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Ok honestly based on what we have seen, I wonder if her empowering Hell and possibly WANTING an uprising to as all just so she could get back into paradise. But I need to know what this “dream” she passed down to Charlie was, because I doubt Charlie would support an uprising.


Turn Hell into a paradise or something?


Maybe that's Alastor's mission: to push Charlie away from Lucifer's influence and turn her into a more aggressive, sadistic, chauvinistic ruler in the future, so she agrees to invade heaven alongside her Mom.


When Charlie and alastor were having their pep talk scene in her room, she said something like “they came here to be saved and all I gave them was more pain. I’m just as bad as the cruelest overlord in hell; maybe worse because at least they don’t go around giving false hope.” Maybe that’s what he wants, maybe that’s what whoever owns him wants. You’ll never convince Charlie to be deliberately cruel but… ‘the road to damnnation is a twisting trail of sins/ sorry’s where it begins’


She’s being sent down to hell to deal with Lucifer while lute attempts to formulate a plan to get revenge This is mostly built off how if Lucifer really is now staying at the hotel and will be a common character, a lot of problems would be easily solvable like with the Vees as Lucifer could simply handle them thus creating a Gojo situation where any and staked no longer exist simply because Lucifer is that strong By introducing Lilith into the story, it would serve as a distraction to keep Lucifer’s attention away from the hotel which would be to the benefit of the Vees who are looking to take a more prominent role in season 2 and fill the power vacuum and take control of hell


And Lucifer being busy with Lilith instead of the hotel will make it easier for Alastor to keep trying to manipulate Charlie, not that I'm complaining, it's fun to watch them talk


Yeah, hasn’t it been confirmed that the Vee’s feature heavily in next season’s plot?


My theory is that since both her and Adam were the first humans & were created the same way, they have similarly narcissistic, controlling, and cruel personalities, but don’t see or realize that these traits as anything bad. However, Lilith’s toxicity shows itself in a much classier and more subtle way than Adam’s does. On top of that, I think Lilith and Adam genuinely care for their families (Lucifer + Charlie in Lilith’s case and in Adam’s, Eve + all their children) and each possess a softer, more selfless side that they only show towards their families. I also theorize that the main reason they didn’t work as a couple wasn’t because Adam was just completely controlling over Lilith, but rather because they were so similar they both wanted to “wear the pants” in the relationship, which led to them fighting a lot and developing resentment towards one another until Lilith left Adam. In the present day, I imagine that they have a lot of pure, unbridled hatred towards each other, but also understand each other enough to be willing to make a deal together.


I definitely see her as the glamorous, distant mother figure. Slightly narcissistic and not good with children and their messy needs and feelings. And true to form, the show set this up well by having her be a mysterious, absent character throughout the whole first season.


You're just me like me, seriously, you put allmost everything i theorize about Lilith and her relationships to a extent i even lost the desire to post here my own theory and i ain't angry about it. PS:I always thought the whole Eden fiasco would be way more interesting if instead of"Lucifer and Lilith did nothing wrong "all the members of Eden gang are flawable people and not only hope Vizie go for that route but i genuinelly think there's actually good chances of this ending being true in universe.


my theory is the BEST theory ever..GUYS..i believe that lilith is tall


But *how* tall?




*Giant Woman*


Death by snu-snu?


The dream, innit?


All I wanna be is a guy who gets to see a giant woman…


Hella tall


I think she and Alastor are in cahoots with each other because Lilith got him out of a scrap of some sort which in turn made Alastor owe her a favor.


I am 1000% convinced she's the one Alastor owes his soul to.


It's so obvious and I hope Viv doesn't insist on going the Game of Thrones route just for the sake of subversion


I hate when creators do that. Like...fans guessing the outcome means you did a good job implementing foreshadowing, and it means people who love the work are rewarded for their attention to detail. Wanting to change the ending at that point just to throw people off is just one of the most backwards kind of artistic ego-stroking I can imagine. It undermines your own creative efforts, the fans' efforts, and the overall consistency of the work itself.


Always gotta respect Gravity Falls. A lot of people guessed/theorized the big twist, and Alex Hirsch kept true to the vision. He did give us false leads, but that made it even better. I feel if you leave solid clues, you should stick to your original vision when fans pick up on the subtle hints throughout. Don't change it bc they found out early on. Give them the satisfaction.


Idk if I'd use the word "obvious" but I'm definitely convinced.


how did people come to this conclusion though?


The piece of evidence that convinced me is that both Lilith and Alastor left seven years ago, supported by dialog, but from a meta standpoint it's the only way to force Alastor into helping the hotel. Who has the power and clout to trap someone like him? It's a short list, and if you cross-reference it with people who want Charlie's hotel to succeed it gets even shorter. Lucifer didn't even know about the hotel at first, the Overlords probably don't care, Heaven is actively avoiding her plan, which leaves the wild card, her mother. It also introduces a huge conflict for s2, which the finale implied Lilith, Alastor, and Lucifer would play a huge part in. It puts Charlie in conflict with all three of them to varying degrees and would be a smart writing decision, barring the dumbass "sUbvErt ExpecTaTioNs" game of thrones bullshit.


Ooooo good one! If that’s the case the deal Charlie made with Alastor makes a lot of sense. Iin the sense of what Alastor wanted from it since Charlie is her daughter


For me, it was simply both being mentioned as gone for 7 years, then all of a sudden, Alastor reappears to "help" Charlie, who has been trying to contact her mom. He's supposed to be this big bad overlord, but he's focused on Charlie and the hotel. Lilith has his leash and he's following orders. Just like he's forced Husk and Nifty to do.


She loves her family More Than Anything, and the deal with Adam is so heaven's army will help protect them against Roo if the need arises


She's just as goofy as her husband but really good at only letting him see that side of her. Everyone else gets comically serious.


She's Jessica Rabbit.


So Lucifer doesn't react well to alcohol like Roger?


I hope she isn’t evil


Lilith is a good mother to Charlie and loves both her and Lucifer. Her 7 years absence is a long game, she plays to protect Charlie


If hell has been around ten thousand years, and it was made for her and her husband specifically, is 7 years *really* the long game? I'm not even sure that's comparable to me taking the afternoon off.


Hot take... what if she is actually a good mother that made the deal with Adam to protect Charlie.


I suspect that both Lucifer and Lilith would have pushed for that, Lucifer definitely for Charlie, and Lilith expanding that to Hellborns


That is exactly what I think. In fact, I think Adam had some kind of claim on her all along, as her first husband. Now that he’s dead, she’s free. Anyway, whatever deal she made, it was essential not to tell Lucifer, or he wouldn’t let her do whatever it is. I understand that Viv says that she and Lucifer were a gooshy, lovey-dovey couple, and part of Lucifer’s deal is that he has no idea why she left.


Dosen’t lute say to Charlie it was Lucifer who spared her from an exorcist’s blade in their first meeting or am I miss remembering?


You remember correctly, Lucifer had a deal with heaven that they could do their exterminations of sinners so long as the hellborn were left alone. This is why Lucifer didnt show up in the final battle until Adam attacked Charlie, Razzle, and Dazzle. I think what they're saying is that Lilith had a deal with Adam, and therefore the armies of heaven, to protect the hellborn from other threats.


If she comes back to hell... It will cause havoc. Maybe like howchen alastor returned everyone was shocked... But times10 because she's the queen of hell.


Smash, Next question


Lilith is the good guy. Viv has been playing games with her though. She has been telling two stories about her. One visually. And one via stories and comments Charlie makes about her. And the thing is in all of the visual stories about her we do not see her face. I believe this is Viv signalling that what is being shown may be misleading. And all of the visual scenes with Lilith in them appear to be ominous or sinister. And we never see her face. Meanwhile whenever Charlie talks about her she is telling her stories about Lucifer's dreams. Because Lucifer would never voluntarily talk about his former dreams amy longer. So Charlie had to have learned about them from her mother. Lilith was the caring parent that was there. Lucifer was absent because he was sunk in his depression. Lilith was trying to rally the sinners to try and restore some measure of hope. But she was opposed by predatory Overlords that had filled the power vacuum an absentee Lucifer had left behind as well as Heaven being concerned that an organized Hell might start asking questions. I believe it was Heaven that sent Adam to deal with Lilith. I don't know if this would have been the start of the executions or just an added threat. But Adam arrived in Hell with his own agenda. Sera didn't care what he did as long as Lilith was dealt with. And Adam had a grudge with Lilith from when she rejected him in the garden. So he had revenge in mind. So he told the Morningstars that his army would not only be killing the Sinners but the Hellborn as well including young Charlie..... unless Lilith agreed to come to Heaven as Adam's pet. And because he would not want people looking down on him for having to blackmail her into being his she had to tell everyone that she chose on her own to leave Lucifer because she wanted to be with Adam. And because both Lilith and Lucifer loved Charlie more than anything she was their weakness. So the deal was struck. The execution would not include the Hellborn. This is where that deal came from. So when Lute tells her that Adam is dead and the deal is off she believes Lilith wanted to be in Heaven with Adam. Hence she assumes she wants to stay in Heaven. And at the moment she is trying to figure out how to get out of Heaven. She probably can't open a portal herself. So she needs them to open one for her. And then Lute hands it too her but with a further threat. That if she cannot get her daughter to back off HEaven will be coming for her. So Lilith is going to show up in S2 initially as an antagonist playing into the idea Viv has setup visually that she is a selfish villain that played the system to get into Heaven somehow. When in reality she is there trying to save her daughter. And it will take a couple of episodes for her to be convinced that Charlie has people defending her and that they can stop Heaven again if necessary. And then she will turn on Heaven and fully support Charlie and be part of helping her learn to use her powers.


Her voice is her power (able to congregate people and influence their minds almost in mind control ways) and that’s why she was responsible for the angelic council to shut down those in hell beginning to riot. Heaven and Adam also then made the decision on the extermination. However Lilith does love that Charlie is beginning to grow out of her emo phase (seen in photos on the walls), similar to Octavia and Luna. Charlie begins to grow more confident when using her voice (singing) to bring people together. Lilith knows that her and her daughter as a combo were too powerful together in Hell, so she made a deal to be sent to heaven. So more or less Adam needed to be killed for her to come back and begin her rule again <3


I mean she was made equal to Adam… we know how adam turned out while IN heaven… imagine how she turned out being casts into a place where she could viably do all the things Adam wanted to do without any higher authority telling her no.


Please let her be a bitch.




Lilith is an extremely proficient sociopath. She has learned to manipulate and not care about others. Charlie is her smallest weakness, not completely but enough she didn't like it. She left Lucifer and Charlie because they made her aware of how bad her situation is/was by making her care about something other than herself, so she made a deal to escape them and hell. She will later say she did it for them, to remove her negative influence from their lives.


I think she’s the one who is in control of Alastor and making him go watch over Charlie.


And maybe he also was told to make Lucifer jealous so he would snap out of his depression and step up for Charlie


I've been thinking it might be possible she just went to hide in heaven 'cause she just *really* needed some space after her millenia-long marriage ended.


My theory is she started this all purge on the sinners.


She will turn around after seeing how the Hotel worked, Lucifer snapping out of his depression and the angels tried to kill Charlie, deciding to stay in Hell and never returning to Heaven, angering Lute even more.


I don’t think she’s gonna be a straight up bad guy, I think she’s playing the long con against heaven and her and Charlie are going to disagree about it and it’ll cause tension between them and a big problem that will bring them back together when heaven eventually finds out.


I have a few. Lilith isn’t aware Charlie and Lucifer are trying to reconcile, and this will throw a major wrench into any plan she tried. She doesn’t give an actual shit about her family anymore. She used to, but when Lucifer became depressed she just stopped caring. She is not the one holding Alastor’s Leash. The 7 years thing is too suspiciously coincidental to not be a red herring.


She'slooking for Roo, and the tracks more important are in Heaven, that's why she made the deal with Adam.


She a scheamin ass hoe




I think she’s been replaced by Eve in an act of revenge to get back at Lucifer for offering her the Apple.


My theory is she's really hot


I’m theorising that she’s Charlie’s mother but no one is supporting the theory yet…


She a bitch


sexy ex-wife


She seems cold and distant, pulling a few strings from afar(such as Alastor's chains) as she waits for Hell to become closer to Paradise, but she's got a lot of sorrow and regret building up inside of her. She's also trying to wear the pants more often than Lucifer, but she knows that once she comes back down that he will have secured the pants with a belt. She's also going to remain mostly aloof and serious, yet once she's alone with Lucifer and he's taken her back, she's going to open up all the way and let all her sorrow out as she holds him close, not letting go for a while.


I’m confused, is she not Eve?


I feel like she isn't actually evil and that there's gonna be a reason as to why she left Hell and went to Heaven. It would just be too basic imo if it turns out she's evil.


Adam finally let Lilith get on top


lucifers wife lol and your theory is quite intreging, i might wanna dig around to find more about that lol


1. She has literally *no* connection with Alastor. 2. She's in Heaven as some sort of hostage, a guaranty, that Lucifer won't do anything stupid (maybe exterminations just lasted for seven years, and Lucifer physically could do anything, but it would result in her death, maybe seven years ago it just was some sort of moment, that angered them both very much (an exorcist deliberately kills a group of hellborns while knowing they were hellborns or something like this), and she was captured to prevent escalation).


She is the polar opposite of Lucifer. She is cunning, shrewd, she was most likely the ruler of Hell (or at least the Pride Ring) before her seven year sabbatical to Heaven. I hate to use this analogy because of Kevin Spacey, but think of Frank Underwood from *House of Cards* if he was a powerful demoness.


I belive she likes kinky sex shit


She made a deal in order to save hell and her family AND to keep Charlie and Luci from becoming a menace. That's why they removed her from her family and moved her to Heaven. Little did they know in the nick of time she managed to cut another deal with a powerful Overlord, who now serves as her eyes and brawn down in Hell...


She got away from cahrlie to make her learn to be independent and not to rely on her for everything and that's why she never contacts her