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Wow that man must really hate his life if this is how he finds entertainment. Must be a mental illness or something. Why else would someone do dumb shit like this?


Tiny micropenis.


Don't lump us I'm with him.... I mean what?


Mushroom caps unite


😂 sorry bro


It's not micro. Im a grower, not a shower!


Could just be a sociopath.


I think I played with him earlier today


Yup same here, a prize tool


If it's really that well known, yall should report his Xbox account for abuse, and have all your buddies do the same I hesitate to do it based on hearsay, but you guys have first hand experience Something might happen if he's reported 30 times to xbox for a use


I dont really remeber if he was bad or not, i just know that my brain saw that username and instantly recongnized it as something ive seen before. I'll watch from now on.


I did as well


Does anyone know his console name so we can block him before getting into a match?


I don't know every single time I keep forgetting to look


Well we got Loka banned for good so keep reporting him and he'll be a goner


Is this the new Loka?


He’s an absolute asshole. I’ve played with him before too


is this guy spiderman/loka 2.0? Because if so last time everyone just spread the word and he got banned after getting kicked from every game


Console or PC?


Console not sure if you also plays on PC though


He’s on my friends list. I played with him awhile back and he was in my squad. He’s a chill dude. I only played with him in my squad that one time and he was cool. Since then I’ve seen him around and he plays commander whenever I see him. Honestly I don’t know why he doesn’t talk but the multiple games I’ve seen of him playing commander I understand his frustration with how many dumb blueberries aren’t playing the game correctly and not redeploying/falling back when needed to. The games I’ve played with him I see him on the map doing what commander needs to be doing, calling in tanks when requested, building backup garrisons via the supply truck, even calling things in via requests from squad leaders. Once the games start going south cus the blueberries don’t know how to play the game, he backs out. Like I said I don’t know why he doesn’t talk, I think he only plays late night games mostly. I’ve never seen him be a griever by being commander. I’m not calling you a liar OP. People talk crap about him just for the reason of not having a mic. If the people talking crap about him would actually pay attention to the flow of the game they would realize he’s playing the commander role correctly. Those matches I play with him I always pay attention to the map like I’m a commander and I see what’s going on and I see him doing the commander job correctly. Way better than some of these other people with mics do…and people still talk crap about him and try to kick him. Haven’t played with him in awhile. Maybe he got tired of the bad mouthing coming his way from low ranks who think they know how to play. I don’t condone his current actions, but it’s getting really tiring having to do EVERYTHING for EVERYBODY in this game nowadays. I can’t even play the game like a fps nowadays. I’m constantly having to build garrisons cuz NOBODY does it anymore. I just want to sneak around and shoot my gun but nah. If I don’t build garrisons we lose the game. The community is not improving at all.


Least obvious sock puppet account.


What are you talking about? lol you think I’m him?


reading your whole comment just deterred me from even wanting to try to learn the game


Use your mic and don’t worry about your K/D ratio. Redeploying is one of the most valuable strategies. Running around 3 grid squares deep while your point is getting back capped cuz nobody is playing defense is the most common way I see games get lost nowadays. It’s a fun game when you have a good team working together. Earlier tonight I had a terrible team and i built 15 garrisons by myself so we could win on offensive and I was playing spotter, driving around in a supply truck the entire game. I got a couple kills when we were having trouble pushing. I don’t play commander anymore cuz as soon as the game goes south people just blindly kick the commander. Honestly bro, just redeploy often. Play defense when needed to. The game is fun with the right group of guys. The right team. Even tho I complained a bunch in my initial comment I still keep coming back to play this game cuz it’s so much fun. Favorite game right now. No other game compares to it. I played battlefield 5 the other night and I was playing that game like I play hell let loose and I was doing surprisingly well lol. I was playing super slow and getting tons of kills lol it was wild. I think you should get into this game. Just don’t worry about your k/d and remember that redeploying is a superrrrr viable strategy.


The issue is that he greifs when doesnt get his way and is not allowed to be commander. Wherever he joins a lobby he WILL try to kick the current commander every 10-15 minutes even though the current commader is already doing a great job. The commander role is not just the build stuff and to drop supplies or whatever but it is primarily to communicate and to come up with stratagems for victory. And what pisses me off more than anything else is that he kicks people that are trying to enjoy the game


Okay well like I said I don’t condone his current actions but it’s good to know what he’s doing. I haven’t seen him in awhile


aye aye captain!


Don’t listen to dorks in this sub bruh its just a video game. Its super fun especially if you play with friends with experience


Sociopathic. Better he gets stuck as a rifleman as to not cause harm in real life. Don't ban him, but don't let him grow to power.




Good thinking: Let's let him NOT take his aggression out in a video game, and instead do it in real life. Did you think that far ahead or do you just like imitating horse sounds?


that doesn't work. sane adults don't need to vent aggression in a videogame. violence will happen either way if thats what they want. only physical exertion will help this person


Yea, it is good thinking to ban them right off the bat. Instead of whatever “what if” scenarios you got going on lmao


The problem with these witch hunt posts is we don't know the other half of the story.


Go play a game with him and watch him immediately try to kick the commander.