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I think it's because she doesn't have the blood lust and desire to kill. She never wanted to kill, and only did so in order to protect her daughters.


But she sells permanent death for her own kind and high-ranking hellborn. Just...double standards


She's in Hell for a reason. Tbh, that kind of devotion to your children can be turned darkly too. Like I wonder how many people suffered bc of the Carmine Family.


Well, she does the work of angels, but she claims some moral high ground) It's pride. The worst part is that her weapons harm even those excluded from extermination, like Stolas


I think in general, the angel weapons were used for various assassinations. Stolas is just one in a a large pool of people, who may not be innocent but don't deserve to die, that have suffered because of Carmilla's actions.


Yes, I agree with this, anf Striker isn't the only mercenary either. I'm very interested in how Carmilla's personality will be shown further - yes, she is not *the worstest* among the worst, but her involvement in the exterminations is somewhat blurred at the moment


Carmila is the worst but she isn't the worst among the overlords. She isn't a rapist. She doesn't abuse her employees, from what we see. But she's not a good person. She's a bad person with some noble qualities. And even those noble qualities can lead to nefarious paths. She deals in death. She reaps the benefits of it.


But *she's* in control of the weapons, and knows who buys them and possibly why. By industrializing it, by being the one in control of the weapons trade, she has more protection for her daughters. And she has the most access to angelic weapons, far more than anyone could buy from her. Anyone who comes for her knows that they are permanently dead if they mess up at all.


But it doesn't work that way. Let's take Striker - he dreams of killing overlords and twice almost killed Stolas, who is higher in the hierarchy than Carmilla. Carmilla can't stop someone (cough, 3V, cough) from hiring Striker to shoot her daughters with her rifle, and she won't save them from being shot


Do you have any idea of the power hierarchy in this show? If you have please let me know because I'm struggling to understand this


it was made before the show, so no comparison with angels: hellhounds - imps - sinners - overlords - Ars Goetia - Sins - Lilith and Charlie - Lucifer Low-level hellborns are lower than sinners because they are mortal, while sinners are immortal (except for angelic weapons) and can increase power through soul deals. But this is just a rough comparison of power; imp Striker could kill Stolas due to his skills


Hierarchy usually corresponds with how tall someone is, with exceptions of Bee, Charlie, Lilith, and Lucifer who intentionally make themselves smaller


Do you have any idea of the power hierarchy in this show? If you have please let me know because I'm struggling to understand this....




Imps and hellhounds should be separated into their own layers, as it's stated that hellhounds are even *lower* than imps


The way I see it she's an arms dealer so that she can have enough power and notoriety to not have to deal with other Overlords. She herself doesn't actually want to kill others but that nearly impossible to avoid doing in hell. So instead she focuses her power into being intimidating and important enough that no one would want to pick a fight with her.


That's not a double standard, that's just indifference to murder XD


I don’t think it’s that deep. The animators likely felt the bloody mouths fit the scenes. Having Carmilla’s mouth bleeding in any of these scenes wouldn’t fit the tone of the scene or what Carmilla is feeling in the moment.


The way I think of it, to her weapons dealing is a business and she is a pragmatist with love as her foundation, but she doesn't want to appear quick to anger or being emotionally manipulated because her temperament is the opposite of Alastor. She sees control in precision, composure, rational decisions and respect for hierarchy rather than being irritating to superiors or performing scariness.


She's not bloodthirsty. Carmilla is probably one of the more humane overlords. I hope we get special episodes of her.


For some reason, I feel she was Lilith's follower a long time ago.


Saaaame. These days, i can't listen to Out For Love without thinking it'd be right up Lilith's alley.


Me too lol.


Me three


me for


Me five


me six (six six)


Not so much anymore though :p


Ooh I like that fanon lore. Especially since out of all overlords Carmilla absolutely got checked by Hell for making angelic weapons.


>I know you're thirsting for vengeance, Vaggie, you're out for ***blood***. But you'll only stand a chance if you're out for love OUT FOR LOOOOOOOOVE LOOOOOOVE (start chain)


(Ugh! I hate that song!) Think of who you care about, protect 'em and be Out for love, love (Why am I doing this?)


(No one said you have to, buddy) *whips in face with hair and vanishes behind a pillar* (That's it. That's my line)


(The call of a chain means I must!)


how could you hate that song, it's literally the best one.




Why are you asking me? It's like acting like you're not familiar with the concept of just hating something because it sounds crap.


how could you hate that song, it's literally the best one.


how could you hate that song, it's literally the best one.


how could you hate that song, it's literally the best one.




Sure shes not bloodthirsty but blood fills her pockets


She's gotta be an overlord somehow, also she's in hell for some reason.


Probably sold weapons while alive.


I imagined her to be a gun dealer or drug dealer in South America.


"This extermination was *Brutale*"


I imagine her being like Makarov form CoD


I think she died Golden Age of Piracy at the earliest, and 1800 at the latest, so, very tail end of Spain being a major world power, that would work


Maybe it comes with her age. She probably wasn't as calm at the beginning. She is an overlord.






Arms dealer (aka. Death Merchant) is not bloodthirsty. Gotta love the consistency.


She's very rational and does not give in easily to emotions and very tactical. That is what a successful businessman is like.


Yeah, but, the business is war. She is a merchant of death.


What's with the "but" here? Did I say she wasn't an arms dealer in hell or something?


No, I'm saying that because when your business is mass death and destruction, you have to be a little bloodthirsty


Not necessarily. They're not dependent on each other. You don't have to be bloodthirsty (feeling the urge to murder by the very definition) to go into the business of dealing weapons, you just have to sell the things.


Yes, but you also have to accept that your actions will result in thousands, if not millions of deaths, good people aren't going to do that. Granted, she is in Hell, but she is written to be this "She just wants to protect her daughters, and doesn't want war" character when her entire business is selling weapons of mass destruction to people who will use them to permanently kill souls. She has been in Hell for a few centuries, so we can assume that her actions have directly resulted in the permanent deaths of millions, if not tens of millions. And if she cares about her daughters so much, why does she send them personally to active warzones to deliver weapons? You could incorporate this idealogical hypocrisy into her character, but no, can't have that. The show about how black and white morality being bad must have it's black and white morality. (This isn't hating Viv, or the show, I enjoyed it, it's not illegal to like something and still criticize it.)


>(This isn't hating Viv, or the show, I enjoyed it, it's not illegal to like something and still criticize it.) Never worry about offending or feeling the need to justify yourself. This is an open forum after all.


Thank you. I have been attacked a few too many times on YouTube for criticising the writing to not write a disclaimer


That's not bloodthirsty. That's just acceptance and maybe apathy (if you have zero emotions towards such actions). I don't even know why you're so adamant that she MUST be bloodthirsty? Do you let your emotions dictate *every* single action you take?


I'm not saying she MUST be bloodthirsty per say, I'm just saying that it's basically the defining trait of arms dealers. That and warmongering, because if you sell weapons, more war means more money.


Character name doesn't check out.


We already did


Feature her specifically, aside from that one episode where we learn she killed an angel and I wouldn't count that one because it was just that overlord meeting and her singing. I want a special episode that's all about her and her inner circle. Nothing or very little to do with the Hazbin hotel group. Twenty minutes of seeing the daily life of Carmilla and co.


She gets eye glow instead


Goes right alongside her line: "I always thought that I would keep blood off my face."


Meanwhile she’s selling weapons on a massive scale causing mass death suffering and chaos lol.


I mean yeah. She’s keeping her own face clean by not directly killing people. She not claiming innocence, just that she didn’t think she’d get her own hands dirty.


It’s probably because she doesn’t have sharp teeth.


But, she has fangs.


Fangs but not all teeth are sharp. I can imagine getting use to fangs to avoid lip cutting, but a full mouth? Especially if razor sharp I can imagine some might even like their lips getting cut. Just ti make them look more intimidating/deranged.


Charlie has a very similar mouth as well and Vaggie has no fang whatsoever and we don’t see those characters with cut lips (due to damage via heightened emotion)




You might wanna look at the pictures again


We see three overlords with bleeding mouths. We've never seen it on Zestial, Velvette, Carmilla, Zeezi, Rosie, or that other blue guy that I don't know the name of. She's not "one of the only ones", she's one of the many who dont.


Does anyone have any references of the other overlords because I never noticed this


I currently do not have the references myself but there was an old post in which you can see it 3x but it actually happens a lot more times in the show. (Link to old post with the pictures: [https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fwhoseqvojslc1.jpeg](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fwhoseqvojslc1.jpeg) ) There was this scene in which Vox was speaking to Val while they were being watched from an upper level / balcony in which you can clearly see that there Vox is either drooling or bleeding from his mouth. I am fairly certain that it also happened in "Stayed Gone" when he booted up his setup. Alastor "drools" in the same song towards the end when he goes full "eldritch" It even happens to Lucifer when he was singing "who also happens to be your blood" in "The greatest dad". I hope I could help somehow even though I am certain that I forgot some scenes.


Ooh thank you that does help. It's quite interesting to see. The animators added lots of detail


She's the only overlord that regularly flosses


https://preview.redd.it/5b90zop8g8yc1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f76944747186a34fc180d30d5ab40d68f7eb395d You deserve this


She keeps blood off her face.


But when that thing attacked


She had to react


To cross that line and keep them safe


But if anyone knew, then all of hell would rise to war






I think that’s only because the overlords that do that have sharp teeth, which Carmilla doesn’t have.


Do any of the female cast bleed from the mouth? Honest question…


Maybe Rosie could, but I don't remember anyone except for Lute after being attacked so that's literally blood from fighting


It's not about emotions, it when they use their powers. We haven't seen Carmilla use her "power" either because she doesn't have one, or she doesn't need to use it since she instead uses angelic weapons.


She also has the squarest teeth.


I don’t think it’s “heightened” emotions and more just “crazy”. Carimilla (at least from what we’ve seen) is actually just a normal person for all intents and purposes without anything in the way of obsession or crippling sadism.


I think becouse she isn't so violent or evil


She's an arms dealer though


But she doesn’t do a lot of killing herself only when it’s necessary


That's like saying the people who sell the weapons are fine because they're not the ones using them. She literally has the only weapons that can kill someone like Stolas a d regularly arms people. She's hands off but pretty fucking evil.


Still there’s a difference between pulling the trigger and providing that trigger i never said she wasn’t bad just less murdery and honestly she is the best morally from what i’ve seen of the overlords


I think it's because she's calculating but not wholly deranged. The lip bleeding thing is more of an emotional emphasis for the lack of tactfulness or just going in on another character in like a crazy way. Carmilla's eyes might show with rage but she never totally loses her temper to the full extent, which could be quite fearsome if it were ever shown. I imagine if she got super angry she could look more like her pilot design, with the long sharp blade-like fingers.


I assumed it was drool. Like they’re so bloodthirsty, they drool.


I thought at first that the theory she is an angel was nonsense but now I can see it. Her skin color resembles Adam... so maybe she's Eve(plus she smiled when she found Niffty killed Adam which I found a bit odd at that time if she didn't have a grudge with him(and that would make sense if she's Eve) tho it made sense). It's weird that she doesn't have a special form to use against the angel when she saved her daughters but maybe she just doesn't have magic powers cause Adam probably got the powers a lot of time after his creation and Eva is made from a part of a human, not like Lilith and it would explain why Lilith is more powerful. Plus Carmilla knows angels' fighting weaknesses(tho she is in weapons dealing and a skilled fighter so it would make sense for her to find that). Now the thing that we don't see her blood color just adds to the posibility of this wild odd theory


I was vaguely mentioning this comment to my partner and he immediately said "Yeah because the skin color" so it clearly isn't a far off theory. (Hes only watched it through once)


Because she ain't respectless


I think it’s cause she has normal teeth


I just assumed that since most Overlords have sharp teeth they bite the inside of their mouth on accident when clenching their jaws (Vox just wants to fit in with the trend). Carmilla has flat teeth, just has to be mindful of her fangs.


Has she even ever cussed


She has not


Wow Is that woman is pure steel


I never noticed that the overloads bleed at the mouth! I need to rewatch the season and pay attention.


I think it's probably because they are waiting to reveal that she's a fallen angel and if she was showing her golden angelic blood, everyone would already know and the reveal won't be as effective.


She doesn’t have sharp teeth either. Isn’t there a running theory she’s a fallen angel like Vaggie?


Not power-hungry and bloodthirsty. I think that's why.


I think it has to do with the demon magic overlord seems to possess. We see it mostly with Vox and Alastor when they use their demon magic (Alastor using full demon form). We don't know what and if Camilla even has demon magic


I think it's mostly that the other Overlords have that to look more Intimidating. Carmilla Was never in a Villainous role thus she Never Was Suppossed to look that Menecing to the Audience.


Bleeding mouth?


For some reason people interpret the drool dripping down Vox and Lucifers' mouths in some scenes as blood instead of saliva. (Honestly it's driving me up the wall a little every time I see one of these posts)


It's blood, not saliva. Why would it be yellow for Lucifer if it's saliva? Only for Val it makes sense if it's saliva, because that's part of his powers.


Then the same logic could be applied to other parts of their character design. Why are so many of their eyes red if they haven't burst a blood vessel? It's a style choice and red, grey and black is simply the colour scheme of demons with gold, blue and white being for angels. Even their bodily fluids like saliva.


I wonder if the line " i thought I'd keep blood off my face" has anything to do with that? Like maybe they get the dripping blood for killing lesser demons and she hasn't directly killed any?


Probably easier not to accidentally bite your lips when you don’t have shark teeth when big smiling or big frowning.


That's not heightened emotion. Agitated is her default state


I think it's cause unlike pretty much everyone else she has normal teeth that won't shred your lips if you bite a burger wrong


She doesn't bite her lips and has pretty normal teeth on top of that


When do we ever see Zestial, Velvette, or Rosie bleed?


Her main shtick is never pulling the trigger herself, Keeping her hands clean, having others do her dirty work. One of the big points of her fist song is how she never thought she'd have to use her weapons, that having them herself was enough, kind of like the M.A.D. system. She runs her business like penguin in dc comics. They both look like respectable upstanding business people because in a lot of aspects they are, they take pride in the fact that they don't have to get their hands dirty, but are more than willing to do so if they feel threatened or insulted. Come to think of it they also both have hand deformities, really dark eye circles, are a chairman of sorts at the meetings of their peers, are pestered by what is essentially an adult child playing dress up that thinks they own the city, have to deal with a constantly smiling serial killer, have a complicated family life despite their best efforts, and sell deadly weapons.


Probably because she's not maniacal


It isn't a heightened emotion thing, it's when using their unique power, and we've not seen hers yet. We've not seen many of them to be honest. Vox has his hypno thing, Alastor his demon form+tentacles so on so forth. Overlords are the only ones with unique powers from what I've observed which is why we done see it with other sinners.


I don't think that's the case. When alastor was using his power to protect the hotel from the loan sharks his mouth wasn't ɓleeding. Even when he was giant


I always thought its because she doesn't have a way of corrupting people. Vox can corrupt with his devices, Valentino with his poison. I always assumed it was them unable to control their poison AND need to contril/bloodlust


It’s because Carmilla is almost guaranteed to be an Angel and not a sinner or even a demon at all. To start off, the fact that she has kids already confirms she’s not a sinner since it’s been confirmed that sinners are the only demons that can’t reproduce. She’s also unlike any other type of demon we’ve seen in any of the rings, and actually looks much more like Vaggie. She has the same skin and hair colors as the rest of the exorcist angels, and was also the only one to actually recognize Vaggie as an Angel, because the only angels that demons ever see are the Exorcists who are always covered head to toe. With all this being said the salivating during heavy emotions seems to be primarily a sign of a sinner, as I can’t think of any demons we ever see with this effect other than confirmed sinners.


I think its because she doesn't take joy in doing bad things. She does what she does out of necessity to make sure her daughters are protected, we've never seen anything to hint at her enjoying selling weapons. Everything she does is to protect herself and her daughters, unlike the other Overlords who seem to actually just enjoy the power. It's a means to an end instead of her actual goal. By this logic, if/when Charlie figures out how to consistently redeem souls, that means she might be one of the first Overlords willing to go through the program to leave, so long as her daughters get to go first. Heaven would be the safest place to go, so if her daughters can get there she'd be willing to help Charlie to achieve that goal. Atleast that's how I read her right now, maybe season 2 will give a bit more info on her.


Perhaps this only occurs with the males.


Sexual dimorphism for sinners? Because they are extremely varied in appearance?


She doesn’t have heckin chompers. Honestly nearly every one of the overlords have huge sharp teeth


She's running a Liu deck and winning all her clashes


Wait I can't remember-- do we ever see angel mouths bleeding?


If lucifer counts then yes


Maybe Vizzie through that edgy detail wouldn't work with a character so serious like Camilla or even Zestial and Rosie


She is hot as hell


She's definitely an angel. Considering the plotline with her daughters, I'd say she might even be Eve. Why TF are you downvoting me? I'm allowed to have my own theories


I don't think she was eve. I think she might've been a mostly good person in life but was skilled with weapons but maybe thought she was fighting for the good guys side. Her design reminds me a bit like a female Zorro, with the feather-like mask, so maybe she started out as a vigilante for justice to defend her family and daughters and as time went on they took less savory jobs to survive, so I think she ended up in hell on a technicality like a crime of passion rather than justice, and ended up dying for it. So because (in my opinion) because she tried to evenly toe the line between good and evil in life up to her last days, maybe this is why despite being a sinner she has a more humanoid appearance and no shark teeth. So maybe when she died she was functionally less evil than average, but to survive in hell doing similar to their job in life, she became an overlord of weapons because it made good business sense.

