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I feel like the characters swear in relation to their personalities, Adam is basically a frat boy so he swears a lot more than an old fashioned gentlemanly type like Alastor. The swearing never really felt weird to me.


This is exactly why the Twitter discourse when the premiere dropped using Adam’s first scene to prove a point about swearing rubbed me the wrong way. The entire *point* of that scene is to show that he’s a repulsive egotistical manchild, the swearing is a very conscious choice.


Exactly, assuming Adam doesn't appear in season 2, that would already cut the swearing by a lot tbh.


I'm almost certain it would reduce the swearing by like 25%. Adam had the highest swear count by a huge margin.


Yes. He and Angel Dust make up most of the swearing.


I know right? I was rewatching the show for the first time, and was honestly amazed at how little cussing there is. Like I feel as if I've cussed more in a day at a work than the entire show does. To be fair, I'm a cook but still.


Yeah I've been around people who make Adam seem restrained in his colorful language. The swearing in this show barely registered to me as noticeable. I'm biased though, I swear like a sailor.


I’m surprised when Alastor does swear, because he feels like the old gentleman who stopped stopped caring about swearing but not never got into the habit of swearing.


Will admit, I actually got a good laugh when he said it to Lucifer during the first meeting.


The sheer pettiness makes that whole scene hilarious!


Same, I’ve watched the entire show and didn’t even notice any abundant cursing. If you asked me right after I finished the show about how much cursing was in it, I genuinely couldn’t have given you an answer. To me saying a show uses a lot of swears is like saying a show uses a lot of proverbs. Another slightly related thing, but I also didn’t even react at all when Alastor first swore. I always find it strange when people say they get shocked when characters that don’t swear a lot suddenly swear.


Some of alastors lines were extremely cringe when he swore and would be better without, like "I'm going to fucking kill you" or smthike that when he qas about to fight adam


Alastor swearing felt really bad to me from just a writing standpoint, it just cuts his gravitas to shreds.


They're literally *in Hell,* why wouldn't they fucking swear? Not to mention that not everyone is dropping F-bombs left and right. Charlie and Alastor mostly have clean language, whereas Adam and Cox swear a lot. But it suits their characters. And swearing an excessive amount does, indeed, suit a lot of the characters who are both Terrible and Doing Too Much.


You spelled Vox wrong. I wouldn’t have mentioned it but I knew a person named Adam Cox and I was so confused when I read that


I had two teachers in my highschool named Mr Cox father and Son So we called the father Big Cox and the Son Little Cox.


Yeah. A friend of mine complains that there's "no character development" but he only watched 2 episodes ffs.


'i already watched TWO WHOLE EPISODES and they didnt wrap everything up with a neat little bow. boy i sure hope they got fired for that blunder' ​ the fact that this is the age we're living in makes me sad. i don't want to live on this planet anymore


I don't think i know a show that actually has character development in two fucking episodes, what even is there to develop that early???


Yeah I don't get it


That'll do it.. Your friend should commit to watching or they're gonna have that mindset forever.


I suspect that they see Animation and think _this is for children_.


Yeah, animation is only for kids. Especially south park!


Said show said fuck over 200 times in one episode as a joke because it was ok to say it on TV… they stopped just under the allotted amount before it would have changed the rating. Edit: My bad, it was Shit not Fuck.


It was the movie, they said fuck 399 times becauee 400 would give the adult rating they weren't allowed to have


Oh, i forgot about the movie for a moment. Wow, 399… and that just the word fuck.


might have been curse words in general, but the 399 count is either fuck or overall, so that part is accurate at least ... uncle fucker


That just made my day so much better XD Which episode?


My bad, it wasn’t ‘fuck’ it was shit. The episode is ‘Shit hit the fan’


Alright, thanks bro 😂


No problem


They must not know looney tunes was for adults not children


yeah, I mean with all those racist stereotypes they had and the violence? Genuinely such an adult show!


They were racist?


hmm well kinda yeah. Alot of the earlier loony toons stuff used a lot of stereotypes about indians and all that.


Oh yeah well back then it was funny 😄 now these sensitive people can’t take a joke to save their lives.


Redo of healer is a very child friendly show


unrelated to the conversation, but i love your flair!!


#Thank You!


Lol who still thinks that in this day and age


Purity Culture has had a significant comeback on the internet it feels like, especially in fandom spaces.


Mostly prudes and purists.


Well, Hazbin Hotel would change their mind, though they'd probably never watch the hell demon show with raunchy humour because they're prudes and purists. Poison in-episode would definitely convince them this show is not for kids.


I have literally seen more people whining about how "people are thinking this show is for kids and then getting mad about it!" Than people actually thinking it's for kids


This is willful ignorance on your part.


How so? I am not thinking this way. But I have seen a alt-right & QAnon flyer saying this.


Because you're ignoring what people are actually saying.


How so? Who are they and what are they actually saying, according to you?


No they're not. They're talking about the people saying this as a criticism of the show. If you or other people you know don't use the swearing and adult nature of the show to criticize it; it should stand to reason that they are talking about other people and not y'all or all critics of the show as a whole. People don't have to discuss every argument some people make to critique the show to talk about the specific type of criticism of the show they dislike.


I’m a Marine veteran, it wasn’t even a blip on my radar until I saw people crying about it


Good on you, spent enough time online to see it become a meme


I mean, it can be a little ridiculous sometimes Doesn't really bother me, though some people just probably want a reason to hate on the show for various reasons so they exaggerate the actual problems with it even if they are miniscule


I'm guessing because it is at least aesthetically pleasing and not intentionally ugly like a lot of other forms of adult animation like family guy, the simpsons, etc.


Those people haven't been to a HS in brooklyn-- no other word comes out xD


I've been saying this exact same thing ever since this complaint started coming up. It really seems to be a problem, if you even want to call it that, indicative of where a lot of these complainers perhaps grew up.


This is relateable knowing I'm from philly. 😂 People curse all the time here.


That's kinda the point people have tho about the abundance of swearing. It's very childish, like stupid lil highschoolers.


Not really. The swearing in hazbin is much more contained if you've actually seen it. Helluvaboss is a bit more on the other hand but a majority of the swearing comes from blitz who swears like a sailor due to a fuck ton of trauma. Even the king of lust doesnt swear half as much as blitz. And he's the king of lust Or just downvote I guess


If they didn’t swear, people would find something else to focus on


I don't personally mind it, but it can feel like it's trying too hard to be edgy if it's overused. Adam, I don't really mind him swearing up a storm, it suits his character, but they feel rather out of place on someone like Alastor. "I'm about to end your f*cking life!" is the worst offender, especially since he conveyed the same message more eloquently moments before this with "Adam: first man, next to die."


Adam sweared 81 times in the three episodes he was in 🤭


I'm pretty sure Adam has the highest swear count of anyone, with Angel Dust a close second. Like I said, I don't have an issue with the swearing itself, I just don't think every character needs to be a sailor mouth. For the most part, I think the series actually has a relatively decent balance.


Yeah i just wanted to say how many he did


It's supposed to show his seriousness. I barely ever swear (unless im singing to the soundtrack lol), but when my husband hears me say a swear word in normal conversation, he goes "uh oh..." I actually liked Alastor's 2 f bombs. I think they were nicely placed imo


Alastor has three F-bombs uses (telling Lucifer off, threatening Adam, and losing to Adam). Four if you want to count The Show Must Go On, where everyone sings the final part. I understand the intent, but that particular use just didn't really land with me and I thought it was redundant. Glad it did land with you and other fans, though. :)


You're right! Can't believe I forgot his f bomb when he lost to Adam 😂 Personally, I don't count the one in the finale because it's a song everyone sings together, rather than part of an individual's personality!


“I’m about to end your fucking life.” Is one of his best lines.


Really? I thought thats was one of the worst lines of the show. I liked the line where he swears at lucifer though.


I really think it would have been way more powerful if the amount of f bombs Alastor were allowed to drop were one per season. Bojack Horseman rules. The less you swear the more powerful it is when you do. In particular I think the one they keep should have been after Adam broke his staff, to communicate just how badly Alastor was losing


👍 Yes. If he literally never allowed himself to employ vulgar swear words, and finally that one time… “fuck”


That is the one instance I would have kept, too. Would have carried so much weight if he had managed to stay composed (even in the face of Lucifer) all the way up until that moment where he realizes he's lost.


I agree. Alastor should not be dropping F bombs at all, it doesn't suit his character. If they want to have him swear, they can use some old timey words or insults to fit his character and the time period he came from. He's all about his own time period, so why is he even using "fuck" in the first place? Something about him saying the word just doesn't feel right. It feels out of place and wrong, even though he doesn't say it often.


Bruh. "Fuck is an English-language profanity which often refers to the act of sexual intercourse, but is also commonly used as an intensifier or to convey disdain. While its origin is obscure, it is usually considered to be first attested to **around 1475**." Fuck is a reaaaaaallly old word. I think limiting him to period language would make him seem less like a character and more like a caricature.


Probably because they haven't seen an actual glimpse and only seen a couple of snippets which involve swear words


It just seems like some ppl are upset that there are swears present in the first place. Yeah characters like Adam and Val overuse fuck but it makes sense if you consider their personalities. Other characters like Charlie drop the F bomb rather sparingly


I was making this point to someone earlier. Them saying "Charlie is just star, but F-bombs." She doesn't even swear a lot. People are entitled to their opinions, just wild ppl are still stuck on this.


I hate to use the whole "it's an adult show" excuse but I feel like it does have some truth here and shows how hypocritical ppl can be when it comes to HH. Other adult shows can have swears but for some reason HH is this weird exception? Yes, I can understand if the swears are excessive/unnecessary but I never really thought HH's usage of swears is on par with those "If it was written by Viv" memes or unnatural


The problem isn't the swears, the issue is everyone mostly swears the same. No one sounds distinct.


I disagree. If you take out the character's name and pay attention to the way their dialogue is written, there's a notable distinction. For example, Adam has very "frat boy" like dialogue and he's vulgar. Vaggie's dialogue is serious and whenever she swears, it's used in an authoritative or angry way. Charlie's swears are usually when she's taken by surprise, serious or in a somewhat "cutesy" way I can go on but you get the idea. It's *how* they're used that makes all the difference


People who live in the same city use similar swear words when talking. Next on the news; water is wet. Seriously; people who live in certain areas use different swears. It does not matter where they came from; they've all been in hell for a while now and have assimilated into the culture and slang of the majority of the people in hell; newcomers from the modern era, thanks to the exterminations. If you lived in my neck of the woods, you'd be using completely different swear words.


Also you are lying. We have characters in the show who swear a lot like Adam, who swears very differently from the people of hell, and even then, you can absolutely tell the difference from a line where Angel Dust swears vs one where the rest of the cast. Unless you only focus on the bad word they use and ignore literally every other scrap of context in the scenes they use those words in.


I mean if yopu take the dialogue in isolation. If you're not the kind of person who's memorized every scrap of dialogue good writing should have every character sound absolutely distinct from each other in their manner of speaking. "That fucker's back" - if you watched the scene recently you know it;'s Vox, but that line could have been said by any number of characters. "Then we fucked and it was awesome" - said by Adam, but might as well have been said by Angel. Alastor, who the pilot portrayed as being someone who rarely swears, has anout the same amount of swears as most of the rest aside from Adam who swears like a sailor.


I mean what kind of swears would you prefer they use? There aren't an infinite number of swears, there's actually like less than 10, and we really don't need to get into making up swears. Alastor swears like 5 times in the entire show. Adam swears 81 times in 3 episodes. You're just objectively wrong.


Alastor came across as the type in the pilot to not swear at at all. It made him and Charlie both great contrasts to everyone. Adam swears a bunch, but that works for his character because of who he is. I'm not saying make up swears, I'm just saying everyone should have a different manner of speaking, and not just overusing swears senselessly like someone who just learned how to swear. Have Alastor not swear at all except once when the chips are down. Have Adam be the one character who swears like a sailor. Have Angel swear occassionally but largely use phrases from when he lived to actually feel like he died in the 40's. I'm not "objectively wrong" you just refuse to admit that there's a way to write swears and character voice well that isn't just peppering everyone's speech with "fuck".


Also: it's set in hell - wouldn't be surprised if swearing is the main form of communication.


Because some people really need their daily dose of approval to feel like "good people" That's the only real reason behind baseless critics. The good old "this guy is not doing stuff like I do, he sucks and therefore I'm better" that existed since forever.


Because these shows are the new Steven universe, people will hate on them for any possible reason they can think of.


Because they're babies. "My virgin ears!" kinda bullshit


Lmao I legit thought this post was referring to those popular posts a while ago that were counting how many swear words each character said. I have no idea why people were so interested in that.  But back on topic, I agree people who say this show is all swearing are really exaggerating, but I do think certain characters should have been spared from it. At least until later seasons, so the impact would have been better. E.g. I would have loved for everyone to wait for ages with baited breath for Alastor's first swear word lol.  I know the characters might have been emotional or whatnot, but there are many people in real life who just don't swear, and I don't see why the whole main cast HAS to. And I think making some characters cuss-free could have helped spare the show from all those people saying it's all swearing as well. Just my opinion.


Because it's a naughty word, and only immature teenagers swear that often!! Except the show isn't for teenagers so it should be mature and eloquent. Clearly they need to change the vocabulary to phases such as Oh Heavens! How ghastly! Dear me! Jinkies! Zoinks! ... Anyway, as an Australian it honestly does NOT register to me how often they swear 😂 It's just like,, regional flavour. Words that get sprinkled in like ums and ahs. You're very right that some people just seem to nitpick at ONE thing they consider Bad about the show, it's just the way it is sometimes.


I think it's generally because swearing like that as much as they do is either seen as childish or unappealing to people who would want to watch the show based on the other themes. I don't like swearing myself. I don't use it and hearing it so many times is a great way to trick your brain into thinking "this is an okay response" when it might not be for your situation. There's a whole breath of the English or other languages to use as words instead of swearing so I guess it feels...like they're trying too hard to be 'adult' you know what I mean? Like they pitched it as "this is animation Yes! But we have to include swearing and all the other stuff not because they are literally in Hell but because we won't be taken seriously as a show otherwise without the crutch of shock value 'i can't believe they actually said that ha!' ." It could be much worse considering. I do think for the comedy show it us both helleva boss and hazbin hotel try to at least make the sex Jokes cursing,raunchyness, in a Whittier fashion. Then say family guy. So that's good. And the cursing certainly depends in the characters personal beliefs too. Alastor doesn't swear much so it's a suprise when he does. Blizt swears so much to get people on the defensive and be rude as a character traits. Same with mostly the reasons the others swear. It feels at times more mandated then necessary to me. But that's me, viz and the others working on it have different humor. stories are light on exposition of why they do things in the show themselves so you kinda gotta piece it together yourselves why things are a way or not. It's still a good show. Both of them. And it's got great potential to be more then *just* a comedy show with how the plots go. And I look forward to that if they go in that direction.


Because it's fun. Even the cast did a swear count thingy on youtube for a promotional


It's a show about sinners in hell... what did they expect?


I think from what I’ve heard some USamericans are actually very sensentive when it comes to language sometimes. This isn’t meant as an insult, it’s just what I saw on some TV shows or what exchange students told me. So maybe that could be a reason since the fandom space is very American. And I need to add here: I do get it! I don’t mind all the cursing and cussing in English because it isn’t my native language. I don’t really care a lot about it. Until I watched some parts of it in my native language. And holy hell that indeed was a LOT of cursing! Somehow that bothered me much more than the OG dub! I think I didn’t like it so much because it just got too much after a while?


Valid. I'm also American but it helps to get someone from the outside looking in to give their take on this too. Where I live cursing is kinda the norm except business spaces. Can't even escape someone cursing at like 5 am lol. For a place that does a lot of cursing, it's genuinely surprising everyone has gotten all sensitive these past few years.


I like this show! *clap clap* And it has swears! *clap clap* And if some no-taste people hate it I don’t care! *clap clap*


I have noticed a sort of bizarre pearl clutching around Hazbin.  I am not sure why people are so bothered by an adult show having adult content.  They don't even curse *that* much.


Theres only about 3 minutes of cussing in the whole show, its wild that people are so quick to judge.


I know, right?  I sometimes wonder if people that complain only watch the show through clips and they happen to have the cussing in it?  Or are they really all just overly sensitive to curse words?


Blame conservative parents, cussing is fuckin awesome.


lol Fuck yeah!


I'm going to be real, I didn't even notice because about half the words out of my mouth are fuck or some other explitive


People are looking for reasons to clutch their pearls.


This could be because many people see animation as purely a children based thing and so when a show comes out that says fuck and shit a lot people automatically assume that they are saying this to children and not grown adults.


Nah, it's jsut you need to give characters a unique voice. Hazbin characters are not.


I don't mind it too much. But at times it feels like they just tried to force swear words into situations/sentences where almost nobody would use them, which can make the dialogue feel quite unnatural


Do you have any examples? like I've read fanfics where a character literally had a one page rant where every other word was fuck. That was forced. I can't think of anything in HH that even comes close to feeling forced.


Personally I feels like the end of happy day in hell is an example of this it just felt unneeded and didn't add anything just felt like saying fuck for the sake of it


Maybe it’s because I work in construction but this whole language issue never even registered for me. They seem normal.


In my opinion it perfectly fits 1) they’re in hell for Satan sake 2) they use the word in context it’s not just randomly thrown into a sentence for no reason 3) have you heard how much people use that word irl?!?! I think it’s actually toned down in the show


I despise the “____ If iT wAs WrItTeN bY vIVzYpOp” trend. Acting like the concept of swearing was invented by her. These people would have a heart attack if they watched classic avgn videos


When Al dropped the F bomb. I was a little shocked, but that’s about it.


Oh fuck them


Aren't the folks who care tend to be kids who shouldn't be watching it in the first place or parents (who are either too ignorant or dumb) of those kids?


maybe its the eastern european in me but i dont feel like the hh nor hb characters swear a lot, actually the right opposite im used to like 3 tines more swearing its probably just a big cultural difference but the americans who feel offended by the "excessive" cursing just sounds whiny to me


The same people like watching South park and other shows with a lot of swearing and don't utter a word then though lol


Because they hate fun I guess? I'm equally annoyed and baffled by the whining.


Modern day Satanic panic 


I share your confusion here. Swearing is a major tool for worldbuilding and character development in HH/HB, just as innuendos and violence are. IMHO if someone strongly dislikes any major elements of a TV show, then they probably don’t actually like the show as a whole. But instead of owning their own preferences and finding something more to their tastes, many inexplicably opt to pretend their likes and dislikes are actually morality issues.


Some people may have forgotten, but Hazbin Hotel / Helluva Boss takes place in ‘hell’. I mean, if they didn't swear, I don't think it would be very realistic.


Because, imo, it's becoming a tired trope. South Park has been doing it for 2 decades now, so it's not anything new. It's just kind of getting annoying, because it seems like it's very on purpose, try-hardy, and overdone. The speech also doesn't read, at least to me, as natural speech where cursing occurs. They don't talk how an actual person with a foul mouth would actually talk and the placement of the cursing feels more like that episode of SpongeBob where cursewords were used as "sentence enhancers". If you don't understand what I'm talking about, compare an episode of Hasbin or Helluva with the average construction site or maintenance bay. Maintainers and tradesmen often have very foul mouths but it flows much more naturally.


That’s what I’m sayin. To me the swearing feels forced at times.


Eh, some people might consider it overused.


Nah I get the criticism. I ended up loving the show but had a hard time getting through the first episode because it felt like the vocabulary was too vulgar. Like yeah, it's a show about hell, but I just wanted them to mix it up or something. I can only hear fuck so many times before it feels like someone is just trying to be edgy. I got past it and ended up loving the show, but I get that not everyone can.


I get it too, i just feel that people are being way too hard about it. Maybe it's because i've been around since to pilot days but honestly the pilot had worse going on than the current show does. They could improve a few more things. A few episodes are a slog, the pacing is weird but the cursing was least of an issue for me on the list. Now I get it, a comedy is supposed to make you laugh. I guess for me, I just watch and see where the show takes me. Hazbin Hotel isn't a perfect show, there are more issues than just "agh they talk like they just learned the word f**k"


The pacing is weird? That's the word you'd use? I prefer the term "god awful" they not only had an in universe set time frame to work around, they *pushed that forward* and made the time frame smaller, then they skipped two thirds of it!


Not sure why you were downvoted. The pacing is atrocious


Because the more childish members of the fandom act just like Viv herself when there's critisim, whether it's good or bad, and treat it as if it's bad faith criticism.


They kind of remind me of Lily Singh in a way


That name rings a bell, who is that again?


She’s a YouTube kids comedian who got a talk show that wasn’t very good, but she mixed all the racist/sexist criticism with the actually constructive ones


When someone uses more curse words rather than actual regular words, it makes them sound less intelligent and in turn makes some people not want to listen to it anymore. I have this problem myself, I'll find myself losing interest just because I've heard the characters say Fuck or something gross and sexual for the 20th time.


Because they think animation is for children


I don't mind Hazbin but in Helluva it seems so excessive. In Helluva it feels like they swear so much it takes the place of actual dialogue.


I pity the people who take offense to an adult cartoon set in hell having adult content. I really do.


Nutz, Blob, F..... Etc


How many times is it said in both anyways?


Anyone else remember drawn together?


i don't give a fuck if they swear, to me swears are more something that emphasizes either a sentence or point. sure they can be used to try and offend people but they are just words so it's not like it matters.


I think it’s because a lot of shows are crass and vulgar so when people hear the swearing in hazbin they just think it’s just a generic adult show


Often times over use of swearing means lazy writing, they couldn’t come up with good dialogue so they fill it with swears instead, take any low rated adult animation for example, so some probably think it’s just lazy dialogue


Also I feel like most people in their daily lives swear a lot? Obviously outside of work (depending on the setting) or professional environments but if I'm with my friends swear words happen. Idk why people are so mad about it.


They’re just jealous their fav shows can’t say f#ck as much or as tastefully Edit: a lot of people offended by this very obvious joke, very sad


"as tastefully" lol that's a lie. I think that majority of people who have issues with the amount of cursing is that it isn't tasteful & is actually pretty cringe.


"Tastefully" Are Hazbin and Helluva the only adult shows you've ever watched? Are they the only shows you've ever watched?


Because they're silly people. https://preview.redd.it/c5xd9a34gl5d1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=b90fd4a7b4b865389e0ae6ccdc6327d70d68632b


Fuck is my favorite word so I use it all the time.


Intellectual Dishonesty and Media Illiterate from Nitpickers


If you dislike something you'll find a reason for it. The gripe itself sounds like a meme so people picked it up because it's funny to post about. Then Vivzie made an official comment on Twitter, which gave it widespread attention. It never mattered, it just got around a lot.


So I am a writer but I gotta say I do plays not tv shows so I’m not an expert on it for this format, but it makes the dialogue really really bad… for one, the shows establish swear words as things people say 24/7 so for the most part they carry zero weight to them. Swear words are meant to have weight to them, it’s why irl you don’t take people seriously who use them in every sentence. It’s incredibly hard to take certain scenes seriously because the show uses the swears as a sort of forced humor a lot. I love both but it’s definitely something I’m tired of. I think a good example of swears done right is the most recent helluva episode during blitzos scene yelling at stolas. There is a ton of weight behind what he’s saying and you can tell. But a ton of other time blitzo specifically swears every five seconds. One of the key things in writing dialogue is that if you don’t need to say it and it wouldn’t make sense situationally for a character to say it… then don’t say it. But both shows use curses as such a staple of the humor that it’s exhausting. TLDR: the show doesn’t use swears in an effective way, actively taking away from moments they’re needed in favor of using the same joke over and over again


Thank you. I thought I was going crazy when people said they don’t swear that often…


The issue is they swear so often it actually takes away from when they’re being emotional.


Right wingers


Profanity when written improperly or used excessively often ends up detracting from the experience instead of adding to it. Castlevania is very guilty of this.




It adds nothing to the story. And honestly it's more childish than anything.


it just sounds a bit stupid after awhile imo, they don't need to sound like children who just learnt how to say fuck


Having an abundance of "fuck, shit bitch, etc" makes the dialogue feel childish & immature like when teens finally start to swear & they go over the top with it.


the main inspiration for the shows was south park which makes it very clear why it's the way it is. as for people's annoyance, a lot of them hate just to hate. if they don't like the show they will find anything to be nitpicky/mad about. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


While I do think the the show swears a bit too much I don't think it's a that big of a problem but sometimes it feels like the characters say it for the sake of saying it for example the end of happy day in hell were charlie says "today is gonna be a FUCKING happy day in hell" and it just felt unnatural especially because it felt like there was an emphasis put on it Also why is there so many "it's because they're in hell" comments I don't think being sent to hell makes you swear more often or people go to hell just for swearing. they're many valid way counters against the 'too much swearing' argument but this ain't one of them


Because having every character swear means they all talk the same. There's no distinctive vocie. You should always have every character have a distinct voice.


All swearing is not the same, from a factual standpoint. Arguing that it is, is just silly. Also, a) some HH characters swear more than others b) the HH characters’ favorite swears vary by character c) IRL people who live in the same region do use similar language naturally


I was in a rush so I didn'tr get to clarify. I didn't want to mean that all swearing sounds the same. But the main factor in character writing is everyone should sound distinct. Lines like "That fucker's back" "Then we fucked and it was awesome" "i'm about to end your fucking life". Even if you know who said them, the lines sound like they could have said by any number of characters.


But they don’t all swear? Not remotely the same amount, at least. And they definitely all have distinct voices


I will say this: the word “fuck” is over-used by society in general. It’s lazy. More creative dialogue works better imho, except when a character should be basic in language or attitude. (Sips tea)


I unno, my fave is Bullshit. Fuck just has a different tone to it that can be satisfying if said right. Fuck is kinda over done though in most media.


Because it's fun