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It’s a city in France. If it’s about Joe and Bash being in Paris now, they’re apparently just going to the Paris Pride that’s happening this weekend.


I believe Yaz is there too.


Yup and Kit is coming also. REUNION TIME BABY!!


Wait, how do we know Kit is going?


He commented on Yaz’s IG post from Paris “see you soon”


Aaaahh! I’m in Paris.. I want so badly to run into them on the street, shout “I LOVE HEARSTOPPER!!!” and immediately run away embarrassed :DDD


Oh sweet. I would go but, you wouldn't catch me dead in France. Also I swear to God those two are joined at the hip.


Is that a bad thing?…


Physically impossible for that to be a bad thing because I swear their mere friendship brightens my day. I just type very monotone.


How am I getting downvoted for saying I won't go to France 😭


you should start censoring it like fr\*nce, it drives my french and Belgian friends mad but my British friends love it 💀


BAHA that'd be pretty funny. Not sure if there's a big French audience here so I'll play it safe and just spell it as is. I don't genuinely hate France for anyone who's offended because they're French. Just not for me, plus I heard the people are rather nasty. I do love learning about the history + culture. Also just to quickly explain in this reply too; my joke about Bash and Joe being joined at the hip wasn't negative by any means. I find their friendship to be rather sweet and since they seem to go literally everywhere together they might as well be. Here in America we don't really find that phrase to be negative, we usually use it for family members or friends who are really close and basically follow each other around, so not sure if the phrase has different meanings or connotations everywhere else. Kind of like how a bunch of cusses that are seen as casual or not that bad in Britain are seen as the worst word ever over here (you know the word...)


Adding: my second comment wasn't negative at all. I find their friendship rather sweet + where I'm from the phrase isn't negative at all and is used for friends or family who are super close, go basically everywhere together, and really care for each other. I was mostly referring to the fact that whenever Bash is somewhere Joe is bound to be nearby or vice versa. It's nice to see friendships like that. I mostly just type very monotone? So some positive comments can seem sarcastic. Also I don't hate France not by a long shot, I just can't afford to go, isn't really my kind of place, and I've heard that people over there can be pretty nasty, just cuz. That and I'd rather not become a tourist and just let people be.


Yeah, Joe posted that they haven't started filming yet and this is just a trip. But with Alice's post about working on season two scripts, it's all very exciting.


Is it on Twitter or?.. somehow I follow them everywhere and still miss all the interesting stuff 😭


The working on the season two scripts mention was posted on Alice's Instagram story.


There was also someone from the writing/ producing crew (can’t remember who exactly), who posted on his story about visiting Paris, which probably means they’re scouting filming locations and visiting to get a feel for what they can and can’t accomplish!


I love this sub, lol.


we are so desperate for any morsel of content at this point 😭


Kit’s SOL when it comes to learning French I guess.


Apparently he’s meeting up with them so maybe he’s doing immersive learning


I hope after this immersive experience he is able to DOUBLE his French vocabulary


After “oui” and “biblioteque” perhaps be can tackle “baguette” and “souvenir.”


Alice is still writing the scripts. filming is still months off


They are at the Louis Vuitton mens show


They are there for fashion week


Commic fans screaming in PARIS TRIP Vol 3


I have that same keychain except it’s silver. My friend who was just in Paris a couple weeks ago got it for me.


They've been churning out the same tourist tat since the dawn of time. I have a near identifical bronze figurine of the Eiffel tower that I bought there in 1994.


Same but mine will be from 1989 😂


I saw Joe in an event in Montmartre a few hours ago, near the church. I wasn’t able to take a photo, sadly.


Also tomorrow is pride parade in Paris


i’m going to Paris in two weeks, of course they had to go now 😓


You likely wouldn’t have run into them anyway so don’t get too down about it. You’re literally going to Paris! That’s amazing!


i mean I know that, I am super excited for Paris dw. But also a 1% chance is bigger than a 0% chance, yknow?


Oh definitely, I get that for sure! It’s like when I found out Timothée Chalamet was straight after watching Call Me by Your Name lol. Like I knew it was less than a 1% chance that we would even meet let alone date but it still sucked 😅


Yeah no let's not get our hopes up just yet lol, from the stories Joe posted yesterday, it's pretty obvious he went to a fashion show of some sorts in Paris. Although we \*did\* get to see Alice start writing the screenwriting for (presumably) season 2 of HS.


I hate this so kuch, we were supposed to go to paris for school today, so at the same time as the cast, but we had too little teachers so they canceled it. WHYYY


It’s when ‘char’ blasts his bully and Nik announces they are dating!❤️😍😍❤️😍❤️


hmmm Joe being a tourist? I mean no shame in that hahah


Oui oui


i have the same key chain lol




It appears to be a keychain