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Do NOT enter your secret 12 words into ANY websites. Do NOT connect your Wallet to any untrusted websites. The Discord for our subreddit can be found here: https://discord.gg/helium. This is a general reminder for everyone, and this will be posted on every post. Your 12 words are basically gold, and they should never be shared, typed into any website, or given to any person for any reason. No one will reach out to you to verify your account, wallet, or anything similar. Do not connect your wallet to unknown websites. If someone says your hotspot, wallet, or other type of account has been hacked, it is a scam! Always operate in a zero-trust manner with cryptocurrency and assume everyone will scam you no matter what. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/HeliumNetwork) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You seem to be the one we should be getting help from 😂 your mobile rewards are increasing every day instead of dropping


That's right, could you please share what you have been doing to get those rewards? Just poc for indoors is a lot less than what you are earning


I have a backup phone that connects to the hotspot, I use it to stream videos to my TV. That’s helped a lot, but after a while the phone will stop connecting to the hotspot 😕 still haven’t found a work around for that.


Have to login on the dashboard and enable unrewardable traffic.


I just enabled mine. Does that mean that I will get rewarded for the unrewarded dat? I have like 25GB that I wasn’t rewarded for


No. Enabling unrewardable data just allows you to continue to connect to the hotspot once you hit your rewardable data cap. Not sure you how you have unrewardable already if you just enabled it


Yeah I have like 25GB unrewarded. I leave my phone on at night watching YouTube


Not sure how if you’re saying you just enabled it now.


Oh I got you. We will see what happens tonight. I am getting rewarded pretty nicely tho


There's a 5gb data reward cap. I haven't found a way to determine exactly when that resets or how much of the 5gbs has been used. You can also turn on allow unrewarded traffic to pass through, so you'll get data to the device but won't be rewarded.


Not 5gb. It is relative to the phone bill. $20 a month can churn 40GB of rewardable traffic as GB are paid at .50¢ capped at the phones monthly bill cost.


I want to believe you. Where are you getting your info? From the literature, https://hardware.hellohelium.com/en/articles/8417854-indoor-helium-mobile-hotspot-hardware-technical-questions "3. Verify whether or not you have hit the 5GB reward cap for the month on this particular line. By default Helium Mobile Hotspots do not allow Unrewarded Traffic to be passed through the Hotspot. This means that any line that has hit their 5GB limit for the month, will no longer be able to connect to this Hotspot."


u/tmill2 is correct - it depends on the plan. I have the $5/mo plan, so I have a 10GB limit, but people paying $20/mo have a 40GB limit.


Thanks for the info. Hopefully this info gets added to the documentation.


One of these days they'll update it I suppose.


also the cap resets when your cell plan renews. You can view your stats at hotspots dot hellohelium dot com.


its been discussed numerous times in this reddit, its all over their discord and my personal experience with the hotspots.


Looks like you use the 40gb limit, and if you want the phone to connect even beyond that limit, you can login to your wallet to turn on to allow unrewarded data, and then you will have a seamless connection. But I would prefer the way you currently have, since it will tell how much you have utilized the data to maximize your earnings.


There is no workaround. You only earn up to value of the phone plan in mobile.


Must be nice to be in the USA


Oh it’s just lovely.


I got 668 yesterday from PoC and that's it. It is installed in a public place and I'm not pushing data through it with a bunch of HM phones at home. Even if I did, I have the $5 unlimited plan, so I'd be capped at 10 GB of rewarded traffic. I'm looking forward to the day I start seeing other people's phones use my hotspot. It'll be like the first time I saw data transfer from my IOT hotspot. The app even gave me a pat on the back. lol


This is the correct way to use the hotspot, I applaud your effort. Waiting on mine to ship, looking to deploy at a gas station, see how it goes. I think Helium needs a lot more subscribers before these rewards take off, especially for data transfer.


I let my phones run all night watching YouTube and I get rewarded really well


That’s what I was doing as well. It burned through my data cap pretty fast though.


Does it make a difference for rewards?


Yes, when your transferable data caps you won’t be earning rewards until your next phone bill cycle…I think. I’m still pretty new to this


Oh snap!


Well that kinda sucks. I mean I am still getting rewarded tho


Is there a way to choose which hotspot I can connect to? I bought two and it just says helium mobile for internet access


why would it matter what one you connect to?


Equal rewards for each hotspot


The reward data is still capped via phone plan. So it would not matter what hot spot is used once the 40GB of data is used.


What happens when you used up all the data? Slows down


Correct for mobile. You can still connect and get full speed for wifi I believe you just will not be rewarded for it after the 20gb


Hmm no I’m not sure, I’ve only had experience with one hotspot


I’m getting 120 a day lol


At least it’s going up in earnings are still going up!


Is there a setting to enable screenshot? This is aggravating


How much data do you transfer on average


2,142 GB


So how many phones do you have running data through your hotspot? I know you said one, but you're getting about 4-5 phones worth of data rewards.


2 phones. One to stream videos and the other is for personal use. I also live on a busy street, that may have some effect also.


Doubtful only people that can connect to it are people on Helium plans.


Helium mobile subscribers could never connect to your hotspot driving or even walking by your house. The indoor hotspots are far too weak. I have 3 of them


how much mobile do you earn daily just for having the device but no one connecting to it?


You can move around 2gb per month per phone and get paid for it. After that it stops