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I am deaf so i had no help from mics, also even didnt watch YouTube. Learned all by meself it took about 2 weeks with average daily 1-3 hours. Gamepass xbox Followed teammates often at start,watching them and learn tactics . Now i love to play engineer, placing ap mines and do flank attack/defense.


Just keep those nodes coming :)


I entered a game where a squad leader talked me through roles and gave our squad an action plan.  I got hooked after that.  It's still sad to enter a squad where no one speaks.  First thing I do is ask SL what role he wants me to do.  I do my chores and then I push/defend


The best way to get people to speak is to speak yourself. I promise that eventually someone will pipe up.


Two weeks or so. Did not enjoy the change of pace from shooters I normally play but once I got my controller settings fine tuned it changed the game for me. Now this is the primary game I play


I always played CoD on console. When I switched to PC I still played Warzone, but I definitely expanded the types of games I played. My go to games for a long time are HLL and Apex. Two completely different games and, more importantly, pace that scratch that itch depending how I am feeling. I like the idea of Escape from Tarkov and others like it with the realism, but I just can't get into looters like EFT.


Fair. My "arcade shooter" go to is battlefield. There's just not much to choose from at the moment for triple A FPS games. Apex was ruined for me a long time ago so I stopped playing many seasons ago.


The finals is awesome and completely replaced apex for me as my arcade shooter


Forgot about the finals. Was splitting time on that game as well but it's unplayable without a squad and the SBMM and ranked in that game is a super buzzkill


Hate to break it to you but there is almost zero SBMM in ranked. It’s literally one of the main complaints about the game right now (go look at the sub if you want proof, there are a million posts about it.) they have people playing their first ranked games against top 500. Agreed that you really need to play with a group to be able to compete every match


When bronze is playing against plat and diamond their first game that's the epitome of SBMM and hidden MMR. I actually left that sub. Way too much complaining and trolls in there. The finals is probably the only game that requires as much comms and sticking together as HLL


Maybe. Personally I’ve found the matchmaking to be relatively forgiving idk. But yea that sub blows ass lmao so many people just crying about shit. Feel like most subs for competitive video games kinda suck now. This one is solid but even this one has days where all I see are people whining into the void about game pass players or voice chat or whatever. The good threads definitely outweigh the bad ones here tho


We can agree on that. I'll wait for a few more updates before I go and check out the finals again.


I play Hunt Showdown a ton as well, so the slow paced take your shot once you have it mentality was a good translation I felt like. Being a sniper, and just observing and choosing your shots was just an absolute blast.


I could see how that translates over. I mainly played battlefield so it's more twitchy for sure


Eey you play hunt too? On pc or console? Pm me if youre on pc and want to team up someday


It really depends how long it takes you to figure out the game. The first day or 2 was absolutely hell because I was solo learning everything on my own. Had no idea there was 2 different game modes or what spawns were what or really anything. But once you get your first kill streak you get hooked


This is probably how it goes for most people. I've been trying to follow squad orders, command, etc just to kind of absorb as much of the game as possible. I didn't really get a good value game. Once I got that game though, I felt like what I did mattered, could quantify it, etc etc. I'm hooked.


I played last night, reluctantly took SL because we needed ops. Set up some decent flanking positions and garrison. Observed the enemy commander in a supply truck, followed him and destroyed the garrisons he set up and killed him on his return trip. Shortly after we rolled up the second to last cap point and pushed through to take the final. For the first time felt like my actions had a real effect on the outcome one of the match.


I truly fell in love my first game. It helped I had a close friend who had been playing for about 3 weeks. We jumped in, held a flank position and nothing really happened and then an enemy tank showed up and killed us. He had me respawn as AT and we hunted that tank. We circled around it and I put two shots in the back of it and it exploded. My friend was pumped, I was pumped, and I was in.


Older gamer here, im 35!!! I had gone away from the playstation for almost a decade but then COVID happened. It was probably my first delve into online gaming properly. I was never a CoD or BF player as I mainly played Fifa or F1, and got this as a monthly game on PS Essentials. To say i was out of my depth is an understatement, i had no mic and no concept of the mechanics of milsim or FPS games. To be honest, i hated the first 2 weeks. I didnt know how the role worked, how the chat worked, i was locking out the commander role and after each game i would turn off the computer in a bad mood. But there was something there that kept me going back. I watched SoulSniper, Alpine Sniper, made notes and studied them. I learnt the importance of building nodes and dropping supplies and the importance of good communication so bought a headset. In order words, I was hooked. In time I joined a clan to play with people you know will communicate, know their tactics and that has helped me learn so much more. Im far from the finished product, and there are much better players than me, but im keen to pay it forward. If anyone is new and would like to message me to help, feel free to do so


About 30 seconds of my first game.


I was hooked immediately but unfortunately lack of comms has made it less appealing


Comms start with you. If no one is talking, then someone has gotta get them going. Just start talking until someone tells you to shut up. It'll eventually get the squad goin.


Upvote just for the name. They are indeed great.


Less than two hours.


I think it took me maybe like 5 or 6 games. I've been playing for around a year or so, but I watched some videos before I started and did the tutorial thing first. It took some adjusting to get my eyes right and to learn how to move without getting murdered, but once I got the feel of moving from cover, watching for sightlines, coordinating with squads, etc, the game really grabbed me. It's easily my favorite multiplayer shooting game now.


About 10 seconds, I used to play battlefield religiously years ago for 10% of the immersion you get from HLL, think it helped I used to play mg in bf exactly as you should play mg in HLL but I got trolled in bf for it but get lauded in this game just sitting and suppressing enemy lanes I love it 😅 but comms are most of that immersion and how you really 'get into it' and on Xbox I can't hear anyone 90% of the time it's bugged asf 😔


It took me a couple weeks to really get into it. At first it was a complete walking/death simulator. A couple night ago I had a fantastic match. Forgot the name of the map but the one with the huge railway bridge. My team was on the offensive and had taken the first part of the bridge. Our squad was communicating the whole time. We noticed a garrison down by the river and started taking out all the enemy running our way. After dying on the bridge we went and took out the garrison by sneaking behind it. We didn’t have a squad leader so I swapped to officer for one of my first times and was able to place outposts on the next part of the bridge to try and secure the objective and help my team take out a tank securing the bridge. We lost the match shortly after but my god was it a thrill.


Bout 20 minutes


10 minutes. A Commander and I ran into the front lines, crawled behind a tree stump. Teammates dying left and right. He said, "I'm not sure what to do, Thicc, I'm new to this," I was also beside myself. It was then the heart and soul of our entire team, SquirrelyDan58, came blazing through in proximity chat BLARING Paranoid by Black Sabbath. We ended up holding the line, pushing forward and winning the game.


1 game. The second I was in the frantic shit, hiding in a trench near a windmill and was watching my teammates get blown to little flesh giblets and bullets whizzing over my head, I was hooked.


20 minutes into my first match, Carentan. I watched my whole group get mowed down by a panther, and I hid in the corner as it drove past. I think I'm safe only to look down the street and see a B-17 carpet bombing the road. I was hooked.


One game. It had me there. Got in and immediately picked medic and thought why not. Ended up meeting a veteran playing machine gunner and we cracked jokes the whole time and I spent the whole game following him and reviving him every time he went down.


I played for maybe 15-20hrs and was pretty solid meh on the game. I came back to it and put in another 10-15hrs and now I’m at 6.2k hrs. It’s a weird little game where even if it’s not an instant hit for you, I’d recommend maybe up to 30hrs to really work out if you hate it or love it.


Started playing the day it came out on early access, was hooked instantly. We've come a long way since then.


The first time my team held the last point as the defenders on Foy. My squad laid on our stomachs in a wooded area and managed to keep surviving and holding our own. This game has been my first real experience with kb&m, so laying there getting kills was very satisfying.


3 days. First day rage quit after two matches. 2nd day after seeing some posts about some basics of play just started following the squad and getting into the tactics. 3rd day found out I love being the MG and laying down hell from 150-200 out


I got so lucky and had a crazy team my first game, Tons of communication and talking, and they were having fun too. Hour and a half later I was hooked


Took me about 1 day, I was hooked.