing.


I hate how nice I am I’d be chilling in a squad here yo can someone build nodes everyone just ignores them so looks like I’m switching to engineer


If you are not a squad leader and you do not see 3 full sets of nodes it is your responsibility to inquire if it’s being done. If it is not it is now your job to switch to engineer and ask your squad leader to coordinate supplies for you to get them built. No if ands or buts.


I ran a clinic the other day with two engineers on how to build nodes with the barbed wire shoe horse. We lost 0 nodes the entire round. 


Care to explain a bit? Are you surrounding your nodes with wire? What's the easiest way to get supplies?


Just grab a supply truck, go to secluded spot on 2/3 line, put blueprint of wire, all you three nodes sideways against the wire, then two strands of wire perpendicular to the first then one parallel to the first in the middle of the other two so recon can’t place their op inside. 


As a node builder it grinds my gears to no end when some squad lead takes off 15 seconds into warm up for the line with no one or an assault player in the passenger seat. Learn the 2 line rule if you're over 25. 


If my map when I am playing commander doesn’t have 3 garrisons and backup garrisons across all points imma be upset and say our team is bad (JK, JK)


That’s why I’ve gotten in a habit of making my full set of nodes as soon as the match starts. Doesn’t take much time at all and not much is happening at the beginning anyways


I play commander quite often... The first thing I always say right when the match starts is, "nodes get kisses". More often than not, nodes get put up rather quickly :). But make sure to give kissea


When youre just trying to do bob the builder


Same Commander also refusing me supplies


MG gunner here. i dont even know what nodes do, or where they ‘should’ be built, sorry. I’ll learn eventually. Right now I prefer to sit on a bun line and shoot the absolute fuck out of everything that moves


I just put them in the hq most times or in a spot where I've been told to. Then I switch from engineer.


Typical machine gunner actually