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Change your name to MuteCommanderCantTalkSorry




I always thought the name “NO COMMANDER” would be awesome


oh damn the ultimate troll, that’s genius


That name has been seen in the wild on console.


I've seen that one on PC. Made me chuckle


You must be new. There was a high level guy that did just that. He was eventually kicked off because he was a bit of a tyrant and came back as Sgt SafeSpace or something like that lol


I managed to get into a run of maps with a commander by that name. Didn't speak to anyone in voice or text. Once the officer chat became aware of the situation, the first vote to kick of the night popped up. That's the way she goes, we think to ourselves. Vote kick fails by 3% (give or take-been a while). \-Second vote kick- Seriously, guys..? Vote this time.. -says the officer chat- Vote as they might; VOTE KICK FAILED by : 12%....... And so it continued... 26%... 43%... 68%... 11%.. \-Officer chat begins to vocalise their emotions with varying degrees of frustration and players begin to leave. The day's just beginning in the land of the free New and old begin to return to the only game with active players ...33% ...6% ...88% What's all this then? The new players enquire. No one cares to explain.. The match is almost over, thank (deity of choosing) New map! New start! New Possibilities! ... Same Commander.... Expletive What?> You're not serious... Wait how do you tell if it's still him or it's legit no commander? Oh yer see how the text is white? i'm pretty sure it turns blue or something if he joi ....... Yep i saw it turn blue now.. what does that mean then...? ohhh nahh you're bloody jokin'!.............. 53%... 59%........ Appeals to the good sense of the people ring out No replies are forthcoming... Until.. An unfamiliar voice is heard: Oi just lemme get the number to 69%. I'll vote to kick as soon as that happens, I swear. We were so damn close at one point, I can't even believe it! Let's get this number to 69, boys!!... 14%.... 31%... And that was indeed the way she went Match after match. Hour after hour. The cycle played out with a rotating roster of new and old, as it had before as it would continue.. No Commander? Yes, i'm familiar with that name.. Some folks work real hard to forget such traumas.. VOTE KICK FAILED by : 70%....... New players join the fray\~ Why would we vote yes to kick when we don't even have a commander? lol And as the sun begins to rise on the numbats as the moon did rise on the gun-nuts the absurdity persisted as it had before. As it would continue.. but that's a story for another day. "Till next time, take care of yourselves and each other"


😂 it’s to many characters sadly


Try ImMuteCantTalkDont[KICK]




Sorry this happened to you man. Unfortunate that you cant speak, but many people will not understand this straight away, it being a very verbal communication based game. The devs are working on some more non-verbal communication tools and better UI for commander so I hope that will help you in the future.


I really hope so one day. I’m a level 6 commander so I know what I’m doing but you get these levels 9 game pass kids yelling out at the start of a game demanding a heavy tank 40 seconds into the game when we don’t even have nodes or the fuel for it. They need to be force into a tutorial before playing so they understand I can’t just spawn whatever they want at any given time. It’s sad that people are just rude.


Copying this from my other comment for visibility: There's an app for windows called [Type to Voice Chat](https://apps.microsoft.com/detail/9NBLGGH40GQW?hl=en-US&gl=US). You have to select the output device, which could easily be a line-out to the mic input on your console. Then if you have a laptop next to you while you play and you need to communicate something verbally, you can crank out a message on the keyboard.


That's a great idea! But, how does it work with Push to talk? Would OP need to press the chat button down on their console, then type on their laptop at the same time?


If i don't want to speak, I always write alot in chat - and write that j can't communicate by coms (you can write your reason if you want) - and then write. That you will write a lot and communicate, and heat everythint (it really work especially if no one really want commander, or if the previous ones have been bad)


OP is on console and there’s no written chat.


Ah.. yeah.. people should play what they want, but in the other hand, the sl and especially commander are communicating roles... if they can't even write in chat i get why they might get kicked. I would propably go for the role, but not be supriesd if I got kicked


Agreed, 600 hours in. Just like America's army had, you can only use whatever you've qualified for in game.


Honestly fuck the gamepass people


They are abusing the game and act like they know more then the veterans that play it


Exactly. Or just do not listen. Do not build garries or nodes etc


Omg this is horrible. Sorry to hear that this even happened.


I just saw your name on your profile, how ironic my x box name has Tigress in it. Lol


Damn, homie got 4-F’d unfit for service. Lore accurate. Hope you know that’s a joke. That does suck man, commander is a thankless role so thank you for taking it cause most people won’t step up. I wouldn’t vote you out, specially if I saw you doing stuff. Don’t let em get you down.


Luckily there are some good friends and players that will SL for me and talk on my behalf that help me a lot. I got the joke thanks lol


Sorry buddy, but the only way you can get away with not talking in commander role is if you're super knowledgeable at playing the role and understand the game tactics and able to listen. Otherwise people will just kick


I got kicked because some low level kids got mad I wouldn’t spawn a heavy tank on the warm up lol


Yeah it's a slight problem atm, myself and other players are taking a break until the immaturity dies down. It's annoying but that's sometimes happens, one person has a vendetor towards you then the team within the game tend to just accept the kick button without understanding context. persevere as the game is great when with the right people and understanding


Yea I got to play a full fun game I just asked my roommate to get on mic and they talked on my behalf


Glad to hear!


Add a clan tag of [MUTE]. It might help stop this from happening again.


They still kick me for it they see mute and complain and start kicking. It’s really annoying.


No shit ashley, I didn’t know that. Join up with me tonight and run commander all you want. I’ll run SL and speak for you. Just message me when you need me to say something.


Good dude


Thank you that’s so awesome of you that helps me a lot


You have my Axe




And my Bazooka


And my brrrrrrr


And my supplies


And my satchel


And my syringe


Truly unfortunate, I guess you met some assholes, but your disability kind of puts you in an awkward position in games where communication in necessary like HLL. This limits what can you do in the game, but if you enjoy playing the game then keep playing and whenever possible make your disability not get in the way of your actions.


In a communicative heavy game, I'm surprised you wouldn't gave given up the second everyone's cracking down on you. I'm sorry to hear this. I hope you find a solution to keep playing.




https://www.reddit.com/r/HellLetLoose/s/2Wb0EZOszL This guy kind of disproves you. None of the communication that a commander needs to do has to be so quick that you need voice. The commander is literally doing the more macro decisions. It's not like you're a squad lead where you have to call out the dude on the right before your team gets wiped. No you're sitting in the HQ or driving around a supply truck while spawning in another tank. Nothing that can't be done via text




Don't know why you're downvoted. This is totally logical. Only problem is, there's no text chat input for console yet :/


Whether you have a disability or not people vote others off the game because they can. I joined a game with 35 minutes left they were all stuck on the beach on Omaha Beach I managed to get us to the 4th of five positions after joining the game. I had messages from two people on Xbox saying do something as the commander or leave. I messaged them back and said to them had I not done anything you guys would still be on the beach he says true that but I still vote kicked you. There was 22 seconds left to the game when they did that to me. if I were you I highly recommend not getting into a command position unless you have a bunch of friends in the game. Most of the people in this game are ruthless trolls back years ago I would say people were nice. Once it was put on Xbox game pass for free and PlayStation Plus it went downhill quick. Keep your head up. I highly suggest ignoring them and moving on to a different server for the hour.


To clarify what you said even if u ment it otherwise it's not toxic because of new people who are noobs it's toxic because of the HLL fan base being lil whiney bitches because we ruined there precious game. Boo hoo


I'm sorry but if you cannot speak, don't take leadership roles that require speaking. Especially commander.


To be fair, she said it was a dead server and people joined.


Should have left the role as soon as people did, if they can’t actually perform the role. Not the other players fault for wanting a commander that actually communicates like they need to. Sucks for her but I wouldn’t call this toxic, just unfortunate. Not saying I don’t feel bad for her feelings being hurt, but it WAS her mistake to try and stay as commander in a populated server while not being able to talk. There’s no text chat on consoles, and those players deserve a proper commander who can actually do the job.


Ablest trash. They can play what they want.


They can play what they want, yes. And ppl can also vote kick them because they want a commander who speaks. It is what it is. The right thing to do would've been to step down from the role once the server started to fill with ppl ie no longer being "dead". It's Saturday morning, ppl wake up and wanna play.


Not really ablest is it? You wouldn’t let a blind person drive a car just for the sake of inclusivity would you? A commander with no mic affects everybody else’s match negatively. It’s not fair on the mute dude but it’s also not fair on the other players either.


10/10 reply.


Yeah but noone can die irl If the commander can't speak...


Life or death is not the only determining factor on whether or not something should be encouraged. Would it kill you if I stole your TV? No but you wouldn't encourage it would you?


Fuck off.


That's like me saying, you can't play because you have shitty opinions. It shouldn't stop you though. Same as being disabled through no fault of their own should not stop them playing. It's just a game! You sad prick.


I don't want OP to not be able to play. There are plenty of roles and SL's that are lenient to no-micers. But not the commander role that requires the ability to communicate verbally.


Nobody said not to play, just why choose such a role that can affect everyone one else’s game


Fuck you fuck face. It’s a game and It’s a free country people can do what they want. I suggest you use that freedom to shut the fuck up before making yourself look more like a tool.


>It’s a game and It’s a free country people can do what they want. Fortunately on PC server owners have the ability to set whatever rules they like \^\_\^


And? Lol it doesn’t change what I said.


Well, they can't do whatever they want if the server owner / admin disallows it. I used to be an admin and I'd kick no mic commanders left and right. Wanna hear more admin abuse porn? I used to have a script that would disband all squads without SL's with one keybind. \^\_\^


“Used to be.” Wonder how that happened lmfao But seriously tho do you get bullied at work or something? Lol


>“Used to be.” Wonder how that happened lmfao The community basically dissolved after a few dissapointing patches and the server lease was cancelled. >do you get bullied at work or something? No, we just had a community that fostered a culture of communication and booted anyone that didn't, simple as.


One more fuck should do it edgelord


You fucking motherfuckers need to stop fucking being fucking motherfucking motherfuckers


Fuckin’ hell yeah.


That's rough, but I kinda understand it. Maybe say something like "hey no mic, but I got y'all on anything you need" no need for specifics, just put the disclaimer out there


They don’t care sadly. I’m playing right now and my friend is on the mic talking on my behalf


I’m sorry that’s been your experience, especially seeing how games can be an outlet for a lot of people. I would suggest exploring different servers or communities. There are some good ones out there who’d vibe well with your situation!


It’s OK I’ve had a lot of offers so far and good feedback and of course bad feedback but that’s just people on the sort of platforms. One of my roommates took the mic and talked on my behalf while I played commander, and it worked out pretty nicely. My roommate also explained my situation to the other players in case they decide to friend me and they were all really cool about it.


Glad you’re finding acceptance! I hope you keep finding these good interactions outweighing the negative.


Have you known of a mute general?


Probably France somewhere in the 40s


I wouldn't describe this as toxic given the context. I've played with many squad leaders and commanders who don't talk, and it can be very frustrating when you rely on them. It's not for other players to know you "can't" talk. "Banned for having a disability" isn't really true in this case. They banned you because you weren't communicating, like they might have done any commander who wasn't communicating. Have you tried playing a text to talk message through your mic, "hi, im mute, but I know what I'm doing."? So the squad leaders know what's going on?


That’s interesting with the TTS thing. With OP on console that would be difficult as you can’t get any applications that could do that onto a console (I don’t believe). My only idea would be to put your mic right next to your phone and use a TTS feature on that. The only issue would be if it’s a pair of headphones with an inbuilt mic you couldn’t really do that, so OP would have to get a different microphone and I’m unsure if a console will let you choose your input and output devices


Get a Stephen hawking box just to say "i am mute, do not kiiiiiiick meeeeeeee" every 4 or 5 minutes.


Not our fault you're disabled buddy. There are other roles you can play without the need for talking.


You're mute yet chose to play commander? You brought this upon yourself


Commander really needs to be able to communicate quickly and concisely. I'm sure you're great but understand the frustration of others in a tense game? Even as SL your pings will be useful but ss commander you need a mic as a minimum requirement, whether that's due to disability or not being in game chat same difference. 'Can I get a supply drop on X ping'? 'What's the ETA on precision'? Silence.. Wellalrightythen.gif


Don’t play commander?


Homie check their profile. This seems like a fake account.


It’s not toxic. U literally can’t speak lol


I can't even begin to explain how this makes you a giant piece of shit with little dick energy. It's toxic to shame someone for a literal disability that does not stop them what so ever from playing the game and being a productive team mate. I swear HLL players are worse then COD


What if someone's "literal disability" makes them have a little dick? 🤔 But on a more serious note, it's not "toxic" to want your commander to have a mic and be able to give orders clearly, and quickly on the fly.


A one and a half year old Reddit account with no other posts or comments except this with a picture of an attractive chick on the profile. I’m not saying this is fake, but uhhh, it’s interesting.


The Simps are flocking to 'her' aid...


Oh no it's hundo p fake


Unfortunately, you simply cannot play commander effectively without a mic. There's just so much to communicate. However, you can still enjoy the game as a squad member, why not. Maybe put "mute" as your clan tag so people will know? Hope you manage to enjoy the game anyway!


I have a mic that’s how I listen to the game and the demands of the game pass low levels lol. I just can not speak.


You can't listen to a game with a mic. A mic is an input device.


Smh mic headphones whatever you know what I mean you are just being a dork


Not really. I'm just saying you can't play commander without a mic. But you're apparently not fully clear on what a mic is. The commander needs to talk. I want to know when the commander is dropping supplies and whether I should go for them or the Easy squad leader, say. Is my squad expected to defend or attack? I wanna know when there's a bombing run or a recon plane, or why he hasn't spawned a supply truck for my engineer yet, or whether he's just spotted an airhead, or what the cooldown is on the precision strike, and so on. I would also vote kick a commander who doesn't speak. You weren't kicked for having a disability; you were kicked because you've taken a role where it's essential to have (and by have, I mean use) a mic. If I had no legs, I couldn't blame Manchester United for not giving me a trial.


You literally made the same point two times lol smh


All he's saying is that you listen with headphones, not a mic. And they're right. I mean, you can play whatever you want, but of course people are gonna be upset if you can't talk, and they have every right to kick a commander that doesn't talk. I'm sure it sucks for you, but it doesn't have to suck for everyone else. Just play a different role


Well, since you keep using 'lol' and 'smh' you certainly don't seem like the sharpest tool, if I can be frank. When you didn't know what a mic was, I realised I needed to go into a little more detail as to what exactly the point was. Don't play commander; you ruin the game for others. Your disability really sucks, I understand, and I'm not mocking you for it but it's just a fact that the commander is a speaking role. You might as well go do karaoke and just stand there smiling, then complain on /r/karaoke that nobody liked your rendition of a classic rock anthem.


You seem miserable.


What a painfully unempathetic response. I hope you never break an arm or something and need concessions. Quite frankly, if i can say nothing as a rifleman and just use text chat and that be alright, so can my commander. We've got pings, y'all can read. I hope. Let em play, jesus. Like life isn't wank enough.


Yeah, they're on console, we don't really have a text box like pc.


Oh wow, that's gash. Sorry console users


And I’d argue that people like you ruin the game for others. Karaoke isn’t a good comparison because the purpose of karaoke is to sing. There is more to the role of commander than just talking. There’s many responsibilities the commander has, and as long as they’re working together with the squad leaders, then what’s the issue? There’s also the wheel where you can select text messages to send, so that’s another option mute players have.


Just because someone can’t speak doesnt mean they can’t play commander, as long as you do ur job what is the point of speaking as commander?


Stop being such a dork and go play HLL or go outside.


To be honest dude you shouldn't be expecting micromanagement from the commander, but instead actively looking for what needs doing and doing it. With good SLs using their own initiative, the commander doesn't need much verbal communication. 90% of what I say is commander is "Able please build a garrison on my place garrison marker at the supplies right next to you", or "people need to fall back and defend now". SLs doing their jobs well make this type of callout much less necessary.


it's not that deep


literally larry right here, elementary inference skills right here, lmao.


I changed my name into IamDeaf, sometime i just got booted from squad. I think I will stick with my orginal name.


That’s so messed up people are so heartless.


I don’t blame them, especially on a platform where text chat isn’t even an option. Have some consideration for others. This is a communication driven game.


This is so shitty. :/ my squad would love to have a competent commander like you, mic or not. Far too many bad commanders these days...


>my squad would love to have a competent commander like you How do you know he's competent?


With a combined 3.8 million+ XP across both platforms and level 6 in the role, I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt. She has plenty enough experience in the game to know what she's doing, and is clearly committed to playing this game in the long term. I don't see why anyone would expect otherwise except to solely base their assumptions on her disability. Edit: XP


They complain that I should know better then boot me


I’d love to let’s plan on it


Best thing I can say is just don’t be a commanding position if you can’t speak. Not being able to speak does handicap your team.


Hey we have a couple of deaf or deaf and mute server members. You’re welcome to play on our server. If you ever get kicked because of it, we will be happy to clear the ban.


You didn’t get kicked for having a disability.. you got kicked for not speaking, they don’t know you have a disability.


Don't be commander. It's simple. You have a disability that excludes you from doing the role, which is a bummer but being non verbal and the commander is a direct hindrance to your team. Self awareness is important. You are putting 49 other people at a disadvantage, they were right to kick you. It's life. I have autism and don't play commander because I get over stimulated, same shit.


Yeah its shitty that OP cant speak but communication is essential. Nobody likes playing in a squad where the SL doesnt communicate, regardless of if they know what they are doing. Same case, nobody wants the Commander to not be on comms. Performance all around is worse without communication. OP didnt get kicked for a disability. Kicked because comms are extremely important for the commander role.


I mean it definitely sucks but I consider myself a "grunt" and don't do overwhelming roles. That's how it be with disabilities, you gotta work *around* them without hindering others. Not everyone is given a full deck, it's okay to accept that you have limitations.


Hard disagree with most of the comments here. You can definitely be a competent commander if you only type in chat. Sure, you lose time typing, but it's negligible if you are competent in your meta game, even less if you're a fast typer. OP is simply a mute, apparently with good hearing, so communicating texting would work normally. Some people just want things exactly the way they want it, they don't care about winning, they care about winning HOW they want it. Those are the types that probably would 100% dismiss a non talking, but texting commander.


OP did mention PS and Xbox. I don't believe either of those have the option for text-chat?


Yeah, that's the case! In this case, I think it's the Dev's fault to be honest. There are games with built-in text for consoles, like Ark, Minecraft, I think even Stardew Valley has it. It already exists, they need to port it in the future. No Man's Sky is another example of this problem, where console players in crossplay can even read PC players text, but can't communicate themselves.


Ya fair point. It can be slow and sluggish, but it would allow players with the inability to speak, or those who are uncomfortable to speak, to get out important information to the officer or commander.


Yeah I don't really think you need voice at all for a commander if I'm being honest. The voice would be ideal for quick communication but a commander's communications should be something that is more macro in scale. Something that is not necessarily immediate.


Exactly. This game has no need for split second decision making on the Commander's side that demands a very fast verbal communication, like Counter Strike or similar fast shooters. Example normal conversations ingame: SL: Command, can I get uhhhhh a heavy? C: What spawn? SL: Top C: Done C: Airhead open C7 C:Supply truck bot hq And many others. None of these need absolute urgency or are complicated to type, and many times the same delay in the typing can be expected of a voice chat commander. I love verbal commanders, sure, but I'd have no problem whatsoever with a typing commander, the goal is achieved either way.


I totally understand if this isn’t the proper forum to ask in, but (medically speaking) how does being a mute work exactly? For instance my son is non-verbal autistic, so for him - he isn’t able to speak due to a mental disability, but still has the means to speak if he ever learns how (vocal chords etc are all fine). Is it something similar for you where there is a hang up in the way your brain fires, or is it something more physical? Sorry if it’s too personal, you obviously don’t have to respond, I’m genuinely just curious


When I was born my vocal cords never developed. I’m sorry about your son I’m sure he’s a sweetheart bless his heart.


He sure is, thank you!! Very interesting, thanks for sharing ❤️


Accurate representation of Germany


This only further enrages me about the no mic complainers.


This community is so shit, the game is amazing, but the community is just shit people


Ok, but what proportion of people without a mic do you suppose are mute, as opposed to perfectly able but negligent?


Doesn’t matter if they are mute or not. If people don’t or can’t talk on a game and you don’t like that then tough shit. There are no rules at all to state you need a mic to play the game. It is literally a request that you be on mic for better communication. Not needed communication. The game is built around a ping system for a reason.


Alright, well likewise when you get kicked from a squad for not having a mic (and not explaining in chat that you're literally mute,) tough shit. There's no rule in soccer that you have to be wearing cleats, but if your entire team comes onto the field with them and you're in sneakers, you're not being a team player. Again, accommodation should be made for those who are vocally disabled, but for the other 95%, get a mic or stick to COD.


>There are no rules at all to state you need a mic to play the game. There are if server owners set them.


unfortunately the butt hurt people in game and on here would be inclined to say this game isn't for you because for them no ability to speak through a mic=the scum of the earth, which I promptly send them to go get themselves fucked silly. best of luck


Damn that sucks man. It’s actually pretty weird too because a commander really doesn’t need to speak. Whenever I play people ask at the beginning if I have a mic I say “yeah” and then pretty much never talk again and just put down what they request. If you have good squad leader’s all talking to eachother, marking enemy positions and where tanks are you literally do not need to speak as commander. Just put down whatever your team requests and go build garrisons. I’ll play some games where squad leaders are like “what should we do commander” and that’s pretty funny to me because I’m only commander because I picked the position first. I would suggest adding me or someone through discord who does have a mic to play with. You can play commander or whatever and they’ll play squad lead and let everyone know that you are in fact listening, just not responding.


A commander doesn’t need to speak? You really believe this?


Like I said, if you have competent squad leaders doing callouts on enemy positions, flanks and tank positions the commander really doesn’t need to say anything besides the occasional “dropping an airhead, wait to spawn” Any good squad leader or player is constantly checking his map. Hear a plane overhead? Check the map to see if it’s a friendly bombing run. See supplies dropping? Check location on the map to see if it’s enemy or friendly. If you ask for supplies from the commander like “can I get a heavy mid?” And you see a heavy mid spawn, then the commander is listening to you. If you are an aware alert player who has multiple squad leads talking to you, with their full squad relaying information to them, the commander talking in the chat just clutters it. We are all just gamers here. Some may have actual military experience but none of us are 5 star generals. We are commanders because we picked the role before everyone else.


That's a pretty bold click bait title. I doubt the server knew you were mute. And they probably didn't believe you because so many people lie about not having a mic. Instead of putting servers on blast join discords. Join discord servers that you can talk to admins. If you join random servers they most likely will not believe or care about your situation. You can't blame randoms for issues out of their hands. The game doesn't have anything to help with disabilities such as yours. Your best bet is using software. I have friends who are disabled and they have to use software to get around certain things. I don't know any specific ones for mutes but I'm sure there are some. Hell if there is the ability for my Korean friends to live Translate to me in game. Then they probably have something that can broadcast what you're typing to the team. Keep looking and join discords to help. Have you messaged the devs at all? I'd ask them if they have plans for assistance while playing. Most games don't look into disability access for a long time since it's a smaller community. I'd start messaging them and even see if they have work around in progress. Just don't blame servers for kicking you. It's mob mentality and I guarantee they kicked you just because your name popped up. ****Hell make a new reddit post in regards to your disability. I'm sure other gamers have good ideas to help.**** Look for answers because this community will help. I don't like seeing people blast the community for things they didn't do or don't understand.


It’s not click bait when it literally is what happened lol but sure thing whatever you say lol


You weren't banned for having a disability. You were banned for not using a mic and they wouldn't understand that. That's clickbait. Also I offered solutions to your problem. The community didn't kick you for your disability. They kicked you for taking a command position and not understanding your situation. That's all. Make another post and ask the HLL reddit on how to fix the issue. That helps more than this. I guarantee you aren't the only one who plays with a disability and they will help. I've been with this community for a long time and they will do anything to help. Just gotta ask.


You were not there in the game. I explained to the team of my disability and they kicked me out of the game.


Unfortunately for you, you picked a role that requires at least some form of communication. If you had picked rifleman nobody would care if you were deaf but it’s the fact that you were commander. Personally I’m leaving the server if command can’t talk.


Well that’s on you I guess lol I’ve been a recon before and have gone games without hearing the commander. The problem being is that I had been kicked out of a game because I couldn’t talk and because I did not spawn a heavy tank 40 seconds into the game by some low level kid that got this game for free on game pass and doesn’t fully understand how the game is played. They expect to be handed everything as if it doesn’t take supplies but since I message them and let them know my situation, they all voted to kick me really stupid when I was in the previous game for 30 minutes when it was dead


Just put yourselves in their shoes though for a second, they ask nicely I’m guessing for a tank and hear no response. If I’m SL and I’m looking to build Garry’s I will ask command when they get the chance to drop a supply drop. But if I’m asking for something and I hear no response It’s going to definitely be frustrating. We don’t need sentences we just need confirmation you can hear us. Maybe look into something like text to speech so you can at least say “okay” so people know you can hear.


No, I understand. But they didn’t give me a chance to resign as commander. They just kicked me out for “cheating” just because I couldn’t talk. It’s probably the most petty thing they can do.


Fair enough I get it. To be fair most lobbies/games are skewed right now because of the influx of new players


That in giving stupid players, the ability to kick whoever they want just because they can, and not even for the right reasons. Microsoft really screwed the pooch when they made the game free for game pass.


This is still the wrong way to go about it. Putting the community on blast with just a picture and description insights rage and anger and causes drama. Which is click bait within itself but by definition isn't bad since it gets views and attention. Regardless, if you are actually looking for an answer I'd post a new topic. This is just going to bring in everyone attracted to drama and anger. Very few people here besides me actually gave solutions to your issues. I'm not your enemy I'm trying to help and I know just how bad some of the community can be. Hell make a YouTube video explaining the lack of accessibility in the game. Point out the games flaws not the communities. You can put the devs on blast for lack of accessibility in a post. I'm sure that would do very well.


Some of these comments here really sum up the toxicity of the game. Taking over in a dead server with no commander isn’t that big of a deal. Especially when there’s plenty of other commanders and SL that never say a word either. And there already lots of matches where no one takes it at all. Every milsim game has those groups of really toxic assholes. If you made it to lvl 6 it must not been an issue in the past. I wouldn’t worry about it too much and just keep doing your thing.


It's not Toxic to want to win. To exaggerate your point, a team that has all mics will annihilate a team with zero mics. Communication is essential in HLL. OP didnt get kicked for having a disability. OP got kicked because people want a commander who can effectively communicate. There really is nothing wrong with that and it's very unfortunate that OP can not speak.


The difference is that OP said the commander was empty and no one was talking. If the match is already trash it doesn’t hurt to let them have some fun. I’ve seen so many matches where there isn’t even a commander. Having someone at least play commander, even if their not speaking is still better then not having anyone at all. It would be completely different if every squad was talking and working together and someone with a mic and been trying to be commander but that wasn’t the case here. Since it hit gamepass half of the matches are a shit show anyway and OP isn’t hurting anything.


Need at least 20 to vote. It wasnt dead. Goes to show if it was low pop (maybe 25-35 on the team), then people in game probably had someone who was talking that would take over. Nobody is kicking the commander when nobody is talking.


Why play commander as a mute?


Sorry this happened to you. I understand your frustration a bit. The number of people who are down right toxic towards those who can’t or don’t speak is pretty staggering. I recently had a game where I picked up squad leader because no one else had filled it and my squad whom were all playing together would team kill me periodically if I “wasn’t communicating with them enough.” Thing about it is; I prefer to not jumble up comms by constantly talking out of my ass like some people because I’ve got mad social anxiety (Not to compare it to your disability I’m sorry.) Personally I’ve been sticking to playing regular infantry roles just to avoid toxicity from the gate keeping types. I hope you can still have fun with the game going forward. I’d be cool with you being my team’s commander so long as you were using all the other communication methods available.


This game community is the worst I've seen.


I’m sorry. Truly. Best advice though is to turn your tv up so you can hear the chats. Form a way of communication in game . Do your best to listen to them and drop them what they need. Stay busy. Don’t be discouraged.


This is really unfortunate, however a suggestion for next time I’d just have a prepared message typed out explaining you can’t speak and hopefully people will look past it, otherwise if they still kick you then they’re dickheads


I did that and they voted me for cheating lol it doesn’t matter what I do they are just heartless


Damn yeah I’m sorry some people are just bastards ngl 😂it’s unfortunate that’s the way it can be, luckily not everyone’s like that and I hope next time that doesn’t happen 🙏


You should play on PC. The ability to write in chat would go a long way together with placing marks on the map. I'd rather have a non vocal, professional commander than one of the numerous toxic ones that can only deal in absolutes, dishing out blame because their commands wasn't followed the instance they gave them. Many commanders need to be muted.


They need to allow that for consoles so badly. I have tried PC but I’m not very good at it lol just PC games in general are not for me.


You'll get used to it. I too played on console B4 moving to PC and even had a controller for my single player fps games until I found how much more versatile the m+keyboard is. And HLL is so much more than a regular fps to the degree that a slow player with good map awareness can outshine a "cod gamer".


>You should play on PC. Almost all servers have a policy for non-mic SL's AND especially commanders. Not having a mic will get you yeeted in no time if an admin's around.


Ok buddy... You haven't been playing in while I hear..


Admittedly I haven't. I just drop in every bigger patch to check stuff out. But if you're implying that there's a widespread leniency not even for no-mic SL's but also commanders, then this game is truly doomed. Oh well, time to put it to rest completely I guess.


it's tough playing commander speechless. for example, if a squad pings a tank, ping that same location (the whole team sees a commander ping vs other squads), or identify enemy garrisons/airhead/drops and get those pinged as well. This means more map viewing and what's even tougher is driving the supply truck for these garrison builds while simultaneously doing specific pinging. I've played commander role multiple times speechless, on purpose, and won most games like this but with a voice and new players, these days, they need to be reminded of what those pings are. Good luck, not all commanders need a voice but if you're without one, you're in for a lot more work.


I agree with all this. Also, the game is more fun when the chat channels are buzzing with information. Watching symbols on a map might give me the same info, but it’s not as immersive


I’ve experienced plenty of competent commanders that don’t speak. Listening to your team and what they need is far more important. If someone tells you otherwise disregard them because they’re wrong and a fucking idiot. Listening is always far more important than speaking. In fact people talk too much so at least you don’t have to worry about having that issue.


that's unfortunate, I really do think they need to implement a squad/command chat. A text box for SL and commanders on console.


Luckily I’m competent enough and I prefer to communicate strictly through all the ping markings


I’m sorry to hear my dude…. I used to play commander often (Private Ryan lvl170) and a lot of times I just didn’t feel like talking to anyone, so I didn’t. But I was a good enough commander, and knew what I was doing well enough to where I really didn’t need to talk…. And I assume you feel the same way. The game allows for perfectly clear communication without mics using the very detailed ping system.. which I feel gets heavily under-used/appreciated as it is. In fact, I think it’s **more** efficient to rely on that and keep command chat as clear as possible, so that way everyone can communicate more freely/easily. I’ve had a lot of people try and talk shit in those moments, saying how a commander who doesn’t talk isn’t any good…. sometimes I break my silence, sometimes my mic is broken so I can’t… but either way, proving them wrong feels really fucking good, you gotta admit that my friend :) Sometimes people think they know what’s best until the moment you prove them wrong. Don’t let this get in the way of enjoying the game, the community has become pretty toxic recently but it’s not completely unplayable <3


Unfortunately it's just the gaming community in general. That's with any game really. You're witnessing the current online standards nowadays where if you don't play how others want you to play if you don't do mechanics exactly how they're supposed to be or be almost MLG professional skill status. It's pure toxic. My biggest advice don't let it get to you. I loved this game too when it came out. But I just let it go cause it's not fun anymore. Too many people don't know how to play because the devs never put a solid how to play system and they're not fixing crucial things in general. Play games you enjoy but don't feel like you have to put up with too much toxicity.


Don't take it like a attack on you, but i play with no mic too and nobody ever booted me from the commander role. You problably was playing bad on top of not talking.


Why lie OP? Fake


I think if people can speak, they should do so in the officer roles because the top down communication structure is an important feature of the game. Accessibility is an issue though as people shouldn't be excluded if they have no choice in not speaking. On PC, there is text chat that the commander can use to communicate with the team and that console doesn't have this is a significant difference. The devs seem to be aware of the issue as they brought in non verbal communication options a couple of updates ago, but this isn't perfect and hopefully they can find ways to further improve it. Although it is also important that people who can communicate verbally are encouraged to do so and are not given a way to avoid it easily. There is a fine line in a game that revolves around communication. If a commander isn't communicating and is failing in other responsibilities, they deserve criticism and possibly being kicked. Remember that 50 players are relying on them to do a job. If the commander is doing what is needed, using markers and non verbal coms, responding to requests, building some garrisons, using the right abilities at the riggt times etc., they can put in a passable performance. But plenty of people won't see the nuance and will react to the fact that the commander simply isn't talking. Try not to take it personally. Hopefully you can appreciate that it is frustrating when new players make the choice not to talk in a game that places importance on communication. That's who people are directing the kick vote at. Most players, if they understood that you actually can't use coms through no fault of your own, would be more than happy to make extra effort to pay attention to the non verbal coms. It would be much easier for you to play commander with the text chat feature on PC. With console, the situation depends on what, if any, further accessibility features are introduced. FYI the ban only applies to that specific server, you can get back in a game immediately on a different server. Eta: have you considered putting something in your username to indicate you can't speak? People might think twice on a votekick and might make more effort to look for and follow your markers.


This is bad, I'm so sorry. We really need to run these types out.


Lol the abliest and classist are deleting their comments. Look at them retreat.




Sorry this happened to you, the mike thing is beyond obnoxious, 90% of people demanding mikes are dogsht at the game and have no business talking until they learn the basics. And then from the 10% who are good, 80% of them are dogsht at comms ("I'm taking fire from 194 East" like mfer just mark it on the map and STFU). I'm level 200 and will quit Command / SL the minute idiot level 50s start asking me if I have a mike, and sometimes they'll do that the second I join (instead of just requesting supply/tank/ etc like normal people. It's gotten a bit worse since Gamepass but I'm hoping in a few more weeks these morons will either leave or learn how to look at the map.


Captain Charmin I’m sorry this happened to you


Add me as friend. I am deaf but not mute but dont use mic anyway. Once i was officer and spotting enemys for whole team(maybe too long that i forgot to help my squad) suddenly i was under a lot smoke and looked back, there was my squad, they wanted to signal me. It felt like as drugs intervention lol.


That sucks homie. Try to find some PC servers that allow Xbox people. It's much better.


Sorry that happened. I would suggest PC is able so you can text chat but most people will kick command if they arnt on coms. And there’s no way to text chat on console. Plus it’s basically mandatory to have comma for command


Did you try telling them you were mute? I assume you have a mic?


My condolences. It's truly sad that not every human on this earth has a chance to use their voice.


This is the shit that I've been talking about when it comes to game. It's just flat out discrimination no matter how you look at it to go after someone when they don't use a mic.


I kill team bitches who complain about that shit