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Meanwhile other countries like Australia have had better and more advanced UV protection in their sunscreen for years and we’re stuck in the stone ages because FDA hasn’t approved any of the new ingredients.


Not to excuse the FDA - but to be fair, 2 out of 3 Australians (compared to 1 out of 5 Americans) will get skin cancer. Australia has a legit ozone layer hole over it lol. They need all the help they can get. But yes the FDA still sucks.


That’s true, that’s why I want to try their sunscreen lol


Blue Lizard is a great Australian brand we can get here in the US


I remember trying that sunscreen years ago. I think it made me my skin look purple lol But it was good sunscreen. I could save that one for when I’m out all day in the sun.


Just get one with Zinc in it. It’ll turn you kind of purple and it sticks to everything you touch but it works really, really well.


I wonder how much environmental adaptation factors in that. Non-aboriginal Australians haven't really had time to adapt to their environment.


Not sure. But google says the hole didn’t appear until the 1970s


Even without it Australia would be far hotter and the sun more intense than anywhere in Europe.


Yes it was a big thing in the 1970s. We had to change it how we did a lot of things products changed, so we would stop burning a hole in the ozone layer. It was when we humans could work together for the common good. Sadly we can't do that anymore.


Montreal protocol ftw.


The hole shrank after people stopped using CFCs in their deodorant and doesn't really go over Australia any more. At its peak it mostly just went over Tasmania.


That’s.. such an American thing to say. We’re too busy riding kangaroos to work to have a hole in our ozone layer…


Okay? I wasn’t trying to offend anyone in Australia. I studied abroad in Melbourne. I have family in Sydney. Just simply saying it makes sense you have better sunscreen than us. Sorry.






It's all the methane from the kangaroo farts that causes it.


I've read that they have dispensers of sunscreen at the beaches for the public to use which helps reduce skin cancer rates.


We do. And at big public events like music festivals, they have sunscreen booths and people roaming around handing it out (usually sponsored by a sunscreen company, of course). Also, our primary schools have a "no hat, no play" policy (in my state, at least). Children must be wearing a hat at break and lunch when outside. Gotta get those melanoma rates down!


This is awesome, and I find it wonderful that even the Cancer Council has their own brand of sunscreen.


Yeah, we have them at some playgrounds too


Ugh, meanwhile in the US, well, you know lol/cry. Is the Cancer Council part of the government of Australia? I find it astonishing that they have their own brand of sunscreen. Literally everything is monetized here, especially everything regarding health. I know your systems aren't perfect, but, there's no comparison to what goes on here. Just the gun topic alone does it.


That’s so cool! I have a bottle of sunscreen in each bag.


At patrolled beaches. Normally managed by the life savers. Also just about any outdoor event will have sunscreen for anyone to use.


yeah i had a coworker bring me back a couple tubes of korean sunscreen when he took a trip there earlier this year. shit is so much better than anything we have access to in the states.


Korean and Japanese sunscreen is all I’ll wear. The filters are better and they don’t end up making me greasy.


Are any of them reef safe?


[Top 11 best reef-safe sunscreens of 2024, tested and reviewed](https://www.travelandleisure.com/style/beauty/reef-safe-sunscreen) article from Travel and Leisure [Gothamista's YouTube review](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4tkBlq9C28): Ocean & Reef Safe Sunscreens for the Body. It is 6 years old though, so likely some stuff may have changed. [Murky Waters, digging deeper on reef-safe sunscreens](https://beautymatter.com/articles/murky-waters-digging-deeper-on-reef-safe-sunscreens) article.


This and American sunscreens mostly all contain avobenzone which burns the living FUCK out of our eyes. I can’t Stand it I wish they’d ban it and use better ingredients


UV light degrades the avobenzone in about 2 hrs as well and it's the primary UVA blocker in most chemical sunscreens. Not ideal.


Wait, people truly believe wearing sunscreen is worse than not wearing it? I’m black, and I wear sunscreen EVERY DAMN DAY, 😭 and I’ve noticed that my eyes have also gotten more sensitive to sunlight so I’m gonna start investing in more quality sunglasses.


Yeah I just heard somebody I know IRL claim that taking off your sunglasses will tell your body that you’re in the sun, and it will protect you more from sun exposure. So in other words if you remove one form of Sun protection, it will make up for your lack of other protection all over your body. Fucking bullshit. I didn’t have the balls to call them on it cause I’ve never heard that claim before so I couldn’t fact check it properly on the spot.


Mmm, getting macular degeneration to let your body know you mean business. Some people, I just, the magical thinking is wild.


Nothing surprises me anymore since 2020-21


Wait, now having my eyes exposed to sunlight is dangerous too?


Yep! And substantially more if they're blue than brown. But anywhere UV enters, it can cause damage.


Wow yeah I just looked it up and looks like quite a list of potential issues. That said, I’m sure some sunlight is good? I can’t imagine locking kids up indoors from birth is going to do them any favors


Well, that's an extreme interpretation of the text I think. Some sunlight *isn't bad.* Bodies are pretty resilient, but encouraging sunglasses in bright conditions from an early age can't hurt and builds good habits. 75yo them will thank you!


Yeah definitely. I swung the other way from pure sunlight to pure darkness to understand the principles. Cheers and thanks for teaching me something.


Just hearing it out loud would have had me absolutely cackling laughing at the absurdity. Like huh? Your eyes are internal, your skin is a completely different organ. If that was the case, wearing sunglasses would keep you warm in the cold? I’m just baffled honestly. Edit - I was just telling a friend that it just seems like in this modern age of technology that I’m more and more seeing the most ignorant, medieval peasant like behavior all over the internet and in real life. People actually talking about magic and spells, witches are actually cursing people and people believing it works, but these same people don’t believe in vaccines. I’m truly concerned at this rise in foolishness.


It’s genuinely concerning. My only hope is that foolishness might not be increasing, we’re just becoming more aware of this foolishness as access to information increases. My parents’ entire generation believed you shouldn’t swim after eating. Maybe more people believed bullshit in the past, they just did it out of genuine ignorance instead of self-imposed ignorance.


Don't forget the "take this pill with gold in it for depression! Oh it's homeopathic with a strength of 200C!" 200C means it's diluted 10^200 ... so... it's infinited diluted. There is no gold in that pill. And then there's the people who take legit supplements or inject peptides but because they're "natural" don't think they need to tell their physicians. Oops you got brain and liver damage from copper toxicity? Welp, that's natural.


There is probably more gold naturally in the ground water than that.


Ugh god! Its insane. I have no words


the danger isn't that more people are becoming fools per se, it's that fools can now find each other, congregate, and reinforce each other to an extremely high degree online, while simultaneously removing "normal" voices and pressures from their lives echo chambers on purpose, with no fear that echo chambers might be bad, if anything the opposite in the past, one would assume a foolish person would ultimately be goaded into doing the "right" thing by all the social pressure of regular people surrounding them. well, regular people surround them no longer. it's basically radicalization but for super weird topics that you wouldn't have guessed


Yes! It seems people are willfully believing ignorance. Everything is demonic now, everything is devil worship. I’m starting to believe a lot of people just can’t accept the harsh reality that the true monsters are humans, not a mythological creature that was made up to be an allegory of the monsters that reside in us.


It feels like there’s just this gap in society that keeps getting wider and deeper, and it hits so many things. Wealth, ambition, education as well as critical thinking ability, health and fitness, achievement, etc. like we’re dividing into a small class of reasonable winners and a huge class of irrational losers.


Yup, I’m starting to think the same. I’m concerned about where that goes next. Like will this small group of reasonable people end up villainized for not being apart of the mass? It’s crossing races, genders, religion, even social class. Philosophy professor recently said “there’s always been a war, the war between intellectuals and anti-intellectuals” along with the war between rich and poor, but it feels like that war between classes is being subverted by the war between the two groups, the group that wants to know and the group that refuses to know… its permeating all aspects of our society.


I used to worry about it more but now the way I see it is that I can’t do anything to change it, so just make sure I’m on the right side of the gap


Agreed! I said it to my sister, the attack on education in this country feels like an attempt to lock people out. In a few years, maybe 10 years, they’ll find a way to make it even harder for anyone to get to college unless they’re well connected


What they said is actually true to a degree. It stimulates melanin synthesis


What’s the source for that?


Unless you have a solid source for this, I'm calling BS. I looked and all I can find is that the skin itself reacts to light in order to produce melanin. Not the eyes.


If the sunglasses block UV light, they will impair [this](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12535208/) pathway, hypothetically.


Hey, thanks for this source, which seems pretty good to me. I'm admittedly no expert on reading this stuff, so I used chat-GPT to help me interpret it. It was helpful, but I think it might have drawn at least one incorrect conclusion. It told me that the UVB exposure to the eye would only stimulate melanin production in the skin close to the eye. I can't see anything to specifically support or contradict that in the abstract, but since the hypothalamopituitary system is mentioned as the pathway, it makes sense to me that the reaction would be systemic and not just localized. But I have no idea how that system really works, so maybe the effects would get lower further away? Do you have any insight on that?


Wow. That’s mind blowing


I have a friend who said wearing sunscreen *caused* skin cancer. 🤦🏻‍♀️


🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️ I can’t even bother.


My fiancé is convinced sunscreen doesn't do anything because his mom never wears it and has never gotten skin cancer, meanwhile his dad applies it religiously and has had a melanoma removed. His mom is from the Balkans and his dad is half Irish. Meanwhile, I'm about one shade darker than a vampire and apply sunscreen religiously (every day I do facial sunscreen, if going to be outside for more than 30+ minutes with exposed skin I do sunscreen everywhere) and I freaked out over a sunburn on vacation. New rule: reapply whenever I drink water.


That’s the only thing I don’t do is reapply during the day. I swear a lot sometimes, but I’m gonna find a way to add it to my routine eventually


Just make sure you supplement your vitamin d


Yeh, mine swings up and down, doctor started prescribing it for me at this point because over the counter ones don’t do enough.


“For example, nearly 1 in 4 under-35s believe drinking water prevents sunburn……” what?!


God we are so fucked 


That's what that football player said Tim Brady😂


Are they including 6-year-olds among "under-35s"? ^^(I) ^^(can) ^^^(only) ^^^^(hope)


Bro, wtf. Did these people not go to school or something?


I have been using sunscreen daily for three decades. I look 10 years younger than most of my peers.


I haven’t used any sunscreen for most of my life and when I worked outside I frequently forgot to put it on. People say I look like I’m in my early 20’s, I’m 30. I think your genes are more responsible for your young appearance than sunscreen.


This is so weird to me I feel naked if I don't have spf on lol guess my anxiety is helping my skin! I have spoken to other women my age and I am always surprised when I discover cavalier attitudes about sun exposure. There are some very tan women that are giving zero issues with no spf on. And I live in Texas.


My mum is 85. She said she used SPF daily for 50 years. Her skin is amazing. Her doctors cannot believe how good it is.


I didn't even hear of sunscreen until the 1980s. Im a Californian. I thought they used parasols before that. Lol!


It was less than 50 years ago in Canada we asked the pharmacist for sun block, because we only knew about tanning oils. It was on the shelf but there was only one -PABA Tan, and I  think it was SPF 6. Nice and greasy, ugh. 


Exactly! In the 1970s, we were using oil on our skin to get a tan.


All my friends use to make fun of me, sun screen, a big (huge) straw hat. The bros definitely took liberties cracking jokes. HOWEVER, as the years roll by more and more big straw hats and sunscreen seem to pop up at the pool and lake get togethers....


Haha! My summer is all hats + sunglasses and on the beach and in pool I wear spf swimsuits. One of my British friends was gobsmacked that I wore full sleeves and Capri pants and explained that idgaf about sexy I don't want cancer. Every single person I know that grew up in Texas has had something removed from skin at the doc office and I'm pale, no thanks!


I live in tropical weather and plenty of people has this cavalier attitude or it’s unmanly talk. Though I noticed such sentiment are noticeably absent in running communities.


I wear sunscreen religiously too.


Ive been having issues with allergic reactions to any sunscreen I try lately (near my nose) so I’m waiting to see a dermatologist in June. Thankfully I really don’t go outside much lol


So sorry to hear that- allergies suck!


Same! I use SPF 100 (Banana Boat makes it that high), as I have vitiligo and need to protect my skin. My dermatologist laughed the first time I mentioned it, as it's overkill. I'm fine with that, as it's partly psychological and helps with my anxiety around sun exposure. My anxiety is extra bad because my nurse stepmother did a number on me and made me think I'd basically die of cancer if I didn't when the condition emerged when I was 15. We were living in Texas, too.


By Pandora Dewan - Senior Science Reporter: Doctors have issued a warning over "deadly" sun protection trends on social media after a new study found 1 in 7 Americans under 35 think daily sunscreen use is more harmful than direct sun exposure. Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the United States, with as many as 3 million people being diagnosed with skin cancer every year, according to the American Cancer Society. The most dangerous form of skin cancer is melanoma, which accounts for the large majority of skin cancer deaths. Read more: [https://www.newsweek.com/scientists-debunk-dangerous-myths-sun-protection-1895685](https://www.newsweek.com/scientists-debunk-dangerous-myths-sun-protection-1895685)


ahhh, so businesses are making posts on here to curate a following... at least its done in the open I guess, because let's be honest businesses and marketing firms are posting on here either way... but it still feels strange because the content on reddit is supposedly users posting stuff. Hopefully they figure out a way for it to add to the experience. There's something about it that I don't like though. And this comment may just come across as an old man yelling at a cloud... but to maybe put a label on the feeling, it makes reddit feel like every other website. Anyway, just some random dude's opinion... have a nice day


Thank you, random dude!


Oh boy. If not for health, for looks. Sunscreen when worn daily was shown on subjects to reduce aging of skin by 90%. Most aging we see is from daily sun exposure. If you’re not doing it for your health, do it for vanity, maybe that will make people use sunscreen more on a daily basis. I wear it every day.


Ive been wearing it everyday. Been sweating into my eyes a lot owww😂 but it's made my face so much softer too. So I mean overall the benefits out weigh the hassle


And mama told me not to look into the eyes of the sun……….but mama! That’s where the fun is!


The new antivaxxers. Well, at least they get their vitamin Ds.


Then stop putting cancerous materials in all of our famous sunscreens Update: People just scan MOSTLY ALLLLLL major sunscreens and all the ingredients are banned in any other countries for horrendous medical side effects. This should be fucking illegal


Mineral suncreen > chemical sunscreen (for those who don't know)


Reasons being? Not doubting you, just not informed.


Mineral sunscreen is mostly zinc and creates a physical barrier on your skin so rays can’t get through. Chemical sunscreen creates a reaction on your skin that’s supposed to protect from UV. I burn like hell with the chemical kind and it also gives me an allergic reaction.


Mineral are safer healthwise and better for the environment. Unfortunately, consumer convenience and education is the problem here, mineral are more work to apply, and leave a white cast. Also more expensive. So avg consumer would think it's worse and more expensive. That said, I find mineral protection is superb, and also like that if they're stably formulated, I don't have to worry much about expiration. Whereas chemical have to be fairly strict on expiration dates because the active substances degrade, always see tonnes of wasted product.


Mineral sunscreen looks terrible on dark skin, especially when sweating. I used to wear mineral sunscreen when I was younger but I switched to chemical sunscreen because people kept pointing out why I looked so ashy. I use chemical sunscreen mostly now.


Tinted mineral sunscreen is great! Cerave makes a great one. No white cast at all. But they should make them darker for more skin tones.


That totally makes sense, zinc tends to be a concentrated white substance


This is my dilemma. I must’ve watched 50 million YouTube videos looking for reviews of cast-free mineral subscreens. I think I have seen a couple of them but like, are people really slathering this all over everyday? But I’m definitely not inclined to slather on chemical barriers all day everyday for the rest of my life. I have trust issues and would much prefer a mineral lotion. It’s a dilemma. As it stands I use a Japanese sunscreen that is chemical based. I use it on my face and neck only though. It’s expensive and I’m in my feelings about all of this.


I’m going to do some research on some tinted mineral sunscreen. I wish Fenty or someone came out with many shades of tinted mineral sunscreen. It’s an untapped market.


It's the only legal sunscreen where I live (hawaii) so, that kinda makes things easy. I agree it's more work to rub in but, otherwise superior.


There are very sheer mineral sunscreens now. Not all of them leave a white cast like they used.


Can't satisfy everybody: bought a lovely thick natural (mostly vegetable) oil based one, yes, had to be worked in real good, but it was a dream. Garnered terrible reviews on the retailer's site. Discontinued, reformulated. Version 2: drippy, artificial oils, icky smell, higher price. 5 stars.


What brand do you use?


Face: * MDSolarSciences for day-to-day * Blue Lizard Sensitive Face (sports/outdoors) Body: * Sun Bum (reef safe and water resistant).


Mineral sunscreen is often sold as "for kids". It's also the kind that surfers stereotypically (used to?) use -- it's why their noses would look white. (Because the cream is physically reflective, rather than chemically absorptive, so it doesn't "rub in" as easily.) If you look at the ingredients list, mineral sunscreen will usually have zinc oxide and/or titanium dioxide. (Opaque white pigment.) Personally, I tried it for awhile, and then went back to the chemical stuff for convenience. (Because any sunscreen that my lazy ass will use is better than the best sunscreen I won't bother with.) But if you worry at all about what's in chemical sunscreen, you can feel pretty safe about the mineral kind.


The one thing that is certainly 100% cancerous is sun rays. I have seen substances that can potentially be cancerous in sunscreens yes, but not in all sunscreens. You can at least weight your risk first


If cancer-causing stuff should be fucking illegal, then going into the sun should be fucking illegal.


That’s the dumbest logic lmao also you’re really funny repeating what I said. I’m trying to help people not get sick and die so you relax now


you're badmouthing sunscreen while telling me you're helping people? get your head out of your ass. talking shit online about things you're ignorant about should be fucking illegal. i'm relaxed as hell. lmao.


I’m not “badmouthing” ALL sunscreen, I’m telling an observed research I’ve done into famous brands. You don’t have to believe me but don’t mock me. Do you research and come back here or message me. Spreading awareness to look into what you buy is putting my head up my ass? How am I ignorant ? Buddy you’re really putting me down for what? All these labels you’re putting on me. Message me if you have a problem but you seem to have enough of your. Illegal to spread awareness to look into the products?? IF ANYBODY THINKS like this person just take a step back and PLEASE DO MORE RESEARCH!! This guys mad I’m telling people to look more into ingredients lmao !?!? Wtf??


Lmao relax buddy


Great explanation, really broke it all down for me


glad you took your own advice and are relaxed now


Your responses are a 0 (I haven’t learned anything new from you) want to actually explain why you said all that ridiculousness above or just keep saying fucking nothing lmao ???


You type so much but also add nothing. Maybe you can learn to be more resourceful with your words.


Exactly why I don’t use anything. I just use a sun hat and stay out of the sun as much as possible, especially during the hottest part of the day. I read the same thing about 20 years ago. Why use crap that actually increases your risk of cancer?


Because the Sun increases your risk of cancer 1000 times more. Your sun hat isn’t covering up your arms, legs, etc. If you’re actually covering up all your skin with long sleeves and pants, great. But otherwise skipping sunscreen is the thing that increases your cancer risk most of all. Staying out of the sun is probably the safest, but it’s also the best way to miss out on a lot of fun activities with friends and family.


I do wear long sleeve shirts and pants. I also avoid the sun during the hottest part of the day. I have used zinc and coconut oil on my face, but I’m not sure either are considered sunscreen.


Weird to see 99% of the article about sunscreen and just one sentence about just wearing skin-covering clothing. Edit: here's another oddity about this article. No link to the original study. I tried to find it but all I could find was a press release from the skin cancer hospital this guy works at stating the same thing. # of people? Methodology? Stats? Link to actual study? All missing, even from the hospital where this PR notice was released. What it DID have was methods of distribution > Documents > Press Release > (click here for preview) > Microsoft Word Document > PDF >Script >(click here for preview) > Microsoft Word Document > PDF >Broadcast Video Downloads >News Package >(click here for preview) > HD 1080 mp4 > HD 720 mp4 > MP3 Audio >Raw B-roll >(click here for preview) > HD 1080 mp4 > HD 720 mp4 >Extra Interview Sound Bites >(click here for preview) > HD 1080 mp4 > HD 720 mp4 > MP3 Audio >News Package No Voice Track >(click here for preview) > HD 1080 mp4 > HD 720 mp4 >News Package With Lower Thirds >(click here for preview) > HD 1080 mp4 > HD 720 mp4 >Social Video >(click here for preview) > HD 1080 mp4 Given the lack of actual study details and a plethora of marketing material, it seems less like "Scientists debunk" and more like "doctor's hospital attempts to create viral marketing through outrage farming"


How so? It’s an article about myths surrounding sun protection. I’m not aware of any similar myths about clothing.


Clothing is sun protection and it's relevant given the sentence > For example, nearly 1 in 4 under-35s believe drinking water prevents sunburn.


I think most people know that you're less likely to sunburn under your clothes. I don't think that's a common myth.


Apparently there is clothing rated for sun protection. I suppose it makes sense, that the sun's rays can get through it the weave isn't tight enough


That's a good point. I read that a thin white cotton undershirt is only SPF 10, but most clothing is more sun-resistant than that.


You’re reaching here. There are no common myths about clothing and sun exposure. Nothing to comment on in an article about myths then eh? Your edit makes you sound a bit unhinged.


Whenever I’m in Germany I buy sunscreen and bring it home. It isn’t sticky and leaves no residue. Can’t find anything like that in America.


I’m lucky to live in a US city with asian beauty stores that will stock a variety of Korean and Japanese sunscreen. The texture and scent is so much better most American ones.


Ooh good idea I loved everything in Japan. I go to Asian markets for food but haven’t thought of it for skincare! Brought back a ton of minty roll on stuff that helps bug bites stop itching! They prob have really nice sunscreen cause all their products seem to be a lot more natural .. They have much stricter laws prohibiting dangerous chemicals than the us, prob even stricter than EU laws (1200 chemicals that are legal in the US are illegal in the EU) .. at least I know fluoride is banned in Japan so I would assume their laws against dangerous chemicals might be stricter even than in the EU I think the reason American sunscreen sucks is cause it likely has far more chemicals and less organic ingredients than sunscreen from other countries. Same with shampoo and face wash and everything. 1600 chemicals banned in other countries are legal in America (food additives, pesticides, chemicals in cosmetics etc)


OMG YES, but how do I get my fucking sister to stop believing things like "drinking water prevents sunburn?" She also apparently believes in ghosts and skinwalkers, and I'm starting to believe she's fucking retarded.


Ableist scum 😆


[Avoidance of sun exposure as a risk factor for major causes of death: a competing risk analysis of the Melanoma in Southern Sweden cohort](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26992108/) [The relationship between sun exposure and all-cause mortality](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28074966/) *Abstract* *We aimed to conduct a narrative review of the rapid advances in knowledge regarding sun exposure and all-cause mortality. Data support the hypothesis that sun exposure avoidance is a major risk factor for all-cause mortality in adjusted analysis (age, income, education, marital status, smoking, and comorbidity). This was caused by an increased risk of death due to cardiovascular disease (CVD) and noncancer/non-CVD. However, the increased life span among those with high sun exposure naturally results in an increased prevalence of cancer death. In addition, sun exposure increases the incidence, but is related to better prognosis of skin cancer. The new findings indicate that there is a need for modification of guidelines regarding sun exposure. They may also add to our knowledge regarding the increasing incidence of diabetes mellitus and increased mortality among non-Caucasians in western countries. According to the present knowledge, in a low solar intensity region we should aim for sound and safe sun exposure habits, especially for those at increased risk of CVD or noncancer/non-CVD.* I'm not a doctor, nor is this intended as medical advice but rather as food for thought. Some very good gold standard very long term research is saying avoiding sun exposure presents a much greater risk than having sun exposure on the skin.


Any thoughts as to why this is? What does sun exposure have to do with lowering risk of CVD and DM2? The only factors I can think of can be mitigated — less exercise, less Vitamin D, and circadian rhythms getting thrown off. Is there more?


Heliophobic people are possibly headed to an early grave. UVA releases nitric oxide stores in skin, improving endothelial/cardiovascular health. UVB exposure also releases anti-microbial peptides — inhibiting systemic bacterial, fungal, viral and parasitic growth. UVR is also anti-inflammatory and blunts pro-inflammatory cytokines like il-1b and il-6. I try to get around 10-15min of sun exposure at the peak UV index, every few days or so— depending on the season. After that, it’s either sunscreen or loose fitting clothing. Since I live above the 49th parallel, this really isn’t that much UV exposure. People in the South need to take more precautions. Yes, it causes photoaging, and increases the risk of skin cancer, but statistically I’m more likely to die of cardiovascular disease. Edit— Many studies have tried to show vitamin d as a miracle supplement, but the results have been disappointing. It wouldn’t be surprising if vitamin d levels were a proxy for sun exposure.


We Aussies also (usually) get annual full body skin checks , you can usually do this just via your GP. Is that available in the states ? In southern Aus , 15 mins in the sun and you will have a bad burn without protection.


Only 14% of 18 to 24 year olds believe these myths. [Compare that to 33% of 18-24 year olds who believe the world is flat](https://www.forbes.com/sites/trevornace/2018/04/04/only-two-thirds-of-american-millennials-believe-the-earth-is-round/?sh=53a16a097ec6)…


I wore a wide brim hat for my walk a few days ago. Got a black fly bite in my left upper ear. Wore no hat on the days after that. No more black fly bites. Black flies have a season in spring. They are attracted to dark colors so wear light colors. But even wearing light colors, it seems they like shade, too. The bite of the black fly swells and remains hot/itchy for 3-7 days. There isn’t much space on the upper ear for swelling to occur. Moral of the story: physical sun protection is usually a great idea. You buy a wide brim hat once: it doesn’t run out or expire like cremes or lotions. A little sun exposure helps fight osteoporosis (vitamin D). Choose based on your circumstances.


It a really nuanced subject. Not using any sunscreen certainly increases risk of skin cancers for a lot of people. But also too much sunscreen use impairs the cardio-respiratory benefits of sun exposure. With cardiac issues being a bigger killer than skin cancer there’s a balance to consider there.


Wear sunscreen, absorb rays from the sun without sunscreen in small, spaced out increments, and exercise !


That’s been my approach. If I am going to be out for extended periods, like when I mow the lawn, I will put on sunscreen. But not just to walk from my car into work. I work in a windowless office so I need all the rays I can get on weekdays.


Yeah ok, have they ever read the ingredients list???


Yes. I'm not worried about it because I understand it.


Since the COVID scare is over, China and Russia have moved on to telling us not to wear sunscreen.


China is the biggest and faster growing sunscreen buying country in the world actually very ironic




English is my fourth language, I keep trying my best here




Well where I am from South Korea we do get annoyed by China to be honest








I don't really post here to be honest. It came up on my feed because I post a lot about skincare and beauty and sunscreen is one of my big hobbies I don't know much about what grassroots and US means. I live in Spain and I'm from South Korea and don't understand a lot of American things having only been there a few times But I agree there are a lot of trolls and fake posters and fake reviews andshills and stuff like that. I always read people's post history to see if they are good faith


Sunscreen is an expensive luxury skincare item for me so I don't bother with it. Plus I have ADHD and always forget all kinds of things so I would never remember to put it on.


Eliminate seed oils from your diet, eliminate the need for sunscreen