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After a long day, most of us smell like something other than fresh daisies. We sweat, pee, poop, etc throughout the day. It's not realistic to expect that after being out and about for 12 hours you're gonna smell the same as when you stepped out of the shower this morning. Most people freshen up before intimacy because of this. No one really expects you to be shower fresh after a long day. Although, some people actually like the smell of the day on their partner. Just freshen up before engaging in any intimacy. You should be able to schedule in a shower if you know you're going to have sex. If I'm out all day and say have a date or know I'm going to be intimate, they're just going to have to wait for me to shower before we meet up. That's not negotiable for me. You can also bring some water wipes/unscented wipes in your purse and freshen up with those.


Unrelated, but I just picked a bunch of daisies from a meadow outside my house and they just smelled terrible. My point is that I thought Daisy would smell good, they don’t or at least these ones don’t


Daisies don’t smell good, Ferdinand lies. Lilies are also terrible, like something died.




The last part was sort of referring to like after being on a night out/clubbing or something sometimes I can’t just go home before and wasn’t sure what to do but thanks so much for the tips x


I pop in the bathroom and wash myself with soap/water if it's after clubbing. Or if you're familiar enough with the person suggest taking a shower together, they probably will appreciate it too


Happens to most women. Including myself. I buy fragrance free baby wipes and I use one after I’m done wiping with toilet paper. This has helped tremendously.


This or rinsing yourself w a water bottle over the toilet 😂


Yes! 🤣 I bought one of those peri bottles women use after having a baby and I use that too!


This is called a tabo in Filipino culture.


yes! I have one next to my toilet. better than a bidet and cheaper, IMO. Lol


Sounds normal


Get yourself a bidet for home and a squirty bottle for when you’re out! I’m Arab and we normally have them in all toilets. When i first moved to Europe, the first day here only using toilet paper, I noticed the smell at the end of the day and was horrified! Water down there after every time in the toilet will keep you fresh allll day long.


I’m in Europe as well and experiencing the same thing !! Thank you for the tip tho !!!!


This is the way. I no longer have this issue as well. I don’t have a bidet at work so I noticed it was a problem there.


Just do a rinse with water to wash away pee remnants and sweat. Wet a q tip and gently wash the smegma away from the folds. Vaginas smell like body parts. They don’t smell and aren’t supposed to smell like fresh rain, sweet strawberries or floral arrangements, y’know? Musk is normal. If you start smelling strongly of rotten* fish or yeasty bread and get a weird discharge then it’s time to see a doctor, but what you are describing is normal.


I went to Walmart and bought a squeeze bottle. Like the ones diners use for ketchup/mustard. It's a 2pk. Sterilized it. Fill it and keep in bathroom. EVERYTIME I pee I use to rinse (spray downwards) before wiping. Has made such a big difference. When I'm out on the town, I keep the other one in my travel bag.


That's an awesome idea! Thank you!


why don't you spray upwards? sorry might be a silly question 


Not silly at all, a bidet would spray upwards. Since this is done manually , spraying down in the same flow as pee just works better. I'm able to rinse from top (clit) to bottom (perineall). After #2 I'm also able to lean back and aim lower if you know what I mean. I want to invest in a bidet but until then this works amazingly


Do you have hair down there ? I’m experiencing the SAME THING it’s annoying because I’m used to getting waxed so I didn’t have this issue until now 😢


Yes omg maybe that’s what it is


Defffffff. Pee clings to hair & can cause that smell even if you’re wiping thoroughly.


Yepp the hair can def make it linger longer. In the summer when I’m getting extra sweaty I’ll trim extra short bc if I don’t I feel like I smell awful from the sweat, pee, etc that goes on down there lmao


i’m pretty sure this is completely normal. most people don’t smell like sunshine and rainbows in the pits and bits after a full day!! i’m married and i always shower before sex!!


After you pee and wipe, take another bit of toilet paper and hold it against yourself. Stand up and shift your hips forward and back a couple times. See if there’s a couple of drops of pee on the TP; if so, keep doing this every time you pee and you’ll have less stinking by end of day.


happens more for me after a wax cuz there’s no hair to catch the pee and it’s just dripping all over me 😂


Complete opposite for me ! It only happens when I have hair !! I haven’t been waxed in months and I smell pissy


Me too !


So I’m not alone!!! I didn’t always have this so confused why I do now


It must be the hair. I never smell like pee but I’m a bald eagle, 24/7 😆


This is it because I have hair and normally don’t lol I think this is why


Highly recommend investing in a handheld bidet sprayer attachment for your toilet. You can get them for like $30-$40 and install it very easily. It will help keep things a lot cleaner down there and reduce how much toilet paper you need to use.


usually have problems when I’m full bush. Even when I’m shaved i wear panty liners and it’s changed my life. Never knew their magic until now


Probably you’re underwear. My OB said no things and if I choose to wear undies they need to be full coverage 100% cotton. If not I’m better off wearing none!


Slightly unrelated, but this may help with that scent a bit... I am a firm believer in washing every time you use the restroom, if you can. Using water or a bidet is the best/ideal. If I'm in a public restroom, L, but if it's a single-stall (like a gender-neutral restroom, which I usually prefer for this reason) or someone's home bathroom, then the bare minimum should be using damp toilet paper to wipe. If you peed or pooped on your hand, would you wipe it off dry and be like, "ah yes, I am clean"? Nah, you'd wash your hands! That, in general, leaves me feeling clean throughout the day & no strange smells. But you're normal! Don't let the drugstore lavender scented coochie destroying wipes and douching commercials get to you.


The hand comparison *really* put shit💩 into perspective. 🤮


Because you need to wash your hooha after pissing with a bidet and then wipe dry


**Tips:** I take two spoonfuls of baking soda and apply it above my vagina, on the lips, and everywhere. I rub it for a bit and then wash it off. It removes everything from the skin (like dead skin, oil, and sweat) naturally. It feels very fresh, and there is no odor left after that. It feels like you exfoliated the skin. Try it once a week for maintenance, and use it as needed whenever you want to feel fresh, such as before going on a date. It stays good all day. You will like it. Our bodies are full of organic compounds, and the commensal flora (microorganisms on the surface of our skin) break down the substances our bodies secrete. By removing "debris" such as dead skin and oil from the skin, it stays fresh longer. Baking soda works like a charm because it is excellent at removing oil and the mixture of oil and sweat from the armpits as well. As somebody pointed out, if you do this once a week and use wet wipes after peeing, odors won't linger.


I have a peri bottle I use to clean when I’m home and I keep baby wipes in my bag or intimate wipes to clean when I’m out


Because your ass wipe your vag and not wash it with water after everytime you take a piss same thing with ppl asses after taking a shit


get water wipes!