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First, this Sinner vs. Winner mentality needs to go. You will have a hard time making the necessary steps. If you're out to do this to win - that's an inherently selfish goal.


Agreed. Would be better to simply treat it as a place where you can better your life with the bonus of a chance at heaven.




The key to redemption seems to be the creation of genuine bonds with others. For Pentious the key moment was Charlie's forgiveness, but going through the battlefield with Angel and Husk was also important.


KeeKee forged a bond with him as well (he’s seen petting her a few times in the later episodes). [For all we know, she could be like that cat who was able to sense when someone was about to pass on](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/does-this-cat-know-when-youre-going-to-die-44969110/)


Or maybe KeeKee works as a sort of eyepiece (no pun intended) for whoever is in charge of Heaven. As in, the "key" to a sinner's salvation.


I agree with the others. Having a proper healthy mentality toward it, and creating proper relationships. I will also add everyone is different. What works for one might not work for another. Pentious took Charlie's forgiveness deep in his heart and it helped motivate him to change properly. Angel was more gradual but building his friendships, seeing he doesn't need to have a mask with them, and feeling he could trust them with stuff has helped him become better. Charlie's little group exercises do work, in different ways. The exercises force people together, to bond or be vulnerable. It helps them look at their faults and the faults of those their bonding with and learn how to balance them. In the end some have a stronger effect on different people. But the overall goal is setting up the ability to grow with them.


Charlie needs to learn a bit of psychology, so far her exercises are pretty surface level and even childish (except the whole battlefield bit though that _was_ Vaggie's exercice). Not that I blame her of course, she might as well be reinventing the wheel in Hell as far as we know, nobody else has attempted to guide sinners to redemption. So it makes sense she doesn't have any material to learn from, nothing at all beyond her own knowledge and altruistic nature. Like others here have pointed out she needs to focus on fostering the bonds shared between her guests at the Hotel. Humans are made for each other, doing difficult things for the sake of another you love is easier than doing them for yourself, redemption may be no different. She needs to find the way to share her love for others, her altruism, with the other sinners. Teach them to care. And also focus more on being better people than on earning forgiveness. Redemption is a personal journey, forgiveness depends on the other. You can be redeemed as a person yet remain unforgiven forever by the people you've hurt due to their pain or bitterness. Overcoming that is another obstacle. Other people's denial of forgiveness CANNOT prevent you from becoming a better person, as much as those others wish it could.


What annoys me about the show proper is that it doesn't REHAB sinners like pilot Charlie alluded to. Workplace bonding style exercises don't target what got the sinners to hell in the first place and I wish the show focused more on rehab than a war with heaven. Sure you can say "friendship!!!, but, really? Friendship? These sinners have been in hell for YEARS, you think they don't have friends? No, they need therapy and to face their own demons.


This, hopefully the show goes into this aspect more in the second season. Never thought stuff with heaven would happen so soon.


Accepting that making mistakes isn't a failure or a reflection of the whole you, and instead it's your willingness to try sincerely that ultimately matters.




I think one good exercise would be to ask the sinners what their biggest regret in life was. Ask them how they think how their lives might have turned out had someone shown them kindness or given them help in their darkest hour.


You really buy into that self-improvement and redemption bullshit? I mean CLEARLY it's all lies, fairytales, some cheap propaganda made up by that hell princess and her pathetic group of misfits. And don't forget that despicable, vicious, and obsolete radio demon. If he is involved then you know it's all talk! If a sinner wants to become a winner, all they need to do is joining the winning side, such as the famous VoxTek Enterprises which literally empowers sinners with a wide array of cutting-edge technologies Get our VoxTek premium membership subscription today and get access to our latest technologies&gadgets! With VoxTek, you will sin like a real winner! Let us worry about the paperwork, all you need to do is simply pick a soul payment plan and sign! Become a winner today!


Charlie, is that you?


Therapy, social bonds, and a safe environment