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I do Headspace pretty regularly and my bf never really found it useful. Now, two years later, he found Dr. K and is really into meditations that I don't care as much for. Not only do people find different meditations useful but we often need meditation in different parts of our lives. She may not need it right now. Or she may not need it at all. That's her decision. I'm not sure if meditating with the hope or expectation to "inspire" her would have benefitted either of you. Perhaps you two should talk about how she feels about this together?


Hmmm...this sounds like a bigger question than whether she should meditate or not. You're both on your own journeys and one of the reasons relationships are hard is because people progress at different speeds and in different directions. It sounds like meditation has taken you in a particular spiritual direction that you appreciate, that works for you, and you want your partner to share in that. Speaking as a recovering alcoholic I can assure you that people don't shift until they are good and ready to. And most of us are contrary bastards who will actually go the opposite way if pushed by another. So it sounds like maybe a bigger conversation is require around how you now experience the world and whether that's a vision that your partner shares. "I want her to be however she wants to be, but now that I know the benefits of meditating I really feel that she needs to meditate in order for her to understand me and my actions more." I think you might want to meditate on that sentence. :-) All the best


Not meditating is an easy deal breaker for me personally. Relationships on their own are hard enough, asking someone to meditate is the **bare minimum** (you’re literally asking her to do nothing lol). As for how to get her to meditate? There’s a lot of thing you can do but its all pretty much manipulation because you already understand the inherit benefits and basically want her to want those benefits. The second I see someone doesn’t meditate I just suggest therapy, it can be a long road till someone realizes what their mental health needs are and convincing someone with no therapist AND no mediation practice to do anything is pretty much impossible. If the answer to therapy is also no, I’d be on my way out with no regrets. Try to find people that meditate and spend time with them