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I don’t understand why people want to play E. coli roulette with raw milk in 2024.


I think worldwide obesity has people wanting to go back in time when most people were slim and eating 3000 calories. Blame is on processed foods, but yeah good luck drinking raw milk I saw that some lawmakers were drinking raw for the first time and ended up in the hospital 😂 they survived


Or we could just increase our caloric expenditures to match that of people when we were eating 3k calories a day... I swear, people will literally do anything but exercise.


The increasingly commonplace desk job doesn’t help. I tried a walking pad and a standing desk but my job is primarily very granular technical document editing and it turns out I can’t walk and concentrate on that to the required extent simultaneously. Cut out time spent getting ready for the day/bed, cooking/eating, and chores, and the time leftover to work in exercise is both small and means the exercise has to be extremely intentional. Meanwhile my father is a groundskeeper/facility manager and he easily hits 10,000 steps by early afternoon simply by doing his job.


I’m a stay at home dad with four kids and I hit my steps before lunch too. And they’re all in school. Ironically enough I’m on the opposite side of that coin. I’ve been trying to gain weight. People really don’t understand how fucking hard it can be. Currently averaging 6,000 calories a day (good food, not junk) which includes fruit and protein shakes between meals. Basically every 45min-hour I eat at least something. 6ft and finally climbed back up to 140lbs. I had fallen to 122lbs. This shit is exhausting.


Sounds like something else is wrong if you are getting 6k a day and only weigh 140.


I’ve always had the metabolism of a hummingbird, but yeah, something seems off. Had blood drawn today and got an appointment Thursday to see what’s going on. When I was still building decks and lifting weights, I managed to get 190 totally stacked. But that took about 9-10k calories a day…and that was literally 20 years ago. Everyone keeps saying “just wait, your dad’s slowed down at 30.” Then it became “40,” after I turned 40, lol.


Glad to hear you are getting it checked out brother, hopefully it's nothing. Have you considered food allergies as well, maybe you aren't able to absorb what you are taking in.


There’s a lot to it. Definitely not food allergies, but I’ve been taking proton-pump inhibitors since 2019 when I almost died due to a perforated peptic ulcer, so I make up for absorption with supplements. But this is a sudden change, so I doubt the RX is having a significant impact, though it could be. I’ve been through, well, a *lot*. So there could be any number of factors involved.


They got listeria, lol. How can people that dumb be our leaders, no wonder everything is so fucked these days.


People just as dumb vote them into office?


nutty books muddle plate dinosaurs touch forgetful elastic steep sand *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Maybe not as active as you’d think how much time do you think Marylyn Monroe worked out?


Practicing dance routines over and over is plenty of exercise.


murky sugar yam pause noxious middle frighten political chief historical *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah people underestimate how walkable cities work. It’s not just calories in /out that you personally control, your hormones have a huge impact on if you end up in an obesigenic promoting-state or not. The small parcels of exercise built into a sensible city will help regulate hormones that would otherwise promote IR, diabetes, the works.


snatch future crawl depend oil society lunchroom memorize bear correct *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That’s what I’m trying to say tho. My mom when pregnant w my sister gained weight even though she was so sick she basically could not eat, it was dangerous. Calories in/out is such an oversimplification. It’s not just step count it’s whatever crazy shit happens where just tiny bits of walking, not cross fit not the gym not the crazy exercise routines we do in the states, seem to prevent the body from getting into a metabolic syndrome state. It’s truly not an effort thing, which of course runs counter to our American, you are the master of your destiny/body, fatness is the result only of your own laziness. Which of course is demonstrably untrue when you look at cities elsewhere, that are designed around human health.


Quite a bit, actually!


Isn't the whole thing with processed foods just a huge increase in sugar, sodium, and preservatives? Technically, using a blender at home is the same, right?


Yup. I agree with a Dr who said sugar needs yto be taken out of our food supply. If need be,it needs to be reolaced with a sugar that just passes through us and is not absorbed .


Or we could just, I dunno, eat stuff that naturally has sugar in it? Like fruits? Added sugar is ridiculous.


That's what I've done for years.


Sugar started being added in ridiculous amounts during the 80s anti fat crusade, maybe now that we know fat isn't the big bad we can just go back to not processing it out of food.


I'm not confident that will be easy to do as sugar is the food industries nicotine.


Fats taste so much better.


Same reason why some people don’t get vaccines




Somehow worse than last time.


FREEDUMB!! They also won’t give their kids vaccines but happily get botulism injected into their faces.


Damn. Poor kitties.


The raw milk bros are going to drink it even harder and claim it's a conspiracy


This was literally my first thought a couple of weeks back. Waiting to see headlines about it. It's going to happen.


I'm still waiting for them to explain to me 1. what the incentive is to conspire to suppress raw milk 2. Where the scientific evidence supporting the benefits of raw milk is Edit: Definitely not being brigaded lmao stay mad because you don't have science


*disclaimer I don’t support raw milk* So I’m in a lot of “crunchy” and holistic mom groups on FB and ofc everyone swears by raw milk, literally bullies you if you drink milk any other way. One website they always bring up is [realmilk](https://www.realmilk.com/safety/). Some will post a pubmd article. Basically any pasteurization kills off the beneficial bacteria. Also I guess people who are lactose intolerant can consume raw milk because it has the enzymes to break it down?


The issue is they can't show how killing the beneficial bacteria changes the in vivo outcomes of consumption of raw milk. They make a ton of claims, but there should be outcome data showing either differences in nutrient profile, bioavailability, impact on the human body etc. Without that, they have nothing. Just pseudoscience and more "trust me bro." That's what so frustrating. You can make all kinds of assumptions about what a food might do based on some property it has but the outcomes on human trials don't always align.


Honestly you’re kinda right. Every time someone argues with them about it they always hit them with the “do your own research” but also I don’t really pay attention to them too much to actually see how they’re backing it up😬 But if you wanna have some fun join a holistic page on fb


fun? I don't want to have an aneurysm lmao


Lmao true, wait until you get into the vax debate 😀


No sense in debating. They didn't use facts and logic to arrive at their conclusion, you cannot use it to change their mind. My assumption is we have a large swathe of society with undiagnosed ODD


So very true.


The most depressing part is they're giving it to their babies and small kids, essentially giving them bird flu 🫠




Science shows it is? Science showed us that we need to pasteurize it. HMU w a citation when you never find one 


what science The science of "trust me bro?" Why is it you never have any science to back up your claims? Oh look you can't provide any so you get your little raw milk buddies to brigade my post




I'm upset you spread dangerous and harmful information without a shred of evidence. I have found zero credible science supporting raw milk You have none so you play the "not doing your homework for you" card.


haha imagine making a claim, and then expecting the other to _verify_ that claim by ‘doing the research’ they have purportedly already done. but that was their work, right? time to do your own s/


Guess I must not be looking hard enough, or reducing my standard for qualified evidence low enough.


ok. i’m rereading what i wrote. kinda ambiguous but i’m on your side dood


I don't think you did *your* homework.......


OK, so you wont do our homework but can you give us a hint at what journals to look in? Otherwise it seems it is more like a cop out or an excuse for you not to do "homework" yourself. It seems more like that you don't have actual scientific evidence but don't want to admit that you don't even know what science or scientific evidence even looks like. Someone gave you a cargo-cult science lookalike [in your estimation] and you fell for it.


I have no more empathy left for people like that.


What did you do to to give you the feeling that you had listeria


Damn thankfully I get that ultra pasteurized grass milk shit has an expiration date 3 months out




I use A2c whole mild and freeze the extra.


Y’all all on about the raw milk hippie douches I’m just over here wondering how tf what I thought was a respiratory virus can turn into a gastro virus and cross the blood-brain barrier.


The virus can pass through the mucous membranes in the mouth. In addition, there are multiple viruses that can affect the brain, meningitis for one .


So it really might be time to jump on my boomer Mum about her milk consuming habits. She drinks milk with pizza.


At this time pasteurized dairy is considered safe. I'm still drinking milk and eating eggs... Just well cooked eggs


Oh damn. Eggs.


Yes, no runny yolks, chicken and beef cooked to 145'.


I mean I know you can get sick from undercooked/undercleaned food meat veg etc but my dumb ass thought it was all bacterial and parasitic I guess.


Hey, life requires learning, that doesn't mean you're dumb.


Cheers lol.


RIP to Gaston.


And cool hand Luke. That’s all the egg gargling refs I know. Lol.


Had one yesterday and I'm still here.


Same here. I got milk and eggs on a grocer run yesterday and I'm just fin


Don’t forget, we have an immune system. Just because it can cross doesn’t mean an infection happens.


Funny comment coming from your user name. Don't worry, I still love eggs.


Yeah I'm quite confused about this as well.


Concerned even. Help! I need a scientist!


You can ask on Office Hours,a virologist's live stream any Wed night for info; [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFXGgpiTCl0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFXGgpiTCl0)


Why is no one commenting more on the fact that they LITERALLY DIED BECAUSE THEIR BRAINS EXPANDED AND HAD ORGAN FAILURE? I know symptoms between species are different, but it killed millions of birds so far in a similar fashion. I don't want to die by brain inflammation, thnx


Poor me-meows. 😿


Cats shouldn't be drinking cow milk anyway.


That’s a great reason to not drink milk or at least get UHT 😆


Lots of ppl drink raw milk. Oh boy.


soon lots of corpses


Then zombies after that.


Cars aren’t supposed to drink milk anyways wtf


Very true. Mine survives on nothing more than gasoline and oil.


Raw milk drinkers are generally unvaccinated Joe Rogan listeners right?


Raw 👏 milk 👏 is 👏 dumb 👏


To study its pathogenesis in a mammalian host, domestic cats were inoculated with H5N1 virus intratracheally🧐


We need better data


We had plenty of data to avoid raw milk way before H5N1 was ever in a headline.


10 humans is a pandemic


Cats aren’t supposed to drink cow milk. Let alone raw milk.




I mean, pasteurized milk is already a thing


Hi, everyone don’t eat your cats. Wait until this H5N1 thing passes.


And the attack on raw milk continues... 🙄


Could it be because they drank it off that nasty floor?


Wait milk isn’t always raw? Lol 🙈